Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Musashi.

The USS Musashi was a Federation starship in Starfleet service in the mid-2370s.

During the Dominion War, the Musashi required a induction modulator which Nog acquired from Chief Lorenzo of Decos Prime. In return, the Musashi crew gave Nog a phaser emitter. (DS9 episode: "Treachery, Faith, and the Great River")

Alternate timelines[]

Later, the Musashi, along with the USS Sentinel and USS Fredrickson, was assigned to a Dominion sensor outpost in sector 25013, as part of an effort to destroy the shipyards at Orias III. In the midst of battle, with its shields lost, the Musashi made a suicide run at the outpost, destroying it. (SCE eBook: War Stories, Book 1)

In an alternate timeline, the Musashi was part of Jean-Luc Picard's fleet during the Cardassian War. (ST novel: A Gutted World)

This ship might be named after the battleship Musashi of the Imperial Japanese Navy, itself named after the province in Japan. This was also the name of historical figure Miyamoto Musashi.


Ships named Musashi
Emblem of the United Federation of Planets. USS Musashi (23rd century) • USS Musashi (NCC-1804, Constitution-class) • USS Musashi (2375) • USS Musashi (NCC-74660, Sovereign-class) • USS Musashi (NCC-71809, Galaxy-class) • USS Musashi (Regent-class) Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Starships lost in the Dominion War
Federation Alliance
Federation, Starfleet Adirondack • Admiral Stanley • Argent Wing • Asgard • Cortez • Cairo • Corinth • Defiant • Fredrickson • Geronimo • Grissom • Hickok • Honshu • Kelly • Lyric • Majestic • Musashi • Ogun • Pathfinder • Seattle • ShirKahr • Sitak • Tobias • Traynor • Valiant • Valley Forge • Winchester Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
Klingon Empire, Defense Force Koraga • Kortir • Pagh • Worvig x35px icon image.
Romulan Star Empire, Star Navy D'ridthau • Rom'drex x35px icon image.
Dominion powers
Dominion Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser 68 • Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser 91 • Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser 122 • Jem'Hadar Fighter 37 Dominion icon image.
Breen Confederacy Braaktak Gaal • Gor Korus • Gor Tevik • Megal Taan • Nistaan Bur • Reel Gorvaal • Reel Tivaan Breen icon image.
Cardassian Union Elokar Cardassian icon image.