Author Cloud for fogoinn

Roland W Abbott(1) Elmer M. Abear(1) Annmarie Adams(1) Glenn Adamson(2) Jane Addams(1) Theodor W. Adorno(1) Clarkson Adrienne(1) Afrim Pristine(1) Mitchell Albala(1) Christopher Alexander(4) David Alexander(1) David Alexander(3) Chris Van Allsburg(1) Ingerid Helsing Almaas(1) Amarjit Singh,(1) American Assembly.,(1) Hans Christian Andersen(4) Raoul Andersen(1) R. R. Andersen(1) Ellen Anderson(1) Frank W. Anderson(1) William R. Anderson(1) Daphne Palasi Andreades(1) Ed Andrew(1) Andrew. Hempstead(1) Ralph L Andrews(1) Jean-Pierre Andrieux(4) Dorothy C Anger(1) Douglas G. Anglin(1) Lewis Amadeus Anspach(2) Shawn Anthony(1) Anthony Tjan (author)(1) Richard A. Apostle(1) Eduardo Aquino(1) Rick Archbold(1) Fred Armstrong(1) Paul Arnett(1) Augusta Foote Arnold(1) Fatimah Asghar(1) Sue Asquith(1) Robert Atkins(1) Memorial University of Newfoundland) Atlantic Cana(1) Atlantic Provinces Economic Council(1) Margaret Atwood(4) Claude Aubry(1) John James Audubon(1) Dana Augaitis(1) Mabel Avery(1) Nick Axel(1) Agnes Marion (Miller) Ayre(1) Iwan Baan(1) Plinio Bachmann(1) Rainer Baehre(1) Sarah Baeumler(1) Jennifer Bain(2) David McCurdy Baird(3) Dawn Baker(1) Julian Baker(1) Melvin Baker(6) Ishmael J Baksh(2) Jean M. Ball(2) Craig Balzer(1) Jack and Alison Gingeras Bankowsky, Catherine Wood(1) Florence Grant Barbour(1) Job Barbour(1) Julian Barnes(1) Andrea Barrett(1) John H. Barrett(1) Ted Barris(1) Barbara Barry(1) Donald Barry(1) Sandra Barry(1) Bob Bartlett(2) Captain Bob Bartlett(1) Steve Bartlett(2) Paul Bartsch(1) Bjørn L. Basberg(1) Marston Bates(1) Battle Harbour Literacy Council(1) Zygmunt Bauman(4) Dean Bavington(1) Roger M Beardmore(1) Walter Beauchamp(1) Annamarie L. Beckel(3) Dick Beddoes(1) Anil K. Beersing(1) Leslie Bella(1) Elisabeth Belliveau(2) Laura Bell(1) Shmuel Ben-Dor(1) Margaret Bennett(1) Gerald E Benson(1) Arthur Cleveland Bent(1) Peter L. Berger(1) Pierre Berton(6) Rick Beyer(1) Cana Bilir-Meier(1) Marian Elizabeth Binkley(1) Adriano A. Biondo(1) Johnston Birchall(1) Will R. Bird(1) Earle Birney(3) Lisa Hobbs Birnie(1) Elizabeth Bishop(3) Morris Bishop(1) Arthur Bishop(1) William Walker Blackall(1) David Blackwood(2) Raymond B. Blake(1) Franz Boas(1) Bob Desautels(1) Allan Bock(1) John R. Bockstoce(1) Florian Bohm(1) Todd Boland(1) R. H. G. Bonnycastle(2) Giovanna Borasi(1) Paul Born(1) David Bornstein(1) Larry Bourne(1) David Boyd(1) R. A. Bragg(1) Marion Quinton Brake(1) Gerard Brender à Brandis(1) Stewart Brand(1) Eduardo Brazão (filho)(1) Carol Brice-Bennett(1) Frances Blandford Briffett(1) Raymond Briggs(1) Alfredo Brillembourg(1) Katie Broadhurst(1) Irwin M. Brodo(1) AA Bronson(1) Chris Brookes(1) Ray C. Brooks(1) Cassie Brown(1) Cassie Brown(3) Dorrie Brown(1) Gary Browne(1) PW Browne(1) Susan Chalker Browne(2) Isobel Brown(1) Lloyd Raymond Brown(1) Rex Brown(1) Richard G. B. Brown(1) Ottar Brox(1) Harry Bruce(1) Fred Bruemmer(1) Stephen E. Bruneau(2) F. A. Bruton(1) Zbigniew Brzezinski(1) Roberta Buchanan(1) Roberta Buchanan(1) James Buckland(1) Francis G. Buckle(1) Pearl S. Buck(1) Diane Budden(1) Anne Budgell(1) Fred Buffett(1) Harvey Bulgin(1) Gladys Burchell(1) Burin Senior Citizens(1) Coulter Burke(1) Cyril Burke(2) J. C. Burke(1) Johnny Burke(2) Kay Burns(1) Roger Burrows(1) Brian C. Bursey(6) Wallace Bursey(1) Robert Burt(2) Edward Burtynsky(1) Michael Burzynski(1) Brian Busby(2) Cornelia H. Butler(1) Geoff Butler(2) Jonathan Butler(1) Paul Butler(2) Victor Butler(3) Grace Butt(3) Edward Butts(1) Reginald Byron(2) Sean Cadigan(3) John Cage(1) Tom Cahill(1) Susan Cain(1) William R. Callahan(1) Mark Callanan(1) Elspeth Cameron(1) Stevie Cameron(2) Margaret Campbell(1) Victor Campbell(1) Canada. Dept. of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.(1) Canada. Task Force on Atlantic Fisheres(1) Canadian Coast Guard(1) Canadian Eskimo Arts Council.(1) Canadian Historical Association,(1) Canadian Hydrographic Service(1) James E. Candow(2) Truman Capote(1) John N. Cardoulis(1) J. M. S. Careless(1) Carling Conservation Club.,(1) Terry Maxwell Carlson(1) Rachel Carson(3) Jeff Carter(1) Walter C. Carter(1) George Cartwright(1) Stephanie Cash(1) Joy B Cave(1) Bernard S. Cayne(1) Gillian T. Cell(1) Levi G. and Shannon Ryan Chafe(1) Robert Chafe(1) W. J. Chafe(1) John W. Chalmers(1) Pol Chantraine(1) Henry Chapin(1) Miriam Chapin(1) Frank M. Chapman(1) Tom Chapman(1) Paul Charbonneau(1) Cyril R. Chaulk(1) Wayne Chaulk(1) Lisa Chen(1) Yenna Chen(1) Louis J. Chiaramonte(1) Lesley Choyce(2) Jean Chrétien(2) Lars Saabye Christensen(1) William Christian(1) Antony Christie(1) Boyd Warren Chubbs(1) Harold Chubbs(1) Dr. David J. Clarke(2) G.W. Clarke(1) Joan Clark(1) Birthe L. Clausen(1) Tim Clayton(1) Al Clouston(1) F Coaker(1) W.F. Coaker(1) Candace Cochrane(2) J.A. Cochrane(1) Bob Codner(1) Joannie Coffin(1) Anthony P. Cohen(1) Lynne Cohen(1) Calvin E. Coish(1) Della Coish(1) E. Calvin Coish(2) Eric Colbourne(1) Alex Coles(1) Angela Collins(1) Captain Marmaduke Collins(1) Gary Collins(7) M. A. J. Collins(2) Nish Collins(1) James A. Combden(1) combdenjim(1) The on Going Book Committee(1) Connie Barnes Rose(2) R. J. Connolly(1) William W. Connors(1) Margaret Conrad(1) Charles O'Neill Conroy(1) Various Contributors(1) Clayton D. Cook(1) Ramsay Cook(1) Tim Cook(2) Georgiana Cooper(3) S. Robert Cooper(2) Sandra Cooze(1) Le Corbusier(1) W. E. Cormack(2) Thomas B. Costain(1) Bryce Courtenay(1) Marion Coutts(1) Frank Cramm(1) Garry Cranford(4) Gary Cranford(2) Ilse Crawford(1) Marlene Creates(3) Libby Creelman(1) Donald Creighton(6) Helen Creighton(2) Helen and Peacock Creighton, Kenneth(1) Luella Bruce Creighton(1) Joseph Crespino(1) John Crosbie(3) nellis maynard crouse(1) Brian Lee Crowley(2) David Cruise(1) Michael Crummey(12) Harry Alfred Cuff(6) cuffjeffrey(1) J. F. Cuff(1) Robert D. Cuff(3) Kerri Cull(1) William Patterson Cumming(1) Robert Cunningham(1) Thomas Rendell Curran(1) DAAB Media(1) Frank Dabbs(1) Linda Dale(1) Lisa Dalrymple(2) Mary Dalton(1) Paul Daly(1) William Dampier(1) Frank Davey(1) Bud Davidge(1) David McConkey(1) Margot Davies(1) Anthony Davis(1) Wade Davis(1) Maxine Dawe(1) Tom Dawe(14) J. Wentworth Day(1) Michael de Adder(1) Paul Dean(1) Ramona Dearing(1) Lambert De Boilieu(1) C. R. Decker(1) Jim Defede(1) Glenn Deir(1) William Dekay(1) Lisa De Leon(1) Ottawa Department of External Affairs(1) Department of Foreign A...(1) Department of Interior(1) Department of the Interior ...(2) Destination Viking Sagalands.,(1) Elke Dettmer(1) Jean Deâu(1) Maurice A. Devine(1) P.K. Devine(3) Charles P. de Volpi(1) Jane (editor) Dewar(1) Robert L. DeWitt(1) Jared Diamond(1) Bern Dibner(1) Charles Dickens(2) D.J. Dickie(1) Ilka D Dickman(1) Paul S Dinham(1) Joseph A. Dobbin(1) Jack Dodd(1) Donald G. Dodds(2) Susan Dodd(1) Priscilla Doel(1) Donald J. Crump(1) Lois Donaldson(1) Ken Done(1) Frank Robert Donovan(1) Don Downer(1) Donovan F. Downer(1) Nan Alexander Doyal(1) Alan Doyle(1) Gerald S. Doyle(1) Marjorie M. Doyle(3) Stan Dragland(3) Stuart Pierson; edited by Stan Dragland(1) Lynn Drapeau(1) Dr. Bill Montevecchi(1) James Dubro(1) David duChemin(1) A. Radclyffe Dugmore(1) Darrell Duke(1) Margaret Duley(1) Joy Duncan(1) Norman Duncan(1) Aileen Dunham(1) Keith Durham(1) Geraldine Durrant(1) Paul Duval(1) Bernadette Dwyer(1) Jonathon Dwyer(1) Michael Dwyer(1) Michael J. Dwyer(1) Roy Dwyer(4) Frank Dyke(1) Mireille M. Eagan(1) George H. Earle(3) Allan W. Eckert(1) Maitland A. Edey(1) E. L. Edmonds(1) Wilfrid Eggleston(1) Loren C. Eiseley(1) Charles Eisenstein(1) Clarence Ellis(1) George Allan England(2) Arthur English(1) Christopher John Basil English(2) John English(4) L.E.F. English(4) Statia M. English(1) Frances Ennis(1) Edward Jay Epstein(1) Darka Erdelji(1) Augustine Etchegary(1) Serena Etheridge(1) A. R. Evans(2) Calvin Evans(1) Calvin D. Evans(2) Kate Evans(1) Sir Robert Benson Ewbank(1) David Ewen(1) Jean-Henri Fabre(1) Brett Fairbairn(1) Kali Fajardo-Anstine(1) William Falconer(1) Charlie Falk(1) Sarah Falkner(1) James Fallows(1) Bernard D. Fardy(3) James C. Faris(1) C.R. Fay(2) Alison Feder(2) John Feltham(6) Larry Felt(2) Lukas Felzmann(1) Will Ferguson(1) Leo C. Ferrari(2) Henry M. Field(1) J. G. Field(1) Robert Finch(2) Liana Finck(1) Timothy Findley(2) Alan Christopher Finlayson(1) Tom Finn(1) Melvin M Firestone(1) Frank E. Firth(1) Lewis R. Fischer(2) Fisheries and Oceans(1) Alan Fisk(1) Jack Fitzgerald(1) Jack Fitzgerald(6) Leslie G. Fitzgerald(1) Lynne D Fitzhugh(1) Deanne Fitzpatrick(2) Garfield Fizzard(3) Irving Fogwill(1) Sonya M. Foley(1) E.R. Forbes(1) Forest Products Laboratory(1) Eugene A. Forsey(1) Maya; macdonald Forstater, Jacqui; raynard, Peter(1) Tor Fosnaes(1) Gilbert Foster(1) Hal Foster(1) Four Good Eyes,(1) Edith Fowke(1) Adrian Fowler(1) Hollis Frampton(1) Frances Ennis(1) Miles Frankel(1) Andrew F. Fraser(1) G. A. Frecker(1) Bill Freeman(1) Milton M. R. Freeman(1) The Fre(1) Mike Frost(1) John W Froude(1) Thérèse Frère(1) Errol Fuller(2) Juan A. Gaitan(1) Peggy Gale(1) Frank Galgay(6) Peter Gamwell(1) William F. Ganong(1) Philip Gardner(2) Peter Gard (ed.)(2) Susan Gibson Garvey(1) A. J. Gaston(1) Jean Gaumy(1) Geir O. Kløver (ed)(1) Arthur Geisert(1) Roger L. Gentry(2) Geological Survey of Canada.,(1) Richard Geren(1) Hans J. Gerhardt(1) Gäetane Verna(1) Robert Gibbings(1) Gilbert L. Gignac(2) Arthur Gill(1) Bill Gillespie(1) John Gillett(1) John Gimlette(1) G. K. Noble(1) Terry Glavin(1) G. P. de T. Glazebrook(1) Stuart R Godfrey(1) Ted Goerschner(1) Erving Goffman(1) Roderick B. Goff(1) Frank Gogos(2) Manuel do Carmo Gomes(1) Betty Goodwin(1) Cyril Goodyear(2) Adam Gopnik(2) William Gilbert Gosling(1) Douglas Gosse(1) Eric Martin Gosse(1) Stella-Marie Gosse(1) Elizabeth Goudie(1) Joshua Goudie(1) Julian Gough(1) William Gough(2) Ray Goulding, Norman, Eric, Warr, June(1) Government if Newfoundland and Labrador(1) Government of Newfoundland and Labrador(1) Katherine Govier(2) Frank W Graham(1) Jessica Grant(1) Ruth Fulton Grant(1) Patricia Grattan(5) Michel Gratton(1) Donovan Gray(1) Green Bay Economic Development Association(1) John Carrick Greene(1) Henry Gordon Green(1) William Edward Greening(1) Edward Greenspon(1) Wilfred Thomason Grenfell(6) Joseph Grima(1) Irish Connections Rug Hooking Group(1) Chris Gudgeon(1) Anna Kearney Guigné(1) Bill Guihan(1) G. E. Gunn(1) Johanna Ryan Guy(2) Ray Guy(5) Raymond W. Guy(1) Richard J. Gwyn(3) Peter Gzowski(3) Michael L. Hadley(1) Nigel Haggan(1) Roderick L. Haig-Brown(1) Richard Hakluyt(1) Richard and A. L. Rowse Hakluyt(1) noelle hall(1) Pam Hall(1) Herbert Halpert(3) Jack Hambling(2) Jean Hamelin(1) Albert Handell(1) Felicity Hanington(1) Debbie Hanlon(1) Leslie F Hannon(2) Maura Hanrahan(5) Annette Hans(1) Ben Hansen(5) Hans J. Gerhardt(1) Hans Münkner(1) Hans R. Gallas(1) Kenya Hara(1) Yuval Noah Harari(1) Les Harding(1) Brian Harley(1) Elmer Harp(2) Michael Harrington(8) Michael Francis Harrington(1) Leslie Harris(5) Michael Harris(4) Don Harron(1) Latonia Hartery(1) John Hartman(1) Judy Hartman(1) Matthew Hart(1) Kenneth J. Harvey(4) M. Harvey(1) Albert Orion Hayes(1) Henry Hazlitt(1) Rosemary Heather(2) Barbara Heé(1) Mike Heffernan(1) Keith Heidorn(1) Oskar Heinroth(1) Dorothy Henderson(1) Georg Henriksen(2) Herbert Lench Pottle(1) Susan Herrington(1) Werner Herzog(1) Brian Hesje(3) Hesketh Vernon Hesketh Prichard(1) Jenny Higgins(1) Martha Hild(1) James Hiller(3) Rick Hillier(1) Kay Hill(1) Lawrence Hill(3) Robert H Hill(1) Hannah Hinchman(1) Sherman Hines(3) R Bruce Hoadley(2) Kathleen Hoagland(1) Philip Hoare(1) Paul Hobson(1) Clifton F. Hodge(1) Harry Hodge(1) J. P. Hodych(1) Bernard G. Hoffman(1) E. T. A. Hoffmann(1) Sister M. Williamina Hogan(1) Max Hollein(1) Karen Hollett(1) Simma Milner Holt(1) Herbert Hopkins(2) Andrew Horwood(1) Charlie Horwood(1) Harold Horwood(11) Michel Houellebecq(1) Edgar House(1) J. D House(7) James Houston(1) Richard Howard(1) Daniel Howarth(1) Joseph Howe(1) Bernie Howgate(3) James P. Howley(3) M. F Howley(1) Hubbard. Mina (Benson)(1) Jennifer Hudson(1) S. H. S. Hughes(1) Monte Hummel(1) Barbara A. Humphreys(1) John H.L. Humphreys(1) Edmund Hunt(1) Alfred C. Hunter(1) A. G. Huntsman(1) Hurtig Publishers(3) Donald Hustins(1) Bruce Hutchison(2) John Edward Huth(1) Bruce Hynes(1) Joel Hynes(2) Una Hynes(1) Franca Iacovetta(1) Industrial Adjustment Service Committee on the Lab(1) Gordon Inglis(1) Helge Ingstad(1) Harold A. Innis(2) noel iverson(1) Doug Jackson(1) F. L Jackson(2) Lawrence Jackson(1) Don Jamieson(1) Percy Janes(8) Olaf Janzen(1) J. A. Ricketts(1) Dale Jarvis(2) J. D. House(1) John Nick Jeddore(1) Oliver Jeffers(1) Gish Jen(1) Svein Jentoft(1) Jeremy Gaskell(1) Ivan F. Jesperson(2) Jim DeFede(1) Philip Jodidio(1) Miśel Joe(1) Robert G Joergensen(1) Elizabeth Johanses(1) Arthur Johnson(1) Paul J. Johnson(1) P. J. Johnson(1) Ray Johnson(1) TORA JOHNSON(1) David Johnston(4) David Johnston(2) David L. Johnston(3) Wayne Johnston(11) Andy Jones(6) Edward Jones(1) Gwyn Jones(1) Susanne Jonsson(1) James Joyce(1) J. Beete Jukes(1) Dorothy M. Jupp(1) Gloria Juvonen(1) Alison Joanne Kahn(1) Daniel Kahneman(1) Maud Karpeles(1) Carole Katchen(1) Ed Kavanagh(2) Linda Kealey(1) Abram Kean(2) Wade Kearley(4) Anna Kearney Guigné(1) Anna Kearney Guigne(1) Bern. Guravich Keating, Dan,(1) David Keir(1) Otto Kelland(2) Thomas Kellein(2) Gemey Kelly(1) Nora Kelly(1) Victor Kendall(1) Thomas Keneally(1) Frank J Kennedy(1) John Charles Kennedy(3) Maxwell Kennedy(1) Paul Kenney(1) Rockwell Kent(3) D. G. G. Kerr(1) James Lennox Kerr(1) Charles Kightly(1) William Kilbourn(2) Jamaica Kincaid(1) Naomi Kinden(2) Eleanor Anthony King(1) Everard H. King(3) James King(1) P. J. Kinsella(1) W J. Kirwin(1) John Kitchen(2) Naomi Klein(1) Gustav Klimt(1) Carl F. Klinck(1) Chelene Knight(1) Stefan Knoll(1) Stefan M. Knoll(1) Talia Lakshmi Kolluri(1) Jack Koneazny(1) Rem Koolhaas(1) Peter Korn(1) Stephen W. Kress(1) Mark Kurlansky(5) James Kwak(1) Miwon Kwon(1) Dwayne LaFitte(1) Leonard Lahey(1) Raymond J. Lahey(1) Harold Lake(1) Tsering Yangzom Lama(1) Bodewalt Lampe(1) Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa(2) Cynthia Lamson(1) Andrew Lancaster(1) K. Bruce Lane(1) Johannes Langhout(1) Anne Langton(1) Alice Lannon(1) Lars Müller Publishers(1) Margaret Laurence(2) Laurie Brinklow(1) Otto R. Lawrence(1) T. E. Lawrence(1) Grace Layman(1) Grace M. Layman(1) MacEdward Leach(1) Gerald Leahy(1) John Northway Leamon(1) Sharon Lebell(1) Edgar Leciejewski(3) Robert Lecker(1) William R. Lederman(1) Colette Ledoux(1) Wayne Ledwell(1) Chris LeGrow(1) Genevieve Lehr(2) A. H. Leim(1) Charles Lench(2) Douglas Mervyn Letto(1) Elliott Leyton(2) Jules Léger(1) R. E. (Randolph Edward) Lieb(1) Jon Lien(1) Phil Lind(1) Ida Linehan Young(1) Leo Lionni(1) Ron Lister(1) Lewis C. Little(1) Joan Livingstone(1) Ryan Lloyd(1) R. M. Lockley(1) Millicent Blake Loder(1) T. A. Loeffler(2) Barry Lopez(2) Gordon I. R. Lore(2) Ralph Greenlee Lounsbury(1) John C. Loveridge(1) Robert Lowell(1) Arthur R. M. Lower(1) Marko Lulic(2) lutherjessie(1) René Lévesque(1) Gilbert Lynch(1) Denyse C. Lynde(1) Wallace R. MacAskill(1) H. E MacDermot(1) Alastair A. Macdonald(2) Ann-Marie MacDonald(7) David Macdonald(1) Gordon MacDonald(1) Susan M MacDonald(1) George S. MacDonell(1) David Macfarlane(1) Linden MacIntyre(1) Robert A. Mackay(1) Michael MacKenzie(2) Michael,|d1920- MacKenzie(1) William Archibald Mackintosh(1) K Testa B Maclear(1) Kyo Maclear(1) Gregory MacLeod(1) Malcolm MacLeod(4) Donald Baxter MacMillan(1) W. S. MacNutt(1) Alan G. Macpherson(1) Jan Skamby Madsen(1) Randall Maggs(1) Magnus Magnusson(1) Dorthy Mahoney(1) Antonine Maillet(1) Thomas E. Mails(1) Susan Mainland(1) Kevin Major(12) Greg Malone(3) Gene Manion(1) Preston Manning(1) John J. Mannion(2) M. Patricia Marchak(1) Len Margaret(1) Clive Marin(1) Marko Lulić(1) Denise Markonish(2) Marlene Creates(2) Ingeborg Marshall(3) James H. Marsh(1) Peter C. Mars(1) Cabot Martin(1) Judy Martin(1) Samuel Thomas Martin(1) John Martins-Manteiga(1) Steve Martin(1) Yves Martin(1) Michael Massie(1) Donald C. Masters(1) Iverson (Noel) And D. Ralph Mathews(1) Larry Mathews(1) Race Mathews(2) James Matthews(1) Keith Matthews(1) Ralph Matthews(2) Bruce Mau(2) Doug May(1) Suzette Mayr(1) Mariana Mazzucato(1) R. I. McAllister(1) W. L. McAtee(1) Margaret McBurney(1) Dan McCaffery(1) Eleanor Mccain(1) Phillip McCann(1) Michael J. McCarthy(1) Michael J. McCarthy(2) William B. McCloskey(1) Edward McCourt(1) Ian D. H McDonald(2) David McFadden(1) Scott McFarland(1) Robert McGhee(2) Anne Platt McGinn(1) Antonia McGrath(1) Carmelita McGrath(2) Darrin Michael McGrath(1) Judy McGrath(1) Robin McGrath(7) Heber McGurk(1) Edgar McInnis(1) Sylvia McKellar(1) William A. McKim(1) John McKnight(1) Patricia McLaren-Turner(1) Stuart McLean(2) A. H. McLintock(2) Gary E. McManus(1) Rand McNally(1) John McQuarrie(1) S. R. Mealing(1) John Meisel(1) Susan Meller(1) Robert Mellin(5) George Melnyk(1) Memorial University(1) Paul Mercer(1) Rick Mercer(2) Klaus Merkel(3) Janet Merlo(1) Elliott Merrick(1) Maurice Metayr(1) Ira Meyer(1) Jessie Mifflen(3) Elizabeth Russell Miller(5) Brett C. Millier(1) Alan Mills(1) Rob Mills(1) Minister of Fisheris(1) Dennis Minty(3) Alanna Mitchell(1) W.O. Mitchell(1) Akiko Miyakoshi(1) Charles H. Mockridge(1) Larry Mogelonsky(1) Yva Momatiuk(2) William A. Montevecchi(1) Clement C. Moore(1) Edward Caldwell Moore(1) Lisa Moore(4) Lisa L. Moore(1) Lorraine Moores(1) Tom Moore(3) Gerta Moray(1) Bernice Morgan(5) Trudy J. Morgan-Cole(3) Jennifer L. Morgan(1) William F. E. Morley(1) Clare Morneau(1) James Rainstorpe Morris(1) Roy Morrison(1) Donna Morrissey(5) Hilda Morrow(1) Eric W. Morse(1) Arthur Silver Morton(1) Desmond Morton(1) H. V. Morton(1) Harris Munden Mosdell(1) Necie Mouland(1) Claire Mowat(1) Farley Mowat(13) N. Mrosovsky(1) Lars Müller(3) Maxwell Mullett(1) Brian Mulroney(1) William Azariah Munn(1) Dan Murphy(1) Dan Murphy(1) Michael P. Murphy(1) Mke Murphy(1) Patricia Murphy(1) Rex Murphy(1) Tony Murphy(2) Hilda Chaulk Murray(2) Florence Murrin(1) Museum of Flat Earth(1) Robert Musil(1) Cam Mustard(1) Bent J. Muus(1) Joanne Naiman(1) Fridjtof Nansen(1) Paul Nanton(1) Charles W. Nash(1) Knowlton Nash(1) Canadian Museum of Civilization / National Museum of Man(1) E.R.W. Neale(1) Peter Neary(2) Necie Mouland(3) Nellie P. Strowbridge(1) Thomas F. Nemec(1) David F. Philpott(1) E. P. Neufeld(1) Joyce Nevitt(1) Kate Newby(1) Chester William New(1) Dianne Newell(1) Newfoundland(2) Newfoundland and Labrador ...(1) Newfoundland and Labrador Royal Commission on Renewing and Strengthening Our Place in Canada(1) Newfoundland Cabinet Secretariat and Economic Recovery Commission(1) Newfoundland cultural affairs division(1) Department of Geography Memorial University of New(1) Newfoundland Oceans Research and Development Corpo(1) Newfoundland Statistics Agency(1) Newfoundland Status of Women Council.,(1) Cle Newhook(1) Peter C. Newman(1) G. W. L. Nicholson(2) Erik Nielsen(1) S J R Noel(1) Davis & Associates Nolan(1) Stephen M. Nolan(1) Gina Noordhof(1) Christian Norberg-Schulz(1) Randy P Noseworthy(1) Tig Notaro(1) Iris Nowell(2) Nuligak(1) Bill Nye(1) Ellen Bryan Obed(2) Margaret O'Brien(2) Patricia Ruth O'Brien(1) Agnes C. O'Dea(2) Shane O'Dea(1) Patrick O'Flaherty(3) Charlton Ogburn(1) Bill O'Gorman(1) Winston Oldford(1) Rosemary Ommer(2) John T Omohundro(1) Christopher Ondaatje(1) Paul O'Neill(6) Tony Oppersdorff(1) Gerard J. O'Reilly(1) Kevin N. O'Reilly(1) J. Michael Orenduff(1) Jose Maria Ormaechea(1) Lela-Ilene Orr(1) A. A. den Otter(1) Silke Otto-Knapp(1) Wenche Øyen(1) Harold J. Paddock(2) W. A. Paddon(1) Tim Page(1) Robert Paine(3) Jean Palardy(1) Juhanni Pallasamaa(1) C. H. Palmer(1) Pam Hall(1) Richard Panek(1) John P. Parker(1) Stephanus Parmenius(1) R.A. Parson(3) Bill Parsons(1) Carolyn R. Parsons(2) Cecil Hayward Parsons(1) John Parsons(2) L. S. Parsons(1) R A Parsons(4) Robert Parsons(1) Robert Charles Parsons(14) Wade G. Parsons(1) Pastel Society of Canada(1) Ralph Pastore(1) Francis Patey(1) Daniel Pauly(1) Stewart Payne(1) Donald Peacock(1) F. W. Peacock(3) Kenneth Peacock(2) Lester B. Pearson(1) R.E. Pearson(1) Neil Peart(1) A. Brian Peckford(2) Walter Peddle(1) Walter W. Peddle(2) Chad Pelley(2) Gerald Pelley(2) A. R. Penney(3) Arthur E. Penney(1) Kevin Penton(2) People's Commission on Unemployment.,(1) Percy James(1) A. B Perlin(2) Rae Perlin(1) Harry Perry(1) Harold S. Peters(1) Helen Peters(1) Roger Tory Peterson(1) Amy Louise Peyton(1) Thomas Vere Philbrook(1) Sandra S. Phillips(1) J. W. Pickersgill(1) Peter Pickersgill(1) Sadie Pickett-Henning(1) Patrick Pickett(2) Patrick H. Pickett(1) Jodi Picoult(1) Anna Pierri(2) James A. Pike(1) Earl B. Pilgrim(3) E.B. Pilgrim(1) Gordon Pinsent(4) Pitseolak(1) David G. Pitt(3) Al Pittman(8) Robert D. W. Pitt(2) Gordon Pitts(1) Gerald L. Pocius(2) Edgar Allan Poe(1) C.J. Poole(1) Cyril F Poole(6) George Poole(1) Helen Porter(3) Herbert L Pottle(1) B. W. Powe(1) Gregory J Power(1) Bob Powers(1) Poynter Adele(1) Christopher Pratt(4) prattchrstopher(1) E. J. Pratt(5) Mary Pratt(2) Mildred Claire Pratt(1) Ray Price(2) Sue Prichard(1) Joe Prim(1) Prince Edward County Writers(1) Afrim Pristine(1) Rebecca Proctor(1) Jean-Pierre Proulx(1) Daniel Prowse(1) D. W. Prowse(2) Duncan Pryde(1) William Pryse-Phillips(1) Rh Value Publishing(1) Colin Quigley(1) Gene Quigley(1) Allan Quinlan(1) David B. Quinn(2) Dave Quinton(1) Lisa Rae(1) Raleigh Ashlin. [from old catalog] Skelton(1) William Lowell Randall(1) Management Consultants Inc Randolph Group(1) William F. Rannie(2) Einojuhani Rautavaara(1) George A. Rawlyk(1) Alan Rayburn(1) RBC Art Collection(1) W. J. Reader(1) Gordon Read(1) Kevin Redmond(2) Warren C. Reed(1) John Reeves(1) Dianne Reid(1) J.H.Stewart Reid(1) Charles William Rendell(2) N.L.) Research Associates (St. John's(1) Cecil J. Reynolds(1) Agnes M. Richard(1) David Adams Richards(1) Phyllis Richardson(1) Edward Riche(3) Len Rich(3) Mordecai Richler(2) Hannah Rickards(1) Jerry Rideout(1) Mary Jane Riemann(1) Barbara Rieti(1) Marcel Rioux(1) Robert L. May (1) Edward Roberts(1) Harry D. Roberts(1) Lloyd Robertson(1) Geoff Robinson(1) Art Rockwood(2) Gordon Rodgers(1) Rodney T. Lee(1) Stan Rogers(1) Rolland paper company(1) Hans Rollmann(1) Bill Rompkey(1) Ronald Rompkey(4) Ronald and Curwem Rompkey, Eliot(1) Clyde Rose(2) George A. Rose(1) J. K. E. Rose(1) Mark Roseland(1) Neil V. Rosenberg(1) Ellen Ross(1) T. P. Rossiter(2) Bill Rowe(1) C. Francis Rowe(1) Frederick W. Rowe(5) Jackie Rowe(1) Paul Rowe(1) William N. Rowe(2) Royal Commission on Employment and Unemployment(1) Royal Commission on Municipal Government in Newfoundland and Labrador.,(1) Jean-Claude Roy(1) Jean-Claude Roy(2) (1) David Rumsey(1) Halldór Björn Runólfsson(1) Dora Russell(1) Franklin Russell(1) Gus Russell(1) Kelly Russell(1) Stella Russell(1) Ted Russell(6) Joan Rusted(1) A. Ryan(1) A. Glen Ryan(2) Dale Ryan(1) D. W. S. Ryan(1) Patric Ryan(1) Shannon Ryan(10) Oliver Sacks(1) Catherine Safer(2) Eric W. Sager(3) Bengt Sahlberg(1) Mark Sakamoto(1) Sandra Gwyn & Gerta Moray(1) Michael Wayne Santos(1) Don Saul(1) John Ralston Saul(2) Frank Saunders(1) Gary L. Saunders(1) Robert Saunders(1) David Savage(1) Donald J. Savoie(1) Don Sawyer(1) A.R. Scammell(8) Alexis Schaitkin(1) Judith Schalansky(1) Kevin Schmidt(1) Rocky Schulstad(1) E. F. Schumacher(4) Peter Scott(1) Peter J. Scott(4) W. B. Scott(1) William B. Scott(1) E. R. Seary(5) Tomáš Sedláček(1) Parks and Recreation Seldom-Little Seldom(1) Namwali Serpell(1) Robert W. Service(1) Leanne Shapton(1) Sharon Johnston(2) Christopher A. Sharpe(1) Walter R. Shaw(1) Jim Shedden(1) Alfred Cooper Shelton(1) Ed Shields(1) Shorefast Organization(1) Lester L. Short(1) Gerald M. Sider(1) Connie Smith Siegel(1) David P. Silcox, Weiler, Merike(1) M. Silverman(1) Sarah Simblet(1) David A. Simms(1) Vida Simon(1) Catherine Simpson(2) Cortlandt James Woore Simpson(1) John Hope Simpson(2) Peter R. Sinclair(5) Burns Singer(1) Andreas Siqueland(1) Michael L Skolnik(1) Larry Small(1) Joseph Roberts Smallwood(9) Tom Smart(1) Alex A. Smith(1) Joannie Smith Coffin(1) David J. Smith(1) Ed Smith(2) Smith F. R.(1) J. Harry Smith(1) Kenneth N. Smith(1) Kevin E. Smith(1) Mary Smith(1) Nicholas Smith(1) Paul V. R. Snelgrove(1) Vernon J. Snelgrove(1) Newfoundland Historical Society(1) Rebecca Solnit(1) Jill Sooley(1) G. Robin South(2) R. F. Sparkes(1) Stanley Sparkes(1) Borden Spears(1) Fara Spence(1) Spessi(1) A. F. Sprott(1) Gerald Squires(1) Jean Edwards Stacey(4) Bruce Stagg(2) Berni Stapleton(1) Ellie Stathaki(1) D.H. Steele(1) Samuel B. Steele(1) John Steffler(2) Steven Matijcio (Editor)(1) Anita Stewart(1) Marianne Stockebrand(1) Donald W. Stokes(1) Caroline Stone(1) Keith J. Storey(1) G.M. Story(5) Rochelle Strauss(1) Paul Strisik(2) Cyril W Strong(1) Nellie P. Strowbridge(2) Edward Struzik(1) Quint Studer(1) Joan Sullivan(2) Annemor Sundbø(2) Hector Swain(1) John Francis Szwed(1) D.R. Tarrant(1) David Alan Taylor(3) Kenny Taylor(1) Nancy H. Taylor(1) Scott Taylor(1) Step Taylor(1) Stephen Taylor(1) Susan Pynn Taylor(1) Ted Yarwood(1) Wilfred Templeman(2) Terra Nova Development Project Environmental Asses(1) Anne Thareau(1) The Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)(1) Q.C. The Honourable S.H.S Hughes(1) The Johnson Family Foundation(1) The McAteer(1) The Oslo National Gallery of the Arts(1) Paul Theroux(1) The Rug Hooking Guild Of Newfoundland and Labrador(1) The Streets(1) Madeleine Thien(1) Aaron Thomas(1) Gerald Thomas(1) (1) Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd.(1) Roberta and Wareham Thomas, Heather(1) Willie Thomas(1) Catherine Thompson(1) Frederic F Thompson(1) Robert C. Thompson(1) James R. Thoms(2) Dale C. Thomson(1) Jan Thornhill(1) Anthony Apakark Thrasher(1) Harry Thurston(1) G. Tilley(1) Bill and June Titford(1) Aubrey M. Tizzard(2) Todd Boland(1) Catharine Parr Traill(1) Michael Traill(1) Pierre Elliott Trudeau(3) Monique Truong(1) Tre Tryckare(1) Tryggvi J. Oleson.,(1) Gilbert Norman Tucker(1) Otto Tucker(4) James A. Tuck(4) Leslie M. Tuck(2) Kevin Tuerff(1) Ken A. Tulk(1) Robert E. Tulk(1) Sherry Turkle(1) Laila Tyabji(1) University of British Columbia(1) Unknown(1) Ursula A. Kelly(1) Guy Vanderhaeghe(1) David Allan Vardy(1) Darrell Varga(1) Various(1) Clarence Vautier(2) Les Vey(1) Marq de Villiers(1) John De Visser(2) Andrus Voitk(1) Andrus and Maria Voitk(1) Stephen Voss(1) Kyoko Wada(1) Marie Wadden(1) Cato Wadel(2) P. B. Waite(2) P.J. Wakeham(1) Paul WALDIE(1) Robyn Walker(1) Birgitta Linderoth Wallace(1) David Foster Wallace(2) Dillon Wallace(1) Ian Wallace(1) Martha Walls(1) Agnes Walsh(1) Barbara Walsh(1) Des Walsh(1) Jeanette and Beaton Walsh, Marilyn(2) John M. Walsh(1) Russell Wangersky(1) Germaine Warkentin(1) John Warkentin(2) Patrick Warner(1) Alfred G. Warren(1) C. F. (Editor) Warren(1) P.J. Warren(1) Scott Watson(1) David Weale(1) David A. Webber(1) Peter Weber(1) Jim Wellman (ed.)(4) Henry W. Wells(1) Janice Wells(1) Edward Wendover(1) Eric W. West(1) Frances Westley(1) Bruce Whiffen(1) Jill Whitaker(1) Jack A. White(1) W. M. Whitelaw(1) George Whiteley(1) William H Whiteley(2) Marian Frances White(1) Nelson White(1) Paul Michael White(1) J. D. A. Widdowson(1) Jake Wien(1) Charles Wilkins(1) Tara A. C. Wilkinson(1) Claire Wilkshire(1) Nick Wilkshire(1) Alan F. Williams(2) E.R. Williams(1) John Williams(1) Eileen M. Williamson(1) James A. Williamson(1) Ian Wilson(1) Jody Wilson-Raybould(1) William Wilson(1) Keith Winter(1) Michael Winter(7) Eric R. Witcher(1) Ludwig Wittgenstein(1) P. G. Wodehouse(1) Meg Wolitzer(5) Catherine Wood(1) Paul Woodford(2) Helen Woodrow(1) Joan Parsons Woods(1) Allen A. Wright(1) Guy David Wright(1) J. V. Wright(2) Marie-Beth Wright(1) V. C. Wynne-Edwards(1) Derek Yetman(1) James Yonge(1) Bob Youden(1) Muhammad Yunus(1) Yyzbooks(1) Morris Zaslow(1) David W. Zimmerly(1) Mark Zuehlke(1) Joseba Zulaika(1)