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Jiro is a blue, yellow and tan two-legged dragon from the Ninjago theme.


Spoiler warning: Plot or ending details follow.

Hailing from an unknown one of the Sixteen Realms, Jiro became an inhabitant of the world created when all of them were fused together during the Merge. He was captured by the Claws of Imperium and imprisoned in Imperium's capital along with a number of other dragons. When Lloyd and Wyldfyre staged a jailbreak, Jiro and his companions-an Earth Dragon, a Fire Dragon, Heatwave, and two Ice Dragons-made their way through Imperium's streets in an effort to escape. They were met by the Claws atop the newly operational Photac Beasts, and a fierce battle soon ensued between them.

Joined by Zanth, the dragons and their humans allies eventually launched an attack on Imperium Palace, hoping to provide a distraction for others working with them. Just when the situation seemed hopeless, the Imperium Monastery arose from beneath the city and opened to admit veteran Ninja Kai, Nya, and Zane. The dragons soon escaped into the monastery, and later made their way through a portal gate to the Monastery of Spinjitzu. Jiro would be among the dragons who decided to take up residence in this new location, becoming the mount of Nya, Master of Water.

Jiro took part in a rescue operation after a MergeQuake occurred near the Crossroads, and later flew Nya to the Temple of the Dragon Energy Cores. Sometime later, Nya rode him to the Pinnacle of Crystals in search of one of the Dragon Energy Cores, only to find it missing upon arrival. The pair, accompanied by Sora, Riyu, and Zanth, then made their way to an old Djinn tomb in order to make use of some Seeker Stones Nya had acquired. Unfortunately, her improper use of them caused the group to be attacked by Howlers, and Jiro helped fight the creatures briefly before following Zanth as they fled to safety with their riders.

The group ended up at the residence of Arrakore, who soon informed them of the danger presented by the Howlers. When the creatures tracked them to Arrakore's cave, Jiro once again helped to fight them before Arrakore used his wish magic to destroy them. Afterwards, Jiro once again carried Nya as they followed a director provided by Arrakore to the Land of Lost Things in search of the missing Dragon Core. He would help rescue his friends and the new acquaintances they met there from an attack by the Hoarder, was later attacked by Imperium Droids, and then carried Nya in a brief pursuit of Dr. LaRow after the scientist stole the Dragon Core.

Determined to recover the core LaRow had taken, Sora used her elemental Tech powers to craft armor for Jiro so he could breach the energy barrier surrounding Imperium. Flying to Imperium, the group carried out Sora's plan, and Jiro soon found himself locked in battle with Empress Beatrix and her battle mech. He and Zanth continued this fight as their friends left on various missions, but were eventually overpowered. Beatrix then destroyed Jiro's armor and had the two dragons restrained by the Claws of Imperium.

Fortunately, a broadcast made by Sora and the Imperium Teen Resistance Force soon exposed Beatrix's evil to her subjects, who rose up in revolt against her. Jiro and Zanth were freed in the process, and helped to save citizens when Beatrix began employing a weapon that opened MergeQuake rifts. The pair later flew alongside the Destiny's Bounty as the Ninja made their way to the Crossroads to help its inhabitants during the MergeQuake storm Beatrix's actions caused. Once the storm was halted by Lloyd using the cores, Ninja and dragons alike returned to the Monastery of Spinjitzu, where Jiro enjoyed a celebratory flight alongside Zanth and Heatwave.

Later, Jiro would be called upon by Cole, Zane, and Bonzle as they journeyed in search of the realm of Mysterium. He was injured by a poisonous gas cloud and briefly imprisoned by and forced to confront Dorama alongside his riders, but they were successful and continued on their journey. After arriving in Mysterium, Jiro was once again confined, this time by Administration agents, but freed after Zane succeeded in hacking their systems. Jiro then carried his riders and their new ally Gandalaria to her magical storehouse.


Spoilers end here.

