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Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 248 is the two hundred forty-eighth issue of the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series published by Archie Comics. It is third part of the Sonic & Mega Man: Worlds Collide crossover event.

Official solicitation[]

"When Worlds Collide," Part 3 of 12. It's Sonic versus Mega Man ā€” Round One! The fight that every fan of both the Blue Blur and Blue Bomber has been waiting for is here at last, and it looks like Sonic's got the hometeam advantage! Can Mega Man cope with the Blue Blur in a land of loops? Meanwhile, Dr. Wily is concerned his old rival might cause problems, which sets Dr. Eggman's sites on Dr. Light! Don't miss a moment of this historic crossover event as the heroic fights and evil friendships rage on! Continues in this month's Mega Man #25!

Featured stories[]

When Worlds Collide Part Three: No Holds Barred[]


A Moment of Hestitation

Sonic offering Mega Man a deal.

Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man begin their first round of fighting in Green Hill Zone! Sonic tells the Blue Bomber that he's faced dozens or even thousands of Badniks in the zone and he immediately takes down Mega Man, asking if he has a bird or a pig inside him. Seeing that Mega Man is a high-end thinking "Badnik" however, Sonic gives him a deal to tell him where his friends are and what the "doctor" is planning and he would not be destroyed by him. Mega Man shoots at Sonic and he begins to think that Sonic is actually going against Dr. Wily since Sonic is organic, but, yet again, there has been defiant robots of Wily's before. Mega Man then has sorrow for Sonic, thinking that he is probably suffering from bad coding and that he should take him out and have Dr. Light reprogram him. Suddenly, Sonic stomps on top of a platform and slides down towards Mega Man. The two carry on fighting while, unbeknownst to them, Tails Man is monitoring the heroes above.

Chaos Emerald OBTAINED

The Roboticized Masters bring the cyan Chaos Emerald.

Tails Man questions whether he should continue monitoring the two heroes, and Drs. Eggman and Wily both tell the robot to continue watching the fight. The two scientists begin to place bets on which hero will take out which hero, as Eggman has bets on Mega Man taking down Sonic and Wily has bets on the "rodent" defeating the blue boy with its spikes. The two begin to relax and enjoy their "brilliant" plan of their in their own zone inside their own ship. Just then, the three Roboticized Mastersā€“Shadow Man, Knuckles Man, and Rose Womanā€“had returned to the Wily Egg with the turquoise Chaos Emerald they just stolen earlier. Eggman takes the Emerald and lets Wily do the honors of putting it in the collection. But, Wily will do it after the fight between Sonic and Mega Man, as he does not want to miss a second of it, and it gives time for the other team to return back with the last Emerald to the Wily Egg, as well as for the two doctors plug the remaining Chaos Emeralds together.

Enter Proto Man

Proto Man transports back to Light Labs.

Back at Green Hill Zone, Sonic and Mega Man get the point that neither of them can beat each other and that they are at a stale mate. As Sonic ducks for cover behind a loop, him and Mega Man takes a minute to rest, as they both is surprised at their opponent's strength and worry that they might not be able to take the other out. However, Sonic quickly regains his confidence as he thinks that he got a hype to maintain. Deciding to play smarter rather than harder, he concludes that Mega Man is unfamiliar with Green Hill Zone, and charges at Mega Man. The Blue Bomber then tries to fight Sonic, but the hedgehog starts utilizing Green Hill Zone's unique environment to his own advantage, using its Springs to bounce all over the place, making him too is too fast and unpredictable for Mega Man to follow, thus giving Sonic the edge he needs. Mega Man then gets the idea he has to recharged or he is toast. Back at Mega City, Proto Man enters Light Labs, damaged and weak. Proto Man then gives Dr. Light a flash drive. Apparently, Proto Man took some readings of the Warp Ring that the Roboticized Masters and Metal Sonic escaped into. While Roll takes Proto Man to have repairs, Dr. Light analyzes the data and discovers the Warp Ring used by the attackers is related with the strange energy readings that Time Man discovered recently in the Chronos Institute. Dr. Light uses the data to reopen the Warp Ring's portal, and seeing as they are dealing with other-worldly powers, he contacts Duo for assistance and hopes that he receives the call and can respond it in time.

Suddenly, at Green Hill Zone, a Warp Ring appears right in front of Mega Man. While Mega Man attempts to make a run for the portal, Sonic removes a chip that disables Mega Man's Mega Buster. Sonic and Mega Man jump into the portal (Mega Man tricks Sonic with his own speed to attack him, therefore knocking them into the portal), and Eggman and Wily complains about the portal's sudden appearance, ordering Tails Man to follow them. Tails Man barely gets through. Wily compliments Dr. Light about this move. Howver, Eggman is confused, and gets an explanation about how Mega Man was built by Dr. Light. Dr. Eggman is shocked that Dr. Light can do that, and while Dr. Wily does say Light is quite excellent and could cause problems, they both agree they are brighter than Dr. Light. They then send Bass and Metal Sonic to trash Light Labs.

Mega Help!

Mega Man's friends arrive to help fight Sonic.

In Mega City, Sonic and Mega Man falls out of the Warp Ring portal, and Sonic scores an extra hit. Sonic wonders where they are, trying to figure out if he is in Station Square, Central City or Westopolis, and is ultimately confused by the amount of humans and robots present. As the Warp Ring closes, Mega Man says they are in his home and calls on some friends (Rush, Eddie, Beat, and Tango) to help him defeat Sonic. The issue ends with Mega Man saying "You were saying something about surrendering earlier? Be my guest."



Races and species:





  • During Sonic's internal monologue as he battles Mega Man, he mentions having previously dealt with the Gizoids. This marks the first time the robots have been mentioned in-canon (albeit not in main Archie Sonic canon). The fact that Sonic (in the "Genesis" reality) has apparently encountered them previously, is clearly a reference to the events of Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, or perhaps Sonic Battle.
  • When disabling the Mega Buster, Sonic calls it a "lemon shooter". This is a reference to a recurring joke about the pellet shots from classic 8-bit Mega Man games.
  • After Beat, Rush, Tango, and Eddie teleport in to assist Mega Man in fighting Sonic, the narration says, "Say hello to Mega Man's little friends", which is a reference to the film Scarface.

Off Panel[]

See also: Off Panel



Off Panel

In another episode of Eggman and Wily's failed concepts, Eggman shows Wily a variant of Metal Sonic with a Mega Buster in place of its engine. A skeptical Wily invites him to activate it, only for Metal Sonic to unleash a powerful blast. Eggman jumps back from the attack, while Wily puts a hand to his forehead in exasperation.



Races and species:



Dr. Wily: Don't sell yourself short. That rodent problem of yours is covered in spikes. Trust me--with over a dozen booby-trapped castles to my name, I KNOW that spikes are a problem for little boy blue.
Sonic: What is that thing made of?! I've fought Super-Badniks, Gizoids, and war machines, but that robo-kid is in a whole other league!
Mega Man: Looks like he's gone into hiding--good! Gives me a second to cool down and recharge! He's not using something like Flash Man's Time Stopper. I can still track his movements--barely. But he's WAY faster than Quick Man, Nitro Man... any of them!
Sonic and Mega Man: I may not be able to take this guy!
Sonic: Sonic--one! Annoyingly tenacious robot--ZERO! So. Give up yet?


  • The variant cover was revealed before the actual final cover.
  • This issue's "Rivals Variant" cover features artwork of Shadow posing with Bass, a villain from Mega Man. The background is of the opening stage from the Super NES game, Mega Man 7, the very game, not to mention the very level, where Bass made his debut.
  • Every Sonic the Hedgehog issue from here on out would be released with a variant cover, a practice that had been confirmed by Paul Kaminski.


Cover artwork[]


Preview pages[]


External links[]
