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This character exists primarily or exclusively within the Pre-Super Genesis Wave continuity.
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The servants are the seven chaos. Chaos is power, controlled by my will. The Controller exists to enslave the Chaos!

— Doctor Finitevus, Sonic Universe #12

Doctor Finitevus[8] (born 3204) is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. He is a villainous and insane albino mobian echidna known for his creation and usage of Warp Ring technology.[5]

Originally an aspiring scientist from Albion, Finitevus was physically and mentally changed forever as a side-effect of the powers of Chaos Knuckles, becoming a "photonegative" of the guardian and gaining many of his abilities as a result.[6]

Concept and creation[]

Dr. Finitevus' design was created by Jonathan Gray, and the character was written into the series by Karl Bollers, while his name was a suggestion from Archie colorist Rosario "Tito" Peña.[9] An early design for Dr. Finitevus by Gray featured the doctor wearing a bandana, which hid a third eye. Although the third eye was apparently removed because "he was already creepy enough without it", the spiral on Finitevus' forehead in his final design would remain a remnant of the scrapped concept.[10][11] Finitevus' third eye in his original design was also intended to grant him hypnotic abilities over individuals. This ability was the original planned explanation for how Finitevus survived the Angel Island Takeover, although said plot point was eventually scrapped along with the design.[11]



Finitevus prior to his transformation, from Sonic the Hedgehog #182.

Originally, Dr. Finitevus was an average-looking red-furred Echidna with purple eyes. He sported common Echidna features such as red dreadlocks, a red tail, a tan muzzle, and a small black nose. For attire he regularly wore a small set of pince-nez glasses, an orange robe, big yellow boots, and standard white gloves. He also wore his Chaos Siphon Suit for special usage on one occasion.[6][12]


Finitevus following his transformation, from Sonic the Hedgehog #182.

Following his transformation as a result of Chaos Knuckles' powers, Finitevus' appearance was permanently and drastically changed, now sporting albino fur and yellow eyes with black sclera, plus crimson eyelids (although these were originally depicted as white), a crimson outline around his sockets, a mysterious yellow crystal in his forehead with a spiral pattern, from which black lines lead across his fur, and a black outline that forms a white (sometimes depicted as just gray) crescent mark on his chest resembling the birthmark typical of Guardians. For attire, this version of Finitevus originally wore just his pince-nez glasses and gray bandages on his arms and legs, but would eventually expand his attire to include black guards holding four Warp Rings on each of his arms and legs (for a total of 16 Warp Rings), gray metallic plating on the edges of his muzzle, a gray belt with a crescent moon symbol on it, and (most notably), a large black cloak with half a star pattern on both its left and right edges, causing the full star image to be formed when the cloak is folded around Finitevus. The cloak is fastened on by a large circular object with a crescent moon symbol, plus two smaller gold circles on its left and right sides, respectively.[6][13]

Over time Finitevus' attire would change slightly, with the silver belt later being swapped out for a gold-colored one, and the cloak gradually becoming more torn at its edges.[13]


Early activities[]

Originally an promising Chaos energy researcher in Albion, Dr. Finitevus' fascination with ancient research of Echidnaopolis would lead to him learning of the Chaos Syphon, and improving on its design through creation of his own interpretation, the Chaos Siphon Suit.[6]


Finitevus' attempt to drain Chaos Knuckles' power, from Sonic the Hedgehog #182.

During the time when Chaos Knuckles was held to be a threat by High Councilor Gala-Na of the city, Finitevus led an operation with the intention of draining the Guardian of his energies through usage of the Chaos Siphon Suit. Once Knuckles was captured, Finitevus, wearing his own Chaos Siphon Suit, attempted to drain the energies, only for Charmy and Saffron to intervene, causing the suit to be completely bathed in Chaos Energy. The energy coursed through Finitevus' body, changing him forever, from an ordinary, red-furred echidna into a white furred "photo-negative" of Chaos Knuckles, powered by corrupted Chaos energy. The transformation also changed Finitevus' personality, leading to him violently condemning the current state of Albion and Mobius as a whole.[12][6]


Finitevus escaping Albion through a Warp Ring, from Sonic the Hedgehog #182.

While under observed recovery in Albion, Finitevus would also use his newfound intellect to channel ambient Chaos energy into Warp Rings. Seeing Finitevus' radical ideologies and chaotic abilities, the Albion High Council deemed him a danger to the city, and voted to euthanize him, only for him to escape the city through a Warp Ring, leaving the Council unable to track him.[6] Already planning his next move, Dr. Finitevus subsequently located the Dark Legion, and was allowed into it by Lien-Da.[14]

Angel Island Takeover[]


Finitevus performing research on Moritori Rex (left) and Sabre (right), from Sonic the Hedgehog #183.

During the Angel Island Takeover, Finitevus became the chief political and scientific advisor to Lien-Da[15], a position which he would use to secretly capture and experiment on both the Brotherhood of Guardians (excluding Locke and Knuckles) and Moritori Rex, also disassembling Dimitri in order to learn the secrets of their Chaos powers. While Dimitri remained with him, Finitevus condemned the Brotherhood and Moritori to the Twilight Cage after having finished research on them.[7]


Finitevus confronting Hunter, from Sonic the Hedgehog #141.

Dr. Finitevus was still serving in his Legion capacity when Knuckles the Echidna, Sonic the Hedgehog, and the Chaotix arrived to liberate the Angel Island, prompting him to sneer at the survivors from Echidnaopolis for their rekindled belief in the prophecy of the Avatar. While Sonic and the Chaotix invaded Cave Canem to rescue Locke, Finitivus stayed behind with the majority of the legion to guard the Master Emerald. Once Robotnik's agent, Hunter, arrived to steal the gem, however, Finitivus took the opportunity to mask his departure. This allowed Finitevus to create the illusion that he, like Constable Remington had been seemingly overpowered and killed by the Overlander's Chaos Spear.[8][16][17] Instead, he somehow eluded Hunter's senses and left his supposed allies behind, escaping to his Pyramid Lab in the Sandopolis Desert.[18][19]

Return to Albion[]


Finitevus leading the Eggman Empire invasion of Albion, from Sonic the Hedgehog #182.

Once safe, Finitevus proceeded to reveal the location of Albion to Dr. Eggman, who had previously been searching for the city by himself unsuccessfully.[16][note 1] Forming a deal with Eggman, Finitevus secretly returned to Albion, sabotaging all the city's defenses before leading an Eggman Empire-sponsored invasion force into it, capturing its inhabitants and leaving the city a ruined shell.[6]

Instigation of the Civil War[]


Finitevus modifying Remington's body and mind, from Sonic the Hedgehog #183.

At around this point, Finitevus began preparation for Project Enerjak: Reborn by searching through potential candidates to become the new Enerjak. Finitevus' two initial candidates for the role were Lien-Da and Remington. As Remington had been captured during the Angel Island Takeover (not killed, as was believed by the heroes), Finitevus subsequently rescued him from the Egg Grape Chamber, and began molding him through Legionization and brainwashing.[7] Wishing to test which of the candidates was stronger[20], Finitevus told Remington about his late father, Kragok, manipulating Remington's memories so he believed that only he was the rightful Grandmaster of the legion. This led to the Dark Legion Civil War, where Remington and Lien-Da battled for control over the legion, with the Flame Legion staying loyal to Lien-Da, and the Frost Legion joining Remington.[21] Briefly, Finitevus would rule in favor of Remington, as he deemed Lien-Da to difficult to control. However, Finitevus would later discover that Knuckles had the strongest link to the Chaos Force, leading to a change in his plans, discarding Lien-Da and Remington as candidates, and instead planning to make Knuckles the new Enerjak by "convincing" him it was the only option to save his race.[7]



Finitevus examining Isaac's data, from Sonic the Hedgehog #165.

Dr. Finitevus later resurfaced, gathering an army of villainous criminals through the use of Warp Rings, saving Scourge and Rouge from Shadow, and rescuing the Destructix from their prison in the Egg Grape Chamber. He then brought Shadow and Rouge back with him to the ancient base of Dr. Ivan Kintobor, where he intended to gather data from the robot, Isaac, which inhabited it. Finitivus also visited the base for the purpose of acquiring several dozen nuclear missiles that had lain dormant there. However, both Finitevus' efforts resulted in failure, as Isaac's data had all been corrupted over time, and Rouge the Bat deactivated all the missiles in the base to prevent Finitevus from using them. Rouge then stole one of Finitivus Warp Rings and fled the doctor, much to his anger. Finitevus subsequently dispatched Scourge and Sleuth Dawg to retrieve the stolen Warp Ring, which they succeeded in doing. [18][22]


Finitevus and Locke preventing the Summoning Spire from drawing in the Master Emerald, from Sonic the Hedgehog #169.

Later, by reciting Tikal's Prayer, Finitevus aided Locke in keeping A.D.A.M. from summoning the Master Emerald, thus saving it from being drawn to the Summoning Spire. Finitevus did this because he had personal plans involving the emerald, and not because he had any obligation to help Locke.[23]


Finitevus and Dimitri deceiving Locke, from Sonic the Hedgehog #171.

Dr. Finitevus later returned to Locke and set the Destructix on a pack of Dingoes who were attempting to kill some of the few surviving former residents of Echidnaopolis. Conversing with the guardian, he discussed the absence of the Brotherhood of Guardians following the Angel Island Takeover, and even gave Locke a Warp Ring so Locke could begin his true search for them, while Finitevus and the Destructix promised to watch over the emerald and the surviving echidnas. With convincing from Dimitri (who was brought in by Finitevus to deceive Locke with lies) and through Finitevus taking advantage of Knuckles and Locke's poor and distant relationship at the time, Locke then reluctantly left the Master Emerald and Angel Island in Dr. Finitevus's keep (although also noting he would check back regularly out of suspicion), making him a sort of temporary Guardian, although unaware of the doctor's real plan. After Locke left, Finitevus conversed with Dimitri, lying by promising to restore the Grandmaster - who was now reduced to a head in a floating glass orb as a result of Finitevus' own efforts to keep him alive - to his former glory as Enerjak. In addition, his stated plans for the future included reuniting the Civil War-torn Dark Legion under Enerjak's rule.[24]


Finitevus hexing the Master Emerald, from Sonic the Hedgehog #177.

Finitevus used his time as temporary Guardian of the Emerald to place a hex on it, rigging it to block Locke's ability to harness its power, while also setting it to transform Knuckles into Enerjak the next time he attempted to access its power himself.[25] Expecting resistance, Finitevus also "locked" the hex, making it only removable through self-sacrifice of an individual wishing to break it.[3]

Finitevus would soon be joined by Fiona, who wished to be with Scourge after her relationship with him was discovered and they were forced to escape the Freedom Fighters through one of the doctor's Warp Rings.[26] Shortly after their capture and the destruction of Knothole, Dimitri fled from Finitevus and Scourge. Finitevus was unconcerned, and was instead adamant that Enerjak would be reborn, one way or another.[27][28]

Project Enerjak: Reborn[]


Finitevus betraying Lien-Da and Remington, from Sonic the Hedgehog #181.

Setting his plan in motion, Finitevus organized a truce between the Frost and Flame legions, using Eggman's decimation of the Echidna race as leverage. Finitevus told both sides that he would grant them power from the Master Emerald to defeat Eggman's forces, although he secretly planned to have Knuckles take all the power for himself. Correctly predicting Knuckles' solo return to Angel Island, Finitevus ordered the Destructix to ambush him as soon as he arrived, knocking him out and bringing him to the Chaos Chamber, where Finitevus, Lien-Da, and Remington were meeting. Despite his initial confusion, after learning that all but 10% of the Echidna population had been captured or killed by Eggman's forces, Knuckles hastily tried absorbing all the energy of the Master Emerald, motivated by a deep desire to save his people. This was exactly what Finitevus wanted, as the hex the doctor had previously placed on the Emerald bent Knuckles' mind and ideals to serve Finitevus' resolve to purge the world with fire. Finitevus' betrayal also attracted the fury of Lien-Da and Remington, who subsequently retreated.[14][3][25]

Having successfully placed the hex on Knuckles, Finitevus began preparing to deploy him. When Fiona reported that Lien-Da and Remington had joined forces to stop him and that the Dingoes were launching an attack on the people of Echidnaopolis, Finitevus never wavered, even authorizing for the Destructix to stop defending the surviving Echidnas if they desired to, as he believed it would all be moot once he had fully unleashed Enerjak.[1]

Later, upon his return to the Chaos Chamber, Finitevus found Scourge using the Master Emerald to charge a Warp Ring into a Super Warp Ring. Scourge claimed that it was a precaution against the Enerjak plan failing, and the doctor took the opportunity to reveal the motives behind his plan, namely to "cleanse" the cultures of Mobius in a wave of emerald fire.[7]


Finitevus hiding from Sonic and Tails, from Sonic the Hedgehog #181.

His preparations complete, Finitevus sent Enerjak out to fulfil his will, resulting the destruction of Cave Canem, the death of Kage Von Stryker, the banishment of all the other Dingoes, both factions of the Dark Legion being stripped of their cybernetic limbs, the renewal of Remington's mind, and the deportation of the few surviving echidnas to the ruins of Albion. Witnessing the actions of Enerjak, Sonic and Tails rushed to Angel Island in search of Knuckles, prompting Finitevus to conceal himself while the duo searched the Chaos Chamber, ultimately finding no sign of their missing friend. Under the direction of Finitevus, Enerjak then headed for New Mobotropolis.[29] By this point, Finitevus had also deployed the Destructix to the ruined Grand Conservatory under directions to guard the Anti-Enerjak Weapon located there, as he correctly anticipated Locke would come searching for it.[25]

Following Sonic's deliberate destruction of the weapon, Finitevus was met in the Chaos Chamber by Enerjak, who had arrived fresh from New Megaopolis, having lost a great deal of power due to having been drained by the newly-modified Egg Grapes and decimating Dr. Robotnik's forces. Obliging Enerjak's demand for more energy, Dr. Finitevus began a spell to recharge him, only to have Sonic interrupt. Despite Finitevus's hex, Sonic somehow managed to drain power from the Master Emerald himself, using it to become Super Sonic so he could face Enerjak. Although confused by how Sonic circumvented the hex, Finitevus showed pleasure in seeing Sonic use the power of the Master Emerald, as he believed that with two Chaos-powered beings fighting each other, they would still cause the destruction he desired.[30][3]


Finitevus attacking Locke, from Sonic the Hedgehog #184.

Watching the two super powers fight from Shrine Isle, Finitevus was confronted by Julie-Su and Archimedes. Amused by Julie's demands that he put an end to his own scheme, he refused and stated that he couldn't, even if he wanted to, because his spell on the Master Emerald had been locked so that only a sacrifice of life could undo it. Julie-Su, Archimedes and even the repentant Locke each wished to be the one to give up their life for Knuckles, shocking Finitevus, who seemed unable to understand such self-sacrifice. Enraged by their "foolishness" and "grave-eagerness" he attacked them madly, only to be teleported away by Archimedes, thus allowing Locke to undo the spell at the cost of his life, and free Knuckles before the doctor could return. Returning through a Warp Ring beaten and enraged, Finitevus was then set upon by a very angry Knuckles, who knocked him off the island's edge and demanded he get back up to face him for his crimes. Finitevus refused, instead letting himself drop from the island into one of his Warp Rings, fleeing to fight another day.[3]

Echoes of the Past[]

During the Iron Dominion Takeover, Finitevus began investigating a set of ruined buildings on the outskirts of the Great Crater in Downunda, all of which proved to be older than Angel Island. While examining the structures, Finitevus encountered the Downunda Dark Egg Legion, unwillingly led by Duck "Bill" Platypus. Realizing both him and the legion shared a common interest - specifically, acquiring the Master Emerald - Finitevus formed an alliance with them, offering them Warp Ring technology in exchange for authorizing Finitevus to research the Emerald once they acquired it.[4] Finitevus spent several days preparing a plan with the legion to ensnare Angel Island once it returned over the crater through Warp Ring-enhanced chains. Unbeknownst to the doctor, Walt Wallaby and the Downunda Freedom Fighters noticed his involvement.[13]

Finitevus would soon meet Knuckles and some of the Chaotix again (specifically Julie-Su and Mighty), whom had been tasked with hunting him down after the Dingo Regime in the Azure Lake Oasis located his Pyramid Lab by accident.[31] Setting a trap to draw Knuckles off the island Finitevus left a Warp Ring in the lab which the Chaotix followed through to the ruins outside the Great Crater, where Finitevus was waiting. Upon revealing himself, Finitevus was immediately attacked, although the fight was interrupted by the four Warp Ring-enhanced chains grappling Angel Island. Finitevus claimed that the island being chained was not his doing, but rather the work of the Dark Egg Legion, which Knuckles reluctantly believed, leading to a temporary alliance between the two. Secretly, however, Finitevus had no plans to honor this pact, due to his true involvement in the situation.[19]


Finitevus teaming up with the Chaotix, from Sonic Universe #11.

Finitevus and the Chaotix were soon joined by the Downunda Freedom Fighters as well as Vector and Ray, who had been guarding the Master Emerald before being driven away by a horde of Wing Dingos, which followed the heroes off the island, and to Finitevus and the other Chaotix. After defeating the robots, the team regrouped, planning to assault the Dark Egg Legion base in the Great Crater. Unbeknownst to Finitevus, Walt Wallaby revealed the treachery of the doctor to Knuckles, leading them to formulate a plan to stop his villainous actions.[13]


Finitevus battling Thrash, from Sonic Universe #11.

During the subsequent invasion of the Great Crater, the group was directed into two smaller teams, with Finitevus and most of the Downunda Freedom Fighters was placed with the offensive team, while Knuckles, Julie-Su, and Guru Emu instead focused on freeing Angel Island by destroying the chains. During the battle, Finitevus was ambushed by the other members of his team, as they had learned of his true motives. Despite this, Finitevus overpowered them all, giving their unconscious bodies over to the Dark Egg Legion, who had additionally managed to capture and stun Knuckles and his team.[13]

In legion's base with Bill, Finitevus taunted Knuckles as he awoke, explaining his motives and how he formed his alliance with the legion. The doctor then left for Angel Island, to oversee it being drawn back into the Great Crater, leaving Bill alone with the captives. Finitevus would soon encounter Knuckles again, however, as Bill had revealed himself as double-agent and an unwilling Grandmaster, releasing the prisoners to combat Eggman's control. Finitevus' first reaction to Knuckles' return was to offer Knuckles knowledge of the Echidna people's history, knowledge not given to him by the Brotherhood of Guardians, in an attempt to convince Knuckles to join him, preying off the Guardian's fascination with the ruins in Downunda.[4]


Finitevus' showdown with Knuckles, from Sonic Universe #12.

Although intrigued, Knuckles remained true to his morals, and attacked Finitevus, pushing him toward the edge of the island. Before falling over the side, Finitevus began physically fighting back, escalating into both sides invoking Chaos Control using energy from the Master Emerald. While Knuckles fought with Chaos energy accessed through his natural abelites as a guardian, Finitevus fought with corrupted black Chaos energy he had stolen from the emerald. As the fight raged on, Finitevus chanted his own demented variant of Tikal's Prayer, while Knuckles recited the original version from Tikal herself. After a rigorous battle, both sides were exhausted, leading Finitevus to attempt his final "experiment", trapping Knuckles in a Warp Ring, threatening to close the warp while Knuckles was only halfway through (presumably cutting Knuckles in half). Before he could, though, he was shot in his right arm by laser fire from Julie-Su, stunning him and giving Knuckles the opportunity to throw Finitevus off the island.[4]


Finitevus contemplating the incident, from Sonic Universe #12.

Finitevus did manage to survive the fall, although his right arm was apparently left broken from being shot. The next day, standing next to the ruined Dark Egg Legion base in the Great Crater, contemplating his disgust at what he perceived to be Knuckles' ignorance, he reminisced on the incident, and specifically Knuckles' actions during it, ultimately deeming him beyond "saving", and deciding that the Guardian's life was a sacrifice he was willing to make for his future schemes.[4]


Finitevus would later enlist the help of the Destructix again for an undisclosed operation in Moebius. However, he was reluctantly convinced by Fiona that Scourge was needed for the operation to be successfully completed, despite the hedgehog being locked up in the Zone Jail at the moment. As such, Finitevus provided the Destructix with a Super Warp Ring, granting them access to the Cosmic Interstate, which they used to invade the Zone Jail. After returning, however, Scourge instead told the Destructix to follow his own plans, while he dealt with Finitevus' requests.[32][2]


Much of Finitevus's personality prior to his transformation is unknown. He appeared as a brave and humble scientist, serving the ideals of Albion, and eager to please the will of the Albion High Council.[6]

Following his transformation, however, Finitevus was warped into a cruel and twisted figure, serving a megalomaniacal desire to "rebirth" all of Mobius in a wave of emerald fire. This desire stems from his vehement hatred of Mobius' society and the creatures which inhabit it, believing that the planet and all life on it must be "cleansed" with emerald fire so that new "incorrupt" life can arise in its place. Finitevus seems to have no specific goal apart from this, and will do anything to further his progress towards doing so, regardless of morality.[5][7][3]

Finitevus also specializes in careful and stealthy manipulation of others, which he usually utilizes to drive his schemes forwards, or gather minions to enact them. Notable examples of his manipulated victims are Knuckles, Dimitri, Locke, and Remington, all of whom initially thought of Finitevus as an ally.[14][24][7] However, he only sees individuals as simply means to an end, and ultimately has no care for their mortality unless his plans rely on their survival, as demonstrated when he tossed the Brotherhood of Guardians into the Twilight Cage once he deemed they had served their purpose. In addition to this, Finitevus has a notable lack of empathy for anyone.[7]

Finitevus regularly remans cold and calculated in his speech, even during battle, although he is also prone to sudden and violent outbursts when his plans suffer large setbacks, such as the failure of Project Enerjak: Reborn.[3] Finitevus also enjoys battle in a sadistic way, and relishes in taunting his enemies during it, viewing their efforts as pointless and their thinking as "simple".[4] When faced with events threatening his schemes, however, Finitevus will begrudgingly agree to team up with his enemies, if only to protect his own cause.[23]

Despite formerly serving the Dark Legion and assisting the Brotherhood of Guardians, Finitevus has strong contempt for both groups, seeing them as instigators of a prolonged pointless conflict, and obstacles in the way of his plan.[7]

Powers and abilities[]

Initially, Finitevus simply possessed promising intelligence in the field of robotics and machines, although following his transformation, this was multiplied tenfold, bringing his intelligence to levels rivaling even those of Dimitri and Dr. Eggman.[6][7] The transformation also resulted in Finitevus inheriting many of Knuckles the Echidna's abilities, including hand-to-hand combat skills, control over ambient Chaos Energy, and a connection to the Master Emerald.[5]


Finitevus opening a Warp Ring, from Sonic Universe #12.

Using this connection, Finitevus can remotely draw dark corrupted energy from the Master Emerald, which he can use to empower himself, perform Chaos Control, or cast magical hexes. Finitevus has mastery over such hexes, being able to mold them intricately over time, and apply them to objects like the Master Emerald. Notably, Finitevus was powerful enough to create a hex which could completely bend the ideals of the target to the doctor's will.[4][3]

Finitevus can also channel ambient Chaos Energy into Warp Rings. As their creator, has both a seemingly endless supply of them at his disposal, and a mastery over their properties, commanding total control of them as long as they remain in his possession.[5][6]


Knuckles the Echidna[]

You baffle me, Guardian. Is your thinking so simple that you actually think you're protecting something of worth? How sad.

— Doctor Finitevus, Sonic Universe #12
Knuckles and Dr

Knuckles and Dr. Finitevus, from Sonic Universe #11.

Finitevus generally views Knuckles the Echidna as a powerful weapon to be exploited by those of higher intelligence.[3][4][7] Despite Knuckles being unintentionally responsible for Finitevus' transformation and access to the Master Emerald, Finitevus has no respect for him, considering him a simple thinker with no vision for the future, spoiled with the immense power given to him by the Brotherhood of Guardians.[4] As such, when talking with Knuckles, Finitevus often invokes a condescending or mocking tone, unless trying to manipulate him.[13][4] Finitevus also generally attacks Knuckles mentally, preying on his emotions first, and only resorting to physical means if unable to manipulate the Guardian.[4] Although he rarely shows it due to his reserved demeanor, Finitevus does genuinely detest Knuckles, and is prone to sudden bursts of rage when faced with his "stupid" actions.[4][5]







  • Dr. Finitevus physically resembles Dr. Zachary, a major villain from Sonic the Comic who was created a decade earlier.
  • It is possible that Finitevus may have been the inspiration of Pir'Oth Ix.
  • Despite his fur being white, Finitevus' eyelids are still red instead of white like the rest of him. This could be a reference to albinism, since many animals that are albinos have red eyes due to their condition.
  • Ian Flynn stated that when he wrote stories for Finitevus, he had Kagato from Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki in mind.[33]
  • Despite making his final on-panel appearance in Sonic Universe #12, the "My Sonic Universe" page of Sonic Universe #39 promises that "Dr. Finitevus will be back with a vengeance before you know it!"
  • Dr. Finitevus is one of only a handful of Echidnas remaining on Mobius following Thrash's banishment of the entire Echidna race.


Concept artwork[]





  1. Although the placement of this event is never explicitly stated, a TV screen in Sonic the Hedgehog #140 shows that Eggman was still searching for Albion's location at the time of Knuckles' return to Angel Island, implying that Finitevus had not revealed it to him yet.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Sonic the Hedgehog #180, "Preparations for War!"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Sonic Universe #32, "Inside Job Part Four: No Holds Barred"
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Sonic the Hedgehog #184, "Chaos Angel"
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 Sonic Universe #12, "Echoes of the Past Part Four"
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Sonic the Hedgehog: The Complete Sonic Comic Encyclopedia, "Dr. Finitevus"
  6. 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 Sonic the Hedgehog #182, "Albion's Shameful Secret"
  7. 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 Sonic the Hedgehog #183, "Ashes and Dust"
  8. 8.0 8.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #139, "Return to Angel Island Part 2: Avatar"
  9. Sonic the Hedgehog #161, "Sonic-Grams"
  10. The Dubworks: Sonic the Hedgehog - Pencilled Pages & Logbook. Toonzone. Archived from the original on 27 October 2007. Retrieved on 21 July 2022.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Jonathan H. Gray on Twitter. Twitter (22 February 2023). Retrieved on 22 February 2023.
  12. 12.0 12.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #94, "The Best Laid Plans"
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 Sonic Universe #11, "Echoes of the Past Part Three"
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 Sonic the Hedgehog #181, "Undone"
  15. Sonic the Hedgehog #161, "Data file: Dr Finitevus"
  16. 16.0 16.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #140, "Return to Angel Island Part 3: How Many Echidnas Does It Take to Protect a Master Emerald?"
  17. Sonic the Hedgehog #141, "Return to Angel Island Part 4: Ultimate Hero"
  18. 18.0 18.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #161, "Birthday Bash! Part 2: Birthday Boys"
  19. 19.0 19.1 Sonic Universe #10, "Echoes of the Past Part Two"
  20. Ian Flynn (29 March 2011). Sonic Universe: Character Retrospective Archives. Archived from the original on 16 April 2011.
  21. Sonic the Hedgehog #165, "Call of Duty"
  22. Sonic the Hedgehog #165, "Leak"
  23. 23.0 23.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #169, "Order From Chaos Part Two: The Great Harmony"
  24. 24.0 24.1 Sonic the Hedgehog #171, "Enforcers"
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 Sonic the Hedgehog #182, "Fallen Angel"
  26. Sonic the Hedgehog #172, "Truth of the Heart"
  27. Sonic the Hedgehog #177, "Home, New Home"
  28. Sonic the Hedgehog #179, "House of Cards Part Two: Royal Flush"
  29. Sonic the Hedgehog #181, "Enerjak: Reborn Chapter One: Rising Evil"
  30. Sonic the Hedgehog #183, "Desperate Times"
  31. Sonic Universe #9, "Echoes of the Past Part One"
  32. Sonic Universe #29, "Inside Job Part One: Rock Bottom"
  33. Ian Flynn on Twitter. Twitter (22 January 2022). Archived from the original on 22 January 2022. Retrieved on 22 January 2022.

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