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Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the Telltale Series character. For other pages with the same name, see: Randy

Look, I know you don't know us. And I know a lotta' people out here say a lotta' things. But I'm askin' you. As a father. Please don't turn us away.
―Randy to Clementine and Jane. (Determinant)[src]

Randy is a survivor of the outbreak and later an antagonist in The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series. He is the husband of Patricia and the adoptive father of Gill.


Not much is known about Randy's true personality. When trying to convince Clementine to let him and his family stay, his behavior is quite shady and left up to interpretation. He seems to care greatly for his family, though his true feelings towards them is ambiguous. He is shown to be a smooth talker, trying everything he can to get Clementine and Jane to let them in without coming off as aggressive, such as trying to gain sympathy by saying Gill is hungry and saying he and his family will be good with helping with Howe's. Throughout the majority of the conversation, Randy has his hand on his back. It's later revealed that he was holding a gun, showing that he might've been willing to kill Clem and Jane if necessary. Though if Clem forces Randy and his family to leave, he seems to almost pull out his gun, even threatening Clem saying he could be dangerous, but decides against it. If Clementine lets Randy and his family stay, he is shown to be thankful. However in Season 3, it's revealed that Randy and his family betrayed Clem and Jane by stealing their supplies. It's ultimately unknown what his motive was in stealing their supplies, whether it be out of the good of his family or just pure greed.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Randy's life prior to or as the outbreak began, except he is married to Patricia and has adopted a son named Gill.


Season Two[]

Nothing is known from how Randy and his family survived for two years in the zombie apocalypse, other than Randy mentioning to Clementine that he and his family had been through north, possibly searching for the promised land of Wellington before deciding to go back to south, where they would stumble on the abandoned Howe's Hardware, and encounter Jane, Clementine and Alvin Jr. (Determinant)

"No Going Back"[]

Randy and his family will appear if Clementine went with Jane. Clementine and Jane see Randy's family walking towards the building. The family asks the girls for help, as they have been walking for weeks, they are out of food and are starving. Jane will remind Clementine that there is not much food left. Patricia will then beg the girls to let them in, saying they won't survive another night. It's at this point, Clementine is given two options.

In-Game Decision[]

Clementine will have to choose to either invite the family inside or make them leave.

Invite them inside (Unknown) Clementine will tell the family to come inside, in which Randy's family will be pleased and happy. They come in through the emergency exit. Clementine and Jane see a gun in the back pocket of Randy's pants. Patricia introduces herself, thanking the girls for helping them and hugs Jane. Gill looks at Clementine and acknowledges her hat, in which she thanks him. The season then ends.

Make them leave (Unknown) Clementine will tell the family to leave. Randy will ask her if she's sure and what if his family was dangerous. Clementine will then pull out a gun at them, ordering them once more to leave. As Randy turns his back, the girls see a gun in the back pocket of his pants. Jane will thank Clementine for telling the family to leave. As the family is leaving, Gill will look at Clementine one last time before the season ends.

A New Frontier[]

"Ties That Bind - Part 1"[]

While he doesn't physically appear in the episode, Jane will mention that he and his family stole lots of their supplies, leaving Jane more paranoid about letting more survivors in/not scanning the perimeter enough. (Determinant)

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Randy has killed:

  • Possibly numerous counts of zombies


For a more in-depth look at Randy's relationships, read here: Randy (Telltale)/Relationships




The following is a list of some of Randy's most memorable quotes.

Season Two[]

"Alright, wait a second. Just hear me out. (…) My boy, he... he ain't doin' so good. Look, don't worry, he ain't... he ain't bit, just hungry. We been walkin' for weeks. Ran outta food a couple days back. That your kid? Where you girls been? (..>) Whoa, I didn't mean nothin' by it."
- Randy trying to convince Clementine and Jane to let him and his family in (Determinant), "No Going Back"

"This place needs a lotta work. (…) We could help you. Look, I know you don't know us. And I know a lotta' people out here say a lotta' things. But I'm askin' you. As a father. Please don't turn us away. (…) Just give us a chance. Give us a chance to prove ourselves. You won't regret it, I promise you."
- Randy to Clementine and Jane (Determinant), "No Going Back"

"Are you sure you wanna do this, little girl? I mean, what if... what if we're dangerous?"
- Randy threatening Clementine after she turns them away (Determinant), "No Going Back"


The Telltale Series[]

Season Two[]


  • Randy and his family are the second Telltale Series characters whose appearance is completely determinant, along with Edith.
  • Randy uses the same character model as Carlos.
    • Randy, however, wears a "Youth Hockey" shirt instead of a checkered shirt.
  • Randy is the second character Erik Braa has voiced, the first being Danny.