
Psychics Quotes

Quotes tagged as "psychics" Showing 1-30 of 40
Leslie Parrish
“Would you believe I was in the neighborhood?”
“Well, how about that I needed to see you.”
“Why? Did one of my neighbors call and say my cat’s been stalking their bunny?”
One corner of his mouth went up. “You know, that sounds like a euphemism. A kind of salacious one”
“Ooh, big words for Mr. Average Joe street cop,” she said, knowing she sounded bitchy but unable to help it.
“Can you take out the angry eyes, Mrs. Potato Head, and just let me talk to you?”
Leslie Parrish, Cold Touch

Diane  Hall
“Whose are all these ghosts?” she said, smiling at a flustered-looking Geraldine.
“Oh,” said Geraldine, “I think they might be mine...?”
Diane Hall

Christopher Hitchens
“In the controversy that followed the prince's remarks, his most staunch defender was professor John Taylor, a scholar whose work I had last noticed when he gave good reviews to the psychokinetic (or whatever) capacities of the Israeli conjuror and fraud Uri Geller. The heir to the throne seems to possess the ability to surround himself—perhaps by some mysterious ultramagnetic force?—with every moon-faced spoon-bender, shrub-flatterer, and water-diviner within range.”
Christopher Hitchens

Steven Sherrill
“Standing at the window, reading the menu of Obediah's services, the Minotaur wishes he could believe in what she has to offer: a promise woven into deep lines of his palm, some turn of fate told by a card. But faith is a nebulous thing and charlatans a dime a dozen; it's always been that way. The Minotaur both envies and pities the devout.”
Steven Sherrill, The Minotaur Takes a Cigarette Break

Leslie Parrish
“She closed her eyes briefly, feeling sick. Olivia had experienced strangulation before. Having to look directly into the face of the person who was killing you made the experience beyond awful. But there were worse things than that. Staring into the void of unresolved memory, living an eternal mystery, waking up night after night seeing the face of someone you desperately wanted to save but having not the slightest clue how to do it—all that was worse. If going through with this experience gave her the answers she needed, if it gave her peace, it would be well worth one-hundred-and-thirty seconds of fear and pain.”
Leslie Parrish, Cold Touch

Diane  Hall
“...she knew, with all her heart that running away from the country’s top relationship coach was as good as saying, 'there’s no hope for me, ever'!”
Diane Hall

James C. Dobson
“16. Christians should never consult astrologers, psychics, or those who practice witchcraft (see Isaiah 47:13-14). They are usually phonies who only pretend to have extrasensory powers. But in some cases, they are working in cooperation with Satan. Rather than tamper with this evil world, the one true God wants us to bring our needs, problems, and decisions to Him. He has promised to lead us into all truth (see John 8:32).”
James C. Dobson, Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future

C. JoyBell C.
“We live in a world that values words over thoughts. This is precisely why people talk all the time and don’t think! Which is more valuable? Thoughts or words? People may talk about doing something, every day, and end up never doing it because it is not in their thoughts! On the other hand, a person may think about doing something, every day, without speaking of it, and at the end of the day the job is done. The energy is saved as is executed in the final outcome. So which is more valuable? The thoughts of a man or the words of a man? The thoughts of a man are more valuable than his words, because the thoughts of a man are the contents of his mind! And it is the mind of man that makes a man and dictates a man! And so, why do we value words over mental telepathy? Why do we shy away from the notion of mind communication? Why do we value the communication of words over the communication of minds? Is it because most of you do not understand it? Well, you do not understand it because you are too busy talking and not thinking. Not thinking about anything. Here is the big question: Should a thought reader value the words of the man over his thoughts? Are the words spoken the truth or are the thoughts in the mind, the truth? You think about it. You decide.”
C. JoyBell C.

Stewart Stafford
“I love the casual sexism of these paranormal investigation shows. Whenever there's an alleged aggressive/scary/demonic entity, these "psychics" always pause a beat and say: "I sense a male presence!”
Stewart Stafford

Abhijit Naskar
“Being the most insecure species on earth, humans have a tendency to seek for instruction manuals for even the fundamental experiences and realizations of life. And that's why so many con-artists, that is, the mystical fraudsters are able to keep cashing on their insecurity, by selling them diagrams and techniques to liberation. The number of gurus, yogis, swamis and psychics in a country increases exponentially with the fall of reason, and the fall of reason leads to the fall of civilization.”
Abhijit Naskar, Aşkanjali: The Sufi Sermon

Michael Bassey Johnson
“A psychic is a person who knows without being told; who learns without being taught; who sees without being shown.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Oneironaut’s Diary

Ottessa Moshfegh
“A lot of psychic diseases get passed around in confined public spaces. I sense your mind is too porous.”
Ottessa Moshfegh, My Year of Rest and Relaxation

Elizabeth Morgan
“You were supposed to be a Werewolf, Brendan, so that you would be in her world. To be the strength she needs when she no longer has strength of her own, to show her the reasons to survive and to live.”
Elizabeth Morgan, Blood Secrets

Elizabeth Morgan
“It has nothing to do with you—”
“It has everything to do with me that you want to get yourself fucking killed.” He snarled, the words tight and full of iron. “Losing you is not an option.”
Elizabeth Morgan, Blood Secrets

Elizabeth Morgan
“I lifted my head, my gaze meeting his. “Wanting something doesn’t guarantee you will get it.”
“A man can still hope.”
“I’ve never had much room for hope.”
Elizabeth Morgan, Blood Secrets

Elizabeth Morgan
“I’ve been as good as dead since the day I was born. I accepted that a very long time ago.”
Elizabeth Morgan, Blood Secrets

Will Kostakis
“She has dirt on me before I’m dirty.”
Will Kostakis, Begin, End, Begin: A #LoveOzYA Anthology

Stewart Stafford
“A psychic told me I could be a medium. I told her that was impossible as I'm an extra large!”
Stewart Stafford

Victoria Redel
“He said I must pay special attention in cars. He wasn’t, he assured me, saying that I’d be in an accident but that for two weeks some particular caution was in order, &, he said, all I really needed to do was throw the white light of Alma around any car I entered & then I’d be fine. & when I asked about Alma, he said, Oh, come on, you know Alma well. You two were together first in Egypt & then at Stonehenge, & I nodded though I’ve never been— in this life at least—to Stonehenge; then I said, Shouldn’t I always throw the white light of Alma around a car? & when he said, Well, it wouldn’t hurt, I said, What about around planes, houses? What if I throw the white light of Alma around anyone who might need protection from the reckless speed of driving or the reckless swerve & skid of the world? & the psychic opened his hands & shrugged up his shoulders. So despite your doubt or mine as to why I’d gone there, to a psychic, in—I kid you not—a town of psychics—in the first place, right now, as you read this, let me throw the white light of Alma around you & everyone you pass close to today, beloved or stranger, the grocer, the bus driver, the boy on his longboard, the lady you stand silent beside in the elevator, & also I am throwing it around anyone they care about anywhere in the spin of the world, because, we can agree that these days, everywhere, particular caution is in order &, even if unverifiable, the light of my dear sister Alma, couldn’t hurt.”
Victoria Redel

“When you understand that there are people that can hear, feel, and interpret your thoughts, one becomes very aware of the mind chatter.”
Rosangel Perez

Aimée Marie Bejarano
“Now, those psychics who see spirits, from a person who is dead, or anything of that nature. and they tell them to go into the light or crossover, is a load of bull, if I can be frank.”
Aimée Marie Bejarano, Possessions of the Human Kind: Saga Chapter One

Aimée Marie Bejarano
“NKJV - Deuteronomy 18: 9-12: When you come into the land the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord, and because of these abominations the Lord your God drives them out from before you.”
Aimée Marie Bejarano, Possessions of the Human Kind: Saga Chapter One

Abhijit Naskar
“Having said that there's no such thing as real psychics, there are many people who genuinely believe that they are psychic and they genuinely want to help people. But then there are frauds who know they ain't psychic and their sole purpose is to exploit vulnerable masses, just like there are frauds and morons in the field of science.

In science, frauds are those scientists who manipulate research date to suit their expectations, and morons are those scientists who won't mind causing hurt and harm to everyday people in the name of science.

We ought to stand up against these frauds and morons no matter their line of work, instead of looking down on regular people for their every little illogicality.

Enough with this condescending outlook of life from a high and mighty, intellectual pedestal!

Come down, come down to earth, come down to the street, come down to the soil, for that's where life is.”
Abhijit Naskar, Making Britain Civilized: How to Gain Readmission to The Human Race

Anthon St. Maarten
“We cannot blame the public, science, or the media for the myths, misrepresentations, cynicism — and sometimes blatant ignorance of what it truly means to be a psychic or medium — while we continue as a community to use inaccurate, ill-conceived jargon and misconstrued concepts based on a flawed ‘sensory’ model of psychic perception.”
Anthon St. Maarten, The Sensible Psychic: A Leading-Edge Guide To True Psychic Perception

Alistair Cross
“Jason tried to imagine her conjuring images in her crystal ball -- or whatever it was psychics used these days. It explained her reputation as a witch.”
Alistair Cross, Sleep Savannah Sleep: Murder Mystery

Sonia Choquette
“I wondered if [people] weren't psychic because they didn't have the ability, or because they didn't want to have it. [...]

Later I'd come to understand how negative behavior and thought patterns block people from their psychic sense.”
Sonia Choquette, Diary of a Psychic: Shattering the Myths

Laura van den Berg
“What did the woman tell you?" she asked. "What did she say when she took my hand?"

"That she could see everything inside you," he said. "And then she told me what was there."

Juliana didn't press any further. She wasn't at all sure she wanted to know what was inside of her.”
Laura van den Berg, What the World Will Look Like When All the Water Leaves Us: Stories

Melodie Ramone
“The misty sun came through the window and cast a yellow halo around her, making her eyes glow like clover. Lorenzo yearned to comfort her, but he felt lately that it was his presence over the years that helped put her in her state. She was an attractive, bright, and funny girl who should have been living a bold teenage life, but she existed with one foot in the living world and one in the grave. What he hadn’t known when he fell in love with her as a stepbrother would adopt a new, much younger sister, was that when ghosts touched a person directly, it changed them and separated them from their society. Eleni had seen things regular people couldn’t and experienced things that defied their reality and religious beliefs, and, frankly, terrified them to a point where they shunned her by reflex. In a way, her relationship with the dead made her a ghost herself, quiet, looming on the outskirts, largely unseen.”
Melodie Ramone, Falls the Breath

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