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NOTE: This article is about the incarnation of Ronan the Accuser from the Marvel Cinematic film series. The mainstream version can be found here: Ronan the Accuser (Marvel).
Villain Overview

They call me terrorist… radical… zealot… because I obey the ancient laws of my people, the Kree, and punish those who do not. Because I do not forgive your people for taking the life of my father, and his father, and his father before him. A thousand years of war between us will not be forgotten!
~ Ronan speaking his motto.
You call me "boy"?! I will unfurl one thousand years of Kree justice on Xandar, AND BURN IT TO ITS CORE! Then, Thanos, I'm coming for you.
~ Ronan threatening Thanos.
Behold! Your Guardians of the Galaxy! What fruit have they wrought? Only that my father and his father shall finally know vengeance! People of Xander, the time has come to rejoice and renounce your paltry gods! YOUR SALVATION IS AT HAND!
~ Ronan about to destroy Xandar.

Ronan the Accuser is the main antagonist of the 2014 Marvel Cinematic Universe superhero film Guardians of the Galaxy, the first installment in James Gunn‘s Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy, and a minor antagonist in the 2019 film Captain Marvel.

He is a powerful and fanatical Kree Warrior and the commander of the Dark Aster, formerly affiliated with Thanos. He is also the former boss of Nebula and Korath the Pursuer, as well as becoming the arch-nemesis of Drax the Destroyer, given his role in the deaths of Drax's wife and daughter. He is also a important enemy of Captain Marvel after stopping her attempt to destroy the Earth. He despises Xandar and seeks to destroy the entire planet, initially seeking to obtain the Orb for Thanos in exchange for its destruction. However, after discovering the Orb has the Power Stone, Ronan rebels against Thanos and seeks to use the Orb to destroy both Xandar and Thanos. He is also the reason for the Guardians of the Galaxy's formation in the first place.

He was portrayed by Lee Pace, who also played Benjamin Tucker in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.



Born as a Kree radical, Ronan the Accuser lost many of his fore-fathers (his father, grandfather and great-grandfather) to the Kree-Nova war, which led to him developing a hatred towards the Nova Empire and their planet Xandar for their culture. Eventually, Ronan built himself into power, becoming a new member of the Kree military force called the Accusers, where he helped the Supreme Intelligence in waging war against the Skrulls.

Captain Marvel

Ronan briefly appeared leading a fleet of warships after being contacted by Yon-Rogg about the Skrulls' current location on Earth. Under the Supreme Intelligence's orders, Ronan gets his ships to fire ballistic missiles in order to destroy the Earth and eradicate all of its life. However, former Starforce member Carol Danvers utilized her powers to attack the fleet and destroy the missiles in order to save the Earth, forcing a horrified Ronan to have his remaining forces to retreat, but not before noting that they would get Danvers back and use her as a weapon.

Guardians of the Galaxy

Ronan became upset to hear that the Kree Empire and Nova Empire have signed a peace treaty to end the Kree-Nova War, finding to be a disgrace as his forefathers' demise will not be met with justice. As such, he furiously defects from the Kree Empire and joined forces with Thanos, who assigned him a task: Ronan must seek out and deliver an orb containing the Power Stone to Thanos, and in return, Thanos will use to destroy Xandar for Ronan.

Agreeing to the deal, Ronan sent Thanos' adoptive daughter Gamora to retrieve the Orb without knowing that she planned to betray him and Thanos. Later, Ronan is called by the Other because Thanos wants to talk to him. During the meeting the Other passes belittling Ronan, eventually yelling at him for raising his voice in Thanos' presence. Ronan, tired of the Other's insults, kills him with his Universal Weapon, prompting Thanos to turn around and speak to him directly, saying their deal is still in place but he will kill him if he does not bring him the Orb.

Ronan finally tracks Gamora thanks to a message from Drax, Ronan pursues Gamora but is stopped by Drax who only seeks revenge against him for murdering his family. Ronan easily defeats Drax, Nebula called to inform him that she has recovered the Orb. Having recovered the Orb, Thanos contacts him that he hand over the Orb, then Ronan decides to stay with the Infinity Stone and informs him that after destroying Xandar, he will be the next.


Ronan is destroyed by the combined powers of the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Infinity Stone.

Ronan arrives at Xandar in his Dark Aster, when he is about to destroy Xandar the Nova Corps stops him obstructing his vision, while the Ravagers and Rocket protect the civilians and the others decide to confront Ronan, but they are no problem for Ronan who easily wins. When Ronan is prepared to kill, Rocket collides his ship with the Dark Aster causing its destruction of this. When it seemed that they had defeated the Accuser, Ronan appears from the rubble, and starts making fun of them by calling them "Guardians of the Galaxy", but only stops when Star-Lord distracts him with a dance duel, in which Drax destroys the Universal Weapon.

Quill immediately grabs the Orb that almost killed him for his power, but his teammates hold his hands to help him against Ronan, who didn't understand how simple mortals could withstand the power of an Infinity Stone and demanded to know how they could do that; with Quill proclaiming that they truly are the "Guardians of the Galaxy". Enraged, Ronan tries to attack again with his hammer, only to find out that it has already been destroyed moments before Quill and his teammates use the power of the Orb to disintegrate Ronan. In his last painful moments, Ronan screams out of in raging pain before his body explodes, killing him, ending his tyranny for good and avenging Drax's wife and daughter, the Nova Corp officers and Ravengers he killed. With Ronan finally defeated, the Orb is handed over to the Nova Corps for safekeeping.

Despite his death, Ronan's actions had serious consequences for the entire universe: his death outraged many Kree citizens, who declare the Guardians as heretics and enemies of the Kree Empire. Even worse, his betrayal of Thanos led the latter to personally embark on a ruthless quest for the Infinity Stones. After acquiring the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos completed Ronan's work by personally invading Xandar and stealing the Orb before using it to kill all of Xandar's populace (including the Nova Corps). Even after acquiring the Infinity Stones, Thanos wipes out half of the universe's populace; even the Guardians (except for Rocket) suffer Ronan's fate as they disintegrate to their deaths.

Avengers: Endgame

Although he does not physically appear in the film, Ronan is briefly mentioned by the 2014 Thanos when he first assigns Gamora and Nebula to assist him in acquiring the Power Stone; also mentioning that his ambitions must be kept in check despite Thanos himself losing sight of his goal later on. However, this plan is seemingly abandoned when, through Nebula's sensors intercepting her future counterpart's, Thanos and his other minions realize that the Avengers and their allies had traveled back in time to collect the Infinity Stones for themselves to undo his actions in the future. Due to Thanos' departure, however, it can be deduced that as their reunion never came to happen, Ronan was left unable to be instructed by Thanos in how to retrieve the Power Stone, not only possibly delaying his planned genocidal attack on Xandar, but likely preventing the formation of the Guardians of the Galaxy as well. But it is also possible that Ronan searches the Orb for himself and was killed by the Guardians of the Galaxy as the original timeline.

What If...?

In the second episode "What If...T'Challa Became a Star-Lord?", a variant of Ronan is mentioned two times. The first time is when Korath the Pursuer and two Sakaraans meet up with Star-Lord, who in this alternate universe is Prince T'Challa from Wakanda rather than Peter Quill, when he finds the Orb. Korath expresses his admiration for Star-Lord but admits his responsibility of fighting him due to Ronan's temper, but Star-Lord defeats all the Sakaraans easily as well as Korath before offering him a place in his friends and crew. During a party afterwards, it's revealed that, unlike his original counterpart, Ronan was unable to carry on the massacre of the Kylosians thanks to Star-Lord, so Drax the Destroyer never turned into a criminal but instead into a nice and funny barman, with his wife and daughter still alive. It's unknown what Ronan is doing now without the Orb, especially as Thanos and Nebula are shown to have been redeemed by Star-Lord, but given Star-Lord's fame and exploits, it's likely that Ronan isn't considered a threat and most of his plans are usually foiled.

In "What If...Nebula Joined the Nova Corps?", another variant of Ronan appears in person, albeit for less than half a minute of the episode. He tries to destroy Xandar for undisclosed reasons, but is impeded by a shield generator that blankets the entire planet. Five years later, Nova Prime let him do his thing, but Nebula heroically thwarted her, leading to the shield closing again and crushing Ronan to death, saving all of Xandar from his wrath in the process.

In Lego

Ronan also appears as a collectible character in the 2013 video game, LEGO Marvel Superheroes and has been released as an official Lego minifigure in the set 76021.

In Video games

Disney Infinity

Ronan appears in Disney Infinity: 2.0 Edition, trying to prevent the Guardians from stealing his Infinity Stone. He follows them to nowhere but eventually gets defeated by them. He is also available as a playable character for the Guardians of the Galaxy Play Set and Toy Box 2.0.


Ronan was extremely passionate and energetic about his crusade; however, he delusionally believed that his cause, which was the genocide of Xandar and all its living creatures, was righteous. He did not see himself as a fanatic or a terrorist (both of which he was) instead he simply considered himself a follower of ancient Kree laws, and in his mind, anyone who refused to follow them was an enemy who deserved execution. Brutal, violent, relentless and unforgiving, Ronan stands as an example of rage, fanaticism, uncontrolled hatred and total cruelty. He also shows little regard for his people despite his claims.

However, before the signing of the Xandarian-Kree treaty, Ronan was much more composed and rational. He seemed to know his limits as he fled of Captain Marvel's formidable attack, demonstrating that he was not an individual who had disposed of his own men unnecessarily while promising to return. But he was still extremist in his manners and acts, willing to nuke planets indiscriminately for the purpose of killing Skrulls, an act that even Yon-Rogg disapproved as he also put his own race in danger. His hatred of Xandarians seems to come from having lost his father, grandfather and great-grandfather to a war with Xandar. But he ignores the fact that the Kree empire begun the war and it's implied he's just using a cover for his own cruelty. Thus, he has no true motive for his actions aside from sadism. This traits make him feared by nearly everyone.

Ronan proudly hated Xandarians, considering their culture and very existence were a disease and he was simply "curing" the universe by eradicating them. He took immense pride in his religion of a Kree, however, his species and superiors actually signed a peace treaty with the Xandarians, indicating that he had no respect for anybody who disagreed with his own beliefs. Ronan had no respect towards his allies; he callously sacrificed his own soldiers during the attack on Xandar and showed no concern over Korath's death nor Nebula's abandonment, neither the Other, which he killed only for being annoying. He even betrayed and threatened Thanos (whom many considered the most powerful being in the universe) after coming into the possession of an Infinity Stone. That said, it is unknown if he would have gone through with attacking him.

Ronan was shown to be very sadistic, because he took great personal delight in the pain and suffering he inflicted upon his victims. Drax the Destroyer recalled hearing Ronan laugh as he slaughtered his wife and daughter and when he confronted Ronan over this, he only mocked him further and claimed to not recall their deaths. When Star-Lord screamed in agony as he was torn apart by the Power Stone, Ronan looked on and laughed at his enemy's suffering without an ounce of pity. When Ronan told to Drax that he remembers his family, he taunted him, telling that they were pitiful. Overall, Ronan lacks any honor that supports his beliefs. His callous nature makes him one of the worst villains in the MCU.

Powers and Abilities

  • Superhuman Strength: Like all Kree, he has superhuman strength, enough to go against normal Asgardians. He effortlessly defeated Drax who matches Groot in raw power.
  • Superhuman Reflexes: His reflexes are also superior to humans as shown when he outpaced Drax during their fight.
  • Regeneration: A Kree's blood has regenerative properties. It is what makes them very long lived.
  • Super-Longevity: The Kree identify themselves as an immortal species. It should be noted that Ronan declared that his ancestors were killed, not aged to death.


  • The Universal Weapon: He has a special technologically advanced war hammer which can fire vibrational waves that can turn someone's head 180 degrees and kill them.
  • Kree Armor: His advanced armour protected him from a blast which can obliterate lunar bodies.
  • The Power Stone: With the Power Stone he has the power to disperse an immense amount of cosmic or mystical energies and even obliterate an entire planet.


Xandar, you stand accused. Your wretched peace treaty will not save you now. This is the tinder on which you burn!
~ Ronan to Xandarians
(Prisoner: You will never rule Xandar.) No. I WILL CURE IT!
~ Ronan plotting to eradicate Xandar.
Yes. That was our agreement. Bring you the orb and you will destroy Xandar for me. However, now that I know it contains an Infinity Stone, I wonder what use I have for you...
~ Ronan to Thanos.
(wields the Infinity Stone) You call ME boy? I will unfurl one thousand years of Kree justice on Xandar and burn it to its core! Then, Thanos, I'm coming for you!
~ Ronan betrays Thanos.
I don't recall killing your family. I doubt I'll remember killing you either.
~ Ronan during his fight with Drax on Knowhere.
I was mistaken... I do remember your family. Their screams were pitiful-
~ Ronan recounting killing Drax's family.
What are you doing?
~ Ronan, confused by dancing Peter.
You're mortal! How? (Peter: You said it yourself, bitch. We're the Guardians of the Galaxy.)
~ Ronan's final words before the Guardians kill him.



  • Paternal Great Grandfather †
  • Paternal Grandfather †
  • Father †




  • Due to the Skrulls being owned by Fox during the time of production, the Xandarians may be their substitutes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, the Skrulls debuted in the 2019 film Captain Marvel after Disney bought Fox.
  • Lee Pace tried out for the role of Peter Quill / Star-Lord, but it went to Chris Pratt instead.
  • Within the comics, Ronan was portrayed as more of an Anti-Villain as the Supreme Accuser of the Kree Empire; while in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he's a renegade who's collecting the Infinity Stones for Thanos and is more than willing to commit genocide on the Xandarians. In the 616 universe, Ronan started out as somewhat of a straight villain who revolted against the Supreme Intelligence. Since the events of Annihilation, the character is portrayed as a harsh but honorable anti-hero in a similar vein of Judge Dredd. He even became a member of a group of space heroes called the Annihilators.
  • Describing Ronan, Gunn said, "He is the primary villain, and he is a really twisted guy, he has a really religious bent in this film. He has a very sick and twisted view of what morality is; strength is virtue and weakness is sin and that is what he lives by, and I think he is very scary because of his beliefs, which are real to him." Pace, who originally auditioned for Peter Quill, described Ronan as a "psycho" and a "monster".
  • This incarnation wears face paint rather than a mask.
  • In the universe, only three characters have not feared Ronan when they met him: Drax, Thanos and Danvers. In Drax's case, it was because of his rage and hatred towards Ronan after he killed his family, Thanos was much stronger than the Accuser and Carol had too much powers to fear Ronan, shown when she destroyed an Accuser's battle cruiser and all of its missiles.

See also

External links


           Marvel Cinematic Universe Logo Villains

Ten Rings
Mandarin | Raza Hamidmi Al-Wazar | Abu Bakaar | Ahmed | Omar | Ten Rings Agent | Jackson Norriss | HYDRA Buyer | Death Dealer | Razor Fist | Gao Lei

Strategic Operations Command Center
Thunderbolt Ross | Abomination | Kathleen Sparr

Hammer Industries
Justin Hammer | Jack | Hammer Drones

Frost Giants
Loki Laufeyson | Laufey | Grundroth | Hailstrum | Raze | Jotunheim Beast

Leaders: Hive | Red Skull | Arnim Zola | Daniel Whitehall | Baron Strucker | Grant Ward | Gideon Malick
Centipede Group: John Garrett | Ian Quinn | Raina | Edison Po | Deathlok | Debbie | Vanchat | Scorch | Kaminsky
STRIKE: Alexander Pierce | Crossbones | Jack Rollins
Winter Soldiers: Vasily Karpov | Winter Soldier | Josef | Wilfred Nagel
Others: Aida | General Hale | Wilfred Malick | Heinz Kruger | HYDRA Lieutenant | Velt | Jasper Sitwell | Russo | Senator Stern | List | Scarlet Witch | Quicksilver | Mitchell Carson | HYDRA Buyer | Sunil Bakshi | Absorbing Man | Agent 33 | Blizzard | Kebo | Werner von Strucker | Giyera | Lucio | Alisha Whitley | Primitives | Hero Mercs | Dr. Leopold Fitz | Alistair Fitz | Ruby Hale | Qovas | Senator Atwood | HYDRA's Champion

Adolf Hitler | Roeder | Hutter | Schneider

Black Order
Thanos | Ebony Maw | Cull Obsidian | Proxima Midnight | Corvus Glaive | Nebula | The Other
Chitauri: Leviathans | Chitauri Gorillas
Others: Outriders | Sakaaran Mercenaries

Aldrich Killian | Eric Savin | Trevor Slattery | Ellen Brandt | Sweat Shop Agent | Ponytail Express | Maya Hansen | Vice President Rodriguez | Extremis Soldiers

Dark Elves
Malekith the Accursed | Kurse

Duhg | Kronan Marauder

Kree Empire
Leaders: Supreme Intelligence | Ronan the Accuser | Dar-Benn
Starforce: Yon-Rogg | Minn-Erva | Korath the Pursuer | Att-lass | Bron-Char
Kree Watch: Kasius | Sinara | Faulnak | Vicar | Tye
Others: Vin-Tak | Soh-Larr | Papp-Tonn | Ty-Rone | Sakaaran Mercenaries | Exolon Monks

Yondu Udonta | Kraglin Obfonteri | Horuz | Vorker | Tullk | Oblo | Taserface | Gef | Retch | Halfnut | Brahl | Narblik | Huhtar

Inhuman Afterlife
Jiaying | Gordon | Calvin Zabo | Raina | Alisha Whitley

Red Room
General Dreykov | Taskmaster | Madame B | Dottie Underwood | Black Widows

Kingpin's Criminal Empire
Leaders: Kingpin
Tracksuit Mafia: Echo | William Lopez | Clown | Ivan Banionis | Tomas | Enrique | Dmitri
Black Knife Cartel: Zane | Walker | Carter
Others: James Wesley | Leland Owlsley | Christian Blake | Carl Hoffman | John Healy | Bullseye | Vanessa Fisk | Tammy Hattley | Felix Manning | Eleanor Bishop

The Hand
Madame Gao | Nobu Yoshioka | Bakuto | Alexandra Reid | Elektra Natchios | Murakami | Sowande

Karl Malus | Miklos Kozlov | Leslie Hansen

Stokes Crime Family
Cottonmouth | Black Mariah | Shades

Joseph Manfredi

Felix Blake | Holden Radcliffe | Superior | Tucker Shockley | Ellen Nadeer | Victor Ramon | Hellfire

Kaecilius | Lucian Aster

Leaders: High Evolutionary | Theel | Vim
Hell Spawn: Behemoth and War Pig | Octo-Hyena
Soldiers: Controller | Karja | Kwol | Bletelsnort | Carrot Head | Phlektik | Orgosentries
Sovereign: Ayesha | Sovereign Admiral | Zylak | Sovereign Chambermaid | Adam Warlock

Arishem the Judge | Eson the Searcher | Ego the Living Planet | Tiamut the Communicator

Department of Damage Control
Anne Marie Hoag | P. Cleary | Sadie Deever |

Bestman Salvage
Vulture | Tinkerer | Jackson Brice | Shocker | Randy Vale

Berserker Army
Hela Odinsdottir | The Executioner | Fenris Wolf

Sakaaran Guards
The Grandmaster | Topaz | Sakaaran Mercenaries

Fire Demons
Surtur | Fire Dragon

Cerberus Squad
Agent Orange | Blacksmith | Jigsaw | Morty Bennett | Carson Wolf | The Punisher

The Pride
Magistrate | Leslie Dean | Tina Minoru | Robert Minoru | Geoffrey Wilder | Catherine Wilder | Victor Stein | Janet Stein | Dale Yorkes | Stacey Yorkes

Sambisan Militants
Sambisan Captain

Skrull Resistance
Talos | Norex | Gravik | Pagon | Brogan | Raava | Zirksu | Nuro | Kreega

Mysterio's Crew
Mysterio | William Ginter Riva | Victoria Snow | Gutes Guterman | Janice Lincoln | Doug | Shanice
Elementals: Molten Man | Hydro-Man | Sandman | Elemental Fusion

Roxxon Corporation
Peter Scarborough | Terrors

Sarge's Squad
Sarge | Snowflake | Jaco | Pax

Chronicom Hunters
Sibyl | Atarah | Malachi | Luke | Baal-Gad | Abel | Isaiah

Sonny Burch's Gang
Sonny Burch | Uzman | Anitolov | Knox | Stoltz

The Coven
Morgan le Fay | Cassandra | Bronwyn

Batroc the Leaper | Ferdinand Lopez | Gerald Durand | Louie

Flag Smashers
Flag-Smasher | Dovich | Gigi | DeeDee | Lennox | Nico | Matias | Diego

Time Variance Authority
He Who Remains | Ravonna Renslayer | Miss Minutes | General Dox | Hunter D-90 | Hunter X-05 | Minuteman 90018371 | Paradox

Soul Eaters

Ikaris | Sprite

Kro | Enkidu

Disciples of Ammit
Arthur Harrow | Ammit

Clan Destine
Najma | Fariha | Aadam | Saleem

Leader: Todd Phelps
Wrecking Crew: Bulldozer | Piledriver | Thunderball | Wrecker
Others: Ulysses Klaue | Josh Miller

Monster Hunting Cabal
Ulysses Bloodstone | Verussa Bloodstone | Joshua Jovan | Azarel | Liorn | Barasso

Talokanil Armed Forces
Namor | Attuma | Namora

Kang's Empire
Kang the Conqueror | Lord Krylar | Quantumnauts

Council of Kangs
Immortus | Rama-Tut | Scarlet Centurion | Mister Gryphon

Cassandra Nova's Crew
Cassandra Nova | Pyro | Sabretooth | Toad | Lady Deathstrike | Azazel | Callisto | Juggernaut | Psylocke | Blob | The Russian | Bullseye | Quill | Arclight

Salem Seven

Iron Man | Captain America | Hawkeye | Falcon | Doctor Strange | Wong | Happy Hogan | Sharon Carter | Scarlet Witch

Green Goblin | Doctor Octopus and his tentacles | Sandman

Lizard | Electro

Infinity Ultron | Arnim Zola

Deadpool | Dopinder

Deadpool Corps
Ladypool | Kidpool | Babypool | Headpool | Zenpool | Cowboypool | Deadpool 2099 | Veapon 卐 | The Fool | Welshpool | Scottishpool | Piratepool | Canadapool | Richpool | Kingpool | Haroldpool | Shortpool | Frenchpool

Loki's variants
Loki Laufeyson (Variant L1130) | Loki Laufeyson (What If...?) | Sylvie Laufeydottir | Boastful Loki | President Loki | Glamshades Loki | Pokey Loki | Bicycle Loki

Doctor Strange's variants
Strange Supreme | Sinister Strange

Ego's variants
Ego the Living Planet (T'Challa Star-Lord) | Ego (What If... Peter Quill Attacked Earth's Mightiest Heroes?)

Red Skull | The Collector | Yellowjacket | Vision | Prince Killmonger | Venom | Baron Mordo | Nova Corps (Irani Rael, Garthan Saal) | Yon-Rogg | Ronan the Accuser | Yondu Udonta | Justin Hammer | Hydra Agent | Rustam and Sergei | Grandmaster | Topaz | Thanos | Red Room (Melina Vostokoff, Hydra Stomper, Black Widows) | Surtur | Spanish Armed Forces | Rodrigo Gonzolo | Queen Isabella I of Spain | Hela | Odin | Xu Wenwu | King Thor (1602) | Happy Hogan (1602) | Royal Yellowjackets

Others (Films/Disney+)
Phase 1
Iron Monger | Samuel Sterns | Tough Guy Leader | Whiplash | Anton Vanko | The Destroyer | Georgi Luchkov
Phase 2
Herman | White Power Dave | The Collector | Garthan Saal | Moloka Dar | Monstrous Inmate | Ultron | Ultron Sentinels | Yellowjacket
Phase 3
Baron Zemo | Karl Mordo | Dormammu | Abilisk | Mac Gargan | Prowler | Erik Killmonger | W'Kabi | Linbani | Linda | Dave | N'Jobu | Ghost | Goliath | Elihas Starr | Akihiko
Phase 4
Agatha Harkness | Tyler Hayward | Valentina Allegra de Fontaine | Power Broker | Alioth | Khonshu | Anton Mogart | Wendy Spector | Raoul Bushman | Ribbon Demon | Gargantos | Darkhold Castle Guards | Chthon | Gorr the God Butcher | Zeus | Black Berserkers | Habooska the Horrible | Hercules | Rapu | Iwua | Titania | Runa | Donny Blaze | Leapfrog | Leap Squad
Phase 5
Killer Snowbot | Vickie Tyson | Rio Vidal

Others (Pre-Disney+ TV)
Camilla Reyes | Franklin Hall | Lorelei | Blackout | Christian Ward | Jakob Nystrom | Lash | Katya Belyakov | Johann Fennhoff | Turk Barrett | Bill Fisk | Whitney Frost | Kilgrave | Will Simpson | Dorothy Walker | Audrey Eastman | Diamondback | Eli Morrow | Lucy Bauer | Harold Meachum | Jim Pierce | Maximus | Lewis Wilson | Auran | Mordis | Tony Gnucci | Lance | Paulie | Leo | Frank Dean | Darius Davis | Detective Flores | Graviton | Grill | Samuel Voss | Alisa Jones | Pryce Cheng | Detective Connors | Bushmaster | Steel Serpent | Typhoid Mary | Chen Wu | Joy Meachum | Ryhno | Ho | Rosalie Carbone | Topher | Anthony Wall/AWOL | Anderson Schultz | John Pilgrim | Eliza Schultz | Krista Dumont | The Russian | Baker | D'Spayre | Mayhem | Lia Dewan | Izel | Shrike | Id Simmons | Hellcat | Foolkiller | Nathaniel Malick | Kora | Marduk Kurios | Kthara | Basar | Magoth | Raum

           Guardians of the Galaxy logo Villains

Abomination | Absorbing Man | A.I.M | Alkhema | Angela | Annihilation Wave | Annihilus | Apocalypse | Archangel | Badoon | Beyonder | Blastaar | Black Cat | Black Order | Blob | Blood Brothers | Brood | Bulldozer | Carnage | Collector | Celestials | Chitauri | Crime-Master | Dark Avengers | Dark Phoenix | Diablo | Doctor Doom | Doctor Octopus | Dormammu | Dragon of the Moon | Eddie Brock | Ego the Living Planet | Electro | Fin Fang Foom | Firelord | Frost Giants | Galactus | Garthan Saal | Gorgon | Grandmaster | Green Goblin | Grey Gargoyle | Hela | Hera | High Evolutionary | Jack O' Lantern | J'son | Juggernaut | Kang the Conqueror | Korath the Pursuer | Korvac | Knull | Kraven | Kree | Loki Laufeyson | Madame Masque | Maelstrom | Magneto | Magus | Mastermind | Masters of Evil | Maximus | Medusa | Mephisto | M.O.D.O.K. | Mole Man | Namor McKenzie | Nebula | Norman Osborn | Oddball | Piledriver | Puff Adder | Pyro | Raker | Red Skull | Ronan | Rhino | Sabretooth | Sandman | Savage Six | Sentinels | Shocker | Skrulls | Space Phantom | Super-Adaptoid | Super-Skrull | Supreme Intelligence | Symbiotes | Taskmaster | Terrax | Thanos | The Matriarch | Titania | Thunderball | Ultimus | Ultron | Universal Church of Truth | Venom | Vulcan | Vulture | Whiplash | Whirlwind | Wrecker | Xemnu

Guardians of the Galaxy: Kree Empire (Ronan the Accuser, Nebula, Korath the Pursuer, Sakaaran Mercenaries & Exolon Monks) | Yondu Ravager Clan (Yondu Udonta, Kraglin Obfonteri, Horuz & Vorker) | Garthan Saal | Eson the Searcher | Chitauri | Moloka Dar | Monstrous Inmate | The Collector | Dark Elf | Thanos
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: Ego | Sovereign (Ayesha, Sovereign Admiral, Zylak & Sovereign Chambermaid) | Yondu Ravager Clan (Yondu Udonta, Kraglin Obfonteri, Nebula, Tullk, Oblo, Taserface, Gef, Retch, Halfnut, Brahl, Vorker, Narblik & Huhtar) | Abilisks | The Grandmaster | Thanos
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3: Orgocorp (High Evolutionary, Theel, Vim, Behemoth and War Pig, Controller, Karja, Kwol, Bletelsnort, Carrot Head, Ura, Phlektik, Orgosentries & Hell Spawn) | Sovereign (Ayesha & Adam Warlock) | Abilisks

TV Series
Guardians of the Galaxy (TV Series): Thanos | J'son | Kree | Ronan the Accuser | Korath the Pursuer | Nebula | Black Order | Loki Laufeyson | Destroyer | Medusa | Maximus | High Evolutionary | Supreme Intelligence | Symbiotes | Chitauri | Magus | Blood Brothers | Fin Fang Foom | The Collector | Grandmaster | A.I.M (M.O.D.O.K) | Venom | Carnage | Hela
What If...? (Season 1): Infinity Ultron | The Collector | Ego | Black Order (Ebony Maw, Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive & Cull Obsidian) | Ego | Prince Killmonger | Arnim Zola | Strange Supreme
What If...? (Season 2): Irani Rael | Ego | Yondu

Video Games
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series:Thanos | Hala the Accuser | Jyn-Xar | Kree
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: Magus | Universal Church of Truth (Grand Unifier Raker, Nicholette Gold & Inquisitor) | Lady Hellbender | Thanos | Dweller-In-Darkness | Lethal Legion (Glah-Ree & Blood Brothers) | Wendigo | Fin Fang Foom | The Aliens (Solar Skies) | Suki Yumiko | Adomox

See Also
Howard the Duck Villains | Nova Villains

           Captain Marvel (2018) logo Villains

Absorbing Man | A.I.M. | Annihilus | Awesome Android | Badoon | Blastaar | Brood | Centurion | Controller | Dark Avengers | Deathbird | Doctor Faustus | Dormammu | Electro | Elementals | Enchantress | Frost Giants | Galactus | Grant Ward | Grotesk | Kang | King Cobra | Kree | Korath the Pursuer | Living Laser | Loki | Maestro | Molecule Man | Mandarin | Mercurio | Melter | Minn-Erva | M.O.D.O.K. | Moonstone | Mystique | Nebula | Nitro | Ove | Porcupine | Psycho-Man | Puppet Master | Quasimodo | Red Ghost | Rogue | Ronan | Scorpion | Sentry 459 | Skrulls | Skurge | Starforce | Star | Stranger | Super-Adaptoid | Super-Apes | Super-Skrull | Supreme Intelligence | Talos the Untamed | Thanos | Tiger Shark | The Omen (Leonore) | The Undone | Ultimus | Vampires | Yon-Rogg

Captain Marvel: Kree Empire/Starforce (Yon-Rogg, Minn-Erva, Korath the Pursuer, Att-lass, Bron-Char, Ronan the Accuser, Soh-Larr & Supreme Intelligence) | Skrulls (Talos & Norex) | Thanos
The Marvels: Kree Empire (Dar-Benn, Ty-Rone, Supreme Intelligence & Yon-Rogg)

See Also
Ms. Marvel Villains

           Infinity Logo Villains

Hector Barbossa | Davy Jones | Randall Boggs | Syndrome

Butch Cavendish | Cave of Wonders | Chernabog | Chick Hicks | Crew of the Flying Dutchman | Emperor Zurg | Heinz Doofenshmirtz | Mirage | Pintel and Ragetti | Zurg Bots

Black Widow | Green Goblin | Loki | Maleficent | Ronan the Accuser | Venom | Yondu Udonta

AIM | Black Cat | Doctor Octopus | Frost Giants | Iron Patriot | J. Jonah Jameson | MODOK | Mysterio | The Collector | Winter Soldier

Boba Fett | Darth Maul | Darth Vader | Kylo Ren | Ultron

Cad Bane | Emperor Palpatine | General Grievous | Jabba the Hutt | Sebulba
