
Moon Landing Quotes

Quotes tagged as "moon-landing" Showing 1-23 of 23
C.F. Joyce
“And scars will lighten, they'll pale unless you keep rubbing at them...wait long enough, they'll fade.”
C.F. Joyce, Persephone in Hell

Jarod Kintz
“The moon is a golf ball in the sky. My motto is this: If you can’t hit a hole in one, fake it in a film studio.”
Jarod Kintz, To be good at golf you must go full koala bear

Christopher Hitchens
“I can see why people find him [Hugo Chávez] charming. He's very ebullient, as they say. I've heard him make a speech, though, and he has a vice that's always very well worth noticing because it's always a bad sign: he doesn't know when to sit down. He's worse than Castro was. He won't shut up. Then he told me that he didn't think the United States landed on the moon and didn't believe in the existence of Osama bin Laden. He thought all of this was all a put-up job. He's a wacko.”
Christopher Hitchens

Margaret Lazarus Dean
“Here is one way to conceptualize NASA's heroic era: in 1961, Kennedy gave his "moon speech" to Congress, charging them to put an American on the moon "before the decade is out." In the eight years that unspooled between Kennedy's speech and Neil Armstrong's first historic bootprint, NASA, a newborn government agency, established sites and campuses in Texas, Florida, Alabama, California, Ohio, Maryland, Mississippi, Virginia, and the District of Columbia; awarded multi-million-dollar contracts and hired four hundred thousand workers; built a fully functioning moon port in a formerly uninhabited swamp; designed and constructed a moonfaring rocket, spacecraft, lunar lander, and space suits; sent astronauts repeatedly into orbit, where they ventured out of their spacecraft on umbilical tethers and practiced rendezvous techniques; sent astronauts to orbit the moon, where they mapped out the best landing sites; all culminating in the final, triumphant moment when they sent Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to step out of their lunar module and bounce about on the moon, perfectly safe within their space suits. All of this, start to finish, was accomplished in those eight years.”
Margaret Lazarus Dean, Leaving Orbit: Notes from the Last Days of American Spaceflight

Christopher Hitchens
“A little later, the Apollo mission was consummated and there were Americans on the moon. I remember distinctly looking up from the quad on what was quite a moon-flooded night, and thinking about it. They made it! The Stars and Stripes are finally flown on another orb! Also, English becomes the first and only language spoken on a neighboring rock! Who could forbear to cheer? Still, the experience was poisoned for me by having to watch Richard Nixon smirking as he babbled to the lunar-nauts by some closed-circuit link. Was even the silvery orb to be tainted by the base, earthbound reality of imperialism?”
Christopher Hitchens, Hitch 22: A Memoir

Steven Magee
“The moon is considered a relatively easy object to land humans on, everything else is much harder by orders of magnitude. It is the reason why we have not been to Mars and will likely never go there successfully with humans.”
Steven Magee

John F. Kennedy
“I believe that this Nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to earth.”
John F. Kennedy

Walter Cronkite
“The least of us is improved by the things done by the best of us, because if we are not able to land at least we are able to follow. (July 20, 1969 CBS Moon Landing Coverage)”
Walter Cronkite

Munia Khan
“People say- 'NASA lies.' I say- 'the moon knows it all. Look at the moon and forget the spinning flat world.”
Munia Khan

Janet Turpin Myers
“Everybody knows, a humungous thing happened on Sunday, July 20th, 1969 at exactly 4:17E.D.T. The 'Eagle' has landed. Bingo. Just like that. Man became an alien.”
Janet Turpin Myers

Ian  McClellan
“Nicky turned and bolted. He’d only had about a thirty foot head start and a few were closing ground on him quickly. He cursed his hundred-dollar shoes and his vanity. The shoes looked great, but were definitely not made for running, nor was the suit he was wearing. He vowed that if he made it out of there alive, he’d only wear sneakers and track suits for the rest of his days. "Of course, I’ll probably be laughed out of the mob, but I don’t care at this point.”
Ian McClellan, One Undead Step

Janet Turpin Myers
“Why doesn’t anyone go to the moon anymore? What happened to our optimism?”
Janet Turpin Myers, Nightswimming

Walter Cronkite
“The least of us is improved by the things done by the best of us, because if we are not able to land at least we are able to follow. (July 20, 1969 CBS Moon Landing Coverage)”
― Walter Cronkite”
Walter Cronkite

Paul Auster
“The big color television set was on, glowing eerily over the bottles of rye and bourbon, and that was how I happened to witness the event. I saw the two padded figures take their first steps in that airless world, bouncing like toys over the landscape, driving a golf cart through the dust, planting a flag in the eye of what had once been the goddess of love and lunacy. Radiant Diana, I thought, image of what is dark within us. Then the president spoke. In a solemn, deadpan voice he declared this to be the greatest event since the creation of man. The old-timers at the bar laughed when they heard this, and I believe I managed to crack a smile or two myself. But for all the absurdity of that remark, there was one thing no one could challenge: since the day he was expelled from Paradise, Adam had never been this far from home.”
Paul Auster, Moon Palace

Samuel R. Delany
“Do you remember,” she asked, “when they got the first astronauts to the moon?”
“Yeah,” he said. “I saw it on TV. A whole bunch of us were over at my friend’s house.”
“I missed it, until the next morning,” she said. “But it was…funny.”
She pulled her lips in between her teeth, then let them pop. “Do you remember the next time you were outside and you looked up and saw the moon in the sky instead of on television?”
He frowned.
“It was different, remember. I realized that for the last fifty thousand science-fiction novels it had still been just a light hanging up there. And now it was…a place.”
Samuel R. Delany, Dhalgren

Jarod Kintz
“I am as America as apple pie shaped like a pocket, so you can carry it in your pants to eat later. My blood is red, white, and blue, I didn't VOTE for the moon landing, but I did fake it, and that's all that matters.”
Jarod Kintz, Powdered Saxophone Music

Janet Turpin Myers
“As everybody knows, a humungous thing happened on Sunday, July 20th, 1969, at exactly 4:17:41 E.D.T. The 'Eagle' has landed. Bingo. Just like that. Man became an alien.”
Janet Turpin Myers, Nightswimming

Ian  McClellan
“Todd’s wife was one of those women with a forced smile perpetually cemented on her face. Even after being chased by a mob of homicidal maniacs and attempting to barricade doors with barstools she kept up appearances, practicing for the days when her husband would be running for public office. When she saw her son poking at their former mail carrier’s dead body a look of utter horror came across her face for the slightest instant. She caught herself and put that smile back on so quickly Will wondered if she might have pulled a few cheek muscles.
“Trevor!” she hissed through clenched teeth. “Trevor, you get away from that this instant! You don’t know what kind of diseases that man had. Children shouldn’t play with dead things.”
Will looked at Todd and smirked. “Cute kid. How many of those things do you think are out there?”
Ian McClellan, One Undead Step

Ray Palla
“Buzz Aldrin said something on the moon about a soft landing before 'stage-aware' Neil Armstrong said, “Houston, the Eagle has landed”. People still argue about what the first words were on the moon.”

Dexter Palmer
“Soon our culture's oldest dreams will be made real. Even the thought of sending a kind of flying craft to the moon is no longer nothing more than a child's fantasy. At this moment in the cities below us, the first mechanical men are being constructed that will have the capability to pilot the ship on its maiden voyage. But no one has asked if this dream we've had for so long will lose its value once it's realized. What will happen when those mechanical men step out of their ship and onto the surface of this moon, which has served humanity for thousands of years as our principal icon of love and madness? When they touch their hands to the ground and perform their relentless analyses and find no measurable miracles, but a dead gray world of rocks and dust? When they discover that it was the strength of millions of boyhood daydreams that kept the moon aloft, and that without them that murdered world will fall, spiraling slowly down and crashing into the open sea?”
Dexter Palmer, The Dream of Perpetual Motion

Joey Comeau
“The moon landing is not bullshit,” Jane said quietly.

“The moon landing was faked,” Caitlin said. “Everybody knows that.”

“Fuck you! You were faked!” Jane said. She shoved Caitlin hard against the lockers.”
Joey Comeau, We are Become Pals

Shree Shambav
“Amidst the vast expanse of the night sky, the dream of landing on the moon beckons us with a silent promise - a promise of transcending the boundaries of Earth, touching the tapestry of the cosmos, and leaving an indelible mark on the canvas of human achievement.”
Shree Shambav, Life Changing Journey - 365 Inspirational Quotes - Series - I

Adam Higginbotham
“At the foot of the ladder, he [Gene Cernan Apollo 17] delivered the short speech he had memorized for the occasion. "Is like to just say what I believe history will record: That America's challenge of today has forged man's destiny of tomorrow. And, as we leave the moon at Taurus-Littrow, we leave as we came, and God willing, as we shall return: with peace and hope for all mankind.”
Adam Higginbotham, Challenger: A True Story of Heroism and Disaster on the Edge of Space