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Fly The Balloon! Asumi and Latte's Hot Feelings (気球よ飛んで!アスミとラテの熱い想い Kikyū yo Tonde! Asumi to Rate no Atsui Omoi)? is the 27th episode of Healin' Good♥Pretty Cure and is the 809th episode of the Pretty Cure franchise overall.


Nodoka's father, Takeshi, invites Nodoka and her friends to watch his juniors in a balloon competition. When a team member is unable to participate, Asumi decides to be their replacement.

Major Events

  • Asumi receives the Air Element Bottle.
  • Asumi learns what "frustration" means.
  • Daruizen forces a Mega Part into Grace's body.


Mr. Hanadera introduces Nodoka, his wife and Asumi to the members of his hot-air balloon club from college. He describes one of them, Kazu, using the word "passionate" and Asumi becomes curious. They watch as the team prepare to fill the balloon, and Kazu explains the process of what makes it float to the girls. Hot-air balloons aren't controlled like a car, but by the wind, and since they cannot control the wind, they must use their own knowledge of knowing where the accurate wind speed and direction is and adjust the height accordingly.

Meanwhile, Shindoine observes Guaiwaru as he works on an experiment. Daruizen seems lost in his own thoughts, causing her to complain when he approaches to ask if she remembers her original host. She is unable to and he walks away.

Asumi chats with Kazu for a moment when Hinata arrives in her family's shop van. She offers the girls some dorayaki she practiced making, but Kazu isn't interested in having any when she offers, since he is more focused on the race. Asumi is surprised, but his passion encourages her to want to support him. The girls watch as the balloons fill up and lift high into the sky, and they hop back into their vehicles to head over to the location of the marking the balloons will land on. Asumi is disappointed when she realizes Kazu's team isn't in front though, and the girls cheer for him as he prepares to descend. But for some reason his balloon isn't going the right way, its going off-course. Asumi is saddened as more teams are able to make the mark, and she becomes troubled by her unfamiliar feeling. By the time Kazu is able to land and they reunite, she is confused by his light-hearted response to the defeat.  

She approaches Kazu to ask him about this as Chiyu arrives, wondering how he could seem so happy with his loss. Kazu expresses that for as much as he practices, he isn't very good at critical moments such as these. His behavior earlier wasn't that of joy, but feeling defeat. Asumi asks him if he knows why she feels so bad when he girls arrive, and Chiyu explains that she is feeling frustrated. They are unable to linger on it long when a teammate arrives to inform Kazu that Amano fainted from anemia. She was preparing very late yesterday and its taken a toll on her. Kazu begins to worry, given that she was the one best at predicting the wind. At Latte's suggestion, Asumi offers to fill in for her. She assures them that she can predict the wind too.

The girls watch from the bridge as the balloons depart. They wonder if Asumi will be okay but Chiyu assures them that she will be fine, she was born by the element of wind. Unknown to them, Guaiwaru has shown up and he transforms one of the balloons into a Megabyogen.

As the car heads to the location of the landing spot Asumi observes the nature surrounding her. Once again Kazu's balloon heads off course, and they wonder what he should do, but Asumi tells him to keep going. The wind current will return him to the appropriate location. Kazu begins to feel saddened, but Asumi encourages him not to give up and the wind picks up, allowing him to float towards the landing spot. Before he can mark it Asumi notices that Latte has become sick and she reunites with the girls just as the Megabyogen appears. They transform into Pretty Cure but quickly become overwhelmed by its scorching heat after Guaiwaru inserts three Mega Part's into it. Cure Earth flies high into the air to attack the monster, angered by the efforts of everyone being messed up because of him. Fontain prepares to use the ice bottle but gets blasted back, and Sparkle does a quick scan to locate the air element inside of it. Seeing as the monster is slowly being pushed around by the wind, Earth uses her wind power from the harp to summon a large current that traps the monster and she tosses it into the air to knock it off balance. She uses Healing Hurricane to purify it.

Everything returns to normal and Asumi obtains the bottled element of air. They just need one more to fill their bottle collection. The girls return to Kazu and his group, where he happily informs Asumi that he won't cover up his feelings of frustration anymore. Everyone partakes in the dorayaki Hinata made when Nodoka hears a strange sound with Rabirin. She runs to the location to find Daruizen, about to use a Mega Part. But before he can she transforms into Cure Grace and interrupts, causing his target to get away. He turns and decides to use it on her instead, forcing it into her body when she attempts to attack him. Grace cries out in pain and falls unconscious.


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Secondary Characters



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Episode Preview


ヒーリングっど♥プリキュア 第27話予告 「気球よ飛んで!アスミとラテの熱い想い」

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