Author Cloud for LoyalJ

Daryl Aaron(2) Lyman Abbott(1) T. K. Abbott(1) David Abernathy(6) David; Stutzman Abernathy, Robert(1) David; Tehan Abernathy, Thomas(1) Andrew Abernethy(1) Paul J. Achtemeier(1) Peter Adam(2) A. Dana Adams(1) Douglas Adams(5) Jay E. Adams(31) Matthew D.; Hartley Aernie, Donald E.(1) Shmuel Ahituv(1) George Aichele(1) Daniel L. Akin(2) Barbara; Aland Aland, Kurt; Karavidopoulos, Johannes; Martini, Carlo M.; Metzger, Bruce M.(1) Rainer Albertz(1) Robert L. Alden(1) Donald L. Alexander(1) David W.; Waltke T. Desmond; Baker Alexander, Bru(2) Brian S. T. Desmond;Rosner Alexander(1) Henry Alford(6) David L. Allen(1) J. H.; Greenough Allen, J. B.(1) Leslie C. Allen(1) Willoughby C. Allen(1) C. FitzSimons Allison(1) Dale C. Allison, Jr.(1) Dale C. Allison, Jr.; Davies, W. D.(3) Don Allsman(2) Helen M. Alvare(1) Elizabeth Alves(1) American Schools of Oriental Research.(15) Francis I. Andersen(2) David Noel (eds.) Francis I. & Freedman Andersen(3) Max E. Anders(1) Amy; Widder Anderson, Wendy(1) Bernhard W. Anderson(1) Charles Anderson(1) Clive Anderson(1) George W. Anderson(1) John L. Anderson(1) Sam A. Andreades(2) Uche Anizor(1) Michael J. Anthony(1) Thabiti M. Anyabwile(1) Philip; Gregory the Great; Wace Aphrahat; Ephrem the Syrian; Schaff, Henry(1) Billy Apostolon(4) Howard A. Daniel C.; Hatton Arichea(4) Eugene A. Daniel C.; Nida Arichea(2) Bill T. Arnold(2) Bill T; Williamson Arnold, H. G. M(1) Eberhard Arnold(1) Jeffrey Arnold(1) Dave Arp(1) Stephen Arterburn(1) Kay Arthur(2) Richard S. Ascough(1) Bruce Riley Ashford(1) Tony Ash(2) Hizkias Assefa(1) Westminster Assembly(1) Jeff; Brown Astley, David; Loades, Ann(1) Jamie D.; Hook Aten, J. N.; Johnson, Eric L.; Worthington, Everett L., Jr.(1) Philip; Wace Athanasius; Schaff, Henry(1) David John Atkinson(4) Harley T. Atkinson(1) Harold W. Attridge(1) Carl August; Riggenbach Auberlen, C. J.; Lange, John Peter; Lillie, John; Schaff, Philip(1) Robert Audi(1) Elias Auerbach(1) E. B. Augustine of Hippo; Pusey(1) Philip Augustine of Hippo; Schaff(4) Saint Augustine(8) A. Graeme Auld(2) Steve Austin(1) Yohanan Aharoni/ Michael Avi-Yonah(1) Dick Axelrod(1) Margaret Aymer(1) Lynne M. Baab(2) Richard Bach(1) William Backus(1) Julian Baggini(1) Dan Bahat(2) Mark Bailey(1) Waylon; Barker Bailey, Kenneth L.(1) Robert Edward Mather; Lee Bain, James; Vincent, John(1) David W. Baker(1) John Baker(1) William R.; Martin Baker, Ralph P.; Toney, Carl N.(1) Raymond J. Bakke(1) Joyce G. Baldwin(6) Lindley Baldwin(1) Carol Balizet(1) C. J. Ball(1) Jack Balswick;Judith Balswick(1) Klaus Baltzer(1) Robert J. Banks(1) John M. G. Barclay(1) William Barclay(2) William P. Barker(1) Wayne K. Barkhuizen(1) George Barna(3) Albert Barnes(20) Albert; Cook Barnes, F. C.; Fuller, J. M.(2) Albert; Fuller Barnes, J. M.; Cook, F. C.(1) Charles Barnes(1) M. Craig Barnes(1) William Emery Barnes(2) William H.; Comfort Barnes, Philip W.(1) Paul William Barnett(2) C. K. Barrett(5) Ron (ILT) Judi/ Barrett Barrett(1) Matthew Barrett(1) James Barr(1) John D. Barry(8) John D.; Bomar Barry, David; Brown, Derek R.; Klippenstein, Rachel; Mangum, Douglas; Sinclair Wolcott, Carrie; Wentz, Lazarus; Ritzema, Elliot; Widder, Wendy(1) John D.; Brown Barry, Derek R.; Custis, Miles; Mangum, Douglas; Widder, Wendy(2) John D.; Custis Barry, Miles(1) John D.; Ritzema Barry, Elliot; Sinclair Wolcott, Carrie; Mailhot, Jake; Bomar, David(1) John D.; Van Noord Barry, Rebecca(4) Sheila Anne Barry(1) Karl Barth(1) Markus Barth(2) Helmut Markus; Blanke Barth(1) Craig G. Bartholomew(2) Craig G.; O�Dowd Bartholomew, Ryan P.(1) John Bartlett(1) George A. Barton(1) John Barton(3) Don Basham(2) Jouette M. Bassler(5) Herbert W. IV Bateman(1) Loring W. Batten(1) Walter; Danker Bauer, Frederick William(1) S. M. Baugh(1) Mary K. Baxter(1) Joseph Tate Bayly(1) Mel Bay(1) William Bay(1) G.K. Beale(3) D. R. G.; McIvor Beattie, J. Stanley(1) Christopher Bedford(1) James K.;Eddy Beilby, Paul Rhodes(4) Barry J. Lyle Beitzel, Kristopher A.(1) Barry J.; Parks Beitzel, Jessica(1) David J. H. Beldman(1) Linda L. Belleville(1) Linda L.; Laansma Belleville, Jon C.; Michaels, J. Ramsey(1) Robert D. Bell(1) Chris Benfield(2) David G; Hill Benner, Peter C(1) Arnold Bennett(1) Charles E. Bennett(1) Helen Bennett(1) Robert L. Bensly(1) Kenneth Berding(2) Robert D. Bergen(1) Howard Stephen Berg(1) Gudjon Bergmann(1) Louis Berkhof(2) James D. Berkley(1) William Berkson(2) Adele Berlin(2) J. H. Bernard(3) Wendell Berry(1) Ernest Best(3) Hans Dieter Betz(3) Edwyn Bevan(2) Julius A. Bewer(2) Julius A.; Horne Bewer, Charles F.(9) Charles Bigg(1) Bill Britton(1) Paul E. Billheimer(2) Billy Graham Christian Guidance Departme(1) Bruce C. Birch(1) Edwin Cone; Lange Bissell, John Peter; Schaff, Philip(1) Henry Blackaby(8) Earl M Blackburn(1) W. Ross Blackburn(1) Ellen Blackwell(1) Sr. Andrew W. Blackwood(1) Craig A. Hardin Blaising, Carmen S.(1) Friedrich Blass(1) G.W. Blenkin(1) Joseph Blenkinsopp(4) Richard C. Blight(6) Henri Blocher(1) Daniel I. Block(4) Craig L. Blomberg(4) Brian K. Blount(1) Edwin; Wax Blum, Trevin(1) Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt(1) Raymond Blum(1) Kenneth Boa(2) Kenneth; William Kruidenier Boa(1) Darrell L. Bock(7) Markus Bockmuehl(1) Mark J. Boda(2) Martinus C. De Boer(1) James H. Bolick(1) Robert G. Boling(1) G. Ernest Robert; Wright Boling(1) Tod Bolsinger(1) Douglas Bond(1) Mark Evan Bonds(1) Mike Bonem(1) Daniel Bonevac(1) Dietrich Bonhoeffer(3) John E. Booty(1) Gerald L. Borchert(2) M. Eugene Boring(2) Günther Bornkamm(1) Paul Borthwick(1) Pseudonymous Bosch(2) François Bovon(3) Mark Alan Bowald(1) Ian Boxall(1) G. H. Box(1) Godfrey Boyle(1) Marie Brack(1) 布拉德利-格林 Bradley G Green(1) Paul F. Bradshaw(4) BradyGames(1) David Brainerd(1) J. Alan Branch(1) Brand Chad Draper Charles England Archie General editors(1) Paul Brand(1) Rick Brannan(8) Rick; Lyle Brannan, Kristopher A.; Cerone, Jacob N.(1) Robert G.; Newman Bratcher, Barclay Moon(1) Robert G. Bratcher and Eugene A. Nida(4) Robert G.; Reyburn Bratcher, William David(1) Gerald Bray(4) Mervin Breneman(1) Athalya Brenner(2) L. C. L. Brenton(2) Robert Brewer(1) Gordon Bridger(1) Jerry Bridges(3) Charles Augustus Briggs(2) J. R. Briggs(1) Bill Bright(2) D. Stuart Briscoe(1) Jill Briscoe(1) Thomas V. Brisco(1) Robert Brizee(1) J.A. Broadus(5) Annie Brock(2) Geoffrey W. Bromiley(1) Alan England Brooke(5) James A. Brooks(1) Ellis R. Brotzman(1) Colin Brown(3) David; Fausset Brown, A. R.; Jamieson, Robert(3) Derek R.; Mangum Brown, Douglas; Twist, E. Tod(5) Derek R.; Twist Brown, E. Tod; Barry, John D.; Mangum, Douglas(1) Derek R.; Whitehead Brown, Matthew M.(1) John; Torrey Browne; Canne, R. A.; Scott, Thomas; Blayney, B.(1) Francis Brown(1) Samuel Rolles; Briggs Francis; Driver Brown, Char(1) Jeff D. Brown(1) John Brown(1) John Brown(2) Raymond Brown(4) Raymond Edward Brown(3) Rebecca Brown(1) F. F. Bruce(7) Walter Brueggemann(10) Walter; Groome Brueggemann, Thomas H.; Parks, Sharon(1) Chris; Compton Bruno, Jared; McFadden, Kevin(1) Will Buckingham(1) Douglas; Elwell Buckwalter, Walter A.(1) Bruce L. Bugbee(1) Edward Bulkley(1) Roger Aubrey; Hatton Bullard, Howard A.(2) E. W. Bullinger(2) Rudolf Bultmann(1) John Bunyan(1) Michael H. Burer(1) Edward Burger(1) Edward B. Burger(1) Trevor J. Burke(1) F. Crawford Burkitt(1) Bill Burnett(1) Patout J. Burns(1) Todd Burpo(1) Ernest De Witt Burton(3) Trent C. Butler(1) Theodore J.; Rasor Cabal, Peter J., II(1) Alan Cairns(1) Louis O. Caldwell(1) Calvary Christian School(1) John Calvin(3) James John; Anderson Calvin(1) John; Beveridge Calvin, Henry; Bonnet, Jules (editors)(2) Charles John; Bingham Calvin(1) Thomas John; Myers Calvin(1) John; Owen Calvin, John (translator)(5) John John; Pringle Calvin(1) William John; Pringle Calvin(4) Edward Campbell(1) Richard Caplice(1) Michael Carasik(20) Greg Carey(1) Richard F. Carlson(1) Eugene E. Carpenter(1) Eugene E.; Comfort Carpenter, Philip W.(1) Arthur Carr(3) G. Lloyd Carr(1) John T. Carroll(1) Robert P. Carroll(1) D. A. Carson(7) FRANCE D. A. CARSON, R. T., MOTYER J. A., WENHAM,(1) John D. D. A.; Woodbridge Carson(1) Terry G.; Vang Carter, Preben(1) Steven L. Case(1) James J. Cassidy(1) Kevin J.; Gordon Cathcart, R. P.(1) Michael P. Cavanaugh(1) Harold J.; Freeman Chadwick, James M.(1) Brian Chambers(1) Oswald Chambers(4) Kinneth M Chambliss(1) Matt Chandler(1) Francis Chan(6) A. T. Chapman(1) A. T. Streane Chapman, A. W.(1) Gary Chapman(1) Edward A.; Condé B. Pallen; Shahan Charles G. Herbermann; Pace, Thomas J.; Wynne, John J.(1) R. H. Charles(15) R. H.; Oesterley Charles, W. O. E.(1) Tim Chester(1) G. K. Chesterton(3) T. K. Cheyne(2) Brevard S. Childs(2) Bruce Chilton(1) Robert B. Chisholm Jr. Jr.(2) Robert B. Chisholm(2) Shinta Cho(1) Abner Chou(1) Christ Chapel Academy,(3) Duane L. Christensen(1) W.R. Churton(1) Chap; Clinton Clark, Tim; Straub, Joshua(1) Howard David J.Hatton Clark(6) David J.; Mundhenk Clark, Norm(2) Ernest G.; Magder Clarke, Sue(1) George S. Clason(1) R. E. Clements(1) E. Ray; Taylor Clendenen, Richard A.(1) Richard J. Clifford(2) Howard John Clinebell(1) David J. A. Clines(2) Dr Richard Clinton(1) Tim; Diane Langberg Clinton(1) Tim; Laaser Clinton, Mark(1) Tim; Palmer Clinton, Scott; Palmer, Bethany(1) Tim; Scalise Clinton, Eric(1) Henry Cloud(3) Bonnidell Clouse(1) Robert G. Clouse(1) Edmund P. Clowney(2) John B. Cobb(1) John B. Coburn(1) Gregory C. Cochran(1) Mordechai Cogan(2) Hayim Mordechai; Tadmor Cogan(1) Robert Coggins(1) Philip Coghlan(1) Dennis R. Cole(1) Edwin Louis Cole(4) Graham A. Cole(2) R. Alan Cole(3) Henry James Coleridge(1) Joseph; Stone Coleson, Lawson G.; Driesbach, Jason; Comfort, Philip W.(1) Eoin Colfer(1) Adela Yarbro Collins(1) Francis S. Collins(2) Gary R. Collins(1) Jim Collins(1) John J. Collins(8) Philip Collins(1) Raymond F. Collins(1) Ray Comfort(1) Workman Publishing(1) Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon(64) C. R. Conder(1) Institute in Basic Life Principles(29) Douglas Connelly(1) Douglas; Manser Connelly, Martin(1) Marco Pilara Conti, Gianluca(1) Delegates of the Constitutional Convention(1) Jim Conway(1) F.C.//Stock Conybeare, St. George(1) W. J. Conybeare(1) Hans Conzelmann(2) Hans; Dibelius Conzelmann, Martin(1) G. A. Cooke(3) Lamar Eugene Cooper(1) Rodney L. Cooper(1) Lewis Copeland(1) Matt Copeland(1) A.S. Copley(1) Winfried Corduan(1) Judson Cornwall(2) Frank Costantino(1) John Couch(1) John M. Court(1) Charles B. Cousar(1) Steven B. Cowan(1) Abraham Cowley(1) Arthur Ernest Neubauer Cowley, Adolf(5) Lettie Burd Cowman(1) A Cleveland;Roberts Coxe, Alexander;Donaldson, James(5) Lawrence J. Crabb(3) C. E. B. Cranfield(2) James L. Crenshaw(2) Michael Cromartie(1) Red Cross(1) St. John of the Cross(1) David Crowder Band(1) David Crowder(1) N. Clayton Croy(1) David; Puskas Crump, Charles B.(1) A.J. Culp(1) Violet M. Cummings(1) Arthur E. (B.A. Cundall, B.D.) & Morris, Leon (M.Sc., M.Th., Ph.D.)(1) Adrian Curtis(1) Miles Custis(5) Miles; Widder Custis, Wendy; Mangum, Douglas(1) Mitchell Dahood(3) Thomas Pelham Dale(2) Dallas Theological Seminary(15) William Heaford Daubney(2) Randall David Basinger; Basinger(1) David Crowder Band(2) Jon David(1) A. B. Davidson(4) William Davidson(1) Peter H. Davids(2) Martin; Grass Davie, Timothy; Holmes, Stephen R.; McDowell, John; Noble, T. A.(1) Eryl W. Davies(1) Margaret Davies(1) Philip Davies(2) Andrew Davis(1) Dale Ralph Davis(1) Richard Dawkins(1) John Dawson(1) John Day(1) William J. Deane(2) Ed Decker(1) Jack Deere(2) Matthew S. Demoss(1) Stephen G. Dempster(2) Gary Derickson(1) David A. DeSilva(1) Mark Dever(2) Devo(1) Mark DeVries(1) Jan; Nida de Waard, Eugene A.(1) Jan; Smalley de Waard, William A.(1) Garrett J. Deweese(1) Martin Dibelius(1) A. G. Dickens(1) Charles Dickens(1) Kevin Diller(1) Discipleship Journal(1) D. Jeffrey Bingham(1) Ed Dobson(1) James C. Dobson(4) Susan Docherty(1) David S.; Butler Dockery, Trent C.; Church, Christopher; Scott, Linda L.; Ellis Smith, Marsha A.; White, James Emery(1) Bill Donahue(1) Elvin F. Donaldson(1) Hal Donaldson(1) Mike Donehey(1) Don L. Davis(1) Robert Doran(1) Ted M. Dorman(1) Scott Douglas(1) Arthur Conan Doyle(7) Terry Doyle(1) Thomas B. Dozeman(1) Mark Driscoll(1) Godfrey Rolles; Gibson Driver, John C. L.(2) George Buchanan Samuel Rolles & Gray Driver(1) S. R. Driver(4) Drs. McIntosh and Twyman(1) James Drummond(1) Friedrich Düsterdieck(1) Archibald Duff(1) Iain M. Duguid(2) James D. G. Dunn(3) James D. G. Rogerson Dunn, John W.(1) Will Durant(1) James Durham(1) Carol S. Dweck(1) Craig Dysktra(1) Jon Eargle(1) Kendell H. Easley(1) J. H. Eaton(1) Michael A. Eaton(1) Alfred Edersheim(1) Archie L. EDWARDS, Sr.(2) Gene Edwards(2) James R. Edwards(2) Jonathan Edwards(1) M. J. Edwards(1) Paul Edwards(1) Ruth Edwards(1) Jennifer Glenn; Carrell Egli(1) Seth Ehorn(1) Walther Eichrodt(2) Bruce Einspahr(1) Ronald L. Eisenberg(1) Bob Ekblad(1) John Eldredge(1) Vernard Eller(1) K.; Rudolph Elliger, W.; Weil, G�rard E.(1) John; Omanson Ellington, Roger L.(3) John; Péter-Contesse Ellington, René(1) Paul Ellingworth(1) Howard A. Paul; Hatton Ellingworth(1) Elisabeth Elliot(1) Charles; Bliss Elliott, George R.; McCurdy, J. Frederick; Lange, John Peter; Forsyth, John; Packard, Joseph; Schmoller, Otto; Kleinert, Paul; Schaff, Philip; Chambers, Talbot W.(1) J. J. Elliott(1) John H. Elliott(1) Mark W. Elliott(1) Tim Elmore(1) Joel Elowsky(2) Walter A. Elwell(3) Matthew Y. Emerson(1) Derrel Emmerson(1) Grace I. Emmerson(1) Cyril W Emmet(4) Donald English(1) Ted W. Engstrom(1) W. J. Erdman(1) Millard Erickson(1) Edward M. Esler(1) Michael Esses(1) James R. Estep(1) Daniel J. Estes(2) Rupert L. Eusebius of Caesarea; Chapman, III(1) Philip; Wace Eusebius of Caesarea; Schaff, Henry(1) Stanley E. Porter Craig A. Evans(2) C. Stephen Evans(1) Mary J. Evans(1) Philip Eveson(1) Joseph S. Exell(46) J. Cheryl Exum(2) Erik; Lust Eynikel, Johan; Hauspie, Katrin(1) H. J. Eysenck(1) W. Fairweather(1) W.; Black Fairweather, J. Sutherland(1) Faithlife(2) Darrell L. Bock and Buist M. Fanning(1) Frederic William Farrar(6) Steve Farrar(2) John Farrer(1) A. R. Fausset(2) A. R.; Brown Fausset, David; Jamieson, Bobby(1) Drew Gilpin Faust(1) F. R.; Lange Fay, John Peter; Hurst, J. F.; Riddle, M. B.; Schaff, Philip(1) Gordon D. Fee(2) Nathan P. Feldmeth(1) Sinclair B. Ferguson(1) W. J. Ferrar(1) Alberto Ferreiro(1) J. V. Fesko(1) Doug Fields(3) George G. Findlay(2) Thomas N. Finger(1) Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza(2) David G. Firth(3) Loren R. Fisher(3) Joseph A. Fitzmyer(6) Elyse Fitzpatrick(1) Alice Flower(1) J. Massyngberde Ford(1) F. Leroy Forlines(1) Marshall E. Foster(1) Richard J. Foster(4) Francis Foulkes(1) Stephen E. Fowl(2) John Foxe(1) Michael V. Fox(2) James Everett Frame(1) John M. Frame(4) Richard T. France(2) Francis Frangipane(2) Danny Franks(1) David Noel; Herion Freedman, Gary A.; Graf, David F.; Pleins, John David; Beck, Astrid B.(1) James M. Freeman(1) Ivan D. French(1) Dennis D. Frey(1) Volkmar Fritz(1) G. F. C.; Mombert Fronmüller, J. Isidor; Lange, John Peter; Schaff, Philip(1) Michael; Barry D. Jones Frost(1) Edward William; Peterson Fudge, Robert A.(1) Robert Fulghum(1) Reginald H. Fuller(1) Victor Paul Furnish(8) Steven Furtick(2) Mark D; Schwab Futato, George M(1) Robert S. Fyall(2) Arno Clemens Gaebelein(9) Steve Gallagher(2) Ted Mark; Olsen Galli(1) Dark Carnival Games(1) Kenneth O. Gangel(2) Robert Gange(1) Gregory E. Ganssle(1) Martin Gardner(1) Howard R. Garis(1) David E. Garland(1) Duane A. Garrett(2) James Leo Garrett(2) Moses Gaster(1) Randall Gauger(1) Gayle Palmquist(1) Ron Geaves(1) H. S Montgomery Gehman, J. A(1) Norman L. Geisler(3) R. Douglas; Pivec Geivett, Holly(2) Harry Gensler(1) John Franklin Genung(2) Elizabeth George(2) Timothy George(1) Kieth A. Gerberding(1) Brian T. German(1) Erhard S. Gerstenberger(1) Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm Gesenius(1) John C. L.; Driver Gibson, Godfrey Rolles(1) Scott M. Gibson(1) Donald Louis Giddens(1) B.L. and Gonzalez Lodge Gildersleeve(1) Alec Gilmore(2) Tom Gledhill(1) Derick Glenn R. Kreider; Bingham(1) Michael J. Glenn R. Kreider; Svigel(1) Roy Godwin(1) John Goldingay(4) Jonathan Goldstein(2) David Gooding(1) David Gooding(4) Leonhard Goppelt(2) Peter Gorday(1) Robert P. Gordon(1) Wayne Gordon(1) Wayne L. Gordon(1) Goudge Henry Leighton Gore Charles, Guillaume Alfred(1) A.; Lange Gosman, John Peter; Lewis, Tayler; Schaff, Philip(1) Bill Gothard(3) Got Questions Ministries(1) Ezra P. Gould(1) Lester L. Grabbe(2) Glen Graham(1) W. Harold Grant(1) Ray Graver(1) George Buchanan Gray(2) George Buchanan; Driver Gray, Samuel Rolles(1) James Comper Gray(1) Saint Gregory the Great(1) Moshe Greenberg(2) Christopher; Lucas Green, Dick(1) Christopher; Starling Green, David I.(1) Kathryn Greene-McCreight(1) Gene L. Green(1) Jay P. Green(3) Joel B. Green(8) Joel B. Brown Green, Jeannine K. Perrin, Nicholas(1) J. Harold Greenlee(5) Michael P. Green(2) Frederick E. Greenspahn(1) Gary L. Greenwald(1) J. A. F Gregg(1) Stephen P. & Sisemore Timothy A. Greggo(1) Steve Gregg(1) Philip; Wace Gregory of Nyssa; Schaff, Henry(1) Sidney Greidanus(1) Bernard P.; Hunt Grenfell, Arthur S. (eds.)(1) Stanley J. Grenz(1) David; Nordling Stanley J.; Guretzki Grenz, Cheri(1) Stanley J.(Author) ; Olson Grenz, Roger E.(Author)(1) Stanley J.; Smith Grenz, Jay T.(1) Hayne P. Griffin, Jr.; Lea, Thomas D.(1) William Elliot Griffis(1) Jonathan I. Griffiths(1) Michael R.; Brown Grigoni, Derek R.; Custis, Miles; Mangum, Douglas; Whitehead, Matthew M.(2) Michael R.; Custis Grigoni, Miles; Mangum, Douglas; Whitehead, Matthew M.; Brant, Rebecca; Barry, John D.; Vince, Elizabeth(3) Thomas H. Groome(1) Bernard Grossfeld(5) Diagram Group(1) Norman Grubb(1) Wayne Grudem(2) Beth Guckenberger(1) Os Guinness(1) William Gurnall(3) Donald Guthrie(3) Gustavo Gutierrez(1) Manford George Gutzke(1) Jeanne Marie Bouvier de La Motte Guyon(2) Norman C. Habel(1) Ada R. Habershon(1) Horatio B.; Lange Hackett, John Peter; Braune, Karl; Schaff, Philip(1) Ernst Haenchen(2) Kenneth E. Hagin(1) E. F. Hallock(2) Ronald Hall(1) Verna M. Hall(2) Colin Hamer(1) Victor P. Hamilton(2) Jill Hammer(1) Robert T. Handy(1) Robert; Rahlfs Hanhart, Alfred(2) Barry Hankins(1) John D. Hannah(2) G. Walter Hansen(2) Michael A. Harbin(2) J. M. Harden(1) Terry Hargrave(1) J. R.; Lightfoot Harmer, Joseph Barber(1) Louise Joseph; Smith Haroutunian(1) Andrew Harper(1) Michael Harper(1) William Rainey Harper(1) Wilfrid J. Harrington(1) Murray J. Harris(2) Nick Harrison(1) R. K. Harrison(2) W. Hall Harris, III; Ritzema, Elliot; Brannan, Rick; Mangum, Douglas; Dunham, John; Reimer, Jeffrey A.; Wierenga, Micah(1) Scott Harrower(1) Dayton Hartman(1) Alexander A. Louis F. & Di Lella Hartman, trans/e(1) Robert; Osborne Harvey, Grant R.; Towner, Philip H.(1) R. R. Harwell(1) James Hastings(1) John A. & Lambert James & Selbie Hastings, John C(3) Albert H. Hastorf(1) Howard A.; Bratcher Hatton, Robert G.(2) Howard A.; Bullard Hatton, Roger Aubrey(4) Howard A.; Ellingworth Hatton, Paul(1) Howard A.; Loh Hatton, I-Jin(1) Howard A.; Osborn Hatton, Noel D.(1) Stanley Hauerwas(2) Powell Diane Hawkins(1) Greg Hawkins(1) Ron; Clinton Hawkins, Tim(1) Eric W. Hayden(5) John H. Hayes(2) Jack W. Hayford(1) J. Daniel Hays(1) Robert Hayward(1) David Healey(1) John F.; Knobel Healey, Peter S.; Mangan, Céline(1) Chip Heath(1) Erik M.; Krey Heen, Philip D. W.(1) James C. Hefley(1) Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel(1) John Heil(1) Knut Martin Heim(2) Michael S. Heiser(1) Christine Helmer(1) Paul Helm(1) Ken; Ross Hemphill, Richard(1) Bobby Henderson(1) Howard G. Hendricks(1) Harville Hendrix(1) Martin Hengel(1) Carl F. H. Henry(2) Matthew Henry(1) Francis X.; Marique Hermas; Ignatius of Antioch; Papias; Clement of Rome; Barnabas; Polycarp of Smyrna; Glimm, Joseph M.-F.; Walsh, Gerald G.; Philotheus Bryennios(1) Roy Hession(1) Richard S. Hess(1) Bill Heth(2) Philip; John Damascene; Wace Hilary of Poitiers; Schaff, Henry(1) Andrew E. Hill(2) Delbert R. Hillers(2) Robert H. Hill(1) Wesley Hill(2) Paul A. Himes(1) Edward E. Hindson(1) Mark Hitchcock(1) Charles Hodge(1) Harold W.; Comfort Hoehner, Philip W.; Davids, Peter H.(1) Anthony A. Hoekema(1) Harry A. Hoffner(1) David Hohne(1) Hans Holbein(1) Virginia Todd Holeman(1) Carl R. Holladay(1) William Lee Holladay(3) Paul A. Holloway(1) Michael W. Holmes(3) Stephen R. Holmes(1) William Hone(1) Morna D. Hooker(1) Richard Hooker(1) William Horbury(1) Charles F. Bewer (edited by) Horne, Julius A.(1) David G. Horrell(1) Stanley M. Horton(1) Jacob Hoschander(1) Paul R. House(2) Plough Publishing House(1) Serendipity House(2) David M. Howard(1) Luke Howard(1) Michael Howard(1) JoAnna M. Hoyt(1) David Allan Hubbard(2) F. B. Huey(1) H. Maldwyn Hughes(1) A.E. Humphreys(1) Arthur S.; Grenfell Hunt, Bernard P.(11) A. S. Hunt(3) June Hunt(102) Keith Hunt(1) Gladys Hunt(1) Jesse Lyman Hurlbut(2) Larry W. Hurtado(1) Sterling W. Huston(1) Johann Eduard Huther(3) Kyle Idleman(1) Conn Iggulden(1) Carmen Joy Imes(1) Jack Van Impe(1) Logos Research Systems Inc(1) Chip Ingram(1) Insight for Living(2) Bathroom Readers' Institute(1) Inc.; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Intellectual Reserve(1) Gideons International(1) Hanan Isachar(1) David Jackman(1) F.J. & Lake Foakes-Jackson, Kirsopp(3) Samuel Macauley Jackson(1) Jacobson Rolf A. Jacobson, Karl, Wiersma, Hans(1) Carolyn Custis James(1) James M. Monson with Steven P. Lancaster(2) M. R. James(3) Bobby Jamieson(1) Robert Jamieson(3) Sara Japhet(1) J. Dean Cameron(1) James S. Jeffers(1) Robert Jeffress(1) Deborah F. Jenks(1) Claus; Biddle Ernst; Westermann Jenni, Mark E.(1) Irving L. Jensen(1) Peter Jensen(1) David Jeremiah(1) Joachim Jeremias(1) Jorg Jeremias(1) Skye Jethani(2) Robert Kotansky Jewett, Roy David(1) Philip John Chrysostom; Schaff(1) Franke, John(1) Alan F. Johnson(1) Bill Johnson(1) Daniel E. Johnson(1) Dru Johnson(1) Eric L. Johnson(3) Luke Timothy Johnson(3) William Johnstone(1) Beth Felker Jones(1) David W. Jones(1) Gwilym H. Jones(1) Howard Andrew Jones(1) Stanton L. Jones(1) Takamitsu Paul; Muraoka Joüon(1) Terry L. Jordan(1) Rafael Joseffy(1) JOSEPH H. THAYER(2) Flavius Josephus(1) Benedictus Flavius; Niese Josephus(1) Rick Joyner(1) Cornelius Plantinga(2) George M. Hillman Jr.(1) James M. Hamilton, Jr.(1) John G. Stackhouse, Jr.(1) Milton Crum Jr.(1) M. Robert Mulholland, Jr.(1) P. Kyle McCarter, Jr.(2) Willard F. Harley, Jr.(1) Bernard J. Snell(1) Daniel Alexander Juraschek(1) David Juraschek(1) Loyal Juraschek(3) Arthur A. Just(1) Just Show Up,(1) Otto Kaiser(2) Richard Kaiser(1) Walter C. Kaiser(5) Victor Kalisher(1) Lee L. Kantenwein(1) Immanuel Kant(1) Kelly M.; Vander Lugt Kapic, Wesley(1) Shiloh; Ritzema KarBel Media; Hubbard, Elliot; Watkins, Corbin; Wentz, Lazarus(1) Gail Karlitz(1) Gien Karssen(1) Emmanuel Katongole(1) Judi; Keefauver Keefauver, Larry(2) Judi Larry; Keefauver Keefauver(1) Othmar Keel(1) Craig S. Keener(5) Promise Keepers(1) C. W. Keiningham(1) David Keirsey(1) Timothy Keller(3) W. Phillip Keller(1) Page H. Kelley(2) J. N. D. Kelly(2) P. C. Kemeny(1) Thomas a Kempis(1) D. James Kennedy(1) Mark Keown(2) Ronald J. Kernaghan(1) Richard Kew(1) Maulana Wahiduddin Khan(1) Derek Kidner(7) Lawrence Kimbrough(1) Joel E. Kim(1) John; Calvin King, John(1) Jonathan King(1) Martha King(1) Maxwell King(1) Peter King(1) Jeff Kinney(6) George Anton Kiraz(1) Edward N. Kirk(1) Alexander Francis Kirkpatrick(3) Gerhard (edito Gerhard (editor); Friedrich Kittel(1) John Kitto(1) Walter Klaassen(1) George Klein(1) Ralph W. Klein(2) Klutz Press(1) George R. Knight(1) George W. Knight(2) Jonathan Knight(1) Gary N. Knoppers(2) Craig R. Koester(2) Adrio Konig(1) August H.; Longman Konkel, Tremper, III; Comfort, Philip W.(1) Stefan Kostka(1) James M. Kouzes(2) Jack Krause(1) Hans-Joachim Kraus(3) & Tacelli Peter Kreeft, Ronald K.(2) Larry J. Kreitzer(1) Thomas Krüger(1) Colin G. Kruse(7) Andreas J,; Swain Köstenberger, Scott R.(2) Jack Kuhatschek(2) Jack; Bunch Kuhatschek, Cindy(1) Thomas S. Kuhn(1) Victor Kuligin(2) Marilyn Kunz(1) Abraham Kuruvilla(2) Abraham Kuyper(3) Vicki J. Kuyper(1) André Lacocque(1) Beverly LaHaye(1) Tim LaHaye(1) Kirsopp Lake(1) Rick Kirsopp; Brannan Lake(1) Kirsopp; Cadbury Lake, Henry J.(2) Kirsopp; Foakes-Jackson Lake, F. J.(3) Hetty Lalleman(1) G. W. H. Lampe(1) Benson Y. Landis(1) William L. Lane(1) John Peter; Braune Lange, Karl; Riddle, M. B.; Schaff, Philip(1) John Peter; Erdmann Lange, David; Toy, Crawford H.; Broadus, John Albert; Schaff, Philip(1) John Peter; Fairbairn Lange, Patrick; Schaff, Philip; Manson, Sinclair; Crerar, Thomas; Schröeder, Wilhelm Julius; Findlay, William(1) John Peter; Gotthard Lange, Victor Lechler; Gerok, Charles; Schaeffer, Charles F.; Schaff, Philip(1) John Peter; Moore Lange, Evelina; Craven, E. R.; Woods, John H.; Schaff, Philip(1) John Peter; Nägelsbach Lange, Carl Wilhelm Eduard; Lowrie, Samuel T.; Moore, Dunlop; Schaff, Philip(1) John Peter; Schaff Lange, Philip; Kleinert, Paul; Elliott, Charles(42) John Peter; Schmoller Lange, Otto; Starbuck, Charles C.; Riddle, M. B.; Schaff, Philip(1) John Peter; van Oosterzee Lange, J. J.; Washburn, E. A.; Harwood, Edwin; Schaff, Philip(1) Timothy S. Laniak(1) Katrina Larkin(1) William J. Larkin(1) Knute Larson(1) Michael Lattke(1) Ryan Laukat(1) Peter H. W.; Goswell Lau, Gregory(1) C. E. Lawrence(1) Sophie Laws(1) Christine; Allen Lawton, Holly Catterton(1) Robert F. Lay(1) Matt Leacock(1) Thomas D. Lea(1) Robert Lee(1) Robert; Smith Lee, James(1) Witness Lee(2) Kevin Leman(4) Niels Peter Lemche(1) Jeffery M. Leonard(1) Leslie(1) Robert Letham(1) Barbara M. Leung Lai(1) Jon D. Levenson(1) Samson H. Levey(1) Baruch A. Levine(2) Sarah; Levy Levy, Steven(1) C. S. Lewis(1) Lexham Press(263) Scott Lexham Press; Lindsey(4) J. J. Lias(4) Miriam Lichtheim(3) Michael R. Licona(1) Henry George; Jones Liddell, Henry Stuart; Scott, Robert; McKenzie, Roderick(1) Henry George Liddell(1) Walter L. Liefeld(1) Joseph T. Rombs Lienhard, Ronnie J. Oden, Thomas C(1) Judith Lieu(2) Lifetime Friends,(1) J. B. Lightfoot(5) John Lightfoot(4) John Pitman Lightfoot, John Rogers(1) James Limburg(1) Joe Linares(1) Andrew T. Lincoln(1) Barnabas Lindars(1) Richard Lints(1) Paul E. Little(1) E. A. Cross Livingstone, F. L.(1) Gottlieb Lünemann(2) D. Bruce Lockerbie(1) Walter Lock(1) R. Keith Loftin(1) Logos Bible Software(1) Norbert Lohfink(1) Eduard Lohse(1) Israel; Brannan Loken, Rick(1) P Israel Loken(1) Bruce W. Longenecker(1) Richard N. Longenecker(2) Gary A. Long(1) Tremper Longman, III(6) Tremper Longman, III(1) John G. Lonsdale(1) Richard R. Losch(1) Peter Louis(1) Andrew Louth(1) Dick Lucas(1) Ernest C. Lucas(1) George Lucas(1) Dieter Lührmann(1) J. Rawson Lumby(4) Jack R. Lundbom(3) A. Boyd; McCabe Luter, Bob; Dunham, Kyle(1) Martin Luther(1) Ulrich Luz(3) Kristopher A. Lyle(2) Larissa MacFarquhar(1) A. A. Macintosh(1) John J. Macionis(1) Alexander Maclaren(32) George; Nicoll Alexander; Eayrs MacLaren, W. Robe(1) G. F. Maclear(3) Donald Macleod(1) Brewster Macpherson(1) David A. MacPherson(1) Ian Macpherson(1) Albert; Curtis Madsen, Edward(1) Michael Maher(1) Claire Howell Major(1) Abraham J. Malherbe(1) Andrew S. Malone(1) James Maloney(1) Pete Mandik(1) Douglas Mangum(1) Douglas; Balogh Mangum, Amy L.(1) Douglas; Barry Mangum, John D.; Whitehead, Matthew M.; Grigoni, Michael R.; Custis, Miles; Vince, Elizabeth; Brant, Rebecca(1) Douglas; Brown Mangum, Derek R.(5) Douglas; Custis Mangum, Miles; Widder, Wendy(1) Douglas; Estes Mangum, Douglas(1) Douglas; Twist Mangum, E. Tod; Brown, Derek R.(1) Jeff Manion(1) Brennan Manning(1) Martin & Beaumont Manser, Mike (compilers)(2) Martin H. Manser(3) Menahem Mansoor(1) Joseph A. Marchal(1) Joel Marcus(2) Mark Yarbrough(1) Catherine Marshall(1) I. Howard Marshall(5) Philip H. I. Howard; Towner Marshall(1) I. Howard; Travis Marshall, Stephen; Paul, Ian(2) Laura; Niese Marshall, Benedictus; Noe, David(1) Annie W. Marston(1) D. Michael Martin(1) Ernest R. Martinez(2) James D. Martin(1) Oren R. Martin(1) Ralph P. Martin(1) Peter H. Ralph P.; Davids Martin(1) Daniel G.(Editor); Ralph P.(Editor) ; Reid Martin(1) James Louis Martyn(2) H. Lee Mason(1) Rex Mason(2) Frank J. Matera(1) K. A. Mathews(2) Shelly Matthews(1) Robert Mattox(1) Ralph T. Mattson(1) John C. Maxwell(1) A. Mayes(1) John Lewis Mayshack(1) James Luther Mays(3) Kenneth McAll(1) Thomas R. McCabe(1) Thomas H. McCall(1) Dave; McClellan McClellan, Karen(1) James John; Strong McClintock(2) J. G. McConville(1) J. Gordon; Satterthwaite McConville, Philip(1) Mark J Boda G McConville(1) J. Frederick; Lange McCurdy, John Peter; Schaff, Philip(1) Josh McDowell(4) John F Mchugh(1) William McKane(2) Brett McKay(1) Henry McKeating(1) John McKenzie(1) Steven L. McKenzie(1) Steven A. McKinion(1) Scot McKnight(1) Rev. Vince McLaughlin(1) Martin McNamara(2) Martin J.; Clarke McNamara, Ernest G.; Magder, Shirley(1) Martin J.; Maher McNamara, Michael; Hayward, Robert(2) Brenda Salter McNeil(1) A. H. McNeile(1) John McPherson(1) Calvin Alexander McRae(3) Edward P. Meadors(2) Esther Meek(1) Richard R. Melick(1) Marion Meloon(1) Dean Merrill(1) Eugene H. Merrill(2) Eugene H.; Baker Merrill, David W.; Brueggemann, Dale(1) Eric Metaxas(1) Bruce M. Metzger(2) Heinrich August Wilhelm Meyer(15) Eric Carol; Meyers Meyers(2) Michael Meyers(1) Johanna Michaelsen(1) J. Ramsey Michaels(1) Marianne H. Micks(1) J.-P. Migne(60) Jacob Milgrom(4) J. Gary Millar(2) Jeffrey E. Miller(1) Madeleine S. Miller(1) Matt Miller(1) Stephen R. Miller(1) Steve Miller(1) Bruce Milne(1) Paul Sevier Minear(1) Published by Ligonier Ministries(1) Eugene E Minor(1) Frederick C. Mish(1) Chuck Missler(25) Larry A. Mitchel(1) Hinckley Gilbert Thomas Mitchell(1) Marcia Mitchell(1) R. W. L. Moberly(1) James Moffatt(1) Roger; Comfort Mohrlang, Philip W.; Borchert, Gerald L.(1) Albert Theodore Mollegen(1) J. Isidor; Lange Mombert, John Peter; Brain, Karl; Schaff, Philip(1) Kelly Monroe(1) James Monson(2) James A. Montgomery(1) Douglas J. Moo(4) Dwight Lyman Moody(1) Sun Myung Moon(1) Carey A. Moore(4) Charles E. Moore(1) Charles E. Moore(2) George Foot Moore(1) L. Michael Morales(1) William L. Moran(1) Robert A. Morey(2) Garry R. Morgan(1) G. Campbell Morgan(10) Robert J. Morgan(1) Henry M. Morris(1) Leon Morris(7) Allan Moseley(1) J. A. Motyer(6) H. C. G. Moule(5) Harold K. Moulton(1) James Hope Moulton(2) James Hope and Wilbert Francis Howard Moulton(1) Nigel James Hope / Turner Moulton(2) Richard G. Moulton(1) Robert H. Mounce(7) William D. Mounce(3) William Mouser(1) Richard J.; Belcher Mouw, Jim(1) John Muddiman(1) M. Robert Mulholland, Jr.; Osborne, Grant R.; Comfort, Philip W.(1) Bob Mumford(1) Randall Munroe(1) James G. Murphy(1) Roland E. Murphy(3) Todd J. Murphy(1) Andrew Murray(1) J.O.F. Murray(1) John Murray(1) John Murray(1) Lawrence L. Murray(1) Michael J. Murray(1) Paul Murray(1) Bill Myers(1) Bryant L. Myers(1) Jacob M. Myers(3) Thomas; Calvin Myers, John(1) NAMB(1) Ted L. Nancy(1) Bruce Narramore(1) Clyde M. Narramore(1) National Conference of ...(1) Orville J. Nave(1) Watchman Nee(3) Avraham Negev(1) Richard D. Nelson(2) Thomas Nelson(1) Eberhard Nestle(1) Eberhard and Erwin Nestle Nestle(1) Adolf Neubauer(1) Jacob Neusner(1) Alfred Nevin(1) Barclay M. Newman, Jr.; Stine, Philip C.(2) Eugene A. Barclay M.; Nida Newman(3) Carol A.; Breed Newsom, Brennan W.(1) Rena Newton(1) Jerome H. Neyrey(1) Stephen J. Nichols(1) George W. E. Nickelsburg(1) George W. E.; VanderKam Nickelsburg, James C.(1) William Nickerson(1) Eugene A.; Ellingworth Nida, Paul(3) Eugene A.; Loh Nida, I-Jin(1) Susan Niditch(1) H. Richard Niebuhr(1) Kurt Niederwimmer(1) Jeffrey J. Niehaus(4) Kirsten Nielsen(1) Pete Nielsen(1) Benedictus Niese(4) Christophe Nihan(3) Hideo Nitta(1) Rosemary Nixon(1) Theodor Nöldeke(1) John Nolland(1) Richard A. Norris(1) Philip A.; Omanson Noss, Roger L.(1) Philip A.; Thomas Noss, Kenneth J.(1) Martin Noth(1) R. Steven; Rainey Notley, Anson F.(2) James G. Nourse(1) Henri J. M. Nouwen(1) George R. Noyes(2) Jack James F.; Kuhatschek Nyquist(1) Carolyn Nystrom(1) Vanessa L. Ochs(1) Gail R. O'Day(7) J. E. O'Day(1) Thomas C. Oden(5) Thomas C. Hall Oden, Christopher A.(1) Roger von Oech(1) W. O. E. Oesterly(4) W. O. E.; Charles Oesterley, R. H.(1) THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH CENTER OFFICE OF EVANGELISM MINISRIES(1) Graham S.; Sterk Ogden, Jan(1) Lynell Graham S.Zogbo Ogden(2) Greg Ogden(1) Dennis; Phillips Okholm, Timothy(1) John W. Olley(1) Roger E. Olson(1) Roger E.; English Olson, Adam C.(1) Roger L. Omanson(1) John Roger L.; Ellington Omanson(2) Allan; Clement of Rome; Aristides the Athenian Origen; Tatian; Menzies(1) James Nuelsen Orr, John L. Mullins, Edgar Y. Evans, Morris O.(1) James William; Walther Orr(1) Raymond C. Ortlund(1) Grant R. Osborne(13) Grant R.; Hawley Osborne, Wendell; Comfort, Philip W.(1) Larry Osborne(2) Carolyn Osiek(1) R. Larry Overstreet(1) Michael Ovey(1) Herb Owen(1) John Owen(1) John Owen(7) J. I. Packer(1) Timothy D. Padgett(1) Francis Paget(1) Richard E. Palmer(1) Wolfhart Pannenberg(1) David W. Pao(1) R. St John Parry(1) Pastor Al Brice(1) Lewis Bayles Paton(1) Paige Patterson(1) Richard D.; Hill Patterson, Andrew E.; Comfort, Philip W.(1) Anthony J. Arthur G.; Petrotta Patzia(1) Ian Paul(1) Shalom M. Paul(1) David; Goldingay Payne, John(1) Leanne Payne(1) Phyllis J. Le Peau(1) Jaroslav Pelikan(1) Miles V. Van Pelt(1) Wilder Penfield(1) Ken M.; Heiser Penner, Michael S.(1) Jessie Penn-Lewis(1) Croft M. Pentz(25) Pheme Perkins(1) Linda Perlstein(1) Rev. E. H Perowne(1) T. T. Perowne(4) Richard I. Pervo(1) Peter G. Bolt(1) David L. Petersen(2) J. Allan Petersen(1) Randy Petersen(1) Greg Peters(1) David Peterson(1) David G. Peterson(1) Eugene H. Peterson(2) Lorraine Peterson(2) Robert A. Peterson(1) Alexander Philip(2) Mike Phillipps(1) Philo of Alexandria(3) Ralph Philo of Alexandria Marcus(1) William Henry Pinkney Phyfe(1) Robert E. Picirilli(2) John J. Pilch(1) A. Christian Pilgrim(1) Michael and Brenda Pink(1) Michael Q. Pink(3) John Piper(4) Rebecca Manley Pippert(1) Alvin Plantinga(4) Plato(1) David Platt(7) Alfred A. Plummer(10) Robert Plummer(1) E. H. Plumptre(3) James N. Pohlig(2) Louis P. Pojman(1) John B. Polhill(1) John Polkinghorne(6) Marvin Pope(2) Stanley E. Porter(1) Stanley E.; Stovell Porter, Beth M.(1) F.; Bosman Potsma, H. J.; Oosting, R.(1) Doug Powell(1) Richard L. Pratt(1) Prepare/Enrich(1) Axzo Press(1) Biblical Studies Press(3) Cambridge University Press(1) Intervarsity Press(1) The Navigators(23) Horst Dietrich Preuss(1) Brynmor F.; Nida Price, Eugene A.(1) Kenneth L. Price(1) Derek Prince(1) Prince William Public Library System,(1) John; Calvin Pringle, John(1) William; Calvin Pringle, John(1) Lou Priolo(2) David Prior(2) Gretchen Wolff Pritchard(1) James B. Pritchard(1) William H. Propp(2) Brett Scott Provance(1) Iain W. 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Ridderbos(2) Kim Riddlebarger(1) Fritz Ridenour(1) William Carey Ringenberg(1) William Ringenburg(1) Leen Ritmeyer(1) Leen; Ritmeyer Ritmeyer, Kathleen(2) Elliot Ritzema(1) Duffy Robbins(1) James; Coxe Alexander; Donaldson Roberts, A. Clev(3) J. J. M. Roberts(2) Mostyn Roberts(1) Alfred Archibald; Plummer Robertson(1) Archibald T. Robertson(1) Oral Roberts(1) Bryan E. Robinson(1) Haddon W. Robinson(1) James M.; Kloppenborg Robinson, John S.; Hoffmann, Paul(10) Maurice A. Robinson(1) William G. Maurice A.; Pierpont Robinson(2) Michael Rocke(1) Michael L. Rodkinson(1) John Rogerson(1) Peter Rollins(1) Jürgen Roloff(1) Robert Chao Romero(1) Mark F. Rooker(1) J.H. Ropes(1) J. H.; Foakes-Jackson Ropes, F. J.; Lake, Kirsopp(3) J. H.; Lake Ropes, Kirsopp; Foakes-Jackson, F. J.(1) Norma Rosen(1) Sharon Rose(1) Brian S. Rosner(2) Brian S.; Ciampa Rosner, Roy E.(1) Allen P. Ross(1) Allen P.; Oswalt Ross, John N.; Comfort, Philip W.(1) Manuel Rozoy(1) Stan Rummel(1) Dagobert D. Runes(2) Steven Runge(6) Richard Rushing(1) Ryan J. Pemberton(1) Tony Ryan J. Pemberton; Ash(1) Juanita Ryan(1) Leland Ryken(6) Philip Graham Ryken(2) Gilbert Ryle(1) Herbert Edward Ryle(2) Herbert Edward; James Ryle, Montague Rhodes(3) J. C. Ryle(3) Charles Ryrie(2) Angela M. Sabates(1) Anthony J.; Harrington Saldarini, Daniel J.(1) Robert Salters(2) Headlam Arthur C. Sanday William(1) Fred Sanders(1) John; Fackre Sanders, Gabriel J.; Nash, Ronald H.(1) J. Oswald Sanders(1) John Sandford(1) John Sandford and Mark Sandford(1) Jonathan Sandys(1) John W. Santrock(1) Shaun; Myers Sarti Design; Faith Based Expeditions; Goodman, Richard(1) Jack M. Sasson(2) Camilla V. Saulsbury(1) M. James Sawyer(1) A. H. Sayce(1) Peter Scazzero(6) Edith Schaeffer(1) Francis A. 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