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This article is about the Telltale Series character. For other pages with the same name, see: Carlos

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but there are a few things you need to know about my daughter. (…) She isn't like you. You may not get that initially, but once you're around her for a while, you'll understand. If she knew how bad the world is... what it's really like out there... she would... cease to function. She's my little girl. She's all I have left, and I would ask that you stay away from her.
―Carlos to Clementine about Sarah.[src]

Carlos is a main character and a survivor of the outbreak in The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series. He is a member of the Cabin Group, along with his daughter Sarah.


Carlos is generally stern towards outsiders and skeptical towards their plights, but calm and caring towards people he trusts. As a doctor, he has been noted for his intelligence and resourcefulness, even by Carver, such as when he expertly treats Kenny with limited medical supplies. Carlos takes his medical responsibilities very seriously, admitting at one point to Clementine that he feels terrible delaying treatment of her bitten arm, despite proposing to lock her in the shed. During conflicts such as Clementine's arrival at the cabin or the walker attack on the ski lodge, he remains calm, collected, and in control.

He is fiercely protective of his daughter, saying that if she knew what state the world was really in, "she would cease to function." He is mistrustful of Clementine when she arrived at the cabin, thinking she may have posed a danger due to her bite, but in time he grew to trust and like Clementine, so far as to ask her to calm Sarah down moments before his untimely death.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Carlos' life prior to or as the outbreak began, except that he was medically trained in some area and became a doctor of some kind.


Howe's Hardware[]

At some point after the apocalypse, Carlos and Sarah became members of the Howe's Hardware community, ruled by William Carver. Due to his medical background and skills, he became the community's doctor. When Luke began to disagree with Carver on how to run the community, Carlos sided with Luke, having come to see himself as a prisoner. Carlos and Sarah joined Luke, Pete, Nick, Nick's Mother, Rebecca, Alvin, and Reggie in running away from the community, though Reggie was left behind after he fell.

After escaping the community they eventually found a cabin in the woods, where they took shelter for a short amount of time until they figured out where to go. When Nick's mother got bit by a bite victim that they brought in and tried to help, Sarah became his only priority.

Season Two[]

"All That Remains"[]

Carlos serves as a prominent member of the cabin group, primarily being responsible for supply management and medical needs. Carlos first makes his appearance in the episode as the group argues over what to do with Clementine, who had been bitten by a dog prior to meeting them. The group makes way for him as he tries to diagnose the cause of the bite wound, but ultimately cannot determine whether or not Clementine is telling the truth. Although he shows some sympathy to Clementine and can admit he feels terrible delaying treatment, he plays an active role in the decision to lock Clementine in the group's shed without proper precautions to prevent infection or death from blood loss. Even should Clementine appeal to him, it is still his suggestion to lock her up. He shows little remorse in doing so, due to the fact that Clementine would have a chance to turn and attack members of the household, his daughter in particular, if she were brought inside.

Later, he lets Clementine into the house, and is seen giving her medical assistance after discovering that the typical fever that sets in soon after infection was not present. After bandaging Clementine's wound, Carlos scolds her for "manipulating" his daughter, Sarah, into helping her procure a bottle of hydrogen peroxide from the group's own supplies. He also warns Clementine to stay away from Sarah at the risk of her exposing his daughter to the harsh reality that she had been shielded from. Clementine can respond to this with understanding and an apology, a harsh remark about letting Sarah grow up or advising him not to threaten her. These choices will either build a base for friendship between the two of them or cause Carlos to become angered and tell Clementine that he thinks that she is not to be trusted.

"A House Divided"[]

Carlos is first seen talking with Rebecca when Clementine returns to the cabin after leaving Nick or Pete. He asks Clementine about Nick and Pete and informs her that Luke and Alvin went out looking for her. After Clementine tells him about Pete's death or Nick's status, Rebecca tells Carlos to get the guns. He hesitates at first, but grabs the guns and tells Clementine to look after Sarah anyway. After Clementine agrees to watch her, he leaves with Rebecca.

He returns with the group after Carver leaves the cabin and becomes nervous when Sarah tells him what happened. He, along with the rest of the group, interrogate Clementine and decide to leave the cabin in fear of Carver's return.

Carlos and his daughter walk in front of the group while they try to find Nick or Pete. After they find Pete's body or Nick, drunk and depressed, he moves on towards the mountains nearby.

A week later, Carlos is camped with the group on a hill near a broken bridge. After Clementine scouts the area, Luke decides to take Clementine to the bridge to make sure the path is clear. Carlos argues that she is just a little girl and he should take Nick instead. Luke disagrees and travels across the bridge with her anyway. After the path is cleared, Carlos and the group hike to the nearby ski lodge, where they meet a new group lead by Kenny, an old friend of Clementine's. While staying inside the lodge, he tries to keep Sarah by his side but allows her to decorate the tree while he talks to Alvin and Rebecca about Carver. He believes Carver is close and wants to leave in the morning. He warns Clementine not to tell Kenny anything about the group.

Later in the night he eats dinner at Luke's table with his daughter. If Clementine sits with Luke, Carlos will question her about her relationship with Kenny. Once the walkers begin to invade the lodge; Carlos, Sarita, Nick, Walter, and Clementine try to clear the area. He saves Clementine after she empties her pistol, but is attacked and drops his rifle without realizing. The noise attracts Carver and his men, who finish off the remaining walkers. Carlos tells Clementine to go inside as he is surrounded. Carver asks him where Rebecca is and Carlos spits in his face. Carver, becoming visibly frustrated, yet still having the patience to joke that he is happy to see him too, immediately punches him in the face and orders his men to take everyone inside as Sarah sprints outside and embraces her father in distress.

After lining everyone up in the lodge, he notices Alvin, Luke, Clementine, and Rebecca are missing. In an effort to force them out of hiding, he drags Carlos out into the open. Carlos tells Sarah that everything will be fine as Carver breaks his fingers. If Clementine surrenders, Carlos is put back in line and asks Clementine to try to reach his hands to reset his fingers. If Clementine tries to find Luke and Kenny, Carver will continue to torture him until Kenny snipes out one of his men. Carver puts Carlos back in the line and kills Walter. He then threatens to kill Alvin. After Kenny and Clementine are both captured, Carlos and the group are brought to Carver's camp.

"In Harm's Way"[]

Carlos is first seen in the back of the moving van with the rest of the captured group, who are all seeing for the first time or heading back to Carver's community settlement at Howe's Hardware. As Kenny starts trying to rally the group up to escape and get his bindings off, Carlos, along with Rebecca, reprimand him for making rash decisions and for planning out reckless and illogical ways of going about situations, mainly the fact that Kenny's split-second decision caused Walter's death, then determinately Alvin's. Sarita defends Kenny, saying that they were blaming Kenny "for the actions of a madman". Carlos points out how Kenny was prone to rash actions and that it would be best if Kenny would wait for them to come up with a plan. He protests to Kenny's attempts to free himself of his restraints, mocking Kenny's question about whether or not they had ever been prisoners. When Kenny gets knocked out by the truck suddenly crashing and throwing him into the doors of the trailer, Carlos remarks that it was "probably for the best".

After entering the camp for the second time, Carlos is escorted by Troy and Vera away from the rest of group, much to Sarah's dismay and anxiety. He is not seen until he is released back into the yard to go to sleep, and is greeted by Sarah, who is overjoyed to see him in the same shape as he left them.

As the next morning arrives, Carver tells them what to expect from the rest of the community and that if they're going to be accepted again, they need to work hard. During Carver's talk with them, Sarah asks Clementine questions about how she slept and talks about how uncomfortable it was. Carver, seeing as he wants to maintain intimidation and authority over the cabin group along with his want to rear the next generation stronger and more disciplined than the last, orders Carlos to hit her across the mouth to teach her a lesson about talking over adults. At first refusing, Carver then warns him that Troy will do it and may get "overzealous," which leads to Carlos hitting her to save her from a worse punishment. He hits her with enough force to make her fall over in concordance to Carver's request to not hit her lightly. He then apologizes and tries to help her up, though Carver does not allow it.

Carlos is absent the night the group hatches the plan to escape using the herd and is not there to see Clementine retrieve the radios.

Carlos is amongst those Carver captured in the garage. He tries unsuccessfully to convince Rebecca to leave as Kenny beats Carver to death. As the group escapes the camp while walkers approach the hardware store, attracted to the music sound system after Clementine turned it on for their chaotic escape, he is shown smearing walker intestines onto Sarah for their escape, and also helps Clementine apply the blood on her back. When Troy corners them all, Carlos is clearly indecisive about whether he should shield Sarah from Troy or from the herd. As they walk around the walkers amidst gunfire from guards protecting the community by the rooftops with their AK-47s, Sarah begins to panic. Carlos asks Clementine to help calm her down as she is "her friend." With these last words from Carlos and the previous helpful act in aiding Clementine with the walker guts, showing where he and she stand after the three episodes and the fact that he believes Clementine can look out for and help Sarah, he is fatally shot in the neck by a guard in Carver's group on the roof, hit by a stray bullet as the guards spray wildly into the horde. Carlos then falls to the ground and is devoured by the surrounding walkers. Sarah, terrified after seeing the traumatizing sight and already panicking, breaks her undead motif by screaming and running away.

"Amid The Ruins"[]

Carlos is mentioned by Luke after he reunites with Clementine and Jane at the Sunshine Village Mobile Home Park, by which that after Carlos' death, Sarah ran into the woods like a crazy person before "beelining" into the mobile park, where he and Nick (Determinant) eventually caught up to her. If Sarah is left behind at the trailer park, her last words were crying out for Carlos.

Carlos is later on mentioned several times throughout the episode, once by Bonnie after Clementine, Luke, Jane, and Sarah (Determinant) reunite with the rest of the remaining of the group. Bonnie asks Clementine whether she knows if Luke knew how to deliver a baby, figuring that Carlos might have taught him some lessons on how to bring a baby into the world.

If Sarah is saved from the Mobile Park, Sarah would say to Clementine that she just want her dad to be there with her, and says that after her dad returns, they would leave for the cabin, return there, and be safe. Later, when the deck collapses, her last word is crying out for "Daddy!"

"No Going Back"[]

Luke mentioned Carlos to Clementine when Luke tells Clementine that he holds some survivor's guilt over the deaths of his past group, saying that he could've done a lot more to prevent their deaths.


Killed By

While trying to escape Howe's Hardware through the herd, Sarah starts to stutter in fear. Carlos asks Clementine to tell her something to calm her down, but before Clementine can reply, Carlos is shot in his neck by one of the members of Carver's group.

The smell of blood brings two walkers to bite him, bring him to the ground and devour him. Given that his brain wasn't destroyed, it is unknown if he reanimated or was completely devoured by the herd.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Carlos has killed:

  • 3 unnamed FRS agents (Zombified, 1 Determinant)
  • Numerous counts of zombies and possibly unnamed people


For a more in-depth look all Carlos' relationships, read here; Carlos (Telltale)/Relationships




The following is a list of some of Carlos' most memorable quotes.

Season Two

"Hmm. Whatever it was, it got you good."
- Carlos stating the obvious about Clementine's wound, "All That Remains"

"We'll know soon enough, young lady."
- Carlos to Clementine if she appeals to him (Determinant), "All That Remains"

"A dog, you say? (…) Out here...? Who knows. Right now, that's the least of your concerns."
- Carlos to Clementine about a dog biting her (Determinant), "All That Remains"

"I understand you're scared, and I feel terrible delaying treatment, but we've gotta be sure."
- Carlos to Clementine after she tried appealing to him (Determinant), "All That Remains"

ATR No Help

"I'm not wasting supplies on a lurker bite. If it turns out you're telling the truth, I'll clean it and stitch it up for you in the morning."

"A bite like that... could be anything. Only one way to find out. (…) We wait. (…) By tomorrow morning, if the fever's set in, we'll know if she's gonna turn. In the meantime, we can lock her in the shed. (…) I'm not wasting supplies on a lurker bite. If it turns out you're telling the truth, I'll clean it and stitch it up for you in the morning."
- Carlos to the group about what to do with Clementine, "All That Remains"

"She's got her book. She doesn't need to be a part of this."
- Carlos to Pete about Sarah (Determinant), "All That Remains"

"Her suturing skills need some work, but otherwise I'd say she should be fine. (…) If it was, the fever would've already set in and her temperature would be through the roof."
- Carlos to Luke about Clementine's wound not being a walker bite (Determinant), "All That Remains"

ATR Clem Carlos Argument

"She isn't like you. You may not get that initially, but once you're around her for a while, you'll understand."

"I wish you wouldn't've done what you did. (…) You manipulated my daughter. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but there are a few things you need to know about my daughter. (…) She isn't like you. You may not get that initially, but once you're around her for a while, you'll understand. If she knew how bad the world is... what it's really like out there... she would... cease to function. She's my little girl. She's all I have left, and I would ask that you stay away from her."
- Carlos to Clementine about Sarah (Determinant), "All That Remains"

"Because we considered you a threat. Which you were. Maybe you still are. (…) We put you in that shed out of concern for the safety of our loved ones. And then you escaped and persuaded my daughter to steal from us."
- Carlos to Clementine about why they locked her in the shed (Determinant), "All That Remains"

"You do not know what she needs! Rebecca was worried you might be working with someone else. That your being here was no accident. I guess we'll find out, but one thing I know for sure, you are not to be trusted. Stay away from my daughter."
- Carlos to Clementine if she says Sarah has to grow up at some point (Determinant), "All That Remains"

"Clementine, can you... can you please watch Sarah? She's upstairs. Just distract her. And don't tell her anything. She gets... nervous. (…) I don't want to trust you, but I have to. You'll be safe inside. Just don't open the doors for anything. We'll be back soon."
- Carlos asking Clementine to watch Sarah (Determinant), "A House Divided"

"Look, Clem, just...tell us what he looked like. What was he wearing? Did he sound...different? How old was he? ("He had a moustache.") Like mine, or more like Alvin's?"
- Carlos asking Clementine about the man he encountered (Determinant), "A House Divided"

AHD Carlos Comforting Sarah

"You know these are bad people, sweetie. They will do or say anything to hurt us."

"You know these are bad people, sweetie. They will do or say anything to hurt us."
- Carlos to Sarah about Carver's people (Determinant), "A House Divided"

"A picture?! What were you doing taking pictures?! (takes photo) (…) What?! (…) I don't care whose idea it was!"
- Carlos to Sarah about her taking pictures and if Clementine blames her (Determinant), "A House Divided"

"He was scouting. We got lucky. He wasn't expecting to find us. Clementine must have surprised him. If she hadn't been there... Well, he was too smart to stick around. But he'll be back with the rest. We don't have much time. (…) We have to leave now, sweetie, before he comes back with more bad guys. But it's gonna be okay. Let's just go get your things."
- Carlos telling the group they have to leave, "A House Divided"

"Clem, I don't know what he told you, but William Carver is a dangerous man. He's the leader of a camp not far from here, and he's very smart. We were lucky to escape. Look, I'm sorry to involve you, but now that he's seen you, you'll be safer with us. We have to leave."
- Carlos to Clementine about Carver, "A House Divided"

"("There's a little house by the bridge.") How big is it?"
- Carlos' questionable question to Clementine, "A House Divided"

"Clementine should stay here. She's... (…) She's just a little girl, Luke. ("You're not my dad, Carlos.") And you are lucky you're not my daughter."
- Carlos to Luke about bringing Clementine with him on the bridge (Determinant), "A House Divided"

"Clementine, you talked to that man Walter, right? What did he say? You didn't tell him anything about us, did you? We have to be careful. They could be hiding something. (…) Kenny is the... loud man with the beard? (…) Just talk to the rest of them. They trust you. See what you can find out. I'm gonna go find Luke."
- Carlos telling Clementine to get information (Determinant), "A House Divided"

"Sarah, look at me. It's gonna be okay."
- Carlos to Sarah before Carver starts beating him up, "A House Divided"

AHD Fuck You

"Fuck you! Shoot him! Somebody just shoot hi--"

"Fuck you! Shoot him! Somebody just shoot hi--"
- Carlos yelling for someone to kill Carver, "A House Divided"

"Don't look, sweetie. Don't look."
- Carlos to Sarah thinking Carver is about kill him (Determinant), "A House Divided"

"Alvin! Rebecca, don't look. Just don't look, Rebecca. Oh, my God. Oh, my God!"
- Carlos to Rebecca after Carver shoots Alvin (Determinant), "A House Divided"

"Settle down, Kenny. They took everything. We have to keep a level head."
- Carlos telling Kenny to calm down (Determinant), "In Harm's Way"

"You have no idea what you're dealing with! (…) I'm sure Walter really appreciated your help!"
- Carlos to Kenny about getting Walter killed, "In Harm's Way"

2014-05-13 00018

"I am pointing out that, regardless of intent, there are consequences to rash actions! Something that he seems to be misreading as capitulation!"

"I am pointing out that, regardless of intent, there are consequences to rash actions! Something that he seems to be misreading as capitulation!"
- Carlos to Sarita about Kenny's recklessness, "In Harm's Way"

"I'm sorry, I-- Sarah, apologize to Mr. Carver. (…) How do you propose that I-- ("One good smack across the mouth should do it.") My... I'm not sure with my hand that I could--"
- Carlos to Sarita about Kenny's recklessness (Determinant), "In Harm's Way"

IHW Carlos Apologetic

"I'm sorry, Sarah."

"Close your eyes, honey. It's only going to sting for a second. (slaps Sarah) I'm sorry, Sarah."
- Carlos after being forced to hit Sarah, "In Harm's Way"

"His orbital is crushed. I don't think there's much hope for the eye. I got him as stable as I could, cleaned it, got some of the swelling down, bandaged it as best I could, but until he wakes up, we won't know if there's any damage to the brain."
- Carlos to the group about Kenny's condition, "In Harm's Way"

"So we should risk all of our lives? ("What are you saying?) Nothing. I'm... I'm just thinking out loud here."
- Carlos to the group about leaving Kenny behind (Determinant), "In Harm's Way"

IHW Carlos Comforting

"There's nothing to fear if you remain calm. I'll keep you safe.

"It'll be okay, honey. Just stay still. (…) I'm sure. There's nothing to fear if you remain calm. I'll keep you safe."
- Carlos to Sarah before entering the herd, "In Harm's Way"

"Shh. Quiet, honey. Clementine, come help me! Calm her down, please. Just say something, you're her friend. Clementine, you--"
- Carlos trying to get Clementine to calm down Sarah, also his last words, "In Harm's Way"


Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6
Season One
Season Two
A New Frontier
The Final Season
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream


  • Carlos is one of two characters Andrew Chaikin has voiced, the other being Roman.
  • Carlos is one of seven doctors in the Telltale Series, the others being Diana, Vernon, Walter Ashe, Jonas, Paul Lingard and Eleanor.
  • Carlos is the only named member of the cabin survivors to have one death scene and be killed the exact same way regardless of the player's actions.
    • Rebecca also dies the exact same way while alive, however she can be put down as a walker in different ways.
  • Carlos shares the same character model as Randy.
  • In "Broken Toys", Clementine mentions to Alvin Jr. that she knew a doctor who told Clementine about trauma, and what it means.
  • Carlos is one of the four main characters of Season 2 who did not kill a living person on-screen directly/caused, regardless of the players' choices. The others being Peter Randall, Sarita and Mike.