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What happened today. I chronicle everything. (…) I try to think of it more like a history book. "Those who do not learn from the past" and all that.
―Aasim to Clementine about his book.[src]

Aasim is a survivor of the outbreak in The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series. He is a hunter for Ericson's Boarding School. Aasim is arguably the most level-headed and pragmatic of the kids living at the school, acting as a voice of logic and reason compared to his more emotional companions.


Aasim is a sensible, practical, and earnest young man. Though he has moments of coldness, he is generally friendly and wants the best for the group. Compared to the rest of kids, Aasim is more level-headed, able to assess a situation and think rationally. He is one of only three people in favor of letting Clementine and AJ stay after AJ kills Marlon. Of the three, Aasim is the one who does it for practical reasons rather than simply liking the pair: Aasim recognizes Clementine and AJ's survival abilities and that the group is stronger with them than without them. He's quite irritable, and has a low tolerance for the poor behavior of some of his companions. He is shown to be at odds with Marlon's leadership, was annoyed at Louis' goofing off, and called out Mitch's hypocrisy (Determinant). Despite this, he generally gets along with most of the kids.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Aasim's life prior to or as the outbreak began, except that he was born in either 1992 or 1993 and was sent to Ericson's Boarding School for starting fires. When Aasim was ready to be released from the school, the apocalypse started.


The Final Season[]

"Done Running"[]

When spoken to while helping AJ make friends, he will be writing in a book. When Clementine asks him about it, he explains that he is documenting what happened to them earlier. AJ takes the book and reads what he wrote out loud, to which Aasim snaps at him. Clementine can tell AJ to give the book back or tell Aasim to let him continue reading.

If Clementine decides to go hunting with Louis and Aasim:
If Clementine chooses to hunt with him and Louis, they will find a walker snared in one of their traps. When Louis jokes about the walker being like "a walker piñata" and pushes it with his bat, Aasim will express his annoyance and leave to hunt. Clementine can choose to hunt with him or stay with Louis; if she hunts with Aasim, he will be grateful. When they regroup with Louis and AJ, they find a young rabbit in one of their snares; if Clementine lets the rabbit go, he will appreciate it.

If Clementine decides to go fishing with Violet and Brody:
If Clementine goes to fish with Violet and Brody, Aasim and Louis will appear after they discover that their traps were sabotaged, Aasim agrees that they should head back to camp.

After Marlon kills Brody, he is seen in the courtyard. After Clementine sways either Louis or Violet to her side, he confronts Marlon as well. He is shocked and horrified when AJ shoots Marlon.

"Suffer The Children"[]

Aasim, while shocked kept silent about Marlon's death, where although he is shocked by the fact, he mostly remains silent. He mourned the deaths of Brody and Marlon that morning, expressing bitter resentment toward Marlon and says that Mitch is a hypocrite for defending him. Aasim then took part in the vote to keep AJ and Clementine.

Two weeks later, Aasim argued with Willy about which kind of traps they should use to stop the raiders when they attack. Aasim suggests the idea of filling duffle bags with bricks and dropping them on the attackers, while Willy wants to use a log trap similar to the ones the group uses to kill walkers outside the gate. The argument escalates until Aasim calls Willy "childish" and is in return punched in the stomach by the boy.

Aasim then joins Clementine, Alvin Jr., Louis, Violet, and Tenn for a game of truth or dare, in which Louis teases him about his crush on Ruby. Aasim is listed by Violet to Clementine in a "Fuck-Marry-Kill" scenario, alongside Ruby and James. After that, Clementine dares him to either ask Ruby for a kiss or make out with one of the walker heads the group placed on pikes in the courtyard. If she dares him to ask Ruby for a kiss, Ruby will slap him across the face for doing so. If he kisses the walker head, he reacts in disgust. (Determinant)

Aasim later asks Tennessee about one thing he always feared he get made fun of for thinking, to which the boy replies that he believes that one day, the walkers would disappear. That question ends the game, and Aasim returns his activities, after apologizing to Willy for arguing with him and seeks the boy's help in setting up the trap if the group went with Aasim's idea instead of Willy's.

During the raider attack, Aasim makes it inside the admin building alongside Clementine, but is ultimately captured by members from the Delta alongside Omar and Louis or Violet (Determinant).

"Broken Toys"[]

Aasim is seen sharing a cell with Omar when Clementine infiltrates the ship. After Clementine wakes up, she finds herself in a cell with either Louis or Violet, based off who the player didn't save from abduction. If Clementine saved Violet, she will comfort Louis in her cell, but is warned by Aasim that Lilly had his tongue cut out for constantly talking. After Clementine escapes her cell, she frees opens the cells, releasing Louis/Violet, Omar, and Aasim. If Louis was captured in the previous episode, Aasim will help carry him alongside Omar, telling Clementine that he better see her on land before leaving.

"Take Us Back"[]

After Clementine and AJ get off the Delta's sinking ship, he is seen with Omar hiding behind cover. After Clementine notices that Willy and Ruby are preparing a cart to get everyone back to the school, he calls out to them. After Clementine kills a few walkers, he helps Omar and carries him into the cart with the others, sitting him down inside of it. Him and everyone else excluding Clementine and AJ head back to the school after the Delta's soldiers are killed. Later after AJ gets done fishing and heads back to the school, he is seen talking to Ruby and they both hold hands and walk back into the school. He is seen among the others at the table eating.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Aasim has killed:


For a more in-depth look all Aasim's relationships, read here; Aasim (Telltale)/Relationships




The following is a list of some of Aasim's most memorable quotes.

The Final Season

"Piece of shit. I hate this cleanup bullshit. What the fu--? AHH! (…) That walker came out of nowhere.
- Aasim being saved by Clementine from a walker, "Done Running"

"How do you think it went? (…) The safe zone's nearly dry--I could barely find enough for tonight. We're gonna have to scout out further if we want food for the winter. (…) Bullshit, we should talk about this right now--"
- Aasim arguing with Marlon about the safe zone, "Done Running"

"What happened today. I chronicle everything. (…) I try to think of it more like a history book. "Those who do not learn from the past" and all that."
- Aasim to Clementine about his book, "Done Running"

"Hey! Zip it! That is not yours to read, kid. Give it back. (…) So? (…) Thank you. This thing is the only place I get any real privacy around here. Gotta preserve what I can, you know? I gotta finish this before dinner. Not to be, like, rude, but, you know...bye."
- Aasim to Clementine about the safe zone (Determinant), "Done Running"

"We've got work to do. Not all of us have the privilege of being Marlon's lapdog. (…) You act like you're the only one with a strategy. I play the long game. You've gotta have plans B, C, and D."
- Aasim annoyed with Louis (Determinant), "Done Running"

"Thanks for taking this shit seriously/For a second there, I was worried you were gonna encourage him. I'll never understand that idiot."
- Aasim thanking Clementine for helping him hunt (Determinant), "Done Running"

"It's not enough. Release it, let it get bigger. (…) So am I, but we'll be even hungrier tomorrow if we don't let him go. (…) You'll thank me in a few months."
- Aasim wanting to let a baby rabbit go to get bigger (Determinant), "Done Running"

"Thanks to Clem, we got more than I expected. Not enough for everyone, but enough to smile about."
- Aasim if Clementine gets a two rabbits (Determinant), "Done Running"

"I didn't realize we were so fucking expendable!"
- Aasim to Marlon after he exposes himself, "Suffer The Children"

"Wait, we should talk this out. (…) Are you serious? It's bullshit."
- Aasim acting as a voice of reason as the group argues on what to do with Clementine and AJ, "Suffer The Children"

"Like you stopped Marlon from killing Brody? FUCKING HYPOCRITE."
- Aasim to Mitch about Marlon killing Brody, "Suffer The Children"

"Oh, I'm being stupid? You're the one who can't think straight. If you could hear yourself--. (…) Stay out of this. I have an idea for duffel bags filled with bricks. We drop them on the raiders, if they get to the admin building. Willy here wants to use a giant, idiotic swinging log to take out one raider at most. It's completely stupid. (…) You're being childish. (…) So help! And stop arguing!"
- Aasim arguing with Willy, "Suffer The Children"

"Sure, damage to, like, one person. If it manages to hit anyone at all. I don't know why I'm surprised, though. You know, I can't remember the last time Willy did anything useful for this school. You could barely handle guard duty."
- Aasim calling Willy useless, "Suffer The Children"

"No, it isn't. It's exactly the kind of thing a child would think up. Especially a child who has no idea what he's up against."
- Aasim to Willy about his log trap idea (Determinant), "Suffer The Children"

"Dude, fuck off. (…) You get more annoying everyday."
- Aasim to Louis, "Suffer The Children"

"I, uh, you're nice enough, Clementine, but I don't think..."
- Aasim after the group speculates Clementine has a crush on him (Determinant), "Suffer The Children"

"You, uh, need any help with that log? (…) Let's go build the deadliest log ever conceived by man. (…) It's okay. It was a pretty good punch."
- Aasim after the group speculates Clementine has a crush on him (Determinant), "Suffer The Children"

"They're in for a rude fuckin' surprise. Those duffel bags will break bones, easy."
- Aasim about his duffle bag trap (Determinant), "Suffer The Children"

"No! No, no. Don't. They, uh... they cut out his tongue. He just, uh... he kept fucking talking."
- Aasim about Louis getting his tongue cut out, "Broken Toys"

"Lilly... She scares the shit out of me, Clem. Earlier, she came down to "talk". Fuck. I don't think I've ever been that afraid. She's not messing around."
- Aasim to Clementine from his cell if Louis was saved, "Broken Toys"

"I can't talk. If Lilly... She told us not to talk."
- Aasim to Clementine from his cell if Violet was saved, "Broken Toys"

"Shit! Clem, do something!"
- Aasim to Clementine, also his last line, "Take Us Back"


Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6
Season One
Season Two
A New Frontier
The Final Season
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream


  • Kent Mudle confirmed Aasim was originally meant to be bisexual, however this was later scrapped. [4]
  • According to Kent Mudle, Aasim's name and design was based on Telltale employee Aasim Zubair, who was the lead environment artist & art director for Season 4.[5]
  • Mary Kenney confirmed that Aasim was the third voter who voted for Clementine and Alvin Jr. to stay at Ericson's along with Violet and Tennessee. [6] This was later stated in game as well, by Tennessee.
  • Aasim is one of the seven characters that are alive at the end of Season 4, regardless of the player's choices. The others being Clementine, Alvin Jr., Willy, Ruby, Omar, and Rosie.
  • Aasim is one of eleven characters to appear in all four episodes of Season 4, the others being Clementine, Alvin Jr., Violet, Louis, Tennessee, Ruby, Willy, Omar, Rosie, and Abel.
  • It was revealed by Kent Mudle that Aasim was sent to the school for starting fires.[7]
  • Aasim was originally going to have a whole philosophy built around salt, and how it would be the currency in a new adult free world. He would have a big jar of salt that he hid in the ground in "Done Running" and showed to Clementine if they went rabbit hunting.[8]
  • Aasim and Omar can be the only teenage or young adult male characters left if Louis and James died.
  • Aasim is one the twelve characters that are confirmed to survive the events of the game series, regardless of the players' choices.

International Dubbers[]

Language Dubber
French Benjamin Bollen
German Marco Rosenberg
Portuguese Marco Nepomuceno
Spanish (Latin America) Luis Navarro

