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This article is about the Telltale Series character. You may be looking for her appearance in the Clementine series or her Road to Survival counterpart. For other pages with the same name, see: Clementine

All this. It's worth it. All those times you'd ask me if we'd find a home... All I could ever tell you was "we'll see". And your face would fall every single time. (...) That's what I told myself. But you want to know something I didn't tell you? I never had a plan. I never knew where we were going. I never knew anything. I just fought and fought and fought, and hoped you didn't notice. Hoped we'd find something before you did. Did I do a good job?
―Clementine to A.J. (Determinant)[src]

Clementine, nicknamed Clem by many of her companions, is the protagonist and a survivor of the outbreak in The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series. She is the deuteragonist of Season One, A New Frontier, and How I Protekted Clem and the protagonist of Season Two, The Final Season, and the No Going Back Trailer Bonus Scene. A mature, kind, and polite girl, she acts as the moral compass of the group and tries her best to maintain the humanity of the group in a post-apocalyptic world.

After losing the people closest to her, Clementine becomes hardened and more mature in her outlook, but still bravely overcomes the dangers of a post-apocalyptic world head-on and tries her best to maintain some of her previous faith in humanity, hanging on to what Lee Everett taught her, as well as her own values.

As time goes on, however, Clementine develops more brash and forceful traits, distrusting others and doing whatever it takes to stay alive. She holds a firm belief that nothing good will come out of being in a group anymore, and regularly stays by herself.

Now a matured mid-teen, Clementine is a far more independent individual, making her own choices based on her own beliefs and values.

Quick Answers

What role does Clementine play in the Walking Dead series? toggle section
In the Walking Dead Telltale Series, Clementine is an orphaned girl navigating a post-apocalyptic world. She learns to survive in a harsh environment where the living can be as dangerous as the dead. Players, embodying Clementine, face moral and survival dilemmas throughout the series. She is a key character across several seasons, including 'Season One', 'Season Two', 'A New Frontier', and 'The Final Season'.
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How does Clementine maintain her humanity in a post-apocalyptic world? toggle section
In the post-apocalyptic world of The Walking Dead, Clementine retains her humanity by adhering to her own values and the teachings of Lee Everett. As she matures, she becomes hardened yet continues to face the world's dangers bravely, striving to keep her faith in humanity. She develops a survivalist mentality, becoming more forceful and distrustful of others. Despite her harsh experiences, she shows signs of maturity, providing advice to others and occasionally displaying humor.
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What seasons of The Walking Dead does Clementine appear in? toggle section
Clementine, often referred to as 'twd clem' or 'clem walking dead', features prominently in The Walking Dead series. She appears in Season One, Season Two, A New Frontier, and The Final Season, being one of the few characters present in all episodes.
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Who are some of Clementine's companions in The Walking Dead? toggle section
In The Walking Dead, Clementine is accompanied by various characters. These include Lee Everett, Diana, Ed, Sandra, Shawn Greene, Kenny, Duck, Katjaa, Carley, Doug, Glenn Rhee, Mark, Ben Paul, Charles, Christa, Omid, Molly, Luke, Peter Randall, Nick, Rebecca, Alvin, Alvin Jr., Carlos, Sarah, Matthew, Walter, Sarita, Reggie, Edith, and Ava.
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What are some of the challenges Clementine faces in The Walking Dead? toggle section
In The Walking Dead, Clementine grapples with survival in a world devastated by an undead apocalypse. As an orphan, she learns to navigate through a hostile environment where the living can pose as much threat as the undead. Her survival instincts and morals are constantly tested by various dilemmas. She also endures the emotional distress of losing her parents and her guardian, Lee, to the undead.
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For a little girl, Clementine displays remarkable intelligence and maturity, presumably due to the seriousness of the environment. When she last attended school, Clementine was in the first grade, which she described as "easy". She can be practical and improvise in situations such as helping Lee brace the door with his father's cane when the walkers close in on the drug store.

She is highly perceptive, noticing most children her age would not be bothered by. When Ben was interrogated by Lilly after Lee brought him and his teacher/friend to the motor inn, she quickly drags him away from the argument before he could get pulled in with the excuse of wanting to show him her drawings, saving the boy any trouble.

Because of her intelligence, Clementine is a fast learner, quickly adapting to the zombie-infested world. On the train ride to Savannah, Clementine practices marksmanship with help from Lee. Later, in Season Two, Jane taught her how to quickly (and quietly) kill walkers, then loot the bodies for supplies.

Compared to Duck's more oblivious attitude, Clementine is much more aware of the current events going on in the group, such as the power struggle between Lilly and Kenny. As of "Starved For Help", Clementine reveals to Lee that she is aware that her parents are "gone," stating that she'd rather have him lie to her because it is more comforting to hear. (Determinant)

Clementine is not a conformist and is not afraid to speak her mind, believing that everyone should do their best to be a good samaritan unless threatened otherwise. She disagrees with the group's choice of looting a station wagon full of rations left behind by survivors, claiming that the owners may return for their supplies.

However, despite her maturity, Clementine is still relatively innocent in the way children are. For example in "Long Road Ahead", Clementine admits to putting a bug on Duck's pillow, and in "Starved For Help" while Katjaa is taking care of Maybelle, she tells Lee not to lick the salt lick and that it's "gross". Lee will ask Clementine, "Did you lick it?" who will reply with, "I don't know."

Her view towards how society should react in a zombie apocalypse is often more idealistic than realistic, which can affect her understanding of a particular event. Another demonstration of her innocence is her lack of understanding about sex; when Bonnie, Mike, and Luke are discussing Luke having sex with Jane, Clementine is given the option to mention she believes she's aware of the topic and assumes they only kissed, and she finds the concept disgusting.

A third example is her lack of understanding of what a period is, though this could also be due to her being very young when her parents died and the apocalypse started, and thus not having a consistent person in her life to inform her of what a period is. Javier can try to (rather awkwardly) explain this to her or tell her to ask Kate, but she is still confused about it.

Even if not agreeing on Lee's choices, or on the way he responds to her, Clementine still sees him as a father figure, trusting him to protect her no matter what happens. It is even possible to see traits on her that resemble what Lee has taught her, not only about survival but also the way to act towards people. Both having and losing Lee was an essential part of Clementine's maturity.

After seeing her undead parents, being forced to either shoot Lee or leave him to turn, and after Omid is shot and killed, Clementine loses most remnants of her childlike innocence. Over a year later, these events have changed her. She no longer holds an idealistic or hopeful view of the world and instead strives only to stay alive. She's much more ready, willing, and able to defend herself from any attackers and to kill if necessary, though her young age means she has to heavily rely on resourcefulness rather than strength.

If the player so chooses, she can also be cold and aggressive to people who do her wrong, even going so far as to resort to blackmail or to agree on killing someone who has deserved it in her eyes. On the other hand, she can also attempt to appeal to the better nature of people, showing that she still has at least some of her previous faith in humanity intact. Clementine's maturity is something that can be perceived from her by other characters, as it's possible to see when Rebecca and Sarita ask her for advice and even the way Walter talks to her, considering her mature enough, for a child, to understand the way life in the apocalypse is.

During Season Two, Clementine seems to be more like Lee on occasion, as she is far more blunt and makes humorous remarks at the expense of others (as well as talks to herself). An example of this is when Luke tells her that when he was a kid he and his friends used to jump across rooftops to which Clementine replies "That sounds stupid." Another is how she reminds Luke of how she took out a walker herself after he and his group locked her in their shed. Season Two shows that Clementine has found an ability to effectively dodge walkers even at a moment's notice.

Between her time with the Cabin Group and meeting Javier Garcia, Clementine has become an accomplished survivor who has adapted well to the world around her. She has adapted the survival and fighting strategies that her friends have taught her such keeping her hair short, using walker guts to move amongst herds when need be and Jane's technique of kicking walkers in the knee to stun them before putting them down, although Clementine eventually changes it from stabbing the walkers in the back of the head once they're completely down to simply stabbing them in the head once they're on their knees. Clementine goes on to teach these techniques to AJ and, to a degree, Gabriel Garcia in the short time that she knows him.

By the time Clementine had left the New Frontier, she had become much colder and aloof towards others. She no longer travels in groups as she believes that it is inevitable that members will eventually die and the bonds that you make with them will only hurt you further, mirroring Jane's perspective on the subject regardless of player's choices in season 2. Clementine has become much more hardened as a survivor, showing little compunction in harming or dealing with people mercilessly. Despite her cold exterior, she is still capable of showing her prior self to people she has warmed up to, such as Javier and helps him to save Richmond if he has earned her trust and loyalty.

After rescuing A.J. and returning to her life on the road, Clementine became more cheerful, mostly not to influence A.J. with her bad attitude, and began to teach him everything about survival and moral lessons. Tired of always moving, Clementine began wishing to find a place to set down, and upon reaching the Ericson's Boarding School, she finally decided to set down at the location, proclaiming that unlike her other communities, she finally felt at ease, safe, and home.

Clementine also seems indifferent towards her former friend Lilly after the two met each other for the first time in years, as Lilly was currently her enemy and had implicitly sanctioned AJ's shooting and abuse at the hands of Abel.


Suburban Georgia[]

Clementine was born to Ed and Diana on October 26, 1994 and lived a loving life. In "A New Day", while on Hershel's farm, Clementine will tell Katjaa that she has a pet goldfish named "Peanut". She also tells Lee in "Around Every Corner" that she also had a hamster. When Lee asks Clementine in "A New Day" if she has any food allergies, Clementine brings up the fact that her friend Alfred was allergic to peanuts.

She was in the first grade, which she considered to be easy despite her age. She's smart and can hold her own if necessary, known to spend hours building elaborate make-believe tales in her treehouse and reading books rather than watch cartoons or play with dolls (however, she determinately mentions to herself in "No Going Back" that she misses watching television). She also played soccer but admits that she didn't like it.

When she went with Lee into the Crawford school, (Determinant) Clementine is seen sitting at one of the desks and tells Lee that she misses going to school, but in "No Going Back", she tells Lee in her dream that she doesn't like math. In Season Two, Clementine also tells Sarah that she likes books. (Determinant)

Sometime before the outbreak, her parents left for a trip to Savannah and left Clementine with a babysitter named Sandra. Clementine and Sandra used to play a game where they were "secret sisters."

The Telltale Series[]


"No Going Back Trailer Bonus Scene"

The two discovered a raccoon up on the treehouse one day and Clementine asked Sandra to tape the whole thing, as Clementine's parents call. In the conversation, Diana tells Clementine to be nice to Sandra, while Ed tells her not to get the hat that he let Clementine borrow get dirty. After that conversation, Clementine says that she is looking forward to seeing both of her parents soon.


The Telltale Series[]

Season One[]

"A New Day"

When the plague began, Clementine gathered food and went to hide in her treehouse (possibly on Sandra's orders) and remained there for days. Two nights before her actual appearance, Sandra climbed down to possibly seek help or use the phone but was attacked by a walker. Clementine remained in hiding and saw many walkers being shot at and reanimating.

Clementine first appears in the game after hearing Lee Everett shoot the head off of a zombified police officer and deciding to investigate. When Lee tells her to go and get help, walkers arrive and Clementine, obviously afraid, runs back to her hiding spot. She is later in a treehouse hiding from the walkers and where she had been hiding for a few days. Sandra, her babysitter, was not so lucky, as Clementine mentioned that she had heard Sandra screaming a couple of nights after her taking sanctuary in the treehouse.

Sometime shortly after, a man arrived and attempted to break into Clementine's house, so he could steal their TV, but walkers scared him away. She was later found by Lee while he was wandering through her house in search of help. She thought about dropping a hammer on his head, in case he had bad intentions like the previous man. After helping him fight off Sandra, now a walker, he begins to realize her parents may not have made it and decides to look after her. Lee begins to feel affection and concern for the young Clementine.

After leaving the house, they encounter Shawn Greene and Chet or Andre in the street, depending on whether Lee decides to look for help at night or during the day. Shawn mistakes Clementine as Lee's daughter, to which Lee gives Shawn an explanation of how he knows her. Shawn then takes Lee and Clementine to his father's farm. When Shawn tells his father, Hershel, Lee's story, Hershel asks Clementine if she knows who Lee is, to which Clementine responds with yes.

The next morning, Clementine and Lee meet Kenny and his wife, Katjaa, along with their son, Duck. Clementine was befriended by Katjaa almost immediately, with her acting like a motherly figure for her. Clementine also witnesses the walker attack that kills Shawn, which causes Hershel Greene to kick the group off his farm as he blames Kenny and determinantly Lee for not saving his son. Kenny's family offers to take Lee and Clementine to Macon, Lee's hometown, to which he accepts.

The group's pickup truck runs out of gas shortly after arriving in downtown Macon. As they were exploring the streets, they were almost immediately advanced upon by walkers. The group was saved by the intervention of Glenn and Carley, who led them into a nearby drug store owned by Lee's parents. As soon as they met the rest of the group who had holed up in the store, including Doug, Lilly, and her father, Larry. As the adults argue over the fate of Duck, whom Larry believed was bitten, Clementine informs Lee she needs to use the restroom. Lee tells her to just go use the one in the store, but as she opens the door, she is attacked by a walker that had been undetected by the group. Clementine is grabbed, but Lee saves her and in turn is saved by Carley, who shoots the walker.

Clementine was then charged with the task of keeping in contact with Glenn over her walkie-talkie while he retrieved gasoline for Kenny's pickup truck at a nearby motel. While the group waited and attempted to find a way into the pharmacy to obtain nitroglycerin tablets for Larry's heart condition, Clementine helped Lee search the office and asked him about himself and his family. She also asks about the cane Lee finds while clearing the office, to which he responds it was his dad's, and that it was "better at protecting this place than any guard dog." Clementine is also present when Carley approaches Lee and tells him she is knowledgeable about his past. Clementine asks Lee about this later, wanting to know if he is "a bad man."

After the pharmacy's alarm prompted a large scale walker attack, Clementine assists Lee in blocking the doors by retrieving his father's cane and handing it to him, after which he slides it through the handles. She also witnesses either Carley or Doug being devoured by the walkers after Lee chooses who to save. She is tripped and grabbed by another walker as they escape, but Lee saves her a second time.

Later, as the survivors regroup in a motor inn, Clementine expresses her distress to Lee over having broken her walkie-talkie when she fell, which she had used to talk to her parents. She promises she will try to stay strong.

"Starved For Help"

Clementine is seen at the Motor Inn when Lee returns with his hunting party. Sometime earlier, Clementine had lost the hat that her dad had given her and asks Lee if he can find it. Clementine still keeps the walkie-talkie with her even though it is broken, which she admits she only uses to hold make-believe conversations with her parents to make her feel better. When Lee is dividing the rations, he has the option to give some of the food to Clementine. After being taken to the dairy with Lee and the other survivors, she is seen playing on the swing with Duck and Kenny. Lee will have a few chances to talk to Clementine while on the dairy where he can either be direct with her or give her reassuring answers. When Mark is attacked and impaled in the back by the bandits, Lee comments on Mark being lucky and Clementine tells Lee she wants him to stay lucky as well. Lee will also retrieve Clementine's hat from Jolene's camp, to which Clementine will be overjoyed.

If Lee is fast enough when he discovers the St. Johns' true nature, he can stop Clementine from eating Mark's leg (which she believes is just some type of animal meat). If Lee is too slow, she is seen to be in distress about what she has done. After Lee is knocked unconscious, Clementine is one of the survivors locked in the meat locker. There, she witnesses Larry either being killed by Lee and Kenny or just Kenny, which causes her to break down momentarily. Clementine helps them escape by climbing through an air vent and opening the meat locker's door from the back of the barn. Clementine escapes the dairy with the other survivors after Lee and the other survivors deal with the St. John's.

Clementine shows distress after their escape if Lee had chosen to kill either of the St. John brothers or decided to assist Kenny with killing Larry. When the group finds an abandoned car, Clementine makes it clear she doesn't want to steal from the car because she fears that its owners may return. If Lee chooses to loot the car, she will show distaste at his decision, but Lee can give her a hoodie and convinces her that it is alright to take it. If Lee chooses to not loot the car, she will hold Lee's hand and deny Katjaa when she offers her the hoodie. Clementine is shown to respect this decision while they stand by and watch the others taking the supplies. However, she will accept some batteries given to her by Doug/Carley and use them for her walkie-talkie.

"Long Road Ahead"

After Lee and Kenny return from gathering supplies, Clementine runs up to him, happy to see he made it back. He tells her that he'll catch up to her in a minute and goes into Lilly's room. While Lee is in Lilly's room, Clementine is forming a leaf rubbing on some paper near the staircase. After Lee comes back out after being informed about the stolen supplies, he asks Clementine if she broke a flashlight. She asks if Duck accused her of doing it because he is always accusing her of things (like putting a bug on his pillow, to which she admits she was guilty). When Lee finds the shattered glass from the flashlight, he discovers a pink chalk X on a wall and questions her if she owns any pink chalk. She told him she didn't know where it went as it had gone missing.

When Lee discovered the stolen supplies and presented them to Lilly, Clementine and the others (minus Lee and Lilly) were gathered together by the bandits. Once Lilly shoots the leader, the group scatters. As more bandits arrive and begin shooting at the group, she takes cover behind a barricade with Duck and Katjaa. When Lee clears the area of bandits, she runs up to Lee hugging him for comfort before running into the RV. Once the motel is overrun, the whole group escapes in the RV.

While on the road, Lilly begins arguing with Ben and Carley/Doug about them stealing the group's supplies. When Kenny hits a walker, everyone but Duck and Katjaa are outside the RV discussing what to do about the traitor. Clementine is watching the argument from the doorway. Once the walker under the RV had been dealt with, Lilly shoots Carley (intentional)/Doug (accidental) in the head and can either be left behind or tied up and allowed back in the RV. Once back on the RV, Lee is shown that Duck has been bitten while escaping the motel and he informs Clementine, who says that she doesn't feel good. The two share a close moment. Lee then has a nightmare about Clementine reanimating and attempting to eat him.

When the road is blocked by a train, the group departs the RV and Lee and Ben investigate, while Clementine is resting with Kenny and his family. When Ben unlocks the train's breaks, Ben goes out to keep an eye on Clementine, Duck, and Katjaa. While Lee is getting the train started, she encounters Chuck, who gives the kids (plus Ben) candy. Once the train is ready, the group heads out along the tracks until Duck spits up some blood and Lee gets Kenny to stop the train. Duck is taken into the woods so that he can be put out of his misery and so Clementine doesn't have to see. Lee explains what is going on and goes into the woods after hearing a gunshot.

While Lee was in the woods, Chuck informed Clementine that she would soon meet the same fate that Duck did. When Lee is informed of this statement, he is angered and storms out to confront Chuck. When Lee returns after Chuck explained himself, he tells Clementine that Chuck had some good points and teaches her how to shoot a pistol, also giving her a haircut so that she is harder to grab by walkers. Lee discovered a map of Savannah in the front of the train and they make a plan of action for when they get to Savannah.

The train is forced to stop again, as the path is blocked by a gas tanker, hanging over a bridge. Two people are arguing on top of the bridge. When Lee climbs up, they introduce themselves as Christa and Omid. When Omid sees Clementine, he is excited and shocked, as he hasn't seen a child in a while.

Clementine will gain a good relationship with both Christa and Chuck. She helps Lee as they are searching in the train depot. While they are searching, they are taken by surprise as several walkers emerge from the dark. Luckily, Lee kills them and also finds a blowtorch to eliminate the overhanging tanker.

Later, when the train gets moving again, Clementine is seen in the engine room of the train sleeping in a chair. Lee then finds Clementine's drawing of Kenny and his family, smiling to himself. Suddenly, Clementine's walkie-talkie activates and a man speaks, saying that he has her parents and she should find him as soon as possible, with or without Lee's consent.

"Around Every Corner"

Clementine arrives in Savannah along with Lee, Kenny, Omid, Christa, Chuck, and Ben. Lee has taken her talkie because of the man she has been speaking to. She asks him if she can just hold it for a little while. Lee will say no but how he presents this to her is up to the player. Soon the group hears a church bell going off which attracts the walkers to the group, causing them all to scatter. Clementine and Ben are cornered against a wall and Lee orders Ben to protect her, but he flees instead, angering Lee and frightening Clementine. Lee shoots the approaching walkers to protect her. As one is about to grab her, Chuck kills it with his shovel, allowing the group to escape into a mansion nearby.

The mansion is locked down tight and Lee attempts to find a way inside. He notices that the doggie-door is locked and the dog's collar remote activates the lock and is needed to unlock the door. Lee begins to dig up the dog's grave, presuming that the dog was buried with his collar. Clementine will ask what's buried there and Lee's response will either hurt her, or she witnesses the decomposing dog and gets sad. When Lee uncovers the collar and unlocks the doggie-door, Clementine crawls inside and opens the door for the group so they can enter and is either praised or chastised by Lee. Clementine is sitting by Christa and Omid while Lee searches the first floor to make sure it's safe. After Lee goes upstairs to assist Kenny, she notices Lee reburying the dog, along with the boy who used to live in the house and goes back inside with the others. Lee and Kenny travel deeper into the city towards the docks to find a boat for the group, and Clementine is left in Ben's care. At some point, Omid's leg takes a turn for the worse, and Christa calls for Ben's help and Clementine sets off alone to find Lee and Kenny.

Clementine comes just in time to save Lee from being killed by a woman named Molly, or vice versa. When Molly notices Clementine, she realizes that Lee and Kenny aren't from Crawford as there are no children allowed anymore. After learning about Crawford's philosophy, walkers begin to advance towards the group and Molly flees into a nearby alleyway. Clementine yells for Molly's help and is hoisted up to Molly, where she is safe from the walkers. Lee can't get up the fire escape and is forced to go through the sewer as Clementine yells to him, worried. Lee yells back to go back to the house where he'll meet her. Molly manages to get Clementine and Kenny safely back to the mansion.

Once Lee finds his way back to the mansion with Vernon's help, she is nowhere to be found. Lee ends up finding her in a shed in the backyard. Clementine is overjoyed to see him again and shows him a boat she discovered in the shed that they can use. Later, Kenny informs the group that all the boat needs is some gasoline and a battery and it will be ready for the water. The group ends up deciding to look for what they need in Crawford as that's where all of the living survivors of Savannah are. Clementine asks if she can come too because she believes that's where her parents are. Lee can either say yes or no.

If Lee says no, she will pout and go back upstairs to her room. She will be outside to see the group off and asks Lee what she should do if something happens to Omid while they are gone. Lee will either tell her to hide or give her a gun to protect herself and the mansion. While gone, a walker forces itself into the house and attempted to get upstairs, but she was able to stop it by either trapping it behind the double doors on the first floor or shoot it, depending on if Lee gave her the gun or not. She will run downstairs, excited to see Lee made it back. She'll ask him about her parents. She will also ask where Molly is (if Molly was left behind). Soon after, the group will check on Omid and notice that he is fine once he wakes up. Depending on Lee's choice to save Ben or not, Omid will either say he looks worse than him (rescued) or ask where he is (didn't rescue). If Ben was rescued by Lee, when Clementine is back in her room, she'll mention that Ben is different than he was before he left. If Ben was killed, Kenny will reveal what happened and Clementine will look at Lee in horror and run to her room. When Lee goes to Clementine's room, she'll ask what Kenny meant by "he did what he had to do". Lee can either change the subject, say he was a danger to the group, say that he didn't want to be saved, or say nothing.

If Lee lets her come with the group, she will be with the group as they search the school in Crawford where the supplies are held. The group splits into four groups of two, Kenny and Brie will search for gasoline, Christa and Vernon will search for the medication, Lee and Molly will search for the battery, and Clementine and Ben will be left in the classroom where they will all meet up later as a rendezvous point. Clementine is upset that she is being left with Ben, but Lee tells her that he's "leaving Ben with her". After all of the supplies are collected, Molly is attacked by a couple of walkers after Ben's foolishness with pulling out the axe from the door handles. One walker gets in a struggle with Molly, and Lee is offered a chance to shoot it. If Lee misses or does nothing, Clementine shoots it in the head, killing her first walker. Molly tells her, "Nice shot, kid" as Lee, Ben, Molly, and Clementine race back to the classroom to escape the walkers that have entered the school. If Clementine was not brought to the school, and Lee does not shoot the walker, he abandons Molly, leaving her fate unknown.

Once all of the supplies are scavenged, Lee informs the group that walkers are coming and Ben says that it was all his fault and admits that it was his fault that Duck and Katjaa are dead. Kenny attempts to attack Ben but is held back by Lee and Vernon. Kenny wants Ben out of the group, and Christa agrees. Clementine will ask if she gets a say as well. If Lee says no, she is upset by this. If Lee says yes, she says that Ben is nice, and he is her friend and they don't leave friends behind. Christa is moved by this and abstains. Lee's vote is determined by the player. If Lee abstains or votes against Ben she is upset with the decision. If Lee votes with Clementine, she is delighted by his choice. Walkers burst through the door and devour Brie. The group escapes up the bell tower and everyone but Lee and Ben depart down a ladder outside. Lee will either save Ben's life or let him fall to his death (which is what Ben wishes).

Clementine will ask if they'll have time to find her parents before going off on the boat. Lee can either be honest with her or lie to her. Regardless of how Lee answers she will begin crying and he can either comfort her, tell her to get over it, or do nothing. Lee rests on the couch near her to watch her and gives her back the walkie-talkie as a sign of trust and as an apology. Lee then falls asleep, and Clementine disappears with her talkie.

The next morning, Lee wakes up to find Clementine missing. He discovers her hat in the backyard and her walkie-talkie on the sidewalk outside. When reaching for the walkie-talkie, he is bitten by a concealed walker. He kills it but grows distressed over Clementine being missing and his now sealed fate. Depending on his prior choices, Lee can have assistance in looking for Clementine (to get Kenny to come, Lee has to either have been very loyal to Kenny, OR respond by telling Kenny that Clementine is his family when asking him for help, or if Lee took care of Duck and Katjaa. To get Christa and Omid to come, Lee must either reveal his bite or have left Clementine with a gun to guard Omid at the house and being respectful to them. To get Ben to come, he must be alive and either Lee was supportive of Ben or mention Clementine that Clementine stood up for him in Crawford. To go alone, Lee has to hide his bite and say that he needs to do this on his own [or not meet the above requirements]). Lee, and possibly others, will depart to Vernon's sewer morgue to find her, believing she was kidnapped by him. Her voice is then heard on the talkie, distressed, and followed by the mystery man who reveals that she is safe and advises Lee to choose his next words very carefully.

"No Time Left"

Having been kidnapped by the Stranger because he thought Lee was "dangerous", she is revealed to have been held in a hotel room by him when Lee arrives. Lee walks in curiously, only to have the stranger appear behind him with a pistol drawn. Though Clementine calls out, hearing the commotion outside her room, the stranger puts the gun to Lee, forcing him to be quiet and abandon his possessions. Using another walkie-talkie, he reveals to have been monitoring Lee and his group since right after the events of "Starved For Help" and has been told much about Lee from Clementine, depending on the decisions that Lee made. He confronts Lee about his many difficult choices, from saving Carley or Doug to going to the St. John's Dairy with Clementine. He also says, "I bet you don't even know how old she is." Lee answers with eight, but the stranger reveals that Clementine's birthday had passed six days before, making her current age nine. In the end, the stranger tells Lee that he will take Clementine and "hurt [Lee], so bad." While he begins talking to his wife's severed head he keeps in a bowling bag, which is shown to be reanimated, Clementine escapes from the room and, using one of several objects Lee laid on a table at Lee's order, sneaks up and attacks him just as he says "she wouldn't hurt a fly." She can also not be directed to use anything, in which case she will simply punch the stranger in the back of the head.

Lee and the stranger begin a fierce brawl, each trying to get the gun which is knocked around the room. In the ensuing fight, Lee can either kill or spare the stranger, and if he kills him, he has a choice of shooting him to prevent reanimation or not. If Lee spares him, the stranger attacks him again, though Clementine shoots him in the head before he could strangle Lee. Lee and Clementine reunite, and Clementine apologizes several times for having trusted the stranger as she did. Just as they leave, a walker appears at the door. However, it ignores Lee, going for Clementine instead, despite Lee standing directly in front of it. Lee shoots it before it could get past him. Realizing from a comment by Clementine about the blood on him that the walker was confused by his scent, he takes the guts from the walker and rubs it on Clementine to mask her scent as well.

The two initially manage to wade through the walkers outside on the street well, until Clementine sees her parents, Ed and Diana, who are now walkers. Saddened and terrified, Lee tries to calm her, but he passes out once more. Waking up in what appears to be a store of some kind, Clementine had taken Lee there for safety. They find a zombified security guard trapped in an office where an emergency exit lays. Depending on the next few player actions, Lee, on the brink of death now from the bite, whether he amputated his arm or not, tells her to restrain either him or the zombified guard to a nearby radiator to keep one from attacking her. After this Clementine attempts to take either his gun or keys based on Lee's decision. Then the walker attacks her. She ends up killing it with Lee's help, and with the gun and in tears, she begs Lee not to become one of them, though she states she does not think she can bring herself to kill him. Lee can tell her to avoid cities, go with Omid and Christa, or remain on her own, and it is said Clementine will remember his advice. They say their final goodbyes in one final, emotional moment, and Lee, with a great amount of sadness, can either have a breaking-down Clementine shoot him or leave him to reanimate. Either way, he closes his eyes and dies painlessly and quickly.

After the credits roll, a tearful Clementine is seen walking in the rural hills near Savannah. She sits down to rest near an abandoned car. While inspecting some shotgun shell casings off the ground, Clementine looks up and observes two human-like silhouetted figures in the distance. She looks at them for a while, unsure of what action to take, until the two figures stop moving and look towards Clementine. The episode then ends, teasing once more to future installments.

Season Two[]

"All That Remains"

Several months after the events of "No Time Left", Clementine is seen traveling with Omid and a pregnant Christa, revealing they were the two figures that Clementine saw. Stopping at a public restroom next to Gil's Pitstop, the trio discusses the name of Christa's unborn child before deciding to clean up. After entering the women's restroom alone and verifying that it was free of threats, Clementine begins to wash her face with a cloth and water from her plastic bottle but accidentally drops it under a stall door. She enters the stall to retrieve it, only to hear someone coming in. Having left her gun by the sink, Clementine hides in the stall as the unknown person, Michelle retrieves the weapon. However, Clementine accidentally makes a noise, causing Michelle to coax her out at gunpoint and demand that Clementine hand over her possessions. Suddenly, Omid enters the room and, understanding the situation, begins to slowly move towards Michelle intending to apprehend take her weapon to stop Michelle. However, the restroom door shuts noisily, startling Michelle and causing her to shoot Omid in the chest out of reflex and killing him instantly. Christa then bursts in and kills Michelle with a shot to the abdomen before cradling Omid's body and visibly noticing the fact that Michelle had used Clementine's gun.

The scene then cuts to sixteen months later, where Clementine and Christa (who appears to have lost her baby) are seen sitting around a campfire in an attempt at cooking a weasel they caught and killed earlier on. They had made their way to North Carolina, and evidently in a solemn mood with plans to head towards Wellington where Christa believes it may be safer. Soon Christa heads off to look for more firewood, whilst Clementine is left to the fire. Searching through her backpack, she finds the other half of the Everett Family photo of Lee that he had torn off in "A New Day" and looks upon it sadly, before finding her old drawing of Kenny, Katjaa, and Duck from "Long Road Ahead", and also looking upon it with a solemn attitude, before eventually finding a lighter which she uses to tend to the fire. After fueling it with either a nearby log, the drawing of Kenny's family, or her picture of Lee, Clementine hears a noise not far from the camp and finds Christa being held at gunpoint by three bandits, who demand to know whether or not there is anyone with her. Given the option of either sneaking away or throwing a rock at Winston (one of the bandits) in order to distract them, Winston chases after Clementine and attempts to restrain her, though she is able to break free by pushing Winston into the reach of a nearby walker, which then grabs and eventually kills him whilst Clementine is approached by several other walkers which emerge from the woods. Backing away in fear, Clementine falls into a nearby river and is taken downstream by the current until she passes out.

The next day she wakes up on the banks of the river, and after a brief trek through the woods, she encounters a dog named Sam, alongside an abandoned campsite which presumably had once belonged to Sam's owners. After a brief search around the area, Sam begins to bark at a walker tied to a tree with a knife sticking out of its arm. After Clementine remembers some words Lee told her before his demise, she beats it with a large branch and retrieves the knife which is still sharp. There is also a trash can and, after searching it, Clementine finds a can of beans. She then uses the knife to pry open the can, and in doing so, Sam will begin to beg. After a choice to feed him or not, Sam will attack Clementine, biting her on the arm. Clementine grabs her knife and stabs ( or punches, depending on the player's choice ) Sam multiple times until she successfully kicks him where he is pierced by a metal frame in his hind leg, and another through his stomach. Clementine has the choice of killing him or leaving him to die.

Clementine eventually heads off with a severely wounded arm and ends up almost passing out from exhaustion in the woods, only to realize that she's surrounded by several walkers. Attempting to flee, she is almost overwhelmed by a walker only to be saved by Luke and Pete, who begin to carry her off. However, Luke suddenly notices the wound on Clementine's arm and, initially assuming it to be a walker bite, begins to discuss with Pete over what to do, only for Clementine to tell them that it was a dog bite. Still skeptical, Luke and Pete continue arguing before Pete eventually decides to give her the benefit of the doubt and take her to their cabin, where she can be seen to by their doctor. Again exhausted and wounded, Clementine passes out and eventually stirs from consciousness only to wake up as several other people argue over what to do with Clementine fearing she could be in league with an individual named Carver. Noticing someone with an uncanny resemblance to Kenny, Clementine is initially surprised and causes the individual, revealed to be Nick, to become startled and accidentally fire off his gun close to Clementine's proximity. After further arguing between the group and herself over the origin of her wound, Clementine is examined by Carlos who is still unable to determine whether or not she was bitten by a walker.

Ultimately the group decided to temporarily hold Clementine in the shed until the following day so they can see whether or not she will develop the fever usually associated with infection, despite Clementine's requests for her wound to be treated before it worsens. Deciding to find the supplies to treat herself, Clementine uses a hammer to break away a board blocking off a hole that leads outside of the shed and can sneak into the cabin through a gap beneath the patio and making her way inside via a trap door. Given the opportunity to eavesdrop on the group's meeting, she finds them still unable to decide over what to do with her and heads upstairs to acquire the necessary resources from the various rooms, including a roll of rags from the main bedroom to serve as a makeshift bandage. Whilst in the bathroom, she can acquire a needle but is forced to hide after hearing someone approaching, and notices Rebecca in a visibly distressed state, worriedly talking to herself about the identity of her baby before leaving. Clementine then heads into the other bedroom, only to notice that Sarah is inside and has discovered her. Despite this, she willingly offers her help to Clementine and displays a friendly interest in her, curious as to whether or not she is her friend. Regardless, she offers a bottle of peroxide normally used by her Dad to treat her when she's cut to Clementine and asks that she doesn't tell anyone that she helped her.

Heading back to the shed, Clementine painfully disinfects her wound with the peroxide before using the needle and some fishing wire to suture her wound shut, only to accidentally drop the roll of rags near the hole in the wall. Reaching down to grab it, she is suddenly attacked by a walker who had been attracted by her cries of pain and grabs her by the foot, breaking its way through the hole in the process. Climbing atop her, the walker attempts to bite Clementine (in a similar manner that Sandra had attempted to bite Lee in "A New Day", it should be noted) but is knocked back after Clementine hits it with a brick, before she is able to use a rake to push it back and impale it onto a nearby anchor. Before it can pull itself free, Clementine quickly grabs the hammer and begins to bludgeon the walker over the head with it, again shadowing Lee's killing of Sandra in the previous season, just as the others burst into the shed after hearing the noise.

After briefly arguing among themselves, Clementine is allowed into the cabin with them where her wound is examined and bandaged by Carlos and she is offered some food by Luke, who appears to have changed his previously skeptical attitude towards her. The two make conversation, where Clementine is allowed to confide in him about her past and mention Lee, including the lessons he passed onto her. Nick soon enters the room to apologize to Clementine for his earlier outburst against her, and if prompted it is revealed by Luke that Nick's mother had been previously killed by a bite victim they had allowed into the group. Rebecca also turns up and warns that Clementine shouldn't get too comfortable around the group.

The following day, Clementine and Pete are seen out in the woods on a fishing trip where Pete talks about Nick's childhood. Nick soon catches up with them and displays annoyance at one particular story being told, though Clementine can attempt to defuse the situation. Arriving at the river, they are met with the sight of several fresh corpses scattered across the banks and Pete briefly mentions that an individual referred as Carver may have been responsible for it, and decides to investigate the scene for any clues as to who is responsible for it. Whilst searching, Clementine discovers her backpack next to one of the bodies and suddenly realizes that the body is still alive, and belongs to one of the bandits who had previously attacked her and Christa. Injured and weak, the bandit asks for water and Clementine is given the option of refusing or granting his request, but before she can question him further several walkers begin to emerge from the woods on either side.

Pete is attacked and bitten on the leg, though he claims that he had merely lost his footing whilst at the same time several walkers attack Nick. Clementine is forced between saving either of the two; if she saves Pete, Nick will eventually fight off the walkers but will be seen fleeing into the woods, whilst if she saves Nick then Pete will ultimately be killed by the walkers. The episode then ends as Clementine and her companion quickly flee into the woods.

"A House Divided"

Helped Nick: Clementine is in a shed with Nick, both of them are holding the shed doors to keep the walkers outside. Nick leaves Clementine holding the door by herself while he looks for something to hold the door close. He then finds a heavy box and braces it against the door. After making sure the walkers won't pass through Clementine has the option of talking with Nick about her previous actions (helping him and letting Pete die). After that, Nick finds a collection of whiskey bottles and offers one to Clementine. She has the option of accepting or refusing it. However, it becomes clear that Nick will not help her. Tired, Clementine rests against the heavy box and eventually falls asleep.

In the middle of the night, Clementine wakes up to Nick throwing the bottles at the wall because of Pete's death. Clementine then tells Nick they have to go. Clementine can decide whether or not to take Nick back to the cabin. If Clementine leaves with Nick, he opens the door and starts drawing the walkers' attention to him to give Clementine time to escape. If Clementine tries to get him he will push her telling her to go. Clementine leaves Nick in the shed or fighting the walkers off no matter what you choose.

Helped Pete: Pete and Clementine are inside of a truck with both of its doors closed and locked. As Pete slides to the floor, exhausted, Clementine stares at the bite on his leg. Pete asks Clementine what is she looking at, and tells her it isn't polite to be staring at someone. Clementine can ask about the bite or say nothing about it. Pete then will tell Clementine to give him the bone saw so he can cut off his leg (even if you give it to him, he will be unable to cut off, saying he will die anyway.) Clementine has the option of giving her opinion about what he's about to do. Clementine then explores the place to help themselves to get out of their current situation, when Clementine finds a box full of cigarettes. Pete asks her if she could hand him one. Clementine lights the cigarette for him before Pete tells her that they can do nothing more than wait.

In the middle of the night, Clementine wakes up and sees Pete laying on the floor making pained noises. Clementine goes to check on him to see how he's doing. Pete then sits up and tells Clementine that he doesn't feel good and that he wanted to live. He also says that he wishes he could say goodbye to Nick and asks Clementine if she can promise him that she'll take care of Nick. Then Pete tells Clementine that no one is coming and that she has to go. Clementine can ask Pete if he needs help. If she does he'll say that he's dead no matter what and that it's too late. Clementine tells him that he should come with her at least to say goodbye to Nick. If Pete comes out of the truck with Clementine they'll find themselves surrounded by the walkers. Pete and Clementine try to run, but Pete falls and tells Clementine to go. Regardless of your choices, Clementine will escape leaving Pete behind surrounded and defenseless.

When Clementine comes back to the cabin she finds Carlos and Rebecca sitting. Carlos will smile after seeing Clementine safe if he trusts her. Both of them tell Clementine that they had sent Luke and Alvin to look for them. They ask Clementine what happened to them. Clementine tells them that they were attacked and that she was with Nick/Pete afterward. Rebecca angrily insists on looking for Luke and Alvin and tells Carlos to get the guns. Carlos complies, and just before leaving he asks Clementine if she could watch Sarah. Clementine then makes her way up to Sarah's room. Once Clementine opens the door, Sarah takes a picture of her with a camera. Sarah then asks Clementine if she can take a picture of her (Sarah). Clementine can either refuse or accept depending on your choice. Afterward, Sarah shows Clementine a gun she found with the camera. Depending on your choice, Clementine can either train Sarah to use the gun or not. If the former is chosen, Clementine will repeat Lee's advice from Long Road Ahead.

Afterward, Sarah shouts that Luke has come home and runs out of the room. Clementine looks outside and sees a silhouette and eyes it suspiciously. After walking downstairs, Sarah will confirm Clementine's hunch and state that the man is indeed not Luke. Clementine will approach the door and after attempting to lock it or open it, the stranger walks in. He greets Clementine and asks her what her name is. She has the option of refusing, saying Clementine, or saying her name is Carley. The man enters the house examining it, asking Clementine questions like who she is staying with. Then the man introducing himself as George, optional, proceeds to ask Clementine if she has seen seven of his people. Once he explains who they are, Clementine realizes he is talking about Nick, Luke, Alvin, Rebecca, Carlos, Pete, and Sarah. "George" snoops around the cabin, asking about the group Clementine is currently staying with, while trying to avoid some of Clementine's questions, and after he believes he sees something, "George" goes to check it out. He goes up to Sarah's room where she is hiding under the bed, nearly being caught. Before he leaves, if a picture of Sarah was taken, "George" will discover it on the floor and, realizing she lied to him, tells Clementine not to trust the cabin group and leaves.

Carlos, Rebecca, Luke and Alvin (and Nick, if not saved in "All That Remains") enter from the kitchen entrance where Clementine and Sarah tell them of what happened with the man. The group believe it was William Carver and he was looking for them. Luke and Carlos tell the group they will have to pack up and leave for the north, to which they hastily prepare for and leave. Along the way, Rebecca apologizes to Clementine for being hostile towards her earlier, and eventually, the group will come across where Clementine last saw Pete/Nick. If Clementine was with Nick, they will find him inside the small cabin, alive and well. If Clementine was with Pete, the group will find his body, stomach torn open and a bullet in his head. The group then continue on their way. The game skips to 5 days later and the group comes across a bridge that Clementine had scouted through her binoculars.

Clementine and Luke go to clear the path on the bridge and proceed to kill a few walkers, with Luke nearly falling off into the river. After nearly crossing, the duo comes across a man with a rifle who proceeds to ask questions. The man lowers his guard believing they are friendly and offers them food until Nick comes up from behind believing the man was going to kill Clementine and Luke. Despite their efforts to stop Nick, he fatally shoots the man in the neck and they all watch as he falls off the bridge and into the river.

The rest of the group crosses the bridge and Alvin will ask Clementine to search the small lodge for any food for Rebecca, who insists she is fine. After searching the cabin, Clementine comes across a hunting knife which she uses to pry open a chest with canned food and books within it. Alvin will walk in and ask for the food for Rebecca and keep the knowledge of said food quiet from everyone else. After the conversation is over, everyone notices a small herd of walkers crossing the bridge and they quickly leave for the ski lodge on top of the mountain.

The group reaches the lodge and notice it is somewhat reinforced. After Clementine checks the view in case of any followers, she finds some lights flashing near the forest and the bridge, until she notices that her group is being confronted by another group that came out from the lodge. She goes through the group to find Kenny, still alive, along with his new girlfriend Sarita and his friend Walter. The dispute is instantly settled after they see Clementine and Kenny reuniting.

After catching up with Kenny, helping Sarita and Sarah hang up some Christmas ornaments, talking to Walter about dinner and talking with Rebecca about the baby, dinner will be served where Clementine will pick if she wants to eat with Kenny's group or the cabin group. The group you choose to sit with will begin to talk about the other, specifically Luke, Nick, and Kenny. Eventually, Luke and Nick will sit at Kenny's table or Kenny will sit at the cabin's table and they will begin to talk and argue. Clementine has four options to stop the group from fighting, either siding with Kenny by telling Luke to hear him, "...Kenny is my friend!" she yells at Luke, and the arguing stopped. or siding with Luke by telling Kenny to stop, in the same fashion as if Clementine siding with Kenny. "Luke is my friend!" she yells. After it's over, Kenny accidentally calls Clementine "Duck" and gets visually upset. Walter then asks Clementine if she could help him outside.

Walter will begin to speak with Clementine on how he believes the world is still salvageable and speaks of his partner, Matthew. Kenny joins the two in making one last scout around the lodge, and they see a woman peering into the resort. They wonder if she is trustworthy, but Walter ends up giving her a large box of food to help feed her "family." Going back inside, Luke tells Clementine that the man on the bridge was Walter's partner, Matthew and that she shouldn't tell Nick or Walter. Nick walks up and can discover who the man he killed was, and Luke takes him away to have a drink before telling Clementine to retrieve the knife she found from her backpack, which was Matthew's. When she goes to take it, Clementine finds it missing and that Walter is inspecting it standing on the porch. Clementine speaks with him where he asks how Matthew died and whether Nick is a good man or not. After Nick walks up to them, Walter begins breaking down and asks for Nick to tell him what happened. He throws the knife away and the windmill begins to spin rapidly due to the oncoming storm, making a loud sound that would bring in walkers.

Kenny, Luke, Carlos, Walter, Sarita, Nick, and Clementine go to stop the windmill and fend off walkers. Kenny and Luke go to check on the blown transformer as Clementine shuts down the windmill and the others cover her. However, the noise has drawn a small herd of walkers out of the woods. As everyone fights the walkers, Nick struggles with one near the lodge. However, everybody else is occupied and unable to help him except Walter. Depending on what you told him if Nick was good or not, he will either save Nick or let him be eaten. After Clementine runs inside, they hear automatic fire as a small group walks out from the woods and finishes off the walkers with assault rifles. This group consists of the man who entered the cabin, the woman, Bonnie, who was earlier looking into the resort, and two other men, Johnny and Troy. The man is identified as Carver by Carlos, who the former begins to beat. Sarah runs outside to protect her father from harm. Carver orders the group to go inside where he puts everyone on the ground ready for execution. Alvin, Clementine, and Rebecca speak of what they should do.

Clementine can then persuade Rebecca to either surrender or to go in search of Luke and Kenny. If they surrender, Clementine and Alvin will be sat down. If Clementine goes in search of Luke and Kenny, she will jump out of a window and ultimately reunite with Kenny outside, who is watching the lodge with his rifle at the ready. Regardless of Clementine's words, Kenny fatally shoots one of the men. Carver takes over ordering for Kenny to stop.

After Kenny fires again and misses the shot, Carver immediately takes Walter and executes him, saying it was for his man. He then picks up Alvin and speaks of someone named George that Alvin had earlier killed. If Clementine tells Kenny to surrender or if she runs to protect Alvin, he will be spared and Kenny gives himself up. If Clementine is silent or tells Carver to stop, Kenny will fire at Carver and hit him in the shoulder, where he gets back up and shoots Alvin in the head, killing him. He will then threaten to kill Clementine or Sarita dependent on an earlier choice in which Kenny turns himself in.

He then orders his remaining people to take the survivors "home," and the episode ends.

"In Harm's Way"

The episode begins Clementine and Sarah go to the bathroom supervised by Troy. After Carver finishes his conversation with Tavia, he scolds Clementine for listening in on their conversation. Clementine can either apologize or be impolite and rude. If she is the latter, Carver will smack Clementine across the face, before commanding Troy to tie them up and load them back on the truck with Kenny, Sarita, Carlos, Sarah, Rebecca, Alvin (Determinant) and Nick (Determinant). On the van, during the verbal argument between Kenny and the other cabin survivors, based on the player's choices, Clementine can either support Kenny or side with cabin survivors. When Kenny cuts his binds loose and prepares to attack as soon as the van door opens, Clementine can mention she is scared (Determinant).

When they arrive at Howe's Hardware, Clementine and the group walk through the main area of the store until Troy sends them to the "yard" - an area of the store where wrong-doers can work their way back into the main store. Clementine meets Reggie here, as well as Mike and Jane, although they don't interact until later. Clementine will then look around the yard, searching for any possible method of escape, and Reggie will plead with Clementine to "stop touching things". A little while later, Troy returns bringing Carlos back, and the group then goes to sleep.

Clementine is woken up by Troy lightly kicking her and stating that Carver has an announcement. During Carver's announcement, Sarah will begin talking to Clementine about their first night. Clementine can either be polite to Sarah or ask her to keep quiet. Regardless of the choice, Sarah continues talking and it results in Carver's command that Carlos disciplines his daughter. Clementine can claim it was her fault, but Carver disagrees, and Carlos continues to smack his daughter, as ordered by Carver.

Before the group continue to start their chores, Clementine witnesses Jane accidentally dropping soil from a faulty rope crane. As Clementine is taken to her first chore by Tavia, she will (Determinant) pass by Shel and Becca, whom the latter will start complaining.

Clementine then arrives in an armory where Bonnie is working loading magazines. Bonnie then apologizes to Clementine for her untruthfulness and Walter's death. Clementine can either blame her or Carver or stay neutral saying "a lot of people are to blame". As the discussion continues, Tavia talks to Bonnie over a walkie-talkie, asking if Clementine is still there. After Bonnie gives Clementine a "cool" jacket, Tavia will then come down to collect Clementine and take her to do more work with Reggie and Sarah in the greenhouse.

Once she reaches the greenhouse, she finds Sarah cowering in a corner and has a conversation with her about Carlos hitting Sarah earlier. Afterward, Reggie will be brought to the greenhouse by Tavia, and Reggie will explain that they are "picking berries". As they begin work, Clementine will notice that Sarah is unable to do anything, and Clementine can either continue her work or help Sarah.

Whichever option is chosen, Carver will come to the greenhouse, causing Reggie to panic as either Clementine or Sarah would have failed to get their work done depending on the above choice. As Carver becomes angry at Reggie's failure to do the task, Clementine can say that it was her fault, but Carver dismisses her response. Carver will then ask Clementine and Sarah to wait outside the greenhouse, which they do so. As Clementine asks if Sarah is okay, Carver will push Reggie out of the greenhouse and then off of the roof, killing Reggie. Both Clementine and Sarah witness this and are instantly shocked and saddened, and Carver will then warn the two about weakness and incompetence, before Carver orders Clementine to return to Bonnie for more work.

As she returns, Bonnie will give Clementine the task of running supplies to the workers at the expansion. Clementine can tell Bonnie about Reggie's death, and she will then let Clementine outside to deliver the supplies, after signaling Troy that Clementine is to be allowed outside. Clementine will briefly look at Reggie's corpse on the ground, before walking to the expansion.

Inside the expansion, Clementine finds Kenny and Mike fighting one another, which leads to a window becoming breached, allowing walkers to enter the area. Clementine flees behind a shelf, and then towards a room. However, a walker pins her down, but Troy arrives and kills the attacking walker before sending her back to work.

On her way back, she is snatched into a comic store by an unknown person. Clementine manages to escape the clutches and discovers the person to be Luke. He tells Clementine how he managed to get inside and then ask her to bring him a pair of walkie-talkies so he can help the group to escape. Troy calls out for Clementine, and Luke tells her to go back outside. As she exits the comic store, Troy questions her about what she was doing before saying that Carver wants a word with Clementine in his office.

As Clementine walks towards Carver's office, Rebecca will exit from it in tears and Carver will call Clementine inside. He discusses the reason as to why he killed Reggie earlier that day, and will then say that it is up to "people like us" to lead the weaker people. Tavia will then talk to Carver over the radio about Troy, and Carver allows Clementine to leave for dinner.

Clementine arrives back at the yard where the group is discussing the herd of walkers that is approaching. Clementine can talk to the group about Luke, discovering that they already know is here, and the group continues discussing a plan to escape. Jane joins the conversation, and Clementine can agree with her on covering themselves in the walker's guts to escape the herd. With this, the group decides the plan.

Mike then lifts Clementine onto a rope, which she begins to climb, but then a guard arrives at the yard, forcing Clementine to jump onto a ladder and continue climbing towards the roof. As she climbs, she notices the large herd of walkers closing in on the hardware store. Whilst on the roof, she sees Hank patrolling and enters the hardware store through a skylight. Within, Tavia is guarding the walkie-talkies, but Clementine manages to steal two of them and return to the roof through the skylight, heading for the ladder. When Clementine jumps off the ladder into the yard, Mike catches her. She can show the walkie-talkies to the group and Jane will congratulate her before they go to sleep.

The next day, Clementine and the group discuss who will take the walkie-talkies to Luke, and the job falls to Clementine as the group is taken to their chores by Tavia and Troy. As Troy is escorting Clementine to her work, Bonnie arrives and has Clementine come and work with her. The two talk about Reggie and Carver before Clementine becomes anxious. Clementine will either talk about Luke, Kenny or show her distrust towards Bonnie, through which any option will have Bonnie allow Clementine to go elsewhere.

Clementine will return to the comic store and find out that Luke is not there. She continues searching but Troy will begin calling out for her. If she leaves the store immediately, Troy will see her and take her to the yard. If she stays searching in the comic store, Troy will come inside the store enraged and smack Clementine before sending her to the yard.

Once in the yard, she finds Carver standing beside a captured Luke with the rest of the group watching helplessly. Carver holds up a walkie-talkie and requests that whoever holds the second one should give it in immediately. Clementine can choose to conceal it or give it in, but either option will result in Kenny swiftly snatching the radio and handing it in himself, taking the blame. Carver reacts angrily to this and begins to brutally beat Kenny, and Sarita will desperately try to help Kenny but Carlos attempts to restrain her. Clementine can choose to either help Carlos restrain Sarita, help Kenny, or do nothing.

If Clementine helps restrain Sarita: She will help Carlos to hold Sarita back and Carver continues to beat Kenny.

If Clementine chooses to help Kenny: Troy will bash Clementine down with his rifle as she rushes to Kenny's aid, resulting in a cut on her cheek.

If Clementine does nothing or tries and fails to restrain Sarita: Sarita will free herself from Carlos and attempt to run to Kenny's aid only to be bashed by Troy's rifle and receive a cut.

Eventually, Bonnie appears and ceases Carver's beating by warning of a breach, to which Carver will go and investigate. Bonnie will then tend to Clementine if Troy had punched her and states that she can help them escape that night.

Clementine either wakes up or watches Kenny unconscious and being treated by Carlos while the remainder of the group discusses the escape plan. For the plan to work, someone would need to turn on the PA system, and the responsibility for this falls to Clementine. Kenny eventually regains consciousness and the group begins to execute the plan.

Mike hoists up Clementine to the dangling rope once more, and she climbs to the roof. Once there, Clementine will descend into Carver's office through a skylight and turn on the PA system, which results in Carver's group running around trying to discover the problem. If Alvin was saved in "A House Divided", Alvin, who was sitting unconscious in a chair in Carver's office, will now wake up and talk with Clementine. He will ultimately sacrifice himself so that Clementine can escape Carver's office back through the skylight.

Clementine reaches the roof and descends through another skylight into the stock room, which was the area the group agreed to meet. However, much to her shock, she finds the group being captured by Carver. Clementine will then distract Carver, allowing the group to overpower him. Afterward, Kenny disables Carver by shooting him in both of his legs, and all but Kenny and Rebecca will leave outside. Clementine can either choose to stay as well or go outside with the others, but either option will bring Carver's death.

When outside, Clementine discovers that the herd of walkers has reached the hardware store. To escape, the group begins to cover themselves in the walker's guts. Clementine will help Sarah with this task before Troy appears and attempts to stop them. Jane manages to shoot Troy and the group leaves him to the walkers. Clementine and the group begin to escape slowly through the herd of walkers.

As they walk through the herd, Carver's group appear on the roof behind them and begin to shoot down the herd. Carlos asks Clementine to calm Sarah down and shortly after, he is shot and killed. Clementine can shout for Sarah to run before Sarah begins to break down and flee the scene. Clementine then deals with some attacking walkers before finding Sarita struggling with a walker. Clementine notices that Sarita has been bitten, and Clementine can either choose to kill the attacking walker or chop off Sarita's arm. Either option will result in both Clementine and Sarita looking shocked before the episode fades to black and ends.

"Amid The Ruins"

The opening scenes of the episode differ depending on how you saved Sarita at the end of "In Harm's Way":

If you hacked Sarita's arm off: The episode starts with Sarita screaming in pain. Staggering, she asks Clementine why she cut her hand off before the walkers surround and attack her. Hearing her screams, Kenny comes to her aid, alongside Mike. He can kill all of the walkers, but Sarita collapses and is already dying of blood loss. Kenny becomes angry at Clementine, blaming her for what happened to Sarita, and tells her to stay away from both of them. Clementine will then have to choose to either axe Sarita to end her suffering or persuade Kenny to leave. If the latter is chosen, Kenny still refuses to leave, and Clementine can choose to axe Sarita or do nothing. Doing nothing will result in Kenny leaving Sarita to reanimate. Kenny is still angry at Clementine and blames her even more with increased hostility. Mike grabs Kenny, and the two run off, leaving Clementine behind to escape on her own.

If you killed the walker that attacked Sarita: Sarita will panic at the sight of her infected arm. Kenny and Mike arrive to assist, and the four escape the herd together, though Clementine is left behind to escape on her own.

This next part is non-determinant and happens regardless of how you rescued Sarita: Clementine gets left behind and manages to fend off some walkers by herself. She then sees Luke and Nick (if the latter was saved in the events of "A House Divided") and calls out to them, but they run away from the herd and try to catch up with Sarah. If Nick is alive, then she will see him being shot at the back of his shoulder by the members of Carver's group.

Clementine kills more walkers as she searches for her group, applying more walker guts on her in the process. Clementine can shout for Kenny, Luke or keep quiet, but someone grabs her from behind. startling her. However, she is relieved when she sees that it is Rebecca. Rebecca is thankful that she found Clementine and tells her that Luke was with her but was separated from him. Not so long afterward, the two realize that they have to get out from there; Clementine sees an opening far ahead, and so they both attempt to run forth to escape, only to be surrounded once more and retreat to where they were.

Jane stumbles across them, telling them to stay calm and walk slowly, but Rebecca begins panicking, running to a tree and hiding behind it, pleading Jane for her help. Jane suggests they spread out to avoid getting caught and Clementine could say she agrees with Jane, or stay with Rebecca's side. In either choice, Jane returns to where she left Clementine and Rebecca and devises a plan to help them to get through the herd. Jane then asks Clementine to get a walker's attention so that Jane could use it as a 'cow-catcher'. Clementine successfully draws the attention of the nearby walker, while Jane sneaks up behind it and removes its jaw from, thus preventing it from biting them. Jane uses the walker as camouflage and pushes through the herd, with Rebecca and Clementine walking behind her. The three manage to successfully escape the herd into the forest.

Later, the three are seen walking through the forest towards Parker's Run, but Rebecca begins to lag, and so Clementine asks Rebecca how she is doing. She notes that her pregnancy is increasingly draining her energy, and Clementine is seen to be visually concerned about Rebecca's well being. Rebecca thanks Jane for saving them back at Howe's Hardware, but Jane also allows Clementine to receive some of the credit. Jane persists to keep them moving forward but allows Rebecca to rest for a minute when she asks. A conversation about Rebecca's baby ensues, and when Jane asks about what she will do with the baby, Rebecca takes offense even though Jane apologizes. The group has a short argument, with Jane revealing that she once had a sister, later known to be Jaime, and the argument ends ultimately with Jane storming off ahead with the other two following towards Parker's Run.

Clementine, Rebecca, and Jane reach Parker's Run and are delighted to find Bonnie and Mike waiting for them. They discuss the fact that Nick, Luke, and Sarah are yet to arrive at the meeting place, and that Kenny is sitting nearby seemingly broken. Mike states that Kenny flipped out when he attempted to talk to him, and so Mike and Bonnie suggest for Clementine to talk to Kenny and see if he is okay.

Kenny is heard talking about Sarita and asking for her forgiveness as Clementine approaches. Clementine attempts to talk to him, but he remains silent and becomes hostile towards her, stating that "just because she is a little girl, it doesn't mean people won't care if she kills someone". He becomes increasingly hostile, and this forces Clementine to back out and leave him alone, becoming visibly saddened by his reaction. She returns to the others and continues to discuss their plan of action, with Mike being skeptical about bringing a baby into this world without food or water. Clementine suggests they should go find Luke, Sarah and Nick (Determinant), to which Rebecca agrees. As a result, Jane volunteers to search for them, asking Clementine to go along with her. Rebecca thanks Jane for this decision, and the two head out into the forest.

While walking, Jane says how she is not sure they will be able to find Sarah or the others, but Clementine can choose to disagree. Either way, Jane will mention that Clementine must be smart, otherwise she would not have made it this far. The two discuss whether or not being in a group is the best option, and if surviving on one's own is the more pragmatic solution, ending with Jane giving Clementine some advice about her group, claiming that it is "cracking" and won't last for much longer with only "broken decisions". Jane then reveals more of her previous life with her sister, Jaime, recalling the memories of having a little sister and annually visiting an amusement park in Virginia during the Summer.

Momentarily, Jane spots an area ahead, and the two come across the Sunshine Village Mobile Home Park where two fresh corpses lay dead on the ground. Jane teaches Clementine to make sure the corpses are dead, and that only fresh corpses or walkers contain useful loot. They search the corpses and discover bullets and a nail file. Further, when they push a walker corpse to the side, Clementine discovers Sarah's glasses on the ground underneath the walker, signaling that Sarah had once been here. Clementine can call out for Sarah's name, or discuss what to do with Jane, but before they decide what to do, Sarah's screams are heard from within the trailer park, as well as Luke's voice.

Together, they discover a hole in the fence allowing entry into the trailer park, but (If saved in "A House Divided") they discover that a zombified Nick is caught in the fence. Jane requests that Clementine should be the one to end him, which she does so momentarily afterward with three hatchet blows. Jane gives Clementine more advice not to hesitate if she has to do this to other members of her group, and she also gives her a more agile weapon - a scratch awl.

After entering the trailer park, they discover two walkers close by. Clementine defeats one of them, and Jane decided to attack the other, while also demonstrating a new tactic to Clementine; to kick the walkers in the knees and then stab them in the back of the head. They press onward and discover two more walkers blocking the view of a trailer where Sarah and Luke are hiding. As they advance towards these walkers, Clementine gets caught by a nearby walker that jumps on her. Clementine manages to defeat this walker as Jane takes care of one of the other walkers. Clementine finishes off the last walker, using the tactic that Jane just taught her, to which Jane will be pleasantly surprised and merit her use of the tactic.

Ahead, they find the trailer park where Sarah and Luke are hiding, but discover that the trailer is surrounded by walkers attracted to Sarah's screams. The two decide they need to find a way to lure the walkers away, and Clementine decides to use the horn of a nearby car to do so. Together, they drag a walker corpse to the vehicle and leave it on top of the steering wheel, creating the monotonous horn sound which manages to successfully attract the walkers away from the trailer.

Jane and Clementine quickly enter another trailer to the side to get around to Sarah and Luke's trailer. However, there are two walkers which they must dispose of first, which they do so with ease. The two manage to reach the outside of Sarah and Luke's trailer but discover the door to be locked. It turns out that the walker that was left on the steering wheel had fallen off, resulting in the horn being silenced and the walkers beginning to return to the trailer in which Sarah is screaming. Running out of time, Clementine attempts to open the door while Jane defends her from the walkers. Clementine eventually manages to break open the door by kicking it down, and once inside, the two immediately pull over furniture to block the door from walkers.

Once inside, Luke comes out to find them, and Clementine can reveal Nick's death to Luke (If Nick was saved in "A House Divided") to which he is horrified and saddened. Luke then explains the situation, and that Sarah had run to this trailer park for shelter and hasn't moved since. Clementine rushes over to find Sarah huddled in the corner of a room in shock, presumably over her father's death. Clementine attempts to talk to her to get her to move, but time begins to run out as the trailer is surrounded by walkers. Luke notes that the only exit is now a skylight. Walkers begin to break the main door down, and Jane rushes to help block it, also asking for Luke's help in doing so.

After failing to get Sarah to move, Clementine will go help Jane and Luke, looking for something they could climb on top of to reach the skylight. It turns out that the furniture they used to block the door is the only item they can use to do so, and together they quickly move it over to where the skylight is, with Jane defeating the attacking walkers that can now easily walk through the door. Luke is the first to exit the skylight, and it is then up to Clementine to convince Sarah to leave or to let her stay. If she convinces her to leave, Clementine will ultimately have to slap Sarah to get her to move through the skylight, but if she leaves Sarah, the latter will start screaming for Clementine and become engulfed by walkers as Clementine and Jane exit through the skylight. Depending on Clementine's choice, all four, or only three of the survivors can return to Parker's Run.

On returning, they discover that Rebecca is in increasing pain from her pregnancy and that Kenny is residing within a nearby tent. Clementine decides to talk with Kenny and asks for his help with Rebecca's pregnancy as Kenny is the only person that has had experience with a birth in the past. Kenny, although resentful at first, agrees to help. The group decides to look for supplies and a safe shelter nearby, and so Jane goes towards the local observation deck and gift shop, while Bonnie and Mike head towards a nearby museum. Clementine will ultimately go with Jane to the observation deck.

Upon reaching the deck, Clementine will find Jane sitting on a bench, and the two will discuss the situation more whilst walking to the observation deck. At the top, they discover an ideal safe location for Rebecca to give birth, however, it is locked under a padlock and will take some time to open. Without warning, Clementine spots a stranger approaching the observation deck from afar, and this forces the two to hide. The man climbs to the top and attempts to stuff a bag into a garbage bin, but Clementine startles him by talking to him.

The man reacts with hostility and points his gun at her, saying he will not hesitate to shoot her. As Clementine begins talking to him, Jane sneaks up behind him and disarms him, forcing him to drop his bag. The man reveals his name to be Arvo, and Clementine discovers the bag to be filled with medical supplies. Clementine can choose either to keep the supplies for themselves or give them back to Arvo. Either option will result in Jane threatening Arvo to never come to this area again, before sending him away. Jane returns to breaking the padlock while Clementine returns to Parker's Run.

She discovers that Rebecca is in great pain, and can offer her the medicine she acquired (if she chose to steal it from Arvo) to ease her pain, to which she is grateful. Kenny will question the fact that Bonnie and Mike still aren't back from the museum, and he suggests that Clementine should go and check on them, to which she agrees. If Sarah was saved from the trailer park, Clementine can talk to her, and Sarah will claim that she is waiting for Carlos to come back, making Clementine appear visibly worried about Sarah. After the conversation, Clementine will continue towards the museum.

On arrival, she finds Bonnie and Mike squabbling due to finding no supplies yet, but they welcome Clementine to join in their search. Clementine manages to discover a Civil War Confederate coat that could be used as a blanket. She also later discovers two water barrels in a locked room. Bonnie and Mike join her, as she manages to open the window gate partially, allowing herself to squeeze through into the other room to unlock the door. To her shock, Clementine gets stuck half-way through, but suddenly a walker rises from the locked room and grabs her. Mike begins to kick down the door as Bonnie attempts to pull Clementine out.

If Clementine refuses to squeeze through, Bonnie will reach in the window gate in an attempt to unlock the door, and she gets grabbed by the walker instead, which will result in her getting her head hit, leaving a bruise around her eye. Mike manages to successfully kick down the door and knocks down the walker which Clementine then finishes off. Mike grabs the water barrels, and as they head outside, Bonnie notices a raccoon. The trio suggests capturing it and eating it later. After trying to capture it, the raccoon heads outside where it is revealed to have a family, and Clementine can either show that she is content or disappointed that it managed to escape. The three then head back to Parker's Run with the water barrels and coat.

As they return, Rebecca begins screaming in pain, attracting a herd of walkers nearby. The group quickly try to move Rebecca to the safer observation deck that Jane was working on earlier. Kenny and Mike (if Clementine asks Mike to help) will fend off the approaching walkers as the others get Rebecca away. Upon arriving at the observation deck, Clementine discovers that Luke and Jane had just finished having an affair, and Luke becomes shocked when Clementine arrives. Kenny instantly snaps and becomes hostile towards Luke as it was Luke's job to be on the lookout for walkers.

Regardless, the walkers begin to climb the observation deck, and the group prepares for it. Kenny stays with Rebecca and deals with her birth, while the others secure the gate to ensure the walkers are unable to enter the deck. However, the gate begins to break, and Luke asks for Clementine to find something they can use to block the gate. She decides to use a nearby cannon to secure the gate, and Luke helps her wheel it over, but to their horror, the increased weight of the cannon causes a portion of the deck to collapse underneath them, causing both Sarah and Jane to topple over, as well as several walkers. Luke manages to clasp Jane's arm, but Sarah is trapped on the ground underneath piles of rubble and is unable to escape.

Clementine can either help Jane up or ask Jane to rescue Sarah. If the latter or silence is chosen, Jane will drop down and attempt to lift the rubble off of Sarah. However, a plank from the damaged deck falls and dazes Jane, causing her to stumble away, and by the time she regains consciousness, the walkers are already devouring Sarah. Alternatively, if Clementine chose to pull Jane up, then Sarah will be devoured regardless. Jane manages to get herself back onto the top of the deck as Clementine watches in sorrow at the death of Sarah.

Rebecca continues screaming from giving birth as Jane apologizes for the death, but she quickly notices that the walkers are using the collapsed deck to climb up towards them. Clementine or Luke will quickly decide that they need to collapse the rest of the deck, to which Clementine discovers that she could collapse it if she cut the remaining cable with her hatchet. Mike boosts her up to reach the cable, and Clementine manages to dislodge the mechanisms after three swipes, causing the remainder of the deck to collapse and crush the walker herd. The group quickly scurry and return to Rebecca, only to discover the lifeless baby in Kenny's arms. However, as the child seems lost, it begins to cough and breathe, and so the group retired for the night within the observation deck.

Later that night, Clementine talks with Rebecca about her baby and offers Clementine to hold him, to which she can accept or decline. Kenny will then arrive and offer to look after the child for the night to allow Rebecca to get some rest. They will then decide the next plan of action, with Kenny suggesting that they head out northwards in the morning, but Luke disagrees, claiming that Rebecca is in no state to travel and that they should leave after a couple of days.

Clementine can decide which options are to be taken before she heads out onto the remaining small portion of the deck to find Jane escaping. The two have a conversation, with Jane giving Clementine some useful advice about survival, as well as offering the nail file to Clementine which she can accept or decline. Jane then takes off, as Luke comes to ask Clementine how she is doing. Luke breaks out in anger as he discovers that Jane had fled without saying goodbye, and Kenny arrives to continue arguing with Luke as the night ends.

When the group decides to leave, they head northwards as the location becomes coated in snowfall. Rebecca becomes visibly weak and collapses, halting their travel as she rests on a car tire. As Kenny and Luke persist arguing over the decision to leave earlier or later, the man that Clementine and Jane attacked earlier arrives, along with three other Russian people that hold Clementine's group at gunpoint. The man, Arvo, will ask where Jane is, and when Clementine tells him that she had left, Arvo believes it to be a trap, causing both groups to become hostile and aim guns towards one another.

Clementine begins to hear the sounds of a walker and turns in a horrified glance to find that Rebecca had died and zombified in mere minutes, still holding the baby in her arm. Clementine can either decide to shoot her or call out for help to which Kenny will then shoot her. Either option will result in the groups being startled and the episode ending with several gunshots being fired.

"No Going Back"

The episode starts with Clementine falling to the ground as a result of the conflict between her group and the Russian group. She looks around and sees Luke shouting for her to come to cover beside him behind a wall. At the same time, Clementine sees Natasha lifeless on the ground with Arvo attempting to resurrect her, and she also notices that the baby is left alone on the ground with gunshots close to him, and so Clementine makes a choice:

Save the baby: Clementine races towards the baby, grabbing him and running back to Luke. Luke says he didn't see the baby on the ground and thanks Clementine. Luke tells her that they can't just sit behind the wall and wait until the Russians run out of ammo. Luke will then tell Clementine that if he runs to the side of the wall Clementine is behind, he could get a good angle on the Russians. He will ask Clementine to cover and distract the Russians. Despite the distraction, Vitali shoots Luke in the leg as he runs to Clementine.

Run to cover: Clementine runs behind a wall, next to Luke. Luke then tells Clementine to keep her head down. He looks around the wall and sees the baby on the ground. Luke runs toward the baby, grabs him, and as he was running back to cover, Vitali shoots Luke in the leg.

This next part is non-determinant and happens whether or not Clementine protected the baby:

Kenny shoots Buricko in the head from behind a tree while in conflict with Vitali to save Luke. As Vitali screams at Kenny for his killing of Buricko, Kenny grabs Arvo and pulls him into the line of fire as his dead sister starts to reanimate. Unbeknownst to Arvo, Natasha turns, then tries to attack Clementine, forcing Clementine to shoot the walker dead, much to Arvo's horror. In a sudden cry of despair, Arvo breaks free from Kenny and rushes to his dead sister, crying out her name. He glares at Clementine, who he believes to have murdered her. As the fight between Kenny and Vitali continues, it is cut short by Vitali suddenly gasping, as Jane had thrown a knife into his neck from behind.

As Vitali is choking on his blood, Kenny walks over and shoots him in the head, and the Russian group is officially defeated. Kenny announces that it is safe to come out, and Bonnie takes AJ from Clementine. Jane mentions to Clementine that she had never killed anyone that hadn't wronged her in some way before, and that the killing of Vitali felt uneasy. Nonetheless, Clementine shows her respect for Jane returning to the group. (Determinant) Together they all mourn over the death of Rebecca, while Kenny tenses up and heads over to Arvo, still crying over his dead sister.

Kenny verbally and physically attacks Arvo, but Mike quickly breaks up the conflict, claiming Arvo is no longer a threat. Arvo quickly mentions that there is a house with food and shelter that he knows of, but Kenny is not certain of Arvo's sincerity after his group's death since Arvo had no motive to help his friends' killers. Clementine can voice her opinion, but it is ultimately Bonnie's words about food for the baby which convinces Kenny to cease the violence, and the group begins their trek to the house.

On their way, Jane talks with Clementine about why she returned as well as what is happening to Kenny. Further on, Luke's leg wound causes him to lose energy, and he asks if he could rest for a minute. The group all agree to stop for a short while, but Kenny, after seeing that Arvo was still walking ahead without stopping, pushed him down and insulted him once more. Once again, Mike interrupts this argument and halts the conflict.

Bonnie then gives Mike the baby to look after while she tends to Luke's leg wound. With Clementine, they have a conversation about Kenny's recent rages and Lee. Bonnie then asks Clementine to keep pressure on Luke's wound while she goes to find some bandages. After a short while, the two talk about everyone they lost in the past before Bonnie arrives with a bandage. She asks Clementine if she could change the bandage on Kenny's head wound as he refused to let Bonnie do it when she offered, and Clementine agrees.

Heading over to Kenny, Clementine notices he is holding the baby, and together they decide to name him "Alvin Jr.", or "AJ" for short before Clementine starts to tend to his wound. She successfully manages to take off the old bandage, sterilize the wound and attach a clean cloth which would last a lot longer, during which they talk further about how Alvin Jr. will be tough when he grows older. Kenny shows that he feels partially responsible for Alvin's death before the rest of the group is finished and they continue towards the house.

The group stumbles across an abandoned power station, only after Kenny argues with Arvo, thinking that he is leading them into a trap. Arvo exclaims that the house is a few hours distance away, and so Jane and Kenny go and scout the station to ensure it is safe, whilst Clementine looks after AJ before handing him to Bonnie. Soon after, Kenny and Jane return and call the rest of the group to get settled at the station.

The group is later seen sitting around a fire, with Arvo tied up close by and Jane standing away watching outside of the surrounding fence. Luke states that today is his birthday, to which Clementine can congratulate him, and the group has a regular talk about their memories. Bonnie takes out a special bottle of rum which she had been saving for a special occasion, and she passes it to Luke and asks him to make a toast. Afterward, Kenny volunteers to take first watch with AJ, while the others try to invite Jane to join them, but she refuses. They then discuss Jane and why she returned, as well as a humorously mocking conversation about Luke's sexual encounter with her. Bonnie then passes Clementine the bottle of rum and asks her to use it to tempt Jane and Kenny to join them by the fire.

Heading over to Jane, Clementine waves the bottle of rum in her view and Jane says that joining them by the fire might be awkward. Nonetheless, Clementine convinces her to take a sip of the bottle, and the two have a conversation about Jane's memory of being drunk before she offers Clementine a sip, which she can accept or decline. She then gives Clementine the bottle to offer to Kenny, and she joins the rest of the group by the fire, to which Bonnie had offered her a seat but she refused and sat nearby instead.

Clementine can optionally talk to Arvo, but no matter what she chooses to say, Arvo will continue weeping over the loss of his sister and remain silent.

Clementine will then head over to Kenny, and if she had taken a sip, Kenny will lightly scold her about that decision. He then apologizes for his harsh reactions to Clementine after Sarita's death, before going on about Katjaa and Duck and that he didn't raise his son as he should have. He recalls memories and then states he would do anything just for one more second with them. Kenny then vows that he won't make the same mistakes raising AJ, before asking Clementine to return to the fire. Clementine can then either convince him to join them or leave him on watch with AJ. Either option results in Clementine returning to the fire.

Upon returning to the fire, she finds everyone having a joking conversation about Luke and Jane's sexual encounter, but the sound of Arvo weeping quickly takes the attention of Mike, and he gets up and takes the bottle over to Arvo while the rest of the group continue the discussion. However, they are quickly interrupted by Arvo screams to leave him alone and Mike backs off quickly. If Kenny didn't join the group by the fire, he will come over to Arvo and beat him unconscious, to which Mike retaliates and once more calms Kenny down. If Kenny joined the group by the fire, then he will simply stay by the fire and leave Arvo untouched. After they agree to get some rest, Kenny goes back on watch and the group rest for the night.

By morning, the group is following Arvo towards the house. Kenny unknowingly walks past a walker, which instantly gets up and attacks him. Clementine can shoot the walker dead and save Kenny, but Bonnie hopes that the gunshot sound doesn't draw more walkers. Arvo says that the house is very close, and they continue walking. The group eventually sees the house from afar, seeing that it is unfinished and barely fit to be a shelter. It stands across a frozen lake which doesn't seem thick enough to hold all of them.

Kenny rages towards Arvo once more about the unfinished house before the group decides to cross the frozen lake. Soon after, walkers appear behind them, presumably drawn from the sound of the earlier gunshot, and the group notices them as they also begin to tread across the lake. Several walkers break the ice on the lake and fall within, causing the group to panic. Arvo, seeing the group distracted, quickly runs towards the house but Kenny runs after him. With the new stresses on the ice, it breaks beneath Arvo and he plunges in, struggling to get back out. Kenny catches up to him and pulls him out, and the two make it to the other side.

Mike, Jane, and AJ also make it to the other side, but the remainder of the group on the ice freeze as they hear it cracking. Clementine and Bonnie turn to see Luke standing on top of fragile and cracked ice which could shatter at any moment. They call out for him to move, but it soon collapses beneath him and he nearly falls into the lake. Bonnie asks Clementine to save Luke while Luke asks Clementine to stay put and shoot the approaching walkers to give him some time. Clementine can either choose to do one of two options:

Help Luke: Clementine will slowly approach Luke whilst Bonnie shoots the incoming walkers. As Clementine gets closer, the ice beneath the two of them collapses and Clementine and Luke plunge fully into the water. She quickly goes back to the top only to find a thick roof of ice above her. She persistently bangs her hand in an attempt to break it, but a walker quickly pulls on her leg, pulling her away. She will manage to kick the walker away, only to see another one closing in. Luke quickly appears and pulls the walker away from them, but much to his despair, it grabs onto his leg and begins pulling him down. Clementine can do nothing but watch as Luke is pulled to the depths of the lake. Jane will then pull Clementine out of the lake and rush her to the house.

Cover Luke: Both Bonnie and Clementine will shoot the oncoming walkers. Eventually, Bonnie will approach Luke, causing the ice beneath the two of them to shatter. Both Bonnie and Luke to plunge into the lake. Clementine puts her gun down in shock but then hears a soft banging a short distance away. She investigates to find Luke trying to pound on the ice above him to freedom. If Clementine attempts to break the ice to save them, she will also collapse into the lake as she manages to crack the ice. However, she will then see a drowned Luke floating helplessly within the lake, saddening her before Jane manages to pull her out of the lake. Bonnie will manage to get back out of the lake, although only if Clementine managed to break the ice as if she fails to bash on the ice, then both Bonnie and Luke will perish in the lake. Nonetheless, Clementine will then rush or be rushed over to the unfinished house.

This next part is non-determinant and happens regardless of which option you picked:

The group make it to the house and discuss what just happened. Kenny bursts out in violence towards Arvo once more and beats him to near death. Clementine can choose to intervene, to which Kenny will then accidentally hit her instead, much to his horror. Alternatively, she can verbally ask Kenny to stop beating Arvo or ask Mike to stop Kenny, but either option will result in Kenny ceasing his attack. Jane then returns with a bag of supplies and explains that Arvo wasn't lying, much to Kenny's surprise. Kenny is reluctant to admit that Arvo was honest, and tries to blame Arvo for Luke and Bonnie's (Determinant) deaths, but is shut down by the other members of the group while Clementine frightfully looks on. He then proceeds to tie Arvo up while Jane tends to a fire. If Clementine took the file from the end of "Amid The Ruins", she will give it to Jane to start a fire. Otherwise, Jane will find matches in her pocket and use them. All of the group then rest for a short while.

Upon waking, Clementine sees Mike tending to Arvo and asking if he was alright, while Jane offers Clementine some food. The two of them discuss Luke and whether or not Jane coming back was the right choice. Mike then leaves, disgusted by what Kenny had been doing and saying to himself that he can't handle what is happening to the group anymore. Kenny then arrives and asks Clementine to help him fix the truck outside of the house. Clementine agrees to help, leaving the care of AJ to Jane.

On heading outside, Kenny accuses Clementine about talking of him behind his back with Jane, and the two of them attend to the truck. Kenny gives Clementine the keys and has her sit in the driver's seat while Kenny works under the hood. Whilst working, the two discuss Jane and Lee. After failing to start it once, they start a conversation about Wellington and continue working. After failing to start the truck a second time, Kenny gets enraged and asks Clementine to return inside. Kenny continues the work alone. If Bonnie was saved on the frozen lake, Clementine can then have a conversation with her about Luke and their first interaction before Bonnie ends the conversation and Clementine returns inside, or Bonnie will declare that she has nothing left to say to Clementine if she chose to cover Luke on the lake instead of helping him.

As she enters, she finds Jane and A.J. in a different room. Jane had moved A.J. elsewhere as Mike and Arvo were talking too much, and she wanted A.J. to remain asleep, as she had no idea how to handle him should he wake up. From where they are seated, they can see Kenny working and struggling to fix the truck. The two of them discuss Kenny and Jane states that he is changing for the worst. A.J. begins to cry and Clementine comforts him, giving him some baby formula. She exclaims that they are running out of the formula and Jane will go on and talk nostalgically about an experience she once had during the apocalypse. She talks about how she was part of a group near Washington D.C. and how they had tried to save another one for their members who were trapped by walkers beneath a car.

Jane bluntly states that four people had died to save him, but it was all for naught as they did not know he was bitten. He reanimated during the dead of night and ripped the throat out of an elderly member of the group. Jane then indicates that she believes Kenny could get his group killed like the man under the car had to her group before dying himself, warning Clementine not to make the mistake she made of saving one by sacrificing more. Clementine, not willing to accept Jane's implication, can ask Jane if she wants to hold A.J. momentarily, to which she hesitantly agrees. (Determinant) A.J. will quickly puke on Jane, resulting in her passing him back to Clementine. (Determinant) As Jane is about to tell her something, they hear the sound of the truck starting up, and Clementine rushes outside to Kenny.

The rest of the group assembles outside to find that Kenny had fixed the truck, and they quickly discuss what they should do next. Kenny thinks that they should continue heading to Wellington, while others think they should return southward to escape the biting sting of winter. Kenny gets enraged by this and claims that since he started the truck, he gets to decide where they should go and that they're "going fucking north". Clementine can side with either option or move to make the decision later, but any choice will result in the group deciding to sleep for the night and decide where to go the next day.

Kenny enters the truck in frustration and checks his head wound as the group heads inside. Mike cautions Clementine to "talk some sense into him", then follows everyone else inside. Clementine creeps around the side of the truck as Kenny yells at himself inside. She enters the truck in the front, and the two discuss the group's reluctance to continue north, as well as memories and how a lot of people had died for them to get where they are. The two are unable to decide where they should go, and so Kenny suggests they should get some sleep and figure everything out in the morning. Clementine agrees, and the two return to the house.

Clementine awakes to an unusual sound banging on the house. She gets up and looks out of the window to see a loose cable swinging into the house with the wind. Upon exiting the house to fix it, she hears a noise and discovers Mike and Arvo attempting to leave with the fixed truck. She can call out to them, after which Arvo will draw a rifle towards Clementine, resulting in her pulling out her weapon. If Bonnie was saved from the lake, she will then appear with the remainder of the supplies, also planning to leave with Mike and Arvo.

Clementine will question them all about leaving, and she can choose to ask why they are doing this, or ask to leave with them. Either option will result in Mike approaching Clementine slowly to get her to drop her weapon. She can choose to threaten Mike or give him the gun, but either option will result in Clementine giving Mike the gun nonetheless. However, Arvo then shoots Clementine in the shoulder and she falls to the ground in pain. Mike, Bonnie (Determinant) and Arvo will flee on foot as Kenny can be heard rushing out of the house towards Clementine.

A dream sequence then ensues as Clementine awakes within the RV that she was traveling within during "Long Road Ahead". Lee is sitting next to her as he makes sure that she is alright. The two will then have a conversation about the events that occurred shortly before Clementine had "fallen asleep", namely about Duck being bit and Lilly. Lee asks Clementine her opinion on whether he made the right choice in leaving Lilly behind (if she was left behind in "Long Road Ahead") or letting her get on the RV (if she was taken in "Long Road Ahead"). Clementine's answer, regardless of whether or not she supported his decision, saddens Lee, as he realizes that he should not be troubling her with his problems.

Clementine asks Lee about why Lilly murdered Carley/Doug. Lee explains that Lilly had gotten been depressed for a long time, leading to her getting angry at the world for her problems, and she chose to take her anger out on someone else, to which Clementine remarks is a stupid reason. Lee tells her that people do not always make sense, and Clementine asks Lee if he had ever been as mad as Lilly was. (Determinant) Lee reassures Clementine that this wouldn't be a problem for her, but she is unconvinced.

Lee asks what he could tell her to make her feel better. Clementine could ask him to say that she will never have to hurt anyone, to which Lee will be unable to answer honestly. Alternatively, Clementine can ask him to tell her that everything would be alright in the end, to which Lee will say that she will make it okay. Alternatively, Clementine can ask Lee to say that he won't leave her, to which he will smile and assure her that he would never do that. Regardless of what she chooses to ask, Clementine begins to cry in despair but finds Lee's warm smile to give her strength. She presses herself against him and lets "sleep" take her.

In the next sequence, Clementine opens her eyes to find herself within the fixed truck alongside Kenny, Jane, and AJ with some snowfall outside. Jane notices that she has awoken, and the group discusses the events that just passed before getting into an argument about where they should head. No matter what Clementine chooses to say, the argument between Kenny and Jane will continue to worsen before Kenny halts the truck in front of a barrier of stationary cars.

After asking if everyone is alright, Kenny will point at a rest area sign for them to meet there should anything happen before exiting the truck in search of diesel. Clementine will climb into the driver's seat and start a conversation with Jane about Kenny. Jane also debates whether they should leave right then and there in the truck, but then gunshots are heard from Kenny's direction and walkers begin to approach the truck. Panicking, Jane tells Clementine to drive the car ahead, which she manages to do momentarily.

They don't travel far before Clementine hits a walker in the road, causing them to swerve and crash into a roadside ditch. The walker becomes wedged into the windshield, forcing Jane to exit the car with AJ, leaving Clementine inside the car. She will manage to shoot the walker dead, but more approach them, triggering Jane to flee the scene with AJ in her arms. Clementine will manage to climb out of the vehicle only to be pinned down by another walker which she quickly disposes of. After getting back up, Jane is nowhere in sight, and so she draws her weapon and continues slowly into the snow.

Clementine trudges blindly through the snow avoiding several stationary walkers along the way. After tripping over and getting back up, she finds herself walking through a sheltered sitting area with benches. Upon progressing forwards, she arrives at the rest area mentioned by Kenny as a meeting place. As she enters, she sights Kenny looking out through a window in search of them, and he quickly turns towards Clementine. He questions her about AJ's whereabouts, and after she replies that Jane took him, he breaks down and rushes outside of the rest are in search of them.

Clementine peers out through a window and sees Jane approaching through the snow towards the rest area, and Kenny will return and greet her inside, questioning her about AJ. When she replies with silence, the group fears the worst and Kenny rushes outside in search of AJ, denying Jane's silence. With Kenny gone, Jane will quickly tell Clementine to stay out of the conflict that is about to ensue, saying that she wants Clementine to see him for what he is.

The two of them then stare as an enraged Kenny approaches back into the rest area, fists clenched. Clementine can choose to stand in Kenny's way, but he will push her out of the way towards Jane and begin violently fighting with her. For the duration of the fight, Clementine has the option to intervene or stay put and watch the fight entail. Eventually, the fight takes all three of them outside, and after Kenny stabs Jane in the leg, the latter will flinch backward and knock Clementine over. Upon regaining her sight, Clementine will see a gun next to her with Kenny and Jane continuing a vicious fight. Clementine will have an option to pick up the gun, and if she does so, she can either choose to shoot Kenny or look away, resulting in Kenny stabbing Jane in the chest. If she does not choose to pick up the gun, she will simply watch as the fight ends with Kenny defeating Jane. There are then multiple outcomes:

Shoot Kenny: In tears, Clementine will shoot Kenny in the abdomen, causing him to collapse backward. After asking if Jane is okay, both her and Clementine will stand back up as they approach the dying Kenny. Kenny softly tells Clementine that she did the right thing. Kenny claims that he asked for death several times, but now that it is upon him, he is scared. Clementine will then say a final sentence to him as he dies in the reddened snow. Jane and Clementine will then hear the sound of a crying baby in the distance, and the latter will rush towards the sound and discover AJ safe within a car. After retrieving him, she will question Jane about why she lied about AJ.

Jane will explain that she hid AJ to provoke Kenny and show Clementine what he was truly capable of, thus saying that Kenny's death was futile. Clementine can either be extremely outraged by this or agree with Jane. If she agrees with Jane, then she will stay with Jane (leading to the ending, "With Jane" below), but if she was angered with Jane, then Clementine will continue onward with AJ in her arms (leading to the ending, "Alone with AJ" below). Jane will plead towards Clementine in an attempt to persuade her to stay, but it does not succeed. Both outcomes are explained below.

Don't Pick Up Gun/Look Away: Kenny will succeed and stab Jane to death. As he comes to his senses with what he had done, Clementine has the option to talk to him or shoot him. If the latter is chosen, Clementine will come across AJ and continue alone with him (leading to the ending, "Alone with AJ" below). If she merely talks with him, the two will together hear AJ crying in the distance, and Kenny will instantly tell Clementine to go find him. Clementine will follow the sounds and find AJ safe within a car. After retrieving him, Kenny will come over to them and they will discuss why Jane had lied about AJ. Clementine can either agree with Kenny, after which she will continue towards Wellington with him (leading to the ending, "With Kenny" below), or alternatively she can claim that Kenny is dangerous, resulting in Clementine pressing on alone with AJ (leading to the ending, "Alone with AJ" below). Both outcomes are explained below.

With Jane

Nine days later, Clementine, Jane, and AJ are both back at Howe's Hardware, now seemingly abandoned. They stumble across the corpse of Carver, which Jane can question how Clementine managed to watch his death if she chose to watch it in "In Harm's Way". Jane will then discover some baby formula and other supplies left at Howe's, as well as the greenhouse remaining in good shape. She will then suggest that they should stay for a while at Howe's, but Clementine then notices a group of three survivors approaching them; a man, woman and boy.

They head down to greet them through a fence, and the other group will claim that they need help and had been walking for weeks looking for food. One of the men will ask Clementine if the baby she is holding is hers before having a short conversation about whether they tried to head north. The group then explain that Howe's needs a lot of work and that they would be willing to work there if they were allowed shelter inside. Jane will explain to Clementine that there is not much food left, leading to two further possible outcomes:

Invite them in: Clementine will allow them to come in through a side entrance. Jane will question Clementine about whether that was the right choice as they head to meet them at the entrance. Upon opening the entrance, the group will enter and the woman will introduce themselves as Patricia, who will then thank and hug Jane tightly. Another one of the group members turns his back to Clementine, to which she then notices that he had hidden a gun in his back pocket. After silently signifying this to Jane, the boy will compliment Clementine's hat, as the screen fades to black and the episode ends.

Make them leave: Clementine will demand them to leave, much to the groups' surprise. They then question whether Clementine wants to do this, questioning whether they might be dangerous. As a response, Clementine will draw her weapon in their direction stating "What if I am?", and the other group will turn around and begin to leave. As they leave, Clementine notices that the man had a hidden gun in his back pocket, and Jane thanks her for making that decision. Clementine will state that they have to look out for themselves now, as the boy of the group turns and stares at Clementine. Jane says that they might return, to which Clementine states that they will be ready, as the screen fades to black and the episode ends.

With Kenny

Nine days later, Clementine and Kenny are beginning a walk up a hill with smoke trailing from the other side of it. They will race one another up the hill, and upon reaching the top, both will be stunned as they witness a gigantic wall of metal stretching for miles. Kenny exclaims that it has to be Wellington, and as they approach they are quickly halted by a gunshot purposefully hitting the ground in front of them. A woman's voice on a speaker then demands them to stop, drop their weapons, and approach the gate, which they do without hesitation.

Upon nearing the gate, the woman reveals herself on a small risen outlet on the wall. They will introduce one another and after Kenny asks what they should do to get in, the woman, now known as Edith, gives them the bad news and drops a bag of supplies outside of the outlet. Kenny, confused and broken that they won't let them inside, questions Edith but she replies that they are overcapacity as it is. As she continues explaining, Kenny will interrupt, asking her to just take the children. Edith will go and ask someone if it is possible, as Clementine questions what Kenny is doing.

Edith will quickly return and say that she can take the children inside, and Kenny deeply thanks her and begins a conversation to convince Clementine to enter Wellington without him. He claims that he can't be trusted to protect them anymore and that she and AJ would be safe within Wellington. There are then two further subsequent endings that can occur here:

Enter Wellington: Clementine will accept the offer and hug Kenny tightly as he says this is the right decision. He further asks Clementine to tell AJ about his family and all of the people who tried to keep him safe, before he takes off his hat and hands it to Clementine, saying that she should give it to AJ when he grows up. After Kenny asks Edith to keep an eye on them and for Clementine and AJ to live a good life, Kenny turns and begins walking in the other direction, taking the bag of supplies with him. The gates open up into Wellington with Edith standing to bring Clementine and AJ inside. As they enter, Clementine turns to watch Kenny leave and she sees him pause briefly before continuing further away. Clementine turns and enters into Wellington as the gates begin to close, focusing on Kenny walking away before the screen begins to fade to black and the episode ends.

Leave with Kenny: Clementine will refuse the offer, explaining to Kenny that they are leaving together. However, Kenny will continue in an attempt to convince Clementine to enter Wellington, but she will stop him in his speech and ask for them to leave together. Edith, torn by their conversation, will throw out a second bag of supplies, saying that she was told to only give one bag per group, and after saying they can check back in a few months and wishing them luck, she departs. Kenny and Clementine will have a short conversation before picking up the bags of supplies and walking away from Wellington, as the screen fades to black and the episode ends.

Alone with AJ

If you allowed Jane to die then shot Kenny (or then abandoned Kenny); or if you shot Kenny then abandoned Jane; then nine days later, Clementine, out of the snowstorm, will be walking in an unknown area with AJ in her arms. After walking upon a small hill, she will spot a walker herd in the distance. She will finish off a dying walker nearby with a hatchet that Luke gave to her and cover both herself and AJ in the walker's guts, thus allowing the two to safely travel through the herd. As she walks off towards it, the screen fades to black and the episode ends.

A New Frontier[]

"Ties That Bind - Part 1"

Clementine first appears after she collapses a tree onto a road to force to a truck to stop, though she mistimes it and accidentally causes it to crash off of the road. She witnessed the driver of the vehicle attempt to flee and a handcuffed man either kill him with a stolen pistol or let him go. (Determinant) She approaches and pointed a gun at the handcuffed man's back, making him drop the gun; she starts searching him for anything useful, finding a candy bar. The man is revealed to be Javier, and he asks for the candy bar back for his niece, (Determinant) convincing a reluctant Clementine to allow him to keep it. (Determinant) He then asked why she crashed the truck, Clementine stating she needed it to drive.

Clementine tells Javier to close his eyes and start counting to a hundred, but Javier protests, wanting to know the location of the junkyard, explaining that he was separated from his family and that he needed to get back to them. Clementine knows the location and tells Javier, if she takes him there, he will give her their van. Javier can agree or refuse (Determinant) to which Clementine confirms he has no other options.

Clementine starts leading Javier to the junkyard with his hands tied, not trusting him. However, Javier opens up to her, causing her to reveal her name to him. Their conversation is cut short by the herds wandering through the road. Seeing no other option but to seek shelter, Clementine cuts Javier free of his binds and gifts him the pistol back, telling him that "[he'd] better not make [her] regret this."

The duo heads toward the gate of Prescott, but walkers are already at the gate. Clementine urges Javier to run toward the gate, telling him that they will open up. As they reach the gate, Tripp (who is guarding the gate) tells them that he can't risk opening the gate due to the walkers. He urges them to kill the walkers so he can open it without too much risk. As both Clementine and Javier fight the walkers, she switches to her handgun and starts firing, only to find the bullets are unable to fire, allowing a walker to grab her. Javier shoots the walker off her and she finishes it off.

Tripp opens the gate and tells them to get inside. As they run through the gate, a horse rider barges through. Tripp scolds the rider, Francine. Tripp asks Clementine if she will be staying long-term this time, to which she objects. Once Javier and Tripp became acquainted, Clementine and Javier enter Prescott. She explains to Javier that it was built from an old airstrip, admitting it is a nice town but she isn't a fan of the people living there.

She brings Javier to a bar to confront the person who sold her faulty bullets. Before she goes to meet the person, she advises Javier to make some friends. After finding the man who sold her the bullets, Eli, she begins arguing with the man. Hearing their argument, Javier approaches and asks what the problem is. Clementine explains that Eli ripped her off: she traded him batteries for bullets that don't fire. Eli refuses to go back on the deal, so Clementine demands that he give her back what she owes him, pointing her handgun at him. She claims that his lack of fear of her gun is proof that he knows that the bullets won't fire, even pulling the trigger to prove her point.

This angers Eli, who draws a knife, slicing just above Javier's right eye as Javier subdues him. The argument soon escalates to the point where Clementine, thinking the bullets will continue to not fire, accidentally shoots Eli through the forehead, killing him and gaining the attention of the residents of Prescott. Conrad, the bartender, demands that she drop her gun as Tripp comes in to take her away. Clementine frantically asks Javier to tell them that it was an accident and that it was self-defense.

After either getting locked up or going to Eleanor's medical station, Clementine and Javier decide whether they will leave to get Javier's family with Eleanor at night, or with Tripp in the morning. Clementine goes to bed and has a flashback.

Kenny flashback (If you chose to let Kenny kill Jane, stay with him and then leave Wellington): After the events of season two, Clementine is shown inside a car with both Kenny and Alvin Jr. Kenny teaches Clementine to drive a stick shift car while discussing their plans in Florida. After losing control of the car and crashing in a ditch, Clementine wakes up with a cut above her right eyebrow and sees that Kenny has flown through the windshield and ended up in the road. After finding out Kenny has been paralyzed/had his legs broken as a result of the crash, they witness the car becoming surrounded by walkers. Kenny tells Clementine to go get A.J. and leave him behind. Clementine runs with A.J. in her arms as she hears Kenny screaming in the background, being eaten by walkers.

Jane flashback (If you chose to kill Kenny and stay with Jane): Clementine gets a tattoo from Jane of A.J.'s name. The two talk about the family Clementine either let in or turned away during season 2. Clementine gives A.J. a middle name. Jane tells Clementine to patrol the surrounding area while she goes inside. After patrolling, Clementine notifies Jane that she's done it. When she doesn't hear a response, Clementine enters Carver's office to find that Jane has hung herself. As Clem steps closer and she sees that Jane has turned, she steps on a positive birth control test, indicating that Jane was pregnant, possibly as a result of her sexual encounter with Luke. Clementine either shoots or leaves a zombified Jane in the office.

Wellington flashback (If you chose to let Kenny kill Jane, stay with him and stay at Wellington): Clementine is seen spending time with Alvin Jr. Edith barges in and warns Clem about angry scavengers at the gates, then runs back to check on the developing situation. Clementine is forced to pack some things from the shelf. Edith returns and picks up A.J., and together they run from Wellington. Edith is shot in the head during the escape and falls on A.J. Clementine discovers he is okay but is shot in the right cheek in the process. She picks him up and they leave Wellington behind.

Alone flashback (If you chose to let Kenny kill Jane, then abandon/kill Kenny or kill Kenny and then abandon Jane afterward): Clementine and Alvin Jr. are seen traveling on the train tracks when Clementine sees a rabbit and decides to shoot it. A.J. makes a sound and scares it away and is scolded by Clementine. She then sees the same rabbit from before and decides to follow it.

To not risk the rabbit being scared away again, Clem leaves A.J. in the car, which makes him cry. Before she can shoot the rabbit (who is joined by its child), she hears walkers who are starting to bang on the car A.J. is in. She shoots two walkers and takes A.J. from the car, but is surprised by another walker, which makes her drop A.J. and have her left hand stuck in the car door. She protects herself with a rock and opens the door, only to see that her ring and little finger have been broken, forcing her to remove half of her ring finger.

Afterward, Clementine, Javier, and Tripp/Eleanor arrive at the junkyard to find it in ruins as the herd has passed by it, although they manage to eliminate the remaining undead and reunite with Kate, Gabe, and Mariana. As they leave the junkyard, the hostile group returns, killing Mariana and injuring Kate. Javier is given the decision to accompany Tripp or Eleanor and Gabe back to Prescott to help Kate or help Clementine hold a standoff against the group.

"Ties That Bind - Part 2"

If Javier chooses to stay with Clementine, they succeed in defeating the attackers. Clementine watches as Javier buries Mariana before driving back to Prescott so Javier can check on his family. Clementine proceeds to wander around town until the attackers return, revealed to be the New Frontier. If Javier left with his family, Clementine will not be seen again until the New Frontier arrives as she drives back to Prescott.

Clementine goes to the balcony with the others, arguing they should open fire while they have the chance. If Javier surrenders, Clementine will shoot one of them to save Javier. (Determinant) After the ensuing battle at Prescott, the group escapes. While on the road to Richmond, the group is forced to stop when the road is blocked. Walkers soon arrive, forcing the group onto a roof of walker surrounded building where they argue about their situation only to notice a figure on the building opposite to them watching them.

Clementine covers Javier as he goes to investigate only to end up wrestling with a stranger named Jesus. Clementine intervenes by pointing her gun at Jesus, forcing him to capitulate. Jesus reveals Kate and Eleanor are heading into a trap in Richmond as it is controlled by The New Frontier. Clementine is disturbed by this.

In a flashback, Clementine and AJ become trapped in a deserted bus. They encounter Ava, who desires them to come and meet her group: the New Frontier. In the present, Clementine reveals to Javier that she was indeed a member of the New Frontier. After encountering a group of walkers in a subway tunnel, the group pushes their way to a train, Clementine holding the door so Javier can block it as the others flee. Just as they go to escape, Conrad pulls a gun on Clementine having heard what they were talking about and takes Gabe as a hostage. He brings it up that if they have Clementine with them they can use her a bargaining chip for Eleanor and Kate, Javier must make a choice:

Shooting Conrad: If Javier decides to shoot Conrad to protect Gabe, Clementine will thank Javier for not giving her up but reveals she must leave them to avoid The New Frontier.

Surrendering Clementine: If Javier agrees to surrender Clementine over to Conrad, she will grow hostile towards him. After meeting up with the rest of the group, Tripp questions as to why Conrad has a gun pointed at Clementine's head. Javier or Conrad (Determinant) reveals that she was a member of the New Frontier. Once they find Kate and reach the gates of Richmond, the group encounters the New Frontier. Max recognizes Clementine and greets her only for the girl to reply by sticking her middle finger up at him.

"Above The Law"

If you Shot Conrad: Clementine doesn't appear until Javier and the others are traveling to the warehouse David sent them to. As Javier gets attacked with walkers and gets pushed to the ground, Clementine takes Javier's baseball bat and kills the two walkers that are attacking him. Javier tells Clementine that David is his brother and she is shocked.

If you Accepted The Plan: Clementine and the others get sent into quarantine where Jesus asks Clementine if she knows David, and she says that she does and that he isn't a good guy. Later, when Clementine and the others get kicked out of the New Frontier she takes a gun and a knife from the duffel bag, and everyone leaves to the area David told them to go to.

After Clementine saves Javier from the walkers, she explains her history with The New Frontier. A flashback appears with Clementine and AJ sneaking up on The New Frontier's camp due to AJ needing medicine. As Clementine grabs the needle and the vancomycin for AJ, Paul Lingard wakes up from his slumber, and he is stoned. Paul Lingard tells Clementine to put the drugs back.

Clementine injects AJ: He starts to cry and David, Ava, and the others run over and Clementine gets caught.

Clementine put the drugs back: Ava catches Clementine with drugs before she can put them back. Clementine then tries to put the drugs back, but somebody grabs her and she drops and breaks them.

After these events, David kicks Clementine out of The New Frontier and takes AJ away from Clementine causing Clementine to be very angry, and after Clementine either says goodbye for AJ or spits in David's face, she leaves The New Frontier. Clementine then developed deep hatred towards The New Frontier.

Back in the present, Clementine hugs Javier (Determinant) and he, Clementine, Tripp, Paul Monroe, and Conrad (Determinant) all travel inside of the factory. After they all get inside of the factory, David comes to help Javier so he can help him get set up with a vehicle. As Javier either lets David in or backs away, Clementine accuses David of him letting AJ suffer, but David tells everyone that AJ is alive and that Paul Lingard knows where AJ is.

Javier and the others hear Badger, Lonnie, and Max so they go and ambush them. The three attempt to escape, David goes after Max, Javier goes after Badger, Clementine and Jesus go after Lonnie, but Lonnie gets away. If Javier killed Badger, Clementine will back him up against Jesus about the fact that Javier did what he had to do, and everyone but Jesus travels back into Richmond. Clementine is last seen going to Paul Lingard to find AJ.

"Thicker Than Water"

Clementine first appears in Paul Lingard's medical office, rummaging through a bag when she's startled by Javier who's entering. Clementine reveals she is looking for sanitary items, as she has started her period, but does not understand what it means. Javier can make her understand or not. Clementine offers to stitch up Javier's shoulder injury, showing her scar, from "All That Remains". Clementine then has another flashback.

Kenny flashback

Clementine plays shadows with AJ as Kenny is busy getting firewood. They're attacked by a walker which Clementine quickly kills. Kenny will then talk about family, AJ, and plans with Clementine. He mentions how good of a mom figure she is, and that Rebecca would be proud of her. They discuss past events, and Kenny says that they can't survive out there waiting for Wellington to take them in, mentioning they should move on to Florida, saying they could use some company, especially AJ. Clem will have the option to say she loves him or hug him. Kenny will later play with them, making shadows.

Jane flashback

Clementine and Jane are shown clearing out the walkers. Clementine and Jane have a heart to heart discussion about life and AJ. Jane can save Clementine if the player fails to select the quick-time events. Jane states that Carver and Kenny are just the same, dark past and nasty. Jane states to Clementine that she doesn't need her anymore, Clementine can say that she is family or does not need her. The trio walks off to the sunset, set thirteen months before the events of "Ties That Bind".

The next part is non-determinant and happens regardless of the player's choices:

A month shortly after her exile from the New Frontier and separation from AJ. Clementine is shown walking back to the trailer where she met Ava. Saddened and sympathetic to her situation, suddenly, Ava appears and hands her a bag of supplies as well a drawing that AJ made after Clem's departure. Regardless if Clem warms up to her or maintains her guard, Ava tells Clem that AJ will be safe in their care and tells her about a place Prescott where she can take refuge in, wishing her well before she returns to Richmond.

In the present, Clementine finishes up Javier's wound, and he asks Clem if Lingard was passed out and attempts to wake up, after a while Lingard wakes up and tells Javier and Clem that he wants to die if David is being removed from his position. He tells Javier to euthanize him as he doesn't want to live anymore. If you agree to euthanize him, he will tell Clem where AJ is located. If you refuse, however, Lingard will cancel the deal, angering Clementine. After some time Gabe and Ava reunite with Javier and Clementine, the latter of which he's happy about.

The four return to the apartment. Back at the apartment, Gabe hands out guns to everyone and the group plan on their next move. Gabe becomes headstrong and foolish, disregarding the fact he played a role in getting Javi hurt and disregarding other people's ideas all for the single-minded sake of going in, gun blazing and saving his father, repeatedly being shut down by Tripp, Kate, and Javi. If Javier had killed Conrad in Episode 2, he'll spitefully lash out at Javi by revealing that he killed Conrad back at the subway, resulting in Tripp and Eleanor feeling angry and betrayed, never wanting to anything with Javi ever again. When they arrive, Gabe becomes problematic towards Javi but backs down when Clem interferes. They get the truck and they later arrive at the town square.

Joan notices Javier and invites him to speak publicly in front of the crowd. She reveals that she has had a conversation with Eleanor, with her revealing the group's plan - which she has either done intentionally or accidentally, depending on if you killed Conrad or not back in "Ties That Bind - Part 2", and knows Javier's plan to take her out/rally the people against her, and commands two of the guards to bring out Ava and Tripp, which have been both captured.

She places an ultimatum on Javier - choose one of them to spare. Clint is reluctant but stays silent after Joan defends her actions. After either choosing to spare Ava or Tripp, Joan betrays Javi's choice and shoots the person you chose. Either Ava dies by being shot in the head, or Tripp dies by being shot in the neck.

Clint, after witnessing Tripp/Ava's death, attempts to resolve the conflict and urges to strike a deal with Javier - take David and the rest of his group out of there, and do not come back. Joan disagrees, but Clint forces her to cooperate. Enraged, David tells Javier to shoot Joan. At this point, the player is presented with a choice, negotiate and accept the deal, or shoot Joan dead. Either choice will result in a shootout.

After Javier managing to find Clementine and take cover, Kate contacts him on the walkie-talkie and asks what is happening at Javi's location. She asks if she can come, and regardless of the player's choice, she will proceed to drive the truck towards them. A Richmond guard throws a smoke bomb at Javier and Clementine, making them come out of their cover. If Conrad did not die in Ties That Bind - Part 2 and Above the Law, he helps Javier with the guard, shooting him.

Kate appears with the truck, as another guard throws a molotov cocktail at the truck's engine. As the smoke bomb reduces Kate's vision and the fire from the Molotov spreading, she begins to uncontrollably maneuver the truck, driving towards the group. If Javier does not manage to evade the truck in time and has saved Conrad, Conrad will sacrifice to save Javi, being hit by the truck. Kate then crashes into a fence, as gas starts leaking out of the truck. The truck explodes, and the fence has been broken, letting dozens of walkers inside. Clementine, Javier, and Conrad watch in horror as the screen cuts to black.

"From The Gallows"

Clementine appears right where the previous episode left off. She and Javi are looking at Kate's crashed van and walkers are beginning to enter through the hole in the wall. Clementine runs off to find Gabe. When she finds Gabe, she teaches him the knee trick Jane taught her and Gabe says she's a good teacher. They then meet up with Javi, Kate, and David and take shelter in an apartment building.

After Javier, David and Gabe argue, David, Gabe, and Clementine go check the other entrances in the apartment building to make sure they are secure. When they are finished, they meet up with Javi and Kate in one of the rooms. Clementine and the group then witness David lose control again. David breaks Fern's arm, disarming her, and shoots Rufus (Determinant). He then almost shoots Fern but is stopped by Gabe. David shortly afterward, walks away angry. Javi goes after him, while Clementine and the rest stay behind and wait for David to cool down.

While waiting for this to happen, Clementine and the group run into Tripp or Ava (Determinant). After they are done waiting, they go up to the roof and meet up with David and Javi. On the roof, they figure out that the walkers have taken over Richmond and that the only way to stop them is to fix the hole in the wall. They figured they could do this by using the construction vehicles over by the motor pool at the water tower. Clementine and the group then use a fire escape to gain access to roofs that lead to a highway overpass. The highway overpass is how they will get to the water tower.

The group walks on the overpass until they come across some blockage. The overpass is completely blocked and the only way to get around the blockage is to walk across a narrow ledge. If you chose Tripp in the previous episode, all will make it across the ledge except Ava. Ava will get pushed off the ledge by a walker. Clementine will show remorse for her now-deceased friend or old acquaintance (Determinant) then her and the group carry on.

They then discover a helicopter crash on the overpass. The crash resulted in the overpass having a large, impassable gap. Gabe goes to look down the gap but is pulled away by David because Gabe is too close to the edge. Gabe shrugs him off and walks away. Clementine will then talk to Javier about how Gabe doesn't know that David is just looking out for him. She will then ask if David thought he was helping AJ by letting him go.

David will then enter the conversation saying that AJ was a brat. He reveals that AJ lived with him after they kicked Clementine out. He says he gave AJ away because they had a bad winter that killed all their crops. David couldn't leave Richmond, but AJ couldn't stay. So David gave him to Lingard and told him to do whatever it took to save AJ's life. David will then say how much he misses that brat. Javier will then come up with the idea to use the propeller of the helicopter to swing across to the other side of the gap, one by one. Everyone will cross perfectly fine, until the Javier. The propeller breaks and Javier barely crosses the gap alive. If you chose Ava in the previous episode, Tripp will be left on the other side of the gap, since he went last, with no way to cross. He will try to fight off the walkers, but they eventually push him off the overpass, losing his life in the process.

Clementine and the group finally reach the water tower and they hop down on to it. They see that the area where the construction vehicles are is covered with walkers. Gabe comes up with the idea to use the generator in the area below to distract the walkers and sneak past them. The only problem is how to get to the generator. This is when Clementine teaches the group that covering themselves in the walker's guts allows you to walk among them, undetected.

Clementine and the group nominate Javier to do it and he does, successfully. They all make it into the garage and look for the right vehicle. David wants to take the truck so they can leave Richmond and Kate wants to take the construction vehicle to save Richmond. The whole group becomes divided and then Kate says that she is done with David and depending on Javier's choice, she will kiss Javier in front of David or say that she can't even believe she ever loved him or Javier.

Either way will result in David growing violent and then begins to fight Javier. Javier will then either fight back or tell David that he loves him. (Determinant) As David is about to kill Javier, Clementine will either point a gun at his head or shoot him in the shoulder, either choice will have David stop. No matter the choice David will take Gabe and drive away with him. They find a motorcycle to go after Gabe with, but Kate says she has to go now and save Richmond. So Javier and Clementine have a choice.

Depending on your previous choices, Clementine will do the following:

If you accept Ava's offer, inject AJ, and say goodbye to AJ, your Clem will be loyal and she will follow Javi's lead.

If you accept Ava's offer, obey them with AJ, and say goodbye to AJ, your Clem will be understanding and will go after Gabe.

If you reject Ava's offer, inject AJ, and say goodbye to AJ, your Clem will be levelheaded and will go wherever Javi doesn't.

If you reject Ava's offer, obey them with AJ, and say goodbye to AJ, your Clem will be forgiving and will, again, go after Gabe.

If you reject Ava's offer, inject AJ and spit in David's face, your Clem will be cold and will go with Kate.

If you reject Ava's offer, obey them with AJ and spit in David's face, your Clem will be honest and will, again, go wherever Javi doesn't.

If you accept Ava's offer, inject AJ and spit in David's face, your Clem will be bold and will, again, follow Javi's lead.

If you accept Ava's offer, obey them with AJ and spit in David's face, your Clem will be just and will, again, go with Kate.

The next part is determined by your choice as Javier:

Go with Kate:

With Clem: Javier and Clementine shoot walkers with guns while Kate drives a bulldozer. On the way to the gate, they encounter Jesus. Javier jumps into the "busket" of the bulldozer and is lifted to the top of the gate, where he presses the button and opens the gate. After that Jesus' group decides to get walkers which managed to get inside into one large group and lead them out, while Javi's group decides to plug to breach to stop more walkers from entering.

When Javi's gun is out of ammo he changes positions with Kate and uses the truck from "Thicker Than Water" to plug the breach. They meet Jesus after that and Kate stays behind, while Javier and Clementine go after Gabe and David. They discover their car overrun, David dead and Gabe nearby, bitten on the wrist. While they say goodbye to him, Gabe gives Clem his cards to teach AJ euchre and then depending on the endings of season 2, Clem kisses Gabe (if you went with Jane), hugs him twice (if you went with Kenny), holds his hand and tells him to be strong for whatever comes next (if you went alone) or says that him dying is wrong and that he deserved better (if you went to Wellington). Javier then has the choice to give the gun to Gabe so he can kill himself or Javier can shoot Gabe himself.

Without Clementine: Clementine takes the motorcycle and leaves Javi and Kate behind. Clementine will then save Gabe from a crowd of walkers but is unable to save David. She then will come back to Richmond with a slightly injured, non-bitten Gabe and informs Kate and Javier of David's death. Javi and Kate then go to the place where he died.

Go after Gabe:

With Clementine: Javier and Clementine go on the motorcycle and eventually find their car, with both Gabe and David inside and alive. Javier tells Clementine to kill walkers from David's side while he does the same for Gabe's. They manage to save both of them. After talking to David, he decides to part ways with everyone saying he can't change. Javier can choose to convince him to go back or to keep walking. If he is asked to come back, he disagrees, and depending on Javier's relationship with David, he is either nice or blunt about it.

If Javier's relationship with David is good, he comes back anyway but distances himself from the group. If his relationship with David is bad or he tells David to keep walking, he walks away, leaving his fate unknown. The others go back to Richmond, where they meet Jesus. With the help of Gabe, Javier pushes the button on the top of the gate to open it. After that, Javier, Clementine, and Gabe start looking for Kate, eventually finding her as a walker. Javier will then either choose to shoot her or leave her be.

Without Clementine: Clementine goes with Kate and plugs up the hole, but during that time Clementine loses Kate. Javier will return with Gabe and Jesus and she informs them that she has lost sight of Kate. Nobody can find her, making Kate's fate unknown.

The next part is non-determinant and happens regardless of the player's choices:

Three days later. If Lingard is alive, he tells Javier and Clem the location of AJ. After that, Javier chats with Clem whilst giving her a haircut. If Gabe is alive, she says that she will miss him and if Javier says that Gabe has a crush on her, she will blush and confirm that she has a crush on him too. After that, he can choose to tell her to leave AJ alone if he's happy or bring him back to Richmond. After saying goodbye to Javier and the survivors of the Garcia family, she leaves Richmond. After the credits, a scene is shown of Clementine going from the train tunnel from "Ties That Bind - Part 2", while killing walkers. She says that she will find AJ.

The Final Season[]


After a year of searching, Clementine arrives to McCarroll Ranch only to find it ablaze, being raided by hostile survivors. Upon approaching the ranch, the survivors mistake her for a raider and attack, forcing Clementine to slaughter the survivors in self-defense, including the ones who were taking care of AJ. Clem finds AJ huddled inside a gym locker and takes him, the two driving away in a car Clem finds among the wreckage. Having been reunited with AJ, Clementine promises that they would find a new home together.

Unfortunately, due to the area now being a war-zone, Clementine is unable to return to New Richmond and decides to drive off elsewhere while raising AJ. During their time on the road, Clementine teaches the essentials of survival such as never going alone, and how to use weapons. Whenever AJ asked Clementine if they would be able to find a new home, Clementine would always answer with, "We'll see" due to the fact that she never had hope of finding somewhere new.

"Done Running"

Three years after she left Richmond, Clementine is shown driving down a deserted Virginian highway in a battered roadster with Alvin Jr. in the back seat. Growing annoyed by him fiddling with his empty revolver, Clem tries to distract him from their hunger and is given the choice of playing with a Disco Broccoli toy, telling him to practice reading from what turns out to be a cookbook, or passing him a bag of chips - the last of their food.

The two eventually came to an abandoned train station, killing the walkers lurking around out front. Noticing AJ staring at a tire swing, Clem tells him what it is and offers to let him play on it when they're done sweeping the station. They break into the building and find two walkers tied to chairs and seated together, the couple had killed themselves after losing their child and leaving a note asking to be left in peace.

Noticing a back room behind a locked door, Clem can either honor the couple's wishes and send AJ through a gap in the service window, or kill the walkers to obtain the key (Determinant). Inside the back room, they find spoiled food, an empty crib, and a floor door hidden under a mattress. Opening the floor door, they see a crawl space full of food...and a jerry-rigged grenade. Clem slams the door shut and tackles AJ to safety, but the explosion draws a herd of walkers.

Forced to fight their way to the car, Clem loses the keys when she uses them to stab a walker in the eye and has to kick out the windshield to get them back. She manages to get the car going, but it's swarmed by walkers and in the ensuing chaos she loses control and crashes. Losing consciousness, Clem sees the walkers being killed by an unknown group and can call out for help or to beg them not to take AJ before passing out.

Clem wakes up with a bandaged head and her left arm taped to the frame of a bunk bed. Removing the tape, she sees she's in a school dormitory residence, with a box of medical supplies on a nearby desk. Exploring, she can discover a scrapbook on the desk with photos of two red-haired girls and a blonde girl. Finding a box of art supplies in the closet, she retrieves it and finds a palette knife inside, using it as a lock pick.

Finding herself in a graffiti-strewn hall, she begins exploring but is interrupted by the main door opening. Hiding behind a broken grandfather clock, Clem watches as a boy with burn scars on one side of his head approaches her room and – upon seeing the door is open – pulls out a knife and cautiously checks inside. Clem has the option of calling out to him, verbally threatening him, or grabbing him from behind and physically threatening him; but finds herself in the crosshairs of a young man with a blond mullet, wielding a compound bow.

After a standoff with varying levels of hostility (Determinant), Clem learns that AJ is OK and stands down. The boy with the mullet introduces himself as Marlon and the boy with the scarred face as Tennessee. Leading Clem out into the courtyard, Marlon welcomes her to Ericson's Boarding School for Troubled Youth, a community of survivors made entirely out of teenagers and preteens who were abandoned when the faculty evacuated.

Noticing the blonde girl from the scrapbook watching her from atop a wall and a young boy gawking at her, Clem can either respond in a friendly manner, ask if something's wrong, or threaten to punch the boy's teeth out; Marlon introducing the boy as Willy and critiquing her attitude, saying that AJ has been nothing but trouble. Clem can respond with varying degrees of indignation, but Willy interrupts and calls out that a herd of walkers has entered the hunting zone. Marlon leaves to investigate, telling Clem that AJ is with a boy named Louis and to follow the music.

As Clem approaches the music room, a stout red-haired girl exits the room cursing at AJ, and upon seeing Clem furiously berates her and states that AJ bit her. Clem can choose to respond with hostility, apologize on AJ's behalf, or say that he wouldn't do something like that; but the girl angrily storms off. Entering the music room, she sees a boy in a brown trench coat – Louis – playing music on a piano while AJ listens.

Noticing Clem, AJ runs up to her and hugs her while she sighs in relief. As she gives him a once-over, Clem can choose to tell him he doesn’t have to worry, say he seems OK, or tickle him (Determinant). Growing serious, she scolds him for biting the red-haired girl – though AJ protests he only did so because she snuck up behind him. Noticing Clem, Louis says he looked after her kid. Clem can choose to thank Louis, say she hopes he wasn't any trouble, or snap that she isn't AJ's mother.

Louis says that the temperamental red-haired girl is named Ruby, and Clem warns him not to come up behind AJ. Introducing himself, Louis resumes playing the piano and says that Marlon left her bag in the room. Retrieving her hat and knife, Clem gives AJ his gun – alarming Louis, who expresses concern given AJ's young age. Clem can choose to rebuke him by saying it's her gun and she trusts AJ to use it or quipping that AJ's probably a better shot than Louis is.

As Louis resumes playing, Clem asks if he knows any other songs; and Louis replies that he does but he's wary of playing it since Clem is armed. He serenades her with "Clementine", and Clem can say she loves that song, ask him to play something else, or snap at him to stop – though if she dissuades him Louis teasingly sings the final verse of the chorus.

Clem asks AJ what he thinks of the piano, and can tell him to accept or refuse Louis' offer to show him how to play. Marlon arrives, saying the walker herd is worse than he’d thought and asking if Clem could help lend a hand. At the gate, Marlon informs Clem that a hunting party is being prevented from safely returning and that there are more walkers than usual. The blonde girl snidely remarks that it's Clem's fault given the explosion at the train station, and Clem can choose to apologize, say they haven't met, or angrily ask if the girl has a problem.

Louis introduces the girl as Violet, and they head out to fight the walkers; Louis showing Clem some traps they set up to make it easier. The hunting party – two boys and a girl – arrive with a rabbit; and as they walk back to the campus Violet complements Clem's combat prowess, Clem thanking her. When one of the boys – Aasim – is grabbed by a walker, Clem rushes in to protect him but is knocked back and attacked herself. A large Pitbull tackles the walker and crushes its head in her jaws before turning on Clem and growling.

As Clem – reminded of her previous encounter with a dog – raises her knife, Marlon intervenes and calms the dog down, introducing her as Rosie and assuring Clem that she's nicer than she looks. As Marlon and Aasim bicker over the poor hunting conditions, Louis approaches Clem and Violet and flirts with the former, calling her performance an A-plus while Violet only gets a B-minus for cursing at him. Clem can choose to agree, flirt back by complementing Louis' fighting, or flirt with Violet by saying she should get an A-plus as well (Determinant).

As Clem and AJ reunite, Marlon comes up behind AJ and is promptly elbowed in the crotch. Clem can either apologize, warn him against walking up behind AJ, or callously tell him to shake it off. Marlon tells Clem that AJ needs to learn it's not OK to just attack people like that; Clem goes over to where AJ is watching a crow eating one of the slain walkers. When AJ asks what it's doing, Clem can either choose to ignore the question, explain what scavengers are, or simply state it's surviving; regardless, she tells him what he did to Marlon was wrong and that he needs to apologize.

Clem leads AJ around the camp, prompting him to apologize to Ruby – who can either accept or reject his apology depending on how he does so (Determinant); introduce him to Mitch and Willy, who are amused by AJ if he uses vulgarity (Determinant); and Louis introduces them to the group's cook, Omar. Approaching Aasim, she learns that he's frustrated since Marlon keeps pulling back the safe zone, leaving them with less and less food; and can scold AJ for taking Aasim's journal without his permission or allow him to read it (Determinant).

Approaching Violet and Tenn, Clem can apologize if she attacked or threatened him (Determinant); and learns that Tenn had two sisters – Sophie and Minerva. Approaching Marlon and his second-in-command – who introduces herself as Brody – Clem prompts AJ to apologize for hitting him and asks if they can stay. Marlon accepts AJ's apology, and Louis calls the group over to eat.

When Ruby expresses disgust at AJ's poor table manners, Clem can choose to reprimand him by telling him to eat slowly – in which case he obeys her, to mind his manners – in which case he ignores her – or by belching. If AJ refuses to listen, Ruby storms off in disgust; and if Clem burps, Louis joins in and Marlon reprimands them before burping himself, causing Ruby to storm off in disgust as well (Determinant).

After dinner, Marlon, Violet, and Louis gather around Clem for a card game called "War" – intent on finding out more about her. Clem can remark that it sounds like fun, that she's never played, or boast that they're all going to lose to her. Violet and Louis explain the rules; while Clem notices AJ has gone to play with Tenn and is happy to see him behaving like a normal kid for once. Violet wins the first round and asks where AJ's parents are, and Clem is given the choice of saying it’s too sad to talk about, snapping that its none of their business, or revealing what happened.

Clem wins the second round, and is given the options of dissing Marlon’s mullet, asking what their worst injury witnessed was, if they met anyone famous, or what the grossest thing they ate was. If Clem picks asking if they met anyone famous, she can mention having met Javier. If Clem asks what the grossest thing they ate was, she brings up having eaten Mark's leg (Determinant), then adds that she's joking upon noticing their looks of disgust.

Louis wins the third round and asks if Clem has ever had a boyfriend, and she can respond by saying she hasn't, that she's not interested in romance, or by mentioning Gabe. Should she pick the latter, Violet inquires if she liked him, and Clem can clarify that she did, that he was just a friend, or that she found him annoying. If she picks the latter, Louis teases Clem by saying that she loved him, which Clem indignantly and unconvincingly denies (Determinant).

Marlon wins the fourth round and asks who looked out for her prior to her coming across the school, and Clem can reply that she had help from lots of people, most of whom are now dead; that she looked out for herself, or by telling them about Lee. If she picks the latter, Marlon asks her what Lee taught her and Clem is given the option of choosing between how to let go, how to use a gun, or by saying that it doesn’t matter.

Clem wins the sixth round and is given the option of asking a second of the above questions. Violet wins the seventh round and asks Clem who she thinks will die first out of the four of them. If Clem picks Marlon, he asks why she's so sure and she says that group leaders dying has been a common trend she's noticed (Determinant). If she picks Louis, everyone agrees – even Louis himself (Determinant). If she picks Violet, Clem retorts that that’s what she gets for asking a morbid question – the two girls glaring at each other as Louis laughs. If she picks anyone but herself, Violet is annoyed by Clem’s smug confidence and says that they've made it just as far as she has.

Louis wins the eighth round and asks if Clem has had to kill anyone she loves, and she is given the option of saying she shot Lee or let him turn (Determinant), that she hasn't, or that she killed Kenny or Jane (Determinant). If she says that she does, she gives a brief summation of why she did so (Determinant).

As Clem and AJ leave, Marlon jogs after them and apologizes for Louis' lack of tact, saying he’ll let them stay at least for the night and they can talk things out the next day. Clem and AJ return to their room, and AJ spots the box of art supplies and – inspired by Tenn's love of drawing – decides to try it for himself. Violet enters and is surprised to see Clem and AJ, apologizing for intruding and saying she just wanted to retrieve the box of art supplies for Tenn – which she says belonged to Sophie. When Violet notices AJ has it, Clem apologizes for taking it without permission and can choose to tell AJ to give it up or that he can keep it.

If Clem tells AJ to give it up, Violet offers to wait until he's finished the drawing (Determinant). Clem and Violet exchange small talk, the latter revealing that the room used to belong to Minerva and Sophie, who she says were killed by walkers a year ago; and that she was close to the former. Clem can choose to comfort Violet or brush her off. Violet apologizes for her earlier belligerence, and Clem can choose to say she can be belligerent as well, that Violet came off a little strong, or that it's all good between them and that she thought Violet was cool. If Clem compliments Violet, she is surprised and compliments Clem in turn (Determinant), while if Clem insults her Violet is dismayed and upset. AJ interrupts to show Clem his drawing, and Violet leaves with or without the box (Determinant).

Seeing AJ crawl under the bed, Clem can try to persuade him to sleep on top of the bed, and can either relent and let him sleep under the bed or successfully convince him to try it out (Determinant). The next day, Clem and AJ go to Marlon’s office and find Tenn playing with some police officer and firefighter figurines. AJ asks what they are, and depending on how Clem responds he can either disparage them as being too weak to survive or express a desire to meet them someday.

AJ takes the police officer toy and refuses to give it back, forcing Clem to intervene and either tell him to give it back or let him keep it. Tenn leaves to find Marlon, and AJ points out a photo of Marlon and Louis as children. The door opens and Rosie enters, snarling and barking at Clem. Before they can attack each other, Marlon arrives and calms Rosie down, offering to help Clem get over her cynophobia by showing her how sweet Rosie can be.

If Clem agrees to trust Marlon, he takes her hand and lets Rosie sniff and lick it, before showing her how to whistle to direct Rosie; who goes to lie down on a mattress (Determinant). If Clem refuses, Marlon is dismayed and tells Rosie to go lie down (Determinant). Marlon tells Clem that the school is in a tight spot food-wise due to the safe zone getting increasingly smaller, and asks her to help accompany Violet and Brody on a fishing trip to a nearby creek, or Aasim and Louis on a rabbit-hunting expedition.

Go Fishing: If Clem chooses to go fishing, the next day she, Violet, and Brody go out to the creek; Clem noticing that Violet is harsh and hostile toward Brody. Inside the fishing shack, Brody says that she and Violet used to be friends before Minerva and Sophie were killed and that Violet blames her. Brody asks Clem to help fix their friendship, and Clem can agree to help or refuse. Brody leaves to check the traps, and Clem searches for spare spears. If spoken to, AJ points out a V and an M with a heart around them and asks what that means, and Clem can say that meant that Violet and Minerva were a couple or that they were close friends (Determinant).

Finding a spear, Clem joins Violet, who apologizes for their awkward conversation the night before, and is relieved if Clem says she enjoyed it (Determinant). When Violet laments how annoying Brody can be, Clem can mention that Brody thinks Violet blames her for Minerva's death, and Violet says that she blames herself since she was supposed to be the one who went with Marlon and Brody that day but had wanted to work in the greenhouse instead. Clem can push Violet to reconcile with Brody or state that her resentment is justified, either helping mend their friendship or further damaging it (Determinant). Brody comes back empty-handed, so they decide to reunite with Louis and Aasim. At the hunting grounds, they find a dead walker caught in a snare, and discover that their traps have been raided or sabotaged. Louis and Aasim arrive and reveal they haven't had any luck.

Go Hunting: As Clem, AJ, Louis, and Aasim patrol the hunting ground, Aasim warns Clem to watch out for traps while Louis tries to flirt with Clem. Clem can choose to join Louis in joking around, thank Aasim for the warning, or ask him if Louis is always so exuberantly offbeat. When Aasim disparages Louis as being Marlon's lapdog, Louis quips that he's just jealous and says he just prefers to take survival one day at a time while Aasim prefers to plan long-term. Clem can either agree with or chastise Louis for his short-sightedness, but she hears something moving in the underbrush and breaks up the argument between them.

Spotting a walker caught in a snare, Clem can wander around inspecting the traps – noticing some seem to be broken – and either join Aasim in hunting or join Louis in using the walker as an undead piñata. If Clem joins Aasim, he complains about Louis' lackadaisical attitude and has her help him hunt rabbits – flushing them out while she shoots (Determinant).

If Clem hits her mark Aasim praises her skills, while if she misses he laments how hard they are to hit, and if she chooses not to shoot he says it's better to save their arrows; though he criticizes her poor aim (Determinant). If Clem chooses to play with Louis, he passes Chairles to her and welcomes her and AJ to "Team Fun" – telling her to use the snared walker for a little batting practice. If Clem successfully hits the walker three times, she rips its lower jaw off and Louis congratulates her, asking if she feels better having blown off some steam (Determinant).

Clem can choose to agree and say they should do this again, say that it was fun, or say that she should have helped Aasim. Louis elucidates his "live in the moment" way of seeing the world, telling Clem to go check on Aasim while he resets the trap (Determinant). Regardless of who she picks to help, Clem is called over by AJ, who points out a young rabbit caught in one of the snares. Louis is in favor of killing it right away so they can eat it, while Aasim tells her to release it since there's not much meat on it.

If Clem snaps the rabbit's neck, Aasim scolds her – though she rebukes him, saying everyone needs to eat. If she lets the rabbit go, Louis complains before relenting and saying he wouldn’t want to kill a baby bunny either. Aasim sends Clem, Louis, and AJ to check on Violet and Brody; and they arrive at the fishing shack to find it's been raided. Violet and Brody arrive and reveal that the traps have been raided.

When Clem finds a cigarette made from a Bible page, Brody has a panic attack, and Clem can try to help calm her down – a furious Brody angrily lashing out before saying she has to tell Marlon and running back to the school. Clem, AJ, Louis, and Violet decide to go against Marlon’s orders to stay inside the safe zone by trekking to the train station, finding it swarming with walkers. While Louis distracts the herd and Violet watches the door, Clem and AJ begin filling duffel bags with food from the floor door.

Clem is surprised by a man with heterochromia, who introduces himself as Abel (Determinant). Noticing him smoking a Bible page cigarette, Clem can accuse him of raiding the traps, though Abel seems keen on learning if she's part of a group and asks her about it. Regardless of whether Clem says anything or not, Abel declares he's going to take the food for himself and his own group. When AJ holds him at gunpoint, Clem can either tell him to shoot – in which case Abel kills both her and AJ, for AJ to stand down and let Abel take the food, or shove Abel out the window and into the walkers. Violet arrives – witnessing the standoff if Clem chooses not to shove Abel out the window – and they return to the school.

Marlon begrudgingly thanks Clem for obtaining the food, though Clem notices Brody's anxiety increasing upon hearing about Abel's presence. Tenn informs Clem that Brody, Louis, and Violet are sad since the anniversary of his sisters' deaths is drawing near, and shows Clem a drawing of his interpretation of the afterlife – asking if he can draw her and AJ there as well. Tenn gives Clem the picture, and she and AJ go to bed after a discussion about how nice it is to finally have found a safe place to live.

Clem and AJ are woken up by the sound of arguing coming from the ventilation system, and Clem follows the voices to the basement door – which is locked from the inside. Finding a storm cellar door outside, Clem breaks the lock and enters the school’s basement to find Marlon and Brody vehemently arguing. Marlon tries to get her to leave, but Brody reveals that he’d given Minerva and Sophie to the raiders the previous year. Enraged, Marlon angrily snaps and strikes Brody in the head with his flashlight, mortally wounding her. Dying, Brody warns Clem that Marlon was going to give her and AJ to the raiders if they returned; and Marlon panics and locks Clem in the cellar with Brody, who reanimates as a walker.

Clem is forced to kill Brody with the flashlight and exits the basement to find AJ holding Marlon at gunpoint and demanding to know where she is. As the other students arrive, Marlon accuses Clem of having murdered Brody, while she counter-accuses him of having traded the twins to the raiders and killed Brody himself to cover it up. When Marlon grabs AJ's gun and threatens to kill her, Clem can choose to call his bluff, appealing to Louis or Violet for backup (Determinant).

Marlon has a breakdown and admits to having given up the twins, causing the other students to turn on him, and Clem can choose to persuade him to surrender peacefully or beat him up until he drops the gun. Regardless, Marlon surrenders and Clem can choose whether to exile him, lock him in the basement to await a vote, or forgive him for his mistakes. Regardless of which choice she makes, AJ retrieves his gun and shoots Marlon in the head, leaving Clem and the other students staring at him in horror as he repeats the advice Clem told him while preparing to investigate the train station: to always aim for the head, to never hesitate, or to save the last bullet for himself (Determinant).

"Suffer The Children"

After Marlon's death, the students become hostile towards Clem and AJ. AJ is denounced as a murderer by Louis, and before any altercation could happen, Violet tells Clem and AJ to retreat to their dorms. The students spend the night digging graves for both Marlon and Brody. The following morning in Clementine and Alvin Jr.'s (AJ) dorm room, Clementine is laying on her bed as a distraught AJ sits nearby, making coffee on a makeshift stove for her. AJ, confused by the other students' fearful and passionate reactions to Marlon's sudden death, asks why Louis called him a murderer. Clementine has the choice to either vindicate AJ by asserting that he was justified in executing him or to pragmatically discourage AJ's impulsiveness by stating Marlon was defeated already and that he was not a threat anymore.

Tennessee enters the room and invites Clementine and AJ to Marlon and Brody's funeral. He can try to give AJ a fireman figurine and, depending on how Clementine decided to console AJ about killing Marlon, AJ can accept (if Clementine told AJ was justified) or reject it (If Clementine told AJ he was wrong). Regardless of her choice, AJ tells Clementine that he loves her, prepared to face the Ericson students.

They both leave the dorms together. In the courtyard, AJ looks solemnly at a pool of Marlon's blood and looks to Clementine, aware that he caused it. They both approach the graveyard to angered students, as Tennessee and Violet prepare to give eulogies to Brody and Marlon. Tennessee begins first and places drawings of symbols important to Marlon and Brody onto their graves.

Conversely, Violet – angered by what had transpired between Marlon and Tennessee's sisters – refuses to eulogize Marlon and his leadership. This agitates Mitch, who develops an enmity for Clementine and AJ and pulls a knife on them – adamant to put their future at Ericson's to a democratic vote. In response, AJ pleads for the vote not to happen, either by claiming Marlon's death was justified (If Clementine told AJ he was justified in killing Marlon) or by conveying his regret and his intention to "atone" (If Clementine told AJ he was wrong to kill Marlon while he was incapacitated).

Soon, Clementine and AJ return to their dorm room, anticipating the results of the vote. As AJ is kicking the wall in anger, Clementine manages to calm him down. After discussing the situation, Violet and Louis enter their room. Violet reveals to Clementine and AJ that they have to leave. Louis demands AJ's gun so that in case if he tries to do something. Clementine can choose whether to order AJ to give Louis his gun or tell him to keep it. Soon after packing up, they escort them outside the safe zone. If AJ gave Louis his gun, he returns it to him before they take off.

Now alone and defenseless, AJ and Clementine wander the forest in search of shelter. A gunshot suddenly pierces a nearby tree, causing AJ and Clementine to scramble for cover. They hide behind a tree and spot a man: Abel from the train station. Clementine attacks him from cover but is subsequently held at gunpoint by another woman behind her. Clementine is subdued by Abel and Lilly and is kicked in the face by the latter. AJ yells Clementine's name, as he too, is also subdued by Abel. She looks up to see a visibly shocked woman. It is Lilly, who has been missing for several years. She reintroduces herself, and Clementine can choose to be angered or startled by her reappearance.

If Clementine is angered, Lilly will stand on her abdomen. If shocked, Lilly will reciprocate her feelings of nostalgia. Lilly then offers to help Clementine up, which she can accept or refuse, making Lilly pleased or bitter. Lilly then enquires about Clementine's past, and attempts to manipulate her by stating her death is inevitable protecting AJ – just like Lee's was with her – to convince her and the Ericson students to join her group peacefully.

Soon, Violet and Louis arrive out of sight – drawn by the noise from Clementine and AJ's encounter with Abel. To free herself and AJ from their compromised position, Clementine either orders Violet to shoot Lilly in the shoulder with her bow and arrow – causing Louis to be shot in the arm – or run. Clementine and AJ sprint away from Lilly and Abel's line of sight.

However, AJ is shot in the abdomen by Abel and retreats to a tree to rest, while Clementine fends off incoming walkers. Soon, an unusually animated walker shushes Clementine, leading the remaining walkers away from her. He is a human and carries a wounded AJ, leading Clementine to his base camp in the middle of the woods. He leads them to his campfire and urges Clementine to remove the shrapnel embedded in AJ's wounds.

The mysterious figure reveals himself to be James, formerly affiliated with a group known as the Whisperers. He and Clementine converse about their past lives before the apocalypse and he elaborates why he left the group– citing his disillusionment with their methods and his intrinsic pacifism. James and Clementine spot a walker approaching the camp. Clementine is presented with the opportunity to kill it or divert it away from camp. Afterward, James offers an apple to them, which Clementine can choose to accept or refuse.

Soon afterwards, James decides to stay up for the night to guard the camp. Clementine can choose to sleep or stay up to help. The next morning, James leads them back to Ericson’s. Willy then spots James, who mistakes him for a walker and attempts to shoot him with an arrow, but narrowly misses. He then alerts everyone that Clementine and AJ are back. Clementine then offers to let James stay with them. Looking at the arrow near his foot, he replies by saying that he is not ready and walks back into the woods. Louis then lets them in and he carries AJ, due to Clementine having no energy left to carry him herself.

More to be added

"Broken Toys"

In the wake of the battle, Clementine spots a distraught Willy sobbing over Mitch's body. She approaches him, and he tells her that while Mitch had been hot-tempered and something of a bully, he'd taken Willy under his wing and looked out for him. Clem has the option of comforting Willy, rebuking him, or swearing revenge. Louis or Violet – depending on who was rescued at the end of "Suffer the Children" (Determinant) – arrives with Ruby and Tenn, telling Clem that Abel is unconscious and tied up in the basement, being watched over by AJ. When Willy lashes out at Tenn and angrily blames him for Mitch's death, Clem has the choice of rebuking him or agreeing with him, though Tenn runs off in tears either way. Louis/Violet then asks Clem to interrogate Abel – using torture if need be – to find out where the Delta have taken their friends.

In the basement, Clem can observe Brody's bloodstain and interact with Rosie. If Clem has interacted positively with Rosie in each of the prior episodes and didn't spit on Marlon's grave, Rosie will allow Clem to pet her (Determinant); but will otherwise ignore her. Approaching AJ and Abel – who has been tied to a school desk – Clem has the option of letting AJ wake him up, splashing him with water, shouting at him, or slapping him.

When Abel responds sardonically to her attempts to play bad cop and asks for a drink, Clem can choose to stop AJ from offering Abel a water bottle or let him drink. If Clem lets Abel drink, he criticizes her for letting him dictate the terms of his interrogation (Determinant). If she refuses to let him drink, Abel says her efforts to intimidate him aren't working and that she's not fooling anyone. Clem demands to know where Lilly took the captured kids, but Abel tells her that it doesn't matter since she'll be coming back for him and the rest of them.

When Abel smugly states that if Clem gives him the "five-star treatment" he'll persuade Lilly to show them mercy and that the Delta won't underestimate them a second time; Clem has the option of stating they can handle Lilly, rebuking him by saying Lilly has abandoned him, siccing Rosie on him (Determinant), or slamming his head into the desk. Abel tells Clem that the reason they attacked the school was for more manpower and that the three captured kids won't make up for losing Yonaton and himself; telling her that the outside world is embroiled in a constant state of war, with communities relentlessly fighting each other, and that the Delta is at war with a community that makes him look like a saint.

Clem has the option of rebuking Abel or slamming his head a second time, and rebuffs his attempt to appeal to her by reiterating her intent to get her friends back and telling him to stop wasting her time. Abel tells Clem to check his front pocket for the answer to all her questions, and she pulls out one of his Bible cigarettes, expressing confusion and rage at the quote – a passage from Leviticus 11:3. Abel quips that he was hoping it would be something about turning the other cheek and tells her to light it, saying he'll tell her where Lilly took her friends if she helps him smoke.

Clem has the option of doing so, snuffing the cigarette out in front of him, or using it to burn his face before punching him in the chest. Abel coughs violently and vomits a significant amount of blood; and when AJ asks if Abel is going to die, Clem has the option of asking him if this isn't what he wanted, saying she hopes Abel suffers, or offering to patch Abel up. Abel tells Clem that something must have burst inside him after she shoved him off the balcony, and begs her not to let him turn, even offering to reveal where the kids are.

Clem has the option of agreeing to put him out of his misery or letting him sweat. If the latter is picked, Abel becomes increasingly panicked and reveals there's a note in his boot with a list of city names the Delta use as a call-and-response, and that the only one used presently is Rockingham. Clem has the option of keeping her promise and stabbing Abel in the side of the head, or letting him turn into a walker; and can tell AJ she either wants him to watch or look away, but he chooses to stay regardless.

Later, Clem takes AJ, Willy, and Louis/Violet to scout out the Delta's boat – breaking up an argument between Willy and AJ over Tenn. Arriving at the river, they see the Delta's boat is a large steamship. Spotting Louis/Violet being escorted across one of the decks (Determinant), horses and supplies from the train station that could be stolen or used to create a distraction, Clem proposes seeking James' help sneaking across the beach and pier under the cover of a walker herd.

While returning to the school, Clem spots a red-haired Delta member chopping wood and grabs her from behind to interrogate her. Before Clementine can cut the raider's throat, Louis/Violet calls out for her to stop and that the raider is Minerva. Clementine watches as Minerva embraces Louis/Violet and asks who survived the raid, asking if Tenn's boots are holding up. When she interrupts, Minerva rounds on her and berates her leadership for messing up Lilly and Abel's plan to non-violently capture the kids as they'd done with her and Sophie.

If Violet is present, Clem has the option of saying that she is the leader; but Minerva disparages her former girlfriend and says that Clem rallying the students and teaching them to fight back makes her the de facto leader (Determinant). Clem angrily confronts Minerva when she says that Sophie died a hero for protecting the delta, though Lilly's arrival interrupts the argument and forces Clementine and the other kids to hide. Minerva chooses not to reveal them and urges Clem to peacefully surrender when the Delta returns in two weeks. Clem has the option of rebuffing her or asking her to return to the school, though Minerva says it's too late for her to go back and return to the Delta's ship.

Clementine and AJ set out to find James, stopping to rest when AJ's old injury causes him pain. When AJ confesses he wanted to hurt Willy for badmouthing Tenn, Clementine can tell him to let the anger pass, to stay focused, or to not act on his violent thoughts. When AJ says he's also mad at Tenn for putting himself in danger, expressing confusion as to why the Ericson's kids don't know basic things like that, Clem can say that she and AJ can trach them, that they can learn things from the Ericson's kids, or disparage the Ericson's kids for having been sheltered.

When AJ asks Clementine why the Ericson's kids are called "troubled", Clem explains the concept of trauma – using AJ's fear of people sneaking up behind him as an example – and has the option of telling him that it's something that can never be gotten rid of, that you often need help and support to recover from it, or joking that you punch it in the mouth. When AJ calls Tenn his first real friend, Clem pretends to be insulted and AJ amends his statement to Tenn being his "second first real friend."

Arriving at James' camp, Clem and AJ find it swarming with walkers. James startles them and reveals he was attacked by the Delta while trying to save the captured Ericson's kids. Clementine asks for his help in moving some walkers, and James asks her to keep the walkers occupied while he gets his mask and backpack from the camp, requesting she not kill any of the walkers. When AJ distracts the walkers, Clem and James push a cage-cart left behind by the Delta down a hill, the noise drawing the walkers away from his camp.

If Clem doesn't kill any walkers, James thanks her for showing mercy and says he appreciates her kindness; though if she kills them he rebukes her for always resorting to violence (Determinant). When Clem tells James she wants the walkers to provide cover for her and her friends to get to the Delta's ship, he is dismayed and asks for her to follow him, saying he has something important to show her.

Clementine and AJ follow James to a derelict barn and horse stable. Clem has the option of pointing out a salt lick to AJ and telling him to leave it alone, dissuading him from licking it by saying it tastes disgusting or encouraging him to taste it. If the second option is picked, AJ asks Clem how she knows and asks if she licked one, causing her to say "I don't know…" in the same tone she used when asked that question by Lee (Determinant).

Talking to James, Clem discovers that the barn contains several walkers that he collected to keep them safe. James tells Clem and AJ that he believes that walkers aren't mindless monsters, but that they contain something of their human selves. Clem has the option of saying that he can't prove it, saying she wishes that were true or reacting in horror at the thought.

When James asks if she ever let anyone turn and AJ brings up Lee – saying Clementine either let him turn after he was bitten or killed him before he could do so – Clem glares at him. James states that when walkers are alone they're harmless, and to prove his point asks Clem to put on his mask and walk through the barn to touch a wind chime at the back. She does so, causing the walkers to gather around the wind chimes and stare at them in an almost spiritual moment.

Clementine exits the barn, and when James asks if she sees walkers differently she can either say she does or that she still sees them as monsters. If Clem says there might be something more to them, James is pleasantly surprised and says he's never met someone who's understood before (Determinant). If she says they're just monsters, he's dismayed and says he thought she'd say that (Determinant). When AJ tells James that he killed Marlon, Clementine tries to hush him.

She returns James' mask and asks if he'll help save her friends, but he refuses if it involves endangering walkers. Clementine is given the option of asking if he thinks human lives are less important than those of the undead, if he's okay with the Delta turning her friends into child soldiers after making such a big deal about having escaped that life himself, or asking if he knows the names of the walkers in the barn before telling him the names of her captured friends. James reluctantly agrees and tells Clem to be ready by the following night and that the walkers will amass a sizable herd, unleashing the walkers from the barn and guiding them into the forest. If Clem said she thought there was something more to walkers, AJ will ask her if she meant it, and Clem can tell him she did or that she lied to James to manipulate him (Determinant).

Clementine and AJ return to the school and find Ruby in the process of putting together a party to boost morale. Ruby asks Clem if she can borrow her coffee maker, and tasks AJ with putting together decorations. Noticing AJ is looking dismayed, Clementine asks what's wrong and he tells her that watching Abel die unsettled him. Clem can tell him that he's a good person, lament that he's seen too much death for his age, or gently chastise him for getting soft. AJ tells Clementine he's becoming increasingly concerned that someday she's going to get bitten and asking her what he should do.

Clem has the option of joking that she'd have to turn into a walker and eat him, tell him that's not going to happen, or retort that he knows what he needs to do. Clementine tells AJ that she needs to know he remembers what they've gone over before, and is presented with the option of telling him to either shoot her or run away if she's bitten.

Either way, AJ refuses and says that if Clementine were to become a walker he'd want her to bite him too, so they could be together. Clementine has the option of jokingly agreeing to bite him, telling him he's stronger than this or angrily demanding he does as he promised. When AJ invokes James' belief that something remains of a walker's human self, Clementine has the option of responding that James is insane, that they don't know for sure if that’s true and won't risk their lives on an uncertainty, or demanding he drop it. AJ grabs his gun and says he's going on patrol – and depending on how Clem responds will either exit calmly or rush out of the room, past Louis/Violet (Determinant).

Violet Rescued: If Violet was rescued, she enters the room and asks Clem if she can talk about what happened earlier, saying she feels like she should be scared but isn't. As Violet says that the Minerva she fell in love with is gone and that she's confused as to what to do, Clem can say that it's not Minerva's fault, that it might be possible to save Minerva, or that Minerva is now an enemy. Violet berates herself for wasting her life mourning Minerva and tells Clem more about Louis, and Clem assures her that Louis knows when to keep his head down.

If Clem chose to spend time with Violet in "Suffer The Children", Violet will present Clem with a badge depicting a starry night sky (Determinant); and if romanced she will ask Clem to dance with her (Determinant). Clem has the option of saying she doesn't like dancing, asking Violet to teach her or simply taking her hand. If Clem chooses to dance with Violet, they embrace each other and Clem says they're getting better at being romantic, but before they can kiss AJ bursts into the room carrying a beach ball (Determinant). If Clem refuses to dance, AJ will burst into the room regardless (Determinant).

Louis Rescued: If Louis was rescued, he enters the room and asks Clem why he chose to save her instead of Violet. Clem is given the option of saying that Violet can handle herself, that she didn't have time to think, or saying that Louis is too important to her. Louis laments Violet being captured, saying that he annoys her for the sake of trying to get her to laugh and lighten up. If Louis was romanced, he pulls a candle and bag of pretzels out of his coat and sets it on the floor, inviting Clem on an impromptu picnic date. Clem has the choice of amusingly scolding him for his somewhat fatalistic outlook, saying she likes the idea, or turning him down and saying they should just go to the party.

If Clem accepts Louis' proposal, she sits next to him and asks if he even knows anything about dating; Louis responding that he found some magazines in the headmaster's office that provided some interesting advice. Louis asks Clem what she looks for in a prospective boyfriend, and she has the option of picking between a sense of humor, brains, brawn or dashing good looks – joking that she wishes she knew someone with those qualities. Clem and Louis toast with a pretzel – with Clem getting the option of picking between “To making it past tomorrow!, "To bringing everyone home!", or echoing Louis' "To our last night alive!" Louis snuffs out the candle, but before Clem can say anything AJ bursts into the room carrying a beach ball. If Clem refuses Louis' offer of a date, AJ will burst into the room regardless (Determinant).

AJ throws the beach ball at Clem, who can either catch it or let it hit her and fall to the floor. James/Violet leaves to help Ruby, and Clem and AJ toss the beach ball back and forth before reconciling. Arriving at the music room, Clem asks Ruby if everything is ready and is asked to pick out the mood lighting – being given a choice between red, green, and purple, music – being given a choice between classical, country, and jazz, and something to write on a motivational banner – being given a choice between "See you on the other side.", "We're getting them back.", or letting AJ pick. Ruby tells Clem that Willy wanted to talk to her and is in the headmaster's old office.

Clem goes up to the head office and finds Willy in the process of pouring over a book on ships while working on constructing a bomb. Willy tells her he plans to stop the raiders from returning by planting a bomb under the boiler – Clem having the option of saying Mitch would approve, noticing he's following in Mitch's footsteps or reprimanding him for risking killing everyone. Willy states that the trick is getting the timing right so that the bomb doesn't go off until after they've rescued everyone.

Willy apologizes to Clem for attacking Tenn, and she tells him to tell that to Tenn. At the party, Clem helps Willy and Tenn pick a name for the bomb. Ruby takes out a box containing the students' psychological evaluations and tries to make a game of reading out their assessments. Clem is given the option of choosing between Marlon, Louis/Violet, Ruby, or all of the students. If she picks correctly, Ruby is surprised that Clem figured out the profile was hers; while if Clem picks incorrectly Willy blurts out that it's Ruby's (Determinant).

Clem remarks that she wasn't surprised based on Ruby’s angry outburst at AJ after being bitten in “Done Running”. Willy blurts out that he was sent to Ericson's for chronic masturbation, Clem warning him and Louis/Violet not to answer AJ when he asks what that means – missing Tenn whisper an answer into AJ's ear. Clem is given the choice of hearing how Louis or Violet came to the school (Determinant), and is given the option of being supportive or disturbed. Clem listens Louis/Violet either play or sing a song Minerva used to perform and then goes off to bed.

Clem finds herself as an eight-year-old, on the train from "Long Road Ahead". Lee appears and sits beside her, asking why she always picks this place and point in time. Clem responds that she's not sure, guessing that it's because it's where he taught her how to defend herself. Clem tells Lee that she's worried she's going to get the people she cares about killed, and Lee replies that he knows that feeling – admitting he was making everything up as he went along. Clem can choose to say it didn't feel that way, say that he had to, or remark that he wasn't fooling anyone; saying that it couldn't have been easy being stuck looking after an eight-year-old girl.

Lee tells Clem that she was what kept him going, asking what she's up against. Clem tells Lee about Ericson's and the Delta, and that she's worried she's going to get her friends killed. Lee responds that he's confident she's more than capable of handling herself, Clem being given the option of saying she needed to hear that, that she's scared that she can't, or remarking that she's made it this far. Lee tells her to never give in and depending on who was captured either tells her to imagine what Violet will feel or what Louis will say when she comes to rescue them (Determinant).

When Clem remains doubtful, Lee reminds her of when she fearlessly charged into the McCarroll Ranch, but Clem says that was different since she was alone. Lee tells Clem that things are harder when one has people they care about but says he's confident she'll pull through and tells her to come see him again when she's gotten them out. Clem has the option of agreeing, grumbling that Lee is just a manifestation of her conscience, or sadly stating that she misses him and wishes he was there.

Clem thanks Lee and says that talking to him makes her feel better, and Lee asks how AJ is doing and if she thinks she's got a handle on following in his footsteps. Clem has the option of telling Lee that she doesn't know, that AJ is a challenge, or that he'd be proud of how she’s raising AJ. Clem runs up and hugs Lee, transitioning into her sixteen-year-old self as Lee marvels at how much she's grown and teasingly scolds her for not keeping her hair short. Clem sorrowfully watches Lee retreat into the darkness as he tells her it's time for her to go and that people need her.

Clem is awakened by AJ and they set out for the river, dragging a walker killed by the Delta's sniper into the bushes to cover themselves in guts. James arrives and asks to speak to Clem, leading her away to watch the oncoming herd. If Clem was receptive of his beliefs, James tells her about his boyfriend Charlie and shows her a photo of them together (Determinant), saying they joined the Whisperers together. James tells Clem that when he was a Whisperer, he was indoctrinated to believe that compassion was a weakness to be purged, and that when another boy expressed sympathy for their enemies James killed him in cold blood; but was haunted by the boy's words and eventually swore off killing altogether and defected, leaving Charlie behind (Determinant).

James tells Clem that AJ reminds him of his past self, and that – if AJ is repentant – he is just repeating what others have told him; warning Clem that if AJ kills again it could permanently corrupt him. Clem has the option of swearing not to let that happen, rebuking James for telling her how to raise AJ, or snapping that being ruthless is what's kept her and AJ alive. James leaves, and Clem rejoins the others. Tenn asks Clem to tell Minerva that he forgives her, and she has the option of agreeing to do so or saying that she's too far gone to listen.

Violet Rescued: If Violet was rescued, Clem approaches her to see how she's doing. Violet confesses that she's terrified that Clem will be captured or killed, and Clem has the option of comforting her by saying that won't happen, that she can take care of herself, hugging her – if they are just friends, or kissing her – if they are in a relationship (Determinant).

Louis Rescued: If Louis was rescued, Clem approaches him to see how he's doing. Louis confesses that he's terrified that he'll screw everything up, and Clem has the option of comforting him by telling him he has to try, that she believes in him, or telling him to keep it together. Louis asks Clem to slap him to break him out of his self-doubt, and she has the option of doing so, hugging him – if they are just friends, or kissing him -- if they are in a relationship (Determinant).

AJ ruins the moment by giggling and asking what they're doing, and Clem tells him off for spying on them. Clem, Louis/Violet, and AJ cut open the walker and cover themselves in its guts, use the herd as cover and shields to avoid getting sniped and sidle along the edge of the pier to reach the ship. They are forced to swim under the pier to reach a ladder to the edge of the dock, but Clem is grabbed by a submerged walker and has to fend it off. Sneaking onto the ship, Clem leads the others in navigating the maze of the lower deck and evading or killing the Delta soldiers they encounter.

Once the bomb has been planted, Clem and the others head up to the second deck and find Minerva guarding the cells. Clem draws Marlon's bow to keep Minerva from just shooting her with her crossbow. Minerva asks where Tenn is, and Clem has the option of telling her that Tenn is safe, that he's outside, or that he forgives her. Minerva agrees to help Clem free the prisoners if she gives her word to get Tenn to safety. Aasim and Omar are unharmed but tell Clem to check on Louis/Violet (Determinant). Clem enters Louis/Violet's cell but is attacked from behind by Minerva and knocked out.

Violet Rescued: If Violet was rescued, Clem regains consciousness to find that Louis had his tongue cut out by Lilly, Aasim sorrowfully saying he just wouldn't keep his mouth shut. Clem has the option of comforting Louis or swearing revenge, though Louis reacts fearfully if she does so and huddles in the corner.

Louis Rescued: If Louis was rescued, Violet is hostile towards Clem and berates her for abandoning her and forsaking their friendship/romance (Determinant). Violet tells Clem that she’s done fighting and that at least as a member of the Delta she’ll have Minerva back. When Clem reacts in disgust, Violet tells Clem that Lilly threatened to kill Minerva and the other Ericson's kids if she fought back; berating Clem for just getting her and her friends hurt or killed. Violet then warns Clem that if she tries anything that endangers her or her friends, she'll stop her herself.

Noticing the doors are shoddily constructed and held shut by a latch on the bottom, Clem has AJ toss her his homemade knife and begins chipping away at the bolts. Dorian almost catches her, and Lilly and Minerva arrive. Lilly demands to know where Abel is, and when she turns on AJ when he tells her what happened Clem has the option of telling Lilly that it was her call, telling AJ to shut up, or that it was a mercy killing/Abel deserved it (Determinant).

Lilly enters Clem's cell and tries to intimidate her into surrendering to the Delta. Clem has the option of trying to bargain with Lilly, offering herself up in exchange for the others; telling her that her mission is a failure, or hostilely stating she'll never fight for the Delta. Lilly brings up that her father, Larry, was fond of harsh demonstrations to get his point across, and reveals that she forced Minerva to kill Sophie when they were caught trying to escape – Violet and/or Louis reacting in horror (Determinant).

Clem is given the option of telling Louis/Violet to calm down, surrendering and asking Lilly not to hurt anyone else, or declaring her intent to kill Lilly in her sleep. Lilly has Dorian grab Louis/Violet and tells her to cut off their pinkie finger, and Clem is given the option to either let this happen or let AJ jump on Dorian from behind and bite off one of her ears. Impressed by his bloodlust, Lilly takes AJ and Clem chips the bolts off the door while Louis/Violet distracts Minerva.

Violet Rescued: – Clem manages to chip the bolts off the door and unlocks it; having the option of criticizing Minerva for giving up, dismissing her as a lost cause, apologizing to her, or just ramming the door open and bowling her over. Clem unlocks Violet's cell, but before she can reach the others Minerva draws a combat knife and lunges at her, knocking her to the ground and trying to stab her in the chest. Violet grabs Minerva's crossbow and shoots her in the shoulder, knocking her out (Determinant).

Louis Rescued: If Louis was rescued, Violet attacks Clem. As they grapple with each other, Minerva unlocks the door to break up the fight, and Clem rams the door open and knocks her over. Clem unlocks Louis' cell, but before she can reach the others Minerva draws a combat knife and lunges at her, knocking her to the ground and trying to stab her in the chest. Louis grabs Minerva's dropped crossbow, but Dorian arrives and he accidentally shoots her in the head. Clem takes advantage of the distraction to knock Minerva out, Violet cradling her and refusing to listen to Clem’s attempt to warn her of the bomb. (Determinant).

Clem unlocks the other cell and the Ericson kids escape the ship, leaving Violet behind to tend to Minerva. Making her way to the top deck, Clem sneaks across and discovers the raiders have captured James and Tenn. When Lilly tries to kill Tenn with a pistol, Clem charges at her but is easily beaten and nearly killed until AJ stabs Lilly in the leg and Clem kicks the knife to slice her leg open. Clem and Lilly both try to grab the dropped pistol, but AJ gets it first and Clem is given the option of telling him to shoot Lilly or drop it. If AJ shoots Lilly, James is horrified; while if AJ spares Lilly she repays his kindness by murdering James; but before anything more can occur anything the bomb goes off and Clem is knocked unconscious by the explosion.

"Take Us Back"

Clementine regains consciousness on the deck of the Delta's ship, which is on fire and listing heavily - her beloved hat falling into the water and drifting away. Seeing AJ at risk of falling into the walker-infested river, she jumps into a lifeboat and catches him. They make their way down from an awning, where Clem retrieves Marlon's bow from one of the Delta soldiers and shoots him in the head with it. If James was killed in the previous episode, Clem and AJ will find his mask on the pier. Clem spots Lilly fleeing the scene on a raft and can choose to trade insults or try to shoot her, though she misses each shot (Determinant). As the boat capsizes, Clem and AJ are knocked over.

A walker attacks them only to be killed by Louis, who depending on previous episodes' choices may have had his tongue cut out and might be in a romantic relationship with Clem (Determinant). Clem saves Violet - who she may or may not be in a romantic relationship with - from a walker; if Louis was saved at the end of "Suffer the Children" Violet will have been partially blinded by the explosion. They take shelter as more walkers pour onto the beach, and Clem notices Ruby and Willy have got one of the Delta's carts hooked up to a horse. Gina notices them and starts shooting at Willy, forcing Clem to shoot her in the neck with an arrow. Enraged, Minerva is mauled by walkers and attempts to kill Clem with a grenade, forcing Clem to shoot her in the shoulder; the explosion causing the horse to run off and leaving Clem, AJ, and Tenn behind.

If Lilly was killed, Clem and her group encounter James fending off walkers with a pair of knives (Determinant). Noticing a narrow cave entrance, Clem orders the group inside.

The first chamber of the cave is dark and has a fast-flowing river, requiring Clem to build a torch and dislodge a fallen tree to form a bridge. If James was killed, his undead corpse is among the walkers that pour into the cave (Determinant). The group crosses the river and proceed deeper into the caves, reaching a chamber with multiple tunnels. Upon reaching the second chamber, Clem and AJ get into an argument over her hypocritical parenting, leading to AJ asking Clem to trust him to be capable of making his own decisions (Determinant).

If James is alive, he attacks Clem in the second chamber and tries to take AJ out of disgust at her having told him to kill Lilly, threatening to break her leg if she tries to stop him. When AJ admits that he enjoyed killing Lilly and would happily kill anyone who tries to hurt himself or his friends, Clem is horrified and is given the option of trying to talk sense into AJ, who asks Clem to trust him to be capable of making his own decisions. Despite the mounting hostility between her and James, he can choose to seemingly sacrifice himself to hold off the walkers so the others can escape (Determinant).

Outside the cave, they are found by Violet or Louis (Determinant), and make their way to a damaged bridge. Minerva, in an advanced state of infection, confronts them with a horde of walkers while insanely singing 'The Night Will Be Over Soon' as she attempts to lure Tennessee into committing suicide so they can die together. When AJ stops Tenn, Minerva attacks Clementine ruthlessly with a pistol, getting closer and closer through the herd. Louis/Violet will notify Clementine that AJ is across the gap but Tenn won't move.

Once Louis/Violet moves away to help Tenn, Clementine looks to find Minerva directly above her on a truck. Minerva kicks Clementine and attempts to kill her with her axe, after failing and getting the axe lodged in the wooden floor, Clementine is grabbed by a walker crawling from under a truck, Louis/Violet will shoot the walker with Marlon's bow before being tackled against the wall of the bridge as the bow falls into the river below. Minerva pulls out her pistol and attempts to shoot Clementine but the gun is empty, Minerva quickly loads a new magazine into her pistol just as Clementine jumps up and grabs the gun as the two get into a struggle.

Clementine knocks Minerva to the ground, and just before she shoots her, Minerva spits blood in Clem's face causing her to miss her shot. Minerva rushes for the axe, dislodging it and swinging it down at Clementine, missing her body but hitting her leg instead, badly wounding it. Clementine collapses in agony, watching as the seems of her boot and pants open revealing the wide gash down her leg, and Minerva raises her axe once more saying that she's taking Tenn home, but before she can bring the axe down, Clem grabs the pistol and shoots her in her left shoulder, causing her to fall back against a truck as walkers grab her biting down into her.

Clementine, still in pain, uses the axe to prop herself up as she runs and leaps across the gap between the bridge landing hard and dropping the pistol. While Minerva is being devoured by the horde, Tenn, still in shock, tries to reach out for her as Louis/Violet holds him back. At this stage, AJ will pick up the pistol and either kill Tenn - saving Louis/Violet, or tells Louis/Violet to throw Tenn across the gap ultimately leading to the death of Louis/Violet. If Tenn dies at the bridge, Minerva reaches out for him, smiling, saying "come with me" while Louis/Violet scolds AJ on what they did.

Clem can choose to vouch for him, or say he will face judgment later. Taking the axe to use as a makeshift cane, Clem and AJ are separated from Louis/Violet by the horde of walkers, and while climbing up a steep rock, Clem reaches out for AJ to help her but ultimately begins to slip allowing a walker to grab and bite through the gash in the boot on her injured leg.

With the help of AJ, she defends herself and successfully climbs to the top of the cliff. She stops for a second to recollect herself before slowly peeling open the ripped leather of her boot to confirm the bite, seeing the teeth marks of the walkers bottom jaw is enough to confirm the suspicion. Realizing she doesn't have much time left, Clem and AJ make their way to James' barn, where she helps AJ fend off the walkers long enough to barricade it. Clem is immobilized due to her wounds, Clem asks AJ to either let her turn or kill her, this choice won't matter however as AJ is seen bringing the axe down on Clementine either way before the screen cuts to black, it is later revealed that AJ had amputated the infected leg, saving Clementine's life.

In the epilogue, Clem is shown to have assumed leadership of the boarding school, her fighting days behind her with the loss of her leg. When AJ returns from a fishing trip with her hat, Clem scrutinizes it before passing her beloved keepsake down to him. When informed by Louis or Violet (Determinant) of an encroaching caravan, she tasks them and AJ to investigate whether they're friendly. Showing AJ a tire swing that she and Willy put together, she laments the loss of her leg - which would have proven fatal had they still been on their own; though she says it's a price worth paying for a good home and friends.

Clem confesses that she had no clue what she was doing, and kept fighting hoping he'd never notice she was making things up as she went along, and that they'd find something before he did. Clem tearfully asks AJ if he thinks she did a good job raising him, and thanks him for not listening to her command in the barn. When AJ thanks her for everything, Clem says that he is welcome for everything. Soon, as she looks on, she lets out a happy sigh and a proud smile, finally at peace.

Clementine Series[]

Main article: Clementine (Clementine Series)

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Clementine has killed:

  • Sandra (Caused, Zombified)
  • The Stranger (Caused or Direct)
  • Lee Everett (Indirectly Caused; Out of Mercy, Determinant)
  • Omid (Indirectly Caused)
  • Winston (Caused)
  • Father (Zombified)
  • Sam (Accidental; Out of Mercy, Determinant)
  • Beth (Zombified)
  • Nick (Indirectly Caused) or (Zombified)
  • Johnny (Caused, Determinant)
  • Alvin (Indirectly Caused, Determinant)
  • Reggie (Indirectly Caused)
  • William Carver (Caused)
  • Sarita (Caused, Alive, Determinant; Zombified, Determinant)
  • Tavia (Caused)
  • Lowell (Caused)
  • Tisha (Caused)
  • Tyler (Caused)
  • Vera (Caused)
  • Sarah (Indirectly Caused) or (Caused, Accidental)
  • Rebecca (Caused or Direct, Zombified, Determinant)
  • Natasha (Zombified)
  • Luke (Caused, Accidental, Determinant) or (Caused, Determinant)
  • Bonnie (Indirectly Caused, Determinant)
  • Jane (Caused, Determinant) or (Zombified, Determinant)
  • Jane's Unborn Child (Caused, Determinant)
  • Kenny (Direct, Determinant) or (Indirectly Caused, Accidental, Determinant)
  • Rufus (Indirectly Caused, Determinant)
  • Eli (Accidental)
  • Francine (Indirectly Caused, Determinant)
  • Chris (Zombified)
  • Paul Lingard (Out of Mercy, Determinant; Before Reanimation, Determinant)
  • Tripp (Indirectly Caused, Determinant)
  • Rodney
  • Lloyd (Out of Mercy, Determinant)
  • Eddie
  • Helen
  • Brody (Zombified)
  • Marlon (Indirectly Caused)
  • Sherak (Zombified, Determinant)
  • Ms. Martin (Zombified)
  • Yonatan
  • Abel (Caused, Alive; Out of Mercy, Determinant)
  • Michael (Alive, Determinant)
  • Armando (Alive, Determinant)
  • Dorian (Caused, Determinant)
  • James (Indirectly Caused, Alive, Determinant)
  • Lilly (Caused, Determinant)
  • Gad
  • Gina
  • Sullene (Caused)
  • Minerva (Caused)
  • Tennessee (Indirectly Caused, Alive, Determinant)
  • Violet (Indirectly Caused, Determinant)
  • Louis (Indirectly Caused, Determinant)
  • 1 unnamed jewelry store security guard (Zombified)
  • 1 unnamed FRS agent (Zombified)
  • Numerous unnamed members of the New Frontier (Direct and Caused; 1 Determinant; 1 Caused, Determinant; 1 alongside Javier, Tripp, and Conrad, Determinant)
  • Numerous counts of zombies, animals, and possibly unnamed people

Non-Canon Deaths[]

Season One

If Lee fails to complete certain tasks, Clementine can be killed. These deaths are non-canon and result in a game over. Lee will then re-spawn and be allowed to try again. Below is a pictorial list of when Clementine can die.

"A New Day"

"Long Road Ahead"

"No Time Left"

Season Two

If Clementine fails to complete a certain objective, she can be killed. These deaths are non-canon and will result in a game over. Clementine will then re-spawn and be allowed to try again. Below is a pictorial list of when Clementine can die.

"All That Remains"

"A House Divided"

"In Harm's Way"

"Amid The Ruins"

"No Going Back"

A New Frontier

If Javier/Clementine fails to complete a certain objective, she can be killed. These deaths are non-canon and will result in a game over. Javier/Clementine will then re-spawn and be allowed to try again. Below is a pictorial list of when Clementine can die.

"Ties That Bind - Part 1"

"Ties That Bind - Part 2"

"Above The Law"

"Thicker Than Water"

"From The Gallows"

The Final Season

If Clementine fails to complete a certain objective, she can be killed. These deaths are non-canon and will result in a game over. Clementine will then re-spawn and be allowed to try again. Below is a pictorial list of when Clementine can die.

"Done Running"

"Suffer The Children"

"Broken Toys"

"Take Us Back"


For a more in-depth look at Clementine's relationships, read here; Clementine (Telltale)/Relationships





For more images of Clementine, please visit Clementine (Telltale)/Gallery.


  • Telltale's staff have given conflicting statements regarding Clementine's ethnicity.
    • Sean Vanaman and Melissa Hutchison have stated she is mixed race in the 2013 "Saving Doug: Empathy, Character, and Choice in The Walking Dead" conference and "Walking Dead 'Cast 247: The Walking Dead: A New Frontier" podcast, respectively. Vanaman first confirmed that Clementine is mixed-race, and Hutchison later speculated her to be African-American and Asian.
      • Clementine's character design in season one was inspired by art director Derek Sakai's daughter [3]. This further supports the idea that she is intended to be African-American and Asian.
    • Jessica Brezzo stated in an online interview that Clem was African-American.[4]
    • In 2019, an anonymous commenter claiming to be Brezzo replied to a comment on the post of the interview's Wikia page stating that at the time of the interview she hadn't spoken to Vanaman or Hutchison on the subject, hadn't realized it was a topic of debate among the fandom, and never stated that Clem was solely African-American.
  • Developer of the game revealed Clementine's last name was originally "Crawford" before the developers of "Around Every Corner" invented the neighborhood of Crawford [5].
  • Melissa Hutchinson initially stated that Clementine was seventeen in Season Four, though she later amended her statement to sixteen. Melissa also mentioned that Clementine was originally supposed to start at age seven (hence her being in the first grade) because of the change Melissa says that the girl was in the second grade at the start of the game, although Lee Everett assumed she was in first, due to Katjaa's comment.
  • Clementine, along with Lee, Kenny, Lilly, William and Javier has killed the most named characters, either as a zombie or as a living person.
    • Depending on the player's choices, Clementine can kill no one directly during the first two seasons and a maximum of four, those being: The Stranger, Lee (Out of Mercy), Sarita (Out of Mercy) and Kenny. There was a non-canon cut choice where Clementine had the option of shooting Mike during "No Going Back" after discovering his betrayal, which remained within the PS3 version of said episode for a few days following its release, but the option was soon removed and confirmed to have been left in by accident.
    • Depending on the player's choices, Clementine can determinately kill no named characters directly with intent throughout all of the first three seasons.
    • Eli (Accidental), Yonatan, Gad, Gina, Rodney, Eddie, and Helen are the only characters to be directly killed while alive by Clementine, regardless of the player's choice.
  • In "A New Day" Clementine said to Katjaa that her favorite color is purple.
    • In "Broken Toys", while choosing the color of the party's lightning, it is revealed that it is also her father's favorite color.
  • Clementine has a goldfish named Peanut as pet, which is confirmed in "A New Day"
    • In "Around Every Corner", Clementine can mention that she had a hamster once. (Determinant)
      • It is also hinted that Clementine always wanted a dog but didn't get one due to her mother's dislike for dogs. However, in Season 4, Clementine's wish can be fulfilled with Rosie. (Determinant)
  • In "Starved For Help", if Lee gives her the half apple, she will say that she loves apples.
  • Clementine can directly kill the joint second most amount of people on-screen out of all the Motel Survivors, alongside Lilly and Carley (Determinant), during Season 1 with a total of 2. Just behind Lee Everett with a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10.
  • Clementine is one of the three survivors who appeared in all of the Season One episodes with the others being Lee and Kenny.
    • Clementine is also one of three characters to appear in all five episodes of Season Two, with the others being Luke and Rebecca, although the latter only appears as a corpse in "No Going Back".
      • Clementine is also one of the eight characters to appear in all five episodes of Season Three with the others being Javier, Kate, Gabriel, Eleanor, David, Tripp, and Conrad, with the latter two being determinant.
        • Clementine is also one of the ten characters to appear in all four episodes of Season 4, with the others being Alvin Jr., Tennessee, Violet, Willy, Omar, Ruby, Louis, Aasim, and Rosie.
  • As of Season 4, she is now the only survivor that, regardless of the player's decisions, survives in all episodes (not including "400 Days" and the Michonne Mini-Series).
  • Clementine is also one of five characters to appear in at least three seasons with the other being Lee, Alvin Jr., Kenny (Determinant), and Lilly (Determinant).
  • If Lee gives her nothing to eat in "Starved For Help" and later stops her from eating human meat, she can be one of three characters that doesn't get anything to eat in this episode, the others being Lee (Determinant) and Mark (Determinant).
  • Clementine has 19 total appearances in The Telltale Series, the most out of any character.
  • If Lee remains silent when he is given the option to have Clementine either shoot or leave him, Clementine will make the decision herself with Lee's past actions determining her choice.
  • In Season 2, Clementine has the torn photo of Lee from "A New Day" and her drawing of Kenny's family from "Long Road Ahead", which she keeps in her backpack from the same episode. It is unknown if she had convinced Christa and Omid to venture to Macon with her to retrieve the former after the events of "No Time Left", or if she had secretly kept it since "A New Day".
  • Clementine has kept more physical mementos of people she cared about than anyone else: her father's hat, a photo of Lee, a drawing of Kenny, Katjaa, and Duck, hair clips from Lilly, a gold watch from Pete (Determinant), a jacket from Bonnie, Sarah's glasses (Determinant), Jane's nail file, (Determinant) Kenny's hat, (Determinant), Gabe's playing cards (Determinant), and Violet's button (Determinant).
    • Lilly's hair clips and her father's hat are the only mementos she still has regardless of the player's choices.
  • When attacked by a zombie in the shed in "All That Remains", Clementine's fight with it is almost identical to Lee's fight with Sandra in "A New Day" of Season 1, following a trend within the Telltale Series to symbolically mimic previous scenes.
  • In "All That Remains", at Sam's camp, if Clementine checks the barbecue and then the cooler, in that order, she will grumble that she hates scavengers.
  • If Clementine fails to get help from Alvin and rejects Sarah's friendship offer, later in the shed she will have the option of saying "Screw you guys!"
  • In "A New Day", Lee and Clementine spend the night in a barn the night of arriving at Hershel's farm. Whilst there, Clementine comments on the fecal smell in the barn. Due to a lack of descriptive words, Lee is given the chance to finish her sentence with "shit," "manure," or "...you know..." This has a lasting and goofy effect.
    • In "Starved For Help", she will repeat Lee's choice of words (or lack thereof) to Duck when describing the smell in the barn.
    • In "All That Remains", when Clementine accidentally knocks over her water bottle in the pit-stop bathroom, she will instinctively curse "Oh, shoot" or "Oh, shit" depending on Lee's words.
  • Clementine's first alcoholic drink was a single swig of whiskey (moonshine) shared by Nick (Determinant) or a swig of rum with Jane. (Determinant) She will comment that the rum was better than the moonshine if she tasted both.
    • Clementine's first cigarette was shared with Bonnie. (Determinant)
  • It was given by Telltale that supposedly the game would involve Clementine and her brother, but due to the pre-existing relationship before the apocalypse, her brother was cut from the game, replaced by Lee Everett. It was also given that Clementine almost got cut from the game, as Telltale was concerned that the players wouldn't care about her.
  • Clementine can have three different possible first ever walker kills:
    • In "Around Every Corner", if you bring her to Crawford with the group, she will shoot the walker that attacks Molly before Lee has the chance.
    • In the same episode, if you don't let Clementine come to Crawford, and trust her with a gun, she will have shot and killed a walker that got inside by the time the group returns.
    • In "No Time Left", Clementine beats a security guard walker to death with a baseball bat. This will only be her first walker kill if you did not let her come to Crawford and also did not leave her with a gun while you were gone.
  • Clementine says to Lee during her dream in "No Going Back" that her greatest fear is to take a life. (Determinant)
  • In unused audio, Clementine reveals that Kenny taught her how to ride a motorcycle if you left Wellington with him and AJ.
  • If Clementine went to Wellington, she would work as a hunter on Tuesday and Thursday and worked as a patroller on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
  • Clementine's strength drastically increases throughout the series.
    • In Season 2:
      • In "All That Remains", she struggles to fight Winston while fleeing in the woods.
      • In "A House Divided", she is easily knocked down after firing a rifle.
      • In "In Harm's Way", she struggles to get a walker off of her.
      • In "In Harm's Way", she collapses after being slapped by Carver.
      • In "No Going Back", she is knocked down while Kenny and Jane fight and has difficulty getting back up.
    • In Season 3 (A New Frontier):
      • In "Ties That Bind Part 1", she can chop down a tree to stop a truck.
      • In "Ties That Bind Part 1", she can run through herds of walkers while firing a shotgun.
      • In "Ties That Bind Part 1", she can defend herself and AJ from walkers despite having a finger stuck in a car door. (Determinant)
      • In "Above the Law", she can physically knock David down when jumping on him, and hold him at gunpoint. (Determinant)
    • In Season 4 (The Final Season):
      • In "Done Running", she was able to shatter a windshield with two hard kicks
      • In the same episode, Clementine can easily beat Marlon in a fight at the end of the episode. (Determinant)
      • In "Suffer The Children", even if Abel maintains both of his arms, Clementine can beat him in a fight, smashing him through a balustrade and causing him to fall off the balcony of the boarding school, however, he can pull her down with him.
      • In "Suffer The Children", she manages to fight Lilly and dislodge a gun from her hands, despite Clementine being wounded.
      • In "Broken Toys", she knocked out Minerva with two punches, despite being wounded by the latter. (Determinant)
  • As of "No Going Back", Clementine is the only cabin survivor still alive.
  • As of "Suffer The Children", she and Lilly are the only motel survivors confirmed alive.
    • However, if Clementine orders AJ to shoot Lilly in "Broken Toys", Clementine will be the sole motel survivor confirmed alive.
  • Clementine is one of five characters, alongside Javier, Eleanor, Paul, and Fern that are alive at the end of Season 3, regardless of the player's choices
  • Depending on your choices, Clementine can be in some way responsible for the deaths of all three leaders of the motel survivors: Lee (Indirectly and Out of Mercy, Determinant), Kenny (Indirectly or Directly, Determinant), and Lilly (Caused, Determinant).
  • In a conversation with Tenn in "Done Running", Clementine can express thoughts on the idea of an afterlife.
  • Clementine is one of twelve LGBT characters to appear in the game[6], the others being her potential girlfriend Violet, Walter, Matthew, Zachary, Jonas, Paige, Javier García, Paul Monroe, Minerva, James, and Charlie.
    • Of the twelve, she is the first one to appear.
    • Clementine is one of two LGBT protagonists in the game series, the other being Javier.
    • Clementine is also one of two bisexual characters in the game series so far, the other being Javier.
    • Clementine and Violet have the option to be the fourth same-sex couple in the game.
  • Clementine can be in three separate car crashes, one during "No Going Back", one with Kenny during Clementine's flashback in "Ties That Bind - Part 1" (Determinant), and one early on in "Done Running".
  • Clementine can determinately never fire a rifle throughout all nineteen episodes she appears in. In fact, she only has two opportunities to use one, firing a maximum of two rounds during "A House Divided" when fighting walkers at Moonstar Lodge and an inconclusive amount of times using an assault rifle in "Ties That Bind - Part 2" while defending Prescott from the New Frontier, assuming Javier chose not to surrender.
  • Clementine mentions to Violet that she doesn't remember chicken nuggets that well.
  • Clementine's "first kiss" can be with either Gabe, Louis, Violet (Determinant), or is yet to happen.
  • Clementine's height throughout the seasons is 4'1", 4'6", 4'9", and 5'1".[7]
  • Clementine is the youngest leader in the entire Walking Dead franchise.
  • Clementine is one of the many amputees in The Walking Dead. For other victims, see Amputated Victims.
    • Although following previous canon, Clementine should've died since the axe that was used to cut her foot and then later her whole leg off was contaminated with walker blood.
  • Clementine is one of the seven characters that are alive at the end of Season 4, regardless of the players' choices.
  • Clementine survived her bite in "Take Us Back" due to the short time frame between the bite and her leg getting amputated, and possibly because of the injury from Minerva's axe. It's likely the slice slowed the flow of the infection through her body, therefore giving Clementine much more time before the point of no return.[8]
  • Clementine's outfit in Season 4 is ultimately a call-back to Lee's outfit.
    • Lee wore a Denim blue shirt and Clementine wears a Denim blue jacket.
      • The jacket Clementine wears belonged to a group known as the Silver Stallion Motorcycle Club.
    • Both have rolled sleeves and Clem's white hoodie sleeves going below the rolled sleeves of her jacket mimic the white undershirt sleeves that went past Lee's rolled shirt sleeves.
  • Clementine is one of the twelve characters that are confirmed to survive the events of the game series, regardless of the players' choices.
  • With Christa, Kenny, and Lilly missing (Determinant), Clementine is the only character who appeared in Season 1 confirmed to be alive.
  • If Clementine shoots Kenny or leaves Wellington with him and AJ kills Lilly, Clementine is the only motel survivor to have survived the events of the game.
  • On April 13, 2021, it was confirmed that Clementine would appear in Clementine Lives as part of Issue 1 of Skybound X.[9]
    • This would eventually lead to the creation of the Clementine graphic novel series.
    • As of August 2023, one book of a planned trilogy has been released, with the second book planned for an October 2023 release and the third and final book a 2024 release.
    • Clementine is one of three characters from the Telltale Series who has made an appearance in the Clementine series, the other two so far being Alvin Jr. and Lee Everett.
  • In "A House Divided", there is a dialogue option where she tells Luke about how she had a treehouse once, before adding "I hated it." However, in "Take Us Back", she can mention it and seemingly look back on it fondly (Determinant). She could have possibly meant that she hated having to hide in it during the outbreak's start.
  • Clementine was held captive eight times. The abductors of Clementine are the St. John family, temporarily the Save-Lots Bandits, the Stranger, the Cabin Group, members of the Carver's Group, members of the Prescott, members of the New Frontier (Determinant) and members of the Delta.
  • Clementine is one of the five characters in The Walking Dead universe who survive the bite due to amputation and confirmed to be alive, others being Lilly Caul, Elton Ortiz, Lydia and Alicia Clark.
  • Clementine is the only main character who has met all the other main characters (excluding "400 Days" DLC and The Walking Dead: Michonne).
  • Clementine uses the walker guts trick six times.
    • In "No Time Left", Lee takes an organ from the walker and rubs it on Clementine in order to mask her scent as well, so they could safely get out of Savannah.
    • In "In Harm's Way", the Cabin group cover themselves in walker's blood, so they could escape from Carver's group.
    • In "No Going Back", if Clementine went alone with AJ, she cover both herself and AJ in walker guts, thus allowing the two to safely travel through the herd.
    • In "Above The Law", if Javier choose to kill Conrad earlier, Clementine had to cover herself in walker guts off-screen just to get through the herd near Richmond.
    • In "Broken Toys", Clementine, AJ and Louis/Violet cover themselves in walker guts, so they could sneak onto the S.S. Stewarts Fitzgerald and save their friends.
    • In "Take Us Back", off-screen, AJ covers Clementine in walker guts and carries her out on a wheelbarrow after chopping off her leg, bringing her back to the school and saving her life.
  • During the first game of War in "Done Running", if Clementine asks the group what's the nastiest thing they ate. Clem claims to have eaten a guy's leg. Although she plays it off by saying it's just a joke after the group's understandably shocked reaction, this can be true depending on if Lee stopped her from eating the meat in time at St. John's dairy farm.
  • If Lilly was spared in "Broken Toys", then her and Clementine are the only characters to appear in-person in both the first and the finale episode of The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series.
  • Clementine makes a voice cameo in the remastered version of Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space with Melissa Hutchison reprising her role as eight-year-old Clementine from the first season.[10]
  • According to Robert Kirkman, Clementine was supposed to encounter Negan and be the one to give him his scar that was seen on him in Issue 140.[11]
  • Melissa Hutchison took inspiration from Newt from the Alien franchise for her voice for Clementine.[12]

International Dubbers[]

Language Dubber
French Florine Orphelin
German Linda Fölster
Portuguese Luiza Caspary
Spanish (Latin America) Alicia Vélez

