
Psychic Medium Quotes

Quotes tagged as "psychic-medium" Showing 1-30 of 43
G.G. Collins
“Allow the power to flow through you. Don’t try to capture it. You wish only to borrow it.”
G.G. Collins, Reluctant Medium

G.G. Collins
“The wolf turned to Rachel. She was afraid to run, afraid fleeing would make it chase her. Somewhere in the stored files of her mind, she remembered one should not look directly at a menacing dog, but she couldn’t take her eyes from it.”
G.G. Collins, Reluctant Medium

“When you trust your gut, follow your heart, and use your head, magic happens!”
Jodi Livon, The Happy Medium: Awakening to Your Natural Intuition

“Love and intuition are both the language of the soul. Speak soul.”
Jodi Livon, The Happy Medium: Speaking the Language of Intuition

“When you act on an intuitive impulse, you are celebrating one of the thoroughly joyful aspects of life on this planet. That calm, guiding inner voice is a natural part of you and deserves to be honored. What is not natural is ignoring it.”
Jodi Livon

“The world is more than black and white. Seeing everything in color helps me raise my spirit and find my happy. Life is meant to be lived in color!”
Jodi Livon

Anthon St. Maarten
“It’s usually not a good idea to put the truth speaker of the tribe on speakerphone.”
Anthon St. Maarten

Rose Rosetree
“NON-EMPATHS naturally put themselves first. They experience themselves in vivid color, brighter and more interesting than everyone else.

Granted, a non-empath will occasionally have an insight, such as “I notice things going on beneath the surface of the conversation.” While an unskilled empath has insights constantly, and to such an extent that it’s like living grayed out—fascinated by everyone else, because even random people appear so much more colorful.

Yet a SKILLED EMPATH gets to be in full color, just like everyone else, and going deeper when we choose. Yes, going deeper as a matter of choice. Otherwise we stay on the surface of life, enjoying the very human privilege of personal vividness in living color.”
Rose Rosetree, Empath Empowerment in 30 Days

John Holland
“The human body is sustained by the same prana that nourishes the universe. The body (your equipment) has the ability to control and use this special energy through the use of "pranayama". Don't let true word scare you - it just means to control, channel, and direct the flow of prana through the use of breath.”
John Holland, Psychic Navigator: Harnessing Your Inner Guidance

Anthon St. Maarten
“We only receive in a psychic reading what is most necessary and beneficial to us at that particular moment in time. Nothing more. Nothing less.”
Anthon St. Maarten

Hope Bradford
“Having grown up knowing the formerly-mentioned historical figures are part of my family lineage, I was interested to learn that at least one, famed American psychic and suffragette, Amanda Theodosia Jones (of Puritan, Quaker and Huguenot heritage), was a self-proclaimed spiritualist. While aware of her inventions and business endeavors, I’d never been informed of her interest in metaphysics.
Possessing a rather significant collection of her letters, poetry and other documents, it is perhaps my intimate relationship with this extraordinary individual inspiring my lifelong engagement with the psychic world. Indeed, in a recent dream, the spirit of Amanda T. Jones contacted me for reasons that will later be delineated. It is my ongoing contact with her and other spirit entities (including the Bodhisattva of Compassion, Kuan Yin), in fact, inspiring me to pen this manuscript.”
Hope Bradford, The Healing Power of Dreams: The Science of Dream Analysis and Journaling for Your Best Life!

Hilary Mantel
“You start out, you start talking, you don’t even know what you’re going to say. You don’t even know your way to the end of the sentence. You don’t know anything. Then suddenly you do know you have to walk blind and you walk slap into the truth.”
Hilary Mantel, Beyond Black

Anthon St. Maarten
“I have always disliked the term 'paranormal’ because it refers to anomalies — ‘abnormal’ phenomena not yet understood by science. It implies that psychic perception is something that exists ‘outside of what is considered normal'...This notion of ‘abnormality’ never sat well with me. I have spent too many years of my life being made to feel defective or ‘outside of normal,’ and I am no longer willing to consider my psychic abilities to be an ‘unfortunate anomaly.”
Anthon St. Maarten, The Sensible Psychic: A Leading-Edge Guide To True Psychic Perception

“Making choices for the feelings they bring us & not what others think means we can find fulfilment and achievement from fulfilling our goals.
From the writers of Carolann's Pathway and Carolann's Progression, The Gateway to Understanding your Life's Ultimate Journey”
Roland Bush-Cavell and Carolann Frankie

Laura  Oliva
“Lena scowled at the empty space in her living room. "Oh sure, thanks, I had fun too." She'd stayed awake, spilled a cup of perfectly good tea, and for what? A spirit with the noncorporeal equivalent of erectile dysfunction. Mostly she was fine being permanently on-call in the Veil. On nights like this, however, it sucked.”
Laura Oliva, A World Apart

Laura  Oliva
“Georgia gulped as the entire doorway suddenly filled with a man she didn't recognize. She'd been expecting Jesper MacMillian.

This was definitely not Jesper MacMillian.

This man had a rich black complexion. His head was bald- whether by nature or design, she couldn't be sure. Tiny studs flashed in his ears. He wore a beautiful black suit, painstakingly tailored to fit his massive shoulders. Dark tattoos curled just above his pressed white collar, and down below the edges of his cuffs.

His face was neither kind nor unkind. He studied her with vague disinterest, his eyes quiet and guarded beneath solid brows.”
Laura Oliva, Season Of The Witch

“I now believe in the power of feeling my vibrant soul-self. In this space there is always love. In this space I am always free.”
Jodi Livon

Anthon St. Maarten
“Mediumship is not a dog and pony show aimed at applause or viewer ratings. It is a spiritual endeavor that seeks to validate, console, heal and uplift. It's a blessing from beyond...like a phone call from God.”
Anthon St. Maarten

“Having grown up knowing the formerly-mentioned historical figures are part of my family lineage, I was interested to learn that at least one, famed American psychic and suffragette, Amanda Theodosia Jones (of Puritan, Quaker and Huguenot heritage), was a self-proclaimed spiritualist. While aware of her inventions and business endeavors, I’d never been informed of her interest in metaphysics.
Possessing a rather significant collection of her letters, poetry and other documents, it is perhaps my intimate relationship with this extraordinary individual inspiring my lifelong engagement with the psychic world. Indeed, in a recent dream, the spirit of Amanda T. Jones contacted me for reasons that will later be delineated. It is my ongoing contact with her and other spirit entities (including the Bodhisattva of Compassion, Kuan Yin), in fact, inspiring me to pen this manuscript.”
Hope Bradford Cht

Hope Bradford
“Especially did his [Seth Jones] intense belief in the efficacy of the “Prayer of Faith” produce a deep impression—partly due to this unquestioned fact:
During a distressing drought (I think near Sackett’s Harbor, N.Y.) an assemblage of farmers in open field expressed in his presence utter hopelessness with regard to rain, saying that a single day more would ruin every crop. “If you would pray for rain with Faith it would come,” he said.
“But we have no faith! Will not you exercise it for us?”
Whereupon he knelt down upon a stump and prayed mightily for three hours, while (it was related) copious showers fell from the eyes of his hearers. When he descended , the first great drops of a “glorious rain” were dashing down. At eighty-three he presided over a Universalist convention…” ~ Amanda Jones”
Hope Bradford, The Healing Power of Dreams: The Science of Dream Analysis and Journaling for Your Best Life!

“•Is your love life falling apart
•Is your life facing financial ruin
•Do you need protection from your enemies
•For Relationship and Love Advice
•Witchcraft and Sangoma Healing
•Spiritual/Native Healing
•Lost Love and Love Spells
•Marriage Advice
•Divorce Advice
•Are you constantly afflicted by bad luck
•Do you need protection from your enemies
•Do you need to even the score with someone
•Do you want to control your partner”
lost love spells in south africa

Sonia Choquette
“I wondered if [people] weren't psychic because they didn't have the ability, or because they didn't want to have it. [...]

Later I'd come to understand how negative behavior and thought patterns block people from their psychic sense.”
Sonia Choquette, Diary of a Psychic: Shattering the Myths

Paula Marucci
“Life is a circle it travels around,
Leaving yourself where you're nowhere to be found,
In loneliness and horror and ever so more,
Life is a circle for you to explore.”
Paula Marucci, Fruit Fly Intelligence: Awareness of our Interconnections with All That Is Leads to an Extraordinary Life!

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