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"The Shape of Things to Come" is the second episode in the third season of the Fox drama series The O.C.. The episode aired on the fifteenth of September in 2005.


Although they are free from charges, Ryan and Marissa still feel the fallout from the shooting with a new dean who threatens to ruin their senior year. Kirsten decides to stay in rehab a bit longer after making a friend. Meanwhile, Summer takes over Marissa's spot on planning committee, and has a bitter battle with Taylor Townsend arranging the school's Kick-Off carnival. Jimmy makes an unexpected proposal to Julie.


The Cohen's kitchen is an absolute mess with expired food and leftover takeout meals that are no longer good to eat as Sandy, Ryan, and Seth struggle to find something edible enough for breakfast. Sandy insists they all have something better than coffee on the morning of their first day of senior year. Sandy, Seth, and Ryan all express how difficult it has been without Kirsten and how much they miss her. Sandy is having a hard time with it which Ryan and Seth notice. The boys offer to make dinner between all three of them as the doorbell rings. Julie comes to the door, apologizing for framing Ryan. Sandy has a hard time accepting her apology and she reveals that the parents at Harbor High School are protesting Ryan and Marissa from returning to Harbor for their senior year. Julie tells Sandy that if they do not stop the protest, Ryan and Marissa will be expelled from Harbor just as Ryan and Seth head out.

Julie - The Shape of Things to Come

Julie reveals to Sandy that Ryan and Marissa are at risk of being expelled from Harbor.

The Core Four enjoys their last breakfast before they register for their senior year of high school. Ryan and Marissa wonder if they can even make it to graduation before any disaster comes among any of them while Summer remains optimistic. Summer encourages them all that they will have the best senior year. At Harbor, Julie and Sandy meet with Dr. Kim. She discusses the shooting that Ryan and Marissa were involved in, The Dearly Beloved, that has never occurred at Harbor before. Sandy requests that they reconsider expelling Ryan and Marissa but Dr. Kim explains the parent's worries that went as far as getting a petition to expel them. Sandy and Julie tell her that Ryan and Marissa are good kids and deserve to graduate from Harbor, regardless of what happened. Dr. Kim then reveals to them that the decision is no longer up to her but to the new dean, Jack Hess. Dean Hess reveals his history and that with his experience, he believes the parents of Harbor have every right to be upset and that he will decide whether or not Ryan and Marissa continue to attend by the end of the day.

Dean Hess - The Shape of Things to Come

The new dean of Harbor High School, Jack Hess, will make it very difficult for Ryan and Marissa to continue attending.

Jimmy meets with Don, someone he owes money to. Jimmy appears to be waiting to hear how much Julie will receive from Caleb's will that he plans on acquiring money from. Don is becoming impatient with Jimmy and threatens him. Jimmy promises to get Don the money. Marissa and Summer are walking to the social meeting at Harbor when they walk in to find Taylor Townsend already taking charge of the meeting, trying to acquire Marissa's spot as social chair. Marissa and Summer talk about how Taylor has been trying to steal Marissa's position since the beginning of high school. Summer interrupts Taylor and tells her that she is in Marissa's spot. Taylor acts as if she thought Marissa wouldn't have been there considering the trouble she got into over the summer. Taylor then says how she can take over considering she ran social chair nearly all of last year to which Summer asks her to step away from Marissa's spot. Taylor takes her sweet time and then unwillingly leaves.

Taylor Townsend - The Shape of Things to Come

First appearance of Taylor Townsend.

Ryan clears out the fridge in the kitchen while Seth prepares a gift for Kirsten. Seth asks Ryan how things are with Marissa to which Ryan says they are fine. Seth wonders if that is true considering she shot his brother and Ryan says that he wants to put it behind them. Seth asks if they actually talked about it and Ryan says they do not need to. Seth encourages Ryan to talk about the small things with Marissa, considering that with his experience, he knows that things piled up with Summer when they didn't talk things out. Seth says that Ryan needs to deal with it or that it will come between him and Marissa.

Kirsten is packing her things in preparation for checking out of rehab the next day as Charlotte walks in. Charlotte can tell that Kirsten isn't ready to go home yet even though she is excited to see her family. Charlotte explains that going home is the hardest part of recovery and that she had a bad experience going home that ended up in a relapse. Charlotte tells her that she is going to a remote cottage before she goes home and tries to convince Kirsten to go with her. Julie meets Jimmy at the club and talk about Marissa and the fact that they have gotten back together just as the check arrives. Jimmy tells Julie he forgot his wallet and asks to put it on Caleb's tab to which they have been doing the entire summer. Julie gets a call from the dean and Sandy receives the exact call. Sandy asks the dean to reconsider and tells him that he is making a mistake. Seth is grilling burgers when Sandy joins Ryan and Seth to reveal the news. Ryan assumes that him and Marissa are being kicked out of school but Sandy tells him that it's just Marissa.

Sandy brings Kirsten Seth's gift to her at Suriyak. Kirsten asks how Ryan and Seth are and Sandy tells her that they are both doing great and really miss her. Kirsten tells Sandy that she is leaving but is not coming home. She decided to go with Charlotte and explains to him about Charlotte's experience. Sandy is concerned that Kirsten is thinking about relapsing but Kirsten argues that she needs to be ready and that she is leaving alcohol behind. Sandy asks her how long and that when she finds out, to call him. Marissa is hanging out in her room as Ryan, Seth, and Summer barge in to greet her with bagels, Captain Oats, and Princess Sparkle. Marissa thanks them just as Ryan says that they are going to get her back into Harbor. Ryan says she shouldn't have to suffer and that they will get her back in, no matter what.

Ryan and Marissa - The Shape of Things to Come

Ryan tells Marissa he plans on getting her back into Harbor, no matter what.

Jimmy is looking at alternative schools for Marissa to attend just as Julie walks in suggesting that they offer Harbor a huge donation instead. Jimmy doesn't think it will work but Julie encourages him to give it a try. Jimmy gives in and Julie asks him to write the check to Harbor worth one hundred grand and they will wait until the will comes through. Taylor speaks to everyone at the social meeting about what happened to Marissa just as Summer walks in. Taylor is about to take over Marissa's position when Summer stops her. Summer reveals that she wants to be social chair and Taylor begins questioning her and even insults her. Taylor goes on a tangent on her opinion that she picked up Marissa's slack the past few years which ends up freaking everyone else out, including Summer.

Kirsten and Charlotte arrive at the lake house cottage. Kirsten worries about Sandy but Charlotte suggests she invites him over for dinner. Ryan gets to school and tries to talk with Dr. Kim about the decision the board made about Marissa. Ryan asks what he can do and Dr. Kim suggests he talks with the new dean. Seth visits Summer who is upset about the fact that Marissa is no longer going to school with them and Taylor is trying to take Marissa's position. Seth encourages Summer to get the position instead of Taylor and says that Summer can take on Taylor. Summer agrees with Seth and they head off to Marissa's to get her approval.

Seth and Summer - The Shape of Things to Come

Seth encourages Summer to take on Taylor for social chair in Marissa's honor.

Jimmy arrives at the club to meet with Don once again who assumes that Jimmy has the money now. Jimmy tells Don that he doesn't have the money and asks him for a loan. Don laughs at this and Jimmy explains how it is for his daughter. Don suggests that he sells the boat but Jimmy says how the bank owns it and explains that once he gets the money from the will, he will pay Don.

Jimmy - The Shape of Things to Come

Jimmy digs himself deeper and deeper in debt.

Marissa and Ryan arrive at Dean Hess' office. Ryan tries to start off by explaining their version of what happened in the shooting but Dean Hess thinks it doesn't concern Ryan. Dean Hess then asks Marissa why he is wrong about her and Marissa struggles to answer and says that she has never been involved in something like it before. Dean Hess disagrees and says that he has heard many people talk about Marissa like shoplifting, alcohol abuse, etc. Ryan intervenes saying it has nothing to do with Trey. Marissa admits to what she has done in the past and says that the shooting was different. Dean Hess argues that Marissa is troubled and that she doesn't even seem remorseful. Marissa says that she isn't remorseful and that she would do it the same way over again. Marissa gets up and storms out while the dean says to Ryan as he is walking out that Marissa will never be allowed back at Harbor.

Marissa - The Shape of Things to Come

Marissa is not at all remorseful for shooting Trey.

Seth is playing video games while Summer goes through Marissa's binder for social chair. Seth encourages Summer to find something that she is better at than Taylor just as Ryan storms in upset. Summer encourages Seth to talk to Ryan. Ryan tells Seth how mad the dean made him and it's taking everything in him not to beat him up. Seth tries to reason with Ryan who is not listening. Jimmy gives Julie the check for one hundred grand but Julie says they will no longer need it since Marissa's meeting with Dean Hess did not go well. Jimmy says that they can save the money but Julie grabs it and says she could use it to pay the bills.

Summer and Seth arrive to the Kick-Off carnival just as Taylor is assigning roles. Seth flips Taylor off (HAHA) and Summer tells Taylor they have some ideas for the carnival. Taylor tries to get them to leave but Summer steps in and starts asking the other girls in the committee about ideas that they would all personally like. Summer takes over entirely, enticing the committee as they all like Summer's ideas more. The entire committee votes for Summer's ideas over Taylor's. Sandy pulls up to the lake house as Charlotte watches him. Sandy spots her and asks why Kirsten is unsupervised. Sandy tells Charlotte that Kirsten should be home with her kids to which Charlotte argues that she has gone through this before and that Kirsten needs to settle back into herself. Kirsten greets Sandy with a kiss, grateful to see him.

Kirsten and Sandy - The Shape of Things to Come

Kirsten greets Sandy at the lake house.

Ryan visits Marissa who is reading a magazine in her room. Ryan asks Marissa to come with him, Summer, and Seth to the carnival. He kisses her and says that he is still going to try and get Marissa into Harbor. Ryan thinks that Sandy can help them but Marissa isn't having it. She says she can't keep going through this and tells Ryan she appreciates him for all his help. The conversation quickly goes back to the shooting and Ryan tells Marissa that she never should have gotten in the middle of it. Marissa tells Ryan she was not about to watch him die and is ready to face the consequences. Ryan says he has them as well since Trey is his brother and Marissa responds saying it is her fault Trey left to which Ryan says it isn't what he means and leaves.

Ryan and Marissa - The Shape of Things to Come 3

Ryan tries to convince Marissa to go to the carnival and to not give up on Harbor.

Summer's organization of the Kick-Off carnival is a huge success and she receives a lot of compliments. Summer tells Seth it is hard for her to enjoy the carnival without Marissa. Seth tries cheering her up. Ryan sits by the pool as Sandy gets home. Ryan tells Sandy he wishes he could do something for Marissa. Sandy encourages Ryan to listen to what Marissa has to say because it can go a long way. Jimmy and Julie are celebrating at the club and ordering a lot of wine. Jimmy tells Julie he never wants to leave their family again and he doesn't want to ever loose Julie. Jimmy pulls out a ring box and proposes to Julie with her old wedding ring. Jimmy asks Julie to marry him, again, and she says yes.

Julie and Jimmy - The Shape of Things to Come

Jimmy proposes to Julie.

At the lifeguard tower, Ryan finds Marissa there and sits with her. He apologizes about their fight and grabs her hand. Ryan tells her that he always worried he would screw things up for himself and never envisioned screwing things up for Marissa. She tells him that she is not going to let getting kicked out of Harbor ruin her life or her last year in Newport. Ryan assures her that he is listening, taking Sandy's advice from earlier.

Ryan and Marissa - The Shape of Things to Come 4

Marissa tells Ryan he didn't ruin anything for her and she would rather enjoy their last year in Newport together.

At the carnival, Summer and Seth are trying to enjoy going on rides together but Seth is having a hard time stomaching the rides. Taylor approaches them and thanks Summer for her "touches" on the carnival and starts to come after Marissa. Summer stops her. Summer and Seth continue to walk around and see Marissa and Ryan arrive. Marissa hugs Summer and compliments her work on the carnival. Ryan asks Marissa to go on the ferris wheel and Seth and Summer follow while Taylor watches them from a distance.

Kirsten walks out of the lake house and finds Charlotte crying by the lake. Kirsten sits with her and asks her what is wrong. Charlotte tells Kirsten she hasn't been honest and pulls out a bottle of liquor which Kirsten has to look away from. Charlotte says she hasn't drank any yet but wants to. Charlotte says she can't do it when Kirsten leaves. Kirsten assures her she isn't going anywhere until Charlotte is ready. Charlotte hands the bottle over to Kirsten and she encourages her to go to bed. Kirsten takes the bottle and walks away but Charlotte stays down by the lake. When Kirsten is far enough away, Charlotte wipes her tears away, pulls out a flask, and takes a big drink...

Ryan and Marissa ride the ferris wheel together in all smiles. Seth and Summer are not too far behind them and Seth calls out to Ryan telling him how nauseous he feels as Summer tries to stop him, saying that Ryan and Marissa are trying to have a moment. Marissa jokes with Ryan about how good he is getting with the ferris wheel since they have a huge history at the ferris wheel, referencing The Heights and The Way We Were. Ryan says how the past three years have been difficult and that they will have an even more difficult year but they need to find their moments. Marissa says they are having one now and are about to kiss until someone stops the ride, Dean Hess with Taylor close behind him...

Ryan and Marissa - The Shape of Things to Come 7

Ryan and Marissa try to enjoy yet another moment on the ferris wheel before someone interrupts.

Marissa gets off and Ryan says that she is there as his guest. Dean Hess tells Ryan to stay out of it and starts yelling. Marissa says it is fine and that she will leave. Ryan refuses and says that Marissa has every right to be there but Dean Hess does not want to hear it. He grabs Marissa and yanks her off the ride, toward the exit. Ryan yells at the dean to let go of Marissa but the dean refuses. Dean Hess continues to grab and move Marissa toward the exit so Ryan punches Dean Hess.

Dean Hess - The Shape of Things to Come 2

Dean Hess expels Ryan after he punched him at the carnival.

The dean slowly gets up and off the ground and turns to Ryan with a bloody nose. Dean Hess says to Ryan that he thought he would have to work super hard to throw Ryan out of Harbor but says that Ryan did so himself. Dean Hess expels Ryan and warns him saying he will call the police if Ryan or Marissa are ever near Harbor again. Ryan and Marissa make their way out of the carnival while the entire school watches including Summer and Seth from the ferris wheel. Dean Hess and Taylor watch them leave in a smile and Marissa stops to look up at Summer and Seth in tears. Ryan comes back for her and wraps his arm around her, both leaving together.

Ryan and Marissa - The Shape of Things to Come 9

Ryan and Marissa walk out of the carnival together, no longer allowed at Harbor High School.



Guest Starring[]




  • Seth Cohen: Her presence kept us neat, Ryan. It's the Protestant evil eye. It's a powerful thing.
  • Julie: Dr. Kim, you know my daughter right? Tall, pretty, wears Chanel? Not exactly what you would call 'Gangsta.'
  • Summer Roberts: Nothing I hate more than perky blondes who want to take over the world.
  • Dean Hess: Well, you must be Ryan and Marissa. It's good to finally meet Harbor's most notorious couple.
  • Dean Hess: You almost killed another kid. I don't even hear a hint of remorse in your voice.
  • Marissa Cooper: Because I don't have any. I'm proud of what I did and I'd do it again.
  • Ryan: You know, I was always worried that I screwed things up for myself here, get in trouble, ruin the chance the Cohens gave me. Now I screwed things up for you.
  • Marissa: Ryan, I'm not going to let getting kicked out of Harbor ruin my life and I'm not even going to let it ruin my year. Look, I know that we're not in school together anymore but at least we still have this last year in Newport together.
  • Ryan: I'm listening.


  • This episode marks the first appearance of Autumn Reeser as Taylor Townsend.
  • This is the only episode where the theme song -"California" by Phantom Planet - is heard outside of the intro. It's used in the final scene.

