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Jessica Wayne

Author of Blood Hunt

49+ Works 243 Members 11 Reviews


Works by Jessica Wayne

Blood Hunt (2020) 23 copies
Blood Captive (2020) 13 copies
Visions of Death (2018) — Author — 10 copies, 2 reviews
Phoenix (Prophecy Series Book 1) (2017) 10 copies, 1 review
Warrior Of Magick (Cambrexian Realm, #1) (2020) 8 copies, 1 review
Blood Cure (2020) 7 copies
Slay Me 6 copies
Savage Wolf (Shadow Cursed Book 1) (2022) 6 copies, 1 review
Protect Me (2023) — Author — 6 copies, 1 review
Midnight Hunted 5 copies
A Year Of Love (2019) 2 copies
Collateral Damage (2018) 1 copy

Associated Works

Adamant Spirits (2022) — Contributor — 5 copies, 1 review
One More Kiss (2022) — Contributor — 2 copies


Common Knowledge

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1st reading: This book is somewhat clumsily written; it's often difficult to determine who's speaking or who is taking what action.
The world building is a bit weak as well, and explanations of the magic system et al. is subpar.
Character development could be better as well; the villains are two dimensional, and the MMC is broody and predictable.
References to current pop culture will sadly date this book in a few years.
I will continue with the next book, though, at least. Not entirely sure why.… (more)
sooze55 | 1 other review | Dec 22, 2023 |
filemanager | Nov 29, 2023 |
We're back in No Man's Circus and meet up with some familiar people, yay!
It was pretty cool seeing more of D and Liv, amongst others (go read "Slay Me" if you're unfamiliar with them... you won't regret it!!).
But yeah, we're in No Man's Land, particularly the circus again for this one, and we're staying for the book's duration. That doesn't mean that the scenery gets stale because there is enough going on to keep you on your toes :D
All scenes and environments are well described and clear, so sit back and enjoy!

Character development:
Sway is running from her fiancé, that is trying to use and manipulate her into hurting others. Finally getting away from him, she runs for the circus. Bloody and on the verge of collapse, she hopes she will be granted asylum there in return for her performances with the silks (omg, I could picture this in my head while reading, I loved it!).
Saying that she has trust issues is an understatement, but something pulls her towards the three lion shifters...
Duncan, Bracken, and Killian are the circus' security team, we've met them before (if I'm correct), but this time, it's their turn to have a woman getting under their skin. Keeping her safe is fast becoming their top priority.
Will Sway be able to overcome her distrust and fear? Will the lions be able to keep her safe?
We learn a bit about the main characters' past throughout the book. They are well-written, feel lifelike, and believable. They aren't perfect, they're broken, and they've done things they're not proud of in the past, but they're trying not to let that get in the way of their happiness.
I hope we get more stories from the other performers in the future!

Pacing and flow:
Yeah, I read this book in one sitting; I was hooked and just wanted to know what happened next :D (it's sneaky like that). Good balance between all the action and the conversations.
The ending felt maybe a bit rushed, with all the build-up towards it, but honestly, it was still very good, and this would be the only thing I can say that might have been improved upon.
The story and the characters were interesting and kept my attention throughout (well, duh, I read it in one go, lol).

The book:
The book was well written with no (noticeable) errors. There are spicy scenes described (if that is important to you). I would rate it
… (more)
Nemerith | Oct 30, 2023 |
I really felt for Anastacia in this book, her parents were abusive, she fled from the as soon as she could. Her best friend Dakota and his family took her under their wing, and she made a life for herself, was happy, and then her father turns up and drags her to her family home, beats her near to death then everything changes.
I loved this book, it was told so well thanks to Kelsey Navarro, she made the story come alive.

StressedRach | Jun 14, 2023 |

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