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Sonic Wiki Zone

Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 184 is the one hundred eighty-fourth issue of the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series published by Archie Comics.

Official solicitation[]

“Chaos Angel”: The thrilling conclusion to "Enerjak: Reborn!" The world has been ravaged by Enerjak, and now it's up to Super Sonic to stop his onslaught! But when even Super Sonic isn't enough, who will make the ultimate sacrifice to stop Enerjak and save Knuckles? The exciting answer lies within! "Anything": Witness Lien-Da at her most desperate, making a dark deal to regain her power! But... will there be a dastardly catch?

Featured stories[]

Chaos Angel[]

An explosion erupts from inside the Chaos Chamber, seen from New Mobotropolis to Albion. Super Sonic and Enerjak then fly from the chamber with Super Sonic taunting Enerjak. Enerjak gets fed up, and tries to blast Super Sonic with an energy beam, but it has no effect on him due to his invulnerability.

Meanwhile, Julie-Su and Locke are watching the battle from Angel Island's surface, the former in shock that Sonic the Hedgehog survived such a powerful attack, the latter still bent out of shape over his ruined plan. Julie-Su immediately tells Locke he had many chances to destroy the son he hated, which shocks Locke. Just as he is about to say his piece, Archimedes tells him that they were just as guilty for Knuckles' state, if not more. Julie-Su and Archimedes then proceed to the newly created Shrine Isle, leaving a stunned Locke behind.

On another part of the island, the Destructix are watching the two opponents trading blows. Sleuth immediately tells the other members they are done on the island since Dr. Finitevus only paid them to keep watch over the Anti-Enerjak Weapon that Sonic destroyed, and commands the Destructix to fall back. As the members leave through Sleuth's Warp Ring, Fiona asks Scourge if he is coming, which he replies that he has a better idea. Scourge states since his brief discussion with Sonic in the forest, he's been wondering who he is now and what he can do. He then takes out his Warp Ring (which was supercharged with energy from the Master Emerald) and activates it, stating he knows where to find those answers. Fiona is unsure if they should leave Mobius, to which Scourge says there is no where for them to hide from Sonic and Enerjak on this planet. He tells her "It'll be fun" and they go through the Warp Ring.

Super Sonic manages to take off Enerjak's mask as he tries to get through to Knuckles. Enerjak then attempts to finish Super Sonic by teleporting him underground, but Super Sonic then emerges, Spin Dashing into him. Enerjak then fruitlessly uses Thunder Arrow and Super Sonic reminds him he is invulnerable. Enerjak punches Super Sonic insted, and Super Sonic kicks him down. Super Sonic then realizes his positive aura has had little effect on the dark magic Knuckles is under.

Death of Locke

Locke's sacrifice.

Back on Angel Island's surface, Julie-Su and Archimedes confront Finitevus, the former demanding that he return Knuckles to normal. Finitevus then states he cannot even if he wanted to. He goes on to explain how his Hex works and that he's dumbfound it had no effect on Sonic. Julie-Su commands him to break his Hex. Fintevus replies he expected little resistance to Enerjak, so he "locked" his hex and only a life sacrifice can break it. As Julie-Su approaches the Master Emerald, Archimedes stops her, saying she has he life ahead of her and Knuckle's teacher must pay the price. Locke then appears, saying Knuckles will still need Archimedes' consul, and he wants to be the one to save his son. Finitevus then intervenes by attacking the trio, still wanting to clense the world with fire. After a brief battle, Archimedes teleports Finitevus away, giving Locke time to perform the ritual. Before he does, he tells Julie-Su the reason for the Brotherhood's methods, explaining they only wanted to protect the ones they loved. Julie-Su sheds a tear and says she understands and so will Knuckles. Locke then gets on the Master Emerald and performs the ritual to break the hex, sacrificing his life in the process.

With the hex gone, Super Sonic is able to pull of his plan and purge Enerjak's spirit from Knuckles. Sonic then lowers Knuckles on the island, where he is told by a tearful Julie-Su of his father's fate. An enraged Finitevus then reappears, cursing them for breaking his Hex and saying Knuckles may remember some of his experience. Knuckles says he remembers everything and punches him onto the edge of the island. Knuckles demands he gets back up, but Finitevus lets himself drop and escapes in one of his Warp Rings. Julie-Su then tells Knuckles they need to return to New Mobotropolis to tell everyone he is alright, but Knuckles refuses. He tells them he is the last Guardian of Angel Island, and that he will protect the Master Emerald alone if he has to.



Races and species:






Blog Lien-Da Eggman Alliance

Eggman welcomes the Dark Legion to the Eggman Empire.

Lien-Da has approached and unknown figure for help. Ever since Enerjak used his magic to remove the Dark Legion's cybernetics and made them normal, there way of life has fallen apart. She goes over the history of the Dark Legion, how they were banished into the Twilight Zone, and how their technology was their only savior. She tells the figure if it makes her Grandmaster of the legion, she will be loyal. Lien-Da asks the figure to give the legion back the cybernetics and in exchange, the will become its new ground forces. The figure, revealed to be Dr. Eggman, welcomes them as his new Dark Egg Legion. Eggman shows them to his blimp where they will get their new cybernetics. Lien-Da is happy to be Grandmaster, but Eggman tells her that position is already filled. He then shows Dimitri, with new upgrades, and the cyborg echidna welcomes her to his legion.



Races and species:





Super Sonic: C'mon, Knuckles! Why turn into "Enerjak?" What about "Hyper Knuckles?" Or are you afraid of being pink?
Locke: The servers are the seven chaos...chaos is power, enriched by the heart...release my boy! Given him his own life to lead!
Knuckles: I am the last Guardian of Angel Island. I will protect the Master Emerald And I will do it alone if I have to.


  • On the initial main cover for the issue, Super Sonic's eyes are colored green.
  • On page 8, Super Sonic's arm is miss-colored yellow in one panel.


Cover artwork[]


Preview pages[]



  1. 1.0 1.1 January 2008. Archie Comics (9 January 2008). Archived from the original on 18 March 2008.

External links[]
