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Villains Wiki

The Celestials are immensely powerful beings featured in the Marvel Comics universe, considered by some to be villains (confirmed as such in a few official works, where they have fought heroes and villains alike, they are greatly feared even by a being of Galactus' might - although in others Galactus has engaged and defeated them). This race currently consists of about 22 known Celestials, but the number varies considerably from story to story (in the beginning of time, for example, they were said to be as many of them as stars - which would put them at a rate of trillions upon trillions (they were largely wiped out due to the First Firmament.)

Worshipped as "space gods" by many races, they may be benevolent by their own lights (unlikely as they often act robotic and rather malevolent, save perhaps to their creations, the Eternals), but they have absolutely no regard for the interests of anyone but themselves. They consider virtually all other beings 'germs' (much like the Monitors of DC multiverse), and destroy entire worlds and species if they think its necessary. Even the Watchers are not safe from their judgment.


Celestials are gigantic armor-clad humanoids. They are approximately 2,000 feet tall, some of them are even larger (such as Exitar, their executioner; usually 20,000 feet tall, he can seemingly increase his size at will, attaining planetary-level stature) : the otherworldly 'mad Celestials' can also merge with each other to create even larger and formidable forms.

Powers and Abilities[]

The powers of the Celestials are for all intents and purposes limitless. One thousand years ago, Odin - the head of one of Earth's most powerful pantheons - had decided to stand up to them. Working together with the heads of the other god families such as Zeus and Vishnu, he created a mighty weapon, the famous Asgardian Destroyer; when the Celestials reappeared on Earth, Odin animated the automaton with the life-force of all Asgardians except for Thor and confronted the space gods wielding the deadliest weapon in the world, the Odinsword. But the Celestials handily dealt with this ultimate attack as if it were a mere distraction.


The origins of the Celestials have always been vague, but the First Firmament revealed they were already present in Its structure, and disturbed Its order. For this, they went to war with Its preferred creations, the Aspirants, and in the conflict the First Firmament was ripped apart. The Celestials then moved to the new multiverse which was formed out of its substance.

Some sources believe the Celestials actually created the first life forms in the nascent multiverse, as well as, eventually, beings which would introduce death. These destroyers were themselves deemed a failure by the Celestials and sealed away in a pocket reality.

The Celestials would come under attack by the Aspirants at least once during the previous - seventh - iteration of the multiverse, and many of them were slain by the Aspirants' hyperweapon, the Godkiller.

It is known that they have visited Earth on at least four occasions (known as Hosts) during which they would alter and exterminate many of Earth's natives. They created both the Eternal and Deviant offshoots of humanity, as well as altering humanity itself. They were also responsible for sinking Lemuria underneath the Ocean when the Deviants rebelled.

They have done this on many worlds throughout the universe, experimenting with life using entire planets as petrie dishes and mercilessly pruning the life forms they deem unworthy or useless. The ultimate goal of all this remains unknown. Nevertheless, they are not entirely deaf to placation; Thor and Susan Storm have both communicated with the Celestials.

The Celestials, along with many of the Marvel Universe's abstracts, are killed by the Beyonders when these beings mount their attack on the entire multiverse. They fight the enigmatic aliens with all their power, but are almost all destroyed. In the miniature universe created by God Doom in the aftermath of the multiverse's destruction, no Celestials exist per se, but the role of the moon is filled by an orbiting Celestial head called 'Knowhere'. It is stated that the head belonged to a being who attempted to invade Doomworld, but was slain by God Doom.

After the multiverse is re-created, it is revealed a small number of Celestials had managed to evade destruction by going into hiding; however they are located and destroyed by the Logos, who declares they are no longer needed in the new universal structure. The Logos turns out to have become corrupted by the First Firmament, who seemingly finally had its ultimate revenge on the rebels; but one single Celestial, the One Above All, finds refuge with the Never Queen, the embodiment of potentiality. Since she embodies all unrealized possibilities, this allowed her to eventually accommodate the re-creation of all the Celestials from just him.

Notable Acts of Villainy[]

Although an amoral race of super-entities rather than true villains the Celestials have created dangerous artifacts and engaged in acts that some would consider immoral - usually to try and manipulate evolution in some fashion or to "purge" unwanted genetic codes from planets they are "progressing".

  • Creation of the Death Seed, a device which can reanimate the dead and render them into deadly servants of the Celestials' cause - or those of others.
  • Creation of the Black Vortex, a device which realizes its users' ultimate potential; this led to the destruction of the race which it was given to, and indirectly to the destruction of the Kree homeworld Hala.
  • Celestial technology is utilized by Apocalypse (though illegally so, since he was apparently punished by them over this over time).
  • Regular "purge" of worlds deemed "failures" of genetic manipulation (amounts to mass-genocide / planetary destruction)
  • As a side-effect of a war between Celestials and the Godheads of Earth the Destroyer armor was forged, which has been the cause of much devastation.
  • The creation of Terminus is a result of an act of vengeance by an alien race on the Celestials, who judged them "unfit" for existence.
  • A group of 'mad' Celestials from another reality encountered Galactus, who warned them he knew of their "true purpose" - this caused them to fly into a violent frenzy and try to destroy him, suggesting their true goal is sinister in nature.
  • Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four fought Celestials and managed to harm them with his advanced weaponry, this is one of the rare moments the Celestials have shown any weakness (save against omnipotent enemies such as the Beyonders).
  • The Celestials were said - by a Deviant - to have created the entire Deviant race just to consume en masse, although this seems unlikely to be true; they also mercilessly purged the Deviant race after they attacked their creators, and destroyed much of their numbers - making the Deviants an endangered species.
  • The Celestials have destroyed countless civilizations and worlds, putting their kill-count in the trillions. Their threat is such that even Galactus, himself a planet-consuming entity, views the Celestials as dangerous.
  • They also created Mutants, thus in a sense the genetic war between humanity and these other "human variants" are part of the Celestials grand manipulation : they have also done similar manipulation across time and space, inspiring races such as the Kree and Skrull to do similar (a kind of "genetic arms-race" in which aliens create super-powered variants, often with cataclysmic results).

Marvel Cinematic Universe[]

The Celestials appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, mostly in the Guardians of the Galaxy series, but have more recently appeared in Eternals. In the 2014 film Guardians of the Galaxy, a Celestial being known as Eson the Searcher was briefly shown using the power of an Infinity Stone to wipe out an entire planet civilization, though he would later lose the Stone afterwards. It was also revealed that a dead Celestial avatar's head was used as a mining colony before it became the space colony known as Knowhere (the home of the Collector), though it would later be destroyed by Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War.

In the 2017 sequel Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, another Celestial named Ego appeared, revealing himself to be the biological father of Star-Lord. This may imply that Star-Lord is a Celestial hybrid, evident that he was able to briefly control the power of the Infinity Stone in order to destroy Ronan in the first film. However, Star-Lord soon learned that Ego himself intends to remake the universe in his own image by destroying all existence and that he was responsible for the death of Star-Lord's mother by implanting a brain tumor in her. Fortunately, Star-Lord got himself and the Guardians to foil Ego's plot by destroying Ego's core with a bomb made out of Sovereign Annulux batteries.

In Eternals, it is revealed that the Celestials were responsible for maintaining the cycle of energy that keeps the universe "alive". Arishem had existed prior to the Big Bang, when he created the first Sun. For more Celestials to spawn, entire planets filled of intelligent lifeforms would have to be destroyed in the process named "the Emergence", which requires a population quota to be reached after Arishem had planted a Celestial seed in a planet's core. He engineered the Eternals to help these civilizations advance and protect them from the Deviants, which were also one of his creations. But when a group of five Eternals empathetic towards humanity prevented the Emergence of Tiamut from taking place on Earth, Arishem abducted them for a final judgement on mankind. Jemiah, Hargen and Nezarr also appear briefly in Eternals.



  • Skrulls
  • Elders of the Universe
  • Cosmic Beings
  • Kree
  • Exterminators
  • Sovereign
  • Sakaarans
  • Exolon


  • Eternals
  • Watchers
  • Avengers
  • Guardians of the Galaxy
  • Captain Marvel
  • Skrulls
  • Asgardians
  • Inhumans
  • Kree
  • Viscardi
  • Gara
  • Mutants
  • Galactus
  • Silver Surfer
  • Sovereign
  • Sakaarans
  • Chitauri
  • Plodex
  • Symbiotes
  • Zen Whoberis
  • Exolon
  • Xandarians
  • Centaurians
  • Aakons
  • Sneepers
  • Xeronians
  • Kallusians
  • Achernonians
  • Kronans
  • Lem
  • Plodex
  • Pluvians
  • Xeronians
  • Badoons
  • Arcturans
  • Astrans
  • Seknarfians
  • Korbinites
  • Rajaks
  • Vrellnexians
  • Humans





  • While the Celestials are known under this name ever since their introduction in the pages of 'Eternals', they never refer to themselves this way, and it may be Jack Kirby only meant for it to be a descriptive term, since it means nothing more than "beings from the stars".
    • On a side note, in many myths and games, Celestials were portrayed as heroic entities that came from the planes.
  • The apparent leader of the Celestials, the One Above All, is confusingly referred to by the same term as Marvel Comics' Supreme Being.


           Marvel Cinematic Universe Logo Villains

Ten Rings
Mandarin | Raza Hamidmi Al-Wazar | Abu Bakaar | Ahmed | Omar | Ten Rings Agent | Jackson Norriss | HYDRA Buyer | Death Dealer | Razor Fist | Gao Lei

Strategic Operations Command Center
Thunderbolt Ross | Abomination | Kathleen Sparr

Hammer Industries
Justin Hammer | Jack | Hammer Drones

Frost Giants
Loki Laufeyson | Laufey | Grundroth | Hailstrum | Raze | Jotunheim Beast

Leaders: Hive | Red Skull | Arnim Zola | Daniel Whitehall | Baron Strucker | Grant Ward | Gideon Malick
Centipede Group: John Garrett | Ian Quinn | Raina | Edison Po | Deathlok | Debbie | Vanchat | Scorch | Kaminsky
STRIKE: Alexander Pierce | Crossbones | Jack Rollins
Winter Soldiers: Vasily Karpov | Winter Soldier | Josef | Wilfred Nagel
Others: Aida | General Hale | Wilfred Malick | Heinz Kruger | HYDRA Lieutenant | Velt | Jasper Sitwell | Russo | Senator Stern | List | Scarlet Witch | Quicksilver | Mitchell Carson | HYDRA Buyer | Sunil Bakshi | Absorbing Man | Agent 33 | Blizzard | Kebo | Werner von Strucker | Giyera | Lucio | Alisha Whitley | Primitives | Hero Mercs | Dr. Leopold Fitz | Alistair Fitz | Ruby Hale | Qovas | Senator Atwood | HYDRA's Champion

Adolf Hitler | Roeder | Hutter | Schneider

Black Order
Thanos | Ebony Maw | Cull Obsidian | Proxima Midnight | Corvus Glaive | Nebula | The Other
Chitauri: Leviathans | Chitauri Gorillas
Others: Outriders | Sakaaran Mercenaries

Aldrich Killian | Eric Savin | Trevor Slattery | Ellen Brandt | Sweat Shop Agent | Ponytail Express | Maya Hansen | Vice President Rodriguez | Extremis Soldiers

Dark Elves
Malekith the Accursed | Kurse

Duhg | Kronan Marauder

Kree Empire
Leaders: Supreme Intelligence | Ronan the Accuser | Dar-Benn
Starforce: Yon-Rogg | Minn-Erva | Korath the Pursuer | Att-lass | Bron-Char
Kree Watch: Kasius | Sinara | Faulnak | Vicar | Tye
Others: Vin-Tak | Soh-Larr | Papp-Tonn | Ty-Rone | Sakaaran Mercenaries | Exolon Monks

Yondu Udonta | Kraglin Obfonteri | Horuz | Vorker | Tullk | Oblo | Taserface | Gef | Retch | Halfnut | Brahl | Narblik | Huhtar

Inhuman Afterlife
Jiaying | Gordon | Calvin Zabo | Raina | Alisha Whitley

Red Room
General Dreykov | Taskmaster | Madame B | Dottie Underwood | Black Widows

Kingpin's Criminal Empire
Leaders: Kingpin
Tracksuit Mafia: Echo | William Lopez | Clown | Ivan Banionis | Tomas | Enrique | Dmitri
Black Knife Cartel: Zane | Walker | Carter
Others: James Wesley | Leland Owlsley | Christian Blake | Carl Hoffman | John Healy | Bullseye | Vanessa Fisk | Tammy Hattley | Felix Manning | Eleanor Bishop

The Hand
Madame Gao | Nobu Yoshioka | Bakuto | Alexandra Reid | Elektra Natchios | Murakami | Sowande

Karl Malus | Miklos Kozlov | Leslie Hansen

Stokes Crime Family
Cottonmouth | Black Mariah | Shades

Joseph Manfredi

Felix Blake | Holden Radcliffe | Superior | Tucker Shockley | Ellen Nadeer | Victor Ramon | Hellfire

Kaecilius | Lucian Aster

Leaders: High Evolutionary | Theel | Vim
Hell Spawn: Behemoth and War Pig | Octo-Hyena
Soldiers: Controller | Karja | Kwol | Bletelsnort | Carrot Head | Phlektik | Orgosentries
Sovereign: Ayesha | Sovereign Admiral | Zylak | Sovereign Chambermaid | Adam Warlock

Arishem the Judge | Eson the Searcher | Ego the Living Planet | Tiamut the Communicator

Department of Damage Control
Anne Marie Hoag | P. Cleary | Sadie Deever |

Bestman Salvage
Vulture | Tinkerer | Jackson Brice | Shocker | Randy Vale

Berserker Army
Hela Odinsdottir | The Executioner | Fenris Wolf

Sakaaran Guards
The Grandmaster | Topaz | Sakaaran Mercenaries

Fire Demons
Surtur | Fire Dragon

Cerberus Squad
Agent Orange | Blacksmith | Jigsaw | Morty Bennett | Carson Wolf | The Punisher

The Pride
Magistrate | Leslie Dean | Tina Minoru | Robert Minoru | Geoffrey Wilder | Catherine Wilder | Victor Stein | Janet Stein | Dale Yorkes | Stacey Yorkes

Sambisan Militants
Sambisan Captain

Skrull Resistance
Talos | Norex | Gravik | Pagon | Brogan | Raava | Zirksu | Nuro | Kreega

Mysterio's Crew
Mysterio | William Ginter Riva | Victoria Snow | Gutes Guterman | Janice Lincoln | Doug | Shanice
Elementals: Molten Man | Hydro-Man | Sandman | Elemental Fusion

Roxxon Corporation
Peter Scarborough | Terrors

Sarge's Squad
Sarge | Snowflake | Jaco | Pax

Chronicom Hunters
Sibyl | Atarah | Malachi | Luke | Baal-Gad | Abel | Isaiah

Sonny Burch's Gang
Sonny Burch | Uzman | Anitolov | Knox | Stoltz

The Coven
Morgan le Fay | Cassandra | Bronwyn

Batroc the Leaper | Ferdinand Lopez | Gerald Durand | Louie

Flag Smashers
Flag-Smasher | Dovich | Gigi | DeeDee | Lennox | Nico | Matias | Diego

Time Variance Authority
He Who Remains | Ravonna Renslayer | Miss Minutes | General Dox | Hunter D-90 | Hunter X-05 | Minuteman 90018371 | Paradox

Soul Eaters

Ikaris | Sprite

Kro | Enkidu

Disciples of Ammit
Arthur Harrow | Ammit

Clan Destine
Najma | Fariha | Aadam | Saleem

Leader: Todd Phelps
Wrecking Crew: Bulldozer | Piledriver | Thunderball | Wrecker
Others: Ulysses Klaue | Josh Miller

Monster Hunting Cabal
Ulysses Bloodstone | Verussa Bloodstone | Joshua Jovan | Azarel | Liorn | Barasso

Talokanil Armed Forces
Namor | Attuma | Namora

Kang's Empire
Kang the Conqueror | Lord Krylar | Quantumnauts

Council of Kangs
Immortus | Rama-Tut | Scarlet Centurion | Mister Gryphon

Cassandra Nova's Crew
Cassandra Nova | Pyro | Sabretooth | Toad | Lady Deathstrike | Azazel | Callisto | Juggernaut | Psylocke | Blob | The Russian | Bullseye | Quill | Arclight

Salem Seven

Iron Man | Captain America | Hawkeye | Falcon | Doctor Strange | Wong | Happy Hogan | Sharon Carter | Scarlet Witch

Green Goblin | Doctor Octopus and his tentacles | Sandman

Lizard | Electro

Infinity Ultron | Arnim Zola

Deadpool | Dopinder

Deadpool Corps
Ladypool | Kidpool | Babypool | Headpool | Zenpool | Cowboypool | Deadpool 2099 | Veapon 卐 | The Fool | Welshpool | Scottishpool | Piratepool | Canadapool | Richpool | Kingpool | Haroldpool | Shortpool | Frenchpool

Loki's variants
Loki Laufeyson (Variant L1130) | Loki Laufeyson (What If...?) | Sylvie Laufeydottir | Boastful Loki | President Loki | Glamshades Loki | Pokey Loki | Bicycle Loki

Doctor Strange's variants
Strange Supreme | Sinister Strange

Ego's variants
Ego the Living Planet (T'Challa Star-Lord) | Ego (What If... Peter Quill Attacked Earth's Mightiest Heroes?)

Red Skull | The Collector | Yellowjacket | Vision | Prince Killmonger | Venom | Baron Mordo | Nova Corps (Irani Rael, Garthan Saal) | Yon-Rogg | Ronan the Accuser | Yondu Udonta | Justin Hammer | Hydra Agent | Rustam and Sergei | Grandmaster | Topaz | Thanos | Red Room (Melina Vostokoff, Hydra Stomper, Black Widows) | Surtur | Spanish Armed Forces | Rodrigo Gonzolo | Queen Isabella I of Spain | Hela | Odin | Xu Wenwu | King Thor (1602) | Happy Hogan (1602) | Royal Yellowjackets

Others (Films/Disney+)
Phase 1
Iron Monger | Samuel Sterns | Tough Guy Leader | Whiplash | Anton Vanko | The Destroyer | Georgi Luchkov
Phase 2
Herman | White Power Dave | The Collector | Garthan Saal | Moloka Dar | Monstrous Inmate | Ultron | Ultron Sentinels | Yellowjacket
Phase 3
Baron Zemo | Karl Mordo | Dormammu | Abilisk | Mac Gargan | Prowler | Erik Killmonger | W'Kabi | Linbani | Linda | Dave | N'Jobu | Ghost | Goliath | Elihas Starr | Akihiko
Phase 4
Agatha Harkness | Tyler Hayward | Valentina Allegra de Fontaine | Power Broker | Alioth | Khonshu | Anton Mogart | Wendy Spector | Raoul Bushman | Ribbon Demon | Gargantos | Darkhold Castle Guards | Chthon | Gorr the God Butcher | Zeus | Black Berserkers | Habooska the Horrible | Hercules | Rapu | Iwua | Titania | Runa | Donny Blaze | Leapfrog | Leap Squad
Phase 5
Killer Snowbot | Vickie Tyson | Rio Vidal

Others (Pre-Disney+ TV)
Camilla Reyes | Franklin Hall | Lorelei | Blackout | Christian Ward | Jakob Nystrom | Lash | Katya Belyakov | Johann Fennhoff | Turk Barrett | Bill Fisk | Whitney Frost | Kilgrave | Will Simpson | Dorothy Walker | Audrey Eastman | Diamondback | Eli Morrow | Lucy Bauer | Harold Meachum | Jim Pierce | Maximus | Lewis Wilson | Auran | Mordis | Tony Gnucci | Lance | Paulie | Leo | Frank Dean | Darius Davis | Detective Flores | Graviton | Grill | Samuel Voss | Alisa Jones | Pryce Cheng | Detective Connors | Bushmaster | Steel Serpent | Typhoid Mary | Chen Wu | Joy Meachum | Ryhno | Ho | Rosalie Carbone | Topher | Anthony Wall/AWOL | Anderson Schultz | John Pilgrim | Eliza Schultz | Krista Dumont | The Russian | Baker | D'Spayre | Mayhem | Lia Dewan | Izel | Shrike | Id Simmons | Hellcat | Foolkiller | Nathaniel Malick | Kora | Marduk Kurios | Kthara | Basar | Magoth | Raum

           Guardians of the Galaxy logo Villains

Abomination | Absorbing Man | A.I.M | Alkhema | Angela | Annihilation Wave | Annihilus | Apocalypse | Archangel | Badoon | Beyonder | Blastaar | Black Cat | Black Order | Blob | Blood Brothers | Brood | Bulldozer | Carnage | Collector | Celestials | Chitauri | Crime-Master | Dark Avengers | Dark Phoenix | Diablo | Doctor Doom | Doctor Octopus | Dormammu | Dragon of the Moon | Eddie Brock | Ego the Living Planet | Electro | Fin Fang Foom | Firelord | Frost Giants | Galactus | Garthan Saal | Gorgon | Grandmaster | Green Goblin | Grey Gargoyle | Hela | Hera | High Evolutionary | Jack O' Lantern | J'son | Juggernaut | Kang the Conqueror | Korath the Pursuer | Korvac | Knull | Kraven | Kree | Loki Laufeyson | Madame Masque | Maelstrom | Magneto | Magus | Mastermind | Masters of Evil | Maximus | Medusa | Mephisto | M.O.D.O.K. | Mole Man | Namor McKenzie | Nebula | Norman Osborn | Oddball | Piledriver | Puff Adder | Pyro | Raker | Red Skull | Ronan | Rhino | Sabretooth | Sandman | Savage Six | Sentinels | Shocker | Skrulls | Space Phantom | Super-Adaptoid | Super-Skrull | Supreme Intelligence | Symbiotes | Taskmaster | Terrax | Thanos | The Matriarch | Titania | Thunderball | Ultimus | Ultron | Universal Church of Truth | Venom | Vulcan | Vulture | Whiplash | Whirlwind | Wrecker | Xemnu

Guardians of the Galaxy: Kree Empire (Ronan the Accuser, Nebula, Korath the Pursuer, Sakaaran Mercenaries & Exolon Monks) | Yondu Ravager Clan (Yondu Udonta, Kraglin Obfonteri, Horuz & Vorker) | Garthan Saal | Eson the Searcher | Chitauri | Moloka Dar | Monstrous Inmate | The Collector | Dark Elf | Thanos
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: Ego | Sovereign (Ayesha, Sovereign Admiral, Zylak & Sovereign Chambermaid) | Yondu Ravager Clan (Yondu Udonta, Kraglin Obfonteri, Nebula, Tullk, Oblo, Taserface, Gef, Retch, Halfnut, Brahl, Vorker, Narblik & Huhtar) | Abilisks | The Grandmaster | Thanos
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3: Orgocorp (High Evolutionary, Theel, Vim, Behemoth and War Pig, Controller, Karja, Kwol, Bletelsnort, Carrot Head, Ura, Phlektik, Orgosentries & Hell Spawn) | Sovereign (Ayesha & Adam Warlock) | Abilisks

TV Series
Guardians of the Galaxy (TV Series): Thanos | J'son | Kree | Ronan the Accuser | Korath the Pursuer | Nebula | Black Order | Loki Laufeyson | Destroyer | Medusa | Maximus | High Evolutionary | Supreme Intelligence | Symbiotes | Chitauri | Magus | Blood Brothers | Fin Fang Foom | The Collector | Grandmaster | A.I.M (M.O.D.O.K) | Venom | Carnage | Hela
What If...? (Season 1): Infinity Ultron | The Collector | Ego | Black Order (Ebony Maw, Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive & Cull Obsidian) | Ego | Prince Killmonger | Arnim Zola | Strange Supreme
What If...? (Season 2): Irani Rael | Ego | Yondu

Video Games
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series:Thanos | Hala the Accuser | Jyn-Xar | Kree
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: Magus | Universal Church of Truth (Grand Unifier Raker, Nicholette Gold & Inquisitor) | Lady Hellbender | Thanos | Dweller-In-Darkness | Lethal Legion (Glah-Ree & Blood Brothers) | Wendigo | Fin Fang Foom | The Aliens (Solar Skies) | Suki Yumiko | Adomox

See Also
Howard the Duck Villains | Nova Villains

           Thor vol 5 (2018) logo Villains

Abomination | Absorbing Man | Air-Walker | Alioth | All-Black | Amatsu-Mikaboshi | Anaconda | Angela | Annihilus | Apocalypse | Arcade | Ares | Arnim Zola | Asteroth | Baron Mordo | Beyonder | Bi-Beast | Blackheart | Blackout | Black Mamba | Black Winter | Blastaar | Blockbuster | Bolivar Trask | Bor Burison | Brotherhood of Evil Mutants | Bulldozer | Carnage | Celestials | Collector | Corvus Glaive | Crimson Dynamo | Crusader | Dark Avengers | Dark Gods | Darkoth | Death Adder | Desak | Destroyer | Diablo | Dormammu | Dr. Doom | Dracula | Dweller-In-Darkness | Eddie Brock | Ego the Living Planet | Enchanters Three | Enchantress | Executioner | Fafnir | Fenris Wolf | Fin Fang Foom | Frightful Four | Frost Giants | Galactus | Godzilla | Goliath | Gorr the God Butcher | Grandmaster | Graviton | Grey Gargoyle | Gog | Grog | Growing Man | Hela | Hera | High Evolutionary | Hawkeye | Hu Sak | Impossible Man | Immortus | Jormungandr | Juggernaut | Justin Hammer | Kang | Karnilla | King Cobra | Kingpin | Knorda | Knull | Korath | Korvac | Kraven the Hunter | Kurse | Laufey | Leader | Living Laser | Living Monolith | Loki Laufeyson | Lorelei | Maestro | Magneto | Mangog | Malekith the Accursed | Man-Beast | Mastermind | Masters of Evil | Medusa | Megatak | Mephisto | Mercurio the 4-D Man | Mister Hyde | M.O.D.O.K. | Mongoose | Moonstone | Morgan le Fay | Moses Magnum | Namor McKenzie | Nebula | Norman Osborn | Nyx | Onslaught | Perrikus | Piledriver | Pluto | Punisher | Punisher (Earth-95126) | Purple Man | Quicksand | Quicksilver | Radioactive Man | Ragnarok | Replicus | Rhino | Ringmaster | Rock Trolls | Roxxon | Sandu | Sandman | Scarlet Witch | Set | Seth | Serpent Society | Sidewinder | Silver Sable | Skaar | Skrulls | Space Phantom | Spider-Man | Stranger | Super-Adaptoid | Super-Skrull | Surtur | Symbiotes | Terminus | Terrax | Thanos | Thunderball | Thunderbolt Ross | Thunderbolts | Titania | Titanium Man | Toad | Toranos | Trapster | Valkyrie | Venom | Worthy | Wrecker | Ulik | Ultimus | Ultron | Umar | Yagg the Invincible | Ymir | Zarrko | Zeus

Hulk Vs. Thor: Loki Laufeyson | Hela | Enchantress | Skurge | Surtur | Malekith the Accursed | Valkyrie
Thor: Tales of Asgard: Algrim | Frost Giants | Loki Laufeyson | Fenris Wolf | Amora the Enchantress | Surtur
Thor: Loki Laufeyson | Frost Giants (Laufey, Grundroth, Hailstrum, Raze & Jotunheim Beast) | The Destroyer | Jasper Sitwell
Thor: The Dark World: Dark Elves (Malekith the Accursed & Kurse the Strong) | Loki Laufeyson | Marauders (Duhg & Kronan Marauder) | Jotunheim Beast | The Collector
Thor: Ragnarok: Berserker Army (Hela Odinsdottir, Skurge & Fenris Wolf) | Sakaaran Guards (The Grandmaster & Topaz) | Loki Laufeyson | Fire Demons (Surtur & Fire Dragon) | Thanos
Thor: Love and Thunder: Gorr the God Butcher | Z | Black Berserkers | Habooska the Horrible | Hercules | Rapu

TV Series
The Mighty Thor: Loki | Amora the Enchantress | Skurge the Executioner | Absorbing Man | Grey Gargoyle | Thunderbolt Ross | Zarrko | Pluto | Sandu | Surtur | Mr. Hyde
Loki: Loki Laufeyson's Variants (Loki Laufeyson (Variant L1130), Sylvie Laufeydottir, Boastful Loki & President Loki) | Time Variance Authority (He Who Remains, Miss Minutes, Ravonna Renslayer, General Dox, Hunter D-90, & Hunter X-05) | Alioth
What If: Infinity Ultron | Yellowjacket | Loki Laufeyson | The Destroyer | Brock Rumlow | Jack Rollins | Thunderbolt Ross | Skrulls | Nebula | Grandmaster | Skurge | Yondu Udonta | Ego | Arnim Zola | Prince Killmonger | Strange Supreme | Surtur | Frost Giants | Odin Borson

Video Games
Thor: God of Thunder: Loki Laufeyson | Frost Giants (Ymir) | Rock Trolls (Ulik) | Fire Demons (Surtur) | Hela
Thor: The Dark World: Loki Laufeyson | Dark Elves (Malekith the Accursed & Kurse the Strong) | Ymir | Mangog | Marauders | Frost Giants

See Also
Avengers Villains | Hercules (Marvel) Villains | Hulk Villains

           Fantastic Four logoVillains

Abomination | Abraxas | A.I.M. | Air-Walker | Annihilation Wave | Annihilus | Apocalypse | Arcade | Ares | Attuma | Awesome Android | Baron Mordo | Basilisk | Belasco | Beetle | Beyonder | Bi-Beast | Black Knight | Blastaar | Black Cat | Brood | Brute | Bulldozer | Bullseye | Captain Barracuda | Celestials | Collector | Constrictor | Count Nefaria | Crimson Dynamo | Dark Avengers | Dan Passi | Destroyer | Devos the Devastator | Diablo | Doctor Doom | Doctor Faustus | Doctor Octopus | Doctor Sun | Dormammu | Dragon Man | Ego | Electro | Elements of Doom | Emma Frost | Enchantress | Enclave | Fin Fang Foom | Firelord | Fixer | Frightful Four | Fu Manchu | Galactus | Giganto | Griever at the End of All Things | Glenn Talbot | Grandmaster | Graviton | Green Goblin | Grey Gargoyle | Gorgon | Hammerhead | Harry Osborn | Hate-Monger | Hera | High Evolutionary | Hobgolin | Horsemen of Apocalypse | Hydro-Man | Hyperstorm | Immortus | Impossible Man | Ironclad | J. Jonah Jameson | Kangaroo | Kang the Conqueror | Kingpin | Klaw | Knull | Kraven | Kree | Kristoff Vernard | Living Laser | Lizard | Llyra | Loki Laufeyson | Lucia Von Bardas | Mac Gargan | Machinesmith | Mad Thinker | Maestro | Magneto | Magus | The Maker | Man-Ape | Man-Wolf | Mandrill | Mandarin | Master Pandemonium | Masters of Evil | Maximus | Medusa | Mephisto | Melter | Miracle Man | M.O.D.O.K. | Modulus | Molecule Man | Mole Man | Molten Man-Thing | Moonstone | Morgan Le Fay | Mysterio | Namor McKenzie | Nebula | Nightmare | Norman Osborn | Occulus | Onslaught | Overmind | Owl | Paibok | Piledriver | Porcupine | Power Broker | Profiteer | Psycho-Man | Punisher | Punisher (Earth-95126) | Puppet Master | Quasimodo | Quicksilver | Red Ghost | Red Skull | Rhino | Rogue | Ronan the Accuser | Sabretooth | Salamandra | Salem's Seven | Sandman | Sauron | Scarlet Witch | Sentinels | Shocker | Silver Sable | Sinister Six | Skrulls | Skurge | Street | Stepford Cuckoos | Super-Adaptoid | Super-Apes | Super-Skrull | Supreme Intelligence | Symbiotes | Syndicate | Taskmaster | Talos the Untamed | Terminus | Terrax the Tamer | Thanos | Thundra | Thunderball | Thunderbolt Ross | Thunderbolts | Tiger Shark | Tinkerer | Titania | Trapster | Tyrannus | Unicorn | Ultron | Venom | Vermin | Vulture | Warlord Krang | Whirlwind | Wizard | Wrecker | Xargorr | Yellow Claw | Zarrko | Zombie Mr. Fantastic

Fantastic Four (1994): Doctor Doom | The Jeweler
Fantastic Four (2005): Victor von Doom
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer: Galactus | Silver Surfer | Victor von Doom
Fantastic Four (2015): Victor Von Doom | Harvey Allen

Fantastic Four (1967): Doctor Doom | Mole Man | Diablo | Giganto | Galactus | Blastaar | Rama-Tut | Attuma | Prince Triton | Skrulls (Super-Skrull) | Klaw | Red Ghost | Super-Apes | Molecule Man
The New Fantastic Four: Doctor Doom | Magneto | Skrulls | Mole Man | Frightful Four (Wizard, Medusa, Trapster & Sandman) | Blastaar | Impossible Man
Fantastic Four (1994): Doctor Doom | Galactus | Mole Man | Puppet Master | Warlord Krang | Super-Skrull | Frightful Four (Wizard, Trapster, Medusa & Hydro-Man) | Impossible Man | Ego the Living Planet | Maximus | Blastaar | Psycho-Man | Terrax the Tamer | Namor | Klaw | Skrulls | Annihilus
Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes: Victor von Doom | Mole Man | Puppet Master | Super-Skrull | Skrulls | Supreme Intelligence | Frightful Four (Wizard & Trapster) | Attuma | Namor | Giganto | Impossible Man | Lucia Von Bardas | Terminus | Klaw | Diablo | Grandmaster | Thunderbolt Ross | Ronan the Accuser | Kree | Annihilus

Video Games
Fantastic Four (1997): Mole Man | Giganto | Psycho-Man | Skrulls (Super-Skrull) | Attuma | Namor | Doctor Doom | Galactus
Fantastic Four (2005): Victor von Doom | Annihilus | Blastaar | Puppet Master | Diablo | Mole Man
Fantastic Four: Flame On: Galactus | Skrulls
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer: Galactus | Victor von Doom | Terrax the Tamer | Red Ghost | Super-Apes | Super-Skrull

See Also
Future Foundation Villains | Namor the Sub-Mariner Villains | Silver Surfer Villains

          X-MenMovieLogo Villains

0101 | 3K | Abigail Brand | Abomination | Absorbing Man | Absalom | Acolytes | Adversary | Agatha Harkness | Agent Lundqvist | Albert Grey | Ahab | A.I.M. | Akhenaten | Alan Lewis | Amanda Sefton | Anatoly Rasputin | Ani-Mator | Annihilus | Apocalypse (Earth-295) | Apoth | Arakko | Arcade | Archangel | Arclight | Arnim Zola | Avalanche | Awesome Android | Azazel | Badoon | Barbarus | Bastion | Baron Karza | Baron Wolfgang von Strucker | Batroc | Beast | Beef | Beetle | Black Tom Cassidy | Belasco | Beyonder | Black Box | Blastaar | Blockbuster | Blood Brothers | Bolivar Trask | Blob | Bogeyman | Boomerang | Brood | Brotherhood of Evil Mutants | Brainchild | Bulldozer | Bullseye | Burner | Cameron Dodge | Carnage | Captain Ezra | Cassandra Nova | Celestials | Chameleon | Chen Zhao | Children of the Vault | Chimera | Clan Akkaba | Coach | Computo | Constrictor | Count Nefaria | Creeps | Crossbones | Cordyceps Jones | Curse | D'Ken Neramani | Dark Avengers | Dark Beast | Dark Phoenix | Dark X-Men | Danger | Deadpool | Demon Bear | Demogoblin | Destiny | Death | Doctor Corina Ellis | Doctor Doom | Dr. Alia Mcgregor | Doctor Rice | Dracula | Egghead | Electro | Emma Frost | Enchantress | Erik Killmonger | Exodus | Fabian Cortez | Fourth School | Feilong | Fenris | Freedom Force | Friends of Humanity | Frightful Four | Frost Giants | Galactus | Gamesmaster | Genesis | Genesis | General Robert Callahan | Graydon Creed | Green Goblin | Grizzly | Hammerhead | Harrower | Hand | Hela | Hellfire Club | Henry Peter Gyrich | Hex Butcher | High Evolutionary | Hordeculture | Holocaust | Homines Verendi | Horsemen of Apocalypse | HYDRA | Impossible Man | Jackal | Jack O' Lantern | J. Jonah Jameson | Joseph | Juggernaut | Kang | Kid Omega | Kingpin | Killer Shrike | Klaw | Kull | Krakoa | Kraven | Lobe | Lord Deathstrike | Lady Deathstrike | Legion | Leper Queen | Lilith | Living Monolith | Lobe's Team | Locus Vile | Lois London | Loki | Lydia Nance | Mad Thinker | Madame Viper | Madelyne Pryor | Magneto | Magus | Malekith the Accursed | Mandarin | Marrow | Masters of Evil | Master Mold | Medusa | Maximus | Mesmero | Mikhail Rasputin | Mister Clean | Mister Jip | Mister Negative | M.O.D.O.K. | M.O.D.O.K. Superior | Mojo | Mole Man | Moonstone | Morbius | Morlocks | Moria Mactaggert| Moses Magnum | Mutant Response Division | Mystique | Mysterio | N'Astirh | Namor | Nanny | Nathaniel Essex/Enigma (Mister Sinister, Doctor Stasis, Orbis Stellaris, Mother Righteous), Nature Girl | Nekra | Neo | Nightmare | Nimrod | Nitro | Norman Osborn | Obnoxio the Clown | Omega Gang | Omega Red | Omega Sentinel | Onslaught | Orchis | O*N*E | Orphan-Maker | Ozymandias | Pale Girl | Pandemonia | Phalanx | Phillip Scurvy | Piledriver | Pilgrimm | Predator X | Pretty Boy | Proteus | Pogg Ur-Pogg | Psycho-Man | Puma | Punisher (Earth-95216) | Purifiers | Pyro | Quicksilver | Reavers | Red Ghost | Red Skull | Reverend Craig | Rhino | Right | Rogue | Ronan | Sabretooth | Sadurang | Sandman | Sat-Yr-9 | Sauron | Savage Land Mutates | Scarlet Witch | Scorpion | Sebastian Shaw | Selene Gallio | Sentinels | Serpent Society | Shadow King | Shadow Xavier | Shocker | Sick Bird | Silver Sable | Silver Samurai | Simon Trask | Sinister Six | Skrulls | Spiral | Stranger | Stinger | Stryfe | Stephen Lang | Sublime | Sugarman | Super-Adaptoid | Super-Apes | Supreme Intelligence | Swarn | Swordbearers of Arakko | Tarn The Uncaring | Thanos | The Hag | Thunderball | Thunderbolt Ross | Tiger Shark | Tinkerer | Toad | Trevor Fitzroy | Typhoid Mary | Tyrannus | Unus | Vampires | Venom | Vulcan | Vulture | War | Wendigo | Whiplash | Whirlwind | White Rabbit | William Stryker | Wizard | Wrecker | X-Man | Xarus | Xemnu | Xorn | Ymir | Zaladane

X-Men: Brotherhood of Mutants (Magneto, Mystique, Sabretooth, Toad) | Pyro
X2: William Stryker Jr. | Lady Deathstrike | Jason Stryker | Brotherhood of Mutants (Magneto, Mystique, Pyro)
X-Men: The Last Stand: Brotherhood of Mutants (Magneto, Dark Phoenix, Pyro, Juggernaut, Multiple Man, Mystique) | Omega Gang (Callisto, Psylocke, Quill, Arclight, Avalanche, Spike, Glob Herman, Phat) | Archangel
X-Men: First Class: Hellfire Club (Sebastian Shaw, Emma Frost, Azazel, Angel Salvadore, Riptide) | William Stryker Sr. | Magneto | Mystique
X-Men: Days of Future Past: Trask Industries (Bolivar Trask, William Stryker Jr., Sentinels) | Magneto | Mystique | Toad | Horsemen of Apocalypse (Apocalypse)
X-Men: Apocalypse: Ashir En Sabah Nur/Horsemen of Apocalypse (Apocalypse, Magneto, Psylocke, Archangel) | Dark Phoenix | Mystique | William Stryker Jr. | Blob
X-Men: Dark Phoenix: Dark Phoenix | D'Bari (Vuk, Jones) | Brotherhood of Mutants (Magneto, Selene Gallio) | Mystique
The New Mutants: Demon Bear | Essex Corp (Cecilia Reyes) | Reverend Craig | Smiley Men

X-Men (1992)
Magneto | Sentinels | Sabretooth | Juggernaut | Apocalypse | Mesmero | Horsemen of Apocalypse | Mister Sinister | Omega Red | Brotherhood of Mutants (Mystique, Avalanche, Blob, Pyro) | Dark Phoenix | Master Mold | Bolivar Trask | Henry Peter Gyrich | Silver Samurai | Hellfire Club (Sebastian Shaw, Harry Leland, Jason Wyngarde, Donald Pierce, Emma Frost) | Reavers (Bonebreaker, Lady Deathstrike) | Supreme Intelligence | D'Ken | Deathbird | Friends of Humanity (Graydon Creed) | Toad | Sauron | High Evolutionary | Phalanx | Brood | Skrulls | Super-Adaptoid | Awesome Android | Mojo | Red Skull | Pretty Boy

X-Men: Evolution
Brotherhood of Mutants (Mystique, Avalanche, Toad, Blob, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch) | Acolytes (Magneto, Pyro, Mastermind, Gambit, Sabretooth, Colossus) | Edward Kelly | Duncan Matthews | HYDRA (Madame Viper, Omega Red) | David Haller | Juggernaut | Bolivar Trask | Sentinels | Hungan | Apocalypse | Horsemen of Apocalypse | Mesmero | Destiny | Arcade

Wolverine and the X-Men
Brotherhood of Mutants (Magneto, Mystique, Scarlet Witch, Juggernaut, Quicksilver, Avalanche, Blob, Pyro, Toad) | Dark Phoenix | Bolívar Trask | Sentinels | Sabretooth | Mutant Response Division (Colonel Moss) | Shadow King | Hellfire Club (Sebastian Shaw, Donald Pierce, Harry Leland, Selene Gallio, Emma Frost, Stepford Cuckoos) | Master Mold | Silver Samurai | Nitro | Mojo | Mister Sinister | Apocalypse

Marvel Anime: X-Men
Hellfire Club (Mastermind, Emma Frost) | U-Men (Sublime)

Legion | Shadow King | Oliver Bird | Time Eaters

The Gifted
Sentinel Services (Jace Turner, Ed Weeks) | Trask Industries (Roderick Champell) | Ted Wilson | Hellfire Club (Fenris, Reeva Paype, Frost Sisters, Rebecca Hoover) | Benedict Ryan

X-Men '97
Operation: Zero Tolerance (Bastion, Mister Sinister, Bolivar Trask, Henry Peter Gyrich) | Magneto | Rogue | Sentinels (Master Mold, Tri-Sentinel, Nimrod) | Madelyne Pryor | Friends of Humanity (X-Cutioner) | Mojo | Adversary | Hellfire Club (Sebastian Shaw, Harry Leland, Jason Wyngarde, Donald Pierce, Emma Frost) | Trish Tilby | Kree Empire (Ronan the Accuser) | Deathbird | Blob | Baron Zemo | Doctor Doom | Silver Samurai | Omega Red | Apocalypse

Video Games
The Uncanny X-Men: Magneto | White Queen | Juggernaut | Sabretooth | Boomerang
X-Men: Madness in Murderworld: Arcade | Magneto | Juggernaut | Blob | White Queen | Mystique | Pyro | Wendigo | Silver Samurai
X-Men II: The Fall of the Mutants: Mystique | Avalanche | Blob | Pyro | Spiral
Spider-Man & X-men: Arcade's Revenge: Arcade | Carnage | Rhino | Apocalypse | Juggernaut | Selene Gallio | Sentinels | Master Mold
X-Men (1992): Brotherhood of Mutant Terrorists (Magneto, Mystique, White Queen, Juggernaut, Blob, Pyro, Wendigo, Living Monolith) | Sentinels
X-Men (1993): Magneto | Apocalypse | Sabretooth | Juggernaut | Sentinels | Ahab | Mojo
X-Men 2: Clone Wars: Apocalypse | Phalanx | The Brood | Magneto
X-Men: Children of the Atom: Magneto | Juggernaut | Omega Red | Silver Samurai | Sentinel | Spiral | Mojo
X-Men (1994): Magneto | Sebastian Shaw | Callisto | Sauron | Brood Queen | Omega Red
X-Men 2: Game Master's Legacy: Gamesmaster | Apocalypse | Mister Sinster | Exodus
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse: Apocalypse | Juggernaut | Omega Red | Brood Queen | Sentinels | Acolytes | Exodus | Magneto
X-Men vs. Street Fighter: Apocalypse | Acolytes | Magneto | Juggernaut | Sabretooth | Rogue | Angel
X-Men 3: Mojo World: Mojo | Magneto | Master Mold | Trevor Fitzroy | Spiral
X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse: Apocalypse | Mister Sinister | Magneto
X-Men: Mutant Academy: Magneto | Mystique | Sabretooth | Toad
X-Men: Mutant Wars: Magneto | Mystique | Sabretooth | Apocalypse
X-Men: Wolverine's Rage: Lady Deathstrike | Sabretooth | Deadpool
X-Men: Mutant Academy 2: Magneto | Mystique | Sabretooth | Juggernaut | Toad
X-Men: Reign of Apocalypse: Apocalypse | Archangel | Magneto | Dark Phoenix | Juggernaut | Sabretooth | Silver Samurai | Sauron | Blob | Pyro
X-Men: Next Dimension: Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (Magneto, Sabretooth, Toad, Mystique, Juggernaut, Blob, Lady Deathstrike, Pyro) | Bastion | Sentinels
X2: Wolverine's Revenge: Magneto | Sabretooth | Wendigo | Lady Deathstrike | Juggernaut | Omega Red | Apocalypse | Mr. Sinister
X-Men Legends: Brotherhood of Evil Mutants/Acolytes (Magneto, Mystique, Blob, Pyro, Avalanche, Sabretooth, Toad) | Marrow | Juggernaut | Shadow King | Apocalypse | Master Mold
X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse: Apocalypse | The Brood | Lady Deathstrike | Sauron | Omega Red | Stepford Cuckoos | Deadpool | Mister Sinister | Dark Beast | Living Monolith | Mystique | Destiny | Blob | Emma Frost | Sebastian Shaw | Archangel | Selene Gallio | Quicksilver
X-Men The Official Game: Brotherhood of Mutants (Magneto, Sabretooth, Pyro) | HYDRA (Silver Samurai, Deathstike) | Multiple Man | Jason Stryker | Master Mold | Mystique | Toad

See Also
Alpha Flight Villains | Deadpool Villains | Excalibur Villains | New Mutants Villains | Wolverine Villains | X-Factor Villains | X-Force Villains | X-Men Movie Villains

           Avengers Villains

Abomination | Abominatrix | Absorbing Man | Adolf Hitler | Agatha Harkness | Agony | A.I.M. | Air-Walker | Alkhema | Aleksander Lukin | Alistair Smythe | Amatsu-Mikaboshi | Amora the Enchantress | Andrew Forson | Anaconda | Annihilus | Ani-Men | Answer | Apocalypse | Arcade | Ares | Arnim Zola | Atlas | Attuma | Ashen Combine | Avalanche | Awesome Android | Badoon | Barracuda | Baron Blood | Baron Mordo | Baron Wolfgang von Strucker | Baron Zemo | Basilisk | Batroc | Beetle | Beyonder | Bi-Beast | Black Knight | Blackout | Black Order | Black Cat | Black Mamba | Black Talon | Black Widow | Blackie Drago | Blastaar | Blitzkrieg | Blizzard | Blob | Blood Brothers | Bloodcoven | Bombshell | Boomerang | Brothers Grimm | Brotherhood of Evil Mutants | Bulldozer | Bullseye | Burglar | Bushmaster | Bushwacker | Cache | Cannibals (Marvel Universe Vs) | Carnage | Carrion | Calypso | Celestials | Centurion | Chameleon | Chance | Chemistro | Chester Goudal | Chitauri | Collector | Colonel Ross Whittaker | Commander Kraken | Constrictor | Corruptor | Cottonmouth | Count Nefaria | Cowled Commander | Crime-Master | Crimson Dynamo | Crimson Widow | Cristu Bulat | Crossbones | Crossfire | D'Spayre | Daken | Damage | Daniel Whitehall | Dark Avengers | Dark Elves | Dark Phoenix | Deadpool | Deathbird | Deathurge | Death Adder | Destroyer | Deke Wainscroft | Destiny | Demogoblin | Diablo | Diamondback | Doctor Doom | Doctor Faustus | Doctor Octopus | Doctor Spectrum | Dormammu | Dracula | Dreadknight | Druig | Eddie Brock | Eel | Egghead | Ego the Living Planet | Electro | Elementals | Elements of Doom | Emma Frost | Emissary | Enclave | Enforcers | Equinox | Erik Killmonger | Exodus | Ezekiel Stane | Fabian Cortez | Famine | Fin Fang Foom | Finn Cooley | Firelord | Fixer | Fold | Frost | Frost Giants | Frightful Four | Galactus | Gargantus | Garthan Saal | Ghost | Giganto | Goliath | Gladiator | Godzilla | Grand Director | Grandmaster | Grant Ward | Graviton | Green Goblin (Norman Osborn, Harry Osborn) | Grey Gargoyle | Grey Goblin | Griffin | Grim Reaper | Grizzly | Growing Man | Grotesk | Hammerhead | Hand | Hazmat | Heinz Kruger | Hela | Henry Pym (Ultimate Marvel) | Hera | Herr Kleiser | High Evolutionary | Hitman | Hive | Horsemen of Apocalypse | Hood | Hydro-Man | HYDRA | Immortus | Impossible Man | Inner Demons | Ironclad | Iron Monger | Jackal | J. Jonah Jameson | Jack O' Lantern | Jester | Jigsaw | Johnny Ohm | Jonas Hambleton | Joseph | Jormungandr | Juggernaut | Justin Hammer | Kaine | Kang the Conqueror | Killer Shrike | King Cobra | Kingpin | Klaw | Knull | Korath the Pursuer | Korvac | Kraven the Hunter | Kree | Kristoff Vernard | Lady Deathstrike | The Leader | Lightmaster | Living Brain | Living Laser | Living Monolith | Loki Laufeyson | Lucia Von Bardas | Ma Gnucci | Machinesmith | Mad Pharaoh | Mad Thinker | Madame Masque | Madame Viper | Madcap | Madelyne Pryor | Maelstrom | Maestro | Maginty | Magneto | Magus | The Maker | Malekith the Accursed | Man-Ape | Mandarin | Mandrill | Man-Spider | Man-Wolf | Master Man | Master Pandemonium | Masters of Evil | Masked Marauder | Maximus the Mad | Medusa | Melter | Menace | Mentallo | Mercurio the 4-D Man | Mesmero | Mephisto | Mister Fear | Mister Hyde | Mister Negative | Mister Payback | Mister Sinister | M.O.D.A.M. | M.O.D.O.K. | M.O.D.O.K. Superior | Mojo | Molecule Man | Mole Man | Molten Man | Moria Mactaggert | Monica Rappaccinni | Moonstone | Morbius the Living Vampire | Morgan le Fay | Moses Magnum | Mystique | Mysterio | Namor | Nebula | Nekra | Nicky Cavella | Nightmare | Nightshade | Niles Van Roekel | Nicky Cavella | Omega Red | Onslaught | Orchis | Orka | Overdrive | Owl | Paladin | Phalanx | Phil Urich | Piledriver | Pluto | Presence | Princess Python | Proctor | Psycho-Man | Punisher | Puppet Master | Puma | Purple Man | Pyro | Quasimodo | Quicksand | Quicksilver | Radioactive Man | Ragnarok | Ramrod | Rattler | Reavers | Red Ghost | Red Skull | Reverend Samuel Smith | Rhino | Rhino II | The Rose | Ringer | Ringmaster | Riot | Rogue | Ronan the Accuser | Roxxon | Sabretooth | Sandman | Säurespritze | Sauron | Savage Land Mutates | Scarecrow | Scarlet Witch | Scorcher | Scorpion | Screaming Mimi | Sebastian Shaw | Secret Empire | Selene Gallio | Sentinels | Sentry 459 | Serpent Society | Shriek | Shocker | Shockwave | Sidewinder | Silver Sable | Silver Samurai | Sin | Sinister Six | Skaar | Skeleton Crew | Skrulls | Skurge | Slug | Space Phantom | Spider-Man Revenge Squad | Spider-Slayers | Spot | Squadron Sinister | Stranger | Street | Sunstroke | Superia | Super-Adaptoid | Super-Apes | Super Patriot | Super-Skrull | Supreme Intelligence | Superia | Surtur | Swarm | Swordsman | Symbiotes | Tarantula | Taskmaster | Technovore | Temugin | Ten Rings | Terminus | Thanos | Thorr Odinson | Thunderball | Thunderbolts | Thunderbolt Ross | Thundersword | Tiger Shark | Tinkerer | Titania | Titanium Man | Toad | Tombstone | Trapster | Trick Shot | Terrax the Tamer | Twilight Court | Typhoid Mary | Tyrannus | U-Foes | Ulik | Ultimus | Ultron | Unicorn | Universal Church of Truth | Uranos | Varnae | Vapor | Vector | Venom | Vermin | Vulture | The Void (Marvel) | Walrus | Warlord Krang | Whiplash | Whirlwind | White Rabbit | Will-O'-The-Wisp | Winter Soldier | Wizard | Wonder Man | Wrecker | Worthy | X-Ray | Yellow Claw | Ymir | Yon-Rogg | Zahnmörder | Zodiac | Zombie Giant-Man | Zombie Sentry | Zzzax

Marvel Animated Features
Ultimate Avengers 1 & 2: Herr Kleiser | Chitauri
Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow: Ultron

Marvel Cinematic Universe
The Avengers: Loki Laufeyson | Chitauri & Leviathans | HYDRA (Gideon Malick & Jasper Sitwell) | Georgi Luchkov | Thanos
Avengers: Age of Ultron: Ultron | Ultron Sentinels | HYDRA (Wolfgang von Strucker, List, Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver) | Ulysses Klaue | Madame B | Chitauri (Leviathans) | Thanos
Avengers: Infinity War: Black Order (Thanos, Ebony Maw, Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive, Cull Obsidian, Nebula, Outriders, Chitauri & Leviathans) | Red Skull | The Collector | Loki Laufeyson | Winter Soldier | M'Baku | Scarlet Witch | Thunderbolt Ross
Avengers: Endgame: Black Order (Thanos, Ebony Maw, Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive, Cull Obsidian, Nebula, Outriders, Sakaaran Mercenaries, Chitauri, Leviathans & Chitauri Gorillas) | HYDRA/STRIKE (Red Skull, Alexander Pierce, Crossbones, Jasper Sitwell & Jack Rollins) | Loki Laufeyson (Variant L1130) | Winter Soldier | M'Baku | Scarlet Witch | Kraglin Obfonteri | Dark Elves | Thunderbolt Ross | Akihiko

The Avengers: United They Stand
Ultron | Kang the Conqueror | Swordsman | Ringmaster | Masters of Evil (Baron Zemo, Absorbing Man, Boomerang, Moonstone, Tiger Shark & Whirlwind) | Attuma | Zodiac (Taurus & Scorpio) | Egghead | Scarlet Witch | Grim Reaper | Quicksilver | Namor | Doctor Doom | Baron Strucker | HYDRA | A.I.M. | Black Knight | The Collector

The Super Hero Squad Show
Doctor Doom | Mole Man | Fin Fang Foom | Abomination | Wrecker | Thunderball | Piledriver | Bulldozer | M.O.D.O.K | Klaw | Toad | Melter | Dormammu | Sabretooth | Juggernaut | Pyro | Whirlwind | Zzzax | Enchantress | Baron Mordo | Punisher | Egghead | Ringmaster | Skrulls (Super-Skrull) | Trapster | Mystique | Impossible Man | The Leader | Mad Thinker | Skurge | Crimson Dynamo | Batroc the Leaper | Loki Laufeyson | Magneto | Quicksilver | Scarlet Witch | HYDRA (Red Skull , Arnim Zola & Baron Wolfgang von Strucker) | Galactus | Terrax the Tamer | Firelord | Stardust | Thanos | Kree | Ego the Living Planet | Grandmaster | Annihilus | Nebula | Ronan the Accuser | Nightmare | Ultron | Sentinels | Dracula | High Evolutionary | Screaming Mimi

The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
HYDRA (Red Skull, Baron Von Strucker, Grim Reaper, Arnim Zola, Doughboy & Madame Viper) | Masters of Evil (Baron Zemo, Enchantress, Skurge, Chemistro, Abomination, Crimson Dynamo, Wonder Man, Living Laser & Grey Gargoyle) | A.I.M. (M.O.D.O.K., Scientist Supreme) | Kree Empire (Supreme Intelligence, Colonel Yon-Rogg & Ronan the Accuser) | Absorbing Man | Klaw | Ultron | Wrecker | Thunderball | Piledriver | Bulldozer | Red Hulk | Frost Giants (Loki Laufeyson & Ymir) | Technovore | Bi-Beast | The Leader | Whirlwind | Kang the Conqueror | Man-Ape | Malice | Mad Thinker | Mandrill | Graviton | Fenris Wolf | Lucia Von Bardas | Zzzax | Blizzard | Constrictor | Griffin | Living Laser | Whiplash | King Cobra | Magneto | Wendigo | Skrulls (Queen Veranke, Captain America Skrull, Super-Skrull) | Ulik | Malekith the Accursed | Hela | Doctor Doom | Surtur | Glenn Talbot | Winter Soldier | J. Jonah Jameson | Destroyer | Annihilus | Purple Man | Galactus | Firelord | Stardust | Terrax the Tamer | Red Ghost | Super-Apes | Mandarin | Bushmaster | U-Foes (Vector, Vapor, X-Ray & Ironclad) | Crossfire | Serpent Society | Rattler | Death Adder | Anaconda | Air-Walker

Avengers Assemble
2010 Marvel Animated Universe
Hydra/A.I.M. (Red Skull, M.O.D.O.K, Blood Brothers, Grim Reaper, Crossbones & Baron Wolfgang von Strucker) | J. Jonah Jameson | Doctor Doom | Ulik | Impossible Man | Dracula | Attuma | Wrecker | Thunderball | Piledriver | Bulldozer | Destroyer | Loki Laufeyson | Chitauri | Justin Hammer | Mojo | Galactus | Ringmaster | Black Order (Thanos) | Hela | Winter Soldier | Squadron Supreme (Nighthawk, Hyperion, Zarda, Speed Demon, Doctor Spectrum & Nuke) | Crimson Dynamo | Radioactive Man | Zzzax | Dormammu | Ultron | U-Foes (Vector, Vapor, X-Ray & Ironclad) | Roxxon Energy Corporation | Absorbing Man | Titania | Whirlwind | Fin Fang Foom | Maximus | Medusa | Masters of Evil/Thunderbolts (Helmut Zemo, Beetle, Screaming Mimi, Moonstone, Fixer & Goliath) | Klaw | Ghost | A.I.M. (Kang the Conqueror, Whiplash & Spymaster) | Abomination | Heinrich Zemo | Kree Empire | Egghead | The Leader | Crimson Widow | Arnim Zola | Enchantress | Skurge | Typhoid Mary | Ares | Taskmaster | Doughboy | Ulik | Beyonder | Baron Mordo | Symbiotes | Morgan le Fey

Eric Radomski Animated Universe
Shadow Council (Erik Killmonger, Helmut Zemo, Tiger Shark, Princess Zanda, M'Baku, Madame Masque, Klaw & Heinrich Zemo) | White Wolf | Hydra (Red Skull, Crossbones, Crimson Widow, Arnim Zola & Typhoid Mary) | Bask | Vulture | N'Basa | Kraven the Hunter | Taskmaster |Morgan le Fay | Orka | Winter Soldier | Attuma

Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers
Loki Laufeyson | A.I.M. (M.O.D.O.K.) | Abomination | Baron Zemo | HYDRA (Red Skull, Crossbones) | King Cobra | Whirlwind | Tiger Shark | Whiplash | Diamondback | Crimson Dynamo | Dormammu | Sabretooth | Diablo | Graviton | Juggernaut | Lizard | Absoring Man | Wrecking Crew (Bulldozer, Piledriver, Thunderball, Wrecker) | Silver Samurai | Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) | Venom | Ultron | Cottonmouth | Doctor Octopus | Mandarin | Ronan | Fin Fang Foom | Baron Blood | Vampires | Bi-Beast | Obadiah Stane | Predator X | Mystique | Taskmaster | Blizzard

Marvel Future Avengers
Masters of Evil (Ares, Enchantress, Leader, Winter Soldier) | Loki Laufeyson | Kang the Conqueror | Maximus | HYDRA/A.I.M. (Red Skull, M.O.D.O.K., Arnim Zola) | Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) | Super-Adaptoid | Deadpool | Morgan le Fay | Klaw | Crossbones | Blizzard | Diamondback | The Hood | Ezekiel Stane

Marvel's M.O.D.O.K.
M.O.D.O.K. | A.I.M. | Monica Rappaccini | The Anomaly | Hexus | Super-Adaptoid | Austin Van Der Sleet | Mister Sinister | Madame Masque | Whirlwind | Mandrill | The Leader | Arcade | Fin Fang Foom | The Brood | Frost Giants

What If...?
Infinity Ultron | Yellowjacket | Loki Laufeyson | The Destroyer | Brock Rumlow | Jack Rollins | Thunderbolt Ross | Whiplash | Arnim Zola | Prince Killmonger | Strange Supreme | Georges Batroc | Ego | Zombies (Scarlet Witch)

Video Games
Captain America and the Avengers: Red Skull | Crossbones | Klaw | Living Laser | Whirlwind | Sentinel | Wizard | Grim Reaper | Mandarin | Juggernaut | Ultron
Avengers in Galactic Storm: Kree (Ronan, Korath & Supreme Intelligence)
Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth: Skrulls (Queen Veranke & Super-Skrull) | Loki Laufeyson | Dark Phoenix | Venom (Eddie Brock) | Magneto | Ares | Norman Osborn
Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers - Ultimate Heroes: Red Skull | Loki Laufeyson | Baron Zemo | A.I.M. (M.O.D.O.K.) | Abomination | Graviton | Tiger Shark | Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) | Crimson Dynamo | Whirlwind | Whiplash | Crossbones | Doctor Octopus | Serpent Society (King Cobra, Cottonmouth & Death Adder) | Wrecking Crew (Bulldozer, Piledriver, Thunderball & Wrecker) | Baron Mordo | Grey Gargoyle | Griffin | Fixer | Amora the Enchantress | Skurge the Exceutioner | Carnage | Klaw | Nightmare | Quicksilver | Scarlet Witch | Destroyer | Venom | Sandman | Winter Soldier | Super-Adaptoid | Taskmaster | Thanos | Rhino | Lizard | Absorbing Man | Deadpool
LEGO Marvel's Avengers: Loki Laufeyson | Malekith the Accursed | Kurse | Various Villains
Marvel's Avengers: M.O.D.O.K. | Monica Rappaccinni | Abomination | Taskmaster | Super-Adaptoid | Lyle Getz | Maestro | Klaw | Crossbones

See Also
Avengers Academy Villains | Marvel Avengers Alliance Villains | Young Avengers Villains
