
Industrial Quotes

Quotes tagged as "industrial" Showing 1-30 of 38
“I've heard my teacher say, where there are machines, there are bound to be machine worries; where there are machine worries, there are bound to be machine hearts. With a machine heart in your breast, you've spoiled what was pure and simple; and without the pure and simple, the life of the spirit knows no rest.”
Zhuangzi, The Complete Works of Chuang Tzu

“As a minister of the Lord in whatever way the Lord decides to use you and with the gifts he gives you for the work, there is the tendency to start idolizing the work itself or the gifts that you forget it is the father who gave it to you. Who picked you up and dusted you from nothing and adorned you. You forget and make the work a god before him. Exodus 20:3 "You shall have no other gods before me".
This can be very subtle especially for social media ministry. You begin to love your social image over the word of God. You begin to dampen and tweak the word of God to appeal to a wider audience. You're suddenly no longer about the raw truth of the gospel. As the followers and likes increase you begin to get more and more addicted to the fruit of the works and the response to YOUR messages and posts. If a post doesn't do too well and get many likes and comments you are not happy. It hurts you deeply. That is how you know It has become about you.
If this is you and this message has touched your heart, if this post is like a mirror to your face, go back to God and ask for forgiveness. Ask God to forgive you for elevating yourself and your work as a god before him and return back to when it was just about loving him and preaching the good news. You probably may have noticed you lost the fire of inspiration you used to have at the beginning. This is why.”
Daniel Friday Danzor

Steven Magee
“Astronomy staff that routinely discharged industrial gas into the indoor environment at high altitudes did not wear oxygen deficiency monitors or protective breathing respirators.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The Industrial Revolution appears to be in its final stages and it will be remembered as a time where industrial stock markets were at historic highs at the same time that many natural processes were shutting down, including the next generation of humans.”
Steven Magee

Kelsey Brickl
“Sometimes the smoke from the factories and riverboats and trains would obscure the night sky entirely. But the town's industrial breath was blowing somewhere else tonight, and so the Armstrong house was bathed in starlight. Nell studied the little white specks, like glittering dust on black velvet, and she asked,

"You boys ever wonder what it'd be like to be somewhere else?”
Kelsey Brickl, Hardtack: A Civil War Story

Richie Norton
“The industrial model is gone. People are more than machines.”
Richie Norton

Steven Magee
“An open flask of industrial liquid gas that is venting into the indoor environment should be thought of as the same as a smoldering fire, as they both create a dangerous oxygen deficient environment for the human.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The secret to good health is to behave like your ancestors did before the Industrial Revolution.”
Steven Magee

Gyan Nagpal
“The industrial economy put a premium on the repetitive delivery of process-driven factory work. This is what delivered quality products, consistently. The knowledge economy is quite different in that it puts a premium on cognitive decision making, collaborative problem solving and creative thinking. This is what delivers innovation”
Gyan Nagpal, The Future Ready Organization: How Dynamic Capability Management Is Reshaping the Modern Workplace

Steven Magee
“I regard breathing industrial gas to be as harmful as heavy smoking.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“It is common sense to avoid gluten, fructose and diary in a society that farms its food with industrial chemicals.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Sickness, disease and premature death may be the outcome for those that cannot figure out how to adapt to the man-made world that the Industrial Revolution has created.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Industrial gas is biologically harmful and is poorly regulated in the workplace.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The Mauna Kea Observatories (MKO) are part of the scientific military-industrial complex of modern governments.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I never met anyone in astronomy that stated they had been sent on an industry recognized training course for the safe handling and use of cryogenic liquids & industrial gas.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I have memories from my time in high altitude astronomy of being euphoric and giddy after discharging large amounts of industrial gas into the indoor environment. The effects would last hours and resembled being drunk and intoxicated.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“When discharging industrial gas into the indoor environment in high altitude astronomy, we never wore protective breathing respirators that fed us oxygenated air at above the legally required 19.5% oxygen levels.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“If your doctor does not understand ‘Invisible Diseases’, you should change to a doctor that does.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The modern world is insanity disguised as progress.”
Steven Magee

Dean F. Wilson
“The Hope factory was menacing in the distance, for it was one of the few buildings that somehow managed to present itself through the smog. Its hulking form consumed almost all of the horizon, and its many pistons, pillars, chimneys and flumes ate into the heavens. For the parts of the sky it could not reach, those towers sent up endless streams of smoke, and this smoke devoured the natural clouds and left an unnatural haze in the heavens. The factory was a greedy mass of brick, a ravenous form of iron. As much as it gobbled up all the landscape, it threatened that it might eat the onlookers too.”
Dean F. Wilson, Hopebreaker

Steven Magee
“I was never aware of any professional astronomy summit worker that had received formal industry recognized training in the safe handling of cryogenic fluids and industrial gasses.”
Steven Magee

Henry A. Wallace
“We must not tolerate oppressive government or industrial oligarchy in the form of monopolies and cartels.”
Henry A. Wallace

Steven Magee
“I do wonder what being illuminated by scattered high powered industrial LASER light does to the human.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The collapse of the Aricebo Observatory was a good example of what happens to poorly maintained industrial facilities.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I consider my low exposure to industrial carbon dioxide in professional astronomy to be a good thing, as opposed to the optics department that routinely worked with it.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“How hazardous are high powered industrial sodium LASER exposures to night shift summit staff working at very high altitudes across their full lifespan?”
Steven Magee, Summit Brain

Steven Magee
“When we would work with the high powered industrial sodium LASER, we would only wear a pair of LASER eye glasses. We were not told that it potentially could affect the skin.”
Steven Magee, Summit Brain

Steven Magee
“Small airways disease was diagnosed in me after I spent a decade breathing industrial and medical gas in my professional astronomy jobs.”
Steven Magee, Toxic Altitude

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mechanical engineer

Umair Iftikhar
“IIoT empowers manufacturers to achieve higher productivity, agility, and competitiveness in today's dynamic market landscape.”
Umair Iftikhar, Industrial IoT 101

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