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This minifigure has only appeared in television episode(s)
Although this article is about an official minifigure, it never existed in physical form or appeared in any official LEGO sets.

The Finders are a group of characters from the Ninjago theme, more specifically Ninjago: Dragons Rising.



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Bonzle is a female magical spell in skeleton form who ended up in the Land of Lost Things and became a member of the Finders, a group of forgotten denizens of the various realms. Of the group, she appears to have been the least active, usually remaining at the Rookery and awaiting the return of the others with their latest finds.


  • Bonzle is voiced by Michelle Creber.


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Fritz (voiced by Vincent Tong) is a young Formling boy who became a member of the Finders, a band of youngsters trapped in the Land of Lost Things.


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Violet Munce Geo


Geo is an unusual Munce with Geckle coloration and a Geckle-styled name. He is the Elemental Master of Fusion.


Geo lost or was separated from his parents at a young age and was left with no memory of them. Tragically, his atypical appearance made him a target of the long-standing antagonism between his own people and the Geckles whom he resembled. No one on either side cared about Geo, and he ultimately ended up in the Land of Lost Things. There, he became one of the Finders, a group of individuals from various realms who had been forgotten and thus ended up in the land.

Following the Merge, Cole of the Ninja ended up in the land and befriended Geo and his friends. Geo, who had become the Elemental Master of Fusion, greatly valued Cole’s friendship and protection. When Cole developed the belief that his newly discovered ability to form stone armor around himself was due to combining his powers with Geo’s, Geo allowed him to go on believing so. In reality, Geo had learned that his powers did not affect living creatures, and he feared that Cole would leave him and the other Finders if he learned that he didn’t need Geo’s help.

Geo’s fears were understandable, as Cole was not prevented from leaving the Land of Lost Things as the Finders were. Moreover, their home became threatened by a monster they dubbed “the Hoarder.” Efforts to defeat the monstrous construct only caused it to rebuild itself in larger and stronger forms. Only a mysterious device in the Finders’ home base, the Rookery, kept the Hoarder at bay.


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Spitz is a young Hypnobrai who is also one of the members of the Finders. He ended up living in the Land of Lost Things after he ran away from home.




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