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The Boost Gauge[1][2] (ćƒ–ćƒ¼ć‚¹ćƒˆć‚²ćƒ¼ć‚ø[3] BÅ«suto Gēji?), also called the Tension Gauge[4][5] (ćƒ†ćƒ³ć‚·ćƒ§ćƒ³ć‚²ćƒ¼ć‚ø Tenshon Gēji?) or the Ring Energy Gauge,[6] is a game mechanic that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It it is a gauge that allows the player to charge energy for the Boost and Fire Boost.


The Boost Gauge is presented as an energy gauge of varying design which appears on the heads-up-display in the games. For as long as there is energy remaining in the Boost Gauge, the player can perform the Boost/Super Sonic Boost/Fire Boost. Using these techniques drains the Boost Gauge though, and should it run out, the player can no longer perform them. The means of charging the Boost Gauge vary between games.

The Sonic Rush series, where the Boost Gauge is dubbed the "Tension Gauge", introduced a specific reoccurring mechanic for the Boost Gauge. When a Boost Gauge with this mechanic is charged to maximum capacity, it gains unlimited energy for a short time, allowing limitless usage of the Boost/Fire Boost during that time.

Game appearances[]

Sonic Rush series[]

Sonic Rush[]

Tension Gauge SR

In Sonic Rush, the Boost Gauge is referred to as the Tension Gauge.[4] It also uses the Tension Gauge mechanics, allowing unlimited energy for a brief time when overcharged. In this game, the Tension Gauge is presented as a gauge on the left side of the screen and is made up of several flat segments stabled on top of one another. On top of this gauge is also a small post with a yellow star icon inside.

The Tension Gauge can be charged to a maximum of 300%.[4] The gauge's color becomes white, blue orange, and then red in accordance to the amount of energy in it (in ascending order). When filled to or above maximum capacity, the Tension Gauge (and the player) will flash and its star icon will spin while sparkling for a short time, gradually slowing down to a stop.

The Tension Gauge is filled at 100% capacity at the beginning of each Act and is used to power both the Super Boost and Fire Boost. The player can replenish it by performing Trick Actions, defeating enemies, passing Star Posts, or obtaining Tension Bonus or Max Tension Bonus power-ups. Conversely, the Boost Gauge will deplete when the player takes damage, or if the player's opponent obtains a Tension Bonus (Battle Play only).

The overcharge period for the Tension Gauge in Sonic Rush ends when the spinning star on the gauge slows down to a complete stop, though the player can reset the overcharge period by continually performing any of the aforementioned actions that replenish the Tension Gauge. Once the Super Boost/Fire Boost is active during the overcharge period, the Tension Gauge will decrease to a maximum of 200% (regardless of how long the player used the move for although it will stay at 300% if the move was not used at all during the overcharge period).

Sonic Rush Adventure[]

Tension Gauge SRA

In Sonic Rush Adventure, the Boost Gauge is once again referred to as the Tension Gauge.[5] Like in Sonic Rush, it uses the Tension Gauge mechanics, allowing unlimited energy for a brief time when overcharged. In this game, the Tension Gauge is a gauge on the left side of the screen that is made up of several arrowhead-shaped segments. On top of it are two gray S-shaped decorations, and above them is a floating yellow star icon.

Mechanics-wise, the Tension Gauge works exactly like in the previous title; it can be charged to a maximum of 300% and the gauge color will change from blue to orange, and then red in accordance to the amount of energy in it. When at maximum capacity, the Boost Gauge's star icon will start to sparkle and spin while its energy bar flashes.

Being used to power both the Super Boost and Fire Boost, the Tension Gauge starts out at 100% capacity when beginning an Act. The player can replenish it by performing Trick Actions, defeating enemies, passing Checkpoints, or obtaining Tension Bonus or Maximum Tension Bonus power-ups. Conversely, the Boost Gauge will deplete when the player takes damage or if the player's opponent obtains a Max Tension Bonus (Battle mode only).

In the Sea Stages, the Wave Cyclone has the Boost Gauge,[7] which is used to power the Wave Cyclone's Boost. This gauge is situated in the upper right corner of the screen, and resembles a horizontal, segmented green bar with a boost icon on the left side and the word "BOOST" written above it. This gauge uses the Tension Gauge mechanic, but it only has to be charged to a maximum of 100% in order to be overcharged. When overcharged, the gauge flashes yellow. At the beginning of a Sea Stage, the Boost Gauge starts out at 30% capacity. However, the player can charge it by performing Ramp Tricks and collecting Rings. Also, the more the player upgrades the Wave Cyclone, the slower the Boost Gauge will be depleted when using the Boost.

Sonic Unleashed[]

Boost Gauge Unleashed Xbox PS3

The Ring Energy Gauge, from the Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 version of Sonic Unleashed.

In Sonic Unleashed, the Boost Gauge is referred to as the Ring Energy Gauge on the Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 version[6][8] and the Boost Gauge on the Wii/PlayStation 2 version.[9][10] All versions display the gauge in the lower left corner of the screen. On the Xbox 360/PlayStation version, the Boost Gauge is a dark gauge with a red-yellow bar within it, a Ring icon and counter on the left, and an overarching multicolored bar for measuring speed. On the Wii/PlayStation 2 version, the Boost Gauge is merely a Ring icon and counter with horizontally-stacked bar units next to it.

Boost Gauge Unleashed Wii PS2

The Boost Gauge, from the Wii/PlayStation 2 version of Sonic Unleashed.

In these games, the player starts the Stages with no energy in the Boost Gauge. The player can fill the Boost Gauge by collecting Rings, using the Sonic Drift for a given length of time, or by stringing together Action Chains (Wii/PlayStation 2 version only). Taking any damage depletes the gauge though. On the Wii/PlayStation 2 in particular, using the Sonic Boost costs one unit from the Boost Gauge; it is only when at least one of the bars is completely filled that the Boost can be used.

On the Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 version, the player can increase Sonic's Ring Energy parameter to enlarge the gauge permanently up to six times.

On the Wii/PlayStation 2 version, the Boost Gauge can be increased temporarily by one unit for every thirtieth Ring collected (up to a maximum of six units). Conversely, the maximum number of units will decrease by one when the player takes damage (down to a minimum of three units).

Sonic Colors[]

Wisp Gauge v2

The Boost/Wisp Gauge, from the Wii version of Sonic Colors.

In both the Wii version and Nintendo DS version of Sonic Colors, and the remaster Sonic Colors: Ultimate, the Boost Gauge is merged with the Wisp Gauge, as the Boost is classified as a Color Power in these games. Nevertheless, it is still referred to as the Boost Gauge in the original games.[11][12] In the Wii version and Sonic Colors: Ultimate, the Boost Gauge is a horizontal blue bar in the lower left corner of the screen with a stylized circulator on its left end. If the playable character does not have any Wisps on them, then the circulator resembles Sonic's Spin Attack, but it adopts a more wild, angular shape whenever they grab a Wisp, displaying the icon of whichever Wisp the playable character is carrying.

Boost Gauge Colors DS

In the Nintendo DS version, the Boost Gauge is positioned on the left side of the screen and looks like it did in Sonic Rush Adventure, but with a blue bar on the left side and the Wisp Icon on top. This Boost Gauge is similar to the Boost Gauge in the Sonic Rush series; it is capable of being charged to a maximum of 300%[13] and the color of the gauge will change from blue to orange, and then to red to indicate the amount of energy in it. However, it lacks the Tension Gauge mechanic.

When beginning an Act on the Wii version and Sonic Colors: Ultimate, the Boost Gauge will be empty from the start. On the Nintendo DS version however, it will be filled at 100% capacity when starting an Act. The player can replenish the Boost Gauge by collecting White Wisps or defeating enemies holding White Wisps. In Sonic Colors: Ultimate, the player also slightly charge the Boost Gauge by performing well-timed Homing Attacks.

In the Nintendo DS version, after collecting all Special Rings, the player is awarded with an option that grants the Boost Gauge unlimited energy. Similarly, in the Wii version and Sonic Colors: Ultimate, when transformed into Super Sonic, the Boost Gauge will have unlimited energy for as long as Sonic stays transformed.

Sonic Generations[]

Boost Gauge Generations Console PC

The Boost Gauge, from the Xbox 360 version of Sonic Generations.

In the console/PC version and Nintendo 3DS version of Sonic Generations, the Boost Gauge is back to its original form and singular function. On the upper-left corner of the gauge, it now displays the controller button the player is required to press to Boost. On the console/PC version, the Boost Gauge is blue with a green energy bar, a thick left end, and a stylized white and yellow frame. On the Nintendo 3DS version, the Boost Gauge is similar to the console/PC version's, except that its shape is mirrored, its color is cyan, and it lacks a frame.

Boost Gauge Generations 3DS

The Boost Gauge, from the Nintendo 3DS version of Sonic Generations.

The Boost Gauge only appears in Act 2 of all the Stages as it is only there the Boost is usable. On the Nintendo 3DS version, it possesses the Tension Gauge mechanic, allowing for brief infinite energy when overcharged (which is signified by its energy bar turning from yellow to blue). This is referred to as the Boost Fever state in this title.[14]

The player can replenish the Boost Gauge by collecting Rings, defeating enemies, breaking obstacles, Drifting and performing Freestyle Tricks. Should the Boost Gauge be full on the console/PC version, performing Freestyle Tricks will charge the Boost Gauge with extra energy, which is showcased by the energy bar extending outside its frame. If the player loses a life in the console/PC version, they will be revived with an empty Boost Gauge, while in the Nintendo 3DS version, they will restart with the same amount of energy they get in the gauge when they enter a stage.

On the console/PC version of the game, there are various Skills that allows manipulation of the Boost Gauge, including the Auto-Gauge, Endless Boost, Gauge Rebooter, and Boost Gauge Up. Also, when Modern Sonic transforms into Super Sonic, his Boost Gauge will have unlimited energy for as long as Modern Sonic stays transformed.

Sonic Forces[]


The Boost Gauge, from Sonic Forces.

In Sonic Forces, this game mechanic is once again referred to as the Boost Gauge.[1] In this game, the Boost Gauge is a simple black rectangle with a blue (red when playing as Shadow and yellow with lightning effects when playing as Super Sonic) energy bar inside it and a few black blocks underneath it on the left side. It also has the word "BOOST" underneath it on its right side.

The Boost Gauge only appears in the Sonic Stages and Tag Stages as it is only there the Boost is usable. The player can replenish the Boost Gauge in this game by collecting White Wisps or defeating enemies. If the player attempts to Boost while the Boost Gauge is empty, the gauge will shake briefly.

Sonic Frontiers[]


Sonic performing the Boost with Boost Gauge right next to him, from Sonic Frontiers

In Sonic Frontiers, the Boost Gauge makes an appearance in both Open Zone areas and Cyber Space stages.[2] In this game, the boost gauge works differently. It is essentially a wheel with the "Boost" word written underneath it. It appears whenever the player is doing either a Boost or an Air Boost. The player always starts with a fully replenished wheel that is indicated by the wheel being fully blue-colored. As the player uses the gauge's energy to Boost/Air Boost, part of the wheel becomes grey. If the wheel turns completely grey by continuous usage, the player can neither use the Boost nor the Air Boost. The player must wait for the gauge to refill, this is indicated by the gauge's wheel being filled in red gradually until it becomes complete and turns blue, allowing the player to continue using the Boost again. Alternatively, the player may replenish the Boost Gauge by collecting rings, but only until the gauge runs out and must recharge on its own.[15]


The fully upgraded Boost Gauge, from Sonic Frontiers.

If the player uses the Cyloop move to make an "Infinity" symbol, the player will be granted an infinite amount of boost energy. The Boost gauge's wheel will then be replaced with a circle in which the infinity symbol is drawn at its center to indicate the effect is activated. After activating the Power Boost, the boost gauge is seen depicted with lightning effect around it once Sonic starts boosting forward at high speed until the Ring count is reduced from the maximum number count.[16]

As of the "Sonic's Birthday Bash" update released on 23 June 2023, the player can give special Koco to the Elder Koco to extend the boost gauge.

Rocket Boost Gauge[]

In The Final Horizon, Sonic can obtain a temporary single-use variant of the Boost called the Rocket Boost in the Cyber Space levels 4-A and 4-C. When Sonic obtains the Rocket Boost, the Boost Gauge turns green and the text next to the gauge becomes "Rocket Boost". While Sonic has the Rocket Boost, he can run through enemies, similarly to the Boost in previous games. The Boost Gauge depletes automatically and the Rocket Boost will end when the Boost Gauge completely empties.

Rev Gauge[]

In The Final Horizon, the Boost Gauge is replaced with the Rev Gauge in the Cyber Space level 4-G. When Sonic uses the Rev Boost, the boost gauge increases over time, rather than decreases. When the boost gauge fills completely, Sonic's speed will shift a gear, allowing him to become faster. This can occur up to three times, starting from "LOW" to "2nd" to "3rd" to finally "TOP". Sonic's current Boost speed is represented by the speedometer display at the right side of the screen. This speedometer is much larger than the one used in other Cyber Space levels and resembles the speedometer of a racing car. If Sonic's boost is interrupted, the gauge will empty completely, returning to "LOW" gear.

Using the Spin Dash will instantly shift Sonic into "TOP" speed. However, if he Spin Dashes for too long, he will overclock and explode, losing his top speed. The Spin Dash also does not fill the boost gauge.

Sonic Dream Team[]


  • Sonic Forces and the Wii version of Sonic Colors are the only games that does not have an alternate version or modification of the Boost.


  1. ā†‘ 1.0 1.1 Sonic Team (7 November 2017). Sonic Forces. PlayStation 4. Sega. "Hint Ring: Picking up a Wisp Capsule will add to the Boost Gauge, enabling you to perform a Boost by pressing Square."
  2. ā†‘ 2.0 2.1 Sega . Sonic Frontiers Web Manual - Game Screens. Retrieved on 9 December 2022.
  3. ā†‘ Sega . ć‚½ćƒ‹ćƒƒć‚Æćƒ•ćƒ­ćƒ³ćƒ†ć‚£ć‚¢ WEBćƒžćƒ‹ćƒ„ć‚¢ćƒ« - ē”»é¢ć®č¦‹ę–¹ (Japanese). Retrieved on 9 December 2022.
  4. ā†‘ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Sonic Rush (Nintendo DS) United States instruction booklet, pg. 12.
  5. ā†‘ 5.0 5.1 Sonic Rush Adventure (Nintendo DS) United States instruction booklet, pg. 10.
  6. ā†‘ 6.0 6.1 Sonic Unleashed (Xbox 360) United States instruction booklet, pg. 12.
  7. ā†‘ Sonic Rush Adventure (Nintendo DS) European instruction booklet, pg. 6.
  8. ā†‘ Sonic Unleashed (PlayStation 3) United States instruction booklet, pg. 15.
  9. ā†‘ Sonic Unleashed (Wii) United States instruction booklet, pg. 7.
  10. ā†‘ Sonic Unleashed (PlayStation 2) United States instruction booklet, pg. 7.
  11. ā†‘ Sonic Colors (Wii) United States instruction booklet, p. 14.
  12. ā†‘ Sonic Colours (Nintendo DS) European instruction booklet, p. 8.
  13. ā†‘ Can go over 300%, but only when Sonic is charging for Final Color Blaster. In this case, the display remains at 300% until the overcharged energy is used.
  14. ā†‘ Sonic Generations (Nintendo 3DS) United Kingdom instruction booklet, pg. 9.
  15. ā†‘ Sonic Team (8 November 2022). Sonic Frontiers Manual, page 4. Sega. "Boost Gauge: Remaining Boost. Recovers over time and by picking up Rings."
  16. ā†‘ Sonic Team (8 November 2022). Sonic Frontiers. Xbox Series X/S. Sega. Area/level: Kronos Island. "Power Boost: If Sonic boosts with the maximum number of Rings, he can run at even higher speeds while emitting blue lightning around him. When the Ring count is reduced, it will revert back to a normal boost."
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