Icon-gokaigerThis article is about a Legendary Ranger in Power Rangers Super Megaforce.
Icon-boomThis article is about a/an Ranger in the Power Rangers comic sub-franchise by Boom! Studios.

"I know I can do this. Let me fix it. Please. They're stuck here because of me. I have to try."

Orisonth, or Ori, is from Planet 0117 of the A47 Galaxy, which would later be come to known as Earth. After an encounter with the Morphinaut they cycled through multiple Blue Ranger powers across time and space and eventually became the Blue Squadron Ranger of the Squadron Rangers. Their powers were later used by the Super Mega Rangers as part of the New Powers that Gosei gave the new team.

Later, after sacrificing their Morphin Heart to save the Phantom Ranger, Ori became the Blue Emissary, an ethereal entity who represents the Morphin Masters. Adopting the appearance of Power Rangers respectively colored blue, they were not shown to have distinct forms but instead shifted through the forms of various Blue Rangers throughout history. They also became the Omega Rangers' mentor.



As seen by the philosopher, Sire Lentinvous, sixteen thousand years ago, as he witnessed the beginning of the universe in a vision, the Morphin Masters created the Emissaries from the light of a star, each one a different primary countenance. The purpose given to these Messengers was to spread peace & tranquility throughout the universe. The Messengers existed outside of time, & could view the entirety of time in a non-linear fashion, allowing them to see into the past, & somewhat into the future. Because they also existed outside of the natural flow of time, they were effectively immortal in that they could not die naturally.

Meeting the Morphinaut[]

Orisonth and their friends used the Morphinaut's old Frontier Lab as their childhood clubhouse on Planet 0117. Years later, & during a series of attacks on various Masterforges, Ori built a generator to try to power the Proto-Arch in the lab & see if they could get it to work with Morphin Energy before evacuating.

Despite Ori's brother Kartor being worried about them, Ori stayed in the lab with their friends as they wanted to investigate the footage of Masterforge Namize falling. After getting access to the footage, they all saw how an army of demon-like creatures invaded Namize & questioned why the Morphin Masters would leave half of those people to die by shutting down the Namize Arch. While they raced to the Master Arch that was ready for evacuation, Ori & their friends stopped to rescue a figure that crashed onto the ground & was later identified by Ori as the Morphinaut. Comicicon COMIC STORY- Power Rangers Universe Issue 1

Becoming a Ranger[]

Squadron Rangers after morphing

Orisonth and their friends morph for the first time

As demons start to invade them as happened to the other Masterforges, the teens take the Morphinaut with them and escape through the east promenade. Realizing that Dark Specter's army was trying to overload the Master Arch, Ori activated the Arch to prevent the creatures from reaching it, which left them, their friends & the Morphinaut stuck in the middle of the invasion, as Kartor & the rest of their people got transported to safety. After they finally arrived at a lab & rescued another one of their friends, Xev, who was being controlled by Dark Specter & was saved by the Morphinaut's Grid energy, Ori also realized that the arch they were trying to activate at Frontier Lab could be used by Dark Specter.

Seeing that the Morphinaut was suffering from some excess grid energy, Ori and their friends used their Morphin Hearts to create an energy surge & siphon the excess energy from the Morphinaut onto the. This resulted in each of them getting a full-body costume made out of grid energy, with Ori morphing into what would be known as Zeo Ranger III Blue. Now with their new forms, the Morphinaut told the team to go to Ori's Proto-Arch and destroy it after using it while Dark Specter unleashed more of his forces. Comicicon COMIC STORY- Power Rangers Universe Issue 2

Becoming an Emissary[]

The Emissaries eventually became guardians of the Morphin Grid itself, & would observe each team of Power Rangers, new & old, across time itself.

Shattered Grid[]

During the events of Shattered Grid, Zordon personally besought the Emissaries Three to intervene and stop Lord Drakkon from stealing the Morphers of the numerous Ranger teams across different times to enhance his own Morpher as well as his armies'. The Emissaries listened to Zordon's pleading, but ultimately dismissed his concerns, believing Drakkon to be no threat to the Grid & that the Rangers Zordon chose would be able to stop him before sending Zordon back to his reality. The Blue Emissary expressed concerns that Zordon's fears were genuine, believing that Drakkon's continued amassing of Morphers & power would threaten the Grid, themselves, & ultimately reality itself, but the Red Emissary assured her brethren that what he feared was impossible & that no mortal had ever affected the Grid in such a way.

The Red Emissary reassured her fellow Emissaries that Drakkon was no threat, but they were proven wrong when Drakkon fused numerous Morpher power sets to his own, ultimately allowing him to enter the Morphin Grid itself. The Emissaries tried to stop Drakkon themselves, but were defeated in the process, allowing the tyrant to steal the Heart of a Morphin Master, destroy the multiverse, & create his own ideal reality where he was God. The Emissaries were cast out of space & time, where they came across the essence of Tommy Oliver, a version of Drakkon from Zordon's reality who never strayed from the path of good.

Because Drakkon's insecurities were weakening his hold over his new universe, the Emissaries were able to regain their power & sent Tommy back to Drakkon's world & reawaken his friends' memories of their true lives. Tommy then introduced the Emissaries to his teammates. The Emissaries explained their role in protecting the Grid & their failure to prevent Drakkon's rise to godhood, before explaining alongside Tommy how to stop Drakkon & restore the multiverse by reclaiming the Heart of the Master from him. Ultimately, Zordon's Rangers were able to defeat Drakkon & take back the Heart, consigning Drakkon to his crumbling reality in the process.

The Emissaries pulled Tommy & his friends into the Morphin Grid & instructed them on how to use the Heart of the Master to restore reality back to as close to its original form as possible, while warning them there would be changes due to the extent of the "Shattering". They also told them they would not remember the events that led up to its collapse & restoration, due to the temporal paradox being impossible for their mortal minds to contain. Ultimately, the teens remade reality back to what it was, undoing the destruction Drakkon had wreaked upon it.

Upon reality's restoration, the Blue Emissary expressed awe & impression at Zordon's Rangers for repairing reality & subduing the threat of Drakkon, something they overlooked. The Yellow Emissary fired back that it was a threat created by them from an alternate reality. The Red Emissary ceased their argument & bid her brethren to inspect the new reality piece by piece, to ensure there were no threats to again shatter the Grid.

The Blue Emissary observed Zordon's Rangers, now powered by the Zeo Crystal & battling the forces of the Machine Empire further in the future of their time, before observing the Dino Charge Rangers in a battle against Snide for their Energems.

The Blue Emissary was quick to realize that the universe had not been rebuilt as it was, & that Morphin energy from the Grid was seeping into the newly reborn universe, altering numerous individuals & imbuing them with direct access to the Grid's power, making them extremely dangerous. Knowing that direct interference & alerting Zordon himself would cause catastrophic damage to reality, the Blue Emissary approached Jason Lee Scott in secret, & partially restored his memories of the events of Shattered Grid while also giving him a glimpse of the coming future & the numerous foes they would face who were empowered by the Grid. Jason agreed to help the Blue Emissary assemble a team to help them find these coming dangers.

White Light[]

The Blue Emissary helped Zordon & Alpha-5 gain access to the White Light in order to turn Tommy into the White Ranger, but as the Emissary & Jason attempted to use the Command Center to assemble a new team to help them, Trini & Zack stumbled upon their efforts and while initially suspicious, they ultimately joined with the Emissary & Jason in their task to combat the coming threat.

Omega Rangers[]

The Blue Emissary would repurpose a robot sentinel of Eternity Point named XI, to aid them and the three youths in finding those empowered by the Grid. The first they found was a young alien female named Kiya on the planet Khoojah, whom they saved from an angry mob. Taking her back to their ship, the Rangers next traveled to Saard, where they fought a cat-like beast named Yale, likewise empowered by the Grid. The Blue Emissary convinced Kiya to help the Rangers capture the beast.

After Jason, Trini, and Zack told their team that they were leaving for the Peace Conference in Switzerland, in truth they left Earth to help the Blue Emissary & XI continue rounding up Empowered. To better help them, the Blue Emissary bequeathed to them ancient Omega Morphers connected to the four elements, & alongside Kiya, they formed the Omega Rangers.

After some time of capturing dozens of Empowered and storing them on the planet Sanctuary, the Blue Emissary allowed Jason and his team to defeat Lord Zedd after his latest scheme nearly saw their friends defeated. In a prior mission, Kiya had peered into Jason's mind and learned of Lord Drakkon's responsibility in the universe's destruction, & she came to believe Tommy would eventually become Drakkon. She implored the Blue Emissary to see her way of thinking, but after they told the Blue Omega Ranger they were the one who gave Tommy Oliver the White Light, she killed them & vows to destroy every Power Ranger. With their dying breath, the Blue Emissary saw Kiya's defeat & cryptically forewarned of it before departing. Their crumbling body was later found by XI, with the Emissary's blue cloak taken by Kiya & worn like a trophy.

This action would have serious repercussions, as while Kiya & the Empowered were eventually defeated & their connection to the Grid severed, the death of the Blue Emissary would unleash the Celestial Shard into the universe, where it was found by Zartus of Eltar, an Eltarian obsessed with obtaining absolute & unlimited power. Using the shard, Zartus revived the first of the three Empyreals, who had also been seen in Sire Lentinvous' vision, as the long shadows cast by the Emissaries' light. The Empyreals are creatures of pain & chaos, & Lentinvous declared their rebirth would herald the death of the universe. Zartus bound the Empyreals to himself in servitude & tasked them with finding & killing the remaining Emissaries before they would begin cleansing the universe of unworthy worlds.

The Blue Emissary found themselves wandering as a spirit even in death, & was drawn once again to Yale of Saard, the Rangers' 'pet', which had previously been empowered by the Morphin Grid. Sensing love, forgiveness, & kinship in them, the Blue Emissary led them to find the Blue Omega Morpher to become the new Blue Omega Ranger. Comicicon COMIC STORY- Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 10 They also assisted Billy in his task to join Zordon with his new robot body.

With the Rangers & the Empyreals eventually coming to blows, & the defeat of the Orange Empyreal, the Blue Emissary once again fully came into being. Restored to life, the Blue Emissary came to the Omega Rangers' aid in space just outside of Earth's atmosphere, announcing to the shocked Rangers that with the Orange Empyreal's fall, they had risen once more to help them. Recharging their depowered Zords, the Blue Emissary helped the Omega Rangers combine their Omega Zords into the Ultra Omegazord to help their friends battle the last two Empyreals back on Earth. Comicicon COMIC STORY- Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 15

When all seemed lost, and the Super Empyreal had near effortlessly destroyed both the Thunder Megazord & the Omega Ultrazord, then moved to finish off the White Tiger Dragonzord, Tommy & Matt revealed they had simply been buying time & distracting the monster, allowing the Blue Emissary, grown to giant form, to tear the Super Empyreal in half as they had their brethren, finally destroying the Empyreals & ending their reign of destruction as it had begun. Returning to normal size, the Blue Emissary sincerely thanked the united Power & Omega Rangers for their efforts in stopping the threat of Zartus & the Empyreals. When Aisha asked the Emissary of Zordon's whereabouts, the Emissary revealed the Rangers mentor had his own demons to slay, & ominously warned the Rangers, "There is light breaking the dawn, Rangers...but there is also a shadow cast upon it. The battle may be won, but the war is far from over."

Darkest Hour[]

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Orisonth along with the other Squadron Rangers and other Ranger teams are seen in Troy's premonition about the Legendary Battle. Tvicon TV STORY-Mega Mission

They and the other Rangers are seen again in another of Troy's dream/vision about the Legendary Battle. Tvicon TV STORY-Stranger Ranger

Super Megaforce[]

Their powers were later used by Noah Carver during his fight against the Armada after being unlocked as part of the New Powers that Gosei gave the Super Mega Rangers. Tvicon TV STORY-Earth Fights Back

Legend War Charge

Orisonth during the Legendary Battle.

Emperor Mavro was defeated, but the remaining thousands of X Borgs still stand. Orisonth returns with the other Squadron Rangers who came to help the Legendary Rangers and Mega Rangers defeat the Armada once and for all, Orisonth was seen fighting against hundreds of X Borgs and dozens of Bruisers. After the demise of the X Borgs, they return to their home in the Fourth Dimension. Tvicon TV STORY-Legendary Battle


While the HyperForce Rangers are seeing the destruction of Emperor Marvo, they also witness the arrival of every Legendary Power Ranger including Orisonth and the other Squadron Rangers|, and the start of the Legendary Battle. Tvicon TV STORY-Stage 4: The Armada

Dino Fury[]

Zayto activates the Legendary Ranger Database, showing Master Blue that Master Green came to them after the Dinohenge statues were destroyed and restored them to normal. Also, Zayto says that he found Ranger teams who were saved in their darkest moments through unexplained reasons and shows them three specific moments. Including the Legendary Battle where Orisonth and the other Squadron Rangers coming to the aid of the Legendary Rangers and Megaforce Rangers in the Legendary Battle and helping them defeat an entire army of the Armada's X Borgs. Tvicon TV STORY-Morphin Master


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Blue Ranger

Powers and Abilities[]


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to be added


  • Unnamed Chakram Weapon
  • Unnamed Polearm Weapon
Appearances: PRU (Boom! Studios) Issue 4-6; SM Episodes 20 & LBEV


Zeo Ranger III Blue (female version)

Powers and Abilities[]


to be added


to be added


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to be added


Appearances: PRU (Boom! Studios) Issue 2, 3


Dino Charge Blue Ranger

Powers and Abilities[]


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to be added


to be added

Appearances: PRU (Boom! Studios) Issue 3

PRU Issue 3 - Orisonth Dino Charge Blue-Blue Space Ranger 2

Stuck between Dino Charge Blue Ranger and Blue Space Ranger forms

At some point during the Squadron Rangers' second battle ,while using the Legendary Ranger powers from the Morphinaut, Orisonth started shifting from Dino Charge Blue Ranger to Blue Space Ranger and the transformation stopped halfway through its cycle, resulting the right side of Orisonth's body being stuck in Dino Charge Blue Ranger mode and the left side being stuck in Blue Space Ranger mode.

Appearances: PRU (Boom! Studios) Issue 3





  • Kartor - Older Brother: to be added


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to be added


Behind the Scenes[]


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Concept Art[]

Blue squadron ranger concept art

Orisonth and Blue Squadron Ranger concept art.

  • Orisonth and Blue Squadron Ranger outfit concept art was designed and colored by Dan Mora.


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Legendary Ranger Key[]

TenmaRanger Ranger Key

The Blue Squadron Ranger Key.

The Blue Squadron Ranger Key is Orisonth's personal Ranger Key. Because the Squadron Rangers are now Rangers of the Emissaries, Gosei seems to possess their powers via the Legendary Ranger Keys. This key is mainly used by Noah Carver (Super Megaforce Blue) who uses it to fight as the Blue Squadron Ranger.




See Also[]



Icon-boomPower Rangers (Boom! Studios) Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Jason Lee Scott - Zack Taylor - Billy Cranston - Trini Kwan - Kimberly Ann Hart - Tommy Oliver
The 1969 Rangers
Grace Sterling - Nikolai Chukarin - Terona Washington - Daniel O'Halloran - Jamie Gilmore
The All-New Power Rangers
Kimberly Ann Hart - Zack Taylor - Trini Kwan - Britt - Serge
Promethea Rangers/Solar Rangers
Kimberly Ann Hart - Mike Corbett - Tanya Sloan - Heckyl - Cameron Watanabe - Andros
Ellarien - Remi - Salum - Tigan - Maxie - Charisma - Alel - Lomik
Post-Shattered Grid Rangers
Tommy Oliver - Adam Park - Kimberly Ann Hart - Billy Cranston - Aisha Campbell - Rocky DeSantos - Matthew Cook
Omega Rangers
Bledso - Apophee - The Puram - Haza - Spa'ark
Jason Lee Scott - Zack Taylor - Trini Kwan - Kiya Kyatyl - Yale of Saard - Kevor Vrin
Squadron Rangers
Rhian - Telosi - Orisonth - Phiro - Aleia - Xev
Space Rangers
Maavi - Dhaza
Andros - Yihzu - Edi - Naro - Kaly - Zhane
Drakkon Rangers
Bulk - Kiya Kyatyl - Trini Kwan - Scorpina - Kimberly Hart - Lord Drakkon
HyperForce Rangers
Marvin Shih - Eddie Banks - Jack Thomas - Vesper Vasquez - Chloe Ashford - Joe Shih
Junior Rangers
Sage - Tula - Mathis - Maev - Theo
The Return Rangers
Jason Lee Scott - Zack Taylor - Billy Cranston - Trini Kwan - Kimberly Ann Hart - Tommy Oliver - Olivia Hart - Unidentified user
Infinity Force Rangers
Kumo Skøgaard - Peggy - Magnus Storm - Braylee Blackthorn - Penelope Prescott - Lola Navarro
The Kaiju Power Rangers
Jason Lee Scott - Zack Taylor - Billy Cranston - Trini Kwan - Kimberly Ann Hart - Tommy Oliver
Zordon - Alpha 5 - Ninjor - Dr. K - Amanda - XI - Blue Senturion - The Justice League - Godzilla - Jet Jaguar - Mothra - The Elias
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Leonardo - Raphael - Michelangelo - Donatello - April O'Neil - Casey Jones - Splinter
Guardians of Eltar
Zophram - Zartus - Zordon - Zelya
Ranger Academy
Headmaster - Nika - Leo Corbett - Billy Cranston - Yale of Saard - Katie Walker - Jen Scotts - Doggie Cruger - Merrick Baliton - Tashi - Lindy - Cora - Kartyr - Rhianth - Nadira - Arlo
Bulk - Skull - Ms. Appleby - Ernie - Mr. Caplan - Mrs. Pruitt - Roger Hart - Helen Hart - Mrs. Kwan - Mrs. Oliver - Mr. Cranston - Mrs. Cranston - Violet Arias - Sam Scott - Olivia Cook - Mr. Cook - Kira Cook - Mrs. DeSantos - Riley DeSantos - Robin DeSantos - Raul DeSantos - Journey
Evil Space Aliens
Rita Repulsa/Mistress Vile - Lord Zedd - Master Vile - Dark Specter - Dayne - Goldar - Squatt - Baboo - Finster - Scorpina - Vessel - Angel Ashford - (Z) Putty Patrollers - Thralls
Automaton Dominion: King Aradon - Count Karnakus
MMPR Monsters
Bullzer - Vitruvian Man Giant - Black Dragon - Sir Locks-A-Lot - Vixenya - Commandant - Unnamed Plant Monster - Unnamed Boar Monster - Pumpkin Rapper - Lokar - Serpentera - Goldar Clones - Unknown Golem Aliens - Zosma - Shapeshifting Putty Patrollers - Karmadillo - Boarlock - Goth Sloth - Crowverload - Psycho Green - Mr. Meowgi - Wizard of Deception - Sheeple - Pilgrimage - Private Maize - Black Hold - Manic Mantelope - Unnamed Robot Chicken Monster - Unnamed Girl Robot Monster - Unnamed Turtle Samurai Monster - Unnamed Boomerang Kangaroo Monster - Unnamed Hipprogriff Monster - Unnamed Chainsaw Crocodile Monster - Crystal Cryptid - Double Disastron - Monsieur Muster - Mutant Rangers - Nefurious - Simulation Dinosaur Monster - Snakenstein - Beastbus - Murdercycles - Psychoslug, The Terror Snail - Royal Throney - Crystakular - Crano-Phant
The Anointed: Garrison Vox - Kiya Kyatyl - Cavotus - Raegyn
GGPR Monsters
Putty Infiltrator - Flog - Montaur - Rammerhead - Hammerdillo - Pudgy Pig - Megaputty - Stabasaurus Rex - TurbanShell - Warbunny - Lady Grumptruck - Nimrod the Scarlet Sentinel - AC - DC - Eye Guy - The Gunmetal Kettle - Hodgepodge Hedgehog - Serpentera - Danger Dingo
Mighty Morphin Monsters
Pandamonium - Fleasco - Putty Prime
Power Rangers Monsters
Horrid King - The Horrid - Xurix
Foot Clan
Shredder - Tyler - Karai - Rocksteady - Bebop - Baxter Stockman
The Return
Rita Repulsa - Lord Zedd - Selena Repulsa - Finster - Goldar - Squatt - Baboo - Scorpina - (Z) Putty Patrollers
Godzilla Monsters and aliens
Megalon - Gigan - Megaguirus - Kamacuras - Kumonga - SpaceGodzilla - Hedorah- Destoroyah - King Ghidorah - Xiliens
PR 25 coin logo icon Shattered Grid, Beyond the Grid, Charge To 100, and Darkest HourPr-30
Power Rangers
Aurico - Delphine - Tideus - Cestro - Corcus - Katherine Hillard - Trey of Triforia - Phantom Ranger - T.J. Johnson - Ashley Hammond - Cassie Chan - Leo Corbett - Damon Henderson - Kai Chen - Maya - Karone - Kendrix Morgan - Carter Grayson - Chad Lee - Joel Rawlings - Kelsey Winslow - Dana Mitchell - Ryan Mitchell - Wesley Collins - Jen Scotts - Lucas Kendall - Katie Walker - Trip - Eric Myers - Cole Evans - Taylor Earhardt - Max Cooper - Danny Delgado - Alyssa Enrilé - Merrick Baliton - Shane Clarke - Tori Hanson - Dustin Brooks - Hunter Bradley - Blake Bradley - Conner McKnight - Ethan James - Kira Ford - Trent Fernandez-Mercer - Jack Landors - Sky Tate - Bridge Carson - Z Delgado - Syd Drew - Doggie Cruger - Nick Russell - Chip Thorn - Madison Rocca - Vida Rocca - Xander Bly - Udonna - Dax Lo - Rose Ortiz - Casey Rhodes - Lily Chilman - Theo Martin - R.J. - Dominic Hargan - Scott Truman - Flynn McAllistair - Summer Landsdown - Ziggy Grover - Dillon - Gem - Gemma - Lauren Shiba - Jayden Shiba - Kevin - Mia Watanabe - Mike - Emily - Antonio Garcia - Troy Burrows - Jake Holling - Gia Moran - Noah Carver - Emma Goodall - Tyler Navarro - Chase Randall - Riley Griffin - Koda - Kendall Morgan - Shelby Watkins - Sir Ivan of Zandar - Brody Romero - Preston Tien - Calvin Maxwell - Hayley Foster - Sarah Thompson - Aiden Romero - Devon Daniels - Ravi Shaw - Zoey Reeves - Nate Silva - Steel Silva - Cybervillain Blaze - Zayto - Javi Garcia - Izzy Garcia - Ollie Akana - Amelia Jones - Aiyon
World of the Coinless
Zack - Trini - Saba - Ranger Slayer - Skull - Billy - Jason - Bulk - Aisha Campbell - Matthew Cook - Scorpina - Adam Park
Shattered Grid: Lord Drakkon - Finster 5 - Ranger Sentries - Rita Repulsa - Koragg, The Knight Wolf - S.P.D. A-Squad Red Ranger - A-Squad Yellow Ranger - A-Squad Green Ranger - Psycho Pink - Psycho Blue - Cogs - Grinders
Beyond the Grid: Praetor - Snide
Charge To 100: Trakeena - Ransik - Dai Shi/Jarrod - Sledge - Void Queen
Main: Rise of Drakkon - Shattered Grid - Beyond the Grid - Necessary Evil - The New Green Ranger - Unlimited Power - The Eltarian War - Charge To 100 - Recharged - Darkest Hour
Backup: The Ongoing Adventures of Bulk and Skull - The Ongoing Misadventures of Squatt and Baboo - The New Adventures of Blue Senturion and Ninjor | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 - 38 - 39 - 40 - 41 - 42 - 43 - 44 - 45 - 46 - 47 - 48 - 49 - 50 - 51 - 52 - 53 - 54 - 55 | 100 - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Go Go Power Rangers
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Mighty Morphin
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Power Rangers
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Ranger Academy
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Power Rangers Prime
1 - 2
Annuals/Specials and Miniseries/Crossovers
2016 Annual - 2017 Annual - 2018 Annual - 25th Anniversary Special - Free Comic Book Day 2018 Special - Shattered Grid Issue 1 - Back To School Special - Forever Rangers - 2023 FCBD Special - 30th Anniversary Special - Darkest Hour Issue 1 - Power Rangers Infinity Issue 1 - MMPR/Usagi Yojimbo - Across the Morphin Grid Issue 1
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Pink
Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 - Issue 5 - Issue 6 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Justice League/Power Rangers
Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 - Issue 5 - Issue 6 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 - Issue 5 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II
Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 - Issue 5 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Power Rangers: Drakkon New Dawn
Ranger Slayer - Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Power Rangers Universe
Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 - Issue 5 - Issue 6 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Godzilla vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 - Issue 5 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Godzilla vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II
Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 - Issue 5 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return
Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 | Boom Boom Boom Boom~ Bang Bang Bang Bang~
Power Rangers Unlimited
Heir to Darkness - Edge of Darkness - Countdown to Ruin - The Death Ranger - The Coinless - Hyperforce - The Morphin Masters
Graphic Novels
Aftershock - Soul of the Dragon - The Psycho Path - Sins of the Future
Deluxe Editions
GGPR Volume One - GGPR Volume Two - MMPR Year One - MMPR Year Two - MMPR Shattered Grid - MMPR Beyond the Grid - MMPR Necessary Evil I - MMPR Necessary Evil II - MM/PR Book One - PR Lost Chronicles - MM/PR Book Two - MM/PR Book Three
Blue Rangers
Billy CranstonCestroRocky DeSantosJustin StewartT.J. JohnsonKai ChenChad LeeLucas KendallMax CooperTori HansonEthan JamesSchuyler TateBridge CarsonMadison RoccaDax LoTheo MartinFlynn McAllistairKevinNoah CarverKodaPreston TienRavi ShawOllie Akana
Billy Cranston (1995 movie)Billy Cranston (World of the Coinless)SergeCenozoic Blue RangerBilly Cranston (2017 movie)Eddie BanksLina SongNikolai ChukarinChun-LiBlue Emissary

Secondary Rangers
NinjorAuric the ConquerorBlue SenturionBlake BradleyJungle Fury Shark RangerJames NavarroHeckylKiya KyatylYale of Saard
Billy PuttyPuttyBobbyWilliamBilly CloneStanford WinnerBlue Shadow RangerRobo JustinBlue CreepPsycho BlueBlue Cyborg RangerEvil Time Force BlueShark Shadow RangerEvil BlakeA-Squad BlueEvil Blue Mystic RangerEvil Blue Overdrive RangerCenozoic era Blue RangerRobo Blue Space Ranger
Blue Battalion RangerBlue Blitz RangerBlue Prism RangerBlue Lightning RangerBruteOrisonth

Power Sets
Blue RangerBlue Aquitar RangerZeo Ranger III BlueBlue Turbo RangerBlue Space RangerGalaxy BlueBlue Lightspeed RangerTime Force BlueBlue Wild Force RangerBlue Wind RangerBlue Dino RangerS.P.D. Blue RangerBlue Mystic RangerBlue Overdrive RangerJungle Fury Blue RangerRanger Operator Series BlueBlue Samurai RangerMegaforce BlueSuper Megaforce BlueDino Charge Blue RangerDino Charge Aqua RangerNinja Steel BlueDino Charge Dark RangerGrid Battleforce Blue RangerDino Fury Blue RangerCosmic Fury Blue Ranger
Blue Ranger (1995 movie)Blue Ranger (2017 movie)
