The Lion King Wiki
The Lion King Wiki
Honey badgers
Honey badgers
Physical characteristics
Hair color

Black, blue, purple, and white

Eye color



   Long white fur on their backs
   Sharp digging claws

Sociocultural characteristics



   Pride Lands
   Tree of Life



Notable members


Honey badgers are the smartest when they think before they speak. But if they do not... Whoo-hoo-hoo! Total disaster!

Honey badgers are a species of animal native to the Pride Lands and the Tree of Life. They feed on fruit, grubs, and honey.


Bunga's adoption by Timon and Pumbaa[]

No more kids. We already raised a lion, remember? Besides, he's a honey badger. He can fend for himself!
Timon to Pumbaa on Bunga[src]

Timon and Pumbaa adopt Bunga.

As an infant, Bunga got separated from his birth parents. One day, while eating grubs, he overheard Timon and Pumbaa singing "Utamu" and approached them. While Pumbaa took an instant shining to Bunga, Timon tried to trick the infant into looking for grubs under Mapema Rock while he and Pumbaa ran away. However, Bunga soon returned with grubs, and Timon awkwardly thanked him. Pumbaa asked Timon if they could "keep" Bunga, but Timon pointed out that they had already raised a lion and argued that Bunga, being a honey badger, could look after himself.

When Bunga refused to leave, Timon led Bunga to a tree on the edge of a cliff and dared the infant to fetch some Utamu grubs from the tree's branches. To Timon's utter shock, Bunga climbed the tree and fetched the Utamu grubs. Impressed by Bunga's bravery, Timon at last allowed the honey badger to stay with him and Pumbaa.[1]

Formation of the Lion Guard[]

Before you go asking whoever you think is the bravest, think about this. I might not be the biggest honey badger, but I know what's in my heart. And I'm not afraid of anything! Or anyone!
―Bunga to Kion[src]

One day, Bunga and his best friend, Kion, were playing Baobab Ball. In the midst of their game, their ball rolled into the Outlands, and Bunga recklessly went to retrieve it. However, in doing so, he got attacked by Cheezi and Chungu, and Kion reflexively used the Roar of the Elders to save him.


Kion asks Bunga to join the Lion Guard.

After the rescue, Simba informed Kion that he had come into his power as the leader of the Lion Guard and tasked him with recruiting the Pride Lands' bravest, strongest, fastest, and keenest of sight. Excited by the prospect of joining the Lion Guard, Bunga argued to Kion that, though he was not the biggest honey badger, he was not afraid of anything or anyone. To his delight, Kion invited him to join the Lion Guard, and he happily accepted the appointment.

At that moment, the friends overheard Zuri crying out for help and followed her voice to where her claws were stuck in a log. Timon and Pumbaa managed to free her, after which Bunga told them about his appointment to the Lion Guard. Though they were at first worried about Bunga's safety, they gave in when Kion called Bunga "the bravest animal" he knew. With Timon and Pumbaa's blessing, Kion and Bunga left to collect their next recruits: Beshte, Fuli, and Ono.


The Lion Guard prepares to fight Janja's clan.

Once his friends had gathered, Kion informed them about the Lion Guard and attempted to demonstrate the Roar, only for a squeak to come out. Just then, Simba approached and reprimanded Kion for having chosen teammates who were not lions. He urged Kion to take his duties more seriously, then left.

Despite his father's doubts, Kion appointed each of his friends to the Lion Guard and led them into battle against an invading hyena clan. After the battle, a stampede of gazelles threatened Kiara's life, but Bunga rescued her. These victories finally convinced Simba that Kion had chosen the right animals to protect the Pride Lands.[2]

Bunga the Wise[]

Honey badgers are only smartest when they think things through.

After Bunga's idea to use fallen rocks to plug a dam worked, the Pride Landers praised him for his wisdom. Rafiki approached and started to compliment honey badgers on their intelligence when he dropped the fruit he was carrying and cut himself off. Without waiting for Rafiki to finish, Bunga declared that he was the smartest animal in the Pride Lands and left to tell Timon and Pumbaa. Once Bunga had gone, Rafiki finished what he had been saying, clarifying that honey badgers were smart if they thought things through first but that total disaster would follow if they did not. However, no one heard him.


Bunga declares himself to be a sage called "Bunga the Wise."

Shortly afterward, Timon and Pumbaa set Bunga up as a sage called "Bunga the Wise" and made animals give them grubs in exchange for Bunga's wisdom. The Lion Guard attempted to dissuade Bunga of his disillusions, but Bunga refused to rejoin the Lion Guard.

Throughout that day, the Lion Guard ran into animals in dangerous situations who were taking Bunga's bad advice. Finally, they decided to confront Bunga and found him leading a parade of devoted followers. Despite the Lion Guard's warnings, Bunga claimed that the Pride Landers loved his advice, and Timon added that Bunga had fixed the dam. No sooner had he said this when the dam broke, flooding the grasslands, and the Pride Landers were forced to flee.


Kion confronts Bunga for having doled out bad advice.

Eventually, the Pride Landers found themselves trapped in a dead-end canyon and looked to Bunga for advice. Overwhelmed and scared, Bunga confessed that Kion was the one who always knew what to do. Kion then told the animals to stand behind him and used the Roar of the Elders to blow back the floodwaters.

Later, as Bunga prepared to bask in a patch of flowers, Rafiki warned him not to bask there. Scoffing, Bunga reminded Rafiki that he had called him the wisest animal in the Pride Lands, but Rafiki clarified that honey badgers were only smart when they thought things through. At that moment, Bunga jumped into his basking spot, revealing it to be a puddle of mud, and admitted that he could live with not being the smartest.[3]

Ushari's bite on Bunga[]

Eh, Bunga? Honey badgers like you, you're immune to snake bites.

While stopping a cape buffalo stampede with the Lion Guard, Bunga got flung into a bush, where he was bitten by Ushari the cobra. Ono declared that cobras were venomous, and so, the Lion Guard rushed Bunga to Rafiki's tree for healing. Despite Bunga's theatrics, Rafiki declared that honey badgers were immune to snake bites. To celebrate, Timon, Pumbaa, and Bunga invited Fuli to share a meal with them at Hakuna Matata Falls.


Rafiki declares that honey badgers are immune to snake bites.

While at Hakuna Matata Falls, Bunga attempted to walk into a crocodile's mouth, as he was "immune," only for Fuli to save him at the last moment. Later, Bunga bounced a porcupine on his head while boasting to Kion that he was immune. The porcupine sarcastically suggested that Bunga go play in a volcano, which Bunga took as being a serious challenge.

Alone, Bunga entered the Outlands volcano, attracting the attention of Janja's clan in the process. Fuli happened to overhear Bunga's voice and followed the noise to where the hyenas were attacking him. Together, the two got stranded on a rock floating in a lava river, while the hyenas pursued them. Just in time, the rest of the Lion Guard arrived and helped Bunga and Fuli escape.[4]

Bunga's search for Utamu[]

Here's to the two best uncles a honey badger could ask for!
―Bunga on Timon and Pumbaa[src]

While patrolling the Pride Lands with the Lion Guard, Bunga spotted Mapema Rock and resolved to find some Utamu grubs for his uncles. However, Ono interrupted the moment by reporting a nearby disturbance, and the Lion Guard had to cut Bunga's errand short. Afterward, Bunga continued his search, this time with help from Beshte, Kion, and Ono.


Bunga attempts to retrieve some Utamu grubs.

In order to find the Utamu, the friends followed several dung beetles to the same tree that Bunga had climbed so many seasons ago. However, they found the tree dead and extremely brittle. Despite the danger, Bunga attempted to climb the tree, only for the branch he was standing on to snap beneath him and send a nest of Utamu grubs tumbling into a deep ravine. Heartbroken, Bunga left to help the Guard on another mission.

Later, Bunga apologized to his uncles at Hakuna Matata Falls, only for them to reveal that they celebrated because of their relationship with Bunga, not because of the Utamu. They then revealed that some Utamu grubs had fallen out of the sky, and the three enjoyed in a feast together.[1]

Bunga and Simba's entrapment in a sinkhole[]

Ono: Did we just see...?
Fuli: ...a honey badger riding on top of the king?
—Fuli and Ono on Bunga and Simba[src]
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Bunga and Simba get trapped in a sinkhole.

When Simba got trapped in a sinkhole, Bunga recklessly jumped in after him. Upon realizing that he was stuck, Bunga made several suggestions as to how they could escape and even tried scaling the sinkhole. However, this only succeeded in collapsing part of the wall, which buried him and Simba in rocks. To the Lion Guard's relief, Bunga and Simba emerged unharmed, and Simba berated Bunga for not thinking before he acted.

Eventually, Bunga spotted a tunnel in the side of the sinkhole, and Simba deduced that it must lead to Nandembo Caverns. After planning to meet the Lion Guard in the caverns, Bunga and Simba entered the tunnel. Along the way, however, they bickered over which way they should go until they became so frustrated with one another that they parted ways. Before long, Simba discovered the way out and doubled back to find Bunga, using "Hakuna Matata" to do so. Once they had been reunited, Simba explained that Timon and Pumbaa had sung that song to him many times when he was growing up, and Bunga realized that they were like brothers.

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Bunga and Simba bond over their shared connection to Timon and Pumbaa.

Together, Bunga and Simba traveled through the caverns until they ran into the Lion Guard, Timon, and Pumbaa, who were on the other side of a large divide. Getting an idea, Simba had Bunga cling to his back while he jumped across the canyon. They then had a delighted reunion with Timon and Pumbaa.

Later, Bunga performed "Hakuna Matata" with Timon, Pumbaa, the Lion Guard, and Simba's family at Mizimu Grove for Ma Tembo's herd.[5]

Bunga's babysitting stint[]

Muhimu: Bunga's watching Hamu so I can have a little me time.
Twiga: Bunga the honey badger? From the Lion Guard?
Muhimu and Twiga[src]

After a jackal attack, Muhimu was frazzled and worried about her herd's safety. Beshte suggested that she take some time to herself, but Muhimu reminded him that she had her son, Hamu, to attend to. Just then, she noticed Bunga playing with Hamu and suggested that he take care of him for the day. To Muhimu's relief, Bunga agreed to the task. Later, Twiga learned about Bunga's babysitting stint and resolved to ask him if he could watch her daughter, Juhudi, as well.

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Bunga teaches his charges self-defense techniques.

Word spread of Bunga's babysitting skills, and many Pride Lander parents dropped their children off with him at Hakuna Matata Falls. While playing with the children, Bunga taught them self-defense techniques. Meanwhile, the jackals invaded the Pride Lands and overheard the Pride Lander parents discussing Bunga's babysitting duties. This gave Reirei the idea to attack the little ones at Hakuna Matata Falls while Goigoi distracted the Lion Guard.

Upon reaching the falls, the jackals attacked Bunga's charges. As Reirei attacked Bunga, he encouraged the young animals to put their self-defense techniques to work. Doing as Bunga had instructed, they were able to fend off the jackals. At that moment, the Lion Guard arrived to assist Bunga, only to find that he and his charges had already made short work of the jackals. After the jackals had fled to the Outlands, the Pride Lander parents returned and, hearing how their children had defended themselves from an attack, praised Bunga for being the best babysitter ever.[6]

Kenge's attack[]

Fuli: What are we gonna do, Kion? We still can't walk!
Bunga: Maybe you can't. But I can! I'll just handle 'em alone...honey badger style.
—Bunga and Fuli, after Kenge paralyzes most of the Lion Guard[src]
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Bunga faces off against Kenge.

When Kenge the monitor lizard attacked the Lion Guard, he bit them, paralyzing them. However, he could not paralyze Bunga, as he was immune to his venom. Since the rest of the Lion Guard was incapacitated, Bunga resolved to face down Kenge alone and recover some stolen tikiti melons, though Kion insisted that Makini accompany him.

Together, Bunga and Makini tracked Kenge and his hyena minions to Embamba Canyon. There, Bunga distracted the villains, while Makini stole back the tikiti melons. He also tricked Kenge into biting his hyena minions, which paralyzed them. Just then, the rest of the Lion Guard approached, recovered from their paralysis, and Kion banished Kenge and his cronies using the Roar of the Elders. Afterward, the Lion Guard and Makini rolled the tikiti melons back to their patch in the Pride Lands.[7]


They've given me everything. So, this Christmas, I wanna give them a performance they won't forget.
―Bunga on Timon and Pumbaa[src]

On the day before Christmas, Bunga helped Timon and Pumbaa decorate an acacia tree. Later, while on patrol with the rest of the Lion Guard, he was visibly somber. Beshte questioned what was wrong, and Bunga admitted that he wished his uncles could meet Dandy Claws for Christmas. Kion asserted that the Lion Guard could help make that happen, and Bunga began to excitedly tick off all the creatures and items that they would need to gather in order to properly perform the "The Twelve Ways of Christmas" song. Though the list was vast, the Guard decided to split up in order to cover more ground.

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The Lion Guard performs "The Twelve Ways of Christmas" for Timon and Pumbaa.

That night, the Lion Guard gathered with their Pride Lander volunteers in a canyon and rehearsed the song. However, come morning, Bunga was still not satisfied, and the Pride Landers gave up, unsure they could ever live up to Bunga's expectations. Seeing Bunga's unhappiness, Kion called the crowd back, and Bunga explained that he wanted to make up for his uncles' good deeds over the years. This persuaded the Pride Landers to stay and pull off their performance.

Shortly afterward, the Lion Guard and the Pride Landers performed "The Twelve Ways of Christmas" for Timon and Pumbaa, to the duo's delight. The Lion Guard then resolved to make Christmas an annual celebration in the Pride Lands.[8]

Test in the Lair of the Lion Guard[]

Hey, that's the bravest lion. That's me! I'm the bravest lion. Except the lion part. So, make it move. Let's see what I do.
―Bunga to Makini on a painting[src]

While exploring the Lair of the Lion Guard, the Lion Guard found a secret underground chamber. In order to navigate the chamber, they needed to rely on Beshte for his strength and Ono for his keen sight. This made them realize that the chamber was a test for the Lion Guard to prove its worth.

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Bunga passes the test of bravery.

After Makini joined up with them, the Guard continued on their quest to unlock the Lair's secrets. Eventually, they stumbled upon a ravine with a painting nearby. Bunga recognized the lion in the painting as being the bravest lion on Askari's Guard and urged Makini to make it move with her bakora staff. She did so, only for the lion in the painting to apparently walk across thin air. Though Kion urged Bunga to stop and think, he recklessly jumped into the ravine and seemingly landed on nothing. The Guard then realized that Bunga had uncovered a bridge, nearly invisible because of how well it blended into the landscape.

The Lion Guard continued onward, eventually reaching another chamber with a painting inside. Makini explained that, long ago, Askari's Guard had unlocked a powerful force and used it to defeat an evil pride of lions that had been invading the Pride Lands. She then led the Guard into a chamber where there was a pool of water and yet another painting. At first, the team could not decipher where the unstoppable force was, but then, Kion realized that it was their reflection - or the Lion Guard itself - that was the unstoppable force. Makini brought the painting to life, showing how Askari's Guard had worked together to defeat the evil lions. As one, the Guard looked up at the painting, which shifted into the symbol of the Guard, and cried out their catchphrase in determination.[9]

Battle for the Pride Lands[]

Use the Roar, Kion. Blast that guy back to where he came from.
―Bunga on Scar[src]

Bunga participated in the invasion of the Outlands. Alongside the rest of the Lion Guard, he confronted Scar in the volcano. Though he urged Kion to use the Roar to defeat Scar, Kion instead summoned the Great Lions of the Past, who judged Scar by sending rain that destroyed him. Enraged, Ushari attacked Kion in revenge, but Bunga intercepted the attack, sending both him and Ushari tumbling toward the lava. While Ono managed to save Bunga, Ushari perished in the lava.[10]

Red pandas' prophecy about Bunga[]

If it's true that I'm the Chosen One, which it obviously is, then it's also true that the Ghost of the Mountain is really a ghost.

Bunga is hailed as "Songoson Khün" by a pack of red pandas.

As the Lion Guard journeyed toward the Tree of Life, they passed through a bamboo forest. Anga spotted a nearby patch of tuliza, and Bunga volunteered to fetch it. However, he ended up slipping on the snow and falling off a cliff. Upon seeing Bunga's fall, a pack of red pandas approached and began hailing him as "Songoson Khün." The Lion Guard approached questioningly, and a red panda named Dughi explained that a Chosen One had been destined to fall from the sky and defeat the "Ghost of the Mountain."

At that moment, the pack leader, Domog, approached and explained that the red pandas had been plagued by an invisible foe for some time. Though the Guard was not in the Pride Lands, Kion agreed to help the red pandas so as to keep the Circle of Life in balance.


Bunga defeats Chuluun with his stink.

Together, the Lion Guard labored up the mountain, where they figured out that the "ghost" was a snow leopard named Chuluun. Though Chuluun tried to escape them using her camouflage abilities, Bunga tackled her and covered her in the orange paint that the red pandas had slathered on his fur. Chuluun then fought him off and escaped. Shortly afterward, the Guard heard fearful cries in the distance, and Anga spotted Chuluun, marked by Bunga's orange paint, attacking Domog's pack. The team raced to the rescue, only for Chuluun to evade them once more.

After explaining the "ghost's" identity to the red pandas, the Lion Guard led them up the mountain, where they cornered Chuluun on the edge of a cliff. Thinking quickly, she rolled around in the snow to wash off the orange paint and thus mask herself once more. However, Bunga released gas in her face, and she stumbled backwards, falling off the cliff into the snow below. Back at the bamboo forest, the red pandas hailed Bunga as a hero, and Domog remarked that he had taught them the importance of teamwork.[11]

Bunga's defeat of Mama Binturing[]

Silly honey badger. Did you really think you could get away with eating my tuliza?
Mama Binturong to Bunga[src]

Bunga wrestles Makini's staff from Mama Binturong.

While the Lion Guard was passing through a forest, Makini's staff got stolen by some porcupines, who were interested in the tuliza that was being stored in it. The Guard questioned the locals and learned that a binturong named Mama Binturong hoarded the forest's tuliza in her hideout in the Stone Forest. Once the team arrived at the Stone Forest, however, they found that only Bunga could squeeze between the rock pillars.

Braving it alone, Bunga climbed his way to Mama Binturong's hideout and fought off her porcupine minions. He then retrieved Makini's staff and used his stink to destroy Mama Binturong's tuliza stash. Enraged, Mama Binturong swore revenge on him.[12]

Mama Binturong's attack on Bunga[]

Binga: It's true. I'm stinkier, and I eat bugs faster. Guess that means I'm the better honey badger.
Bunga: Not so fast! I challenge you to the ultimate honey badger contest.
Binga and Bunga[src]

While staying at the Tree of Life, Bunga learned from Baliyo that another honey badger named Binga resided in the territory. Having never met another honey badger, Bunga was eager to meet her, and so, Baliyo introduced them. Upon meeting each other, the honey badgers engaged in a bug-eating contest, which Binga won. Not to be outdone, Bunga promised to think up another challenge for them to try.


Bunga meets Binga.

Later, Binga beat Bunga in a stink competition. He challenged her to more and more contests, but she continually bested him. In spending so much time together, the two began to develop romantic feelings for one another. Shortly afterward, the Lion Guard approached, and Bunga introduced them to Binga.

Meanwhile, Mama Binturong plotted to lure the Night Pride to her while Makucha, Chuluun, and Ora killed Queen Janna at the Tree of Life. After crying out for help, Mama Binturong confronted and attacked Bunga and Binga. The Night Pride arrived on the scene, and Mama Binturong tried to implicate the honey badgers, but Ullu flew up and informed the Night Pride that Mama Binturong was lying. Her gig up, Mama Binturong tried to flee, but Bunga and Binga pursued her and doused her with their stink.[13]

Rani's coronation[]

Zuka zama!
―Bunga and Binga, during Rani's coronation[src]

Bunga and Binga attended Janna's funeral at the Willows. Later that evening, they attended Rani's coronation at the Tree of Life.[14]

Battle of the Lion Guards[]

Gotta be braver than that, Shabaha. Zuka zama!
―Bunga, during the Battle of the Lion Guards[src]

Upon returning to the Pride Lands, the Lion Guard learned that Vitani had formed her own Lion Guard in their absence. In order to settle which team deserved to protect the Pride Lands, the two Lion Guards agreed to host a formal competition. At Mizimu Grove, Rafiki announced the event to a crowd of Pride Landers.


Bunga wins the bravest's competition.

While Beshte and Anga lost their competitions, Fuli won hers. For the bravest's competition, Bunga designed a dangerous obstacle course that he and Shabaha had to complete, with a baobab fruit on a high cliff as their target. Despite Shabaha's best efforts, Bunga beat her to the baobab fruit and thus won the competition.

With the Lion Guards tied, it came down to Kion versus Vitani. However, when Vitani called for a mashindano and declared that she did not need the power of the Roar to be the fiercest, Kion relinquished his role as the leader of the Lion Guard to her. As soon as he did this, the Marks of the Guard disappeared from his teammates' shoulders, to their sadness. Just then, Askari's spirit appeared in the heavens, praising Kion for his decision, and reminded him that the Tree of Life still needed protection. Kion and his Lion Guard then agreed to protect the Tree of Life, and the Marks of the Night Pride appeared on their shoulders.[15]

Kion's coronation[]

My best friend is a king! Un-Bunga-lievable!
―Bunga, during Kion's coronation[src]

Bunga and Binga attended Kion's coronation at the Tree of Life.[15]

Physical characteristics[]

Honey badgers are moderately sized animals. They have long fur that can be either blue or purple in color, with long white fur on their backs. Their underbellies are darker in color, while both their front and back paws are black. They are known to have blue eyes.[13]

Sociocultural characteristics[]

Fuli: Huh. Another honey badger.
Beshte: Sounds nice.
Anga: Sounds stinky.
—Anga, Beshte, and Fuli on Binga[src]

Honey badgers are notorious for their grotesque habits.

Honey badgers are notorious for their grotesque habits, including their horrid stench, ability to release odious gas, and affinity for belching.[13] Honey badgers eat many types of grubs, including bees,[16] snails,[17] termites,[18] and Utamu. They have also been known to eat fruit[19] and honey.[16]

Honey badgers are particularly resilient creatures, as they are immune to different types of venom[1][7] and can survive many physical feats. In addition, they are known for being brave, bordering on reckless.[13] According to Rafiki, honey badgers are "the smartest" when they think before they speak; if not, it can result in disaster.[3]

Notable honey badgers[]



Television series

Video games



Magazine stories



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Revealed in "The Search for Utamu" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 1, Episode 8. Written by Elise Allen, John Loy, and Ford Riley, and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired February 26, 2016.
  2. Revealed in Disney's The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar (2015). Written by Ford Riley and directed by Howy Parkins. Distributed by Buena Vista Home Entertainment.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Revealed in "Bunga the Wise" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 1, Episode 3. Written by John Loy and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired January 22, 2016.
  4. Revealed in "Fuli's New Family" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 1, Episode 7. Written by Elise Allen, John Loy, and Ford Riley, and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired February 19, 2016.
  5. Revealed in "Bunga and the King" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 1, Episode 13. Written by Jack Monaco and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired April 29, 2016.
  6. Revealed in "Babysitter Bunga" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 2, Episode 1. Written by Elise Allen and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired July 7, 2017.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Revealed in "The Bite of Kenge" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 2, Episode 11. Written by Krista Tucker and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired November 3, 2017.
  8. Revealed in "Timon and Pumbaa's Christmas" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 2, Episode 12. Written by John Loy, Ford Riley, and Krista Tucker, and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired December 8, 2017.
  9. Revealed in "Cave of Secrets" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 2, Episode 21. Written by Jack Monaco and directed by Tom Derosier and Howy Parkins. Originally aired September 4, 2018.
  10. Revealed in "Battle for the Pride Lands" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 3, Episode 1. Written by Ford Riley and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired August 3, 2019.
  11. Revealed in "Ghost of the Mountain" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 3, Episode 4. Written by Kendall Michele Haney and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired September 14, 2019.
  12. Revealed in "Mama Binturong" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 3, Episode 9. Written by Gus Constantellis and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired September 29, 2019.
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Revealed in "Little Old Ginterbong" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 3, Episode 13. Written by Gus Constantellis and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired October 13, 2019.
  14. Revealed in "Long Live the Queen" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 3, Episode 15. Written by Kendall Michele Haney and Ford Riley, and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired October 20, 2019.
  15. 15.0 15.1 Revealed in "Return to the Pride Lands" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 3, Episode 19. Written by Kendall Michele Haney and Ford Riley, and directed by Tom Derosier and Howy Parkins. Originally aired November 3, 2019.
  16. 16.0 16.1 Revealed in "Can't Wait to be Queen" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 1, Episode 4. Written by John Loy, Jack Monaco, and Ford Riley, and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired January 29, 2016.
  17. Revealed in "Marsh of Mystery" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 3, Episode 5. Written by Kendall Michele Haney and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired September 15, 2019.
  18. Revealed in "Too Many Termites" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 1, Episode 15. Written by Elise Allen and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired July 15, 2016.
  19. Revealed in "The Savannah Summit" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 2, Episode 2. Written by Jack Monaco and directed by Tom Derosier and Howy Parkins. Originally aired July 7, 2017.
  20. Revealed in Disney's The Lion King (1990). Written by J. T. Allen.