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Randall isn't worth all this shit. (…) After everything they've done, you're still giving them more chances! We deserve retribution.
―Gabby to Norma before shooting Berto. (Determinant)[src]

Gabby is an antagonist is a survivor of the outbreak in Telltale's The Walking Dead: Michonne. She is a guard for Monroe. She served as the tertiary antagonist of the game.


Gabby is a fiery, irritable, and vengeful individual. She is shown to be quite rough when dealing with those who have wronged her and her group. When Monroe is destroyed, she is unhappy when Norma doesn't order to kill Michonne and her group and is one of the most vocal in getting revenge on them. Believing they deserve retribution, she shoots Berto (Determinant). Her actions are a big contributing factor in the situation escalating out of control.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Gabby's life prior to or as the outbreak began.



At some time during the outbreak, Gabby eventually arrived at Monroe and settled there.


"In Too Deep"[]

Gabby first appears when she enters the room of the The Mobjack, and unexpectedly encounters Samantha, along with her brother Greg and Michonne and Pete. Gabby holds them at gunpoint with her assault rifle and calls for Randall, while visibly doubtful over what to do. After her superior, Randall, identifies Samantha as the one stealing from the community, Gabby and her crew zip-tie her, her sibling, and their assumed companions. Gabby, Zachary and Cam are told to shoot any of the four if they attempt anything.

While heading back to the colony of Monroe in a motor boat, Gabby shows interest over the contents of Michonne's bag. Randall asks her if the hostages show signs of bites, rashes and coughing. She replies saying that they are clean.

The crew arrives at Monroe, where they are greeted by the leader. Gabby glares at Samantha when Norma expresses disapproval about her repeated theft. Norma then tells Randall to escort Sam and Michonne to the storage room, and to find somewhere for Pete and Greg, without acknowledging Gabby. The latter, frustrated, shows Pete and Greg the way to an unknown room.

"Give No Shelter"[]

Gabby will threaten both Michonne and Samantha when they attempt to escape Monroe via a motorboat. This can lead to two possible paths:

If Michonne let Pete go off on his own: While holding Samantha at gunpoint, Michonne will attempt to kill Gabby by shooting her with a flare gun, but she dodges, causing her to fall into the water.

If Michonne kept Pete with her: While holding Michonne and Samantha at gunpoint, Pete sneaks up on her, proceeding to shove her off the boardwalk into the water from behind.

Then she participates in the shooting to walkers who were on an island while searching for Michonne, Samantha and Pete (Determinant) along with Randall and other members of Monroe. She is not seen for the rest of the episode.

"What We Deserve"[]

Gabby is part of Norma's group in an attempt to exchange Randall for Berto, Oak, and Siddiq. Gabby will protest that Randall isn't worth the trouble, and will proceed to berate Norma for giving Michonne and the others another chance. Gabby demands that they get revenge for Monroe's destruction and the deaths of their fellow survivors.

If Zachary was killed (Unknown): Jonas sides with Gabby, demonstrating such by shooting Berto in the head, killing him. Pete responds by killing Jonas after he tries to kill Michonne, much to Gabby's shock. She later partakes in the firefight as the walkers start attacking. She is shown behind Norma as she begins to shoot at walkers. She is also still fighting after Norma's death. After Michonne escapes into the house, Gabby is not seen again.

If Zachary was spared (Dead): Jonas is more passive, siding against Gabby. Despite no one siding with her, Gabby takes matters in to her own hands and shoots Berto in the head despite protests from Jonas, Norma, and Zachary. She will then shoot at Michonne, but misses. This results in Pete shooting Gabby and killing her in Michonne's defense. Her corpse is then left to be devoured by walkers.

Death (Determinant)[]

Killed By

Upon bringing the hostages along the Fairbanks house gate, Gabby begins to protest that just handing the crew of the companion over is ridiculous as Michonne made all of Monroe homeless so they all have a right to kill her, but Zachary goes against her claim thus defending Michonne and so Norma tells Gabby to be quiet.

After some conversation with the trade and possibly having already handed Siddiq over, Gabby then begins to grow more impatient and claims that Randall is not worth having brought back with the trade of three people who are friends to the woman who destroyed their home and killing people in the process so they should be allowed to have their retribution. Despite Norma's orders along with Jonas and Zachary's begging she ignores them and shoots Berto in the back of the head, killing him instantly. Norma tries to even things out at this point but Gabby decides to take matters into her own hand by trying to kill Michonne, after firing her rifle at Michonne she misses and is shot in the head by Pete, which ends with a terrified Jonas and a shocked Zachary.

The scenario can take place differently if Michonne signals Paige to shoot Norma while the latter attempts to cool the situation. After the Norma is wounded, Janey can be seen panicking, whereas Gabby will be prompted to attempt to shoot Michonne after their leader has been attacked. Equally, she will be killed by Pete.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Gabby has killed:


For a more in-depth look at Gabby's relationships, read here: Gabby (Telltale)/Relationships




The following is a list of some of Gabby's most memorable quotes.


"Let's see... Two canteens, a lighter, pocket knife... Machete. (…) No, they're clean."
- Gabby as she looks through Michonne's stuff, "In Too Deep"

"Hands off. Get 'em up. You've already stolen our shit', you're not taking our boat too. (…) You think I'd fall for that shit?"
- Gabby as she holds Michonne at gunpoint (Determinant), "Give No Shelter"

"Maybe I found you with a bullet in the head."
- Gabby after Michonne says she can't kill her because Norma wants to (Determinant), "Give No Shelter"

"You can't let her walk away! We're all homeless because of her!"
- Gabby to Norma about Michonne (Determinant), "What We Deserve"

"Why the hell are we standing here? They should be dead!"
- Gabby to Norma about wanting to kill Michonne's group (Determinant), "What We Deserve"

"Randall isn't worth all this shit. (…) After everything they've done, you're still giving them more chances! We deserve retribution."
- Gabby to Norma before shooting Berto (Determinant), "What We Deserve"

"If you're not gonna do anything, we have to!"
- Gabby to Norma after shooting Berto, also determinately her last words, "What We Deserve"


Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6
Season One
Season Two
A New Frontier
The Final Season
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream


  • Gabby is one of the eight characters to appear in all three episodes of Michonne, the others being, Michonne, Pete, Samantha, Randall, Zachary (Determinant), Norma, and Jonas.
  • Gabby is one of four characters whose death can be decided upon based on a choice in a previous episode, completely unrelated to her at all, the others being Gary, Jonas, and Dorian.
    • If you stop Sam from killing Zachary in "In Too Deep", Gabby is destined to die no matter what, as she becomes the member of Monroe to shoot at Michonne and thus be killed in retaliation by Pete.
  • Gabby is seen wielding a unique sniper rifle, decorated with a unicorn sticker on the stock and a "G" initial on the scope. [1]

