Animaniacs Wiki
Animaniacs Wiki

A 'Special Friend' is the title given to the antagonists/foils that Yakko, Wakko, and Dot deal with in their segments. 'Special friends' range from business moguls to the supernatural and everything in-between. It is one of the more prominent running gags throughout the segments. They are described in the show bible as "people who are: pompous, rude, snide, bossy, cruel, boastful, and selfish. The Warner Brothers take the offensive against the Offensive."[1]

But not all 'special friends' are inherently bad; some like Dr. Scratchansniff, Michelangelo, or Albert Einstein are either just doing their job or in need of urgent help for a dilemma. Even while on the Warners' good side, they are still the target of their antics.

Recurring Foils[]

Character Description Image
Dr. Scratchansniff The tormented p-sychiatrist of the Warner Bros. Studios who is tasked with treating the siblings (particularly "de-zanitizing" them), and serving as their guardian. However, he does care for them deep down and gets along with them at times. In the 2020 Animaniacs reboot series, he occasionally acts slightly more malevolent when dealing with them.

Scratchy having a normal one.

Ralph T. Guard Ralph is tasked by the studio to pursue and contain the Warners, a task in which he struggles greatly. He can be seen pursuing them especially in the Tower Escapes, Chases, and Returns segments, as well as making cameo appearances chasing them in other episodes. Despite this, Ralph has been shown to get along with the siblings at times.
Chase Sequence b ep43

Ralph in-pursuit of the siblings.

Hello Nurse The studio nurse for Doctor Scratchansniff, Hello Nurse often finds herself tasked with capturing and containing the siblings as well. Yakko and Wakko absolutely adore her, to the point where she is often the subject to their cat-calling and kisses. Wakko even has an entire song dedicated to her. Despite enduring their antics, she does care about their well-being.

"The Woman of the year. Independent, a career. There's not a thing that she couldn't do..."

Thaddeus Plotz As the CEO of Warner Bros. during the original series, the greedy Mr. Plotz often finds himself as a target of the Warners' antics. It is he who orders the "de-zanitizing" of the siblings, as well as their capture and constant monitoring. Like the other three however, he has been shown to care for them at times. He even occasionally needs their help when dealing with certain issues.
On our way to go see mr plotz two cover

Mr. "Warner Bros. (and Warner Sister)" himself.

Mr. Director The unhinged comedy "genius" Mr. Director is a frequent target for the siblings, whether he struggles to film with them, has to be apprehended when going over-budget, or even serving as a birthday clown; he is constantly in great pain after dealing with them. Notably, he is one of the few adversaries to actually frighten the siblings.

"OH LADY!!!!"

Chicken Boo The show's resident chicken who wears a disguise to look like human guys. Sometimes he gets along with them (such as serving as Swifty LaBoo, the Warners' agent) but he often gets into a conflict with them (even trying to outright hunt them). The siblings also take pride in exposing his disguises.
Chicken boo dvd screenshot

Jumbo-sized and he wears a disguise!

Miss Flamiel A strict teacher tasked with giving the Warners an education, though she has a hard time handling them.
Miss Flamiel01

"Can you conjugate?"

Baloney the Dinosaur An over-bearing parody of Barney the Dinosaur who occasionally encounters the siblings. Like Mr. Director, he is one of the few characters to actually scare them. However, the siblings have used him to their advantage at times.

"Yum Yum, Doodle Dum!"

Nora Rita Norita As the new Warner Bros. CEO in the 2020 Animaniacs reboot, Nora has inherited many of Plotz' tasks, including handling the Warners. She has shown a far colder and more disparaging regard to the siblings; but nevertheless has enlisted their help for certain tasks.

"Oh that's right, you're from the 90s."

Nils Niedhart A pompous athlete who loves medals, he occasionally quarrels with the siblings over sports and even soda.

A master in everything but especially losing.

Animaniacs (Original Series)[]

Season 1[]

Episode Number Segment Description Image
Episode 1 (and various others) "Newsreel of the Stars" (1993) Upon their creation, the Warner siblings instantly wreak havoc across the Warner Bros. Studios, tormenting many people including Lon Borax and Hello Nurse. Ralph T. Guard's first capture of the siblings is also shown.
The Nightmare Begins
Ralph's First Catch
Episode 1 "De-Zanitized" (1993) Dr. Scratchansniff is the first introduced 'special friend', eventually becoming a recurring target of the Warners' antics.
Episode 2 "Cookies for Einstein" (1993) Albert Einstein becomes a target of the Warners' antics after denying their scout cookies.
Episode 3 "H.M.S. Yakko" (1993) Yakko tells the viewer that Captain Mel is their "New Best Friend" before Mel threatens to kill them for crossing on his private pirate property, 'New Best Friend' is indistinguishable from a Special Friend.
Episode 4 "Hooked on a Ceiling" (1993) Michelangelo, after refusing to let the Warners paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, becomes the target of their antics. He eventually (reluctantly) accepts their help.
Hey Mikey he likes it!
Episode 5 "Taming of the Screwy" (1993) Dr. Scratchansniff and Thaddeus Plotz are targeted by the Warners for forcing them to have good manners at the party and kicking them out (although they weren't trying to be mean to Scratchansniff). The siblings also bother Hello Nurse during their therapy session.
Scratchy and Heloise Taming of the Screwy
Scratchy and Plotz Taming of the Screwy
Episode 6 "Temporary Insanity" (1993) Plotz is a frequent target for the Warners' antics while the Warners try to be his secretaries.
Plotz just snaps
Episode 6 "What are We?" (1993) Scratchy comes to regret asking the Warners what species they are after they sing an upbeat song, taking him on a zany ride throughout it.
Episode 7 "Piano Rag" (1993) While on the run from Ralph, Hello Nurse, and Dr. Scratchansniff, the Warners hide in a piano recital; the pianist Tympannini is rudely disrupted by their antics.
Heloise, Scratchy and Ralph close-in
Episode 8 "The Big Candy Store" (1993) Ferman Flaxseed becomes a target after not letting the Warners take free candy from his Candy Shop
Episode 9 "Wally Llama" (1993) Wally Llama is the Warners' target because he won't give a answer to their question.
Llama Llama Llama cover
Episode 9 "Where Rodents Dare" (1993) As the Warners mingle with world leaders, Wakko attempts to wipe his mouth with one of the leaders' headscarf, prompting the angry response of "That is not a napkin!"
That is NOT a napkin!
Episode 10 "King Yakko" (1993) Dictator Umlatt of Dunlikus is the Warners' target for waging war on Anvilania. Following his humiliating defeat, he becomes the Warners' court jester (his whole routine is setting up a punchline where he gets crushed by anvils).
Dictator Umlatt Pointing
Episode 11 "No Pain, No Painting" (1993) Pablo Picasso becomes a target of the Warners' antics while they serve as his models.
Warners and Picasso
Episode 12 "Garage Sale of the Century" (1993) The bad-tempered Pa Bear is a target because he won't sell his garage to the Warners. After his vengeful customers attack him and take their money back from his shoddy product sales, he eventually relents and sells the Warners his garage desperate for any money (even 28 cents...)
Warners and the Bear
Episode 13 "Hello Nice Warners" (1993) Mr. Director is the Warners' target after forcing them to be in his movie and bossing them around.
Episode 14 "La La Law" (1993) The judge is the Warners' main target because he makes Scratchansniff pay for his parking ticket. Additionally, Meter Maid Gery Bilchmoytner is badgered by the Warners for giving Scratchy the ticket in the first place. Yakko and Dot also bother and swoon for Susan Dey and Jimmy Smits during the LA Law intro parody sequence.
You think this is bad this-this chicanery!

"You kids are driving me CRAZY!"

Grace van Owen-Susan Dey3
Victor Sifuentes-Jimmy Smits2
Episode 15 "Space-Probed" (1993) Some aliens are a target because they want to perform surgery on the Warners.
Yoda Gold Robes
Yakko Plays Tag with Aliens
Alien with Dot
Episode 16 "Space-Probed" (1993) The Warners encounter Miss Flamiel, their new teacher at the WB School. As she finds herself the victim of the Warners antics and becomes stricter, the Warners subsequently begin to torment her.
Episode 17 "Roll Over Beethoven" (1993) Ludwig van Beethoven is a target of the Warners' antics while they help write his Fifth Symphony.
Warners and Beethoven
Episode 18 "Nothing But the Tooth" (1993) Rasputin becomes a target of the Warners' antics when they arrive as his dentist, intent on pulling out his bad tooth. Their badgering ends up doing some good as they remove his hypnotic dentures, freeing Czar Nicholas II from his influence.
Warners Torment Rasputin
Episode 19 "Meatballs or Consequences" (1993) Death itself is tormented by the Warners after trying to reap Wakko. They end up manipulating him to reap the trio entirely, almost dooming him to an eternity of dealing with them. He eventually relents and lets them live to he can stay away from them.
Episode 20 "Hearts of Twilight" (1993) Once again, the Warners target Mr. Director, as they were assigned to stop his over-budget film The Wretched Clown and free his crew. They also deal with Mr. Crazy Person, a member of Mr. Director's crew who went nuts and blindly follows him.
Dot and Mr
Episode 21 "Four Score and Seven Migraines Ago" (1993) Though well-meaning, the Warners initially annoy Abraham Lincoln somewhat but eventually end-up helping him write The Gettysburg Address.
Abe with Yakko and Dot
Episode 22 "Plane Pals" (1993) The rude and ill-tempered businessman Ivan Bloski finds himself in the Warners' crosshairs. They annoy him endlessly and try to make him their "special friend" (this being the first time in the series where the term is actually used). He refuses, so the siblings decide to torment him.
Ivan the Special Friend
Episode 25 "Hercule Yakko" (1993) The Hip Hippos -- Flavio and Marita enlist the Warners' help to find Marita's missing diamond. They, along with a ship porter, endure the Warners' over-the-top ways of investigating the case.
Hercule Yakko Squad
Episode 26 "Babblin' Bijou" (1993) The usher becomes a target after kicking the Warners out of the theater. The siblings also bother (and swoon for) the stars of the movie playing in the theatre.
Babblin Bijou Theatre Usher
Dot and silent film stars
Wakko and Mule
Episode 26 "Sir Yaksalot" (1993) The Warners annoy the cowardly and nervous King Arthur while coordinating a plan to slay a fearsome dragon. Later, the siblings fight the "dragon" and slay it, eventually it is revealed to be an animatronic operated by Pinky and the Brain.
Well too bad, you got us!
Irate Brain

Pinky and the Brain escaping their ruined dragon animatronic

Episode 27 "You Risk Your Life" (1993) In Yakko's titular game show, Aristotle is frequently clobbered with a mallet by Wakko whenever he utters the secret word -- "Yes"
Aristotle moments before disaster

Aristotle mere moments before disaster...

Episode 28 "Moby or Not Moby" (1993) The Warners torment the Captain Ahab, who won't let them stay on his ship. Their actions eventually help keep Moby Dick safe.
Episode 29 "Draculee, Draculaa" (1993) Dracula becomes an unwitting target after letting the Warners stay at his palace for a "bed-&-breakfast." Once he turns on them and tries to suck Dot's blood, the siblings waste no time in tormenting him.
Episode 30 "Hot, Bothered and Bedeviled" (1993) Satan himself becomes a target after trying to torture the lost Warner siblings, who flip the tables on him and end up bothering him to the point where Hades literally freezes over thanks to Yakko.
Episode 31 "O Silly Mio" (1993) Madame Bruntwind becomes a target when she destroys the Warners stained glass of Weed Memlo with her singing after being asked to politely stop.
Episode 32 "Chairman of the Bored" (1993) A rather unique example as although Pip fits the criteria of being a "special friend," it is he who annoys the siblings with his endless talking.
Episode 34 "Clown and Out" (1993) Under his "Mr. Clown" persona, Mr. Director is attacked by Wakko due to his fear of clowns.
Wakko Clown
Episode 35 "Baghdad Café" (1993) The evil Sodarn Hinsane becomes a target of Yakko, Wakko and...Slappy Squirrel after mistaking his compound as being a Café. Eventually, Slappy has enough of the segment and defeats him prematurely by putting dynamite down his pants, which sends him flying.
Yakko, Wakko and Slappy dinner with Sodarn
Episode 36 "The Three Muska-Warners" (1993) While defending King Henry III from "The Viper," the Warners playfully tease and mess with him.
Muska-Warners Mouseketeers reference
Episode 37 "Boot Camping" (1993) Drill Sgt. Sweete becomes a target of the Warners' antics while trying to keep them in-line at boot camp.
Episode 40 "Fair Game" (1993) Quiz Me Quick! host Ned Flat is tormented by the Warners as they disrupt his show and badger him with random questions. He eventually snaps, shouting at them to literally "DIE!". The segment ends with the Warners (possibly?) unwittingly let Ned "win" the game himself, he is forced to accapt a prize of a 6-month vacation stay to the Rock of Gibraltar. As he is escorted into the limo, he breaks down and shouts for the siblings to be sent instead.
Ned Flat vs Warners
Episode 41 "Broadcast Nuisance" (1993) A rather infamous example. After eating the sandwich they were supposed to deliver to the pompous Dan Anchorman, he refuses to tip them. In response, the siblings antagonize him and ruin his broadcast until he breaks down and makes a public apology to them. He is then taken away for a "nice long rest."
Dan Anchorman's report
Episode 42 "Animator's Alley" (1993) While not necessarily an "antagonist," the veteran Cappy bores the Warners with his stories of the days of old to the point of sleep. They eventually ditch him and put dolls of themselves in their place. He doesn't notice this and continues to ramble well into the evening.
Cappy bores the Warners
Episode 43 "Survey Ladies" (1993) The titular Survey Ladies bother the Warners to take their survey, in-turn the siblings bother and inconvenience them as well.
Episode 45 "Windsor Hassle" (1993) While helping refurbish her castle, the Queen of England is a target of the Warners antics.
Warners laugh at Queen
Episode 46 "Turkey Jerky" (1993) The Warners target Miles Standish, as he is hunting their pet turkey Mr. Gobble.
Episode 47 "Video Review" (1993) The Warners quarrel with a T-Rex from a Jurassic Park VHS cover.
Video Review Dinosaur
Episode 48 "Mobster Mash" (1993) The mob boss Don Pepperoni becomes a target after refusing to let the Warners eat at his restaurant booth. Likewise, his henchmen are also tormented by the siblings.
Episode 49 "A Christmas Plotz" (1993) As the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future; the Warners quarrel with Plotz showing him different stages of Christmas in attempt to make him reform.
Episode 50 "Toy Shop Terror" (1993) After the Warners sneak into a toy shop after hours, they must fend-off the security robot and later, are chased out by the store manager himself.
Robot Chases Warners
Warners and Toy Shop Owner
Episode 51 "The Warners and the Beanstalk" (1994) The Warners quarrel with a giant Ralph. They also help rescue Hello Nurse (a harp), of course she endures their over-the-top ways of rescuing her.
Ralph Giant
Warners and Hello Nurse Harp
Episode 52 "Ups and Downs" (1994) While trapped in an elevator, Dr. Scratchansniff must put-up with Wakko.
Episode 53 "Drive-Insane" (1994) Dr. Scratchansniff and his date Frau Hassenfeffer find themselves as the targets of the Warners' antics, though Frau eventually warms-up to the siblings.
Episode 55 "Gold Rush" (1994) The Warners fight with a prospector named Jake, who steals their gold.
Dot and Prospector Jake
Episode 56 "Schnitzelbank" (1994) Prof. Schnitzelpusskrankengescheitmeyer becomes a target of their antics while singing the titular song about friendship with them. The siblings get a little too into the song, playfully teasing him and then accidentally stripping him. In a fit of rage, he then kicks them into the sky.

The Prof. with the Warners. His jolly demeanor won't be lasting too long.

Episode 59 "Ragamuffins" (1994) A Bakery Boss refuses to feed the Warners and throws them out when they try to take food. Later, they try to work at his factory to eat but he keeps stopping them. When he cuts their lunchtime short and mockingly eats the Warners' treat, he faces some dire consequences.
Annoying Bakery Boss
Episode 60 "Karaoke-Dokie" (1994) When actor Willie Slackmer's karaoke gig is taking too long, the siblings decide to speed his performance up and hijack it, bothering him in the process.
Oh my darling clementine
Episode 61 "Baloney and Kids" (1994) The creepy but dim-witted Baloney the Dinosaur becomes the Warners' target after being overly-affectionate and bothersome to them, tricking him to get crushed by anvils during "The Anvil Song."
Episode 64 "Baloney and Kids" (1994) Another twist on the formula where Elmyra Duff smothers the siblings in an inordinate amount of affection, almost always coming back despite their attempts to escape her. They end up using Mindy to lure Elmyra away.
Episode 65 "The Warners' 65th Anniversary Special" (1994) In this episode, it is revealed that the Warners' former co-star Buddy was their first target, having to constantly suffer under their antics in their various cartoons. Their creator Lon Borax also went nuts upon creating them. Other victims throughout their history include their director Weed Memlo, Ronald Reagan, James Cagney, Porky Pig, Yosemite Sam (who is oddly flattered), and many more people both within and beyond the WB Studio Lot. Dot also insults host Bob Hope near the end of the show.
Buddy's song cover
Weed Memlo Recounts Warners
Borax Loses It
Showgirl and Warners
The Gipper Recounts Warners
Porky Remembers
Yosemite Remembers
The Jimmy Cagney Incident
Sullen Bob Hope

Season 2[]

Episode Number Segment Description Image
Episode 66 "Take My Siblings Please" (1994) A hungry troll who schemes to eat the siblings finds himself at their mercy.
Wakko and the Troll
Episode 66 "Morning Malaise" (1994) Egomaniac radio host Howie Tern becomes a target for the Warners after he challenges Yakko during a call. Yakko's talk eventually causes Howie Turn to explode after losing several name-calling comebacks.
Smug Howie
Episode 69 "I'm Mad" (1994) Doctor Scratchansniff struggles to keep the siblings behaving while taking them on a surprise trip to the circus.
Episode 69 "Fake" (1994) Poor Scratchy suffers for the Warners' cries of the wrestling match being fake as he is pummeled by the wrestlers.

Season 3[]

Episode Number Segment Description Image
Episode 70 "Super Strong Warner Siblings" (1995) Although they don't meet her directly, the Warners deal with Reeva, an alien warrior leader that sends alien warriors and monsters to attack the Warner Bros. Studio Lot. Using the Water Tower to fight the giant bug at the end, they defeat the giant cockroach by crushing it.
Reeva and Warriors
The Giant Bug
Episode 71 "Three Tenors and You're Out" (1995) A conductor is briefly accosted by the Warners in silhouette ala Fantasia.
Conductor Yakko
Conductor Wakko
Conductor Dot
Episode 71 "Bingo" (1995) Doctor Scratchansniff struggles with Wakko as he attempts to hold a Bingo game, where Wakko is the sole participant.
Episode 72 "Deduces Wild" (1995) The Warners pester Sherlock Holmes until he agrees to give-in and help them with their scavenger hunt. Watson also has to deal with them, eventually being taken away by the siblings at the end as he is the final item on their scavenger hunt list -- a fat chubby sidekick with a curly moustache.
Episode 73 "A Hard Day's Warners" (1995) An annoying reporter who accosts the siblings for prioritizing zany slapstick gags over a lack of "kinder and gentler" content in their "nasty cartoons" falls victims to the their wrath.
Wakko and Annoying Reporter
Episode 73 "Please Please Please Get a Life Foundation" (1995) The Warners rehabilitate obsessive fans of their show with painful cartoon slapstick. They even bring in Baloney to "help."
Episode 74 "The Kid in the Lid" (1995) Two kids, Scooter and Mary, find themselves at the mercy of Yakko -- "The Kid in the Lid" and his siblings as they attempt to make their day more "fun." Their pet woodchuck, Baynarts Charlton is also tormented by Yakko.
The Kid in the Lid's Debut
Poor, Poor Charlton
Episode 76 "Gimme the Works" (1995) The Warners try to target an angry hot dog vendor, even directly branding him a "special friend," but they're just not into it today so they abruptly leave the cartoon. The hot dog vendor is left there, stunned, and the cartoon is scrapped.
Confused Hot Dog Vendor
Episode 76 "Hercules Unwound" (1995) Hercules is supposed to endure the Warners' antics today as they're assigned to "help" him with chores, but they are once again not feeling it so they leave the cartoon. Hercules is forced to continue his chores alone.
Whiny Hercules
Episode 77 "This Pun for Hire" (1995) Hello Nurse enlists the help of the Warners to find Scratchy and a statue. It goes about as well as you'd expect. Ralph also has an awkward encounter with the siblings as he flubs his lines.
Another date with me!
Yakko interrogates Ralph
I gotta tell you that is the worst Peter Lorre I've ever heard!
Episode 77 "Star Truck" (1995) The crew of the Warners' favorite show, Star Truck (a parody of Star Trek), endure the siblings antics as they geek-out and play around on their ship. They also help defeat the evil Korn (a parody of Khan Noonien Singh).
Kirk and Warners
Wrath of Korn
Episode 78 "The Sound of Warners" (1995) In another twist of the trope, the Warners are forced to endure an overbearing and crazy nanny, Prunella Flundergust. It is here that Yakko brings up their strict moral code of not antagonizing someone unless the person in-question is mean to them (this is exhibited when an angry father snaps at Wakko for eating his popcorn, leading to Wakko retaliating with a mallet). They try to antagonize her with their usual antics, but it doesn't work as she revels in them. The siblings are forced to bring in Slappy Squirrel to finish her off, as she is not bound by their moral code.

The beginning of the segment also features Scratchy, Ralph, and Hello Nurse revealing their terrifying experiences with the Warners' antics through a song (that the siblings hijack) - "What Do You Do With Children Like Us Warners?"

Episode 80 "Dot's Entertainment" (1996) Andy Lloud Webby becomes the victim of the Warners' antics as they attempt to "help" him with his musical.
Episode 80 "The Girl with the Googily Goop" (1996) The siblings quarrel with the Big Bad Wolf, as he pesters Googi Goop. He is also disguised as Will Hays of the Motion Picture Production Code.

The Big Bad Wolf disguised as Will Hays.

The Wolf Unleashed
Episode 81 "Our Final Space Cartoon, We Promise" (1996) A rogue AI named Al attempts to kill the Warner siblings after they bother him and disobey his orders. When he is defeated, he is exposed as Al Gore.
Episode 81 "Valuable Lesson" (1996) The Warners not only battle the fearsome Attila the Hun who tries to destroy them, but also meddling WB Network censors who try to sanitize their show.
Attila is mad
The Network Censors

Season 4[]

Episode Number Segment Description Image
Episode 84 "Cutie and the Beast" (1996) Taz, starring as the Beast, falls victim to the Warners' antics, primarily instigated by Dot (starring in Belle's role) having feelings for him.
Warners with Taz
Episode 85 "Jokahontas" (1996) John Smith and his crew fall victim to the siblings. Like Beast before him, the antics are primarily instigated by "Pocadotas" having feelings for him.
John Smith and his company
Episode 86 "A Very Very Very Very Special Show" (1996) Dot goes to target some sleazy men for hitting on Hello Nurse, but Yakko stops her while preaching about using peaceful ways to solve conflicts. After failing to win a humanitarian animation award however, Yakko borrows Dot's mallet and attacks one of the men anyway.
Dot attacking the sleazy men
Episode 87 "From Burbank with Love" (1996) Special Agent 007 Municipal Bond and his crew endure the antics of the Warner siblings when they are sent to aid in a mission. The three end up helping to detain the evil Roy Blowfinger and Lionel Tempjob.
Munincipal Bond and P
Blowfinger and Lionel Tempjob
Episode 87 "Anchors A-Warners" (1996) Doctor Scratchansniff once again suffers from the Warners' antics as they ruin his cruise vacation.
Scratchy's vacation ruined
Episode 88 "Papers for Papa" (1996) Ernest Hemingway endures the siblings antics as they deliver office supplies and to get him to sign their receipt despite his writer's block preventing him from writing down anything.
Ernest and Warners

Season 5[]

Episode Number Segment Description Image
Episode 91 "Back in Style" (1997) Various cartoon stars fall victim to the Warners' antics during their loan-out days including Calhoun Capybara, Uhuru and his crew, Thunderdog, and Obese Orson and his crew. Most notably with Thunderdog, the siblings aid his villain Simon Sam Simmon in defeating the canine avenger, leading to the (presumed) demise of his beloved Sweet Polly Dognose as she is eaten by Simmon's shark.
Calhoun looking confident
Uhuru and crew
The Tragedy of Sweet Polly Dognose
Our Vast Video Wasteland
Episode 91 "Bones in the Body" (1997) During the titular song, Mr. Skullhead is stripped, dismembered, and re-assembled by the Warners as they show off the different bones in his body.
Warners and Skullhead

Yakko, Wakko and Dot dismember Mr. Skullhead.

Episode 93 "Cute First (Ask Questions Later)" (1997) A more malevolent Snow White tries to capture Dot, but she is quickly defeated by Dot and her brothers. Additionally, Mr. Crazy Person returns to quarrel with the siblings.
A Fabulously Cheap Snow White
Episode 93 "Acquaintances" (1997) The siblings decide to stay at an apartment in NYC owned by some... acquaintances... of Yakko, and they inevitably clash with them. After being kicked out of the acquaintances' apartment, the Warners go bother the cast of Seinfeld.
Episode 94 "Magic Time" (1998) The tyrannical and diva- Schnitzel and Floyd (a parody of Siegfried & Roy) call the Warners up as volunteers for their magic show, and quickly come to regret it as they are annoyed and terrorized by the siblings. For their "grand finale", the Warners help the duo's Lion and Elephant turn against their abusive owners.
Warners meet magicians
Episodes 95 and 96 Hooray for North Hollywood (1998) Throughout the two-parter, Mr. Plotz once again clashes with the siblings as they attempt to pitch him their movie. The siblings also seem eager to expose Chicken Boo's disguise as Plotz' lawyer, and engage in a chase with Ralph.
On our way to go see mr plotz two cover
Episode 97 "The Carpool" (1998) The Warners share a carpool with Phil, Jan, and Ed; who must endure their antics. The Warners' commotion results in Ed's (brief) arrest, eventual late arrival to work, and a nervous breakdown as the Warners take their car and declare the ride home is their turn to drive.
Frazzled Carpool commuters
Episode 99 "The Scoring Session" (1998) Composer Neivel Nosenest struggles to conduct a cartoon score, Lights, Camera Traction as he struggles to deal with the Warners. Throughout the session, the siblings even try to "help" him, leading to pandemonium.
Neivel Nosenest

Wakko's Wish (1999)[]

Character Description Image
King Salazar The tyrannical king of Warnerstock, who taxes the town to no end and is implied to have had the Warners' parents killed; targets the Warners during the race to the Wishing Star. Salazar is even directly branded by Yakko as a "special friend."
Salazar meets Warners
Baron Von Plotz and Ralph Much like in the original series, Plotz and Ralph quarrel with the siblings, though this time they are doing it to follow the king's orders.
Baron Von Plotz and Ralph
Mr. Crazy Person - Captain of the Guard Mr. Crazy Person is once again tasked with guarding the imprisoned Warners and unsurprisingly, falls victim to their tricks.
Mr Crazy Person Wakko's Wish
Mr. Director and Baloney The two foes return during "The Cave of Your Worst Nightmares" and scare the siblings.
Oh Lady Wakkos Wish
Baloney Wakko's Wish

Animaniacs (Reboot)[]

Note that despite the presence of Warner foils that generally fit the criteria of a "special friend," the term isn't actually used in the series itself (unlike the original series and Wakko's Wish).

Season 1[]

Episode Number Segment Description Image
Episode 1 "Jurassic Lark" (2020) The Warners playfully bother the Jurassic Park cast when they are discovered in the wilderness.
Warners and Jurassic Park crew
Episode 1 "Suspended Animation Part One" (2020) Ralph is once again the subject of the siblings' antics, and Nora Rita Norita endures them for the first time.
Reunion with Ralph
Dot meets Nora
Episode 2 "Warners Unbound" (2020) The Warners target Odysseus and his crew after he splashes them and ruins their getaway. However, they have to resort to different methods as Odysseus actually likes their torment (enjoying Hades as if it were a competition show ala American Ninja Warrior. They eventually succeed by standing him on an island with a Trump-esque cyclops.
Odysseus and his crew
Episode 3 "Gold Meddlers" (2020) Nils Niedhart, a pompous athlete obsessed with winning medals, comes into conflict with the siblings after throwing them out of the stadium. Unlike most other 'special friends', however, they actually take pity on him after he breaks down in defeat, and briefly wonder if they took their routine too far.
Episode 3 Reboot
Episode 4 "Bun Control" (2020) The Warners come into conflict with "bun salesman" Dwayne LaPistol after his bunnies take-over the lot. Eventually, the bunnies end up destroying the water tower, leading to an anime-style showdown between the Warners and Dwayne wit his bunnies. Dwayne defeats them at first, but Wakko calls on some dingoes to sort out the mess, resulting in Dwayne being bagged and put in a truck.
The Bunny Man
Episode 5 "Good Warner Hunting" (2020) A vengeful Chicken Boo hunts down the siblings (and the rest of the cast) after not being brought back to the show, posing as hunter "Dr. Walter Grubb." The siblings eventually expose him and after he tries to flee, he is attacked by the now-freed cast.
Slappy and Skippy mounted

Chicken Boo as "Dr. Walter Grubb."

Chicken Boo Returns


Episode 5 "Ralph Cam" (2020) As Ralph sleeps at his station, the siblings battle Count Dracula.
Dracula Ralph Cam chase
Episode 7 "Warner She Wrote" (2020) On a train, the Warners help expose a dog-napper, who is none other than the conductor Margaret. During the investigation, they also occasionally quarrel with the other passengers.
Conductor Margaret
Episode 7 "France France Revolution" (2020) The Warners target Marie Antoinette while infiltrating her palace for food, posing as her servants. They annoy her of course, and after being exposed they are thrown out and scheduled for execution. Before it can happen, the siblings turn the kingdom against her and inspire a rebellion, costing Marie her life.
Warners and Marie
Episode 7 "Gift Rapper" (2020) Jay-Pac Le East is targeted (particularly by Yakko) for dissing William Shakespeare, which culminates in a rap battle. However, unlike other antagonists, Jay-Pac is gracious in defeat and forms a truce with them.
Jay-Pac grins
Episode 9 "Here Comes Treble" (2020) An arrogant conductor forces the Warners to repeat their cartoon during a scoring session, and forcefully silences them. The siblings then rebel with multiples of themselves, hijack the session, and upstage the conductor in a humiliating defeat for him.
Treble Conductor
Episode 9 "That's Not the Issue" (2020) The irritable anchor Tuck Buckerson endures the Warners' antics while they argue about the issues of the modern world.
Tuck talking to Warners
Episode 10 "Anima-Nyet" (2020) The Warners quarrel with the stars and director of the titular bootleg of their show.
Yakkov, Wakkov, and Dotski
Warners vs Sergei
Episode 11 "Phantomaniacs" (2020) Ghostly versions of the Warners haunt a family ala Poltergeist.
Warner Jumpscare
Episode 11 "Fear and Laughter in Burbank" (2020) The Warners take on a Pennywise spoof named Nickelwise, who attempts to scare them. However, his plans fail as the siblings enjoy him and his plans (note that Nickelwise is the only clown that Wakko isn't scared of as he's "a cutie"). The only sibling he manages to scare successfully is Yakko, who attempts to make Nickelwise laugh but fails, causing him to have a panic attack and almost allowing Nickelwise to eat his soul before his siblings rescue him. The siblings then scare Nickelwise himself, causing him to retreat back into his sewer home.
The Warners and Nickelwise
Episode 12 "A Zit!" (2020) Dot initially clashes with a sentient Zit, but ends up bonding with him.
Principal Lewis Zit
Episode 12 "Manny Manspreader" (2020) When a guy named Manny takes their seat at a movie theater, the siblings try to force him out. While he is oblivious to their efforts and remains seated, they end up pitting the entire theater against each other so they can obtain a seat. Unfortunately, they run into him again on a bus after the movie ends. Manny is notably one of the few foils to come out unscathed and just unintentionally(?) antagonize the siblings.
Episode 13 "Hindenburg Cola" (2020) Once again, Nils Neidhart comes into conflict with the siblings, this time over who gets the last can of the titular soda. Doctor Scratchansniff also returns to endure their antics, this time appearing sickly and motivating them to get the can. When they return however, he reveals that his sickness was all a ruse to prank the Warners with a shaken can of soda. This time, he hurts himself when drinking the soda to celebrate as his head turns into a blimp (the Hindenburg of course), and crashes outside.
Scratchy with soda

Season 2[]

Episode Number Segment Description Image
Episode 14 "Rome Sweet Rome" (2021) A Trump-like Emperor Nero targets the siblings and eventually gets into a gladiator match with them, suffering a humiliating defeat in return. Nervant's servants are also menaced by the siblings, including John Cena.
John Cena Screenshot
Episode 15 "Please Submit" (2021) The Warners battle an evil personification of Internet Spam, who notably defeats them. Though, this is all revealed to be part of a PSA against internet malware (and a promo for their own sketchy website).
Evil Spam
Episode 16 "Rug of War" (2021) The Warners fend-off rival auctioneers so they can win the contents of a storage garage for themselves.
Warners at Auction
Episode 16 "The Hamburg Tickler" (2021) As usual, the Warners inconvenience Scratchy by spending his own money on an inordinate amount of items and lie to him. In an attempt to keep them in-line through fear, Scratchy tells the Warners the tale of "The Hamburg Tickler" who handles liars and thieves. Though this works, Scratchy and Nora are later terrorized by the Tickler himself.
Scratchy confronts Warners
Episode 17 "My Super Sour Sixteen" (2021) Nora enlists the siblings help to manage her bratty daughter Cora's Sweet 16. When things go awry, Cora takes her wrath out on everyone, leading to her and Dot to get into an argument. They eventually make peace with each other.
Cora vs Warners
Episode 18 "The Warners Are Present" (2021) At an art museum, the Warners try to make Athena Oddstankovic crack from her statue-like place as a display by bombarding her with all kinds of random questions. When Athena cracks, she agrees to hang-out with the siblings. Later, she dines with them and other artists the siblings had bested. Diego Rivera then appears to call-out the siblings, they respond by accosting him under their "even more annoying" form - Banksy.
Athena Present
Artists in Diner
Warners, Diego and Frida
Episode 20 "Yakko Amakko" (2021) Yakko quarrels with an animator, who distorts his environment and pulls pranks on him ala Duck Amuck. The two later make peace and go to prank some foils of Yakko: Scratchy, Nora, and Nils Neidhart.
The Animator and Yakko Warner
Episode 20 "Magna Cartoon" (2021) King John contends with the antics of the Warners, who sing a song about the Magna Carta to him.
Warners and King John
Episode 21 "Wakkiver Twist" parts one and two (2021) The siblings come into conflict with orphanage owners Mr. and Mrs. Brainable, as well as the scheming Faginsniff who exploits them in his schemes. They eventually expose him in court.
The Brainables
Episode 22 "What Is That?" (2021) The Warners end up annoying the narrator of their own segment with odd questions, and straying from the segment. After scaring off the narrator in an alien disguise, the Warners themselves get scared off by an actual alien.
Warners smiling at announcer
What is That Alien
Episode 22 "Christopher Columbusted" (2021) The arrogant Christopher Columbus becomes a target for the siblings during his voyage as they point out the flaws and inconsistencies in himself and his voyage.
Columbus reboot
Episode 23 "Exercise Minute" (2021) The Warners over-work May the Mayfly in her very short lifespan with their exercise break, eventually culminating in her demise before the exercise break ends.
Mayfly widescreen
Episode 24 "A Brief History of History" (2021) Two aliens, Chip and Two-horns, crash into the tower and demand for Yakko to give them a musical summary of history. When he finishes, the aliens ominously allude to killing the Warners in a future invasion.
Aliens visit the Warners
Episode 25 "Warner's Ark" (2021) Yakko and Dot work tirelessly to protect an unidentified purple egg from the ark's hungry patrons, while Wakko works to protect the egg so he can eat it himself. When the ship sinks and the Warners are left on an island, the egg hatches and is revealed to be an infant Chicken Boo.
Episode 26 "80's Cats" (2021) Thundercats-esque Warners battle a mechanized Ralph.
80s Ralph
Episode 26 "All About the Benjamin" (2021) While serving as apprentices to Benjamin Franklin, their ideas are frequently stolen by him. Subsequently, the torment him out of revenge.
Ben Franklin with Warners
Episode 26 "23 and WB" (2021) Under the belief that they are a part of the Norita family, the siblings smother Nora with affection and attend her family reunion. They then battle other Norita family members to become the heirs to Flora Dora Norita. Eventually, it turns out they aren't related to her, rather Ralph is, so they return to their usual lives as Ralph takes over the studio.
Warners and Nora

Season 3[]

Episode Number Segment Description Image
Episode 27 "Season 3 and WB" parts one and two (2023) When Nora takes a job as the new security guard, she works tirelessly to capture the siblings. They attempt to outsmart her but struggle. They eventually come to a truce while scheming to out Ralph as the chairman.
Episode 27 Reboot
Episode 28 "Soda-pressed" (2023) The siblings (particularly Dot) come into conflict with contemporary tween star GiGi Soda, for stealing Dot's look and for winning a Tween Twophy they believe belongs to Dot. Their attempt to steal it, however, leads them to see the sad true nature of her work-filled life. They try to teach her to have fun and be a kid rather than over-working herself. Though they seem to get along, GiGi snaps at them when learning they tried to steal her award, and scares them off.
Be a Kid cover
Episode 29 "Planet Warner" (2023) Ralph's pursuit of the Warners is a prominent focus throughout the cartoon, he once again falls victim to their mischievous antics.
Episode 29 Reboot
Episode 29 "D.I.WHY?" (2023) The Warners inconvenience and inadvertently injure several people during their song. At the end of the cartoon, they re-appear to confront them.
Disgruntled People
Episode 30 "Fantasy" (2023) The Warners turn against their ruthless wizard master Brain. Once he and his assistant Pinky flee, the Warners lament their only remaining worry - the All-Seeing Eye, the viewers, meaning you are the special friend for once. They stare you down as the segment ends.
Wizard Brain
Our New Special Friend..
Episode 30 "Ãœber Nachtmare" (2023) Scratchy's carpool is ruined by the Warners, as he is caught in the crossfire of their antics which delay the ride. The cartoon ends with him breaking down and bouncing around in an effort to find a mental health clinic.
Scratchy in the Uber
Episode 31 "Teeniacs" (2023) During a parody of teen-drama shows, Dot confronts Principal Nora about her evil plot to turn everyone into vampires during the big game. They then get into a confusing exchange of reveals -- including Nora being Dot's mother, Dot knowing this and finding out she faked her death, as well as the fact Dot is wearing a wire.
Dot vs Nora
Episode 32 "Animaliens" (2023) Nora, Scratchy and Ralph attempt to hide from some hangry Warners, who are seemingly in-pursuit of them.
Scratchy, Nora and Ralph hiding
Episode 32 "The Island of Dr. Warneau" (2023) Scratchy's evil twin-brother Jürgen tries to kill the Warners for taking his brother away, as Otto had become too distracted dealing with the siblings to spend time with him. However, they manage to defeat him by inspiring Jürgen's various creatures to rebel against him.
Jürgen Scratchansniff
Episode 33 "Global Warnering" (2023) The siblings contend with Josh Polar, a sleazy polar bear salesman who tries to convince them to buy his properties while taking advantage of global warming. He briefly threatens to eat the siblings if they don't agree to hear his song. Their attempts to convince him of the ills of exploiting an environmental crisis falter, and they lament being "too nice" on him. So, they resort to "Plan B," and cast him adrift to sea, where he gets eaten by a whale.
Episode 34 "WARnerGAMES" 1 and 2 (2023) When they are transported inside the Brawl 'n' Bash Siblings video game, the Warners are confronted by the siblings for playing the game too much and making them suffer. The Warners also battle evil golden clones of themselves, eventually coming to peace with the game's cast who helps them defeat them. Additionally, the siblings have to contend with Ralph's poor control of them in-game, and eventually turn the tables on him and get him beat up in-game.
Brawl n Bash cast
Golden Warners Challenger Approaching
Episode 35 "Santamaniacs" (2023) The Warners venture to the North Pole in an attempt to convince Santa Claus to continue his Christmas journey through a song, "We Could Try to Do It, Santa" They go into excessive detail about how nobody else, especially them, could fulfill his duties. After enduring their antics an song, Santa relents and agrees to resume his holiday deliveries.
Santa and Warners
Episode 36 "Aliens Resurrected" (2023) Chip and Two-horns return to invade the Earth and quarrel to the siblings, leading to them to sing "Some of Humanity's Wins" to convince them that there is still good left on the planet and that it shouldn't be endangered.
Chip and Two-Horns
Episode 36 "The Stickening" (2023) Mr. Director returns as Mr. Clown, and is promptly attacked by Wakko once again.


Animaniacs (1993-1998)
Series Overview • Episode Guide (Compilation Episodes) • Christmas Eve with Yakko, Wakko & Dot Marathon • Hooray for North Hollywood • Animaniac Attack! Marathon • The Ultimate Animaniacs Super Special • Series Bible • Songs • Albums • Characters • Segments • Video Games • Books • DC Comic Series • Home Media Releases • Gallery • Brain's Plans
Pinky and the Brain (1995-1998)
Series Overview • Episode Guide (Compilation Episodes) • Brainwashed • The Ultimate Animaniacs Super Special • Wendy's Campaign • Songs • Albums • Characters • Video Games • DC Comic Series • Home Media Releases • Gallery • Brain's Plans
Pinky, Elmyra and the Brain (1998-1999)
Series Overview • Episode Guide • Songs • Characters • Home Media Releases • Gallery • Brain's Plans
Wakko's Wish (1999)
Movie Overview • Songs • Characters • Gallery • Brain's Plans
Animaniacs (2020-2023)
Series Overview • Episode Guide (The Brain Teaches World Domination mini-series) • Twitter Watch Parties • Friends With Animaniacs • Songs • Albums • Characters • Segments • Home Media Releases • Gallery • Brain's Plans
Running Gags
Oft-spoken phrases ("Hello Nurse" • "The Same Thing We Do Every Night" • "Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?") • Fourth Wall • Hidden Innuendos • Special Friend • List of References to Disney • Rimshot puns • Dot's Pet • Fictitious Media
Brain Snacks (1998) • The Big Cartoonie Show (1999-2000) (Episode Guide) • Animaniacs Live! • MultiVersus (2024) • Scrapped/Unreleased Projects and Concepts • Deleted Scenes • Commercials • Merchandise • Video Games • Events • Promotional Songs • Miscellaneous Songs • List of references to Animaniacs in popular culture