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Aida Mana (相田マナ)? (or Maya Aida in the English Dub Glitter Force Doki Doki) is one of the five main Cures in Doki Doki! Pretty Cure and she is also the leader of the group. She's a second-year student at Oogai First Middle School and is in the same class as Rikka and Makoto.

Her Cure alter ego is Cure Heart (キュアハート)?, or Glitter Heart in the Glitter Force Doki Doki dub. Her catchphrase is "Kyunkyun!" (キュンキュン!)? which is the onomatopoeia that is used to express the tightening of one's chest caused by the powerful warm feelings of love; the dub changes this to "Feel the Doki Doki!".



Mana has magenta eyes and short, flared hair with a small portion worn up in a ponytail held by an off-white bow. Her layered bangs frame her face. Casually she wears a white and lilac striped long-sleeve shirt beneath a pale pink top with white stripes and a heart design, a ruffled light pink mini-skirt, lilac stockings, and a pair of pink and white sneakers. During summer she wears a black top under a light pink t-shirt, black leggings, a layered pink skirt, and a pair of pink and white sneakers.

As Cure Heart, her eyes brighten and her longer hair turns bright blonde, worn in four large curls with the rest pulled up into a ponytail with two large loops resembling a heart held up by a pink and white hair piece. On each side of the head is a pink and white heart with heart-shaped fabric. A pink pointed choker and magenta heart earrings are included. She wears a pink dress with white detail and winged sleeves. Straps of magenta and white circle the chest, shoulder, and waist, a magenta ribbon with heart-shaped tails rests on the corner. The scalloped skirt has a pointed pale blue layer, followed by a peplum of four points, a frilly white petticoat. She also gains magenta shorts, pink and white boots to match the sleeves, each adorned by a magenta gem heart to match the one on the chest. White heart-shaped fabric hangs from it.

In Parthenon Mode, her hair grows longer and she gains large white wings. The pink of her outfit becomes very pale, with the exception of the hearts in her hair, and the gem hearts of her outfit. Around her shoulder is a ruffled white cape, with a winged heart on the corner and gold neckline.

During Engage Mode, her hair grows out, including the four short curls and the lock on each side of her face. Her hair ornament is made of gem hearts and her accessories partially change. She gains a ruffled white dress reminiscent of that of a Bride, with accents of pale pink ruffles, and pieces of lace. On the corner of the skirt is a magenta ribbon, and on the chest is a gem heart with a pair of pink heart-shaped fabric to accent the trim on top. She also gains white and magenta boots and matching opera gloves, with a gem heart bracelet on each wrist.


Mana is a cheerful girl who is great at sports and her studies. Her kindness makes her popular at school, and she has the trust of not only the students but adults as well. She often worries about other people, and takes on various problems on her own in order not to burden others. She is great at taking care of people, resolving conflicts, helping friends out with extracurricular activities, and solving problems. However, she often rushes into things before thinking it through. She is childhood friends with Rikka, who is her secretary, and Alice; also, she is a fan of the idol Kenzaki Makoto.

Mana is incredibly fast and if there is any problem to resolve, she shows that she is very competent. She makes friends very quickly and thinks about other people first. Also, she is very courageous, as she heads straight into danger to help people without thinking and even lectures a dangerous Jikochuu. Mana is shown to be a very open and tolerant person as she does not wonder about the existence of fairy mascots like Sharuru, monsters like Jikochuus or her mysterious transformation into a Pretty Cure.


  • Hishikawa Rikka: Rikka is one of Mana's childhood friends as well as her secretary. Because they live close by to each other, they often walk home together. They always protect each other and Mana believes in Rikka a lot. She knows Rikka inside and out.
  • Yotsuba Alice: An elementary school classmate and Mana's other childhood friend. She and Rikka used to play at Alice's house a lot as children. She also stood up for Alice whenever she was being bullied.
  • Kenzaki Makoto: Mana is a big fan of Makoto, as well as one of her Pretty Cure partners. They become good friends after getting to know each other.
  • Sharuru: Mana's transformation partner. They're good friends with each other. When Sharuru had transformed into a human, she wanted to become like Mana.
  • Madoka Aguri: She met Aguri during a festival, who had encouraged Mana to do her best to save Regina from her father and his servant. Aguri started off being rather stern towards Mana, and even took her Cure Lovead away to teach her a lesson. After overcoming the lesson, Mana is able to become better friends with her.
  • Regina: They become close friends in episode 17, reaffirming their friendship in episode 20 before the trio took her to see her father. In episode 22, her relationship with Mana ends as Regina is brainwashed by her father. In episode 47, Mana's friendship with Regina is restored when she protects Mana from her father.
  • Nikaidou Takuya: They have been friends since elementary school. Mana scolds him every time he causes trouble.
  • Hoshizora Miyuki: In New Stage 2, Mana met Miyuki when Candy contacted the Doki Doki! mascots about the "Pretty Cure Party." Throughout the movie, Mana and Miyuki developed a close friendship.
  • Marsh: He is Mana's pet dog, who she cared about.


Aida (相田)?: Ai (相) means "togetherness" referring to being close to people who they trust her, while da (田) means "field". Ai could also indicate "love" (愛), as all of her partner Cures have their motif in their names. "Aida" (間) as a common phrase, means "in between".

Mana (マナ)?: Mana (愛) means "love". It might refer to her loving nature.

Her English dub name Maya means "illusion" or "magic" in Hindu philosophy, and is an alternate name of the Hindu goddess Durga in Hindu mythology.[1] Her surname, while pronounced differently in English, is an Italian name that means "helpful."

Cure Heart is a shape that is used to symbolize love and is also one of the four symbols in playing cards.[2]



Since childhood, Mana had been friends with Rikka and Alice in elementary school. Four years prior to the season, a classmate from her elementary school found a puppy, and Mana decided to adopt and name him "Marshmallow". She grew very close with him, until one day when Marshmallow ended up being run over by a car and died while she was visiting her hospitalized grandmother Bando Isuzu. This had left a lasting and traumatic impact on Mana for a long time.

Becoming Cure Heart[]

When visiting Clover Tower, Mana comes upon a lost child named Michiko. After finding her mother, Mana notices the idol, MakoPi surrounded by fans. As the idol tried to push through the crowd, her pin falls out of her hair. Mana quickly picks it up and returned it. Shortly afterwards, she comes across a shopkeeper, who is selling pins. He gives Mana one for free, which she gladly takes. She then joins Rikka in a line to the top of the tower. But suddenly a Jikochuu appears and starts heading towards the top of the tower. Realizing people are up there, Mana makes for the stairs, not realizing a pink rabbit like fairy is following her. She just makes it to the top to save Michiko, in which she then gives the Jikochuu her attention. Impressed, Sharuru introduces herself to Mana and becomes the Lovely Commune for Mana to use to transform. However, Mana doesn't know the right phrase and yells out "Transform!". Nothing happens but luckily Sword appears to purify the Jikochuu. But Sword is captured by Marmo's Jikochuu which has Mana sprung into action. This allows her Lovely Commune and Lovead to glow which gives her the ability to finally transform into Cure Heart.DDPC01

Getting over what happened, Heart starts fighting the Jikochuu, freeing Sword in the process. However, Sword is knocked off the side of the tower, but Heart quickly saves her. Once Sword is safe, Heart cleans the Jikochuu with My Sweet Heart and the damage is reversed. Heart then tries to befriend Sword but is rejected.

Revealing Her Alias To Rikka[]

Upon returning from her first battle, Mana is greeted by her worried classmates and teacher. On the way home, Rikka suspects Mana is hiding something and tries to get her to spill the beans. But when Mana tells her she became a Pretty Cure, Rikka doesn't believe her. The next day at school, Mana tries to tell Rikka again but is stopped by Sharuru and Raquel, who tell her it isn't a good idea to reveal her identity in public. But suddenly, another Jikochuu appears and freezes anyone it came across. With no other choice, Mana transforms into Cure Heart, to which Rikka realizes Mana was telling the truth the whole time. During the battle, Heart is hit by the red beam and turns to stone, so Rikka steps in to try and help. After a short while, Heart is finally freed once Rikka pressed the button on the Jikochuu's back. Now that she could move again, Heart quickly purified the Jikochuu. On the way home, Rikka forces Mana to carry her school bag but forgives her for everything.DDPC02

Finding the Remaining Cures[]

Cure Diamond[]

After investigating Mana's Lovead, Rikka and Mana head to Pig Tail for dinner. As they part ways, Mana asks Rikka to join her as a Cure, with Raquel thinking she'd be perfect as Mana's partner but she declines the offer. The next day, Mana and Rikka find Joe. Rikka tries to question him, but he forcibly gives Rikka a Lovead and leaves. The two fairies then realize a Jikochuu had appeared, so the girls rush over to its location. Mana transforms but as she struggles to fight the Jikochuu, Rikka remembers when she first met Mana. Her Lovead shines, and with Raquel as a Lovely Commune, Rikka manages to transform into Cure Diamond. She quickly cleanses the Jikochuu with Twinkle Diamond, and accepts her duty as a Cure. As they de-transform, the duo realize Lance has gone missing, with Alice appearing with the missing fairy and her butler, Sebastian.DDPC03

Cure Rosetta[]

Mana and Rikka are invited to Alice's house, where they find out Alice had footage of Mana transforming in Clover Tower. Mana is shocked and tries to lie but to no avail. However, with the help of Alice, she and Rikka find the next Jikochuu. Unfortunately, they arrived on top of Alice's car, which made Heart get motion sickness. After a quick recovery though, she and Diamond successfully defeat the Jikochuu, while Alice sat watching.

As the day went on, Mana and Rikka explained to Lance about Alice's short temper. When Mana was bullied by some boys for protecting Alice, Alice lost her temper and fought the boys using the differ fighting techniques she learned. As night fell, another Jikochuu appeared but this time Heart and Diamond really struggled. Thankfully Alice finally gained confidence to transform into Cure Rosetta, and gave Heart the time she needed to purify the Jikochuu. After the battle, Mana learns that Makoto is actually Cure Sword, thanks to the video footage Alice had.DDPC04

Makoto and Cure Sword[]

Thanks to learning about where Makoto was, the trio head for Yotsuba TV Station. Without thinking, Mana barges into Makoto's room and asks her to join their team. However, Makoto gets angry and kicks Mana out. Later on, a Jikochuu appears while Makoto was singing so Mana and the others transform. Seeing Makoto get cornered by the Jikochuu, Heart rescues her. A few seconds later, lights suddenly turned off but were switched back on to reveal Cure Sword, who purified the Jikochuu with Holy Sword. Cure Sword once again refused to team up with the trio. After D.B. gave the three girls tickets to Makoto's meet-and-greet, turned up with peach buns as an apology for her rudeness days prior.DDPC05

A few days later, Makoto turns up at the Pig Tail to film a cooking show. Mana is delighted but is shocked as she watches Makoto mess up again and again. Mana then decided she'd help teach Makoto how to cook, which turned out to be a success because when filming day arrived, Makoto managed to make the omelette perfectly. Just as the girls could enjoy the omelette, Ira arrived and summoned a Jikochuu. Once the civilians left the restaurant, the transformed, with Makoto finally transforming into Sword before the trio. Cure Sword easily purifies the Jikochuu but just before the girls decide to de-transform, Bel arrives and sends them to another dimension.DDPC06

Going Back to Trump Kingdom[]

Mana wakes up in Trump Kingdom where she learns about Makoto's origins. Shortly afterwards, the girls are chased down by frog Jikochuus. As they jump across a hole in the bridge, Makoto fails to make the landing but Mana reaches out to grab her hand. After dragging Makoto back to safety, Mana is led to the room of mirrors only to discover Bel broke every mirror. Despite it seeming like there was no hope left, Mana laughed and transformed to fight Bel. As the other Cures distract Bel, Heart wounds him with her attack. As he watches helplessly, she and the other find the remains of the mirror they needed, which transports them back home. There, Mana promises Makoto that she'll find Marie Ange.DDPC07

The Mysterious Baby's Debut[]

Upon visiting Joe's shop, they find a mysterious egg and several Loveads. The girls try cracking the egg when a light glows from within it, and out comes a baby. Excited, Mana finds the baby cute as Joe walks into the shop and tells the girls that the baby's name is Ai. When Ai starts to cry, Mana quickly summons some milk to quieten her down. When Ai wouldn't stop crying out on the walk, Mana trying singing but it only made things worse. To make matters worse, Marmo appeared and created a Jikochuu that made people sleepy. So when Mana and the others transformed, Heart found herself falling asleep. This made Ai upset, so her cries woke the Cures up, giving Heart the strength she needed to purify the Jikochuu.DDPC08

On the way to school, Joe forces Ai onto herself and Rikka, telling them they had to look after her for the day. Realizing they couldn't look after Ai at school, they entrusted her with Sharuru and Raquel, only for Ai to cause havoc across the school. During the chaos, a Jikochuu appears so Mana and Rikka transform, later joined by Alice and Makoto. The Jikochuu proved to be too strong but thanks to Ai, the Cures gained a power up, allowing Heart to purify the Jikochuu. After school, Mana returns the basket with a sleeping Ai and fairies to Joe.DDPC09

Befriending Regina[]

While on her way to school, Regina appears and apologizes for fighting them in the last attack. She then quickly tries befriending Mana much to Makoto's dismay. Mana decides she'd befriend Regina only for Regina to spend all day trying to get Mana to skip school to play with her. Once she is able to hang out with Regina, Mana shows her around town and introduces her to Ai. Before Mana could chat to her friends, she is dragged away by Regina and has ice cream with her. However, Regina gets upset hearing Mana talk about her friends all the time and comes up with the idea of erasing Mana's friends. Worried, Mana tries to find her friends while Regina creates a Jikochuu to attack Makoto. Mana arrives and is told by Regina to stop being friends with Rikka and the other. Mana refuses and transforms into Heart to help the others purify the Jikochuu. Heart tries to convince Regina to still be her friends, only for Regina to disappear.DDPC16

Losing Regina[]

After Regina gets defeated by Cure Ace and the Selfish Trio take her with them, Mana is devastated. Because Mana keeps crying for Regina, Ace decides to take her Cure Lovead away, says she'll keep it until she finds a way to get her love back and leaves then. The next day at home, Mana kept thinking about Regina. Sharuru tries to bring her back to her senses, but she remains stubborn. Then somebody uses magic, which makes Mana and Sharuru look to see what happened. When Mana's mother enters her room with Ai-chan to tell her take care of her, she is surprised to see Ai-chan. After Mana's mother mentions that Ai-chan is her little sister, Mana realizes that Ai-chan made her family think she's her younger sister. Ai-chan then manages to cheer Mana up and they head to the festival after this. When Mana imagines having seen Regina, she begins to follow her, but she encounters a mysterious girl who warns her to be careful. After Mana learns that her friends have trouble fighting the Jikochuu, she remembers what the most important is and head to that location. When she arrives there, she starts to fight the Jikochuu although she's not transformed. Then that mysterious girl reappears who reveals to be Cure Ace. After Mana learns the oath that Pretty Cure always look ahead to the future, the mysterious girl give her her Cure Lovead back so that she's able to transform again. After Mana transforms into Cure Heart, she starts to gain more power. The mysterious girl also transforms and the two Cures team up to fight the Jikochuu. After Heart and Ace purify the Jikochuu with the Heart Shoot and Ace Shot, Ace tells everyone their training has just begun before she leaves.DDPC23

Cure Heart[]

Love Link Heart's finishing pose
"Overflowing love! Cure Heart!"
Minagiru ai! Kyua Hāto!

Cure Heart (キュアハート)? is Mana's Pretty Cure alter ego. She represents love. In Glitter Force Doki Doki, her catchphrase is "The power of love! I'm Glitter Heart!"


Sharuru cries out her name before Mana first places her transformation Cure Lovead onto Sharuru's silver heart medallion object and shouts "Pretty Cure Love Link!" She then spells "L-O-V-E" on her Lovely Commune and the transformation begins. She is seen floating with her body, except for head, glowing with gold light. Then her hair glows and grows drastically starting with her heart shaped bun and long ponytail. Her hair then turns blonde and her earrings, headband and heart-shaped hair accessories start to appear. Her dress then appears and her Lovely Commune attaches itself to it. Next is her heart brooch, arm warmers and boots. Finally, a long pink ribbon appears on the right side of her pelvis. She then does a short dance before landing on the ground and introducing herself as Cure Heart, posing afterward.



Cure Heart Power Up

Cure Heart's power up

Shown in episode 27, Cure Heart gains a unnamed power-up because of believing and following "one of the Pretty Cure Vows" which Cure Ace had explained. To match her theme color, Cure Heart has a pink aura around her body. In this power-up, Cure Heart became stronger than she usually was, and also could perform Lovely Force Arrow with her power-up, along with her Cure friends.

Engage Mode[]


Cure Heart in her Engage Mode

Engage Mode (エンゲージモード)? is a form which Cure Heart transformed into in Doki Doki! Pretty Cure: Mana Kekkon!!? Mirai ni Tsunagu Kibō no Dress. After the enemies take the Psyche of Maro, Mana's grandmother's pet, Cure Heart transforms into Engage Mode and gains a wedding-inspired gown and longer hair. In this form, Cure Heart wielded a bow and an arrow, similar to the Love Heart Arrow, which was made from her Miracle Light Bouquet.

Parthenon Mode[]

DDPC49 Cure Heart Parthenon Mode

Cure Heart in her Parthenon Mode

Parthenon Mode (パルテノンモード)? is the form Cure Heart transforms into thanks to the power of the other Cures, the Magical Lovely Pad, the Miracle Dragon Glaive and the Eternal Golden Crown. In this form, her outfit turns a lighter shade of pink, and she gains a flowing white cape and wings, along with accessories. Her power is completely different from before, and is even stronger than Engage Mode.


Mana's voice actor, Nabatame Hitomi, has participated in several image songs for the character she voices. Many of them include duets with Kotobuki Minako, who voices Hishikawa Rikka, Fuchigami Mai, who voices Yotsuba Alice, Miyamoto Kanako, who voices Kenzaki Makoto, and Kugimiya Rie, who voices Madoka Aguri.

Group Songs[]



Main Page: Aida Mana/Image Gallery

