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"The Power of Love" is the eighth episode in the second season of the Fox drama series The O.C.. The episode aired on the thirteenth of January, in 2005.


Sandy accidentally forgets Kirsten and his wedding anniversary and confronts Alex about her relationship with Seth. Ryan and Lindsay try to determine the fate of their relationship. Meanwhile, Summer meets Zach's family. Julie bribes D.J. in order for him to stay away from Marissa.


Ryan is having cereal when the phone rings and Seth calls him from Alex's after he spent the night with her, asking Ryan to cover for him. Sandy is getting ready for the day when Kirsten hugs him and wishes him a happy anniversary. It is obvious on Sandy's face that he completely forgot but he hides it from her until he slips up, forgetting how long it has been. She realizes he forgot and gets upset. Sandy tries to cover himself saying he has plans for him and rushes out. He runs into Ryan hoping to escape by taking him to school until he asks about Seth. Ryan tells Sandy and Kirsten that Seth went to school early to work on a report, but Sandy knows he is lying and realizes that Seth snuck out.

Sandy and Kirsten - The Power of Love

It's Sandy and Kirsten's wedding anniversary, but one of them forgot.

At Harbor, Seth tells Ryan he should have been more vague in lying to Sandy and Kirsten. Ryan says he isn't a good liar and that they are both in trouble. Summer and Zach join them and Seth makes fun of Summer for always being drawn to the guys that love comic books. Summer fires back saying that there is a lot more to Zach, considering he plays water polo and is in commercials. Summer notices that Seth has on the same clothes from yesterday and figures out that Seth slept over at Alex's. Seth can't deny it, Ryan attempts to make up a lie, but Summer is "totally" fine with it. Zach returns and Summer hurries off.

Julie is trying to figure out with Caleb where their family could have the Riviera photoshoot. Caleb is uninterested and Marissa comes to them, asking for money. Julie asks Marissa to be there for the photoshoot but she is also uninterested, as she doesn't want to pretend they are a family. Caleb gives in and gives Marissa money, saying that he agrees with her since they really aren't much of a perfect family. Ryan tells Lindsay he can't lie about their secret relationship to Kirsten anymore. Lindsay says that they could tell her but asks to wait since she is really getting to know Kirsten. They plan to meet up later that night to "study" and agree to tell Kirsten soon.


Ryan and Lindsay are struggling with keeping their relationship from Kirsten.

Kirsten is still mad that Sandy forgot their anniversary and ignores him. Sandy reveals to her that he is taking her to a hotel in Laguna Beach but Kirsten is unimpressed. She goes on to say how they shouldn't leave Seth alone due to him sneaking around with his girlfriend. Sandy says he will find a way to discipline him just as Seth and Ryan get home. Seth apologizes to his parents, saying it was an accident and that he fell asleep watching a movie. Sandy grounds both Seth and Ryan and asks Seth if he even knows what weekend it is. Seth says it's their 20th anniversary which surprises Sandy and Kirsten notices. Sandy then says how they want to go away for the weekend and if they can't trust them both, they will have to spend the weekend with Julie Cooper. That makes Seth and Ryan very compliant in being truthful to Kirsten and Sandy.

Marissa and Summer are doing homework, but Summer is distracted and upset which Marissa notices immediately. Summer is upset with her impression that Seth and Alex are having sex before she has but Marissa reminds her she should wait until she is ready. Summer thinks she is ready to have sex with Zach. Ryan is studying in the pool house when Lindsay comes in. They try to study but have a hard time focusing. Sandy feels guilty about the way they handled things with Seth, thinking they aren't going to learn. Kirsten assumes he wants to cancel their weekend. Sandy goes to Seth's room to find him sneaking out the window. Lindsay and Ryan are making out in the pool house when Kirsten walks in. She sees them together and leaves shocked.

Ryan and Lindsay - The Power of Love

Kirsten catches Ryan and Lindsay making out.

The next day, Sandy and Kirsten walk into the kitchen to find Seth and Ryan with breakfast made in attempt to make up for their mishaps. Ryan attempts to apologize but Kirsten isn't having it. Seth tries to as well but Sandy isn't having it either. Ryan and Seth apologize together and are willing to accept the punishment. Kirsten thinks they cannot be left alone and Sandy is willing to do something to figure things out and is not going to let Ryan and Seth get in the way of that. As DJ is picking up Marissa, Julie asks her to be at the photoshoot and asks her to be willing to make things work. Marissa says she will be there and is bringing DJ.

Lindsay apologizes to Ryan at school but Ryan takes the blame for it. Lindsay is glad she knows but thinks it will take some time in order for Kirsten to get used to it. She says she will talk to her sister and Ryan points out how that is the problem. Sandy visits Alex and introduces himself to her. She freaks out and knows he wants her to stop seeing Seth. Sandy isn't exactly expecting that and notices Alex's demeanor toward authority. Sandy talks about his anniversary and how Kirsten is convinced they can't leave Seth alone. Alex assumes that Sandy thinks she is corrupting Seth. Sandy says he thinks Seth will listen to her and she is surprised of how great of a dad Sandy is.

Sandy - The Power of Love

Sandy asks Alex to straighten out Seth.

Back at Harbor, Zach is waiting for his coffee when Summer starts hitting on him and asks to do something alone with him. Zach says he is picking up his sister he hasn't seen in a year. Summer says how much she likes him and wants to take the next step with him. Zach is willing to as well and says he will call his parents, assuming she wants to meet his parents. Summer unwillingly agrees to meet them since really she meant having sex with him. Seth visits Alex and tries to kiss her but she doesn't let him. Alex sits down with him and asks what their relationship is. Seth asks if something happened and Alex says how his parents are worried about him. Seth guesses Sandy's visit to her and says how embarrassed he is. Alex reveals how she has never listened to her own parents but really wants to listen to Seth's. Alex says she needs space and time and Seth leaves.

Zach and Summer - The Power of Love

Zach thinks Summer is ready for the next step in their relationship, meeting his parents.

Sandy goes to Kirsten saying they are set to leave the next day and how the boys will be fine with Caleb. Kirsten refuses to let the boys stay with Caleb or leave them alone. Kirsten is obviously still upset with Ryan and Lindsay's relationship and argues that she is always the one enforcing the rules. Sandy disagrees and then they both start arguing about Seth leaving for Portland in The Ties That Bind. Kirsten and Sandy continue arguing about parenting and grounding and Kirsten mentions how devastated she was when she realized Sandy forgot their anniversary. Sandy asks to talk about it later but Kirsten tells him she cancelled their reservations.

Sandy talks with Seth about his relationship with Alex. He asks if they are having sex but Seth denies it. Sandy then asks if Seth is mad with him and Kirsten but Seth says how he just feels like he has to constantly prove that he deserves to be around her. Ryan walks in and talks about his relationship with Lindsay. Ryan apologizes for lying about it and Sandy says it's too late for anyone to apologize given that his anniversary plans are ruined. Ryan asks how him and Seth can help. Lindsay visits Kirsten and apologizes about her relationship with Ryan. Kirsten says she overreacted but Lindsay disagrees, saying it was embarrassing. Kirsten thinks that they need some time apart because accepting Ryan as her son was very important to her. Kirsten says they need to take a step back and be friends if she is going to continue seeing Ryan.

Zach brings Summer to meet his mom and sister. Summer tries to include herself in their heavy conversations about the world. She embarrasses herself by not understanding and it is very awkward. Seth visits Alex which upsets her since she asked for space. Seth says he is there to get his job back to make more money. Alex tells Seth how lucky he is that he has a father that shows up for him and that Seth's parent's will never approve of her. Seth thinks they could prove them wrong. Marissa, Julie, and Caleb are posing for their Riviera photoshoot and are irritated with the photographer. Before he takes the picture, Marissa runs after DJ who showed up late. Julie asks DJ to leave but Marissa says that he is either in the photo or she isn't. DJ leaves upset since Marissa lied to him about Julie being okay with him there. Julie goes after him to have a little talk. She asks how much money he would want in order to stay away from Marissa. Julie is offering him a favor since Marissa is only using him to get back at her. She writes down a number on the check and gives it to him.

Marissa, Julie, and Caleb - The Power of Love

Marissa, Julie, and Caleb all try to pose for their Riviera family photo.

Lindsay meets Ryan down at the pier. Ryan asked to meet with her because he is concerned as to how much of a problem their relationship is for Kirsten and Sandy. Ryan says how he can't do that to them since he owes them everything. He tells her that they should take some time apart and be friends. Lindsay says all she has is friends now and tells him that she chose him over Kirsten. Ryan apologizes and she leaves.

Sandy walks into the kitchen asking Kirsten to get ready to celebrate their anniversary. Kirsten refuses since they are watching the boys. Sandy then brings in two police officers to watch over Ryan and Seth. At dinner, Kirsten apologizes for bringing up Seth going to Portland, saying it wasn't his fault and that she is worried about loosing Seth. Sandy tells her she doesn't need to apologize just as the police officers interrupt, saying that they lost sight of the boys. Marissa visits Summer who is watching movies and videos on the economy, saying she is informing herself. Marissa encourages her to talk to Zach. Marissa says that she hasn't heard from DJ since he ran out at the photoshoot.

Marissa and Summer - The Power of Love

Marissa encourages Summer to talk to Zach even after her terrible meeting with the Stevens.

The police officers are driving Sandy and Kirsten to The Bait Shop. Kirsten walks in to find their friends and family waiting to celebrate their surprise anniversary party that Sandy threw with help from Ryan and Seth. Ryan and Seth make a speech about Sandy and Kirsten and thank them for all they have done, including an apology. They toast to them and introduce Sandy onto the stage who is singing to Kirsten. Sandy thanks his kids and dedicates a song to Kirsten, the love of his life. Sandy performs Don't Give Up On Me. Ryan and Seth join their mom, Kirsten, and listen to his performance.

Sandy - The Power of Love 2

Sandy Cohen performs his version of Don't Give Up On Me to Kirsten Cohen for their anniversary.

Zach finds Summer reading the paper and she thinks he is going to break up with her. Zach says that he isn't because she is different than his family and they kiss. Julie approaches Marissa and tells her how she offered DJ money to leave and he took it. Marissa storms out. Kirsten apologizes to Ryan for freaking out about him and Lindsay. Ryan says that he likes Lindsay but more than anything, he really wants Kirsten and Lindsay to be friends. Kirsten says they will and tells him to go spend time with Lindsay. Ryan apologizes to Lindsay about what he had said before and they dance together. Seth introduces Alex to Kirsten and they hit it off. Alex says how much Sandy rocks and Kirsten jokes with her asking her not to tell him that.

Marissa is down at the pier when DJ approaches her. DJ breaks up with her and she assumes he took the money. Marissa thinks it is about her mom but DJ says it is about Marissa. DJ says that she hated her mom so much she was willing to date someone Julie didn't approve of to piss her off. Marissa apologizes and DJ gives her the check. They say their goodbyes and DJ leaves. Sandy performs another song, She's No Lady, She's My Wife. Summer and Marissa join Zach, Seth, Alex, Kirsten, Ryan and Lindsay arm-in-arm together.



Guest Starring[]




  • Sandy Cohen: Nothing like a little Julie Cooper to strike terror in the heart's of children everywhere.
  • Summer Roberts: I'm informing myself, Coop. It's impossible, there is so much news. You know, the worst part is, it is constantly changing. If everything could just stop for, like, one day, maybe I could catch up.


  • Peter Gallagher sings "Don't Give Up On Me". The special recording was also available to Apple iTunes users and O.C. Insider members.
  • This episode marks the final appearance of the guest star, Nicholas Gonzalez who plays D.J..

