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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Farragut.

The USS Farragut (NCC-2582) was a Federation starship, an Excelsior-class explorer in service to Starfleet in the 24th century. (Decipher RPG modules: Starfleet Operations Manual, Starships)

History and disposition[]

The Farragut was decommissioned in 2358 as a cadet training vessel. She was recommissioned in 2373 for the Dominion War. (Decipher RPG module: Starfleet Operations Manual)

In 2375, the Farragut brought the genetically-enhanced humans Patrick, Jack, Lauren, and Sarina Douglas from Earth to Deep Space 9 to gain treatment for Sarina from Dr. Julian Bashir. (DS9 episode: "Chrysalis")

Later that year, the Farragut served as Admiral William Ross's flagship during the Final Battle and invasion of Cardassia Prime. (DS9 novelization: What You Leave Behind)

This Farragut is an Excelsior-class vessel with a much lower registry number than the Nebula-class USS Farragut which was destroyed in 2373 during the brief Federation-Klingon War. Because of this, it is possible that this Farragut was an older vessel which was refitted and reentered service in time for the Dominion War.



Ships named Farragut
Federation, Starfleet
(primary universe)
USS Farragut (Constitution-class) • USS Farragut II, renamed USS Centurion (Enterprise-class) • USS Farragut (NCC-2021, Excelsior-class) • USS Farragut (Nebula-class) • USS Farragut (NCC-2582, Excelsior-class) • USS Farragut (Galaxy-class) UFP emblem image. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Federation Starfleet
(Kelvin timeline)
USS Farragut (Constitution-class) Starfleet kelvin emblem
Terran Empire, Starfleet
(mirror universe)
ISS Farragut Seal of the Terran Empire.
Excelsior-class starships
Federation, Starfleet Agincourt (I) • Agincourt (II) • Al-Batani (I) • Al-Batani (II) • Alliance • Archer • Aries • Berlin (I) • Berlin (II) • Bill of Rights • Cairo (I) • Cairo (II) • Centennial • Carpenter • Chamberlain • Charleston (I) • Charleston (II) • Chekov • Columbia • Concord • Concordia • Crazy Horse • Crockett • Dallas • Enterprise-B • Excalibur • Excelsior • Excelsior-D • Excelsior (II) • Exeter • Farragut (I) • Farragut (II) • Fearless (I) • Fearless (II) • Fredrickson • Gorkon • Grissom • Hood • Hornet • Icarus • Intrepid • Jackson • Juno • Kongo • Lakota (I) • Lakota (II) • Lassiter • Lexington • Livingston • Malinche • Ohio • Okinawa • Paris • Potemkin (I) • Potemkin (II) • Repulse (I) • Repulse (II) • Repulse (III) • Righteous • Roma • Sarek • Slayton • Suribachi • Tecumseh • Thunderer • Valley Forge • unnamed Excelsior-class starships Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
exploration cruisers Agincourt • Al-Batani • Cairo • Charleston • Crazy Horse • Enterprise-B • Excelsior • Farragut • Fearless • Gorkon • Hood • Intrepid • Lakota • Lexington • Melbourne • Okinawa • Potemkin • Repulse • Roosevelt • Tecumseh • Valley Forge
battleships class XIII-class XIV battleships: Columbia • Excelsior • Galacta • Proxima
class XIII transwarp battleships: Achilles II • Agincourt • Ajax II • Alamo • Aquila II • Arizona • Bearn • Berlin • Brisbane • Challenger • Chikuma • Columbia • Constitution II • De Mayo • Eagle • Enterprise-B • Excalibur • Excelsior • Exeter • Farragut • Fearless • Fuso • Galacta • Hancock • Hood • Intrepid • Kitty Hawk • Kongo • Lexington • Potemkin • Proxima • Royal Oak • Ryujo • Sussex • Thunderer • Ticonderoga II • Valiant • Yamashiro • Yorktown
2280s/2290s battlecruiser (BCE) Al-Batani • Berlin • Cairo • Charleston • Excelsior • Fearless • Lakota • Repulse Kirov-subclass battlecruiser (BCG) Charleston • Cleveland • Dayton • Gettysburg • Graf Spee • Guirierre • Matsumo
Bismarck-subclass battlecruiser (BCF) Belknap • Missouri • Raan New Jersey-subclass battlecruiser (BCJ) Australia • Bismarck • Bunker Hill • FedTerra • Forrest • Howland • Kirov • Montana • New Jersey • New Zealand • Ogarkov • Orca • Saber
fleet cruisers
24th century
Agincourt • Al-Batani • Cairo • Challenger • Charleston • Chicago • Crazy Horse • Crockett • Enterprise-B • Excelsior • Farragut • Fearless • Fredrickson •Gorkon • Grissom • Hood • Intrepid • Lakota • Lexington • Livingston • Malinche • Melbourne • Mikita • Okinawa • Potemkin • Repulse • Roosevelt • Tecumseh • Valley Forge
proposed starships
24th century
Alexandria • Angelou • Billings • Burton • Curie • Dauntless • Eliel • Ervolina • Gallico • Hanley • Kahlo • Le Guin • Legionnaire • Lionheart • Nimble • Nova • Oyama • Resolute • Riegel • Rue • Sentinel • Silversides • Strother • Valorous • Walters
fleet cruisers
late 2370s decade
Acrux • Acturus • Agena • Al-Batani • Anak • Antares • Australia • Belknap • Berlin • Betelgeuse • Binar • Bismarck • Bunker Hill • Cairo • Canopus • Capella • Charleston • Cleveland • Crazy Horse • Crockett • Darion • Dayton • Dispatch • Fearless • Fredrickson • Gettysburg • Gorkon • Grissom • Guirierre • Hood • Howland • Kirov • Lakota • Livingston • Malinche • Matsumo • Missouri • Montana • New Jersey • New Zealand • Okinawa • Orca • Pollux • Potemkin • Repulse • Spica • Tecumseh • Valley Forge • Vega • Vena
various alternate subclasses and configurations Alka-Selsior • Archimedes • Excelsior II-class: Mestral • Eureka • Excelsior (II) • Repulse-subclass: Akron • Repulse • Resolute-subclass: Resolute
Interstellar Union, Interstellar Guard
(alternate timeline)
Kumari II Federation icon image. Terran Empire, Starfleet
(mirror universe)
Excelsior • Excelsior-D • Excelsior-I • Punisher Terran Empire icon image. Terran Starfleet icon image.

Appearances and references[]

External link[]
