
Noise Pollution Quotes

Quotes tagged as "noise-pollution" Showing 1-21 of 21
Arthur Schopenhauer
“I have long held the opinion that the amount of noise that anyone can bear undisturbed stands in inverse proportion to his mental capacity and therefore be regarded as a pretty fair measure of it.”
Arthur Schopenhauer

Richard  Adams
“People who record birdsong generally do it very early--before six o'clock--if they can. Soon after that, the invasion of distant noise in most woodland becomes too constant and too loud.”
Richard Adams, Watership Down

“No man should live where he can hear his neighbor's dog bark.”
Nathaniel Macon

Chuck Palahniuk
“Anymore, no one's mind is their own. You can't concentrate. You can't think. There's always some noise worming in. Singers shouting. Dead people laughing. Actors crying. All these little doses of emotion. Someone's always spraying the air with their mood.”
Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby

“The white noise of an industrial and commercial society drowns out our ability to think.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Criss Jami
“Hopefully, when your actions and deeds - and therefore other people - boast for you, you're made tired of hearing it, too, from your own mouth because if not, all could lose sight of those actions and deeds behind the gong of your boasting.”
Criss Jami, Healology

Agatha Christie
“If you must be Sherlock Holmes," she observed, "I'll get you a nice little syringe and a bottle labelled cocaine, but for God's sake leave that violin alone.”
Agatha Christie

“A modern hospital is like Grand Central Station—all noise and hubbub, and is filled with smoking physicians, nurses, orderlies, patients and visitors. Soft drinks are sold on each floor and everybody guzzles these popular poisons. The stench of chemicals offends the nose, while tranquillizers substitute for quietness.”
Herbert M. Shelton, Rubies in the Sand

Michael P. Naughton
“There's nothing quite like the sound of chainsaws over morning coffee.”
Michael P. Naughton

Jaime Allison Parker
“Jam jamming,” Meghan chanted in a sing song voice. “I like the idea, the feel. I KNOW what you are getting at. Where does a sound end? Has the Earth been pumping billions upon billions of horrendous noises into the depths of space since the time primates began walking? Can you imagine all the noisy concerts, explosions of war, and thundering of bombs, all drifting endlessly into empty darkness? Can you imagine? For infinity? Frozen glaciers, devoid rocks, suddenly illuminated to be crushed by all that deafening din, waking the inhabitants of other planets. Jamming alien satellite signals. If there is life out there, it wants to destroy us....I must be really stoned to see this so clearly”
Jaime Allison Parker, Justice of the Fox

“Our culture associates noise with power and progress. Former Interior Secretary James Watt (who sought to close the EPA’s Office of Noise Control in the 1980s) thought that the more noise we made as a country, the more powerful we appeared. Physically, "noise" is wasted power for it represents wasted sound (that delivers little useful information), and wasted energy (because electromechanical generation emits heat). But psychologically, we perceive noise as proportional to power and therefore enviable. The bigger and noisier the Harley, the better.”
Julia Corbett, Out of the Woods: Seeing Nature in the Everyday

“While I applaud all efforts to incorporate authentic nature into cities, not acknowledging noise levels is a serious oversight. Our cities' collective racket is making all of us sick. Our hearts race and breathing speeds. We must talk louder, our voices hitting higher and higher pitches, our faces contorting, trying to communicate and claim our place in the landscape. Hearing lost is epidemic.”
Julia Corbett, Out of the Woods: Seeing Nature in the Everyday

Jean Baudrillard
“As soon as he arrives, everyone falls silent. It is like when you're walking in the country and the crickets mysteriously fall quiet. The zone of silence moves with him like an eye, and the shrill noise starts up again as soon as he has passed by. Destiny no longer penetrates into that zone, all is quiet, passions are extinguished, but it is the ideal zone from which to measure the stridency of the world.

The end of every cycle of activity, of suffering or pleasure, is marked by a symbolic masturbation. A sort of mythological offering to seal the end of an event, a nod towards orgasm, the joy of an ending. For societies too, the end of a cycle is marked by a symbolic masturbation, which is followed not long after by real melancholy. This is what socialism was for us.

The famous gesture of tearing one's page from the typewriter, by which writers or journalists elevate themselves to the status of Wild West heroes drawing their six-shooters.”
Jean Baudrillard, Cool Memories

Michel Houellebecq
“I know it's crazy but I've decided to stay in Rouen this weekend. Tisserand was astonished to hear it; I explained to him I wanted to see the town and that I had nothing better to do in Paris. I don't really want to see the town.
And yet there are very fine medieval remains, some ancient houses of great charm. Five or six centuries ago Rouen must have been one of the most beautiful towns in France; but now it's ruined. Everything is dirty, grimy, run down, spoiled by the abiding presence of cars, noise, pollution. I don't know who the mayor is, but it only takes ten minutes of walking the streets of the old town to realize that he is totally incompetent, or corrupt.
To make matters worse there are dozens of yobs who roar down the streets on their motorbikes or scooters, and without silencers. They come in from the Rouen suburbs, which are nearing total industrial collapse. Their objective is to make a deafening racket, as disagreeable as possible, a racket which should be unbearable for the local residents. They are completely successful.”
Michel Houellebecq, Whatever


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28 April International Noise Awareness Day”
Vineet Raj Kapoor

Megan Abbott
“And no sound from outside or anywhere. That must be the thing when you have money, I think. You never have to hear anything you don't want to, ever.”
Megan Abbott, Give Me Your Hand

Stewart Stafford
“Stranger's Park by Stewart Stafford

Up the empty, welcoming path,
Half grass/gravel in composition,
Past ruined cottage foundations,
And tree trunk with vaginal cleft.

Swings sway, empty playground,
Birds serenading wraith children,
Roundhead bins stand as sentries,
Keeping errant litter off the grass.

Army truck and wailing ambulance,
Shatter the tranquility as they pass,
Blaring car horn joins the cacophony,
Turning on my heel, I journey home.

© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Stewart Stafford
“Imperfect Silence by Stewart Stafford

The new roommates were,
The noisiest people alive,
Sandwich-making became,
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Is that dishwashing?
Or a battle reenactment?
Vibrations from videogames,
Shook the hollow home.

Then the 7 a.m. rite again,
Pianos dropped as you slept,
And their jumbo jet snoring,
Blew you out of the bed.

© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Sol Luckman
“For the sonically challenged, the world would be much better indeed if architects and builders cared about noise pollution as much as profit margins.”
Sol Luckman, Musings from a Small Island: Everything under the Sun

“A teacher's advice can give a voice to a student and ignite a candle of hope in a life filled with noise”
Norbertus Krisnu Prabowo

“A wise American has said that noise is the ultimate insult. It belittles us. It gives us nothing at which to strike back. It kills what is left of many things that we have loved - music, beauty, friendship, hope and excitement - and the reassurance of nature. Traditionally, noise is used to ridicule, embarrass, denigrate and curse, while silence is used for worship, respect, anticipation and love.”
John Hillaby, Journey through love