Icon-mightymorphinThis article is about a Ranger in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

"It's Morphin Time! Pterodactyl!"
―roll call as the Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger[src]

―Kimberly's catchphrase.[src]

"Hey, nice stereo!"
―Kimberly upon entering the Pterodactyl Dinozord for the first time.[src]

Kimberly "Kim" Ann Hart is the first Pink Ranger of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers in the 'modern era'. She later became the first Pink Ninja Ranger of the Ninja Rangers, later giving her powers as Pink Ranger to Kat for her departure from the Mighty Morphin team.

During both the TV series, she has temporarily assumed the form of the Blue Ranger.

Retroactively, she is also referred to as the Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger or Pink Mighty Morphin Ranger, though these are in reference to the show, as opposed to proper labels.

In Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Kimberly also returned helping the Turbo Rangers against Divatox, her crew and Maligore.

Many years later, during the events of Power Rangers Beast Morphers Season 2, Kimberly responded to her old teammate Jason's signal, forms part of the Legendary Dino Rangers army against Goldar Maximus and his Army of Foot Soldiers.


This article contains content in reference to the main TV series, as well as supplemental material, such as the comics. A sliding/floating timeline applies. Story instances for TV and other media will be clearly marked.

Early Life[]

Kimberly was relatively new to Angel Grove, as she moved to the city only a few weeks before Rita's attack and at first is unable to get along with her classmates. She was called the "Salad Girl" by Zack and Trini in the early days of school due to an incident where she complained about a salad at a fancy restaurant Zack worked at, who was then fired by the manager when Kimberly's parents complained about "the help" even though Zack was just a busser. She harbored a little resentment of the move to Angel Grove, as she left all her old friends behind and was unfamiliar with her new surroundings such as Angel Grove High, even going so far as to state she hated the city. Making things worse was the constant arguing of her parents, their eventual divorce and seeing her father preparing to marry another woman named Kelly whom Kimberly does not get along with.Comicicon COMIC STORY- [[|]]

Becoming a Ranger[]

Kimberly was one of the original five Power Rangers chosen by Zordon when Rita Repulsa attacked Earth following her release from "The Space Dumpster". Her four teammates were coincidentally her closest friends; Jason Lee Scott, Zack Taylor, Billy Cranston and Trini Kwan. Kimberly received the Pterodactyl Power Coin and the Pterodactyl Dinozord, thus becoming the Pink Mighty Morphin Power Ranger. She was a capable gymnast and would later show that she also has some musical and artistic talent. Tvicon TV STORY-Day of the Dumpster

When they are not saving the world, teenagers with attitudes chosen by Zordon gather at the Angel Grove Youth Center. Trini updates Alpha 5 with the language of the year 1993. Far away, Dr. Carver and Dr. Kenyon discover a new civilization and the largest statue ever built in ancient America. Unintentionally, Dr. Carver activates the terrible cross between monster and robot that attacks the excavation site. Back at the Youth Center, Billy creates a device with internet access when everyone sees the attack on TV. In the territory of the attack, summoning the Dinozords, the Power Rangers fight against a terrible monster. Struck by the lightning of the stone giant, the Rangers lose communication with Zordon and have their pieces exchanged makes it difficult in battle. With the help of Alpha 5, the exchange effect was reversed and the Rangers, winning the battle and returning the giant to its location.Comicicon COMIC STORY- Rita Repulsa's Attitude Adjustment Kimberly and her friends in the form of Power Rangers defeat Korruptor using Dino Megazord. Comicicon COMIC STORY- Going Green

Skull, one of the local bullies, had a crush on her until she became involved with Tommy Oliver. However, in Season 3, it is shown that Skull still had some lingering feelings for Kimberly when she was placed under a spell that made her—albeit briefly—reject Tommy. Tvicon TV STORY-The Potion Notion

Lord Zedd once wanted Kimberly to be his queen before marrying Rita, and ordered Goldar to capture and train her into being his queen, but the magic dust didn't work and she retained her memories as a Ranger; she then did a Rita impression to fool her captors and give Billy and Trini enough time to rescue her from her "training". Tvicon TV STORY-Beauty and the Beast

She is a romantic individual, beginning her tenure in a budding relationship with Matthew Cook and later developing a relationship with Tommy Oliver. Her mother and father divorced at some point before the main series and, though she initially wanted them to reconcile, her mother remarried and moved to Paris and then to St. Moineau, France. Comicicon COMIC STORY- [[|]] When Drakkon uses the Blue Power Coin to rob the Rangers (except Tommy) of their powers, Trini manages to utilize the Green Coin to give them all access back to the Grid. This re-powers Kimberly as a Green Ranger during the battles against Lord Drakkon's Black Dragon, and Finster's Goldar clones. Afterwards, she travels to the world of the Coinless to help the rebel forces fight back against Drakkon and save Tommy and Billy who had been lost within.

Kimberly is sent, along with Trini, on an intergalactic mission to retrieve pieces of Zordon's staff from a black market dealer named Zosma. The Rangers are driving out to the desert in Billy's RADBUG so they can send Rita back into space without any civilians seeing. During the drive, Zack reveals that he has gotten a gift for his girlfriend Angela: a pair of walkie-talkies designed after characters from an old children's show she likes. Trini explains to Kimberly that people often like to collect things that remind them of what made them happy, though Kimberly can't quite understand it. As the Rangers get out of the Radbug for a breather, Zack puts the walkie-talkies in the car's trunk next to Rita's Dumpster. Up in the Moon Palace, Lord Zedd is still in disbelief that his Scarlet Sentinel has fallen. Seeing the Rangers in the desert, he gets an idea and uses his power on the Radbug. Suddenly, the car comes to life and begins attempting to ram into the Rangers while claiming that it will no longer stand for being treated like a slave. The Rangers morph and use their Power Weapons to create a ramp that flips the Radbug on its roof and immobilizes it. Zedd throws a grenade down and the Radbug grows in size, plus gains a face made from Zack's walkie-talkies (which also gives Rita a means to complain about all the hassle she's getting put through). Tommy summons the White Tigerzord to deal with the Radbug while the other Rangers form the Thunder Megazord, and he tries to stop it by climbing into the runaway vehicle and driving it with his Tigerzord at the wheel. This only serves to anger the Radbug as it turns into a bipedal monster and ejects its Zord-driving driver. The Thunder Megazord rides the White Tigerzord to catch up to the Radbug as it nears Angel Grove's city limits. Once it gets close, the Megazord jumps onto the Radbug's hood and tears its fuel line out to end the joyride.With the Radbug back to normal, Billy tends to repairs while the other Rangers prepare to send Rita on her trip. Zack also recovers his walkie-talkies, which are perfectly intact, and Kimberly admits that she'll never doubt the value of collectibles again.Comicicon COMIC STORY- By Bug... Betrayed

Kim Chosen

Zordon choses Kimberly to become the Pink Ranger.

All the members of the team possessed unique fighting styles. She used a blend of gymnastic maneuvers followed by punches, elbows, and kicks. She often used the environment around her as a springboard for her attacks. Kimberly was often called upon to finish off monsters with physically visible weaknesses such as the Terror Toad's second mouth once he had been weakened by losing his horn and the Snizzard’s golden apple on top of its head.

Season 3[]

When Rito Revolto destroys the Thunderzords, Kimberly and the other Rangers travel to the Desert of Despair and gain new powers from the creator of the Power Coins, Ninjor. Kimberly becomes the Pink Ninja Ranger, harnessing the spirit of the crane and controlling the Pink Crane Ninjazord. She later moves in with Aisha's family when her mother becomes engaged to a painter and moves to France; Zedd creates a monster, Artistmole, from Kimberly's nightmares about her mother's fiancee, but Kimberly defeats it. Tvicon TV STORY-A Brush with Destiny Kimberly was sad when her mother was not present for the 1995 holiday season, but she returned from France to surprise her daughter.


Kim as the Pink Ninja Ranger.

Kimberly was replaced by Katherine Hillard. The veteran Ranger was targeted for elimination when Katherine (aka "Kat"), under Rita's spell, stole her power coin, granting her access to the Ninjazords. The coin being in the hands of evil also served to drain Kimberly of her life force as the Ninja Powers were linked directly to the life of the Ranger, unlike the Dinosaur-based power set. To take advantage of this, Rita launched a campaign to keep Kim overexerted in battle, knowing that, at the same time, she was focusing all of her personal time to gymnastics training for the Pan Global Games. On one occasion, Kimberly trained late at Ernie's Gym and Juice Bar after hours and, depleted, she fell from atop the balance beam. She is discovered unconscious on the floor by Katherine, overriding the evil spell she is under. Katherine calls the hospital and Kimberly is hospitalized. She recovered and later Katherine manages to give Kimberly her power coin back. However, Kimberly almost abandoned her gymnastics training after that, until she is encouraged to go back to it.

Kim Leaves

Kimberly entrusts her powers to Katherine.

In a turn of events, Katherine took a dramatic approach to inspiring Kimberly to pursue gymnastics again by revealing to Kimberly a scrapbook of her own athletic achievements in the sport of high diving. After hitting her head on the board, she gave up on the sport, just short of her entrance into the Olympics. Katherine lured Kimberly to a local pool where she arrived just in time to see Katherine perform a fearful, yet expert high dive for the first time in years. This, and Zordon's declaration that her recruitment as a Ranger is over, prompts Kimberly to leave in order to train full-time with Gunthar Schmidt for the Pan Global Games in Florida. She selects Katherine as her replacement. Tvicon TV STORY-A Different Shade of Pink


Tommy was Kimberly's boyfriend and the two shared many dates and tender moments. Unfortunately, about a year later, via a letter, Kimberly recounts to Tommy, her time in Florida and how good she's training for the competitions. She reveals that she found someone else in Florida whom she describes as a good person and he is her life love, and politely breaks up with him.

When Tommy was depressed by the letter, Tommy remembered his good moments years ago, when he was with Kimberly.

Later, Tommy, Billy, and Kat decided to Ski in the snow, Billy helps Tommy move on from Kimberly, and spend time with friends on the weekends. When Heather spends time with Tommy, Heather mentions to him from Kat and Billy about Kimberly. She understands what Tommy went through and that there was something special between him and Kimberly.

After the Zeo Rangers apparently defeated Defoliator, when Kat finds Tommy training, Billy mentions that Kimberly's "letter thing" still bothers him. Tvicon TV STORY-There's No Business Like Snow Business, Part II

When Goldar was asleep, he began having memories of fighting the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, including Kimberly. Tvicon TV STORY-A Golden Homecoming

Post Series & Other Events[]


Jason and Kimberly captured

Jason and Kimberly captured by Divatox.

Some time later, Kimberly and Jason returned to Angel Grove to surprise their ex-teammates and help with the children's shelter. The two ex-Rangers spent some time together. After some work, Kimberly and Jason decided to relax and went scuba diving together. While they were exploring the ocean they are captured by the evil pirate queen Divatox. They were to be sacrificed to Divatox's fiancee Maligore.

Jason originally tried to escape the bilge with Kimberly, as well as their neighboring cellmates Bulk and Skull, but when her turn came to leave the ship, her shirt was stuck on one of the bolts. Jason helped get her unstuck and Kimberly was able to escape, though Jason would be trapped inside shortly after when Divatox discovered the flooding from the bilge.

Kimberly reached the island of Muiranthias and lay exhausted on the beach from her recent escape. When she regained consciousness, she was found by the Malachians and she was quickly tied with rope to a wooden slab. The Malachians took the captured Kimberly to Maligore's temple, where she discovered Divatox, her forces and her captives had already made it there.


Kim and Jason as a sacrifice for Maligore's rising.

When the time of the sacrifice came near, Jason and Kimberly were tied together and their wrists chained to a rope that would lower them into the volcano. Before they could be lowered in, the Turbo Rangers arrived and they worked hard to prevent them from being lowered into the volcano. Despite the Rangers' best efforts to save their friends, Jason and Kimberly were ultimately lowered into the volcano by Rygog, much to the pleasure of Divatox. With the sacrifice complete, Kimberly and Jason reappeared in a burst of flames onto the volcano's edge, both under the control of Maligore with their eyes glowing red. After snapping their handcuffs with their bare hands, the two evil ex-Rangers followed Divatox's command to destroy the intruders and they began to assault the Rangers.


Tanya briefly struggling against a possessed Kimberly.

After briefly fighting off the Green and Yellow Turbo Rangers, Kimberly set her sights on the Pink Turbo Ranger and, despite Kat's please to fight the evil inside her the way Kat did when she was under Rita's control, Kim started to attack her Pink Ranger successor.


A possessed Kim with Kat.

Tommy was deeply troubled by this and he intervened, even taking off his helmet in an attempt to get Kimberly to remember him. However, when Kat said they were her friends, Kimberly merely laughed remarking that she had no friends and she watched on as Tommy was attacked by Jason. While Jason began attacking Tommy, Kimberly told Kat that "pink is out" and she knocked the Pink Turbo Ranger back with a kick to the stomach.

Jason and Kimberly free from Maligore's control

Kim thanking Jason, recently freed from a Piranhatron.

After kicking away Tanya the Yellow Turbo Ranger during a short struggle, Kimberly saw that Jason had finally overpowered Tommy and had him held by the throat at the edge of the volcanic pit. Kimberly watched with great pleasure, urging him to throw Tommy into the pit. However, Lerigot and Lara were watching nearby and after noticing Kimberly, the Liarians used their magic on Kimberly and her eyes returned to their normal color as she was cured of the evil spell. After Tommy, in an attempt to save himself, inadvertently caused Jason to fall over the edge, Kimberly ran to Tommy's side to help Jason back out of the flames, reaffirming her affiliation with Tommy and the forces of good.

After helping move the Liarians out of harm's way, Kimberly was chased away by some Piranhatrons and fought with them. After punching one Piranhatron away, Kimberly was grabbed by her arms from behind by another and she struggled to get free. She was quickly found by Jason, who had been cured of his own evil spell a few moments before, and he pulled the Piranhatron off of Kimberly before defeating the Piranhatron with a kick.


Kimberly happy for Jason and her friends winning the check on the tournament.

Having fought off the Piranhatrons, Kimberly and Jason helped the Liarians out of the volcano and, after the Turbo Megazord had destroyed Maligore, the Rangers helped them aboard the Turbo Megazord's cockpit to leave Muiranthias. Later, Kimberly was seated next to Ernie among the spectators of the Martial Arts Competition in the film's finale. After Tommy, Adam, and Jason won the martial arts match, she can be seen holding Jason's hands and cheering her friends as they're awarded the check to save the children's shelter.Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie

The Lost Episode[]

Kimberly Ann Hart was seen in archive footage, along with various Rangers and villains, when Austin St. John and Walter Jones related about the Power Rangers' team from Mighty Morphin until the recently Lost Galaxy. Tvicon TV STORY-The Lost Episode

Dino Thunder[]

Kimberly was featured in a chronicle of Power Ranger history compiled by Tommy Oliver shortly after he formed the Dino Rangers, which was found by the nascent Ranger team in the Dino Lab. Tvicon TV STORY-Legacy of Power

Tommy and Team Original Photo

Kimberly and the original Ranger Team in a photo.

Kimberly appeared in the picture of the old MMPR team that Dr. Tommy Oliver had with him as a memento of the past during the time when he returned as the Green Ranger again. Kira found the image while helping Tommy. Tvicon TV STORY-Bully for Ethan


Kimberly along with the other Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and other Ranger teams are seen in Troy's premonition about the Legendary Battle. Tvicon TV STORY-Mega Mission

She and the other Rangers are seen again in another of Troy's dream/vision about the Legendary Battle. Tvicon TV STORY-Stranger Ranger

Super Megaforce[]

PRSM-Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Kimberly returning alongside her fellow Rangers.

Emperor Mavro was defeated, but the remaining thousands of X Borgs still stand. Tommy gathered all the existing Power Rangers, Kimberly returned with her original Mighty Morphin team and her powers somehow fully restored, as part of the army of Legendary Rangers led by Tommy that helped the Mega Rangers defeat the Armada once and for all, fighting in a huge battle against hundreds of X Borgs and dozens of Bruisers. After the demise of the X Borgs, Tommy shook hands with Troy and teleported off along with Kimberly and the Legendary Rangers. Tvicon TV STORY-Legendary Battle

Beast Morphers[]

Mighty Morphing Rangers manking bad episode

Kimberly in Scrozzle's database.

Kimberly was shown in archive footage along with the other Mighty Morphin Power Rangers in Scrozzle's database when the villains were looking for a past villain to revive with the Reanimizer and came across Goldar. Evox believes that Goldar is the perfect one. After seeing footage of Goldar overpowering the Mighty Morphin Rangers in the Megazord, the other villains are quick to agree with Evox. Tvicon TV STORY-Making Bad

Mighty Morphin BM

Kimberly with the other Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comes to help.

Kimberly responded to Jason's signal and returned alongside her fellow Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as part of the Legendary Dino Ranger army. When after the rest of the Rangers turned into their Ranger forms, Kimberly along with the other Dino Ranger teams fight against Goldar, Snide, Robo Blaze, Robo Roxy, and his several foot soldiers.

Ivan Kim and Kira

Kimberly fighting alongside Ivan and Kira.

Kimberly and Kira are led by Ivan, in a Ptera formation attacking with their blasters at several numbers of Putty Patrollers, Triptoids, Vivix, and Tronics while they're flying. When the battle seemed won, the Legendary Dino Rangers combine all their weapons into the Dino Power Ultra Blaster and manage to destroy Goldar Maximus.

Evox arrives and says that the real fight begins now. Kimberly witness seeing how Evox is using the geode to summon his newest Zord, the Chimera Zord, she and the other Dino Rangers are attacked by the evil Zord. The Legendary Dino Rangers summon their respective Zords. All three Megazords try to fight against the Chimera Zord, but it proves to be too powerful for them, Devon manages to summon the Beast-X King Zord and join in the fight. Devon and the Dino Charge Rangers combine their Zords into the Dino Charge Megazord Beast-X King Formation. With the combined might of all three Megazords, the Ranger teams combine their blasts into one powerful energy beam, destroying the Chimera Zord as Evox retreats.

The Rangers after to destroy Evox

Kimberly and the other Dino Rangers triumphant fight over Evox's Chimera Zord.

With the fight over, the Ranger teams regroup in the quarry, with the Dino Charge Rangers regaining their Energems and Keeper regaining his staff. Zoey is confident they can handle him before thanking everybody for their help. Afterwards, the Mighty Morphin and Dino Thunder Rangers return to their dimension. Tvicon TV STORY-Grid Connection

Dino Fury[]

Season 1[]

Kimberly in archive footage Dino Fury

Kimberly is seen in the Legendary Ranger Database.

Solon retaliate to Ollie Akana about Lord Zedd, while she investigates the Legendary Ranger Database Mick gave them. Looking through the files, they see Lord Zedd's history as the Emperor of Evil and his countless fights against the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Kimberly is seen briefly when Lord Zedd use the Rock of Time to turn the Rangers into children. Tvicon TV STORY-Old Foes

Season 2[]

Zayto activates the Legendary Ranger Database, showing Master Blue that Master Green came to them after the Dinohenge statues were destroyed and restored them to normal. Also, Zayto says that he found Ranger teams who were saved in their darkest moments through unexplained reasons and shows them three specific moments. Including the Legendary Battle where all the Legendary Rangers including Kimberly and the other Mighty Morphin Power Rangers coming to the aid of the Megaforce Rangers in the Legendary Battle and helping them defeat an entire army of the Armada's X Borgs. Tvicon TV STORY-Morphin Master

Once & Always[]

Tommy Oliver In Once And Always

Kimberly reunited with her old team.

In 2022, Kim arrived with the other original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers when Billy found himself confronted by Robo Rita. When Trini was killed and Robo-Rita retreated to the Dark Dimension, Kim was shown to be visibly distraught falling to her knees and punching the ground in anguish, grieving over the loss of one of her best friends.

Shrunken Rangers (1)

Kimberly along with Jason and Tommy are captured by Robo Rita

One year later, Kim was present at Trini's grave with Tommy, Jason and Billy paying their respects at Angel Grove Cemetery when Robo-Rita returned with Robo-Snizzard and Robo-Minotaur. They quickly morphed but were overpowered by Snizzard's new power, which incapacitated them and enabled Rita to miniaturize and capture all but Billy and Zack. With Kim captured with the others and their powers being slowly drained by Robo-Rita's time device, Kat is recruited to reclaim the power of the Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger, using a Proxy version of Kim's Pterodactyl Coin.

In the end, they are saved thanks to Trini's daughter Minh Kwan, and the remaining Mighty Morphin Rangers, at which point Aisha and Adam take the shrunken Rangers to Aquitar to get them turned back to normal. Tvicon TV STORY-Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always

Cosmic Fury[]

During Lord Zedd's takeover of Earth, multiple Ranger teams were captured and imprisoned. When the Cosmic Fury team returned for a counter attack, Billy helped to free his team, including Kimberly.

Soul of the Dragon[]

Migthy Morphing Power Rangers photo

Tommy watched a photo of his old Mighty Morphin Power Ranger teammates.

Tommy waxes nostalgic at his house whilst looking at a picture of himself and the original five Mighty Morphin Power Rangers including Kimberly.

When Tommy lament about Finster's death, he takes the picture of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers including Kimberly. Comicicon COMIC STORY- Power Rangers: Soul of the Dragon


Kimberly starts the series as a typical valley girl, but with a heightened awareness for her friends. Throughout the series, she is the member of the team most likely to fire off a sarcastic or witty retort. As the seasons progress, though, she becomes a friendlier, more kind-hearted person.

Body Swapped[]

  • Kimberly and Billy body swapped, when they test the mind reading machine (after Squatt tamper with it), Kimberly temporarily becomes Billy/Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger. Later, with the mind reading machine fixed, Kimberly and Billy return to their normal selves. Tvicon TV STORY-Switching Places




Ranger Costume

As the Pink Ranger of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Also retroactively known as Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger or Pink Mighty Morphin Ranger (unofficial titles). During Season 3, her suit changed slightly, showing the Crane Ninja Coin in her Morpher, rather than the Pterodactyl Power Coin.

Powers and Abilities[]


to be added


to be added


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to be added



Appearances: MMPR S1 Episodes 1-15, 17-60; MMPR S2 Episodes 1-21, 23-38, 40-43, 46, 47, 49, 50, 52; MMPR S3 Episodes 1-4, 6-15, 18, 23; SM Episodes 20 & LBEV; BM S2 Episode 13; O&A


Pink Ninja Ranger

After having received the Power of Ninja from Ninjor, Kimberly is able to transform into the The Pink Ninja Ranger. This form enables the user to use a multitude of ninja techniques. It seems, however, weaker than the standard Ranger form, as it is only used against Tenga Warriors, with the team always morphing to their standard Ranger forms whenever a Monster appears.

Powers and Abilities[]


to be added



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to be added


Appearances: MMPR S3 Episodes 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 20


Blue Ranger Costume

As a result of being teleported to Breel, Kimberly's powers gained Billy's Ranger powers, while Zack gained her powers. This swap allowed for Kimberly to become the Blue Ranger.[1]

When Kim's mind was switched with Billy's, Billy's body gained Kim's Valley Girl traits and attitude.

Powers and Abilities[]


to be added


to be added


to be added


to be added



Appearances: MMPR Episode 16







Villain Groups[]

Evil Space Aliens[]
Divatox's Crew[]
Mesogog's Army[]
Sledge's Crew[]
Evox Virus Army[]


to be added

Behind the Scenes[]


  • Kimberly is portrayed by Amy Jo Johnson.
  • As the Mighty Morphin' Pink Ranger, her suit actor was Kiyohito Nakagawa (中川 清人 Nakagawa Kiyohito) in Super Sentai footage from Zyuranger, while in original footage her suit actors were Sophia Crawford and Akihiro Noguchi (野口彰宏 Noguchi Akihiro).
  • When Kimberly and Billy switched bodies in "Switching Places", Kimberly was portrayed by David Yost.
  • Unlike her co-stars, Amy Jo Johnson was the most professionally trained actor/actress, having trained at Lee Strasberg Theater and American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York City. She had moved to Los Angeles after that and landed the role of Kimberly only six months later.
  • Johnson would elaborate on the audition. “I went through all of this training and felt I had done very well. However, coming into Hollywood makes your confidence drop quite a bit because roles are not guaranteed and I struggled to find work for months. They had an open casting call and while I was a few years older than most who were auditioning, I felt I related to Kimberly better and I still looked and acted like a teenager, so that helped.”


Alter ego Designation Dimension
Kimberly Harte (Rebecca Staples) Biorhythm Pink Bio-Man (1986)
Kimberly (Amy Jo Johnson) Pink Ranger Lost Episode (1992)
Kimberly Ann Hart (Amy Jo Johnson) Pink Ranger & Pink Ninja Ranger Mighty Morphin (1993-95)
Kimberly Smith Pink Ranger Hamilton Comics
Kimberly (Amy Jo Johnson) Pink Ranger & Pink Ninja Ranger MMPR: The Movie (1995)
Kimberly Hart (Naomi Scott) Pink Ranger Power Rangers Movie (2017)
Kimberly Hart (World of the Coinless) Ranger Slayer Boom! Studios


to be added


to be added

Legendary Ranger Devices[]

PteraRanger Ranger Key

The Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger Key.

The Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger Key is Kimberly's personal Ranger Key. This key along with the majority of the Core Ranger Keys are seen lining the Command Center's interior walls. This key is mainly used by Emma Goodall (Super Megaforce Pink) who uses it to fight as Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger.

MMPR Pink Charger

MMPR Pink Dino Charger

As part of SDCC 2015, Bandai released an exclusive Dino Charge Mighty Morphin' Charger set with each Dino Charger depicting four pictures. In Mighty Morphin' Pink's case, it featured her Ranger form, the MMPR title, the Pterodactyl Dinozord, and the Power Bow.



Amy Jo Johnson with fans.

  • Midway through Season 3, Amy Jo Johnson requested that Kimberly was written off the show because she wanted to pursue other opportunities in acting. The character was accommodated with a 10-episode story arc focused on Kimberly, leading up to her departure.
  • Out of all the Rangers, Kimberly has the most episodes focusing on her.
  • So far, Kimberly is the only Power Ranger who does gymnastics.
  • As revealed in "Different Drum", Kimberly is fluent in American Sign Language.
  • Kimberly coined the phrase "Morphinominal!", which has been used in many Power Ranger shows since the character's departure from the series.
  • Kimberly was the very first Ranger in the series to appear onscreen. However, she is not the first to be officially introduced as her name is not mentioned until after Zack and Jason's.
  • The name Kimberly was previously used when the 1984 Super Sentai Series Choudenshi Bioman was dubbed in Philippine English, as an English name for Hikaru Katsuragi (Pink Five).
  • Kimberly is the only Ranger (though not the only character) to appear in all three movies, though each of the three films takes place in a different continuity.
  • The role of Kimberly was originally meant to be a stereotypical "dumb blonde"-type character, but was changed to more of a valley-girl type when Amy Jo was cast, which her gymnastics also contributed to.
  • Kimberly, along with Tommy, Billy, Adam, Rocky and Jason are the only Rangers to appear in more than 100 episodes.
  • Kimberly was voted the best Pink Ranger of all time in an ABC Family/Jetix poll.
  • Kimberly is a playable character in Power Rangers Legacy Wars, in four different incarnations.
  • It is not known what becomes of Kimberly after her appearance in the Turbo movie, This has led some fans to believe that, if the rejected romance between Jason and Kimberly in the "Turbo" movie were true, that Jason and Kimberly would now be a couple at this point in time, or maybe even married.
  • Kimberly returns in the video game Power Rangers: Super Legends, though she is not played or voiced by Amy Jo Johnson. Amit Bhaumik, the script-editor of Power Rangers: Wild Force, claimed in a 2005 interview that he had intended to reveal Kimberly had married Skull in a draft of Forever Red, and therefore would be the mother of future Power Rangers Samurai/Super Samurai character Spike, but this was dropped early in editing. Bhaumik said that he would've liked to have Amy Jo Johnson come back to reprise her role, as well as a few other past "Power Rangers" actors, but was unable to at the time. Whether Kimberly has ended up with her unnamed boyfriend mentioned in "Zeo", Jason or even Skull remains unexplained in any incarnation of "Power Rangers" since the character's last on-screen appearance on the show.
  • A draft of the "goodbye" scene in "Forever Red", confirmed by Amit Bhaumik on Facebook when asked, also had Kimberly pick Tommy up and be confirmed to be his wife; he also stated that he is a fan of the relationship between Tommy and Kimberly in MMPR. This was a revisiting of a similar scene in which Kat was going to pick him up from the NASADA space port.[Citation needed]
  • Kimberly's birthday was given as February 14, making her an Aquarius.
  • Kimberly's birthplace was Seattle, Washington.
  • With regards to the future, Kimberly stated she wished to go to college, and was thinking about being a teacher as she loved working with little kids, but she also wanted to own a gym and coach gymnastics, as well as write.


Power Rangers Key Scanner[]

Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger Scanner App Assets

Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger in Power Rangers Key Scanner

Kimberly as Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger appears in the app videogame Power Rangers Key Scanner, amog various other Ranger teams.

Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Legacy[]

MM Pink Ranger in PR SMF Legacy

Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger in Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Legacy

Kimberly as Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger appears only usable for Final Strike in the videogame Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Legacy, among various other Rangers teams.

Power Rangers Dash[]

Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger in Power Rangers Dash

Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger in Power Rangers Dash

Kimberly along with the other Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are among all the Ranger teams which appear in the Korean-developed mobile game Power Rangers Dash.

Power Rangers Legacy Wars[]

In the game Power Rangers Legacy Wars, Kimberly Ann Hart is a playable as the Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger. She as Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger is an Epic (Leader), Common (Assist) character, represents the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, along with Jason, Zack, Trini, Billy and Tommy.

Power Rangers Battle For The Grid[]

BFTG Pink Ranger Skin

Mighty Morphin Pink Rangerin Battle For The Grid.

Kimberly makes an appearance in Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid as a playable character. She does not have her own slot, and is a alternate outfit for Kimberly Ann Hart (World of the Coinless). You can unlock this outfit by purchasing the Deluxe edition of the game.

Puzzle and Dragons[]

As part of the collaboration with Hasbro in a limited game event, Kimberly as Pink Ranger was an unlockable character in Puzzle and Dragons.


  • 10 Turns (10 Turns at Lv.1), this card can be used as assist.

Leader Skill

  • Fire & Light attribute cards ATK x2, RCV x2. Increases time limit of orb movement by 4 seconds.
  • All attribute cards ATK x6 when reaching 3 combos or above.

Other Games[]

Power Rangers Collectible Card Game[]

Collectible Card Game Pink Mighty Morphin Power Ranger

Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger in Power Rangers Collectible Card Game.

Kimberly as Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger appears in the American trading card game Power Rangers Collectible Card Game.

Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid[]

Kimberly appears as a playable character in the board game Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid.

Power Rangers Deck-Building Game[]

Kimberly appears as a playable character in the Power Rangers Deck-Building Game.

See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Beast Morphers Icon-gobusters
Devon Daniels - Ravi Shaw - Zoey Reeves - Nate Silva - Steel - Tyler Rinker
Beast-X Morpher - Striker Morpher - Beast-X Visor - Morph-X Keys - Beast-X Blaster - Beast-X Saber - Striker Saber - Cheetah Beast Blaster - Cheetah Claws - Beast-X Ultra Blaster - Beast-X King Activator - Beast-X King Ultra Bow - Beast-X Spin Saber
Grid Battleforce: Commander Shaw - General Burke - Betty Burke - Ben Burke - Blaze - Roxy - Megan - Cole
Civilians: Mayor Adam Daniels - Muriel Reeves - Joey - Regina Collins - Dr. Walsh - Kerry Dixon - Mike Reeves
Captain Chaku - Doctor K - Colonel Mason Truman - Keeper
Legendary Dino Rangers:Tyler Navarro - Koda - Chase Randall - Riley Griffin - Shelby Watkins - Sir Ivan of Zandar - Conner McKnight - Ethan James - Kira Ford - Jason Lee Scott - Billy Cranston - Black Ranger - Yellow Ranger - Kimberly Ann Hart
Beast Bots

Cruise - Smash - Jax - Steel

Zords & Megazords
Racer Zord - Wheeler Zord - Chopper Zord - Wrecker Zord - Jet Zord - Beast-X King Zord - Reptillobeast
Racer Zord Battle Mode - Beast-X Megazord - Wrecker Zord Battle Mode - Striker Megazord - Beast-X Ultrazord - Beast-X King Zord Battle Mode - Beast-X King Megazord - Beast-X King Ultrazord
Leader: Evox/Venjix
Generals: Scrozzle - Blaze - Roxy - Vargoyle
Foot Soldiers: Tronics - Gigatronics
Zords: Ripperzord - Chimera Zord - Omegadrone
Season One: Cycletron - Needletron - Shoveltron - Slicertron - Meltatron - Railtron - Vacuutron - Antennatron - Drilltron - Tooltron - Clonetron - Tubatron - Tubatron 2.0 - Burnertron - Turbotron - Shockatron - Spiketron - Infernotron
Season Two: Drilltron 2.0 - Trappertron - Gamertron - Keytron - Digitron - Controlatron - Dumbbelltron - Boxertron - Tiaratron - Bulldozertron - Thieftron - Clawtron - Antennatron 2.0 - Railtron 2.0
Season One: Cycledrone - Needledrone - Shoveldrone - Slicerdrone - Meltadrone - Raildrone - Vacuudrone - Antennadrone - Drilldrone - Tooldrone - Delta Gigadrone 1 - Clonedrone - Tubadrone - Tubadrone 2.0 - Burnerdrone - Turbodrone - Shockadrone - Unidentified Gigadrone 1 - Unidentified Gigadrone 2 - Spikedrone - Delta Gigadrone 2 - Infernodrone
Season Two: Drilldrone 2.0 - Trapperdrone - Gamerdrone - Keydrone - Digidrone - Controladrone - Alphadrone - Betadrone - Gammadrone - Deltadrone - Tiaradrone - Bulldozerdrone - Unidentified Gigadrone 3 - Unidentified Gigadrone 4 - Thiefdrone - Clawdrone - Antennadrone 2.0
Sledge's Crew
Sledge - Snide - Poisandra - Wrench - Fury - Curio - Vivix
Ryjack - Goldar - Putty Patrollers - Triptoids
Pink Rangers
Kimberly Ann HartKatherine HillardCassie ChanKendrix MorganKaroneDana MitchellJen ScottsSyd DrewVida RoccaRose OrtizMia WatanabeEmma GoodallShelby WatkinsSarah ThompsonAmelia Jones
Kimberly Ann Hart (1995 movie)Kimberly Hart (2017 movie)Chloe AshfordDaniel O'HalloranCasey JonesSamantha LaRusso

Secondary Rangers
Kimberly PuttyPuttyKristenMarie-Claire le MondePink Shadow RangerRobo CassiePink Creep
Psycho PinkPink Cyborg RangerEvil Time Force PinkA-Squad PinkEvil Pink Mystic RangerEvil Pink Overdrive Ranger

Power Sets
Pink RangerZeo Ranger I PinkPink Turbo RangerPink Space RangerGalaxy PinkPink Lightspeed RangerTime Force PinkS.P.D. Pink RangerPink Mystic RangerPink Overdrive RangerPink Samurai RangerMegaforce PinkSuper Megaforce PinkDino Charge Pink RangerNinja Steel Pink - Dino Fury Pink Ranger
Pink Ranger (1995 movie)Pink Ranger (2017 movie)
