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Hagoromo Lala (羽衣ララ)? is one of the five main Cures in Star☆Twinkle Pretty Cure. She is a humanoid alien from the Planet Saman.

Lala's alter ego is Cure Milky (キュアミルキー)? and she is known as the Pretty Cure of the Milky Way. She ends her sentences with "~lun" (「~ルン」)? and her catchphrase is "Oyo~" (オヨ~)?



As a civilian, Lala has short dark turquoise hair. She has one pale blue and one light pink streak on the right side of her hair. The sides of her head have light pink buttons with a magenta heart in the center. Her antennae dangle from them with small yellow orbs at the end. This design also appears on her sleeves, a single fingerless glove on her right hand, and shoes. Her eyes are turquoise with star pupils and she has pointy ears. She wears a white mini-dress with turquoise and light pink designs. She also wears a pale yellow and blue bolero jacket along with a thin pastel purple belt. She carries a cerulean purse with a gold ring around it that resembles Saturn. The purse is filled with shooting star gummies. Her shoes are turquoise and white with pale yellow loose socks. She wears her Star Color Pendant around her neck.

During winter, Lala wears a pale yellow jacket with wide sleeves and a white turtleneck dress with a magenta heart design on the side. She would sometimes also wear a light turquoise cap with a white pom-pom, along with a pink scarf.

As a young adult, Lala's hair has grown longer and she ties it into thin twin-tails with silver accessories near the bottom, possibly in honor of Hikaru. She also wears a yellow jacket with a blue collar which has a heart-shaped button, a yellow beret with a fuchsia heart logo, blue leggings, and white high heels with green and pink accents.

As Cure Milky, her eyes turn bright turquoise while her hair lightens and grows out slightly while losing its streaks. Her hair ornaments are replaced with stars, which are white with thick yellow outlines. Her gold headband has a yellow and white star with a pale yellow tail. Her antennae grow with a white and yellow star on each tip with pale yellow rings around them. Her top has a turquoise and light yellow swirl design with darker turquoise straps with her Star Color Pendant on top. Her sleeves are blue and bubble-shaped and are also translucent. Her bracelets are light blue with a matching cuff on top. Her puffy shorts are cyan and light blue with a purple loop design and a translucent light blue layer above it. On the left side is her carrying pouch. Her boots are short and cyan with pale yellow pom-poms, with a turquoise and blue gradient stocking on her left leg. Her accessories include a cyan choker and star-shaped earrings.

In her Twinkle Style, her hair grows mid-back length and is decorated with more stars. The ones she already has now have a white tail at the end of each, and her headband is replaced by a tiara. Her choker gains a white frill trim around the top. Her top now has pastel pink stripes and her Star Color Pendant is on a white bow. Her sleeves become slightly frilled and the cuffs on her bracelets become translucent. Her shorts are now completely light blue with the top part of it becoming a skirt layer while underneath it is another light turquoise layer. Her shoes now have a translucent cuff on top.

As Leo Cure Milky, her hair becomes wilder with a blue ombre at the bottom. The star on her headband turns blue insde with a crown at the top. The stars at the ends of her antennae are also blue. The turquoise parts of her outfit turn blue with her shorts now a skirt with sky blue and yellow designs on it and light blue frills at the bottom. Underneath is a darker and shorter skirt. On her back is a pale blue lion's tail.

As Cancer Cure Milky, her hair is now styled in short twin-tails held by dark magenta baubles and has a light green gradient. The star on her headband is now green, as are the stars on her antennae, and she gains gold hair ornaments shaped like closed crab claws. Her outfit remains the same as her previous form, but the turquoise parts are bright green. Her skirt is puffy with light green and pink designs on it and opens in the front. The bow in the back is now light pink and her earrings become dark magenta baubles.


Lala is a serious girl who is treated like an adult back at home. She has a strong sense of responsibility, which originated from her family pointing out her flaws rather than her strengths, but sometimes makes mistakes. According to AI, she has the skills for operating complicated tasks. Initially, she comes across as stubborn and insists that analysis should be considered before taking action, but she eventually grows out of it. By the end of the season, she has grown up to be a confident person who can influence the culture of Saman for the better.


  • Hoshina Hikaru: In the beginning, Lala is hesitant to interact with Hikaru. They even had an argument once in episode 3, but she soon forms a close bond with Hikaru. She even starts to learn more about Earth thanks to her.
  • Prunce: Prunce and Lala are close friends, who met each other when Prunce was trying to find Fuwa.
  • Yuni: Lala appears to have a connection with Yuni as both of them are aliens. In episode 25, Lala is the one who encourages Yuni to try experiencing new things on Earth and is happy when Yuni starts warming up to her and the others.
  • Lolo: Lala usually feels inferior to Lolo, her older twin brother, as her parents favor him more for being capable at more things and even shower him with compliments. She, however, still cares for him, and even saves him when the AI system on Saman is hacked and he is unable to escape in episode 30. Afterwards, Lolo starts acknowledging her more often and their relationship improves.
  • Toto and Kaka: Lala's mother and father. The two seemed to look down on her, always comparing her to Lolo. Despite that, she still deeply cares for them, as demonstrated when she defends her family from the hacked AI's attack after they easily get tired while trying to outrun it. They also appear to approve of her being a Pretty Cure, thanking her for helping restore the AI.
  • Kuku: Kuku is her boss who doesn't acknowledge her and sees her as incompetent, and even wrongfully accused her of stealing the Cancer Princess Pen, until he gets surprised by her being a Pretty Cure.


Hagoromo (羽衣)? - Ha ()? means "wing" while Goromo ()? means "robe". [1] When combined, "Hagoromo" means "robed wing".

Lala (ララ)? - A word that is used often when singing.

Milky is a noun that is the shortened way to write "Milky Way". The milky way is the spiral galaxy containing our solar system. [2]


Meeting Hikaru

While searching for Fuwa, Lala and Prunce are being chased by the Notraiders when they are suddenly warped onto Earth thanks to Fuwa hearing her screams. There, she and Prunce walk off the rocket, only for her to get hit with motion sickness. After she recovers, she notices Hoshina Hikaru and panics with Prunce but soon gets over it when she notices Fuwa is safe and sound with Hikaru. As Prunce talks to Hikaru, she finds their exchange amusing and laughs, catching the attention of Hikaru who introduces herself in a way so that Lala can know how to introduce herself too. However, Kappard arrives and she bravely stands in front of Hikaru to show she won’t let Kappard kidnap Fuwa. She then quickly runs onto the rocket after Prunce and when in space, she notices Hikaru has hopped on board too.

After watching Hikaru transform into a Pretty Cure for the first time, Hikaru talks about the experience. She says something to Hikaru in her own language when suddenly Fuwa uses her powers so not only can she understand Hikaru, but she can also communicate with her. This surprises both of them until they're cut short because the rocket's alarms go off and it crash lands back onto Earth.STPC01

Becoming Cure Milky

As she and Hikaru walk home, Kappard arrives with an army of Nottorei. Fuwa flies into Lala's arms and the Nottorei attack. Lala tries to run away with Fuwa, but she's stopped by Kappard, causing her to trip and fall down a hill.

Getting back up, Lala continues to run but she's soon backed against a stone hill by Kappard. Kappard notes that she's holding Fuwa just like Hikaru was holding Fuwa during their last fight, but says that miracles don't happen twice. Kappard attacks with his dual-bladed sword, only to be stopped and dragged backward by Star. A Nottorei surrounds Lala and Star tells Lala to transform into a Pretty Cure. Kappard says that that's impossible and sends one of his Nottorei forth. Before it can touch Lala, Prunce clings to its face and flings Lala up to a higher rock.

Lala says that there's no way that she can become a Pretty Cure after being evaluated, but Star optimistically insists that Lala can become the same. She tells Lala to envision the Lala she wants to be and to not say that it's impossible, regardless of what some data says. Lala says that she wants to protect Fuwa with her own power and that she will become a Pretty Cure. Fuwa suddenly glows and summons a new Star Color Pendant and green Star Color Pen. Lala is elated, and she uses the two items to transform into Cure Milky.

The Nottorei charge, but Milky defeats them by shocking them with her antennae. Kappard is in disbelief, as he still believes that miracles don't happen twice. Milky says that the miracle wasn't the same as last time's; it used to be Hikaru's, and now it's Lala's. Kappard tries to strike Milky with his sword, but Milky unleashes her new attack: Milky Shock, earning her first victory.STPC02

Picking Her Surname

After striking a deal with Abraham that involves the group putting on a good performance in his film so she, Prunce and Fuwa can stay on Earth, she gets ready to star as Hagoromo, the heavenly maiden in The Legend of Hagoromo: Ninja-Yokai Space Wars: The Movie. Despite starting out poorly, she and the others manage to convince him by showing how beautifully their friendship shines. He then mentions for Lala that in order for her to continue living on Earth, she needs a surname. Therefore, Hikaru suggests "Hagoromo" be Lala's surname since much like Hagoromo from the film, Lala is a heavenly maiden who came from the skies. The others, Lala included, are happy to accept the new name.STPC12

Going To School

After choosing her surname, Lala is asked if there is anything she'd like to do on Earth, in which she says she'd like to go to school. Sometime later, Lala has her school uniform inside of the rocket. Hesitantly, Lala takes her glove off. The AI asks if Lala is sure that she wants to do this, but Lala does not put her glove back on. She normally uses this glove to talk with the AI, but today, she wants to learn by herself like a human would.

Hikaru arrives and the two head to the school, where they bump into Elena and Madoka, who wish Lala luck. Lala's first day of school doesn't go the way she had hoped it would, due to how she knew nothing about Earth's customs. This causes her to get upset and have her turn up to school the next day wearing her glove. Throughout the school day, Lala uses the AI to help her answer questions, clean the school, and follow the customs of Japanese culture.

On the weekend, she is taken to the school where Hikaru, Elena and Madoka all point out how Lala is not acting as herself in order to fit in. Lala gets upset so Hikaru tells her that she was excited to tell everyone that Lala was her friend and that she still wants to have fun with her at school. To further cheer her up, Hikaru points out that Lala's full name is on the board along with Hikaru's. The entire class voted them both to be leaders of school duties the next day. This shows that despite Lala making mistakes, everyone already accepts her as part of the class. Lala points to her name and memorizes the characters, and the whole group is happy that Lala is learning to read.

The next school day, the girls at school are calling Lala "Lun-chan" because they find her manner of speaking to be cute. This makes Lala very happy, and both she and Hikaru run off to class.STPC13

Revisiting Saman

Lala receives an urgent call from her brother Lolo who pleads for her to come back home. Hence, she brings her friends with her to visit Saman.STPC26

She soon arrives at her home in episode 29. Greeted by her family, she is informed that she has the lowest level as a galaxy investigator, being level 8, which means that she can only investigate space debris. Throughout their conversation, however, Lala is increasingly uncomfortable with how her parents continue to compare her with Lolo and Lolo being unaware that he is being condescending towards her. Although knowing that the Association wants to form an alliance with the Pretty Cures, she has to keep her identity a secret to prevent her friends from getting in trouble. She later admits her worry about reporting her identity as Milky to Madoka, afraid of being unable to fulfill her adult responsibility as an investigator which might lead to her family continuing their disapproval for her, but also fears messing up with her friends’ lives if the five of them have to ally with the Association. Madoka, who has learned from Hikaru on learning to trust inner feelings, advises Lala to follow her own intuition. Unfortunately, even though she and her friends manage to protect the Cancer Princess Star Color Pen in the capsule from Tenjo, Kuku soon accused them of unproven thievery.STPC29

Because of the Mother AI being hacked by Aiwarn, not only was everyone in Saman threatened, but Lala and her friends are also held hostage until her own AI sacrifices itself to free them. She and her friends then transform and reveal their identities in a desperate attempt to rescue her planet. With her identity exposed, Lala has no other choice but to leave Saman and return to Earth.STPC30

Her Alien Identity Revealed And Unlocking Her Twinkle Imagination

Lala and Hikaru enter class one day, only for their classmates to stare at them like something was up. Later that day, Lala is playing basketball when she asks one of her teammates to pass the ball to her, but he ignores her and passes it to someone else instead. Then, she bumps to Tatsunori while cleaning the floor and apologizes to him, but he appears to reject it, shocking her. She then takes the garbage out while Hikaru asks the rest of the class why they have been acting so strangely around Lala. Sakurako and Tatsunori explain that the sudden disappearance of the teacher Jo Tengu, the appearance of a giant, and the two of them passing out and seeing Lala along with her friends after they wake up all appear to have some connection to Lala, as suggested by Kaguya Fuyuki. Sakurako also says that Fuyuki told her about how aliens would abduct humans and use them for experiments and even suggests that Lala is manipulating Hikaru, which shocks Lala when she overhears it. She drops the trashcan and runs away crying, with Hikaru going after her.

Later on, Kappard attacks the school and targets the class, intending on taking their imaginations. Hikaru and Lala then arrive to help them, with Kappard declaring that they are Pretty Cure, confusing their classmates. After he explains his plans to Lala, Kappard tells her that he was right about how she would end up being betrayed eventually and that they couldn't understand someone like her. However, Lala responds by saying that they actually do understand her because of how nicely that had treated her in the past. While Kappard argues that they may not have understood her over such small things, Lala replies that it doesn't matter to her whether or not they do because they are her friends. She then prepares to transform to defend them with Hikaru following suit, knowing full well that they were reveal their identities as Pretty Cure, but Hikaru still wants to help her friend no matter what. Their other three teammates arrive, all left with no choice but to transform in front of the class, and do so, to the surprise of the students. With this resolve, Milky is able to unlock her Twinkle Imagination, and thus her Twinkle Style.

After the battle, instead of being further rejected, her classmates stand up for her against Fuyuki. She then bonds with everyone by letting them touch her antennae.STPC40


After the final battle with Ophiuchus, Lala has to return to Saman for the time being. Before her heartfelt departure, she thankfully tells Hikaru that she will teach her fellow people about what she learned the past year. As she says "thank you", the pendant ran out of its power, rendering her speech unintelligible again. She then, without the assistance of the pendant, mustered up her first sentence in Japanese: Hikaru, thank you.STPC48

Back on Saman, she has transferred what she has learned to the Mother AI. When a little girl enthusiastically tells her that the Mother AI has taught her to say "Kirayaba", Lala delightedly recognizes it as Hikaru's catchphrase.

15 years later, Lala has become an inspector. When visiting the former headquarters of the Notraiders with the Starry Sky Alliance, she is pleased to find out that it has become an amazing botanic garden. She then reunites with Yuni one day when inspecting the renovation progress of Planet Rainbow, and remembers the promise she made with her human friends. Both missing Hikaru, she and Yuni pray using their imagination under the night sky. Just as she receives news from Prunce from the Star Palace about Fuwa transforming, she counts down when the rocket carrying Hikaru launches into the outer space.STPC49

Cure Milky

Color Charge! Cure Milky poses

Cure Milky poses after transformation

"The milky way stretching across the heavens! Cure Milky!"
Ten ni Amaneku Mirukī Wei! Kyua Mirukī!

Cure Milky (キュアミルキー)? is the Pretty Cure alter ego of Lala. In order to transform, she needs the Star Color Pendant and her Star Color Pen. During battles, Milky tends to be more defensive, creating giant shields to protect others or herself with her antennae.STPC19 She can also use her antennae to summon bolts of lightning that she shoots upon the enemy.


Lala's pendant top pops up, allowing Lala to insert her Star Color Pen. She shouts the phrase and draws a heart that produces many smaller hearts and waves. Lala then rides the waves on a heart acting as a surfboard as she starts to sing. She touches the center of the pendant with the pen and draws several lines that become small hearts that create her cuffs and boots. She then touches the pendant again and draws a swirl that forms top and choker. She then dances around for a brief time while standing on top of a heart. After drawing some more, her shorts and her bow in the back are created. She then creates her earrings and headband as her hair grows slightly longer and lighter, and stars with bright gold rings appear at the tips of her antennae. She then presses her pen to her pendant one last time as the cord disappears and it attaches to her dress. She then twirls around one last time as she draws the stocking on her left leg and the pen flies into its pouch. She stops singing and continues to introduce herself before striking a pose.



Lala's voice actor, Kohara Konomi has participated in several image songs for the character she voices. Many of them include duets with Naruse Eimi, who voices Hoshina Hikaru, Yasuno Kiyono, who voices Amamiya Elena, Komatsu Mikako, who voices Kaguya Madoka, and Uesaka Sumire, who voices Yuni.

Group Songs


  • Lala's birthday is on July 7th, making her star sign Cancer. Relating to the outer space motif, Lala's birthday happens to fall on Tanabata, the legend of which is related to the stars Altair and Vega.
  • Her surname is given to her by Hikaru, who believes that it suits how she arrived on Earth through descending from the sky.
  • She seems to have motion sickness, as shown in episode 1.
  • Her catchphrases "Oyo~" and "~lun" are the only words that other humans can understand when she's not with her friends.
  • In Animage's monthly character poll for its 2019-04 issue, Lala placed 2nd in “Best Character Overall".
  • When she first arrives on Earth, she has no idea how to speak like a human, but after she starts to bond with Hikaru, Fuwa grants her the ability to do so.
  • Although she has claimed to be an adult and is considered one on her home planet, her voice actress stated in an interview that in terms of her character's actual maturity level, “It was a lie.”[3]
  • Her ID number is 90862773.
  • In the January 2020 special issue of Animage, primarily focusing on Star☆Twinkle Pretty Cure, series composition Murayama Isao stated that Lala's name was chosen because it felt right and "alien-like."
  • She shares her surname with Hagoromo House from episode 21 of Delicious Party♡Pretty Cure, which happens to be Hanamichi Ran’s favorite Japanese sweets restaurant. However, it closed down because the owner retired.
    • However, while her surname is spelled in Kanji, the store's name is spelled in Hiragana instead.
  • The manga revealed that King Liebe, who was the then Prince of Planet Amour fell madly in love with her when visiting Saman during their childhood, and decided to send Lala an invitation to visit his planet years later after he had become king. At first, Lala complies to be his bride because she is afraid of breaking his heart and violating Liebe's planet's laws, but after some pushing from her friends, she politely rejects him and tells him that she doesn't reciprocate her feelings for him, although she and her friends have to save the planet from exploding afterward.


Main Page: Hagoromo Lala/Image Gallery

