Author Cloud for GrouchyChris

Edwin A. Abbott(1) Janet L. Abu-Lughod(1) Forman S. Acton(1) Andrew Adams(1) Douglas Adams(3) Richard E. W. Adams(1) Greg Agostini(1) John R. Alden(1) C. H. O’D. Alexander(1) Frederic Sturges Allen(1) Phillip Allen(1) Kathleen T. Alligood(1) Dinsmore Alter(1) Stephen E. Ambrose(1) American Automobile Association(1) Mavis Amundson(1) Kevin J. Anderson(1) Angel(1) Thomas A. Angelo(1) Scott David Aniolowski(1) Anonymous(1) Anonymous(1) Anonymous(1) Anonymous(1) Howard Anton(1) Mark Anthony Armstrong(1) Isaac Asimov(1) Robert Asprin(1) National Commission on Terrorist Attacks(1) Farid al-Din Attar(1) Jeannine Auboyer(1) Jane Austen(4) Sheldon Axler(1) Andrew Ayton(1) Keith Baker(1) Mark C. Baker(2) Joseph Bak(1) Nick Bantock(1) Don DeBrandt(2) Elizabeth Wayland Barber(1) Kenneth L. Barker(1) Sean Barrett(1) William Theodore De Bary(1) Bruce A Baugh(2) John D. Baum(1) Jerome Beaty(1) Mitchell Beazley(1) Petr Beckmann(1) Allan Bedford(1) Donald L Bentley(1) J. L. Berggren(1) Paul Bernays(1) Lester V. Berrey(1) Alfred Bester(1) Geoffrey Bibby(1) Hiram Bingham(1) James Binney(1) D. Scott Birney(1) Mark Bittman(1) Drew Bittner(1) Barry J. Blake(1) William Blake(1) David Blatner(1) Marc Bloch(2) Caroline Blunden(1) Mary L. Boas(1) Bart de Boer(1) P. Boissonade(1) Thomas L Bont(1) Casa Editrice Bonechi(1) Golden Books(1) David Borgenicht(1) Jorge Luis Borges(7) John Boslough(1) WGBH Boston(1) Jean Bottéro(1) Ben Bova(1) John S. Bowman(1) William E. Boyce(1) Carl B. Boyer(2) Britannica(1) Gary J. Bronson(2) Po Bronson(1) Charlotte Brontë(1) Emily Brontë(1) Timothy Brook(1) Charles Brockden Brown(1) Serge Brunier(1) Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai(1) Lois McMaster Bujold(2) Thomas Bulfinch(1) Emma Bull(1) Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron Lytton(1) Bryan Bunch(1) Lucas N. H. Bunt(1) Peter Burchard(1) Anthony Burgess(1) Fanny Burney(1) Robert Burnham(3) David M. Burton(1) Julius Caesar(1) Eric Cagle(1) Florian Cajori(1) Italo Calvino(3) Lyle Campbell(1) Ethan Canin(1) C. J. Carella(2) Manfredo do Carmo(1) Mike Caro(2) Bradley W. Carroll(1) Lewis Carroll(3) Howard Carter(1) Raymond Carver(1) John Cassidy(2) Bruce Catton(7) Irena Chalmers-Taylor(1) Nicolas Cheetham(1) Cherrington(1) Chilton(1) Marshall Clagett(1) Ella E. Clark(1) Susanna Clarke(1) Grahame Clark(1) Mark Clifton(1) Michael D. Coe(1) David Cohen(1) K. C. Cole(2) Jim Collins(1) DC Comics(1) Bernard Comrie(4) Andrew Conway(1) John B. Conway(1) David “Zeb” Cook(1) David "Zeb" Cook(1) M. A. Cook(1) Monte Cook(5) James Fenimore Cooper(1) John Milton Cooper(1) Greville G. Corbett(1) Bruce R. Cordell(2) Fustel de Coulanges(1) Florian Coulmas(1) Robert Cowley(1) H. S. M. Coxeter(1) Peter R. Cromwell(1) Michael J. Crowe(1) David Crystal(3) Caspar R. Curjel(1) Edmund Curtis(1) Malcolm Dale(1) Richard C. Dales(1) Anna Maria Damigella(1) Lydia Darbyshire(1) Ellen Datlow(1) F. N. David(1) Saul David(1) James Davies(1) Nigel Davies(1) Robertson Davies(1) Graeme Davis(2) Philip J. Davis(1) Richard Dedekind(1) Stephen Dedman(1) Tim Dedopulos(1) Jeff Dee(1) Daniel Defoe(2) Peter Dell'Orto(1) John Delmonte(1) DeLorme Publishing(7) Daniel C. Dennett(1) W. E. Deskins(1) Keith Devlin(2) Jared Diamond(2) Charles Dickens(2) Philip K. Dick(1) Editors of * Dictionaries(1) Tom D. Dillehay(1) Robert Dixon(1) Robert M. W. Dixon(1) donalddavid-2(1) Fyodor Dostoevsky(1) Michael Dougherty(1) Frederick Douglass(1) Arthur Conan Doyle(3) James F. Dunnigan(1) Ray Dunn(1) Joseph G. Ecker(1) Umberto Eco(2) David Edelstein(1) Joseph Edminister(1) Betty Edwards(1) George Eliot(1) Ralph Waldo Emerson(1) Edward B. Espenshade, Jr.(1) Raphael S. Ezekiel(1) Brian M. Fagan(1) Walter Ashlin Fairservis(1) Elizabeth A. Fenn(1) Enrico Fermi(1) Timothy Ferriss(1) Timothy Ferris(1) Alexander L. Fetter(1) Richard P. Feynman(3) Henry Fielding(1) Nigel Findley(1) M. I. Finley(2) Jack Finney(1) Dave Finnigan(1) Robert Fitzgerald(1) Floyd L. Moreland(1) Angel Flores(1) M. Fogiel(2) Jeff Forcier(1) E. M. Forster(1) Richard Fortey(1) Edward Whiting Fox(1) Benjamin Franklin(1) Donald G. Frantz(1) David Freedman(1) La Belle Compagnie and Friends(1) William J. Fritz(1) Victoria Fromkin(1) Neil Gaiman(2) Tess Gallagher(2) Mystic Eye Games(1) Steve Jackson Games(4) West End Games(1) Martin Gardner(1) Stephen Gasiorowicz(1) Elizabeth Gaskell(1) Jacques Gernet(1) James Gibbons(1) Carol Gibson(1) William Gibson(1) Frances Gies(2) Charlotte Perkins Gilman(1) Jean Gimpel(1) Françoise Giroud(1) Bob Glover(1) William Golding(1) Larry Gonick(1) Russell Goodwin(1) Edward Gorey(1) René Goscinny(4) John Goss(1) Stephen Jay Gould(1) Ed Greenwood(1) Val D. Greenwood(1) Victor and Jillian Norman Gregoriy(1) Nicola Griffith(1) David J. Griffiths(1) Brothers Grimm(1) Bernard Grun(1) Michael Guillen(1) Edmund Gussmann(1) Gary Gygax(2) Moses Hadas(1) Charles R. Hadlock(1) Liliane Haegeman(1) Charles W. Haines(1) David Halliday(1) Robert W. Hall(1) Thomas L. Hankins(1) Alfred Harbage(1) Robert Harbin(1) William Harmon(1) HarperCollins(1) Rom Harré(1) William K. Hartmann(1) William A. Haviland(1) Jacquetta Hawkes(1) Stephen Hawking(1) Nathaniel Hawthorne(1) Derek Hayes(1) John R. Hayes(1) Seamus Heaney(1) Eugene Hecht(1) Bernd Heine(1) Ernest Hemingway(1) Hergé(4) Hal Higdon(1) David V Hizer(1) Bert Hölldobler(1) Burt Hochberg(1) Paul Hoffman(1) Douglas Hofstadter(1) Robert V. Hogg(1) George Holmes(1) John A. Holm(1) Homer(1) Anthony Hope(1) Paul J. Hopper(1) I. A. Horowitz(2) Albert Hourani(1) Hsu(1) Translator Tacitus; Mattingly H.(1) Aldous Huxley(1) Georges Ifrah(1) Lui I-Ming(1) Hammond Incorporated(1) Haruyama Isamu(1) Shirley Jackson(1) Steve Jackson(5) Margaret C. Jacob(1) Henry James(1) Evan Jamieson(1) Beatriz Galimberti Jarman(1) Penn Jillette(1) Clint Johnson(1) Lee W. Johnson(1) Gareth A. Jones(1) George Thaddeus Jones(1) Alvin M. Josephy(1) James Joyce(1) Donald Kagan(1) Thomas M. Kane(1) Robert Kaplan(1) Bruce F. Kawin(1) John Keay(1) John Keegan(1) Lawrence H. Keeley(1) Christopher Kendris(1) Steve Kenson(1) Jack Kerouac(1) Ken Kesey(1) Daniel J. Kevles(1) A. Ya. Khinchin(1) Michael Kidron(1) Janice Kim(4) Dean King(1) L.Christine Kinsey(1) Rudyard Kipling(1) Rudolph Kippenhahn(1) Mark Kissling(1) William Kotzwinkle(1) Eugene N. Kozloff(1) George Kubler(1) G. Siegfried Kutter(1) Peter Ladefoged(1) Laing(1) George Lakoff(1) Lenard Lakofka(1) Sidney I. Landau(1) J. G. Landels(1) Langenscheidt Publishers(2) Erik Larson(1) Gary Larson(1) Loren C. Larson(1) Kenneth Scott Latourette(1) Lizette Laughlin(1) D. H. Lawrence(2) Robin D. Laws(1) David C. Lay(1) Richard Laymon(1) Margaret Leech(1) Gary Lee(1) Harper Lee(1) Stanisław Lem(9) Alan Jay Lerner(1) Jonathan Lethem(1) I. M. Levitt(1) C. S. Lewis(2) Dun J. Li(1) Gerald Linderman(1) Carl G. Liungman(1) Yuehua Liu(1) Mario Livio(1) Aurelio Locsin(1) Michael Loewe(1) James W. Loewen(1) Jack London(1) Bruce Catton; Director Of Research E.B. Long(1) Elias Lönnrot(1) H. P. Lovecraft(1) R. Duncan Luce(1) Mark Lutz(1) Charles R. MacCluer(1) David MacKenzie(1) Alfred Ernest James Mackett-Beeson(1) Roman Maeder(1) Benoit B. Mandelbrot(2) Lisa Manns(1) Eli Maor(1) Carlos Martinez Marin(1) Patti J. Marinelli(1) John Marshall(1) Leonardo B. Dal Maso(1) Phil Masters(3) Gustave Mathieu(1) G Matthewson(1) P. H. Matthews(1) William Henry Matthews(1) C.O. Sylvester Mawson(1) Virginia McAlester(1) Bec & Elke McConnell(1) Elizabeth McCoy(1) Chris W. McCubbin(3) Lillian C. McDermott(2) Colin McEvedy(1) William S. McFeely(1) Jacob McKee(1) Rand McNally(3) William H. McNeill(3) John McWhorter(1) William Mendenhall(1) Merriam-Webster(2) John Michell(1) Frank Miller(1) John Stuart Mill(1) John Milton(1) Joseph B. Mitchell(1) Steven Mithen(1) Jack Moeller(1) Richard Moe(1) Joe La Monica(1) Mark Monmonier(1) John Montroll(1) Albert H. Morehead(2) Carl Moreland(1) Thomas More(1) Robert Morkot(1) David Morrison(1) China Scientific and Technological Museum(1) Vladimir Nabokov(1) Sylvia Nasar(1) Janet Naylor(1) William Allan Neilson(1) John Nephew(1) Edwin Newman(1) Isaac Newton(1) Johanna Nichols(1) David Nicolle(1) Anaïs Nin(1) Larry Niven(2) David Noonan(1) Jeff Noon(1) Douglass C. North(1) John North(1) Andreas Nothiger(1) James G. Nourse(1) Patrick Nuttgens(1) Patrick O'Brian(11) Paul R. O'Connor(1) Patrick Olivelle(1) Frederick Law Olmsted(1) Suze Orman(1) George Orwell(1) Steffan O'Sullivan(2) Mark Ovenden(1) Lily Owens(1) F. R. Palmer(1) Theoni Pappas(1) David Park(1) John Allen Paulos(3) Thomas E. Payne(1) Derek Pearcy(1) Nancy Pearl(1) Dan Pedoe(1) James Van Pelt(1) Roger Penrose(2) George Perkins(1) Teri Perl(1) Jr. Translated By Alston Hurd Chase and William G.(1) George A. Petrides(1) John Robinson Pierce(1) Ulrik Pilegaard(1) Roger Pilon(1) Steven Pinker(2) Daniel Pinkwater(2) H. Beam Piper(1) Henri Pirenne(1) Edgar Allan Poe(2) Marco Polo(1) L. P. Pook(1) Alexandre Dumas(1) H. F. M. Prescott(1) Alaska Northwest Publishing(1) DK(1) Rh Value Publishing(1) Geoffrey K. Pullum(1) David L. Pulver(3) Sean Punch(6) Alexander Pushkin(1) Thomas Pyles(1) Thomas Pynchon(1) The Staff of REA(5) Edwin O. Reischauer(1) Paul Bahn and Colin Renfrew(1) Robert Resnick(1) Sidney I. Resnick(1) H. A. Rey(1) Tony Robbin(1) Laurel Robertson(1) Andrew Robinson(1) Kim Stanley Robinson(1) J. M. Rodwell(1) Fritz Rorig(1) Gerald Roscoe(1) Edmond Rostand(1) Galen Rowell(1) Donald Rumbelow(1) Frank Glessner Ryder(1) Sid Sackson(1) George Sale(1) Allen Salisbury(1) Jessica Amanda Salmonson(1) Ann Scanlon(1) Chris Scarre(2) H. M. Schey(1) George Schindler(1) W. Scholze-Stubenrecht (ed.)(1) Robert M. Schroeck(1) Charles M. Schulz(1) Institute of the History of Natural Sciences(1) Curtis Scott(1) Sir Walter Scott(1) Gene Seabolt(1) Stephen W. Sears(1) David Sedaris(1) René Sédillot(1) Seerway(1) Robert W. Service(1) Michael J. Seth(1) Diane Setterfield(1) William Shakespeare(6) George Bernard Shaw(1) Larry Shaw(1) Mary Shelley(1) William R. Shepherd(1) Sam Shirley(1) Frank H. Shu(1) Shel Silverstein(3) Michael Simkins(1) H.E. Simmons(1) Simon Singh(1) David Sklansky(1) Andrew Slack(2) Arthur Smith(1) Benjamin E. Smith(1) John Maynard Smith(1) Philip Smith(1) Raymond Smullyan(1) International * Society(1) National Audubon Society(1) Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn(3) Jeong Soo-Hyun(1) Michael A. Stackpole(1) Greg Stafford(1) Adolfo Stahl(1) Kenneth M. Stampp(1) Chester G. Starr(1) Lisa J. Steele(2) John Steinbeck(1) Michael Steiner(1) Susan Alyson Stein(1) E. M. Sterling(1) Laurence Sterne(1) Kenneth S. Stern(1) Robert Louis Stevenson(2) George R. Stewart(1) John Stillwell(1) William H. Stoddard(1) Robert R. Stoll(1) Greg Stolze(2) Tom Stoppard(2) Harriet Beecher Stowe(1) Henry Strutz(1) David E. Stuart(1) Charles F. Stuckey(1) Patrick Suppes(1) Richard J. Sutcliffe(1) Jonathan Swift(2) Earl William Swokowski(1) J. B. Sykes(1) Joseph Tainter(1) Hans Talhoffer(1) Joseph Tal(1) Kirk Tate(1) René Taton(1) Angus E. Taylor(1) Edwin F. Taylor(1) Paula Taylor(1) Ronald J. Taylor(1) Wizards of the Coast(1) Dick Teresi(1) Lewis Thomas(3) Chantal Thompson(1) Hunter S. Thompson(1) Christopher Thrash(1) Paul A. Tipler(1) J. R. R. Tolkien(7) David S. Touretzky(1) Barbara W. Tuchman(1) David Turnbull(1) Mark Twain(2) Jonathan Tweet(1) Hamilton A. Tyler(1) Lao Tzu(2) Brian J. Underhill(1) Unknown(1) Robert D. Van Valin, Jr.(1) Frank E. Vandiver(1) Various(1) Virgil(1) Voltaire(1) Kurt Vonnegut(2) Philippe De Vosjoli(1) Sarah Vowell(1) Nicholas Wade(1) James S. Walker(1) Melissa Walker(1) Lew Wallace(1) Randel Washburne(1) David S. Watkins(1) Bill Watterson(1) Evelyn Waugh(1) Russell Frank Weigley(1) Jonathan Weiner(1) Alan Weisman(1) H. G. Wells(3) Paul Thomas Welty(1) Liang Wenxuan(1) E. T. Chalmers Werner(1) Douglas B. West(1) Richard S. Westfall(1) Jennifer Westwood(1) Bruce Wetterau(1) Edith Wharton(1) Wil Wheaton(1) Mark Wheelis(1) Lynn White(1) Mary White(1) Walt Whitman(2) Ken Wilcox(1) Peter Wilcox(1) Herbert S. Wilf(1) Robert Charles Wilson(2) Simon Winchester(2) Loren K. Wiseman(2) Tobias Wolff(1) Stephen Wolfram(1) Wucius Wong(1) Robert L. Wood(1) George E. Woodward(1) Jonathan Woodward(1) Virginia Woolf(2) James Wyatt(1) Tao-Chung Yao(5) William Butler Yeats(1) Yoshinori Kano(1) John Young(1) John Young(2) Eliahu Zaarur(1) Richard Zacks(1) Jon F. Zeigler(2) Roger Zelazny(1) Eugene Znosko-Borovsky(1) *(1)