
Spinning Quotes

Quotes tagged as "spinning" Showing 1-27 of 27
Stephen Chbosky
“I don’t know if you’ve ever felt like that. That you wanted to sleep for a thousand years. Or just not exist. Or just not be aware that you do exist. Or something like that. I think wanting that is very morbid, but I want it when I get like this. That’s why I’m trying not to think. I just want it all to stop spinning.”
Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Charlotte Eriksson
“Well, at least this is what I told myself every day as I fell asleep with the fire still burning and the moon shining high up in the sky and my head spinning comforting from two bottles of wine, and I smiled with tears in my eyes because it was beautiful and so god damn sad and I did not know how to be one of those without the other.”
Charlotte Eriksson, Another Vagabond Lost To Love: Berlin Stories on Leaving & Arriving

Rasheed Ogunlaru
“It's essential to keep moving, learning and evolving for as long as you're here and this world keeps spinning”
Rasheed Ogunlaru

“I know that spinning sets me in a trance; it soothes me and charges my batteries at the same time. When times are tough I sit down to spin during the news-broadcasts, with therapeutic results.”
Elizabeth Zimmermann, Elizabeth Zimmermann's Knitter's Almanac

Gloria Steinem
“I remember Spider Woman from the first page of Leslie’s novel Ceremony. She is the Thought Woman who names things and so brings them into being. Until then, I had imagined myself alone in believing that spiders should be the totem of writers. Both go into a space alone and spin out of their own bodies a reality that has never existed before.”
Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road

Sanober  Khan
“The world is thinning
and the earth...it's still spinning

my world is thinning
and it’s all because
of one person I’m missing.”
Sanober Khan, A touch, a tear, a tempest

“Those who live to make light,
are all connected
by the web of light we create together ..
We have only this moment to spin our section,
our story, our song ...
but the web itself lives on.”
Shellen Lubin

S.E. Hinton
“My stomach gave a violent start and turned into a hunk of ice. The world was spinning around me, and blobs of faces and visions of things past were dancing in the red mist that covered the lot. It swirled into a mass of colors and I felt myself swaying on my feet. Someone cried, "Glory, look at the kid!"
And the ground rushed up to meet me very suddenly.”
S.E. Hinton, 追逐金色的少年 [Zhui zhu jin se de shao nian] / The Outsiders

Initially NO
“Take this drink as a token of
my disrepute and spin that hay tonight and tomorrow it will be shining golden bright in whatever heavy delirious weave you wish to make.”
Initially NO, Wolfing it down

“A spinning stash is much more complex than a knitting stash. It is like the first mother goddess. Everything comes from it, and nothing happens without it. You can't have yarn without the fiber.

(From the essay 'Spinning Stash')”
Jillian Moreno

Initially NO
“Take this drink as a token of my disrepute and spin that hay tonight and tomorrow it will be shining golden bright in whatever heavy delirious weave you wish to make.”
Initially NO, Wolfing it down

Alison   Miller
“Spinner parts, who do not themselves become dizzy, have the job of spinning internally to send out feelings or impulses to all the other parts, the main person, or a group of selected parts. Many of the “booby traps" or “fail-safe" programmes involve spinning. Often, when a programme (that is, a particular training) is in operation, the survivor feels dizzy, as though something or someone is “spinning" inside his or her head. If this is happening to you, you can speak to the spinner and ask that part to stop spinning or to slow down the spin. If this does not work, ask to speak with whoever is making the spinner part spin.
This strategy, of working up through the chain of command, applies to mind control treatment recovery in general. Another tactic you can use is to ask the spinner to spin in the opposite direction, which will often put away whatever is being spun. If permitted by those in charge, a spinner can also replace whatever lesson is being spun with something positive, such as a feeling of calmness, taken from a positive memory.”
Alison Miller, Becoming Yourself: Overcoming Mind Control and Ritual Abuse

Munia Khan
“I don't dream of a ceiling fan which is always here spinning above my head. I dream of a cool weather”
Munia Khan

Munia Khan
“People say- 'NASA lies.' I say- 'the moon knows it all. Look at the moon and forget the spinning flat world.”
Munia Khan

Alison   Miller
“With programmes such as flooding of emotions, the parts involved might not feel safe in turning the programme off. But you might be able to negotiate that they turn it down so it is barely noticeable. Or you could ask the spinner parts to spin in the opposite direction, so that they spin the effects back into the part who originally held those feelings rather than out to the rest of the system. Or you could insert a hidden drain and start draining out some of the feelings. Or you could find a way for the parts doing their jobs to implement the programme without doing harm. p126-127”
Alison Miller, Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control

“Sometimes, I imagine that the universe is like an unmoved, round bucket! The water inside is like the space all around; the space is moving as the water in the bucket. The spinning planets are like the dipped and moving mug and the sun is like the accidentally fallen bug in the middle of the bucket!”
Md. Ziaul Haque

Anurag Shrivastava
“The ant… the foolish ant,
sitting on the edge of an enormous disc
spinning about its axis,
reckons at every instant of time,
that it’s progressing forward.
Who would hold a mirror up to it?
And convey it the truth,
Clearing out its fallacy,
Clean as a hound’s tooth.
The fallacy that it can see
the whole dimension in entirety.
Shall it ever concede,
If one tries to enlighten?
Or, inured by canard shall it fight
To win against what is right?”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma

Jazz Feylynn
“Spinning a dance of time.”
Jazz Feylynn

Jozef Simkovic
“There are no limits in the growing and there are no limits in the shrinking. There is no limit in the speed. There is only vibration and spinning. There is spinning into bigger and spinning into smaller. Spinning into shrinking can go well beyond the quantum unit. There is simply no smallest unit, no smallest anything, by Hadien.”
Jozef Simkovic, How to Kiss the Universe: An Inspirational Spiritual and Metaphysical Narrative about Human Origin, Essence and Destiny

“There is no yajna (sacrifice) greater than spinning calculated to bring peace to the troubled spirit...”

Adalbert Stifter
“Men often came to visit in the evening when the fire was burning in the hearth. Occasionally came Peter Laurenz the blacksmith, Paul Joachim the mason, Adam the linen weaver, Zacharias the tavern keeper, Mathias, Norbert, Jakob, and others. When there was a spinning bee at Witiko's house, maidens and weavers came with their spinning wheels to take part; some young men and youths also showed up such as Phillip the stirrup maker, Maz Albrecht, rosy cheeked Urban, Laurenz the blacksmith's cousin, Veit Gregor, Lambert the drummer, Wolfgang, Andreas, Augustin the piper and several others. At times the maidens sang, then the youths, then together or alternating stanzas. They always went home at the ninth hour.”
Adalbert Stifter, Witiko

Anthony T. Hincks
“Whirlpools, tornadoes​ and​ dust​ devils​ all​ use​ the​ same​ physics.​ A downward force, followed​ by​ a​n​ obtuse​ angle, a​ side​ways​ movement and​ then​ a​ spinning vortex​ which​ tries to​ remain​ perpendicular to​ the​ ground​ or​ ocean/river​ bed.
It's​ amazing​ what​ you​ can​ think​ about​ when​ a​ child​ is​ playing​ with​ a​ small​ plastic​ cone​ and​ trying​ to​ make​ it​ spin.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Richard Sala
“You've been going round and round—haven't you? Round and round! You didn't know you were going somewhere, but you were! Like a paper boat in a whirlpool—round and round! And now you've arrived at the center!”
Richard Sala, The Chuckling Whatsit

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“The universe is spinning when it stops at your point of happiness don't have two things arrogance and oppression.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

Andrzej Sapkowski
“The blade, freed by the half-turn, floated after him, shining, drawing a fan of red droplets in its wake. The streaming raven-black hair floated in the air, floated, floated, floated...
The head fell onto the gravel.
There are fewer and fewer monsters?
And I? What am I?
Who's shouting? The birds?
The woman in a sheepskin jacket and blue dress?
The roses from Nazair?
How quiet!
How empty. What emptiness.
Within me.”
Andrzej Sapkowski, The Last Wish