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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Red King


Investigating the disappearance of a secret Romulan fleet, the U.S.S. Titan, commanded by Captain William Riker, is unexpectedly propelled more than 200,000 light-years into the Small Magellanic Cloud. One of the Milky Way's satellite galaxies, the Cloud is also home to the Neyel, the long-sundered offshoots of Terran humanity, with whom the Federation has had no contact in over eighty years.

Nearby, Riker's uncertain ally, Commander Donatra of the Romulan Warbird Valdore, rescues a young Neyel, the survivor of a mysterious cosmic upheaval that seems at times to be both unraveling and reweaving the very fabric of space... the fulfillment of an apocalyptic vision that has already claimed millions of lives. Titan's science team soon finds evidence that the ravaging of Neyel space is the work of a vast and powerful intelligence: the stirrings of a dormant consciousness that is maintaining the existence of the Small Magellanic Cloud -- and all life within it -- from one moment to the next. And if it should awaken, the consequences are unimaginable.

As Riker considers his options, his new crew struggles with the scientific and philosophical implications of what they've discovered... while the young Neyel in their midst forges a bond with the captain, conjuring old ghosts Riker has yet to lay to rest.

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Leonard James Akaar • Axel Bolaji • Olivia Bolaji • Totyarguil Bolaji • Bralik • Zurin Dakal • Feren Denken • Donatra • Fasaryl • Frane • g'Ishea • Haaj • Harn • Jaza Najem • K'chak'!'op • Kekil • Kershu • Ranul Keru • Aili Lavena • Lofi • Orilly Malar • Mekrikuk • Kenneth Norellis • Nozomi • Alyssa Ogawa • Onnta • Melora Pazlar • Se'al Cethente Qas • Xin Ra-Havreii • Shenti Yisec Eres Ree • William T. Riker • Huilan Sen'kara • T'Lirin • Deanna Troi • Tuvok • Christine Vale • Venora
Referenced only
Jonathan Archer • Asil • Karl Broadnax • Christine Chapel • Zefram Cochrane • Elieth • Flenrol • Kosst Amojan • Nidani Ledrah • Lojur • Jean-Luc Picard • Sek • Shinzon • Hikaru Sulu • T'Pel • Varith • Natasha Yar


Bassen Rift • Beta quadrant • Great Bloom • Milky Way Galaxy • Newaerth • Oghen • Riftmouth • Small Magellanic Cloud
Referenced only
Bajoran wormhole/Celestial Temple • Deep Space 9 • Delta Quadrant • Earth • Empok Nor • Farius Prime • Gamma Quadrant • L-5 Colonies • Shinzon's Folly • Sol system • Tiburon • Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards • Valdez • Vikr'l Prison • Vulcan's Forge

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Aegrippos • Auraciem • IKS Dugh (Vor'cha-class) • IRW Ra'khoi • USS Titan (Luna-class) • IRW Valdore (Mogai-class) • USS Wyoming
Referenced only
USS Enterprise-E • USS Excelsior • USS Hathaway • USS Lakota • IRW S'harien • USS Stargazer • USS Voyager • USS Zapata

Races and cultures[]

Arkenite • Bajoran • Betazoid • Capellan • Cardassian • Edosian • Efrosian • Elaysian • Ferengi • Human • Irriol • Matalinian • Neyel • Oghen • Pahkwa-thanh • Pak'shree • Reman • Rigelian Chelon • Romulan • Skorr • S'ti'ach • Sturr • Syrath • Tellarite • Trill • Vulcan
Referenced only
Bolian • Borg • Grazerite • Halkan • Suliban • Tholian • Tiburon • Vanoben • Xindi

States and organizations[]

Hegemony Navy • Lfei-sor-Paric • Neyel Hegemony • Romulan Star Empire • Seekers After Penance • Starfleet • United Federation of Planets
Referenced only
Dominion • Ferengi Commerce Authority • Starfleet Academy • Ten Tribes of Capella • Terra Prime • Tholian Assembly

Other references[]

A'kweth • Devil Wars • dierhu • diplomatic officer • Drech'tor • Earth-Romulan War • eiihu • eisae • Eugenics Wars • genetic engineering • goquilav • holodeck • Imzadi • Klingon-Reman Protectorate • k'vahru • Peter and Wendy • Red King • rokhelh • sehlat • Sleeper • subaltern • teer • tricorder • tsunami • veraku • w'lash'nogot • World War III


Related media[]

  • TTN novel: Taking Wing: First mission of the USS Titan and introduction to the ships crew as well as the Reman independence.
  • TLE novel: The Sundered: First appearance by the Neyel and reference to the previous war against the Tholians as well as the Federation diplomat left behind in the Small Magellanic Cloud.


  • Suran makes a reference to Karatek: "[...] so why in the name of Karatek's bones [...]"



Star Trek: Titan publications and stories
Novels Taking Wing • The Red King • Orion's Hounds • Sword of Damocles • Destiny (Gods of Night • Mere Mortals • Lost Souls) • Over a Torrent Sea • Synthesis • Seize the Fire • Fallen Gods • The Poisoned Chalice • Absent Enemies • Sight Unseen • Fortune of War
Short stories "Improvisations on the Opal Sea: A Tale of Dubious Credibility" • "Empathy"
Other Works "Star Trek: The Tour" (Short film)


published order
Previous novel:
Taking Wing
Titan novels Next novel:
Orion's Hounds
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Taking Wing
Pocket Next Adventure:
Articles of the Federation

Publication history[]
February 2008
German language: Der Rote König, translated by Stephanie Pannen. (Cross Cult, ISBN 9783941248021)

External link[]
