Icon-kyoryugerThis article is about a/an villain turned extra Ranger in Power Rangers Dino Charge and Power Rangers Dino Super Charge.
Crystal Clear UserThis villain is also known as the monster, Snide

"I'll make you a promise. Any monster that can bring me an Energem will rule the universe by my side. If you stay, you must pledge your undying loyalty... to me."
―Heckyl asserting his authority to Sledge's Outlaws.[src]

"It's because of me, you're in this world. And I couldn't be happier to help you leave it."
―Heckyl's determination to get rid of Snide once and for all.[src]

"Dino Charge Dark Ranger!"
―His roll call[src]

"My story began in another dimension, where I was very evil. But after a classic redemption arc, I became-- (interrupted by Omwhyzo: "a Ranger?!") --eventually, yes. I'm a good egg now."
―Heckyl after revealing himself as the Dino Charge Dark Ranger[src]

Heckyl is a former alien outlaw who alongside Snide took leadership of Sledge's Crew. After his reformation, he was appointed as the Keeper of the Dark Energem and became the Dino Charge Dark Ranger, later traveling to the prime dimension with his new powers to assist the Cosmic Fury Rangers in battling Lord Zedd. Heckyl never does a proper roll call but based on other Rangers' roll calls, he would most likely be referred to as Spinosaurus Power Ranger Dark.


Early Life[]


Heckyl accidentally touches the Dark Energem.


Heckyl being corrupted by the Dark Energem.

Millions of years ago, when Lord Arcanon assaulted a kind-hearted Heckyl's homeworld, Sentai 6, to gain the Dark Energem, Heckyl tried to protect it from getting into the hands of evil. While he was on the run from Arcanon, he fell and the Dark Energem came out of its containment box. An injured Heckyl tried to get a hold of it, but when he touched it, he started getting surrounded by dark energy and ended up bonding with it, the evil Energem corrupting him and creating a monstrous alter-ego known as Snide. Arcanon arrived and retrieved the Energem and said that he won't remember any of this incident or his past. Tvicon TV STORY-Wings of Danger

Heckyl and Snide eventually went on to become outlaws and lay waste to many corners of the universe before finally being imprisoned by Sledge.

Dino Charge[]

Brief partnership with Sledge[]

According to Wrench, Heckyl has laid waste to and destroyed countless galaxies before being captured and confined by Sledge. Within Sledge's Ship, most outlaws are kept in standard cells, but the very worst, like Greenzilla, Snide and Heckyl, are imprisoned in specialized solitary blocks, with the cages being completely closed and reinforced with thick metallic shielding, having restraints physically attached to their bodies, and little to no contact with the outside world. It is hinted this is done to him due to his twin-sided nature as well. These cells are also more heavily guarded than the others. Usually, one or two Spikeballs are enough to keep watch of an entire cell block, but, in cases like Heckyl's, there are at least four per each, plus a number of Vivix. Centuries of spending his time in solitary confinement, as claimed by himself, Sledge took desperate measures in acquiring the Purple Energem when hearing that the bond to its previous host was severed and in need of a new host. The mere suggestion of releasing Heckyl was enough to cause an uproar within the ship, sending all of the prisoners into instantaneous panic and instilling fear even to Wrench and Fury. Despite being aware of the risk to even his own well-being, the fearless but concerned bounty hunter sends him to Earth after conceding to his offer of ruling the universe together as partners in case of a successful mission. Sledge only agrees to this because, aside from his power, Heckyl is the only one of his prisoners that looks human enough to possibly fool the Dino Charge Rangers into trying to bond the Purple Energem to him. This plan actually goes smoothly, until a rogue Wish Star intervenes, attempting to acquire the Energem to earn his own freedom. Heckyl would have fought for it, but held back purposely, knowing that if the Rangers saw his true self, it would ruin his plans. After Wish Star is defeated and Fury successfully retrieves the Purple Energem, Heckyl attempts to explain himself, only for Sledge to declare their partnership over and narrowly blast him back to his cell with a shot from his now Energem-enhanced blaster. Tvicon TV STORY-Wishing For A Hero

Dino Super Charge[]

The New Leader[]

Heckyl is approached by Sledge, who asks him to takeover as leader while he's away planting Greenzilla eggs around the planet; in the meantime, Heckyl is to get the ship working and try to get the Energems away from the Rangers. In exchange, Heckyl gets part of the universe to rule once the plan to destroy Earth succeeds.

Snide takes over shortly afterwards, escaping the cell and making his presence known. Not wanting his other side to ruin their pact with Sledge, Heckyl takes over. He quickly, and lightly, apologizes for Snide's actions, and then orders the Spikeballs and Vivix to bring him, and the other outlaws, food, and to open their cells. Afterwards, he lays out the new rules of the base, briefly keeping the death sentence for those who leave under the veil.

When a prisoner tries to leave, he executes him by shooting at the back and then tells the others this will be the fate of all who try the same, as he considers deserters traitors, and effectively bounds all other villains to his will through intimidation and fear. In order to put his plans in motion, he visits the Dino Bite Cafe and asks Kendall for a job in order to be as close as possible to the Dino Charge Rangers without their notice, while Snide seeks to deal with the Rangers in his own manner with Iceage's assistance. Tvicon TV STORY-When Evil Stirs

Infiltrating the Dino Bite Cafe[]

Heckyl is seen now working at the Dino Bite Cafe, taking the ice cream from a child and dropping it on a seat, messing up the skirt of the woman that sits on it, all of which is unnoticed. He then greets Riley and begins working while overhearing Kendall scolding Riley for behaving like a child and ordering him back to work. He then holds on just long enough to be alone and unseen as Snide takes over control. Heckyl warns him not to mess up his plan, to which Snide replies his plans take too long and they need to deal with the Rangers faster. Heckyl then hatches a plan to use Stingrage's venom, modified by Wrench. Unlike the original venom, which is meant for mind control, this version has the purpose of memory forgetfulness. However, Snide has no patience for such a long, drawn-out, plan and deliberately changes it by redirecting Stingrage. After a small discussion with Snide, Heckyl is then seen helping Riley to get up after he loses a training challenge just before the running starts, even with the power of the Green Energem, and boosts his confidence to make him participate in the contest so he can fall victim to his plot. Just then, they are attacked by Stingrage. As Riley tries to fend off Stingrage, Heckyl questions Snide as to what he intends to do.

Heckly with an Energem

Heckyl almost gets Koda's Energem

Despite being frustrated with his partner's attitude, he eventually reasons Snide's plan can work after all, but with a twist. Heckyl deliberately throws himself in front of Stingrage's attack and is stung, causing him to forget his memory. In order to heal him, the Rangers take him to their base, despite Kendall's rightful reluctance in doing so. As they cure him, he claims to understand everything and ensures them their secret is safe with him. With Heckyl now with the knowledge of the base's coordinates, he visits it by the second time as the Rangers are busy dealing with the revived outlaw. However, the Energems are with the Rangers and the base is empty. Snide admonishes Heckyl on his folly and prepares to intensify his plan. However, Stingrage is defeated by the renewed Dino Armor X and the new Dino Super Drive, which was originally developed to fight Sledge. Still, Heckyl has a toast brought forth, overseen by Fury, with his servants in order to celebrate their imminent victory. Nevertheless, Curio unbeknownst has the cups filled with the amnesiac liquid and all of them forget what they were about to do, so Heckyl decides to take a nap and call it a day. Tvicon TV STORY-Forgive and Forget

Heckyl decides to lull the Rangers into sleep, so he can finally take their Energems without fear of reprisal. To keep them from fighting back against him, he enlists Nightmare's aid and has Fury send down Vivix to wear them out further in battle. While his ploy works mostly well, it backfires by chance when Shelby arrives back at the Dino Bite Cafe early from her school admittance test just as he is taking the Energems from her friends. She immediately deduces he is evil and attacks him, pointing her blaster at him and informing the truth to the others. Heckyl is taken aback by the girl, and the matters are only made worse when Snide takes over, confirming the heroes' suspicions. Noticing he has little to no chance of winning with the Rangers now fully on their guard, Snide retreats, shortly before Nightmare is defeated by the Rangers. Tvicon TV STORY-Nightmare in Amber Beach

Heckyl then analyzes Singe aboard the ship, as he has sided with Snide, at the time on a scouting party with Fury and Wrench, to do their bidding. However, he is initially threatening towards the newcomer. It is only after Singe demonstrates he is capable of taking on the Rangers and has both strength and intellect similar to his own, as well as virtually untold resourcefulness, that Heckyl acknowledges him as a valuable ally, even stating he likes his style, and allows the incomer to stay despite Singe's failure, as he dismisses the failure of the Magna Beam as an accident, initiating the rivalry between Fury and Singe. Tvicon TV STORY-A Date with Danger

Heckyl then authorizes Singe's next plan to use a virus to disrupt the Rangers' weapons. When Fury points out he will not be able to get to their computer systems, Singe acknowledges Fury is right, but summons Ninja to do just that, as he is fast enough to do so without being caught in sight. As the plan is underway, Tyler becoming feral and being on the run from the others, Snide congratulates Singe on a well done job so far, but draws his sword and demands his servant to explain the rest of the plan. Singe informs him he needs help to find him fast, to which Hunter volunteers to help him. Snide makes it clear he does not have a lot of patience and that, unlike Heckyl, he does not like Singe and he will find out how much if he fails him. As Ninja and Hunter team up to track Tyler down, James Navarro breaks the control of the virus over his son by revealing to be the Aqua Ranger and apologizing for his past wrongdoings. Hunter retreats, leaving Ninja powerless to defend himself against the T-Rex Super Charge Mode and the Plesio Charge Megazord's Pachy-Rex Formation. Heckyl then considers killing Hunter for failing, but Singe convinces him to spare the outlaw, as he will be need for bait in his next plan. Tvicon TV STORY-Roar of the Red Ranger

Heckyl then watches on as Singe explains his next plan to him, which is to use Zotak rings in order to neutralize the Energems and allow them to take the items without fear of reprisal, as the Rangers would not be able to access their powers. Fury is quick to point out they do not want to nullify their energies, but steal them instead. Despite disagreeing with Fury's roughness, even suggesting he should use some anger management, Heckyl points out Fury is right, as Singe's plans, as elaborated and complex as they may be, are useless unless accompanied by results. He then tells Singe to get him the Energems or he will neutralize him. Later, when Singe and Fury's bickering has caused the plan to fail altogether, Heckyl scolds them for acting immature like children, taking their weapons away, and locking them both on the same cell, explaining their foes love it when they fight amongst themselves and that maybe some quality time together will teach them to play nice, leaving them to resolve their differences, laughing as he turns his back on them, reminiscent of punishment which Sledge could have done before he and Snide took over. Tvicon TV STORY-Forged Under Fire

Heckyl is then shown threatening to terminate Game Face for his failure, until he is convinced otherwise due to the fact the Vivix are in terrible shape, to which the outlaw is given one more chance. When the monster is done with his hard and severe training, his Doom Squad, which now also includes the Spikeballs, monitored by Fury and Wrench, he and his team fare better in battle, but are still beaten. Heckyl then jokes the Rangers want to be in the big leagues and has the entire Doom Squad enlarged to giant size. Nevertheless, the combined might of the Rangers' three Megazords proves too much, and the outlaw is once more defeated, along with his underlings. Tvicon TV STORY-Home Run Koda

Heckyl then proceeds to eat some popcorn while paying attention to Fury's latest plan to create a hybrid monster named Spell Digger, made from Spellbinder's magic pendant and Gold Digger's coins, and to curse anyone who touches them into becoming greedy. He approves the idea, saying it is perfect, and lends Singe's blaster to Fury to give him some extra firepower in battle. As part of the plan, he personally distributes the cursed coins to the natives of Amber Beach and has Spell Digger lure Chase and Tyler into a trap. When the first pitfall fails, Heckyl asks Fury why he was not able to get the Energems, to which he is answered that the Gold Ranger foiled everything. Wrench proposes a solution in the form of a magic portal to ensnare the heroes. Heckyl then reminds Spell Digger that if he messes this up, he will not be safe around him. As Kendall realizes the plot, Shelby, Riley, Koda and Ivan are led to the combo monster by their then accursed teammates. Upon assuming the T-Rex Super Charge Mode and using the Tri-Ankylo Formation, Tyler successfully weakens Spell Digger enough for the Rangers to defeat him. Though he is enlarged, he is again defeated by the Plesio Charge Megazord Pachy-Rex Formation. It is then revealed that Heckyl is being snitched on by Singe as he is mentioned as a competitor for the Energems, something which does not go unnoticed by Fury. Tvicon TV STORY-Riches and Rags

Meanwhile at the ship, Heckyl tries to taste the cookie made by the baker monster Half-bake, but he didn't like the taste of the cinnamon. It turns out that the Spikeball that was sent by Half-bake didn't return with the cinnamon because he was destroyed. Heckyl ask Half-bake about the Rangers' Energems and he and Wrench started laughing at the same time when the monster said he wanted a chance to fight. As a joke, he also lets Half-bake kidnap the Impostor Pink Ranger which is Shelby's best friend. Heckyl was furious that the Rangers destroyed Half-bake and saved Erin and offers him one last chance before having Wrench fire the Magna Beam at Half-bake. Tvicon TV STORY-Besties 4Eva!

In the ship, Heckyl asks Singe how he knew where to find the Titano Zord, but he calls it "Intuition". Then Heckyl starts losing his patience and angrily ask Singe who told him where to find the Titano Zord. Singe refuses to answer the question and attacks Heckyl, but was beaten by him. Singe says his true master is very loyal to him and Heckyl doesn't know the meaning of the word "evil". Singe leaves the ship and shoves Fury out of his way. Now aware of Singe's betrayal, Heckyl givess Fury permission to destroy him the next time they ever see Singe again. Tvicon TV STORY-Gone Fishin

Overthrown and Lost Memories[]

Heckyl Captured 1

Heckyl is captured by Arcanon and his cronies.

While in prison, he is secretly helped by Poisandra to get out of prison, as he and Snide are the ones who know where Sledge is. While attempting to assassinate Lord Arcanon, at the same time Singe gave his master the Dark Energem, Heckyl began to regain his lost memories of the time before he found the Energem in the past, thus confronts Arcanon and blames him for not only destroying his former home planet Sentai 6, but for also making Heckyl touch the Dark Energem during that critical situation before Arcanon orders Singe and Fury to imprison him again in a different place. Tvicon TV STORY-Wings of Danger


Heckyl was eventually separated from Snide through the stolen Split Emitters. Without his former other half to suppress his better nature, he vows to rebuild his home world. Managing to escape the ship, he makes camp in the woods. At the same time, he witnesses Snide had been manipulating Lord Arcanon and secretly helping Sledge's crew in preparation for the bounty hunter's return without him knowing all along, as well as the downfall of Arcanon, Singe, and the Musician Duo Conductro and Screech. The Dark Energem is now under Sledge's hand. Heckyl encounters three of the Rangers when they come across his campsite (the rest of the Rangers were turned into statues by Badussa's amulet at that time), explaining that he is no longer a threat due to the Dark Energem's evil no longer being in him ever since his memories were awakened shortly before Sledge's return. He later steps in to save the Rangers, earning their trust. Tvicon TV STORY-The Rangers Rock!

Snide demise

Heckyl helps the Rangers destroy Snide.

When Snide makes a last attempt to kill the Rangers, Heckyl offers assistance in putting an end to his dark half forever. He helps the Rangers prevent Sledge from tearing the Earth apart by destroying the Dark Energem to unlock the Energems true power. However, this creates a black hole that swallows Sledge's ship and the Earth. To save Earth, Heckyl joins the Rangers on a journey to the past.Tvicon TV STORY-Edge of Extinction

Keeper,Zenowing & Guardian Heckyl

Heckyl becomes the Keeper of the Dark Energem.

Arriving at the beginning of the events of Powers from the Past, Heckyl assists the Rangers in slaying Sledge's Crew in the past. Giving Sledge a punishment worthy of his crimes, Heckyl ties the now-giant bounty hunter to his own ship, which the Rangers program to fly into the sun, destroying them and ending their reign of terror for good. As the Rangers are returned to their proper times, Heckyl is given the honor of becoming a Keeper, and with Zenowing's help, is sent back to before Lord Arcanon attacked Sentai 6 in his search for the Dark Energem to thwart his plans.Tvicon TV STORY-End of Extinction

Becoming a Ranger[]

After becoming the official Keeper of the Dark Energem, he was able to harness its powers and become the Dark Ranger.Comicicon COMIC STORY- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 35

Cosmic Fury[]

Joining the Resistance[]

During the invasion led by a resurrected Lord Zedd, Heckyl traveled to the prime dimension and joined the Rafkonian Resistance led by Tarrick in their fight against Zedd's forces after hearing about the Dino Fury Rangers' escape during the invasion. He became a spy and infiltrated Squid Ink Inc. by making Squillia Naire, the daughter of the Squid Ink CEO Bajillia Naire, fall in love with him. During his time as a spy, the former outlaw discovered that the Anti-Zord force field was used to prevent Ranger teams from summoning their Zords and stopping the invasion was the result of a group effort by every Squidrill on Earth, meaning that if one went down, the whole field would collapse. The resistance created a plan to use this weakness to their advantage and attack Zedd's forces, but first they needed to contact the Dino Fury team to get their help. Tvicon TV STORY-Rock Out

When Squillia was sent to help General Omwhyzo with the occupation of Earth, she allowed Heckyl to enter the Squidrill with her, where he waited for his cue to stop the force field. During a video call with Lord Zedd, Heckyl learned from the Emperor of Evil that the Dino Fury Rangers, now known as the Cosmic Fury Rangers, escaped him and were headed to Earth. Tvicon TV STORY-Take Off

Revealing Himself[]

When the Cosmic Fury Rangers returned, Tarrick signaled Heckyl to disable the Squidrill, but the Dark Ranger was easily defeated and sent to Zedd's prison down below. He was later freed, along with the Rangers by Tarrick before helping them and Billy Cranston take on Squilla, Omwhyzo, and the Zentinels until Tarrick returned from helping the freed prisoners get to safety, letting him personally take on Squilla, until he distracted her for Tarrick to shackle her in Sleepy Cuffs. He, Billy, and Tarrick later spoke with the Rangers, the former complimenting Heckyl, who retorts that someone else should take the next tentacle-based mission before they show the restrained and sleeping Squillia to the Rangers. Tvicon TV STORY-Operation Seasoning


Out of the villains in the Power Rangers Dino Charge series, Heckyl is one of the more complex characters in the series. Before becoming an alien outlaw along with Snide, he was a kind-hearted and protective alien who will do anything in his power to guard the Dark Energem. But after being corrupted by the Dark Energem's power and being part of Snide, he became an outlaw who will do whatever it takes to destroy the Power Rangers and rule the Earth.

Despite being psychotic however, Heckyl has proven to be a capable strategist. According to Sledge, Heckyl could be mistaken for a hero, hinting a high potential for deception; however, it's also possible this was Heckyl's better nature breaking through Snide's corruption. Though in accordance to Sledge's claims in this sense, Heckyl's arrogance often trumps his intellect. In his own twisted way, Heckyl seeks a connection with the other outlaws, as shown when he punishes his subjects for pleasure rather than discipline. This stems mainly from the corruption he undertook from the Dark Energem Despite Heckyl's schemes, Snide still has a slightly higher success rate than him. Yet, neither one is able to maintain complete control, even if they agreed to cooperate. This continues up until they are separated by Wrench as per Snide's own pact with Arcanon in the episode "Freaky Fightday".

After becoming his own being due to regaining his original memories, Heckyl reveals that Snide's influence was what made him evil and eventually began to try and reform his ways, even saving the Rangers in one instance from Badussa, a Medusa-themed knight monster, despite their clear distrust toward him, which seems to pass once he explains he is no longer one with Snide and his true mission now is to rebuild his world, which was destroyed by Arcanon in his quest to claim the Dark Energem. Heckyl also seems to have lost his psychosis, now seeking only to redeem himself and seemingly turning over a new leaf. This is later explored through his comics counterpart as well as his appearance in Cosmic Fury where his heroism has earned him Ranger status.

Non-Ranger Powers and Abilities[]

Heckyl is as strong as Lord Arcanon, Snide and Sledge, although Lord Arcanon has the advantage over both Heckyl and Snide since he has the Dark Energem in his clutches. After separating from Snide, it appears he lost a majority of his power to Snide. This is hinted during Heckyl's final battle against Snide where he needed the Power Rangers' assistance.


  • Lightning Beams: In his human form, Heckyl's primary ability is to fire turquoise or light blue lightning beams from his hands, which are strong enough to vaporize multiple opponents at once, open every cage on Sledge's ship, and hold back Sledge's Energem powered blaster back for a few seconds, though they were eventually overwhelmed by the legendary artifact.
    • Electro-Telekinesis: These beams can also move things with electrical telekinetic power. Tvicon TV STORY-Forged Under Fire


  • Durability: Despite being in his human form at the time, Heckyl was inside of Fortress when it exploded and was not destroyed.
  • Longevity: Heckyl has existed for millions of years (though this was possibly due to his bond with Snide, who was created by the Dark Energem).


to be added


  • Goggles: Heckyl possesses a pair of special goggles, which are capable of detecting hidden sources of energy and power. They are primarily used to locate invisible or covered objects without raising suspicion from nearby people, particularly the Power Rangers.
  • Pocket Watch: Heckyl is shown to have a pocket watch, which allows Snide to talk to him directly.
  • Transformation Tattoo: On the side of Heckyl's neck is a tattoo that combines him and Snide together. When it glows, one will transform into the other. This only happens if he fails to steal an/the Energem(s) or fails in a fight. He presumably lost this tattoo when he and Snide were split apart.

Dino Charge Dark Ranger[]


Dino Charge Dark Ranger

"Unleash the Power!"
―Morph call[src]

After becoming the Keeper of the Dark Energem, Heckyl tamed its power and became the Dark Ranger.

Powers and Abilities[]


to be added


Spino Boomerang Attack


to be added


to be added


Appearances: CF Episode 7





to be added



Villain Groups[]

Sledge's Crew[]
Lord Arcanon's Crew[]
Squid Ink Inc.[]

Behind the Scenes[]


  • Heckyl is portrayed by Ryan Carter.
  • In the German dub, Heckyl was voiced by René Dawn-Claude in Dino Charge. However because of a studio change that resulted in the original cast leaving due to lessened pay, Dawn-Claude was replaced by an unidentified actor for Dino Super Charge. Thanks to persistence from a fan, Dawn-Claude reprised the role for Cosmic Fury.[1]


to be added


  • Together with his demonic alter ego Snide, Heckyl's name is a play on the Robert Louis Stevenson novel Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, wherein the title characters are alternating and contrasting personalities of the same man made manifest by a series of bizarre events. The character has since become a model for other similar characters who embody contrasting personalities and often struggle to reconcile the two as they display at different times and for different reasons.


  • Heckyl is the first villain in the Power Rangers franchise to appear as a monster in one season, then become a boss in the next season, and then a Ranger in yet another season.
  • An adaptation of Deathryuger or Kyoryu Navy for Dino Charge was believed by fans to be in the works through the insertion of the #00 Dino Charger into the DX Dino Charge Morpher which resulted in a sound for a "Talon Ranger" However, Yoshi Sudarso later stated in an interview that "Talon" was actually the original production name for Zenowing.[2][3] Simon Bennett later revealed that due to licensing issues, Dino Charge was unable to adapt the Deathryuger suit, which was made available to them sometime later.[4]
    • Carter would later reprise his role in Cosmic Fury and make his live-action debut as the Dark Ranger, though his helmet is actually of Kyoryu Navy's instead as the streak on the edges of the visor is gray, not red. Bennett stated that this was the helmet Toei had supplied along with the suit with no reason given as to why the helmet was sourced from a different Ranger.[5] Hasbro considered correcting the color, but Toei did not allow it.[6]
  • It is apparent that Heckyl does not require any Dino Chargers or Energems to transform or wield his boomerang sword, though its Sentai counterpart does have slots for Zyudenchi insertion.


See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Dino Charge & Power Rangers Dino Super Charge Icon-kyoryuger
Tyler Navarro - Chase Randall - Koda - Riley Griffin - Shelby Watkins - Sir Ivan of Zandar - James Navarro - Prince Phillip III - Kendall Morgan - Zenowing
Energems - Dino Charge Morpher - Gold Ptera Morpher - T-Rex Super Charge Morpher - Titano Charge Morpher - Dino Com - Dino Saber - Dino Blade Blaster - Dino Chargers - T-Rex Smasher - Para Chopper - Stego Shield - Raptor Claw - Tricera Drill - Dino Spike - T-Rex Chopper - Triple Spike - Gold Ptera Saber - Royal Dino Punch - Dino Steel - Dino Armor X - Dino Super Drive Saber - Dino Cycle
Keeper - Albert Smith - Heckyl
Zords and Megazords
T-Rex Zord - Para Zord - Stego Zord - Raptor Zord - Tricera Zord - Ptera Zord - Ankylo Zord - Pachy Zord - Plesio Zord - Titano Zord - Spino Zord
Toy-Exclusive Zords
Deinosuchus Zord - Oviraptor Zord - Ammonite Zord - Archelon Zord
Dino Charge Megazord - Ptera Charge Megazord - Plesio Charge Megazord - Titano Charge Megazord - Dino Charge Ultrazord - Spino Charge Megazord
Sledge & Snide's Crew
Sledge - Snide - Wrench - Poisandra - Fury - Curio - Vivix - Vivizords - Spikeballs
Lord Arcanon's Crew
Lord Arcanon - Singe - Doomwing
Iceage - Scrapper - Slammer - Spellbinder - Cavity - Stingrage - Duplicon - Puzzler - Bones - Smokescreen - Gold Digger - G-BO - Memorella - Shearfear - Meteor - Wish Star - Greenzilla
Cloaked Alien - Nightmare - Ninja - Hunter - Game Face - Spell Digger - Half-Bake - Hookbeard - Beauticruel - Scumlaw - Leisure - Loafer - Fortress - Screech - Conductro - Professor Strickler - Badussa - Heximas
Power nav icon Power Rangers Cosmic Fury Icon-prdf
Zayto - Amelia Jones - Ollie Akana - Izzy Garcia - Javi Garcia - Aiyon - Fern
Other Rangers: Billy Cranston - Heckyl - Mick Kanic
Cosmic Morpher - Master Staff - Ankylo Hammer - Tricera Blaster - Tiger Claw Daggers - Stego Spike - Mosa Razor Blaster - Solono Claw
General Shaw - Solon - Morphin Masters - Lani Akana - Tarrick - Slyther - Mucus
Jane Fairview - J-Borg - Carlos Garcia - Lily - Ed Jones - Rina Garcia
Zords & Megazords
Cosmic Lion Zord - Cosmic Wolf Zord - Cosmic Bull Zord - Cosmic Chameleo Zord - Cosmic Shark Zord - Cosmic Scorpion Zord
TBA - Cosmic Cobra Zord - Cosmic Eagle Zord - Cosmic Grizzly Zord - Cosmic Dragon Zord
Cosmic Fury Megazord - Cosmic Dragon Megazord
Cosmic Fury Ultrazord
Squid Ink Inc.
Leader: Lord Zedd
Generals: Bajillia Naire - Squillia Naire - Inkworth - Scrozzle - Doodrip - Jozotic - Omwhyzo
Monsters: Krymzo - Snoutia - Quaddo - Jadana
Footsoldiers: Zentinels - Copyguards
Blue Rangers
Billy CranstonCestroRocky DeSantosJustin StewartT.J. JohnsonKai ChenChad LeeLucas KendallMax CooperTori HansonEthan JamesSchuyler TateBridge CarsonMadison RoccaDax LoTheo MartinFlynn McAllistairKevinNoah CarverKodaPreston TienRavi ShawOllie Akana
Billy Cranston (1995 movie)Billy Cranston (World of the Coinless)SergeCenozoic Blue RangerBilly Cranston (2017 movie)Eddie BanksLina SongNikolai ChukarinChun-LiBlue Emissary

Secondary Rangers
NinjorAuric the ConquerorBlue SenturionBlake BradleyJungle Fury Shark RangerJames NavarroHeckylKiya KyatylYale of Saard
Billy PuttyPuttyBobbyWilliamBilly CloneStanford WinnerBlue Shadow RangerRobo JustinBlue CreepPsycho BlueBlue Cyborg RangerEvil Time Force BlueShark Shadow RangerEvil BlakeA-Squad BlueEvil Blue Mystic RangerEvil Blue Overdrive RangerCenozoic era Blue RangerRobo Blue Space Ranger
Blue Battalion RangerBlue Blitz RangerBlue Prism RangerBlue Lightning RangerBruteOrisonth

Power Sets
Blue RangerBlue Aquitar RangerZeo Ranger III BlueBlue Turbo RangerBlue Space RangerGalaxy BlueBlue Lightspeed RangerTime Force BlueBlue Wild Force RangerBlue Wind RangerBlue Dino RangerS.P.D. Blue RangerBlue Mystic RangerBlue Overdrive RangerJungle Fury Blue RangerRanger Operator Series BlueBlue Samurai RangerMegaforce BlueSuper Megaforce BlueDino Charge Blue RangerDino Charge Aqua RangerNinja Steel BlueDino Charge Dark RangerGrid Battleforce Blue RangerDino Fury Blue RangerCosmic Fury Blue Ranger
Blue Ranger (1995 movie)Blue Ranger (2017 movie)
