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"Would you like to discuss it with the Hutts? I'm sure they can settle this."
Qui-Gon Jinn, to Watto[7]

The Hutts were a sentient species of large gastropods[6] with short arms, wide cavernous mouths and huge eyes, who controlled a large space empire in Hutt Space. The species was said to originally hail from the planet Varl, but no planet by that name appeared on any Imperial star charts. Their adopted homeworld was Nal Hutta. Members of this species were often stereotyped as crime lords.

Biology and appearance[]


"Hutts are all backside."
Eli Gand[8]

The cranial cavity of Gargonn the Hutt

In appearance, a Hutt was an immense slug-like creature that had a thick body with a long muscular tail with small arms located on the upper body.[2] The large body had a bulbous head at the top. Hutts' appendages allowed them to manipulate their environment to a limited degree. The entire base of their body served as a creeping slow foot, enabling them to slither across their environment in a manner similar to that of a slug, though some Hutts grew so large that they became immobile.[9]

Hutts had no skeleton but instead had an internal mantle which supported and shaped their head.[10] Young Hutts tended to have a uniform light tan skin and lacked greenish pigmentation on their spine that went down their tail as they aged.[11] A Hutt's skin was perhaps its greatest defense: the epidermis resisted all but the most corrosive of chemical substances. Sweat made of oil and mucus made a Hutt slippery and difficult to grasp. Should anyone manage to grab hold of the body or puncture the skin, heavy layers of blubber and muscle protected the vital organs.[9] In addition, their slimy coating protected them from either chemical burns or heat.[10] Hutts were resistant to many poisons and diseases and seldom fell ill.[12] It was also claimed that sarlaccs were incapable of digesting Hutts, forcibly expelling them instead of eating them. This trait saved some Hutts from death.[13] Their body odor was strong enough to upset a sensitive human stomach.[11]


A blue-skinned Hutt

Their bulbous heads had two enormous reptilian eyes[9] that were sometimes compared to those of a feline[2] and protruded from the surface of their face.[9] As members of their kind grew fatter, these eyes tend to be hidden beneath folds of leathery skin. Younger Hutts lacked this feature and thus had slightly more protruding eyes than their older kin.[11] Blinking their eyes and passing the nictitating membrane in slow deliberation was considered the equivalent of raising a sarcastic eyebrow.[12] Beneath their wide nostrils and upturned nose was a broad lipless mouth[2] that spread from one earhole to the other.[9] Similar to serpents, to which they were compared,[9] Hutts were able to open their jaws to miraculous widths that allowed them to devour almost anything[5] and were even able to consume a grown humanoid.[14] A specialized radula located deep within their throats allowed them to shred food in preparation for digestion.[9] Rare Hutts were Force-sensitive. They could see ultraviolet light[15][16] that was invisible to Humans and most alien species.[17] Often, wealthy Hutts lit their palaces in these spectra of light, giving intruders, or at least those without similar abilities or compensating equipment, a false sense of stealth.[source?]

Hutts were physiological anomalies as they possessed traits from many different species. Similar to sea mammals, their nostrils could close, and their large lungs allowed them to stay submerged underwater for hours. Like worms, they had multiple sex organs and utilized hermaphroditic reproduction.[6] They needed no partner to produce a child: Jabba the Hutt's son Rotta was his, and only his.[12] However, some Hutts, like Gorga's son[18] and Ziro Desilijic Tiure, had two parents, a mother and a father.[19] Hutts selected their own genders at will. The average Hutt possessed a notably healthy sexual appetite, even for members of other species.[10]


Mama, a more corpulent Hutt than average

Hutts had the marsupial trait of bearing their young one at a time and nourishing them in a brood pouch in the body.[6] Despite these many characteristics, scientists generally classified them as gastropods due to their reproductive process and slithering, slug-like manner of their movement.[6] The lack of legs meant that the species slithered across their environments[20] with their tails usable as weapons to bludgeon their enemies.[14] Whilst this was the case, Hutts were not known for their mobility, and required smooth surfaces to navigate their environment; things such as carpets or upholstery served as obstacles to the layer of slime generated by their bodies when moving.[12] Their slimy hides were typically hairless, though an exceptionally small percentage were grew both locks and beards due to the presence of a recessive genetic trait. While this made them distinctive to non-Hutts, they were seen with distaste and considered a type of mutant among their race.[21]

Hutts could regenerate body parts when injured.[12] Prior to 32 BBY, a Hutt known as Gargonn lost half his head, including an eye and apparently a sizable part of his brain, when he was ravaged by a wandrella, yet it was anticipated that he would regenerate the injured tissue completely after a century or so. It is not known if the regeneration of his brain had any effect on his mind or personality. Some Hutts, such as Quaffug, were believed to possess multiple brains, though whether this was a species-wide trait was unknown.[22] Certain Hutts were vulnerable to a rare wasting disease that kept them underweight.[23] Hutts sometime developed gallstones.[24]

Hutt skin color varied; while Jabba the Hutt had green, oily skin, Durga the Hutt had orange, Borvo the Hutt had blue, and Ziro the Hutt had purple.

Life cycle[]

"I am…with Huttlet."

Rotta the Huttlet

The ability of Hutts to self-impregnate[2] was suspected by some Hutts to have developed due to their race's very low fertility rate, which was possibly a consequence of damage following the loss of their original homeworld of Varl.[25] As a result, gender was more a Hutt's deliberate decision or a viewer's deduction. Often, Hutts carrying children were referred to as female, though this was entirely up to the Hutt in question. For instance, Jiliac was referred to as a female after becoming pregnant, but Popara and Zorba still considered themselves males after birthing their respective children. In addition, some Hutts took mates with each other, such as Gorga and Anachro. Hutts bore their children one at a time and nourished them within a brood pouch.[2]

Unusually for a species so far from humanoid, several Hutts found female humanoids attractive, sometimes in a sexual manner, in something similar to art appreciation, as status symbols, or for reasons completely beyond Human understanding. Jabba the Hutt was the most notable example of this. Another was Vogga the Hutt, an entrepreneur who had resided on Nar Shaddaa in the years following the Jedi Civil War. Other examples were Borvo, Dreddon, Soergg, Golga, Popara, Nem'ro, and Ziro.


A venerable Hutt was at least 845 years old.

When Hutts were born, they weighed less than 100 grams and lived as tiny blind creatures that clawed their ways instinctively towards the brood pouch. Once inside, they fed on milk and remained there for the next fifty standard years. Upon emergence, they weighed 70 kilograms, measured a meter from head to tail, and had the intellectual level of a ten-year-old Human.[5] However, this was not biologically necessary; Jabba the Hutt had his son Rotta removed from the brood pouch when he was, at most, ten years old, so that he could experience the galaxy. Jiliac's child also proved able to live outside the pouch, requiring his Uncle Jabba to squish and kill it in order to guarantee his rule of the Hutt clan Desilijic. Newborn Hutts, also known as Huttlets, would stay close to their parents for decades, returning to their pouches when they were tired, lonely or scared. Other Hutts sometimes killed them in fear of future competition. Hutts matured to adulthood by 200 years, whereupon they weighed 500 kilograms and were about the size of a normal adult Human.[5] Prior to this, they were not considered important nor accountable for their actions.

During the course of their lives, Hutt bodies grew constantly, which meant that older Hutts reached enormous proportions.[25] The Hutts had lengthy lifespans; Zorba Desilijic Tiure was said to have experienced a 45-year prison sentence in the blink of an eye.[21] Hutts could live over a thousand years,[20] and were considered one of the longest-lived species in the galaxy.[6] Hutt childhood ranged lasted 70 years, and they were considered a young adult from 71 to 90. Full adult Hutts were between 91 and 650 years old. Middle age began at 651 and lasted until 844, and once they reached the age of 845 years, they were considered venerable by their fellow Hutts.[26] They could live in excess of 926 years.[2] A Hutt named Zirchros lived to be 1,700 years old.[27]



Jabba the Hutt smoking a hookah pipe


"Let them marvel at our splendor ... let them cringe in our power ... let them feel the weight of our chains as they serve their rightful masters."
―Jabba Desilijic Tiure[28]

Their thinking differed from that of humans. In fact, it was claimed that they felt threatened on a subliminal level. This fear meant that Hutts tended to be paranoid, a trait some attempted to exploit.[12] Other typical traits among the Hutts were intelligence, selfishness, and manipulative behavior.[20] The Hutts were famous for being powerful and ruthless beings who constantly sought to expand the boundaries of their dominion and the holdings of their individual clans. Their appetite for power was as insatiable as their appetite for food. They were often found at the center of business or criminal enterprises. The question of morality or lack thereof did not affect a Hutt during their ventures. All that mattered from such ventures was how much benefit and profit were gained. The majority of Hutts were vicious megalomaniacs who considered their kind to be above the morality that was perceived by lesser beings. They held a talent for accumulation of power and its exertion on others along with the manipulation of other beings.[2] Hutts did not try to justify their criminal actions; doing so was a sign of hypocrisy, which was not their way. Instead, they did everything as part of their laws and customs without pretending that they were bastions of morality.[12] Furthermore, they had a twisted sense of humor. Flattery was seen as one of the best policies when dealing with Hutts, as it was considered unwise to earn their enmity. According to them, the Hutts were known for their generosity and beneficence towards lower lifeforms that served them ably.[11]

Hutts were aware that their kind was disliked and knew of how Imperial officers were amused when the slug-like race spoke about their original homeworld of Varl. According to such individuals, no alien creature of good breeding could be born of Varl, and even Grand Moffs commented on how they viewed Hutts as an immoral, nasty, domineering and power-hungry species. Some Hutts viewed such attitudes as insults and lies, as they saw themselves as a proud people who were generous to their own kind even if they were cruel. Furthermore, they expected everyone to treat them with respect.[17] Despite this, many of the traits seen amongst crime lords were embodied by the Hutts, as they were ambitious, ruthless, and greedy, and had massive egos. This meant that many citizens throughout the galaxy believed that all Hutts were involved in a life of crime, which stemmed largely from a reputation that most Hutts fostered and appreciated.[29] Many traditional concepts that were deemed criminal actions by other civilizations were professions according to Hutt thinking. As such, the term "criminal" did not translate well into the Hutt language, as it tended to describe all Hutts.[30] In fact, human crimes held no meaning to the Hutts; they were seen as criminals because there was no common ground on morality.[12]

Hutt crime lords despised physical labor and combat, preferring to leave such duties to their hired thugs or their slaves. This did not necessarily mean that Hutts were unarmed: they tended to keep weapons but only for emergencies when events spiraled out of their control. Such actions demonstrated that Hutts preferred their actions be conducted by their proxies, and they rarely left the safety of their strongholds. Anyone who sought to fight a Hutt crime lord had to do so under their opponent's own terms, thus facing traps, barriers and various minions. In addition, Hutts tended to acquire dangerous animals as pets and used them as amusement by sending their enemies against the creature whilst the crime lord's sycophants observed.[29] Those who encountered Hutts claimed that there was no way to reason with them; the only ways of beating them were through trickery, outsmarting them, or wounding their pride.[17]


Aarrba's power chair

Hutts could live for centuries, which meant that they were known for their well-developed patience, along with a willingness to hold grudges over long periods of time.[28] In fact, all ruthless Hutts were claimed to have lived by the law of revenge, and their kind did not allow the death of their children to go unavenged. This was to such an extent that once a Hutt made an enemy, they did not retreat unless they were killed.[17] The concept of getting even with their enemies was an ingrained concept within their civilization. In fact, some claimed that if it were not for the thrill of getting vengeance, every Hutt would simply die of boredom.[13] They were highly self-centered, though they were capable of valuing others, particularly fellow clan members, when they were conducting important and dangerous tasks. Though extremely competitive with one another, all Hutts believed that they held a special place in the galaxy as they were superior to other life forms.[28] Huttlets, when they grew to adulthood, often gained corpulence, which was seen as a sign of prestige and power. As such, the bigger the Hutt, the more power it acquired, not only from its peers, but from non-Hutts as well.[6] Those of their kind who were underweight were thus treated with disgust and scorn, such as those suffering from wasting diseases, who were treated as lowly slaves.[23] Within Hutt society, those rare individuals that were capable of growing hair on their bodies were considered mutants and were seen with rarely disguised disgust.[21]

Due to their physiology, Hutt designs tended to utilize ramps, as they were unable to use stairs. Similarly, their anatomy prevented them from sitting on a normal seat, and they instead reclined by a dinner table. Some Hutts grew so corpulent that they were unable to move their own bodies.[11] Hutts often were planted on their thrones or seats in their later years. More agile Hutts slithered or walked, using muscles on their belly to push forward. Some Hutts used anti-grav hoversleds even if they were able to move under their own power. They also had power chairs, which were for the more immovable Hutts, such as Aarrba. Some of the most successful Hutts had sail barges. They were often used for the Hutt's personal luxury if going somewhere or supervising executions.

Slavery and indentured services[]


Slaves tending to their Hutt master

"What's meant by 'servitude' anyway? Is that polite code for 'slavery'?"
"It can be. It can be whatever the Hutts want it to mean."
Ben Skywalker and Kelkad[20]

Though seen as illegal in other parts of the galaxy, slavery was a lucrative business and accepted practice amongst the Hutts, who saw the owning of slaves as a symbol of status.[30] Hutts were rarely encountered alone as they tended to be surrounded by entertainers, supplicants and sycophants.[31] Their species rarely left their homeworld of Nal Hutta without first gathering a group of retainers and attendants. Many of these tended to be slaves, which were a major import on Nal Hutta. Others were simply employees, and some were inferior creatures that hoped to profit by being within the presence of a Hutt. Retainers to a Hutt were extremely loyal to their master, which was maintained through a perverse web of hate, fear and affection.[9] Thus, their kind employed several skilled bodyguards with many species fulfilling this role.[31] Hutts were not above the practice of slavery, and many kept such individuals as "pets" that were a sign of prestige and power.[28] It was believed that one of the reasons they took humanoid species as slaves who were so different that they could not find them attractive was to serve as a statement to outsiders: that the Hutt in question owned everything their visitors desired and thus had power over them.[12]

A time-honored tradition amongst the Hutts was the availability of large quantities of cheap labor through indentured servitude. This was because they saw large-scale slave labor as economically impractical. Several factors that contributed to this were the disciplinary problems, lack of motivation, rebellions and other issues associated with forced labor, all of which negatively impacted a Hutt's cherished profit margin. Thus, those who willingly entered into such conditions for long periods of time were seen as a better alternative. Given the choice between the Hutt courts and indentured servitude, many chose the latter. As a result, each year, thousands of beings on Hutt worlds entered into contracts with the Hutts under a condition of indenture. These indentured had their personal rights temporarily suspended, with respect to freedom of movement and assembly, choice of occupation, along with the right to enter into contract, all of which were seen as major considerations. The stipulated period of an indenture was typically six months to ten years, where the Hutt's clan holds the valuable contract of the indentured being. Other Hutts, Hutt businesses or even non-Hutts were allowed to cover the price of a contract.[28]


Hutts and their servants

These individuals were bound to serve anyone who held the contract, often being compensated paltry amounts for their service. Once the contract was up, and the indentured party's duty complete, they were released from the contract as per the agreement. Hutt law prohibited the use of indentured labor in circumstances that were proven to be unsafe. Further provisions were added that theoretically protected an indentured party and defined proper treatment. Practically speaking, the matter was far from settled, with a multitude of provisions allowing for extension of contract time and the levying of fines against indentured servants who "violated" the terms of their agreement. Naturally, these fines needed to be paid in full in order for the indentured party to be legally free. Work sites employing indentured labor were commonly inspected at the manager's private estate, often during a sumptuous dinner. Regardless of the true conditions of the work environment, the indentured parties were expected to work without complaint, however this was defined in their contract. These contract holders were well within their rights to appoint local managers to enforce the letter of the law. This often involved using any means deemed necessary to keep the workers in line, with the indentured servant holding no right to appeal.[28]

One longstanding tradition was the use of tracking devices implanted into the bodies of slaves. This was to ensure that such property did not escape, and involved the activation of a small explosive if the slave went beyond the range of the tracking transmitter.[30]



A gathering of Hutts

"If not us, then someone else. So why not us?"
―Traditional Hutt saying[28]

To the Hutts, blood was thicker than slime, with loyalty to their clans considered paramount. Much of their decisions were based on how it prospered the clan and affected its position. Ancestral fortunes passed from one generation to another had allowed some Hutt clans to control the richest holdings in the galaxy. The clans in turn controlled the criminal empires known as the kajidics. On certain occasions, these groups could be even more powerful than the ruling council. This was because the wealthiest kajidics controlled the politics in Hutt society. In addition, the kajidics were both secretive and vast.[6] The strongest loyalty a Hutt held was always towards its kajidic, without which a Hutt would be considered a commoner.[2] Hutts were infamous for their inter-clan rivalries that often led to starport skirmishes or brushfire wars amongst the various servitor species.[32] This was one aspect within the Hutt's nature as they tended to try to resolve problems within the family. However, their long lifespan and nature meant that death by natural causes was unlikely.[25]

Hutt names were divided into three parts, with the first being their personal name and the name by which they were known to outsiders. The second part of their name was the Cuirvas which identified their clan. The third and final component of a Hutt's name was a mystery to scholars, with some uncertainty over its nature as so few were known. Some believed it identified the family the Hutt belonged to, whilst others contended that it was an honorary title used to convey some measure of importance from one Hutt to another. Regardless, a Hutt revealed only their first name to non-Hutts, which was seen as a way for a Hutt to "protect" their clan from "inferior outsiders."[28] Thus, their naming convention consisted of a given name supported by a clan name and finally a surname. Notable examples included Jabba Desilijic Tiure and Borga Besadii Diori. However, few outside Hutt society were aware of various Hutts' proper names and commonly replaced the clan and surname with "the Hutt," as in "Jabba the Hutt" or "Gardulla the Hutt," although it is doubtful the Hutts minded. Hutts were furthermore divided into castes, including H'uuns.

Notable for being a very egocentric species, Hutts on their homeworld believed themselves to be the center of the universe, akin to deities to some of their subject races. In fact, their survival after the destruction of their homeworld of Varl led them to believe that they were greater than the gods that they had once worshiped.[10] This belief in surviving the death of their gods meant that Hutts tended to view themselves as suitable replacement for those deities and that everyone and everything else was expendable.[25] Their success in life was directly proportionate to their egos, which in turn were immense.[10] This was to the point that the Hutt language did not have a word that meant "thank you," the closest approximation being "Your services will be rewarded."[25] In addition, they were known to be highly manipulative creatures and considered experts in getting others to do their bidding. This made them act like galactic brokers who made deals and manipulated the economy with calculated power plays and strategies.[10] Hutts had a reputation of lacking social skills.[33] This led to bad relations between them and the Bothans, as both were natural competitors to one another. As a result, it was difficult for a Bothan to trust a Hutt due to the professional rivalry between the two races.[25]

Kaltho the Hutt JoY

Kaltho, a wealthy Hutt owner of many businesses, both legal and illicit

Their race held their own set of rules and laws which members of their kind followed. These included the law that any property given to a Hutt's child after their imprisonment had to be re-sold with their improvements to the parent at the original price. They also possessed their own courts, which determined the legality of wills left by deceased Hutts and declaring which were genuine and which were fraudulent.[21] The Hutt legal system traditionally draconian and maintained strict punishments for loan defaulters, union organizations and similar "scum."[28] One of the laws invoked by the Hutts in acts of retribution included the First Blood-Law of Evona.[34] Hutt Commercial Laws were also present to provide guidelines for actions amongst the kajidics.[35] Even the rare Hutt weddings were considered little more than business arrangements made between two Hutts and were not done for pleasure, though there were the occasional moments when two members of the race genuinely felt love for one another.[21] For currency, the Hutts had used truguts in the past that were commonly accepted on worlds controlled by them.[30] It was also common practice during conflict resolution to resort to a kajidic convention, economic pressure, intimidation or even assassination.[36]

A council of elders was responsible for oversight over Hutt Space and comprised Hutts that represented the oldest and most influential kajidics. This group decided the fate of everyone that lived in Hutt Space; all Hutts were answerable to them.[2] This Council of Ancients ruled Nal Hutta and was made up of eldest members of their kind. These clans were families that could trace their ancestry to distant Varl. The means by which the Council made their decisions was largely a mystery, because the Hutts did not allow outsiders to witness their governmental proceedings. Hutts across the galaxy to even the farthest outskirts ultimately abided by the decisions of the council.[6] Beyond the council, internal rules maintained obedience and order within their criminal organizations.[30] Outside the council was the Hutt Cartel, officially an alliance of various Hutt clans that worked together for the common goal of attaining wealth and prosperity. In reality, the group was a criminal syndicate that was often splintered between its members that had competing interests.[37] Another organization that included Hutts was the Miasmic Order of Ardos.[38] One of the least numerous of the Huttese clans were the Shell Hutts.[39]

In terms of religion, they believed in a pair of sun gods known as Evona and Ardos that were both destroyed in the ancient disaster that forced them from Varl.[6] On ancient Varl, the brightest star in the sky was Cyax, and the early history of the Hutts contained legends of it and its planets. Among these was that of Da Soocha, a word for "waking planet" that referenced the legend of a vast planet-covering ocean. It held a sacred place amongst the Hutts, as they never explored it after they achieved spaceflight, and initially it appeared on none of their astrogation charts.[40] Some Hutts ascended into their pantheon due to great achievements such as military victories, as with Boonta.[source?] Other great Hutts of old were Zobara and Noh, who, in their time, had wandered the galaxy.[38] In addition, they built elaborate Hutt Temples on some sacred worlds.

On formal occasions, Hutts wore ties and top hats, or sported a cane and propeller hat.[41] Hutts spoke and read their own language, Huttese, though were equally able to master Basic. However, they considered their own language superior to Basic and typically demanded being addressed in their native tongue.[2] Their works of art included the play Evocar, written by Direus'pei.


Early existence[]



Varl, the original homeworld of the Hutts

"Once upon a time, the Hutts did not live on Nal Hutta, or on its moon Nar Shaddaa. They lived on planet called Varl, and it was a terrible place, perfect for the Hutts."
Reen Irana[25]

During the Pre-Republic era the Hutts evolved on the rich,[40] lush,[9] temperate forest planet of Varl that became the legendary homeworld of their kind.[2] At some point in ancient times, Varl became a part of the Rakata's Infinite Empire.[1] They were not the only race to evolve on the planet, as the t'landa Til were distant cousins of the Hutts.[6] The Rybets claimed to have also evolved on Varl and that they had fought a war against the Hutts that nearly destroyed the planet. However, the validity of these claims was uncertain and were dismissed by the Hutts themselves.[2] The system holding the original homeworld contained two suns[6] that were seen in Varl's azure sky[9] called Ardos and Evona, which the early Hutts worshipped as gods.[6] There were some claims that Varl was actually a barren world, and there was considerable debate on whether it was a lush paradise or something fabricated by the Hutts. Scholars believed that originally the Hutts were likely solitary beings that grouped together during a crisis point when their population was too great and resources were few, leading to their species being threatened with extinction. However, no true records existed, and thus much of the early development of Hutt civilization was a mystery.[28] During the fall of the Infinite Empire, Ardustagg the Absolute led a series of mass uprisings against the Rakata, freeing Varl from their rule. In the aftermath, the Hutts seized control of the Rakatan technology left behind and used it to forge their own empire.[42] Early Hutt history was largely unknown, and much of it had decayed into mythology. As a result, it was not known whether they had developed interstellar technology themselves or had acquired it from another species; various historical accounts conflicted with one another. What was known was that the Hutts were an aggressive warrior species with expansionist plans who invaded several outlying worlds. There, they either exterminated the native races or enslaved them to become thralls, which they did with hundreds of worlds.[1]

Similar to other species, their race spread to many planets upon achieving space travel. After leaving Varl, the Hutts explored the neighboring stars but left the Cyax system alone due to the myths they attributed to it and their desire not to destroy the legends of the worlds located there.[40] Eventually, a Hutt Empire formed after the year 25,200 BBY. It was mainly based in the Outer Rim Territories though it also covered a portion of the Mid Rim and was, for approximately two centuries, the most powerful government in the galaxy.[source?] The early Hutts were noted for being a warrior people that left Varl in order to seek their destiny in the stars. Any species they encountered, whether they were strong enough to resist them or too weak to fight, were utterly destroyed. Only those that were useful and capable of being mastered survived these predations. Even amongst these enslaved races, many of them were worked to extinction. The victims of the early Hutt conquests were long dead with few records of these early times. Among the few chronicles that existed were those of the Sakiyans, one of the few species from Hutt Space that retained their independence and earned the Hutts' respect. However, even their records were silent on the crimes of the Hutts. Only the oldest of the Tionese legends and those histories from long-established Rim worlds such as Delacrix and Rinn spoke of the Hutts with fear and terror. These records spoke of worlds caught between feuding clans or that offended the Hutts, with such planets being depopulated by poisoning, bombardment or incineration.[43] At this point, the Hutts built a formidable star empire.[44] In this era, the Hutts were served by Sakiyan and Nimbanel traders where their empire contained many great possessions. These included the lush boomworld of Ko Vari and the treasure world of Sleheyron. This latter world marked the true boundaries of the Hutt's dominion, where only their most trusted slaves were allowed. Hutt Space became a series of trade routes that led into a tangle of satrapies where the Hutts and their vassals both schemed and intrigued.[45]

Their empire was eventually challenged in 25,102 BBY by the Human Tionese warlord Xim the Despot, who had formed a powerful interstellar empire of his own within the Tion Cluster. Initial contact led to negotiations between Xim's courtiers and Hutt's vassals that culminated in an embassy being placed on Ko Vari where two dozen Hutt nobles attended. Amongst the Tionese was an individual remembered by the Hutts as Oziaf the Insignificant, whose presence was deemed a grievous insult. However, the Hutts could not ignore the accomplishments of Xim and thus offered the Tionese the chance to be particularly favored slaves. This chain of events led to Xim burning down the Hutt worlds, and he claimed the title of Daritha, whereupon he used his empire's beacon network to flank Sleheyron. By the 25th year of Xim's rule, he launched a two-pronged attack on Sleheyron and Ko Vari. This period, noted in Hutt legend as the sacking of Ko Vari, was considered a singularly brutal act. However, accounts from the Hutts and even the Tionese acknowledge that the push to Sleheyron ultimately failed. Xim the Despot's warships were driven back to Xo's Eye, where they were lost in the nest of black holes that populated the region. Despite a victory, the Hutts realized that they had made a grave mistake and had badly underestimated the Tionese species and their leader. This was because Xim's empire controlled many worlds, and his people seemingly bred like vermin that turned out new warships at a frightening rate.[45]

Xim Wars[]

"A long, long time ago, there came a time of revolution, when rebels united to challenge a tyrannical Despot. Leading the rebels was one Kossak the Hutt, who, with trickery, an indentured army, and an Idiot's Array of good fortune, triumphed over Xim the Despot's war-machines at the Third Battle of Vontor."
Evocar: Episode Three: "The Cry of the Evocii" by Direus'pei[45]

What followed was the devastating Xim Wars in 25,100 BBY, where Ko Vari was devastated in 25,102 BBY where Xim sought to vanquish the Hutt's control of the Si'Klaata Cluster.[source?] Within the Hutt Empire, the Conclave of Worms was called in order to discuss this threat and saw Kossak Inijic Ar'durv declared Clan-General of the Hutts. He moved to rally the clans by offering to increase the power bases of his brethren in exchange for their complete support in defeating Xim. The larger clans agreed, as they saw the prospect of profit, whilst the smaller clans joined afterwards in order to not be left out. Amongst Kossak's first acts was emptying all treasure hoards and outlawing expenditure on anything other than war material and provisions. This initially drew ire from his fellow Hutts, but the Clan-General proved himself by sticking to his word that maintained the tenacious peace amongst the clans. After the initial funds were depleted from naval construction, a great influx in profit led to the treasury expanding threefold from spoils taken from the war. Kossak promised to pay back the "loans" provided by the clans using this surplus as interest. This ended any further apprehension from his fellow Hutts and allowed Kossak to engage in his primary strategy during the epic war against Xim, where he turned the pirate's own tactics against him. The Clan-General hired thousands of Weequay mercenaries to pillage the shipping lanes and damage any commercial enterprises not allied with the Hutts. A combination of weakening his forces and bribes from Kossak led to many of Xim's allies moving to the Hutt's cause after being deprived of sufficient protection. Whilst an achievement, the Hutts lost control over Moralan when the Tionese helped instigate the natives in a revolt against the Hutts.[45] Thus, the Hutt Empire fiercely opposed Xim for the possession of the Si'Klaata Cluster.[44]

Afterwards, Kossak attempted to manipulate Xim and demanded that the Tionese leader engage the Hutt in ritual combat on the world of Vontor. This savage planet deep in the Si'Klaata Cluster was a source of kiirium ore. Xim ultimately accepted Kossak's invitation and battled on Vontor that was the source of many Hutt ritual combats. The Despot managed to arrive on the planet, where he eliminated the Weequay garrison on the world. According to scholars, a battle was fought in 25,100 BBY where Xim's pilots were outmaneuvered by the Hutts along with their slave species. The Despot ultimately lost, and as a penalty he was forced to withdraw his forces from all worlds that were claimed by the Hutts. The Tionese complied but instead drew plans for the division of the Hutt territories. Xim's newly built warships were sent into the Si'Klaata Cluster, where they raided the worlds of Kintan, Klatooine, and Vodran. However, Kossak instead challenged Xim to a second round of ritual combat, where the Hutt army consisting of Cyborrean, Jilruan and Weequay mercenaries battled the Tionese only to suffer massive casualties at the hands of the Duinarbulon Star Lancers. Xim ultimately lost the battle but escaped with a large supply of Kiirium ore that his war-droids had mined from Vontor. In the aftermath, Xim's warlords warned that Hutt raiders were now loose in the Kiirium Reaches and counselled their leader to abandon the conquest of the Hutt Empire but instead fortifying his own kingdom. The Despot refused to abandon his plans but did withdraw from Moralan, which was promptly overrun by the Hutts, who sterilized the world. Xim refused to surrender Ko Vari, which allowed the Hutts to build up their forces once more. Boonta Hestilic Shad'ruu, who had led the extermination of Moralan, retook Ko Vari, leaving both the Hutts and Xim on the brink of total war. Kossak instead proposed a third round of ritual combat on Vontor with numerous conditions. If Xim won, he would keep Ko Vari and what was left of Moralan, but if he refused, he had to renounce all claim to the Kiirium Reaches.[45]

Hutt Xim war

The Xim Wars

Following the Second Battle of Vontor, Kossak attempted to rebuild his army that had suffered severe losses. Thus, he sought new species to enlist into the Hutt's cause against the Despot. As a result, he sent three of his most trusted emissaries into the Xim-sacked worlds in the Si'Klaata Cluster. This saw Dojunda being dispatched to Vodran, Axkatta to Klatooine and Churabba to Kintan. These native species of the Si'Klaata Cluster were in awe of the Hutts and saw them as demigods, whereupon they vowed to fight Xim by pledging their service to their new masters in exchange for the secrets of "star-magic."[45] During this time, the Hutts gathered a number of native species to serve in their slave armies.[1] This saw both the Vodran and Klatooinian already being placed into their service.[46] This saw Hutt Space expanding into the Si'Klaata Cluster[47] leading to the discovery of the Nikto that were more technologically advanced than the Vodran and Klatooinians,[46] which made them a challenge to the Hutts.[47] Hutt merchants visited Kintan and intended to seek control of the star system in order to secure a strategic advantage over competitors.[48] Upon visiting Kintan, the Hutts desired taking the planet for themselves and witnessed the Cult in action.[6] The envoys from the Hutts were led by Churabba the Hutt, who had a cunning business being. Upon "her" arrival in the Kintan system, she realized that the Cult of M'dweshuu held a stranglehold over the planet and that the Nikto feared them. Legends spoke of "her" respecting the Cult but recognizing them as fierce and unpredictable.[47] Churabba also saw that many of the Cult's "loyal followers" were disgruntled and thus ripe for a rebellion.[48] Thus, instead of finagling or bargaining with the Nikto, Churabba destroy the cultists' seat of power from orbit[46] and had no regrets in doing so.[47] Not only did this show the Hutt's power but demonstrated that the Cult was not infallible to common Nikto.[46] Many of the cultists were killed when their stronghold was destroyed and earned the gratitude of the Nikto who saw the Hutts[47] along with Churabba as saviors.[6] Following their control of Kintan, the Hutts had no qualms with forcing the powerful Nikto into servitude.[47]

These events led to the Treaty of Vontor that allowed the creation of a sizable mercenary army consisting of Nikto, Vodran and Klatooinian warriors whose leaders had bound the three species to a permanent state of servitude.[1] Kossak lured races such as the Nikto into Hutt service for the battle at Vontor[43] and later led his forces at the Third Battle of Vontor in 25,100 BBY, where the new slave army was crucial in destroying Xim's army of war-robots.[49] Following Xim's defeat, the warlord was captured and placed in Kossak's dungeons on Varl, though Tionese historians falsely claimed he died in battle on Vontor. Afterward, the Hutts invaded and devastated much of the Tion Cluster. The Tionese were so debilitated militarily and economically that they did not pose a military threat for a long time.[1]

Tion and the Republic[]

In 24,000 BBY, Hutt Space and the Tion Cluster were first encountered by the Core Worlds–based Galactic Republic, which had discovered the Perlemian Trade Route.[49] By this point, the Hutts sat at the center of a web of lush worlds that were attended to by their slave races. The Hutts saw the young rich worlds of the Core being ripe for exploitation and thus their raiders and slavers struck from the shadows against such planets. Entire Core colonies were depopulated by the Hutts who seized cargoes before retreating into their own domain. Hutt predations on worlds by the Rim saw such planets seeking the protection of the Republic to aid them against such attacks.[43] As a result, these independent states petitioned for membership in the Galactic Republic, expanding it quickly over the millennium as these worlds sought to protect themselves from the Hutts.[49]

Conflict between the Republic and the Honorable Union of Desevro & Tion led to the Tionese War that erupted around this time. A victory was only achieved by the Republic when its agents stirred up trouble in Hutt Space. The angry Hutts were thus sent on a collision course with their old enemies in the Tion. This led to the Hutts invading the Kiirium Reaches and exterminating many of the Tionese there in a devastating campaign of genocide known as the Devouring.[49] The surviving Tionese appealed to their former Republic foes for protection, and most Tionese worlds subsequently joined the Republic. With their human foes united, the Hutts prepared for a war which did not ultimately occur.

Reign of the Old Republic[]

Hutt Cataclysms[]

The next major event to befall the Hutts was a terrifying civil war known as the Hutt Cataclysms, the origin of which was unknown.[1] Some claims said that Varl befell some great natural calamity in the past that left it a barren wasteland.[2] This immense catastrophe that blasted their world almost destroyed their species.[28] Hutt legend held their own beliefs as to the destruction that was inflicted on Varl. They claimed that long ago their gods ruled their home system in peace. This was until Evona was lured into a collision course with a tiny black hole, where she perished.[9] When this happened, the other planets in the system collided and crushed each other into asteroids.[9] This act in turn led to the asteroids crashing into Varl[9] and bombarding the surface.[6] Their beliefs held that Ardos mourned the loss of his mate and the destruction of their children. Thus, he ejected his gaseous shell, which seared Varl in the process, eventually condensing[9] and collapsing into a white dwarf.[6] What was left of their homeworld was a pock-marked, barren desert[40] that circled the white dwarf Ardos.[9] The majority of the indigenous forms of life went extinct as a result, but the Hutts survived.[40] Later Hutt legend claimed that they and Varl were the only survivors of the great celestial tragedy.[9] For this reason, they dismissed the Rybets' claims of originating from Varl, as they claimed to be the only survivors of the mysterious destruction to the Ardos system that was inflicted before recorded history.[2]

Starship pilots and galactic explorers, as well as scientists, subscribed to the belief that Varl was destroyed by the Hutts themselves after being embroiled in a civil war of such vicious ferocity that only their own kind were capable of comprehending it.[9] By the time it ended in 15,000 BBY, Varl, along with the ancient Hutt colonies, were rendered lifeless.[1] Whatever the nature of the catastrophe, the Hutts survived it and regained sufficient power and technology to relocate from the barren wastes of their home planet to another world.[9] Their survival of the destruction of their original system led to the Hutts' belief that they had surpassed the divinity of their pantheon and were now greater than the ones that they had once worshiped.[6]


Nal Hutta, the new Hutt homeworld

One of the systems that attracted the Hutts who fled Varl was the Y'Toub system, where they discovered the primitive Evocii.[40] Upon abandoning their ancestral homeworld, their star caravan eventually arrived over the planet Evocar, where they displaced the native Evocii species with typical Hutt cunning.[50] After they and the t'landa Til arrived in the Y'Toub system, the Hutts renamed the planet Nal Hutta, or "Glorious Jewel" in Huttese. Having decided that Evocar was a suitable home, they traded their modern technology[40] with the Evocii in exchange for pieces of land on Evocar.[50] During this time, the Evocii did not realize that the Hutts' purchase of real estate was essentially buying the planet from them. By the time the Evocii learnt the truth, the constructions teams had arrived to tear down the native lodges and monuments to replace them with Hutt structures.[40] What followed was the creation of tacky bathhouses, pleasure palaces,[50] pavilions, Huttian shrines and theme parks,[40] as the various Hutt merchant families sought to outdo one another.[50] The temperate rainforests were bulldozed and replaced with stagnant swampland whose foul, putrid odor appealed to Hutt senses. Similar construction efforts were conducted on the planet's moon, due to its growing importance in smuggling circles. It was thus paved over to allow for countless cargo warehouses, docking towers, trading plazas, and landing bays.[50] In the aftermath of the usurpation, the Evocii attempted to appeal to the Galactic Republic, but neither they nor the Jedi found a loophole in the Hutt contract. As a result, the Evocii were displaced to the moon of Nar Shaddaa that was deeded to them. However, unknown to them, the Hutt's business representatives had bribed the negotiators that forced them to remain as cheap in-system labor. In time, the Hutts confiscated more land and bought more of the growing industry, which saw the Evocii more exploited, to the point that they became a degenerate subclass in the lowest levels of the city moon.[40]

On their new homeworld, the Hutt Grand Council was established. It was the brainchild of Budhila Hestilic Amura, who had also created the philosophy of the kajidics. The teachings espoused by Budhila highlighted that fierce competition among the clans removed the weak from their ranks. Yet it also warned against outright warfare or territorial conquest. This produced a dramatic change in the Hutt mindset, as they believed normal means of conflict were tools used by weaker species. This era saw their earlier histories transformed into myth[1] and the formalization of the kajidic social structure. Hutts would now pursue a policy of manipulation and of working in the shadows, rather than their previous warring ways.[43]

The Old Republic[]

"Master, are you sure we should be dealing with these Hutts? They have no love for Jedi."
"Their love for profit is greater than their hatred of Jedi, young Padawan."
Jedi Padawan Naat Reath and Jedi Knight Echuu Shen-Jon[51]
Hutt TOR

A Hutt of the Galactic Republic in 3653 BBY

During the Kymoodon Era, Republic colonists spreading beyond the frontier into what was then the Wild Space between the Republic and Hutt Space were subjected to numerous Hutt-sponsored raids. These had the aim of enslaving the colonists. Lexrul, Drogheda, Hathrox, Imram and Parcovey Minor were among those colonies targeted. The successful defense of Parcovey Minor was one of the few bright spots for the colonists amid the raids.[52] This led to a hatred of the Hutts growing steadily throughout the Republic. At least one Republic soldier knew of them as the "devil-slugs," and believed that they had eaten Xim the Despot to gain his powers.[53]

In 12,000 BBY, the Republic came under the influence of the theocratic and Humanocentric Pius Dea sect, which posited Contispex I as Supreme Chancellor.[49][54] Taking advantage of their unpopularity among the Republic's citizens, Contispex sanctioned a crusade against the Hutts.[54] Over the following centuries, his descendants sanctioned several crusades against some rival alien sects in the Outer Rim, which fought back, leaving the galaxy in a state of alternating hot and cold wars.[54] The anti-alien nature of the crusades precipitated an exodus into Hutt Space until the end of Pius Dea rule in 11,000 BBY,[1] and the repercussions of these crusades soured relations between the Core and the outlying regions over the millennia.[49]

Around the time, the Ootmian Pabol hyperlane was forged from Gyndine into Hutt Space. In the Ductavis Era and Rianitus Period after the Pius Dea Era, trade flooded down this new route into Hutt Space via Nal Hutta, and its moon Nar Shaddaa became a boomworld for legitimate business. In this time, one Hutt known as Blotus even became Supreme Chancellor of the Republic and was hailed by its citizens for his actions during the Rianitus Period. Another notable Hutt was Aarrba, who was a humble and honest businessman at Koros Major in 5000 BBY. However, the Hutts' destiny was changed forever in 4000 BBY when the star of the Kyyr system went supernova, sundering the Ootmian Pabol. With the decline of the route and the Corellian Run expanding beyond Ryloth, legitimate trade fled Nar Shaddaa, and the moon became the galaxy's most notorious shadowport, a haven for smugglers, pirates, and other criminals. Deprived of trade, the Hutts soon adapted to become the masters of the galaxy's criminal underworld. From this, the Hutts had wormed their way into the megacorps of the Republic within a few millennia. The machinations of the Hutt kajidics allowed them to gain economic control over more planets whilst the Republic rotted from within.[1]

In the Jedi Civil War, and later the Dark Wars, the Hutts found themselves increasingly challenged by the criminal syndicate the Exchange. During this time, the Exchange attempted to gain control over Nar Shaddaa and fought with the Hutts for the Smugglers' Moon. This reduced the Hutts' power on the moon and placed it temporarily within the hands of the Exchange.[55] Among these Exchange crime bosses on Nar Shaddaa was Goto, who believed that the Hutts were too dangerous an evil for the Republic to deal with. This led to a number of confrontations with the local Hutt Vogga, who hired bounty hunters and even made a deal with Goto's underling to eliminate his boss.[56]


Hutt warlord Nem'ro during the Great Galactic War era

During the emergence of the Sith Empire, the Hutt Cartel played little part in events of the Great Galactic War as the criminal networks of the galaxy debated which faction to back. However, the Hutts resented the Sith Emperor for not including them in his pre-war conspiracy against the Republic. Despite this, Imperial Intelligence blocked all Republic efforts in gaining the Hutts' support.[57] As the conflict escalated, the planet Quesh was discovered by the Republic, which intended to harness the potent venenit queshaaga ("Quesh Venom") for adrenal production, and forged a deal with three Hutt clans for their knowledge of processing venenit shadaaga ("Hutt Venom") based adrenals, who kept the business deal a secret from the Sith. But their dealings were eventually discovered by the Sith Empire. This forced the Hutts to declare the three clans to be traitors, and they were forced to help the Sith in attempting to re-occupy the planet.[58] After the Treaty of Coruscant, the Hutts largely remained neutral during the Cold War period of 3654 BBY, where they did not side either with the Republic or the Sith. However, Nar Shaddaa remained a common gathering ground for criminal elements throughout the galaxy and was tolerated so long as the Hutts were given a cut of any profit generated.[59] During this time, the Hutts continued facing predations from the Exchange and worked with several crime syndicates against them through informants within that organization.[60]

Among notable activities by the Hutts were Hutt Cartel business dealings through Barrga the Hutt at the Rendili Vehicle Corporation, which led to the creation of the Vanguard-class light corvette. However, Rendili betrayed the Hutt and killed his agents in order to cover up their dealings.[61] As the Cold War continued, numerous attempts were made to align the Hutts with their faction. Imperial Intelligence dispatched Cipher Nine to Nar Shaddaa disguised as a bounty hunter called the Red Blade in order to trick Suudaa Nem'ro into aligning with the Sith Empire. This was accomplished by the Cipher Agent planting information that indicated Nem'ro's rival, Fa'athra, was receiving Republic support. After taking the bait, Nem'ro contacted the Sith Empire about Imperial assistance in combating the Republic. Similarly, the crime lord Bareesh Fenn'ak Torill allied with the Republic where the Hutt worked with Ambassador Averdon.[34] Following the apparent death of the Sith Emperor, the Hutt Cartel openly turned against both the Republic and the Empire. This saw the invasion of the planet Makeb, where Toborro the Hutt bribed the InterStellar Regulators to serve him whilst he intended to mine the world of its supply of isotope-5. He intended to gather enough of the substance to create new weaponry and energy supplies, with which the Hutts planned to conquer the galaxy.[62]

According to a vision by Kreia, the Hutts eventually ceased tolerating the presence of the Exchange, which caused the criminal syndicate to slowly feed on itself until it was ultimately destroyed.[56]

Dark Ages[]

"But all that changed because of us. Governments fall, but we remain. The Hutt clans have ways of talking to each other, of moving goods and muscle. The smarter Sith Lords realized that—and made a place at the table for us. The others—are no longer around."
―Zodoh to his Sith competitors[63]

During the era of the New Sith Wars, the shattered factions of the New Sith intruded upon Hutt Space where they occupied the region. However, when the Republic cut off the comm relays, these Sith fought with one another and were weakened. This allowed the Hutts to move their goods and forces in place until the Sith either worked with them or were destroyed.

Afterwards, Zodoh the Hutt intruded upon Sith-controlled space of the Bactranate, starting with Aquilaris, as he attempted to expand his business ventures. Without their Sith masters, the Hutt forces easily overpowered the Sith troops and deployed their atmospheric Stormdriver. This assault was repulsed by the Republic, which deployed Devil Squadron into the fight against both the Hutt and Sith forces. Despite this, Zodoh met with the Sith warlords and offered to be a supplier of munitions and slaves. He stated that he would supply these in exchange for a foothold, but he warned the Sith that he would destroy them if they resisted.

Around 600 BBY/400 BBY, a Hutt by the name of Beldorion became a member of the Jedi Order. As a Jedi, he traveled to Nam Chorios, where he discovered the planet's crystal energy magnified his own Force powers. Afterwards, he set himself up as a petty local dictator on the world.[44]

Rise of the Empire[]

The Clone Wars[]

"I'm sorry, Master. Maybe I should have seen this coming. But it was a bad idea to deal with the Hutts. You can never win with them. You can only choose how badly you lose."
―Anakin Skywalker to Obi-Wan Kenobi[12]

At some point during Jabba Desilijic Tiure's rise to power, he had to fend off numerous actions from his peers. In this time, he devised a brilliant strategy that united his species in their criminal enterprises. After calling together the Hutt clan leaders, he convinced them to expand their influence instead of bickering between themselves. Jabba proposed to unite the clans, instead of continuing inter-clan rivalries, and to exploit the rest of the galaxy as a single entity. His plan worked, and after removing his rivals, he elevated himself to chief of the Hutt crime syndicates.[32]

During the Separatist Crisis, Count Dooku dispatched Chiss General Sev'rance Tann to the planet Tatooine in order to gather valuable intelligence from Boorka the Hutt, who resided in Mos Osnoe. Among this vital information were details of a new weapon that was being developed by the Republic. After battling his forces, she earned the Hutt's respect, and he asked for her assistance in destroying a Republic space port that was being established outside his home settlement to help pay for war costs by profiting from the Outer Rim trade route.[51] During this time, a renewed presence came from the Nikto Cult of M'dweeshu that had committed several occult mutilations and killings on travelers on the Sisar Run of the Periphery. As a result, local businesses and planetary governments placed bounties on free Nikto that were not affiliated with the Hutts or Hutt enterprises. Dorosii, who was the Appointed Intermediate to the Galactic Senate, assured Republic officials that they were resolving the blood cult's violent activities without government intervention, though the Jedi Council was investigating sending a task force to deal with the situation.[64]

BibFortuna Jabba Ep6

Jabba the Hutt, played a part in shaping the course of the Clone Wars

In the Clone Wars, Hutt Space remained neutral amidst the fighting and played both Galactic Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems against each other.[1] The Hutts ultimately saw the war as simply another means through which they could gain a profit. This saw them channel a great deal of illegal resources to both sides. The Separatists proved to be the largest customer of the Hutts who were constantly looking for new advances to aid in their war effort;[65] one particular instance was Jabba's role of smuggling cortosis at the request of Wat Tambor, the Skakoan Foreman of the Techno Union and a member of the Separatist Council, during the construction and production of the C-B3 cortosis battle droid for the CIS several months after the Battle of Geonosis. However, after the rescue and return of Rotta to Jabba on Tatooine in the Arkanis sector, the Hutts allowed the Republic to pass through the sector, a privilege denied to the CIS.[1] As the war raged, the Hutts moved in the shadows, gaining control of Tatooine, Gyndine, and Toong'L. They also demanded high prices for access to the trade routes they controlled.[1] However, the Hutts were notably displeased with the Confederacy when they began gathering mercenaries from Gamorr. Thus, they petitioned the Separatists in an attempt to preserve their hold over the Gamorreans. This led to the Trade Federation negotiating a finder's fee where they paid a bounty to the Hutts for each Gamorrean hired in the course of the Clone Wars. The act only generated minimal profit for the Hutts but eased their minds on the idea that the Confederacy was encroaching on Gamorr, a world long considered within their control.[65]

While this balancing act was the norm, Tagta the Hutt used a repulsor-based cannon at his palace on Nar Hekka to destroy Republic supply ships that moved along the Sheela Run to reach the front lines. The Jedi Order dispatched Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi to investigate the matter. They learned that Tagta intended to extort the Republic by demanding one billion credits for Republic use of the Sheela Run. The Hutt even threatened to speak to Count Dooku about such a business opportunity, but after Tagta's mercenaries were neutralized, Grandmaster Yoda reopened negotiations by offering only a single credit for the use of the Sheela Run. This was under the condition that the trade route be free of Separatist ships; otherwise, the Senate would investigate Tagta's criminal activities.

After Ziro the Hutt was imprisoned, the Hutt Council feared the knowledge he kept of their criminal activities in a holodiary record. The Council hired bounty hunter Cad Bane to release Ziro from captivity and to bring him to Nal Hutta. Bane took the Galactic Senate hostage, bargaining their freedom in exchange for Ziro's. After Ziro was brought to the Hutt homeworld, he sought to avoid punishment by threatening to release the contents of his diary. In response, the Hutt Council imprisoned him. Sy Snootles freed Ziro, and the two recovered the diary from the Grave of Ziro Desilijic Tiure's father on Teth. But Snootles killed Ziro and took the records back to her employer, Jabba Desilijic Tiure, on Tatooine.

Imperial Period[]

After the war, the Republic was replaced with a new Galactic Empire. The New Order was a revitalized militaristic power that the Hutts showed obedience to but used their cunning to outmaneuver. Whilst the Empire's anti-slavery policies greatly hurt their operations, exceptions were made for Hutt Space and several other cooperatives that the Hutts moved quickly to control. Though an attempt was made to organize the rimward territory of Hutt Space into Imperial sectors, the Hutts simply bribed the newly appointed Moffs to look the other way. In addition, whilst Moff Sarn Shild was in charge of Hutt Space, in reality the situation was far different, with his decrees disregarded in the Hutts' territory. The Empire made several shows of force, including the annexation of Sriluur and the northern Hutt territories, as well as the development of manufacturing plants throughout Hutt Space. This also saw the creation of an Imperial task force sent to crack down on criminal activity on Nar Shaddaa, which was stopped by actions conducted by smugglers. Furthermore, the Empire warned the Hutts that rebel activity would not be tolerated in Hutt Space. Despite this, for the most part, the Hutts were left largely alone and in fact generated the most profit for the Imperial war machine.[1]

LAotH cover art

A one-eyed Hutt gangster during the Galactic Civil War

Imperial astronomers in this era examined Hutt beliefs and pointed out what they believed to be impossibilities within the legend. However, it was true that Varl orbited the dwarf star Ardos with a lot of asteroids present within the star system.[9] Despite this, Imperial officials disliked the Hutts and claimed that nothing of good breeding could have come from Varl.[17] Whilst the Hutt families lacked the Empire's military might, they did keep Imperial forces at bay with their influence. This was achieved through insinuations that they were capable of sabotaging key economies, supply lines, resource fulfillment, corporations and even governments elsewhere in the galaxy. As a result, the Hutts remained secure within their own domain on the fringes of the Outer Rim, where they dispatched agents to achieve their goals. These included dealing with the rising Empire, forging cooperative arrangements with its more pliable members, and continuing to expand their criminal syndicates throughout the galaxy. They also kept an eye on Nar Shaddaa for signs suspected resistance operations in order to prevent these from arousing Imperial intervention.[66]

During the Galactic Civil War between the Rebel Alliance and the Empire, most Hutts remained neutral.[1] After the Battle of Yavin, an armed force of kajidics led by Osae Meilea known as the Hutt Expeditionary Force was dispatched into the Yavin system that attempted to shut down rival operations in order to salvage the remains of the Death Star with some of the technology sold to both the Empire and the Rebel Alliance.[67] In this era, the Hutts were challenged by the rising criminal empire of Tyber Zann, who led the Zann Consortium in a number of operations in the galaxy. This saw Jabba Desilijic Tiure's criminal empire attacking their base on Ryloth, leading to similar engagements on Saleucami and culminating in Jabba's defeat at Hypori when Zann captured an old CIS battle-droid factory. Both worlds were ceded to the Consortium in exchange for Jabba's survival and the condition that Hutt Space be left alone.[68]

After the death of Jabba, the truce established by him for many years dissolved and led to a full-scale Hutt clan war. During this time, the various Hutts tried to systematically dominate one another whilst the criminal underworld fell into chaos.[40] In 12 ABY, Durga Besadii Tai began a plan at securing a base of power for himself and the Hutts after the death of both Jabba and Prince Xizor. Now the new head of the Black Sun, he instigated the creation of a superlaser-equipped superweapon known as the Darksaber. Using the Taurill as a work force, he also conscripted Bevel Lemelisk to create the weapon within an asteroid field in the Hoth system. In order to prevent the New Republic from discovering his plans, he seemingly took part in a peace initiative with Leia Organa Solo. He even suggested forming an alliance and that the Empire was conducting suspicious activity, but during this time, he stole the Death Star plans and other components critical to his goal. Learning of his plan, the New Republic dispatched a commando team led by Crix Madine to attack Durga, but Madine was killed in the skirmish. Furthermore, the Darksaber itself was destroyed when the cheapness of the project and the poor construction efforts of the Taurill Overmind led to it being destroyed by the asteroids where it was being built, thus ending the Hutt threat when Durga was killed.[23]

Post-Endor Era[]

New Jedi Order Era[]

"When Xim the Despot and his droid legions attempted to invade Hutt space, the great Kossak defeated them at Vontor and sent them fleeing for the Tion Hegemony. And when Moff Sarn Shild attempted to blockade Nal Hutta and destroy our moon, the great clans set aside their differences to manipulate weak Imperials and send their forces fleeing, as well. We have weathered many storms, and we will weather this one, as well. With care, we can play the New Republic against the invaders for the betterment of the Hutts."
―Borga Besadii Diori to the Hutt Council[69]
Vong vs Hutts

The Hutts defend their holdings against the Yuuzhan Vong

During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Hutts came to realize that they needed to deal with the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong invaders. This was because they knew that these new aliens were pressing towards the Core Worlds and were unlikely to ignore Hutt Space. The circumstances led to a simple choice for the Hutts; fight or bargain. They ultimately bargained with the Yuuzhan Vong, though it was not in the Hutt mentality to choose sides. This was particularly the case when there was prospective profit by serving both sides in the conflict. Thus, some Hutts believed they were capable of maintaining their neutrality by selling slaves to the Yuuzhan Vong, arms to the New Republic and spice to everyone else. For the negotiations, the Grand Council and kajidics empowered Borga Besadii Diori, where they made contact with the Yuuzhan Vong through a Human intermediary known as Pedric Cuf. This saw Borga meet with commander Malik Carr, where they claimed to desire peaceful coexistence with the Yuuzhan Vong. To demonstrate their good will, the Hutts offered one of their own worlds to be used as a staging ground for an attack against the New Republic. In exchange, the Hutts wanted to be allowed to continue trading freely and requested to be informed of which worlds the Yuuzhan Vong were going to invade. The Hutts claimed that this was to avoid such planets and to prevent any unfortunate conflict of interest from emerging.[70] Following the separate peace agreed with the Yuuzhan Vong, the Hutts officially severed all diplomatic ties with the New Republic. This news was broadcast onto the HoloNet, which saw Nal Hutta's envoy, the Consul-General Golga Besadii Fir, closing down the Hutt consulate at Valorum Tower on Coruscant. Kuati Senator Viqi Shesh met with the Hutt ambassador; informally they discussed the Hutts furnishing intelligence on Yuuzhan Vong actions.[69]

During this time, the concession given to the Hutts was ultimately noticed by other traders in the galaxy. These included Talon Karrde, who suspected collusion from the Hutts and took his Jedi allies to uncover evidence of this, along with confirmation that the lack of Hutt presence on select worlds meant that they were intended targets. This led him to Ryloth, where he met Crev Bombaasa, who was a high-ranking member of the Besadii kajidic. Unaware of his masters' intentions, he provided Karrde a list of worlds that the Hutts were avoiding as they were targets for invasion by the Yuuzhan Vong. The divulgence of this information was seen by the Yuuzhan Vong as a deliberate act of treachery. Thus, after the costly Battle of Fondor, the vengeful Yuuzhan Vong took their wrath out on Nal Hutta.[70] In response, only half the clans' support was given to provide a defense to their homeworld. As a result, many Hutts were slain within their palaces during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of Nal Hutta. Yuuzhan Vong forces conducted remote bombardment over Nal Hutta with missiles bursting in the atmosphere with no immediate damage detected.[71] Following their failed alliance, the Yuuzhan Vong introduced bio-agents into the atmosphere of both Nal Hutta and its moon of Nar Shaddaa.[30] Several organic creations were sent by the Master Shapers to Nal Hutta and its moon Nar Shaddaa for multiple purposes that ultimately culminated in them being Vongformed to fertile planetoids. Different types of bacteria killed most of the inhabitants which traveled into the underslums of Nar Shaddaa, before processing their remains into the soil of Nal Hutta, which killed some Hutts as their bodies were feasted on by such microbes.[71] The chain of events wiped out all forms of technology and killed many Hutts.[30]

Many of the kajidics evacuated by this point and fled to worlds such as Gamorr, Tatooine and Rodia.[71] Since being exiled from their homeworld, they sought a new homeworld for their kind. The Yuuzhan Vong indicated that they were willing to allow the Hutts to relocate to Tatooine, but under the condition that they be given a live captive Jedi in exchange.[70] During this time, many Hutt freighters were allowed to flee to Tatooine from the devastated Nal Hutta, where there was a fear that the limited resources on such a small planet would eventually spiral into an inevitable clan war between the factions.[30] Though most Hutts fled from Nal Hutta, some of those that remained behind were desperate to find some new means of negotiating with the Yuuzhan Vong, such efforts being led by Borga the Hutt. To accomplish this, she asked her son Randa Besadii Diori on Duro to offer Jedi on on the planet to Warmaster Tsavong Lah on the condition the Hutts be allowed to settle on Tatooine.[71] By 26 ABY there was a Hutt underground operating against the Yuuzhan Vong, with Booster Terrik supplying them with weapons. With the Yuuzhan Vong's defeat in 29 ABY, the Hutts reasserted control over many of their worlds particularly Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa and sought to dominate regional reconstruction efforts.[source?]

The devastation inflicted on the Hutts made it seem that they were finished as masters of the criminal underworld. However, in the years that followed, spacers revealed that the organisms created from the Vongforming process died or became sickly on many Hutt worlds. As a result, scientists from the Galactic Alliance attempted to negotiate access to such worlds that displayed such resistance. At the same time, the Hutt clans moved slowly to regain their former influence. The Yuuzhan Vong War taught a terrible lesson to the Hutts, who began to alter the fundamental aspect of the kajidic philosophy. Whilst the kajidic led to the Hutt's becoming rich, it did not save them from the Yuuzhan Vong and thus they concluded that another such adversary may appear in the future in which case they needed to prepare to combat. In time, an astonished galaxy bore witness to armed starships that appeared on the spacelanes that were of Hutt design. Amongst cantinas, word spread of strange, bulbous vessels which moved through the routes of the central hutt worlds where they followed an ancient network of jump beacons. However, many dismissed such claims though sightings did indicate something profound had affected Hutt Space.[43]

TheHuttFleet EGTW

The new Hutt fleet

In 39 ABY, Hutts refused to join the Five Worlds and remained independent from both the Five Worlds and the Galactic Alliance. However in 40 ABY, when the Confederation was formed, the Hutts joined the organization, and eventually they themselves joined the members of the Oversector during the great conflict with some kajidics, who only remained in Bootana Hutta, contributed warships.[1] It was during this time that Hutt warships supported Confederation actions such as those at Balmorra and Kuat. In these engagements, Hutt warships proved capable in battle though all attempts at analyzing the wreckage of destroyed vessels failed as they contained built-in self-destruct sequences. Following the conclusion of the Second Galactic Civil War, Corellian and Commenori naval officers offered little insight on their former allies technology or military hierarchy. This was because they had dealt exclusively with intermediaries from the Hutt slave races; thus little was known of the changes that went through Hutt Space. As a result, the possibility of renewed Hutt militarism became a disquieting prospect for the galaxy.[43]

During 44 ABY, after the Sith of the Lost Tribe desecrated the Fountain of Ancients on Klatooine, the Klatooinians called a meeting to determine whether the Treaty of Vontor had been violated, as the Hutts had promised to safeguard the Fountain. Despite the best efforts of Tooga Jallissi Gral, who represented the Hutts, and the ruling of Jaina Solo and Lando Calrissian, who were acting as arbitrators, the Klatooinians decided that the Treaty had been violated and was now null and void, and they, the Nikto, and the Vodran threw out their Hutt masters, along with slaves throughout the galaxy who rebelled against their own masters.[20]

Legacy Era[]

Queen Jool

Queen Jool

By 130 ABY, the Hutts had reasserted control over Nar Shaddaa and rebuilding that what was once destroyed. During the reign of Darth Krayt, the Hutts kept pressure on Imperial bureaucrats in the form of bribes and threats of violence. Such acts gave the Smugglers' Moon some respite from Imperial authority. Even though no member of the One Sith ruled the planet, the Hutt's kept a wary eye for Jedi and other individuals on the Empire's bounty list. Bounty hunters were often sent after such individuals and turned over to the Imperials that kept them content whilst still lining the Hutts coffers.[72] One notable Hutt of the era was Queen Jool who owned Rik's Cantina on Coruscant.[73]

By 137 ABY, the new Galactic Empire under the control of the One Sith had usurped control of the Galaxy. For unknown reasons, Hutt Space provided covert help to the Galactic Alliance Remnant, one of the new Empire's major opponents. Later, the Sith's poisoning of Da Soocha and the destruction of the Hutt Temple Maya Armus on Napdu prompted the Hutts into entering the conflict against the Sith on the side of the Alliance and Imperials.[74]

Hutts in the galaxy[]

"I conclude that they have taken him to the Hutt planet Nal Hutta."
Quinlan Vos, on Ziro's escape[19]

The Hutts had several hideouts in remote, scarcely populated planets of the Outer Rim Territories.[33] Spice was one resource that the Hutts extracted and distributed throughout the galaxy.[75]

Not all members of the species engaged in business and criminal enterprises; some became respected beings in the galaxy, such as Doctor Juvard Illip Oggurobb, who was a famed scientist in the galaxy around 3638 BBY and the five-time winner of the Bao-Dur Science Prize.[62]

Around five hundred years before the Battle of Naboo, some Hutts sold two hundred nine obsolete Ubrikkian 222 fishing trawlers to Hugo Bartyn, with a great discount. Bartyn used them to get seafood in Lamaredd and sold it back to the Hutts, who happened to enjoy it. When a union threatened to stop the influx of seafood, while orders from the Hutts were to be served, Bartyn feared that the Hutts could take over Lamaredd as a retaliation.[33]

In 65 BBY, Hutt influence spread onto the planet Tatooine, where they arrived after the mining industry had collapsed amongst the natives. Despite their reputation, the inhabitants' economy flourished as their influence with both trade and employment greatly increased as the result of the Hutts. The original Hutts settled at Mos Espa, where they worked in the shadows to establish drug and smuggling activities. In time, practices such as slavery and indentured servitude became common on Tatooine until the Hutts became part of the planet's society. In time, it became dominated by the five families, namely the Besadii, Desilijic, Faljozic, Jahibakti and Nasirii, with Tatooine considered a long-affiliated Hutt world that adopted their currency. Large numbers of Hutts fled to Tatooine during the Yuuzhan Vong War after Nal Hutta was devastated.[30]

By the time of the Galactic Civil War, the Hutts had visited Cloud City on a regular basis during the time when Jabba the Hutt owned the Holiday Towers Hotel and Casino. However, after his death, Cloud City took possession of the building, and all the free-spending Hutt gamblers stopped visiting the city as they did not feel welcomed by the new establishment. As such, the Hutts rarely visited Cloud City.[17]


"A Hutt without a sail barge is like a smoke moth without wings."
―Translated from Huttese[76]

In general, the Hutts were known not for being inventors, manufacturers or builders but as businessmen who connected those who required a service to those capable of accomplishing it.[10] There was no real information on the level of technology that the Hutts developed themselves, but they made use of some of the most recent advances in galactic technology. In fact, they acquired these advances through theft and duplicity long before they were offered to galactic governments.[9]

During their reign on Varl, the Hutts had very few servant species and instead relied on droids for a variety of purposes such as security and battle droids. Between the two, the security droids resembled tin mechanical Hutts that were simple but served as efficient and tireless guards. The latter of these were powerful mechanized warriors that roamed the surface of Varl in ancient times.[31] In the Cold War era, the Hutt Cartel commissioned the construction of AR-34 enforcer droids that were designed as security droids but instead became used as debt collectors for Hutt-affiliated gangsters.[34]

Weapon technology included ancient Planechangas that fired asteroids at planet-cracking velocities.[43] Vehicles such as the Pongeeta-class swamp speeders were modern takes on ancient Hutt fanboats.[77] Wealthy Hutts favored sail barges.[76]

In the time of the Clone Wars, Hutt families used HH-87 Starhoppers as long-range starfighters. These craft had strong prows and visible armor plates that indicated aggressive attributes that were admired by the Hutts. Thus, they used the Starhoppers to patrol the skies of Nal Hutta.[78] During the age of the Galactic Empire, the Hutt crime organizations commissioned the construction of numerous starfighters from MandalorMotors. These included custom series designs such as the lightly armored interceptor M3-A Scyk fighter, custom M12-L Kimogila heavy fighter and the more capable and heavily armored G1-M4-C Dunelizard fighter.[67]

Hutt starships included caravels that were roomy shuttles generally used to transport their kind from Nal Hutta to the moon of Nar Shaddaa. However, sometimes they used these craft to patrol worlds in order to maintain a strong presence at such planets. Hutts tended to hate conformity and standardization, which was why no two caravels were alike, as their owners customized them to suit their taste. Hutt patrol ships were an exception to this rule, as they were purely military vessels designed to watch over Hutt interests.[31] The Zorba Express was a Huttian starship design style which had a bell-shaped form with a large door that allowed a Hutt easy entry or exit from the craft.[17]

Xim-era vessels included Tarrada cruisers that were used in the Battle of Vontor.[45] By the Cold War era, one noted capital ship used by the race were Azalus-class Hutt dreadnaughts.[34] During the Galactic War, Ajuur-class heavy cruisers were used by the Hutt Cartel to blockade the planet Makeb.[62] In the Second Galactic Civil War, Hutt ships included the Chelandion-type cruisers and Batil-style gunships.[43]

Common Hutt names[]

The proper way to address a Hutt was "Almighty One."[79]

Behind the scenes[]

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An x-ray of Jabba's hypothetical skeleton

Like a few other terms relating to Tatooine and its inhabitants, George Lucas derived the word "Hutt" from Arabic, in this case, the word حوت, ḥawt, meaning "whale."[source?] Sources published before 1983 spell the word "Hut."[80][81]

On the Return of the Jedi tape included in the 1997 The Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition, George Lucas detailed that the word "Hutt" was originally Jabba Desilijic Tiure's gangster title, but was eventually changed to indicate Jabba's species.

Though most sources state that Hutts have no bones (as with real-life gastropods), study art was drawn for The Phantom Menace showing Jabba's skeleton.

The cancelled novel Alien Exodus would have shown the origins of the Hutts: the larvae of the Varlians, insectoid aliens, continue to grow thanks to a plague, without entering the next state of its life cycle, becoming monstrous beings, of five meters long, cruel and greedy, known as the Hutts in the galaxy.

In many languages, the phrase "[Name] the Hutt" is translated as "[Name] of Hutt."[source?]


Ambiguously canon appearances[]

Non-canon appearances[]


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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 The Essential Atlas
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 Ultimate Alien Anthology
  3. Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi
  4. The New Essential Guide to Characters
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Databank title Hutt in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link)
  6. 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 The Essential Guide to Alien Species
  7. Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace
  8. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
  9. 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 9.16 9.17 9.18 9.19 Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 The New Essential Guide to Alien Species
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 The Hutt Gambit
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 Star Wars: The Clone Wars novelization
  13. 13.0 13.1 Queen of the Empire
  14. 14.0 14.1 Jabba the Hutt: The Dynasty Trap
  15. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The Visual Guide
  16. Star Wars: The Clone Wars Character Encyclopedia
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 Zorba the Hutt's Revenge
  18. 18.0 18.1 Boba Fett: Murder Most Foul
  19. 19.0 19.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Hunt for Ziro"
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 Fate of the Jedi: Allies
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 WizardsoftheCoast "Hutt! Hutt! Hutt!" (original article link) on Wizards.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
  22. The Bounty Hunters: Scoundrel's Wages
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 Darksaber
  24. Companion Gift "Fossilized Hutt Gallstone" in Star Wars: The Old Republic
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.6 Scourge
  26. Lords of Nal Hutta
  27. SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic — Archaeology Crew Skill mission: "Memoirs of a Crimelord"
  28. 28.00 28.01 28.02 28.03 28.04 28.05 28.06 28.07 28.08 28.09 28.10 Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations
  29. 29.0 29.1 Threats of the Galaxy
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.4 30.5 30.6 30.7 30.8 Secrets of Tatooine
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 Tempest Feud
  32. 32.0 32.1 Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 SWGamer-icon "Bartyn's Landing" — Star Wars Gamer 7
  34. 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 Star Wars: The Old Republic
  35. "Hutt and Seek" — Tales from the New Republic
  36. WizardsoftheCoast "Before the Rise" (original article link) on Wizards.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
  37. SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic — Codex: "Hutt Cartel"
  38. 38.0 38.1 SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic — Imperial Agent Mission: "Finding Vengeance" on Voss
  39. The Mandalorian Armor
  40. 40.00 40.01 40.02 40.03 40.04 40.05 40.06 40.07 40.08 40.09 40.10 Dark Empire Sourcebook
  41. Spy Girls
  42. Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia
  43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 43.4 43.5 43.6 43.7 The Essential Guide to Warfare
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 The Essential Chronology
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 45.3 45.4 45.5 45.6 HyperspaceIcon Xim Week: The Despotica (Part I) on Hyperspace (article) (content obsolete and backup link not available)
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds
  47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 47.3 47.4 47.5 Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens — Enemies and Allies
  48. 48.0 48.1 SWGamer-icon "The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Nikto" — Star Wars Gamer 6
  49. 49.0 49.1 49.2 49.3 49.4 49.5 The New Essential Chronology
  50. 50.0 50.1 50.2 50.3 50.4 The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons
  51. 51.0 51.1 Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns
  52. Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, Part 5 — Zenith of the Republic
  53. Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, Part 4: The Rise of the Republic
  54. 54.0 54.1 54.2 HyperspaceIcon Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji on Hyperspace (article) (content obsolete and backup link not available)
  55. Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
  56. 56.0 56.1 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  57. SWTOR mini Timeline 4: The Empire Changes Strategy on The Old Republic's official website (article) (backup link)
  58. SWTOR icon Quesh on The Old Republic Holonet (backup link) (content now obsolete; original version)
  59. The Old Republic: Annihilation
  60. The Old Republic: Deceived
  61. StarWars The Old Republic: Smuggler's Vanguard on StarWars.com (article) (content now obsolete; backup link)
  62. 62.0 62.1 62.2 Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel
  63. Knight Errant: Deluge 1
  64. HoloNet News Vol. 531 45
  65. 65.0 65.1 The Clone Wars Campaign Guide
  66. The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide
  67. 67.0 67.1 Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided
  68. Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption
  69. 69.0 69.1 The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse
  70. 70.0 70.1 70.2 The New Jedi Order Sourcebook
  71. 71.0 71.1 71.2 71.3 The New Jedi Order: Balance Point
  72. Legacy Era Campaign Guide
  73. Legacy (2006) 14
  74. Legacy (2006) 48
  75. Ultimate Adversaries
  76. 76.0 76.1 The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
  77. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Incredible Vehicles
  78. StarWars HH-87 Starhopper in the Encyclopedia (content now obsolete; backup link)
  79. The Paradise Snare
  80. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope novel
  81. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back novel

External links[]
