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Sorry... I've just seen a lot of bad shit go down. I just-- I don't wanna see this fall apart, you know. I've seen better places than this get torn to shreds.
―Berto to Michonne about not wanting to lose The Companion.[src]

Berto is a survivor of the outbreak in Telltale's The Walking Dead: Michonne. He is a crewmember of The Companion.


Berto is an affable and humorous man. He likes to joke around, often making puns that usually cause others around him to cringe, though it's all in good fun. Berto states that he has been through a lot of bad times and was part of other communities that have been torn apart. He greatly values the The Companion, not wanting it to become like the previous places he was apart of. After being captured by Norma, Berto will tragically be executed by Gabby or Jonas as revenge for Michonne's group destroying their home.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Berto's life prior to or as the outbreak began.



Oak mentions Berto was with Pete for around a year.

Around two weeks before the events of the game, Berto was telling terrible puns to the others aboard their ship. As Oak walks away to talk with Michonne, Berto tells a pun about a "mewtiny". He then plays cards with the rest of the crew, Michonne (Determinant) and Oak included.

Also, the crew helped him to quit smoking.

"In Too Deep"[]

Berto is first seen on the deck of The Companion along with Siddiq. He is present when Michonne is walking the deck of the boat, scanning the horizon. Berto speaks to Michonne also he is left behind on the boat when Michonne and Pete leave to investigate The Mobjack. It is confirmed in The Mobjack that Pete and the crew just recently got Berto to quit smoking.

"What We Deserve"[]

Berto appears outside the house a few hours after the events of the last episode with Pete (Determinant), Oak and Siddiq, in Norma's custody. She talks with Michonne about a trade offer, revealing Pete (Determinant) and the rest of her friends as well. She proposes they trade, Randall for her friends. As a way of showing she is genuine, she frees Pete straight away or fires a flare to reveal Berto and the crew to Michonne. (Determinant)

The two parties debate the trade, Michonne having Sam show a bag covered Randall to show/feign he's alive. As they talk, Jonas or Gabby (Determinant) express anger and a desire for retribution for what happened at Monroe. Norma tries to calm them to no avail; they kill Berto, creating a panic in the debate. Norma apologizes for their actions, trying to calm the situation. However, Walkers heard the gunshot and begin to approach the group.

After a heated trade, Norma and her group break down the barricaded door, invading the house with walkers in hot pursuit. Berto's corpse is left to be devoured by walkers.


Zachary Alive[]

Killed By

Upon bringing the hostages along the Fairbanks house gate, Gabby begins to protest that just handing the crew of The Companion over is ridiculous as Michonne made all of Monroe homeless so they all have a right to kill her, but Zachary goes against her claim and so Norma tells Gabby to be quiet.

After some conversation with the trade and possibly having already handed Siddiq over, Gabby then begins to grow more impatient and claims that Randall is not worth having brought back with the trade of three people who are friends to the woman who destroyed their home and killing people in the process so they should be allowed to have their retribution. Despite Norma's orders along with Jonas and Zachary's begging she ignores them and shoots Berto in the back of the head, killing him instantly. His death is shortly avenged by Pete when Gabby goes to shoot Michonne but misses and gets fatally shot in the head by Pete.

Zachary Dead[]

Killed By

Upon bringing the hostages along the Fairbanks house gate, Jonas is furious to be giving chances to Michonne as she and Samantha murdered Zachary and so Gabby supports him that Michonne made all of Monroe homeless which killed people in the process and so all of Michonne's group deserve to be killed off for what they did, but Norma tells the two to be quiet.

After some conversation with the trade and possibly having already handed Siddiq over, Jonas then bursts out his anger by saying nobody cares about Randall so his trade isn't worth anything and that they should just kill off Michonne and her group because of what they did, as Norma tries to calm him he tells her if she isn't going to do anything then he will instead in which Gabby supports his claim as they deserve retribution. Jonas with no hesitation decides to get revenge on Michonne for what she and Sam did to Zachary by shooting Berto in the back of the head, killing him instantly. His death is shortly avenged by Pete when Jonas goes to shoot Michonne but misses and gets fatally shot in the head by Pete.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Berto has killed:

  • Possibly numerous counts of zombies


For a more in-depth look at Berto's relationships, read here: Berto (Telltale)/Relationships




The following is a list of some of Berto's most memorable quotes.


"Can't see a damn thing! You guys better get up here! (…) Hell if I know! I can't see a damn thing."
- Berto after the ship crashes into something, "In Too Deep"

"You said it yourself, something's going on around here. (…) We shouldn't have been wasting our time out here."
- Berto about the area being unsafe, "In Too Deep"

"Hey, Michonne. Hope no one's still on that boat. I don't want to die like that. Sorry... I've just seen a lot of bad shit go down. I just--I don't wanna see this fall apart, you know? I've seen better places than this get torn to shreds. I like it here."
- Berto to Michonne after seeing a sunken ship and about not wanting to lose The Companion, "In Too Deep"

"Right. You've seen the worst of it. The rest of us are just living cushy fucking lives, like we haven't been through hell to get here. Why do I even talk to you?"
- Berto to Michonne after she says he doesn't know how bad it is out here (Determinant), "In Too Deep"

"I get it. I'll leave you alone. I shouldn't let him see me slacking off like this."
- Berto to Michonne if she says nothing (Determinant), "In Too Deep"

"Alright, so we're just gonna sit around waiting for you? (…) You didn't answer my question, though."
- Berto as Michonne and Pete go scout a ferry, "In Too Deep"

"Hey, Siddiq, did you hear the one about the kittens who took over the boat? (…) It was a mewtiny! (laughs)"
- Berto telling a cheesy joke to Siddiq (Flashback), "What We Deserve"


The Telltale Series[]



  • He is the only crew member of The Companion with a dead status regardless of player choice.
  • Berto is the fifth known smoker in the game, the first being Peter Joseph Randall, the second being Walter, the third being Tavia, the fourth being Bonnie, the fifth being Berto and the sixth being Abel.