Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Starbase 197 is a Federation Starfleet starbase located on the planet Alonis and near the city Lingasha. Due to the aquatic nature of the Alonis race, half of the starbase is located under the ocean.

In 2293, Alonis ambassador Tel Venatil Liss conducted talks with Ambassadors Spock and Alexandra Tremontaine, who represented the Bureau of Interplanetary Affairs, regarding the establishment of a starbase on the surface of Alonis. During the talks, Liss expressed concerns about the Alonis not having complete access to all the areas of the proposed starbase. (TOS - Crucible novel: The Fire and the Rose)

In 2381, Starbase 197 served as a receiving location for the Starfleet personnel from the USS New York and the USS James T. Kirk who had been forced to evacuate the damaged starships after a battle with the Borg in orbit of the planet. Elias Vaughn was treated at the starbase when he received severe injuries during the battle that left him comatose. (ST - Typhon Pact novel: Rough Beasts of Empire)


Federation starbases
Starbases 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242525-Alpha26272829303132333435363739-Sierra404142434445464747-Vanguard484950515253555658596162636465666768697172737475767779808182838485868788899091929395969799101102103104105106108109112113114117118120121122123127128129133134137143144146152153157162171172173174175176178179180182185189193197200201209210211212214215217218219220222223224227231234235236237244247252257260261263264268277295297301302303307309310311312313314315324325326328336343344347357364371375383389393395401410411412413414416419420422434440452473495499505514515521522523524528535541585592-Epsilon612621623693714718804823834906 (Vanguard)1317407761 CygniAndorArdanaBattle Group 1Battle Group 2Battle Group 3Battle Group 4Battle Group 5BethelBravoCopernicusCoridanDenobulaDevalokaDiamandis 1EarhartFederation HeadquartersFleet Setup StationG4G-6HearthHelaspontIcarusIndiaIridaniLambdaLeonovMagellanMI-17MidwayMontgomeryNeil ArmstrongNew XindusR-3RigelRisaVulcanXindus Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
Kelvin timeline Starbase 1Starbase 76Starbase 82Starbase 91Frontier 17Yorktown StationStarbase Zeta
Deep Space Stations 123456789 (I)9 (II)1012253C-15E-5G-6HubbleK-2K-5K-7K-8K-9K-10K-11K-12K-13K-22KR-1KR-3L-6M-20M-33R-5Repair Beta 6Portal 1
Kelvin timeline K-5K-7K-4K-11