The Lion King Wiki
The Lion King Wiki
Physical information



Red panda

Hair color

Brown, orange, red, and white

Eye color


Biographical information



Bamboo forest


Domog's pack

Relationship information

Anga, Beshte, Bogino, Bunga, Domog, Fuli, Kion, Makini, Ono



Legend foretold, the Chosen One would be a gift from the sky! And here he is! And none too soon. We have been waiting for the Chosen One ever since we were forced out of our homes!
―Dughi on Bunga[src]

Dughi is a male red panda. He is a member of Domog's pack.

A snow leopard named Chuluun used her camouflage abilities to launch seemingly invisible attacks on the red pandas, which led them to band together and await the arrival of a prophesied savior called "Songoson Khün." Eventually, the Lion Guard arrived in the bamboo forest, and the red pandas identified Bunga as their savior. The Lion Guard agreed to help the red pandas in order to uphold the Circle of Life. With the pack's help, they defeated Chuluun, thus restoring peace to the bamboo forest.


Early life[]

Legend foretold that the Chosen One would be a gift from the sky.

Dughi lived in the bamboo forest. He was a member of Domog's pack. When Chuluun the snow leopard began terrorizing the red pandas, they banded together and went into hiding for many moons. Because of Chuluun's camouflage abilities, the red pandas regarded her as a supernatural force and nicknamed her the "Ghost of the Mountain." Throughout Chuluun's attacks, the pack awaited the prophesied arrival of a savior called "Songoson Khün," who was destined to save them.[1]

Saved by the Lion Guard[]

The Chosen One cannot leave until he defeats the Ghost of the Mountain.
―Dughi on Bunga[src]

Dughi tells the Lion Guard that Bunga is the Chosen One.

When Bunga fell from a great height, Dughi and his pack approached, hailing the honey badger as "Songoson Khün." They slathered him with orange paint, set him on a stone, and presented him with grubs. The Lion Guard approached questioningly, and Dughi explained that a Chosen One had been destined to fall from the sky and defeat the Ghost of the Mountain.

Just then, the pack's leader, Domog, approached and explained that their pack had been haunted by an invisible force that had driven them from their homes. Kion agreed to defeat the ghost in order to keep the Circle of Life in balance.


Dughi, his pack, and the Lion Guard surround Chuluun.

Later, Chuluun attacked Dughi and his pack. The Lion Guard rescued them in time. Domog questioned if they had found the Ghost of the Mountain, and the team explained that Chuluun was behind the ghostly attacks. They then implored the red pandas to join them in defeating Chuluun.

Together, the Lion Guard and the red pandas followed Chuluun and cornered her at the edge of a cliff. However, Chuluun rolled around in the snow to mask herself once more. Bunga ordered the red pandas to keep Chuluun surrounded, then released gas in her face. A shocked Chuluun lost her footing and plummeted off the cliff.

Back at the bamboo forest, Domog explained that Bunga had taught the red pandas the importance of teamwork.[1]

Physical appearance[]

Dughi is a tall, moderately sized, slender red panda. He has bright red fur, with a brown chest, arms, legs, and tail tip. He has white markings on his face and ears, and stripes on his tail. He has brown eyes.[1]

Personality and traits[]

Dughi is enthusiastic and passionate, as he expressed great excitement over Bunga's prophesied arrival. He is also brave and loyal, displaying particular ferocity in his showdown with Chuluun.[1]



  • Dughi's name means "round" in Mongolian.[3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Revealed in "Ghost of the Mountain" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 3, Episode 4. Written by Kendall Michele Haney and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired September 14, 2019.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Matthew Yang King. IMDb., Inc. Retrieved on September 1, 2020.
  3. dughi in English. Glosbe. Retrieved on March 17, 2021.